Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 27 2018

Formation Of Twins - How You Get Pregnant With Twins - Formation Of Twins Baby

For more infomation >> Formation Of Twins - How You Get Pregnant With Twins - Formation Of Twins Baby - Duration: 3:51.


Doctors Reveal What Happens When You Eat A Tide Pod - Duration: 5:15.

Doctors reveal what happens when you eat a tide pod.

Yeah this is not going to end well.

But maybe it's a good thing to know- then all of you crazy kids who think its cool to

join this challenge will know how dangerous this is to your body.

Ok so first things first you should never eat a tide pod- theyre poisonous.

About the effects consuming tide pods have on your body Dr Micheal Lynch M.D- who is

the medical director at the Pittsburgh Poison Center had this to say- Back in 2015 Tide

began coating these candy look-a-like laundry pods with a special substance called Bit-rex.

They did this to stop children from eating them as the first taste would be bitter.

Your body may respond with a wave of nausea- and your stomach may release extra acids to

prepare you to vomit-even before you swallow.

You may also react to the foul taste by inhaling sharply which will cause the pod to lodge

in your throat and temporarily block your airway until the pods coating dissolves.

And this is all before the pod even hits your stomach.

Basically your going to get nauscious and start vomiting immediately.

If the gel happens to come in contact with the tissues that line your mouth the detergent

will coat the cells that make up the membranes outer layer.

Its pH kills the cells on contact.

In most cases this will cause a burning sensation almost immediately.

And then if you bite it and go to spit it out you could burn your lips.

In response to all of these burning sensations your immune system will jump into action-

launching the bodys natural defense- its inflammatory response- to fight injury and infection.

Now believe it or not things actually become worse if you actually manage to swallow it.

Your whole throat is going to burn and swell.

Which obviously ends up cutting off your oxygen- and this can last for up to a few minutes.

If you inhale sharply this could pave the way for detergent to travel deeper into your

system and damage your lungs and mucous membranes.

Through ingesting this you could develop an ulcer- bloody vomit- and blood loss in the

digestive track.

In rare cases eating a tide pod could lead to death due to breathing problems or complications.

So yeah plain and simple don't eat tide pods!

Cant believe that's something that even has to be said.

Hello everyone happy Saturday.

I hope your weekends of to a great start.

Let me know whats been the best part of your weekend so far down below.

Aslo make sure you subscribe to this awesome channel if you havnt already and make sure

you show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up.

Alright as always we have a bunch of interesting news stories headed your way so without further

a do lets get started.

--Next- Karma is a bitch challenge is the latest ridiculous viral trend.

Yeah this doesn't sound pleasant…so lets learn more about it shall we?

Basically the challenge involves staring into the camera before saying Karma is a bitch

and throwing either a sheet of scarf over your face to conceal it.

Once you let the fabric drop you reveal your most glamorous self with on fleek hair – make

up and outfit.


Currently this trend is really popular in China.

Im sure before long this trend will be sweeping across the world so get ready.

But hey I guess its better then the tide pod challenge right?

--Next- a dog almost dies after her owner dies her purple with human hair dye.

Now I love dogs and I don't like talking about them being in pain.

The only reason im talking about this is to bring attention to people that this is not

something that's ok to do.

This is Violet and she was brought to an animal rescue center in Florida 3 months ago and

shes still recovering.

She was suffering from severe chemical burns because of the dye and was nearly blinded

by it when she was brought in.

A post went up on Pinellas County Animal Services Facebook page which said- Violets eyes were

swollen shut she was limp and- she had obvious burns to her skin- we gave her fluids- pain

meds and we gently washed as much of the chemical dye off as we could- then bandaged her up.

After 3 months of pain meds- antibiotics- iv fluids- honey treatments- scab removal-

bandage changing- sleepless nights and worrying violet is finally starting to do better.

Shes now slowly walking the halls and visiting each office looking for treats or hugs.

Just recently violet has found a new home.

And things are looking good for Violet to make a full recovery.

--Next- speaking of animals Angry cat was just awarded 710 thousand dollars after winning

a lawsuit.

Oohh look at Grumpy cat go.

Make that money.

Grumpy cat Limited was awarded the money in damaged after a coffee company breached the

terms of a deal to use the kitty on the packaging of their products.

The company launched the line of Grumpy cat themed beverages but screwed up when they

launched a second line.

The line was launched back in 2013 when the coffee company Grenade signed a licensing

deal with Grumpy cat limited to sell a range of iced coffees called Grumpy cat Grumppuccinos.

But then 2 years later the company started selling a line of grumpy cat roasted coffee.

Which was not part of the original deal.

Yeah guys don't ever mess with grumpy cat.

--Next- All Disney lovers listen up because I have some very exciting news.

It turns out your Disney dvds could be worth a fortune.

Now I don't know about you guys but I collect Disney dvds so this is very exciting news.

Whats really in high demand are the old editions.

The ones that are now out of stock and come with special features.

Ooh I remember those days.

A classic Disney DVD can actually get you as much as 300 dollars.

One of the most valuable DVD is the Walt Disney Treasures- Donald Duck Volume 3- which was

released in 2007.

Also if you have the Walt Disney collection which is a bundle of Disney and Pixar films

then you could be looking at someone paying over 100 pounds for the lot.

But if you have the Disney Pixar Steelbook Blu-Ray collection of 81 steelbooks then you

could get up to 2 thousand pounds.

And finally the most expensive item of them all the little mermaid original recalled VHS

that's worth over 2 thousand pounds.

The reason this was recalled was because of the now infamous banned art work of the phallic


For more infomation >> Doctors Reveal What Happens When You Eat A Tide Pod - Duration: 5:15.


Jim & Kitty Soldano | Why We Support FOR GOD'S GLORY - Duration: 1:26.

When you walk out of mass at St. Catharines, you feel much more centered, you feel calm,

and you feel on fire at all the same times.

That makes St. Catharine pretty special.

It's a great time to be a parishioner at St. Catharines.

Monsignor Sorohan planted many seeds, Fr.

Dury has nurtured those seeds, watered those seeds, and with his staff, we have something

that is really high energy.

I'm most excited about sharing that experience that I just described with other people in

our community and having other people join in that energy because, for whatever reason,

whether it's the adoration chapel, you get a chance to focus on your relationship with


Or whether it's the banquet hall when you come and celebrate with family.

These are things we want to share with our whole community.

My feeling is that if this parish touches one other person, and makes a difference in

their lives, it's all worth it.

And we're a parish that makes a difference, and "For God's Glory" helps us make that difference.

For more infomation >> Jim & Kitty Soldano | Why We Support FOR GOD'S GLORY - Duration: 1:26.


amor de siempre ❤ pmv [HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!] - Duration: 2:37.

❤ ❤ ❤

❤ when i see those eyes ❤

❤ that's where i want to live ❤

❤ if those lips kiss me ❤

❤ that's how i want to die~ ❤

❤ my love song right now ❤

❤ when you say "i love you" ❤

❤ i want to see that smile ❤

❤ in my bed at sunrise ❤

❤ always in my dreams ❤

❤ i saw a light so so beautiful ❤

❤ singing thoughts freely ❤

❤ she was always my favorite ❤

❤ how i felt in love so hardly ❤

❤ i had so much to handle but you're always there ❤

❤ some changes took place in my life ❤

❤ my love, you entered without warning me ❤

❤ but it doesn't matter right now ❤

❤ we have new stories to tell ❤

❤ we woke up very happy ❤

❤ now lets sleep without any doubt ❤

❤ when i see those eyes ❤

❤ that's where i want to live ❤

❤ if those lips kiss me ❤

❤ that's how i want die~ ❤

❤ my love song right now ❤

❤ when you say "i love you" ❤

❤ i want to see that smile ❤

❤ in my bed at sunrise ❤

h a p p y b i r t h d a y a l e x !

For more infomation >> amor de siempre ❤ pmv [HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!] - Duration: 2:37.


Get Your Turmeric Lemonade On! Eliminate Stress And Anxiety - Duration: 4:07.

Get Your Turmeric Lemonade On!

Eliminate Stress And Anxiety

by Staff Writer

You may have heard of �curcumin�, a spice that is incorporated into many Indian dishes.

What you may not know is that curcumin, which is derived from turmeric, is a very potent,

all-natural substance.

How powerful?

Consider this short list of curcumin properties validated by science:

� Strong anti-inflammatory properties: curcumin has proven effective in reducing symptoms

of low-level, chronic inflammation � which plays a significant role in just about every

chronic, Western disease.

� A potent antioxidant: curcumin helps eliminate harmful free radicals from the body while

stimulating the body�s antioxidant enzymes.

(A twofer!)

� Boosts BDNF: Curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier, where the substance has been shown

to stimulate BDNF � a brain hormone that increases the growth of new neurons.

As a result of curcumin�s positive functional effects on the brain and body, it�s believed

to serve a significant role as:

� An anti-aging substance

� A neuroprotective agent

� A natural treatment for arthritis

� An effective supplementary therapy for cancer


�Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence.� ~ Kris Gunnars,


�Curcumin�s positive antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects are likely due to its

ability to normalize specific physiological pathways,� says Adrian Lopesti, Ph.D., of

Murdoch University in Australia, �It appears to elevate neurotransmitters such as serotonin,

while lowering stress hormones, such as cortisol, and is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Curcumin also provides protection to the brain.�

Lopesti and his team published their findings in the June 2014 issue of Journal of Affective

Disorders, where �Curcumin succeeded in reducing the overall symptoms of depression,

functioning as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety substance) as well when taken over a period

of 8 weeks.�

As mentioned, curcumin increases the amount of the brain chemical, BDNF.

Some studies have linked low BDNF levels with depression, and a �shrinkage� of the hippocampus

� a brain area with roles in both memory and learning.


Okay, so now we�re well aware that turmeric and curcumin can help reduce symptoms of anxiety

and depression.

So what now?

Well, now it�s time to make some turmeric lemonade!

Here�s what you�ll need:

� 5 cups of water

� 4 tablespoons of freshly grated turmeric root

� 3 tablespoons of raw honey

� 2 teaspoons of grated ginger

� � cup of fresh lemon juice

� � cup of orange juice (optional � for taste)

Here�s what to do:

(1) Bring the 5 cups of water to a boil

(2) Place the turmeric root and grated ginger into a jar (or other containers that can hold

hot water.)

(3) Pour the boiled water into the jar.

Allow the mixture to steep for a minimum of 10 minutes.

(4) Scoop the honey into the jar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

(5) Strain the mixture and add the lemon juice.

After the liquid has cooled a bit, sip and then add lemon or orange juice; if desired.

For more infomation >> Get Your Turmeric Lemonade On! Eliminate Stress And Anxiety - Duration: 4:07.


Extreme Idiots Compilation 😂😂 Funny Idiots Fails # 6 - Duration: 8:38.

** Intro **

For more infomation >> Extreme Idiots Compilation 😂😂 Funny Idiots Fails # 6 - Duration: 8:38.


Helping Nervous Dogs Gain Confidence - Duration: 1:26.

Hey, everyone!

Liz here from The Good Dog Los Angeles.

Got the team, Anri and Kristen, out here at The Village.

It's an outdoor mall.

So we've got a ton of distractions here for dogs who are a little bit further along in the program.

We've got lots of people, children, other dogs, lots of loud noises.

Lots of weird things we can do with dogs - like Anri is doing over there.

We have Ginger, she was on a video recently, and as you saw, she's pretty anxious.

She doesn't really get out much, so for her to be out here around all the stimulation,

for her to behave herself and really hold herself together in this distractive environment

is really important for her, so check this out!

For more infomation >> Helping Nervous Dogs Gain Confidence - Duration: 1:26.


The Gateway Video - Duration: 7:34.

Let's search for "video seo best practices". Alright, I got good grades so

my video could rank. But how does Morningfame actually know that the competition

is not too high for my channel? When you scroll down you already saw before that

there is this Gateway video. And the Gateway video is actually key to

understanding the competition of a search term. And to explain you this I

have ranking power.

Hey youtubers, Nico here.

We are looking today at one specific search term and let's look how the

ranking algorithm works for that. To do that let's first look at the competition.

At rank number one we have Brian G Johnson and he has certainly a lot of

ranking power. With close to 30,000 subscribers, four thousand views for his

video and many likes and comments... here, yeah. Let's add a little bit of extra

ranking power for him. This is basically his mountain of ranking power. Next, we

have Dean Etheridge and with close to four thousand subscribers he is

certainly smaller than Brian G Johnson but not too shabby. So he has also quite

some ranking power. Alright. And then we have next the Gateway video which is

Christina Nicholson who has only 220 subscribers and 327 views. So her ranking

power is certainly much lower than from the other two channels. Let's give her a

small pile of ranking power. And finally, we have Local Video Pros who are also a

small channel. But since they got many more views they certainly brought more

ranking power to the table. Alright, now the big question is how do

those channels apply their ranking power? And there is one crucial insight here. We

are not talking about one single search term where a video ranks, right? A video

ranks for multiple search terms. So we have to take that into consideration.

Alright, let's look at Brian G Johnson's ranking pile first. To see how it is applied

to all those search terms. The one we are looking at "video seo best practices", he

certainly applied some of the ranking power to there. And certainly part of his

ranking power was also applied to the other search terms. There could be

something like "video seo tips", "video seo best practice 2018" and so on. You know

all the search terms that are about the same topic. What a mess!

Alright, next up we have Dean Etheridge's video and he certainly has less ranking

power to play with. But since he ranked high for this search term here, he

applied a lot of ranking power to this search town. No question. But his video

is certainly ranking for other search terms as well. So some of his ranking power

goes to the other search terms. Alright, now we get to the Gateway video.

And as we know it doesn't have much ranking power to work with. So how did it

achieve in ranking for our main search term we are looking at? Well, it did it by

banking all the ranking power, most of the ranking power on that particular

search term. Just a few ranking power rice grains leak over to the other

search terms. How do you do that? Of course by having a very high relevancy.

You can see that easily here. We look at the search term "video seo best practices"

and all those four words appear in the title of this video. Same by the way for

the fourth video from Local Video Pros- This has the full search term in the

title and even in the description. So this video is also banking most of the

ranking power rice grains onto this particular search term. Alright, if you

look at the ranking power piles for our search term we are looking at, then you

see they are ordered by the size of the pile. That's how the YouTube algorithm

works. Each video applies a certain amount of

ranking power to the particular search term. So if you look at the ranking power

piles here for our particular search, we already know how much ranking power

we would need in order for our own video to rank here. So this way we could easily

say how much ranking power does our own channel have? Is it enough for this

search term to rank there? However, there is a big problem: We just don't know how

high those piles are. We don't know how for each channel like here for Brian G

Johnson these ranking power rice grains are spread across these different search

terms. We know how high the individual pile is for a channel. For each channel these

combined piles. But we don't know how they are spread. It's just too

complicated to analyze. So how can we find out how big those piles are? Well,

here's where the Gateway video comes in. We already know that the Gateway video

has a surprising low ranking power pile. So the only way it was able to compete

with the high ranking power players to the left, is to bank all its ranking

power onto one search term. As you can see here most of its ranking power pile

is located for our search term we are currently looking at. Only a few grains

spill over to other search terms. So the little spill over we have here doesn't

make much of a difference anymore. We know from this channel how high the

ranking power pile is and a little spill over or not, we now have an estimate on

how much ranking power is required for this search term. This is really the door into

knowing how high the competition is for this search term. So in order to come up

with the grading you see in the Morningfame keyword research tool, it analyzes

the search results. Where is the Gateway video? And based on that it can say how

much ranking power you will need in order to rank for this search term. And

also Morningfame of course has an understanding of your own channel and

how much ranking power your own channel has. And based on that it can give you

the grades. That is actually what happening for the first three grades:

subscribers, views, likes and comments. And since the Gateway video achieved ranking

for the search term, well, if we have even a little bit more ranking power than the

Gateway video, well, then our chances are high to rank there as well, right?

So when you look at the grading for subscribers, views, likes and comments,

have a look how your channel compares to the Gateway video. Ideally, your numbers

should be better than the Gateway video and that is by the way also reflected in

the grades. If you have a D for those grades then you are at least a little bit

better than the Gateway video. So that is actually the reason why the note below

the graph says that you should aim for Ds for the first three grades. Alright,

that's the power of the Gateway video. It's really a cornerstone in

understanding how competitive a search term is. So pay close attention to it. And

if you want to learn more about how to get the most out of the keyword tool

check out this video. Alright, cheers my friends!

For more infomation >> The Gateway Video - Duration: 7:34.


when you write a mandarin song, but you don't know that much mandarin - Duration: 3:36.

Today, We all are decent

Because I slept, therefore

My two pets are thirsty

In the evening, we do homework

Not only do you sing You also

walk You all ride the airplane

I am a child

you are a child

What time is it now?

You say 9:30

What time is it now?

I don't know

Everyday, his sister is late

Why? I want to know.

They don't go downtown by car

Your tennis is extremely good

Not only do you sing You also

walk You all ride the airplane

I am a child

you are a child

What time is it now?

You say 9:30

What time is it now?

I don't know

1, 2, 3

This is hard

4, 5, 6

This is not cool

1, 2, 3

This is hard

4, 5, 6

This is-

What time is it now?

You say 9:30

What time is it now?

I don't know

I don't know

For more infomation >> when you write a mandarin song, but you don't know that much mandarin - Duration: 3:36.


60 Second Training Tip: Why correct the whining? - Duration: 1:02.

Hey, Gang!

Sean with The Good Dog with our 60 Second freezing-our-buns-off training tip!

This one is called: correct the whining.

Why correct the whining?

Ok, so many owners struggle with having their dog in an obedience command - or even not

- but often times, is that the dog is an obedience command, holding a position, and whining.

And the owner is like, "ah, I shouldn't correct" or, "it doesn't feel right to correct, because

he's holding his position - he's in a sit, he's in the down, he's in the place".

But the dog is whining.

The whining is a indicator that your dog is not in a good space up here, mentally.

Think of the whining as a simmering pot, if you will.

And the simmering pot is just simmering, simmering.

Getting hotter and hotter.

Until it boils.

Until your dog finally has a reaction.

Think of it another way, as an early, early piece of the escalation sequence.

The whining is the escalation - starting, starting, starting - until your dog has a

negative reaction.

Instead, cut them off at the pass.

Correct for the whining, even if the dog is in position.

And then you can help your dog go back to a comfortable, relaxed state, and actually

cultivate good stuff.

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