Hi everyone.
And welcome back!
In today's video, we're going to talk about the GunVault SV-500.
I'm going to show you how to install and program it.
And I'm going to explain to you why it's my favorite gun safe, so stay tuned!
Before I start talking about the gun safe, I just want to introduce myself really quick.
My name is Koby.
And I'm with Silver Eagle Locksmith Las Vegas YouTube Channel.
If you're looking to get your house, your business or your bike more secure—and also,
your gun... so this is the channel for you.
Make sure to click the link, the subscribe button, right below.
And don't forget to take the bell icon so you'll get notified whenever I'm releasing
a new video when I release them.
Let's move to the gun safe.
So, I know there are so many things to consider before you go ahead purchasing a gun safe.
Now, I make it really easier for you.
And I gathered all the most important things you should know about this gun safe before
you go ahead and purchase it.
So let's start.
The 1st reason is going to be the online
recommendation and the online reviews about this awesome gun safe.
But don't just take my word for it.
I also share in the link right below the video where you can actually go ahead and read some
of the reviews about this gun safe, and also if you want to purchase it as well.
So, make sure to click the link right below the video, guys, and read some of the reviews
about this gun safe.
The 2nd reason why I recommend it, because of my personal experience of course.
I've had it for more than a year right now.
And it seems to work just fine.
When I need quick access to my gun, I have no problem.
And that's why I recommend it of course.
And I also installed it for a couple of my customers.
So far, they're really happy with it.
And that's why I'm making the video—because of my personal experience and as a professional
locksmith, I installed it for a couple of my customers, and they seem very happy with
that as well.
So, the 3rd reason is going to be the tamper indicator.
So if someone tried to enter the wrong code, you will be able to find out that someone
attempted to try to open it with the wrong code.
So this is something that's included.
It's really cool.
And I like it.
And I think you're going to like it as well.
The 4th reason is going to be the override backup key.
So in case the battery died, or for some reason, you forgot the code, the manufacturer included
two keys with it.
It does come in a box.
There are 2 override key - 2 small keys of course.
And that's it!
So it does come with 2 keys in case your battery died or you forgot your code to access
the gun.
Now, the 5th reason is going to be the security sleep mode.
What it is, basically, if someone tried to enter 24 or more times incorrect code, it
will actually trigger the security sleep mode.
So for two minutes, the actual keypad will not accept any code.
And that's basically for another security level for the product.
It's really good as well.
The 6th reason is going to be the 3 different mounting options.
There is multiple mounting options for the product which is really, really good.
You can install it next to your bed.
You can actually install it on the wall, some other options of course depending on your
furniture next to your bed and stuff like that.
So that's something that is included as well.
Now, the 7th and most important reason why I love this product, because it's child-resistant.
Yes, it's a child-resistant gun safe.
So if you have curious children in the house, they're also coming to your bedroom and
mess up things, looking for stuff, especially small children, this awesome gun safe will
give you a really good solution for the amount of money you're paying for it.
And it's also giving you a really good security at the same time.
So, that is, in a nutshell, why I recommend this product.
Now let's move to the installation guys.
I'll show you quick how to install it and program it as well.
Stay tuned!
So before the installation, what we will have to do is to open the safe.
And right here on the side, there are two screws that we're going to open.
This screw driver is included, by the way.
You can see it right here.
So we're going to open those two screws […]
After removing this part, we can actually see what's going on right here on the pack
on one of the batteries.
So, let's put the battery first.
Okay… there is a LED light here.
It seems to work.
Everything is good.
I'm going to put it back on.
And then we're going to close it.
So it's good as far as the battery.
Also, there is the learn and mute button.
But we're going to get to that later.
First, we're going to put the mounting plate where we want to install it.
Let's say this is the place we want to install it.
We make sure it's straight as possible.
And we're going to mark the 3 holes.
That's 1…
that's 2… 3… and 4… okay, our 4 holes.
Those ones are the holes that we're going to drill to actually hold the mounting plate.
And these are the small screws that we're going to use, four silver ones.
And we're going to use the power drill on this step.
Now, we're going to use the screws.
We'll start with the first one.
Of course, I also punch some small holes, so I know where to start.
[drilling sound] Okay, we got the first one.
And the second one, we'll do the one at the bottom.
[drilling sound] Okay, we got the two.
It looks pretty straight.
So moving now to the third screw… [drilling sound]
It's really easy!
Okay, we'll make it tight with the small screw driver that was also included in the
Okay, looks good!
Now, let's move to put the box.
After we finish with the mounting plate, we're going to move to the actual box itself.
And as you can see here, this side, there are 3 holes.
And that's where you're going to use the three short screws that was provided as well.
I'm also going to show you a picture, a better picture of those screws as well.
And what you're going to do, you're going to put it on the side that you want it to
open, either way.
As I've said, there are three mounting options here.
You can put it like this.
You can put it in that side or the other side, the left or the right side.
For this demonstration, we're going to put it just like this.
Now, we're going to tighten the 3 short screws.
I hope you can see it well.
We'll start it with the first one… then the second one… and the last one also.
Now, we're going to use our flathead screw driver and tighten those three screws.
And then, the last one…
So we're done here.
Before we put the last piece, there is a small stopper that we're going to install as well.
It does have two screws also.
So you put it in just like this and put two screws on the bottom.
You can just tighten the first one and the second one with your finger, and then use
the screw driver, Phillips screw driver.
We're done with this stopper.
It's got a spring.
It's part of it.
Okay, now we're going to put back our actual door.
And we're going to put this plate that we removed.
You can see it here.
I'm just going to put back the screws.
Also, make sure when you're installing the mounting plate, at least a good distance from
the surface, so you'll have enough space, and everything will open properly.
It's all done.
Now, we're going to do the programming.
On the bottom, there is the learn button.
We're going to click it for 2 seconds until you hear a beep.
And the green light will remain.
Now, you're going to choose your code.
We're going to do for now 2234.
And then, you press the learn button again for 2 seconds.
When the light remain red, you do the same, 2234.
And then, press the learn button again.
It will be 5 times.
And then we're done.
2234, that's it, guys.
That's all it is!
The installation and the programming is done.
There is also another button on the right side.
And that's the mute button.
If you want to not hear any sounds when you press the code, you can press the mute button
for 2 seconds.
And now it's silent.
And you can turn it back on by pressing the mute button for 2 seconds.
Okay, that was the mute.
For example, now I enter a wrong code, you press again the number 2 and 3 for five seconds.
And it will come up to the red light.
So you have the red light.
It indicates that someone tried to enter the keypad and put the wrong code.
So that's pretty much what you need to know about the tech feature.
That's pretty much it guys.
Alright, thank you so much for watching.
I hope you did enjoy the video.
And I hope it did give you a good tip about the GunVault SV500.
If you have any questions, just write a comment down below the video.
I'm always willing to answer your questions.
And if you did like the video, don't forget, thumbs up for my video.
Thumbs up!
And also, don't forget to subscribe to my channel in this button below.
And make sure to take the bell icon right after so you will get notified whenever I'm
releasing a new video when I release them.
Thank you so much guys.
And don't forget to check my other videos in my YouTube channel, Silver Eagle Locksmith.
I have awesome videos that you're probably going to enjoy as well.
So make sure to check my other videos in my channel.
We'll see you next time.
Thank you so much.
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