Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 27 2018

Hi everyone.

And welcome back!

In today's video, we're going to talk about the GunVault SV-500.

I'm going to show you how to install and program it.

And I'm going to explain to you why it's my favorite gun safe, so stay tuned!

Before I start talking about the gun safe, I just want to introduce myself really quick.

My name is Koby.

And I'm with Silver Eagle Locksmith Las Vegas YouTube Channel.

If you're looking to get your house, your business or your bike more secure—and also,

your gun... so this is the channel for you.

Make sure to click the link, the subscribe button, right below.

And don't forget to take the bell icon so you'll get notified whenever I'm releasing

a new video when I release them.


Let's move to the gun safe.

So, I know there are so many things to consider before you go ahead purchasing a gun safe.

Now, I make it really easier for you.

And I gathered all the most important things you should know about this gun safe before

you go ahead and purchase it.

So let's start.

The 1st reason is going to be the online

recommendation and the online reviews about this awesome gun safe.

But don't just take my word for it.

I also share in the link right below the video where you can actually go ahead and read some

of the reviews about this gun safe, and also if you want to purchase it as well.

So, make sure to click the link right below the video, guys, and read some of the reviews

about this gun safe.


The 2nd reason why I recommend it, because of my personal experience of course.

I've had it for more than a year right now.

And it seems to work just fine.

When I need quick access to my gun, I have no problem.

And that's why I recommend it of course.

And I also installed it for a couple of my customers.

So far, they're really happy with it.

And that's why I'm making the video—because of my personal experience and as a professional

locksmith, I installed it for a couple of my customers, and they seem very happy with

that as well.

So, the 3rd reason is going to be the tamper indicator.


So if someone tried to enter the wrong code, you will be able to find out that someone

attempted to try to open it with the wrong code.

So this is something that's included.

It's really cool.

And I like it.

And I think you're going to like it as well.

The 4th reason is going to be the override backup key.

So in case the battery died, or for some reason, you forgot the code, the manufacturer included

two keys with it.

It does come in a box.

There are 2 override key - 2 small keys of course.

And that's it!

So it does come with 2 keys in case your battery died or you forgot your code to access

the gun.

Now, the 5th reason is going to be the security sleep mode.

What it is, basically, if someone tried to enter 24 or more times incorrect code, it

will actually trigger the security sleep mode.

So for two minutes, the actual keypad will not accept any code.

And that's basically for another security level for the product.

It's really good as well.

The 6th reason is going to be the 3 different mounting options.

There is multiple mounting options for the product which is really, really good.

You can install it next to your bed.

You can actually install it on the wall, some other options of course depending on your

furniture next to your bed and stuff like that.

So that's something that is included as well.

Now, the 7th and most important reason why I love this product, because it's child-resistant.

Yes, it's a child-resistant gun safe.

So if you have curious children in the house, they're also coming to your bedroom and

mess up things, looking for stuff, especially small children, this awesome gun safe will

give you a really good solution for the amount of money you're paying for it.

And it's also giving you a really good security at the same time.

So, that is, in a nutshell, why I recommend this product.

Now let's move to the installation guys.

I'll show you quick how to install it and program it as well.

Stay tuned!


So before the installation, what we will have to do is to open the safe.

And right here on the side, there are two screws that we're going to open.

This screw driver is included, by the way.

You can see it right here.

So we're going to open those two screws […]

After removing this part, we can actually see what's going on right here on the pack

on one of the batteries.

So, let's put the battery first.

Okay… there is a LED light here.

It seems to work.

Everything is good.

I'm going to put it back on.

And then we're going to close it.


So it's good as far as the battery.

Also, there is the learn and mute button.

But we're going to get to that later.

First, we're going to put the mounting plate where we want to install it.

Let's say this is the place we want to install it.

We make sure it's straight as possible.

And we're going to mark the 3 holes.

That's 1…

that's 2… 3… and 4… okay, our 4 holes.

Those ones are the holes that we're going to drill to actually hold the mounting plate.

And these are the small screws that we're going to use, four silver ones.

And we're going to use the power drill on this step.

Now, we're going to use the screws.

We'll start with the first one.

Of course, I also punch some small holes, so I know where to start.

[drilling sound] Okay, we got the first one.

And the second one, we'll do the one at the bottom.

[drilling sound] Okay, we got the two.

It looks pretty straight.


So moving now to the third screw… [drilling sound]

It's really easy!

Okay, we'll make it tight with the small screw driver that was also included in the


Okay, looks good!

Now, let's move to put the box.

After we finish with the mounting plate, we're going to move to the actual box itself.

And as you can see here, this side, there are 3 holes.

And that's where you're going to use the three short screws that was provided as well.

I'm also going to show you a picture, a better picture of those screws as well.

And what you're going to do, you're going to put it on the side that you want it to

open, either way.

As I've said, there are three mounting options here.

You can put it like this.

You can put it in that side or the other side, the left or the right side.

For this demonstration, we're going to put it just like this.


Now, we're going to tighten the 3 short screws.

I hope you can see it well.

We'll start it with the first one… then the second one… and the last one also.


Now, we're going to use our flathead screw driver and tighten those three screws.

And then, the last one…


So we're done here.

Before we put the last piece, there is a small stopper that we're going to install as well.

It does have two screws also.

So you put it in just like this and put two screws on the bottom.

You can just tighten the first one and the second one with your finger, and then use

the screw driver, Phillips screw driver.

We're done with this stopper.

It's got a spring.

It's part of it.

Okay, now we're going to put back our actual door.

And we're going to put this plate that we removed.

You can see it here.

I'm just going to put back the screws.

Also, make sure when you're installing the mounting plate, at least a good distance from

the surface, so you'll have enough space, and everything will open properly.


It's all done.

Now, we're going to do the programming.

On the bottom, there is the learn button.

We're going to click it for 2 seconds until you hear a beep.

And the green light will remain.

Now, you're going to choose your code.

We're going to do for now 2234.

And then, you press the learn button again for 2 seconds.

When the light remain red, you do the same, 2234.

And then, press the learn button again.

It will be 5 times.

And then we're done.

2234, that's it, guys.

That's all it is!

The installation and the programming is done.


There is also another button on the right side.

And that's the mute button.

If you want to not hear any sounds when you press the code, you can press the mute button

for 2 seconds.

And now it's silent.

And you can turn it back on by pressing the mute button for 2 seconds.

Okay, that was the mute.

For example, now I enter a wrong code, you press again the number 2 and 3 for five seconds.

And it will come up to the red light.

So you have the red light.

It indicates that someone tried to enter the keypad and put the wrong code.

So that's pretty much what you need to know about the tech feature.

That's pretty much it guys.

Alright, thank you so much for watching.

I hope you did enjoy the video.

And I hope it did give you a good tip about the GunVault SV500.

If you have any questions, just write a comment down below the video.

I'm always willing to answer your questions.

And if you did like the video, don't forget, thumbs up for my video.

Thumbs up!

And also, don't forget to subscribe to my channel in this button below.

And make sure to take the bell icon right after so you will get notified whenever I'm

releasing a new video when I release them.

Thank you so much guys.

And don't forget to check my other videos in my YouTube channel, Silver Eagle Locksmith.

I have awesome videos that you're probably going to enjoy as well.

So make sure to check my other videos in my channel.

We'll see you next time.

Thank you so much.

For more infomation >> The GunVault SpeedVault SV500 - Review, Installation & Programming - Duration: 17:18.


DIY: Eiffel Tower Using MatchSticks | Mahnoor Rizvi | YouTube. - Duration: 3:58.

Hello!! friends I am Mahnoor Rizvi and i came back with a new video in this video i am going

to show you how to make a model of eiffel tower by using match sticks for this DIY you're

gonna need match sticks, wood glue, glue gun, paper cutter, scissor, and you're good to go.

Step one drawing you can find it easily on the internet just type eiffel tower drawing

and choose whatever look good to you and then draw it.

after completing your drawing you're gonna to need to place transparent sheet on top

the reason I choose plastic sheet is because glue come off easily from plastic sheet now

place the match sticks according to the drawing.

keep that in mind this is just a first part you have to make three more parts like this

four in total.

after completing all the parts you're going to divide them according to their shapes just

follow the red line in the picture and divide the parts from there.

after dividing all the parts it will look something like this.

it is time now to join all the parts together just start from the bottom for joining them

I am using glue gun.

all right our model is ready but i need to add some color so that is why i am using black

spray paint now this step is completely optional if you don't want to add color then don't.

This is the final look i hope you guys enjoy the video to make it look more cool add some

l.e.d spark lights underneath the tower.

If you like this video your friends might like it too so please help me out here and

share this to your friends give this a thumbs up and click the button subscribe.

For more infomation >> DIY: Eiffel Tower Using MatchSticks | Mahnoor Rizvi | YouTube. - Duration: 3:58.


Ehsan Sehgal Prose Poem - Inbox Message - Duration: 1:01.

A prose poem, Inbox Message, by Ehsan Sehgal

The two ways are still open The first,

When I hear strange voices, During walking

I break, my steps To listen to that

The second, Whenever someone new

Leaves its inbox messages I reply

Since just imagining that Maybe it is You

Such a desire and hope dishearten When it is not You

Others benefit My adoration,

Which I have only for You I wish one day

I could receive your inbox message So that I would tell You

I incised and designed Your name on my heart

I cannot forget You.

For more infomation >> Ehsan Sehgal Prose Poem - Inbox Message - Duration: 1:01.


MBB I Mixtape I Tropical House Background Music, Summer Vlog Music I No Copyright - Duration: 19:41.

» MBB «

» MBB « ♫ Tropical House Background Music ♫

Presented by MrSnooze

For more infomation >> MBB I Mixtape I Tropical House Background Music, Summer Vlog Music I No Copyright - Duration: 19:41.


Why Do You Work? - Duration: 0:41.










♪ ♪ ♪

For more infomation >> Why Do You Work? - Duration: 0:41.


Church Fundraising Idea - Duration: 3:39.

If your church is seeking a better way to raise significant funds beyond candles, cookie

dough or scratch cards, Fundraising power has a unique solution.

Our programs provide high margins, while helping your congregation and donors save money on

a product everyone needs, uses and wants.

Household Batteries.

Our most popular battery assortment pack comes custom branded with your church logo and images

of your choice in a convenient waterproof box.

Americans use over 3 billion batteries per year in flashlights, toys, cameras, remotes,

and more.

Our branded assortment packs provide over $62 worth of batteries at a fraction of the

cost of retail.

Because we are the manufacturer, not a reseller, your margins remain high.

Our Lucas brand batteries carry an amazing 10 year shelf life guarantee and have been

proven in tests to meet or exceed the performance of of all the big names.

Fundraising power provides your church with a full turnkey fundraising campaign that helps

maximize your opportunities.

At no upfront charge to your church we provide you with 2 fundraising initiatives - our church

lobby point of sale display, as well as our standard fundraising campaign

The church fundraising display program is set up in your lobby or high traffic area

and allows your members to purchase the batteries that they need, while saving money and helping

you to raise funds.

The custom branded assortment packs keeps the church in your members minds whenever

they need to reach for a battery.

We provide up to 100 boxes on 30 day terms and free shipping is included.

If a church member prefers other battery configurations not a problem we provide clamshell packs in

any size battery

Beyond the lobby display program our traditional church fundraising program includes our customized

fundraiser cards, again branded with your churches name, the reason why you are raising

funds, the available battery selections, a convenient order sheet to collect donor information,

and on the back are the results of our independent battery tests so your donors can be confident

in their purchase.

Our fundraising cards, fundraising for churches tips guide, up to 100 boxes of batteries for

your lobby display and everything you need to get started is included at no charge to

qualified organizations.

Get started with no upfront costs and don't pay until after your fundraiser is finished.

Also included at no charge is your own online church fundraising portal, where donors anywhere

in the country can support you and have batteries shipped directly to them.

Your church can promote through email, social media and more and your donations are credited

right back to the church.

In as little as 3 days we can have your cards at your door, and helping you have an exceptional


To receive our information kit including product pricing and fundraiser benefits please complete

the form on this page.if you are not on our page visit us at

Dont forget to Follow us on Facebook and youtube to see how Churches and Non Profits are having

epic fundraisers by using CG3 Battery Fundraising.

For more infomation >> Church Fundraising Idea - Duration: 3:39.


Farewell from MajestiComic - Duration: 5:36.

Hello everyone!

And welcome back to MajestiComic.

It is with heavy hearts that we have to say that this will be our final video.

Some of you might have heard about the new changes YouTube will be making to its Partner

Program this February.

If you haven't, the short explanation is that YouTube is changing its policies for

the umpteenth time, seemingly in order to make its smaller channels give up on trying

to maintain or grow their channel, or pressuring them to try to get thousands of fake views

and watch hours in order to reach a ridiculous goal that is impossible for smaller channels

to achieve by honest means.

They will stop sharing any cut of the revenue they recieve from running ads on videos with

smaller channels, and will only be paying large channels a percentage of the money they

bring in for the platform.

This isn't the first time that YouTube has made a change that was meant to squeeze out

the "little guys".

To give you an example, last year, they suddenly took away some of our privileges until we

reached ten thousand views in a certain period of time.

Once we cleared that milestone (thanks to you guys), they instated a new program that

would randomly flag videos as having quote "inappropriate or vulgar content" when

they did not.

YouTube then refused to review these unjustly flagged videos until those particular videos

got several thousand views in a week, which, again, is impossible for the smaller channels.

As our subscribers and viewers know, we never include any questionable or inappropriate

content in our videos, yet their bots still flagged us several times, and continue to

do so.

We have even been given strikes on our channel for no reason, and three strikes mean that

your channel is deleted.

Several times we sent emails to YouTube, asking them to at least explain to us why we were

given these strikes, so that we can make sure not to do it again, but their only response

was silence, and the eventual removal of the strike with no explanation.

We have dealt with these issues the best that we could, so that we could continue to create

videos for you.

We have loved profiling these superheroes and interacting with you all in the comments


But unfortunately, this latest policy change is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's


YouTube's rules keep changing, and their thresholds keep getting more and more impossible

to meet.

Their rule changes are only designed to hurt the smaller channels, even though it is the

larger channels that give them the most problems.

We simply cannot continue to produce content for a platform that doesn't care about its

creator community.

Just because a channel is small doesn't mean that it isn't worthwhile.

The entire foundation of YouTube was built on the idea that anyone can make a channel,

and that anyone can share their ideas and passion with the world.

But this is no longer what YouTube wants.

It wants to promote channels that already have a big following, so that it can earn

more money for itself, while it pushes out the newer, smaller channels, regardless of

how important or entertaining their work might be to fans.

MajestiComic and thousands of other channels like it work hard to produce great content,

and we do not deserve to be constantly jerked around and made to jump through these endless

hoops just because we don't have as many subscribers as some other channels.

As it stands, YouTube will continue to place ads on everyone's videos.

They will make money from these ads, but they will no longer be sharing that money with

the smaller channels that are still growing.

Only the channels that have thousands of subscribers and watch hours will see any sort of compensation

for their work, no matter whether that work is good or bad.

Smaller channels like ours should not be punished just for being small.

Our work is just as good or better than some videos on bigger channels that just happened

to go viral and get lots of views.

We and other channels like us work hard to produce great content.

We put our heart and soul and a lot of our free time into making videos for our fans.

We always follow the rules, but YouTube keeps changing them.

We no longer want to be a part of a platform whose governing system can change the rules

whenever it wants, and who refuses to acknowledge the hard work put in by so many of its contributors.

They are trying to weed out some of the hardest working people on YouTube by constantly changing

what they can and can't do.

They set a milestone that a channel must reach to earn a certain privilege, then a channel

works hard to achieve that milestone, only to have the rules change again as soon as

they reach it.

This is not fair.

There is a quote by Edmund Burke that says that "the only thing necessary for evil

to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

If we do nothing, and we continue to produce content for a platform that doesn't treat

every member of its creator community with the same dignity and respect as it top earners,

then we are allowing YouTube to keep doing what it is doing.

We are giving it permission to walk all over its growing channels, and to make them feel

like their work isn't worthwhile.

We are allowing them to think that it is okay to keep breaking their word, when in actuality

it is just plain wrong.

As a matter of principle, and as a gesture of solidarity to all of those other small

but mighty YouTube channels whose work is being unfairly exploited by the platform that

was built on it, and who are being pushed out of a system we helped create, we will

be shutting down our channel on February 20th, 2018.

MajestiComic is a channel that celebrates superheroes; people who stand for truth, justice,

fairness, and integrity.

If we didn't uphold those same values ourselves, then we wouldn't have deserved your views

and support in the first place.

We wanted to make this farewell video to let you know why we won't be making any more

videos, and to make sure you know that it isn't because we don't want to.

You should know that we have enjoyed every minute we spent making these videos for you,

and that we appreciate every thought and comment you shared with us on our pages.

We are proud of how much we have grown as a channel in the past year and a half, and

we owe all of our success to you.

Thank you so much for all of the support you have given us, and we hope that you know that

you are all superheroes to us.

Now, for the final time, thanks for watching.

Until next time.Bye

For more infomation >> Farewell from MajestiComic - Duration: 5:36.


Rival X Cadmium - Fight For Me (feat. Chris Linton & Veronica Bravo) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:36.

📝 Rival X Cadmium - Fight For Me (feat.

Chris Linton & Veronica Bravo) Lyrics

Fight for me that's all I ask you do Don't erase me

Silence is a thoughtless way to let go Then to face me

I wasn't always the bad guy In the stories you were told

What are your friends all saying Hanging on my watch

My thoughts are over run To think that you have left me

To think that we are done I'll go and you'll never see me

Fight for me

Fight for me Fight for me

Fight for me that's all you ask me to do Can't erase you

Silence got the best of me I let go Cannot face you

You weren't always the bad guy Stories getting old

A book I had to close I can't read you anymore

Just strangers with some memories Is all we have to be

Cause I don't have no armour left To fight for your existence

Fight for me

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