Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 27 2018

Hi, this is Sheila, and today, this video is about the Succulent & Cacti Tag Relay Challenge,

and of course, you guys, if it's about succulents and cacti, then I'm all down for it!

Or maybe up and down for it?

So, every Succulent YouTuber is getting tagged to answer all 10 questions for you guys!

So here goes, question number 1: "How long have you been growing and what was your first


I started growing succulents in July, 2017 and that's when I made my very first succulent


So, my very first succulent is actually not a succulent but a batch of succulents.

So, I started with 70 cuttings, and back then, I've already been watching YouTube videos

and reading blogs about how to take care of succulents, and so I felt like I was so ready

to take on the challenge of starting with succulents, I mean succulent cuttings back


And so, I did and they're still alive.

So Question Number 2 is "Why do you grow succulents?

'Cause they are the most glorious way to start a day.

In fact, they're the very first thing that I look at every morning.

I actually learned about succulents when I was looking for landscaping ideas, and I saw

Laura Eubanks use succulents for her landscaping project and that's how I got really interested,

and let me show you what I did with my backyard.

'Cause we did a backyard makeover when we moved into this place.

Here's a before and after shot.

I had a clear picture in my head about what I wanted and I wanted it to be really light

in color, and so we decided to turn it into a family DIY project, and here is my succulent

garden now.

Question Number 3 is "What else do you grow?"

So, let me show you.

A kind of cabbage, some leeks, onions, these unknown plants that provide shade for my succulents

and 2 magnolias that were already here when we moved in 4 months ago.

Question Number 4: What are your 3 favourite genus?

I actually love them all, but if I am to choose, I love Echeverias, 'cause I love rosette


I love Crassulas, and I love Aeoniums.

Or maybe Haworthia.

Well, I love them all, so yeah.

Question Number 5: What are your favorite plants?

Let me show you my favorite plants.

My Echeveria 'Topsy Turvy', with her interesting inverted leaves, my Perle Von Nurnberg with

her lovely pink purplish color, my 'Mini Pine Trees' which give great textures to

arrangements, and my 'Little Gems' who are perfect rosettes that are barely an inch.

I also love this guy because he looks so peculiar.

Is this a Haworthia?

ID please.

And thanks to Chuck of Cerriscapades, by the way, for tagging me.

Question Number 6: Which is your least favorite?

I don't really have any, but if I really need to choose, it's the Mother of Thousands

or Mother of Millions.

I got them from one of my order of succulent cuttings, and when I proudly posted them on

Facebook, in a succulent group, I learned that they are illegal in some states.

And if you wanna know why they are illegal in some states and why you should confine

them in pots, please comment it down below and I'll tell you.

Some said they should be burned, but I couldn't kill them.

In fact, she is just about to give me 2 lovely yellow blooms.


Question Number 7: How many do you own?

Let me show you.

I don't think I can count them in 15 minutes.

I'm about to do some serious deconstruction, too and move them around a bit 'cause now,

I actually see which ones are growing real fast in the winter.

So, these ladies right here seem to be winter growers and these Succulents are going through

some serious growth spurts, they are crowding their neighbors.

And these are my injured plants who are in the process of recovery.

Most of them are healing.

These ones are my favorite rectangular pots.

These pots are about 2 feet wide, and in case you want to check out these pots, I'll link

them down below.

As you can see, I have gathered all these different specimens through assorted succulent


Even these guys right here.

This one is my weaning pot.

This is where all the babies go when they are big enough to graduate from my propagation


And this is my miniature green house which is under my big umbrella all the time.

This succulent garden is going to my mom's place.

I'm giving this to her as a birthday gift.

I also have 2 indoor aloes.

This one used to be dying.

She was bluish gray when when was given to me.

She was outside a lot and I had to cut some of her leaves.

Now that she's indoors, she looks like she is growing into a beautiful swan.

I'm happy to see her regaining her health back.

Question Number 8: What is your growing space?

Here is my backyard from a different angle.

Each of these small bushes is protecting a pot of succulent from the sun.

And those are my rectangular pots.

I actually move them around when it's raining a lot.

Question Number 9: Have you ever lost a special or expensive one?

I wouldn't say expensive, but he's really special.

This guy, he was thriving until my son accidentally spilled her and replaced her back in her pot.

He packed the soil too tight.

I had a feeling that it was too tight, but when I asked him, he said no.

I guess, too tight and too loose is a relative word.

So, I should have dug her out and replanted her again myself, but when I tried to save

her, it was too late.

Question Number 10: What is on your wishlist?

I'd say Lithops.

I'm definitely looking for Lithops.

And Questions Number 11…I thought these are just ten questions…so, it seems like

they're 12.

So, Number 11 is what made you share on YouTube?

My job my job can be really stressful and doing these videos is a fun way to relieve

some of those stress.

Getting you guys entertained is so much fun for me.

I actually love listening and reading motivational and inspirational messages and materials,

and so I thought maybe, I could start sharing my love for succulents and also add a bonus

of some reminders on motivational messages with you guys.

So, my all-time favorite book is "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen.

I'll link it in the description down below in case you guys want to check it out.

Which also reminds me to share with you this quote: "As a man thinketh, so is he."

As you think, so shall you become, which means your outer world is a reflection of your inner


So always think good, positive thoughts all the time.

This is also what Henry Ford's quote mean, which is "Whether you think you can, or

you think you can't, you're right!"

And I also want to remind you that if you think that these quotes are helpful and they

are a good reminder, do hit that subscribe button and that bell icon and remember to

share this video after watching it.

And Question Number 12 is what is your other main hobby apart from growing succulents?

So, my other hobby apart from growing succulents is blogging and I totally love DIY projects,


And let me just show you this.

I actually made this.

I actually hand-painted all of these.

And so, yeah, I'm also a DIY fanatic.

And let me just show you how happy I can get around succulents and cacti again.

Let's go!

And always remember folks, as a man thinketh, so is he.

And thank you, this is Sheila again for Succulent Fame.

For more infomation >> Got Tagged! The Succulent & Cacti Tag Relay Challenge - Duration: 11:01.


Floam Slime ASMR #2 | The Most Satisfying Floam Slime You Have Seen - Duration: 10:44.

Floam Slime ASMR #2 | The Most Satisfying Floam Slime You Have Seen

For more infomation >> Floam Slime ASMR #2 | The Most Satisfying Floam Slime You Have Seen - Duration: 10:44.


Meet the Sturgians - Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord - Duration: 4:01.

The Sturgian forest are forbidding and cold, but are full of great wealth.

Wild honey, bog iron, but the real prize has always been fur.

For centuries, merchants who were willing enough to brave the forest grew rich off of

trading pelts of fox, rabbit, and stoats with the tribes of the Sturgian woods.

But when the Empire pushed it's borders farther, the trickle of traders became a flood.

Soon, great towns began to pop up on the rivers, who grew rich off of the many fortune seekers

that came from the coast, steppes, and all over the nordlands to trade for their famous


Tribal elders made alliances with these people which were sealed by wedding vows, and with

their share of the trading profits hired mercenaries to subdue neighboring tribes.

Then, from a collection of tribes and conquered peoples, Sturgia became a collection of principalities,

then a grew to become a kingdom, a powerhouse that can rival even the Empire.

The Sturgians are based off of the Kievan Rus, located in today's Russia, Belarus,

and Ukraine.

The boomtowns river cities of the Rus attracted many people from the many parts of Europe

and Asia, which included their Slavic neighbors, Greek Missionaries, Finnic foresters, Turkic

and Iranian steppe tribes and the most famous, the Varangian Norse.

All these people left their mark on the aesthetics of Russian art, arms and armors.

Just like the Kievan Rus, trade is important for the Sturgians.

But sometimes, the fine line between war and business tends to blur.

Which results in many neighboring villages and towns being raided.

Like i mentioned before, the Sturgian lands are rich with resources that will help anybody

to grow their coffers.

Which in turn will help grow their armies.

Sturgian armies will compose of all branches, infantry, cavalry and archers but their speciality

will be infantry.

Sturgian infantry are skilled in shield basing and sword slashing.

But their disciplined infantry will be more likely to stay in formation and will leave

a space for the player in their ranks so you wont get crowded by your allies.

Their shield wall will be a hard nut to crack.

Sturgian arms and armors are also based off of the Kievan Rus, which are described as

gilded and peaked helmets, furs and gold brocade, runes and gripping beasts and folk embroidery

and arabesques that can rival the Aserai with their vibrant designs.

Since the Sturgians are not nords but they were a favorite faction in warband, their

kingdom will include many minor factions that resemble the vikings.

One of these is the skolderbroda, a mercenary brotherhood that are based off of the Jomsvikings

of the Baltic.

Meanwhile, the Finnic Tribes will be represented in bannerlord as the Sons of the Forest, a

semi nomadic clan that practices swidden slash-and-burn agriculture.

If you would rather face domestic politics of the kingdom, you better watch your back

with the current prince of Sturgia, Raganvad.

A known tyrant that only knows how to punish but not how to reward.

He is not afraid to put to the test the old dictum that it is better to be feared than


The Sturgians are masters in both warfare and trading and have put their skills to use

to form their own kingdom out of nothing, if you can learn their ways, nothing can stop

you from unifying the sturgian peoples and coming down on the other factions as a relentless


If you like to see more bannerlord views, consider checking out my playlist, Thanks

for watching and I will see you next time!

For more infomation >> Meet the Sturgians - Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord - Duration: 4:01.


Monster Hunter: World Song | Scent Of You (A Rendition Of Ed Sheeran - Shape Of You) - Duration: 4:14.

Now isn't the-best time to hang-around-an' It's about time that we go

Me and my friend could wind up getting got Let's-move-fast come on we can't go slow

Run over and stair down in to the crater below me

And trust me We've got to advance….

now Turn around stop

Looking up at the hill-top This could be our chance

*The beats are coming like*

Monsters gonna rip you apart Tear out your heart

Turn you in-to an amputee

It's-too-late-now you've started to bleed It''s going crazy,


species of beast

Say, boy, now you're out of luck Grab-on your sword

and slicel that body-in-three It's-too-late-now you've started to bleed

It's-too-late-now you've started to bleed

I'm getting high on the scent of you Hunting monsters is what I do

And my friends are all helping too It's time to hunt everybody

And we fight until we are through We follow tracks leading straight to you

Every day discovering species brand new It's time to hunt everybody

It's time to hunt everybody It's time to hunt everybody

It's time to hunt everybody Every day discovering species brand new

They're getting high on the scent of you

Preparing, for this day to begin We're going out on our first trek

And though I know it's risky, we gotta kill these beasts

Just to keep the population in check We walk for hours and hours until we find

what is ours All the while hoping that we don't become

prey We attack in formation, with no complication,

And finally the beast has been slayed, We're celebrating like

For more infomation >> Monster Hunter: World Song | Scent Of You (A Rendition Of Ed Sheeran - Shape Of You) - Duration: 4:14.


ABT RS5 R when Audi RS5 isn't fast enough - Duration: 2:24.

The RS5 is as of now an actually noteworthy car, however now tuning firm ABT have turned

things up considerably further.

In the event that the A5 was exhausting for you, and the RS5 still wasn't sufficient,

you would now be able to get the RS5-R, a tuned form of the tuned adaptation of Audi's

tried and true official car.

Fifty of the cars will be made, and we ought to get much more pictures, specs and value

subtle elements at the 2018 Geneva engine appear.

Arranged by the tuning firm ABT Sportline, the RS5-R keeps the same 2.9-liter bi-turbo

V6 as the ordinary RS5, yet gives it a tinker.

That implies an attractive lift in control, taking the yield 443bhp to 522bhp.

Chief of the tuning firm, Hans-Jürgen Abt, likewise guarantees the RS5-R will put out

from 508lb ft of torque, up from 443lb ft in the 'standard' RS5.

As you'd expect, that expansion in control likewise implies substantially more speed,

so the RS5-R splits 0-62mph of every 3.6 seconds rather than the RS5's 3.9.

It should sound better arriving, as well: ABT has included a suppressor framework with

four carbon tailpipes that should add to the RS5's regularly disappointing motor note.

Beside the powerplant, ABT has overhauled the standard suspension with don stabilizers

and customizable springs, while the RS5-R will likewise keep running on 21-inch edges.

Outwardly, the RS5-R brandishes new, ABT-marked bodywork as well, with grouped parts being

produced using unpainted carbon-fiber – as you'd anticipate from this kind of car.

For more infomation >> ABT RS5 R when Audi RS5 isn't fast enough - Duration: 2:24.


How to Stop/Disable Adobe Flash Player Updates Service (Quick Method) - Duration: 1:31.

hello everyone today I will show you how to stop disable or turn off your adobe flash player

updates permanently on Windows 7

so let's go to start and we need to click control panel

now here you may need to change the view by to large Icons to show all icons and options

if you did that just go to this icon which is Flash Player

now go to tab which is about updates click here to change the updates

and if it requires administrator permission then give it

okay, now choose never check for updates (not recommended)

by this method you can turn off your adobe flash player updates

thanks for watching my video guys

and I would appreciate if you like the video and click that subscribe button and turn on

the notifications to get more videos and updates

and also let me know by in the comment box if you want to get more help or you can tell any problem

also watch this videos do


For more infomation >> How to Stop/Disable Adobe Flash Player Updates Service (Quick Method) - Duration: 1:31.


Personal Commandments | How To Do Things You Don't Want To Do - Duration: 5:01.

Hi guys. [coughs] Oh, sickness is sweeping through the house.

Very quickly first, I wanted to say such a huge thank you to everyone who gave me feedback on last week's casual video.

There were way more yays than nays so I will be keeping these up.

And after last week's video about no 'zero' days, or "always at least a one", I got to thinking

how those kind of little motivational phrases can really make a big difference.

So today I wanted to jump on and talk about a phrase that has whipped my arse into gear more times than I care to mention.

It has forced me to do things when I really didn't want to,

even if I knew I should have done them, even if I knew they were good for me, even if I had planned to do them.

I say it to myself repeatedly. It's kind of like a commandment, I guess, without the religious overtones.

A personal directive... Whatever you want to call it.

Mine is, "Do it anyway."

So I use it for all those times when I tell myself, you know, "Oh, I don't want to do something" or "I'm too tired to do it now",

or "I don't have enough time to do it right now", or, you know, "Tomorrow would probably be a better day to start."

Things like, "Oh, that seems scary as feck", or "I'm not sure if I want to put myself out there that much"

Or that one that I tell myself all the time, you know, "What if I fail? What if I make a fool of myself?"

Then for those moments I just say, "I'm gonna do it anyway."

And it works because if you hear or see the same thing over and over again, you start to believe it.

If you hear the same command over and over again, you start to obey it without even thinking.

So if you tell yourself, you know, if you give yourself the same rule, if you give yourself the same order over and over again,

you start to act on it automatically.

Now, it doesn't have to be mine, but think of something that will work in your life.

So maybe you often doubt yourself and your abilities. Then it could be, "Give it a try."

Or if you find you are always, maybe, living in the past or in the future, it could be, "Remember the moment."

It could be, "Choose happiness." It could be, "Do it now."

It could be, "Back to work" if you find that you're easily distracted. It could be, "Bring balance."

It could be, "Make the healthy choice." It could be, you know, "Be brave" or "be strong."

Or you could take the one from last week's video and have "always at least a one" be your little commandment.

Figure out what would be a good edict for you. So think of a positive punchy instruction that you could do with hearing on a regular basis.

And then say it to yourself repeatedly every time that you find that you are falling into bad habits.

For me, telling myself to "do it anyway" has forced me to do something on those days when otherwise I might have done nothing.

It has stopped me from turning down amazing opportunities because I was scared.

It's given me a bit more control over my emotions and how they affect me.

Well, not much, mind, I still cry at the drop of a hat.

But my personal directive, or whatever you want to call it, has been the difference between doing nothing and doing something.

It's been the difference between, you know, feeling like I wasted a day or an opportunity and knowing that I got out there and I grabbed life by the balls.

So find your phrase and then just keep repeating it until it is ingrained in your psyche.

Until you start to act on it on autopilot. Until it becomes a part of who you are.

And if you're not sure that repeating something over and over again to yourself is right for you...

Do it anyway!

I really hope this video helps you. If you have come up with your own personal commandment, or maybe you already have one,

or maybe you want to steal mine – by all means – then drop it in the comments below

and, you know, let's flood the comment section with a whole heap of motivational phrases

so that anyone who comes and reads through them has no choice but to get out there and kick ass.

Until next time, I truly, truly value all of your support. I really didn't know if this new video style was going to be a good idea or not but...

I did it anyway!

So... go raibh míle maith agaibh, agus feicfidh mé sibhse go luath. Slán.


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