Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 27 2018

In the previous video, we talked about body proportions and visual correction principles.

Now let's discuss what cuts, patterns and materials will help you

enhance the beauty of your body type.

As we've discussed last time

all body types can be divided into two categories: angular and round.

In angular body types, we can see straight lines, rectangular and triangle shapes.

In round body types we see wavy lines, round and curvy shapes.

To achieve a beautiful and comfortable look

you should only choose clothes that respect the harmony of your body type.

In other words, your clothes should have the same lines and shapes as your body.

Here are the three elements you should always pay attention to.

All of them influence the body's harmony.

The cut is a style or shape of the garment.

Any clothing item can have different cuts and designs.

For example, a blazer can be single-breasted,

double-breasted, long, short, fitted or loose.

To understand which one will fit you best

you need to analyse the lines and shapes of the garment and if they are in harmony with your body.

These lines and shapes can be seen in the silhouettes,

shapes of the lapels, pocket flaps and the jacket centre front.

The blazer on the left has a rectangular shape

the blazer on the right is more fitted and has a rounded shape and curvy silhouette.

Here is one more example.

The one on the left again has a rectangular shape, straight pocket flaps and the centre front.

This will be perfect for any angular body type.

Now, this jacket is quite different.

It's fitted which creates a rounded silhouette,

just perfect for accentuating the waistline and hips of the rounded body.

Notice that the pocket flaps and the centre front also have a rounded shape.

These shapes and lines can be found not only in blazers but in any kind of clothing.

So before you try anything on

check the cut of the item to understand if it will compliment your body or not.

The patterns you choose can make or break the harmony of your look.

There's a lot of patterns out there:

abstract, animal, floral, stripes and squares and, as you've probably guessed it already

all of them can be divided into angular and rounded.

Let's see some examples.

Here are two abstract patterns but one clearly includes more straight lines

while the other one is more rounded and curvy.

Here, for example, the cut of the dress is very similar

but the pattern makes all the difference.

Or these pairs of trousers have s similar cut

but the patterns clearly show what body type it will complement better.

All fabrics can be divided into thick, heavy, soft and light ones.

Thick and heavy fabrics are wool, tweed, denim, cotton and so on.

They help the garments to keep their rectangular shapes and straight lines

creating the perfect harmony with angular body types.

The soft and light fabrics are batiste, jersey, fine knit, chiffon and so on.

They are perfect for draping and creating rounded and curvy silhouettes

that compliment the harmony of any round body type.

See, no matter what your body type is, angular or round, inverted triangle or hourglass

it already has harmony, it's perfect.

You don't need to hide your flaws and weaknesses

you need to find clothes that compliment your natural lines and curves.

Clothes that enhance the beauty of what you already have.

Only then you will look and feel in balance with your body and

wear clothes that fit you well.

If you want to see how these principles work inside a wardrobe

I've created two mini-capsules.

This one is for the angular body type.

It includes items that have straight lines, squared shapes, geometrical patterns

and are - of course - made out of thick and heavy materials.

This one is for the round body type.

It contains clothes that have wavy lines, curvy shapes, rounded patterns

and are made out of soft and light fabrics.

I've created for you a guide for each body type

with all the recommendations outfit examples and the two mini-capsules.

Find it on my blog, download it.

Use it as often as you need to.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

I am always glad to hear your thoughts!

I hope you liked this video and found it useful.

If you did, please press Like and don't forget to subscribe to my channel.

Thank you for watching! See you next time!

For more infomation >> Your body already has harmony. Here's how to dress it. - Duration: 6:47.


Dust2 Mid to B Smoke 64 Tick CSGO - TrickyTorials - Duration: 1:25.

Hit Like, leave a comment and do Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Dust2 Mid to B Smoke 64 Tick CSGO - TrickyTorials - Duration: 1:25.






Maze Runner 3 The Death Cure ENDING EXPLAINED (& Easter Eggs) - Duration: 6:33.

Yippee-ki-yay movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I want to talk about some of the

key moments in the third and final Maze Runner movie, The Death Cure, as well as how they

affected its ending, and I'll also reveal some interesting details, connections and

easter eggs you might have missed in the movie.

If this is your first time on my channel, I do regular breakdowns of new movies, so

don't forget to hit the subscribe button and notification bell to get my videos as soon

I post them, plus later in the video I'm also announcing the winner of my latest giveaway.

Quick warning, I will be discussing spoilers from Maze Runner: The Death Cure, so take

care if you've not seen the movie yet.

Let's start with the final scene and work our way back to earlier moments which connect

to it.

Thomas wakes up from his injuries to find himself in the Safe Haven with Minho and the

other surviving Immunes.

And there's an emotional moment for Thomas when he finds a note inside the necklace that

Newt gave him.

In the letter, Newt tells his friend that the thing that scares him most about the virus

is losing his memory to it.

Memory has been an important theme throughout the Maze Runner films, with the first movie

showing the Gladers having no recollection of their lives before entering the Maze, and

note how in this latest film, Teresa wants to keep her memories of Thomas, despite Ava

Paige's offer to wipe them away, after all, as Teresa says, 'if we find a cure that's

the only way all this was worth it.'

Ok, back to Newt's letter, he goes on to say that if he could do everything all over again

he would and he wouldn't change a thing and he hopes Thomas will feel the same years from


Newt understands that Thomas has always been the key to everyone's survival and he tells

him that "the future is in [Thomas's] hands now" and that he'll have to find a way to

do what's right.

Soon after, when Thomas takes the vaccine Teresa gave him out of his pocket, Newt's

words turn out to be literally true as Thomas does indeed hold the secret to saving humanity

in his hands.

Another moment that showcases the trilogy's key theme of memory is Vince's speech to the

survivors in the Safe Haven when he reveals a large memorial stone to honour those who

didn't make it.

If you look carefully you'll spot the names of characters who died during the series,

such as Zart from the first movie, but also hidden in there are a few crew names like

Wes, a nod to Wes Ball, who directed all three movies.

This moment also calls to mind the first Maze Runner movie when the Gladers crossed out

a name on the maze wall whenever they lost one of their group.

Thomas carves Teresa's name into the memorial rock in honour of her sacrifice to save him

on top of the burning WCKD building.

Teresa's death was poignant not only because of her feelings for Thomas, but also because

her sacrifice was in keeping with her ultimate goal to find a vaccine for the Flare virus

for the whole of humanity, not just the select few that Janson wanted to help.

Although she betrayed the Immunes at the end of The Scorch Trials, it was only because

she believed in the idea that "WCKD [was] good" and she always thought the Immunes'

sacrifice would ultimately save the human race from devastation.

When Thomas asked her in The Death Cure if she regretted what she'd done she simply replied


But I did what I thought was right [and] I'd do it again", a sentiment which is later echoed

in Newt's letter to Thomas.

As Janson said to Teresa, "What I like about you is no matter how bleak things get, you

never give up", and in the end, she was the one who made the breakthrough as she understood

that Brenda's recovery after getting the serum from Thomas in The Scorch Trials meant something

different was going on, which is why in this film she smuggled out Thomas's bloody bandage

and inspected it in the lab.

Although she found it difficult to see her friends suffer, in Teresa's mind it was ultimately

worthwhile for what she saw as the greater good.

When she and Thomas are on the roof of the WCKD building, she's aware they're both in

mortal danger and understands that Thomas is the key to humanity's survival so she gives

him the serum of his blood that she was carrying and ensures that he gets on the aircraft first.

With Teresa and Ava Paige dead at the end of the Death Cure, and the Right Arm's scientist

Mary killed at the end of The Scorch Trials, it's not entirely clear who will have the

expertise to replicate the vaccine, but I guess that somewhere among the survivors there

may be another scientist who can help.

The other poignant death scene in The Death Cure was, of course, when Thomas had to kill

Newt after the Flare infection finally turned Newt into a Crank and he stabbed Thomas in

the chest.

There was plenty of foreshadowing for Newt's eventual transformation into a Crank throughout

the movies.

For example, during Thomas's hallucination scene in The Scorch Trials, he saw a vision

of Newt as a Crank.

And in The Death Cure, just before Thomas, Newt and Frypan ventured into the tunnel,

Newt said "I don't want to come across as too negative, but if I was a Crank, that's

exactly where I'd be".

Another thing foreshadowing Newt's death in this film is a jar containing what appears

to be a dead newt which you can see briefly in rebel leader Lawrence's room.

Brenda's line to Thomas in the movie, "you can't save everyone", is also a bit of foreshadowing

for when Thomas stabs Newt, however, it has a double-meaning because by the end of the

movie we know that Thomas can save everyone as his blood is the basis for the ultimate

vaccine against the Flare virus.

There's also a nice parallel between Newt giving his necklace to Thomas once he realises

he's unlikely to survive and Chuck who gave Thomas his wooden carving as he died in the

first Maze Runner film.

And when Newt explained to Thomas that WCKD must have put him into the maze "so they could

tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me", it's a reference to Newt's

backstory in the books where Newt had a sister who was an Immune abducted by WICKED.

In the books, WICKED decided to take Newt with them as well to use him as a control

subject in their trials to see how Immunes performed compared to ordinary people like


One new character we meet in The Death Cure is Lawrence, the rebel leader Gally's working

for outside the Last City.

When we meet him for the first time he has a curious interest in roses, despite the loss

of his nose and much of his face to the Flare virus.

This version of Lawrence is a clever reference that book fans will recognise as he's partially

based on the "Rose took my nose" Crank that Thomas encountered in The Scorch Trials book

but who never made it into the second Maze Runner movie.

Now, did you enjoy The Death Cure film and did you find the ending satisfying?

And if you've read the original books, how do you think the movie series compares?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you enjoyed this, remember to hit that thumbs-up button, share this video and also

subscribe to get more regular videos like this.

The winner of my second Star Wars The Last Jedi giveaway is on the screen right now.

If that's you, send me a private message with your details to get your prize.

Check out more videos you might like by tapping the screen right here.

Thanks for watching and see ya next time.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!

For more infomation >> Maze Runner 3 The Death Cure ENDING EXPLAINED (& Easter Eggs) - Duration: 6:33.


Practice Past Tense – Answering 'What did you do last night?' – Free English Lesson | Speak Fluently - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> Practice Past Tense – Answering 'What did you do last night?' – Free English Lesson | Speak Fluently - Duration: 10:04.


#9 Venice Essentials II (Restroom , Water , Chocolates , Gelato & Exploration) (TheIndianBachelor) - Duration: 13:27.

For more infomation >> #9 Venice Essentials II (Restroom , Water , Chocolates , Gelato & Exploration) (TheIndianBachelor) - Duration: 13:27.


Ne-Yo - Over My Head Lyrics - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Ne-Yo - Over My Head Lyrics - Duration: 4:25.



For more infomation >> ILLUSION THAT MOVES WALLS - Duration: 1:47.


352 Sq. Ft. Travel Trailer to Cabin Conversion in Grapeview, WA | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 2:50.

352 Sq. Ft. Travel Trailer to Cabin Conversion in Grapeview, WA

For more infomation >> 352 Sq. Ft. Travel Trailer to Cabin Conversion in Grapeview, WA | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 2:50.


Dining Out With Comedienne Joy Dine Magic City Pt. 2 - Duration: 28:33.

- [Joy] Birmingham is now known as a new

foodie city, and moms just don't have time to cook.

So if you're looking for some local,

down home southern cuisine, then pull up a chair

for Dining Out with Comedienne Joy.

That's right.

Dining Out with Comedienne Joy takes us to

some of the best places to eat in Birmingham

and its surrounding cities.

So whether you're on 20 59, east or west

or 65 north or south, or 459, or somewhere in between,

Dining Out with Comedienne Joy is about to

tempt your tummy and make those taste buds water.

So if you like your meat three in a brick and mortar

or in a gas station, Dining Out with Comedienne Joy

takes you to some of the best spots in town.

Now one of the most authentic Mexican restaurants

that's nestled here in Pepper Place is Cantina

and I've been eating his food, especially at all those

yummy food events, for years.

You've been here for 15 years?

- That's correct, yes.

- Serving up this amazing food.

- Yes.

- And for Dine Magic City Week, what did you have?

I hope you're gonna talk fast 'cause

this looks so good I can't wait to taste it.


- We have a

for two different options.

One for the lunch special is gonna be $10

and for the dinner special is gonna be $20.

On the dinner special we have a appetizer

that is a salsa or cheese dip with chips,

a big plate, a big plate that is cilantro chicken,

that is a churrasco steak, we have the truck fries.

A side can be the frijol de la olla, rice and beans,

mashed potatoes.

And we have dessert, too, that is a churros.

- Oh, I love churros.

- Churros.

Chocolate bread pudding.

- Did you say chocolate bread pudding?

- Yes.

- So you've been holding out on me, Jorge?

I didn't know you had chocolate bread pudding.


- Yeah, and also we have the flan.

- Oh yes.

- That's an options.

For the lunch, it's the same appetizer,

salsa or cheese dip, and the option of two tacos

of fish or chicken or steak or carnitas

or vegetarian tacos.

- Now are these some of your recipes?

'Cause your food always stands out and has

just this really, really authentic Mexican flavor.

- Well, we follow up recipes from Guillermo, my brother.

Some of them we start make some change on our menu.

But this is original from Guillermo.

It's really, it's a simple dish.

It's a six ounces of chicken breast,

we marinate it with cilantro,

and we serve over yellow rice, corn, poblano peppers,

queso fresco, and cilantro.

- This looks so good, I'm gonna have to go in.

Chicken's my favorite food.

This is really, really good.

It's very flavorful over here.

It has, it's not even spicy but it has a great flavor to it.

- Yeah, the idea, you know, more than everything

is not made spicy, spicy food.

Unless, of course, they request that.

But we try to bring more the traditional flavors

from Mexico and most is a different kind of dry peppers,

the cilantro, the queso fresco, corn, stuff like that.

- So this is one of the dinner options?

- Yes, that's correct.

- Then you all can get it for nine whole days,

for Dine Magic City Week here at Cantina.

You've got to come here and try this food.

It's fantastic!

I'm telling you.

Been eating it for years.

You ride through Pepper Place,

you definitely gotta stop here to see my friend, Jorge.

You have a couple of options to go for.

I'm gonna finish this but we gonna look forward

to seeing you January 26th through February 3rd.

I'm hungry, I gotta finish this.

Oh yeah, this is great.

So frijoles charros is one of my all-time

favorite authentic home-made Mexican dishes,

but you kinda changed up the flavor a little bit

'cause this has pinto beans in it,

it has sausage in here with a great flavor.

I need some cornbread.

So how did you make yours a little bit different

from frijoles charros?

- Well frijoles charros can be a little bit more spicy.

Frijol de la orra is made in a clay pot,

boil it with bacon, sausage, and some dry peppers on it.

Just give it a little bit more flavor of the beans.

- Now, can you make some Mexican cornbread to go with this?

- Cornbread?

- Yeah, I like to sop up my food.


See all this good gravy going on in here, Jorge?


Yeah, so no cornbread.

That's OK.

When I come to Cantina, I'm gonna get this right here.

I'm gonna bring my own cornbread.

But Cantina is where you wanna come

here in Pepper Place for Dine Magic City Week.

I hope you don't want none of this.

I'm keeping it for myself.

- No, that's good.

- Good.

That's more for me.

I'm hungry.


- Hey, guys, it's Dr. Mia and if you're having problems

with low energy, low sex drive, decreased orgasm,

night sweats, problems with sleep,

problems with focus and memory,

irritability and changes in your mood,

even the joint pain and the belly fat

you should come and see me at Mibella Wellness Center

where I offer hormone replacement therapy

and balance for women and men.

It's Mibella Wellness Center and I'm Dr. Mia.

- [Joy] Make your appointment at

What's up everybody?

You all have told me, "Joy, I wanna eat like you."

Well here's your opportunity.

I'm kicking off a new series, Eat Drink and Ride

with Dining Out with Comedienne Joy.

All you simply need to do is go to my website

to find out when and where we're going.

And we're gonna ride on this party bus

thanks to my friends at Flight Low

where they're always going your way.

So let's eat, drink, and ride.

Have some fun.

You get to hang out with me in some of

my favorite food spots.

So go to my website,

and find out where we're going to be eating this month.

- [Announcer] Classy Boutique.

For all your high fashion jewelry needs.

Classy Boutique sells only the best in high fashion

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- [Announcer] Ever want to grab that extra cup of coffee

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now has an app for that.

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- Hey, this is John Witherspoon.

I enjoy Dining Out with Comedienne Joy.


Every time I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen, Joy.

Eatin' up all the food.

- So Dine Magic City Week has something for everyone,

including the amazing pasta that you can get at Carrabba's.

And my friend, Will, you have two delicious looking dishes.

Not only do they look delicious, but they smell incredible.

What are you serving for Dine Magic City Week?

- Well, we got some great things for ya.

First of all, this one right here is called

the linguine positano.

So it's a very unique sauce, crushed roma tomatoes,

fresh basil, garlic, extra virgin olive oil.

We toss that with our signature grilled chicken.

We've got a basil leaf right there on top.

It is a fantastic dish.

Now over here on this side we have our fontina cream.

Now this is our cavatappi pasta, it's a corkscrew pasta.

We've got our fontina cream sauce with it.

Really cheesy.

Very, very good.

Very rich.

And, of course, we've got the pancetta, or bacon

there right on top.

- [Joy] Yeah, that's what I'm gonna call it, bacon.

- [Will] Yes, exactly.

And then, of course, top that with some chives

and that's also tossed with our grilled chicken.

Fantastic dishes, both of them.

You cannot go wrong with either one

of these two pasta dishes.

- So there's chicken and pancetta, or bacon,

in this one bowl?

- Absolutely.

- Man, this is the one I wanna dig in.

Now you got this salad here.

Is that for those healthy people,

or what I should be eating?

- Well, we've got the salad out here

just to show people that both of these two dishes

they also come with your choice of a soup or salad.

This one is our caesar salad.

You know, romaine hearts.

We've got our croutons, grated parmesan cheese,

and our fantastic caesar dressing.

- And did you say it come with a soup or salad.

Does it mean, like, that lentil soup you guys have here

that is amazing?

- A soup or salad.

So that does mean the lentil soup.

- Oh!

That is my favorite when I come here.

- One of these days I'm gonna have to get you

to try the Sicilian chicken soup.

It's so much better.

- Not better than the lentil.

You got me stuck on the lentil.

- Well, it is good.

- It is great.

- I am not gonna doubt you on that one.

- Yes, well I wanna see how good this one is.

A dish that's got chicken and bacon in it.

Listen, 'cause I love all your food over here anyway.

I've been telling people do not sleep on Carrabba's.

This food is the bomb.


You've given e a fork for this,

but I really need a spoon

'cause this is so good and creamy

I don't want to let any of this sauce

sit in this bowl.

And I know there's fans say,

"I want the bacon's gonna be sopping with that good bread."

But this is really, really good.

Look at all this creamy sauce right there.

You just can't leave that in the bowl.

- Of course not.

Well, that's why we have bread

and we have many different things

where you can make sure that plate

is completely clean before you leave.

- Trust me.

I've never left a plate here unclean.

I think I scare the wait staff when I come in here

'cause they already know, Joy, she greedy.

She gonna eat up all of our food.

- Not all of it.

We've still got plenty for the rest of them.

- Don't listen to him, y'all.

'Cause I come here, I eat it all

'cause the food is just that incredible here.

So these are the dinner options

that you can get at Carrabba's for Dine Magic City Week.

If you need to see their complete list,

you can go to the website.


Click on the Carrabba's picture

and you can see it all right here.

Don't beat me here.

Meet me here.

And we'll see you January 26 through February 3rd

at Carrabba's.

You gonna help me eat this?

- She's amazing.

- That's because his food is good.


You want some?

- Nah, I'm good.

- Good.

More for me.

So one more good thing about Carrabba's.

They have the most amazing desserts.

So I had this a couple of months ago

when you were on my show and it was so good

you were trying to eat some of my dessert.

What's up with that?

- Well, I told you this is the only dessert

I'll never share, unless it belonged to you first.

- Man, well I think I have it first.

Let me see.

You want a fork?

- I do want a fork. - We can be nice

since it Dine Magic City Week.

So you gonna have this dessert on special also

with these two pasta dishes?

- We will, yes.

This is the sogno di cioccolata.

It is two chocolate brownies.

They're layered with a chocolate mousse

and a home-made whip with just a little bit

of hot chocolate drizzled on top.

It's pretty much guaranteed to change your life.

- Yes, it will.

And you know what else is in play here?

A whole lotta good 'cause this stuff is off the hook.

I wouldn't eat chocolate cake but

I eat this every time I see it.

This stuff is... - Since you don't eat

chocolate cake. - Mmm-mmm.


- I mean, this is the...

We don't have to fight about this.

- Unh-uh, you get yours out the back.

This is mine right here.

Listen, y'all come down here to Carrabba's

and get some of this right here.

And break up the fight between us.

It's so good, they wanna fight over their own food.

This cat eating my cake.

What's up with that?

- She thinks it's hers.


- What's up everybody?

You all have told me, "Joy, I wanna eat like you."

Well, here's your opportunity.

I'm kicking off a new series Eat Drink and Ride

with Dining Out with Comedienne Joy.

All you simply need to do is go to my website

to find out when and where we're going

and we gonna ride on this party bus

thanks to my friends at Flight Low

where they always going your way.

So let's eat, drink, and ride.

Have some fun.

You get to hang out with me

at some of my favorite food spots,

So go to my website

and find out where we're going to be eating this month.

- [Announcer] If you love the mouth-watering

Caribbean and soul food at Jake's Cafe,

then you can enjoy those same delicious turkey wings,

sweet potato casserole, or rice and beans

at your home, office party, church program,

or other social event when you place your catering order.

Jake's catering not only serves a warm smile

but hot, delicious food delivered to your holiday party,

sales meeting, or wedding.

So when you're craving a taste of soul,

contact Cortez or Josh today to place your catering order

at Jake's Soul Food.

- [Announcer] Classy Boutique.

For all your high fashion jewelry needs.

Classy Boutique sells only the best in high fashion

women and men's jewelry, accessories, and women's clothes.

Classy Boutique, helping you find the style you want

at a price you'll love.

Located in Forestdale off highway 78.

Call them at 205-335-5176.

That's 335-5176.

Or visit them online at

- Yo, what's up?

It's Bruh Man from the 5th floor.

Just got through Dining Out with Comedienne Joy.

I had a real good ol' fried okra sandwich.

It was all that.

- Now for people that are looking for

more healthier options when they're eating out

I have teamed up with my good friends

here at Heat-N-Eat Healthy.

Now, for Dine Magic City Week you guys have

a plethora of food choices over here.

What do we have going on?

- Alright, well, so here we have a couple of items.

We have our turkey tetrazzini over here.

Right here we have our smoked gouda chicken.

In front is our cauliflower bowl.

It's cauliflower rice with chicken

and y'all got all new house pickled (unintelligible)

and we have our spaghetti (unintelligible)

- So is that cut up fried chicken?

- Uh, sure, if you want it to be.


- That's why this is my friend.

I know he's gonna get me.

Now what's the recipes you got over here?

- Alright, so here we have a vegetable soup

with cheese ravioli which is one of our vegetarian options.

- That's why I'm a meat-atarian.

Show me my options.

- Alright, this is our black-eyed pea gumbo casserole

with cornbread topping.

This is our, what we're calling

our southern comfort bowl.

So it's our concept of meat and fruit.

Just a healthier version.

So you have our cauliflower, you have broccoli

with greens, you have our steamed black-eyed peas,

we have some smashed potatoes, and you have a little bit

of rotisserie chicken.

- Oh wow.

I can get down with the rotisserie.

That's almost like fried.


Alright, we got a couple more options?

- Yes.

Here we have our southwest chicken bowl

which is, we have our two beans and we use

kidney beans and pinto beans with some seasoned corn,

seasoned tomatoes and our diced chicken

- OK.

- Right here we have a vegetarian rice combo.

And also a chicken tortilla soup.

- Awesome.

So for the special you have for Dine Magic City Week,

these nine days, can they order a variety of this?

So how does the meal plan work?

- You can.

We set it up just for you, a la carte.

So they can come in or they can place an order.

Our casseroles come in two different sizes,

small and large.

Small, two to three people.

Large, six to eight.

They're frozen so they can pick those up,

put 'em in the freezer.

- Oh, you guys are looking for something healthy,

quick, and have a clean kitchen when it's over,

you gotta contact my friends here at Heat-N-Eat Healthy

over here on Ashton Road.

Now, you said this was the gumbo?

- Yeah.

- Now, that got meat in it?

- Yes, it does.

- Alright, let me try one of these.

'Cause I've eaten a lot of y'all food

and I'm telling you, it is good.

Don't I look skinny?

- You do.


- It's good though.

Oh yeah.

Now this is good.

So, y'all must know I like bread

to use it to sop 'em.

This gotta good flavor here.

This has gotta be like your one dish,

everything you want, your cornbread and your soup in here.

That is...

Get the gumbo bowl right here.

Now, if you are a true vegan,

you guys can get this other stuff.

But as for me an my house, we meat-atarians over here.

I'm gonna need some more of these

gumbo and cornbread bowls.

I'm gonna be skinny, see?

Suckin' it in tight 'cause I'm gonna eat here

at Heat-N-Eat Healthy.

Come check 'em out right here on Ashton Road.

Look on the website and you can see the full

and complete menu and have a link right to their website.

I'm out.

I gotta finish gettin' skinny, y'all.

That was really good.

- It is, isn't it?

- Mmm-hmm.

Where's your forks?

Do we have forks in here?

- [Announcer] If you love the mouthwatering

Caribbean and soul food at Jake's Cafe,

then you can enjoy those same, delicious turkey wings,

sweet potato casserole or rice and beans at your home,

office party, church program, or other social event

when you place your catering order.

Jake's catering not only serves a warm smile,

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So when you're craving a taste of soul,

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- Nobody does natural hair like we do

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Hayah Beauty we are a luxury natural hair care salon

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- Hey guys, it's Dr. Mia

and if you're having problems with low energy,

low sex drive, decreased orgasm, night sweats,

problems with sleep, problems with focus and memory,

irritability and changes in your mood,

even the joint pain and the belly fat

you should come and see me at Mibella Wellness Center

where I offer hormone replacement therapy

and balance for women and men.

It's Mibella Wellness Center and I'm Dr. Mia.

- [Joy] Make you appointment at

- My name is Will.

I'm the owner of Carrabba's here on 280.

- And I'm Frankie, the catering manager.

- [Will] If you're looking for a great spot

to have a holiday party, try us.

We have a fantastic private dining area.

- [Frankie] Or we can bring it to you.

We have an extensive catering menu

from seafood to pasta, and we can beat any price range.

- [Will] And our private dining menu also has

three great price ranges and we have some

fantastic wines for any holiday party.

If you're looking for a place, come try us.

We'd love to serve you.


- Cheers.

- [Announcer] Want to liven up your next

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Get you some Joy.

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- Jesus was the only person who walked the earth

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- [Audience] Why Joy?

- 'Cause he wasn't married and didn't have kids.

- [Announcer] Book Comedienne Joy at


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- Oh my goodness, the show was just amazing.

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- Hey, this is John Witherspoon.

I enjoy Dining Out with Comedienne Joy.


Every time I come in the kitchen,

you in the kitchen, Joy.

Eatin' up all the food.

All them chitlins, all the collard greens,

all the pig feet, all the hog maws.


- Dine Magic City Week has an array

of cuisines to choose from.

And I'm from Mobile and there's nothing like

fresh seafood.

And when I don't feel like driving home,

I come right here to Vestavia and see my friend, Avi,

at Cajun Seafood House.

This is the best seafood in Birmingham, hands down.

And you have some awesome snapper

that's going to be on one of your specials.

- Mmm-hmm.

That's where we are offering our red snapper

right now, but its going to be one of the specials

for Magic City.

And red snapper, why I chose red snapper

because it's one of my best fish, I mean.

- All of your fish is good, though.

- Most popular cajun dish we are preparing

at the restaurant.

It's come with grilled asparagus and

oven mashed potatoes and a lot of people say,

"Mashed potatoes?"

but when they order and they start eating these

like the combination with the lemon bourbon sauce

and the mashed potatoes and the fish

they're like, "This is phenomenal."

- It is phenomenal.

- "I never got before mashed potatoes over fish

"but this is good, this is crazy."

- But these are potatoes like I make at the house.

Like with sour cream and they're flavorful

and they're very hearty.

It's not just something outta the box over here.

And your seafood is always perfectly seasoned.

Like, do you have a pond in the back of this restaurant?

- Nope.

But we got the best seafood suppliers

right here in Birmingham so we are

start catching then and like,

"Send me the best seafood that you're

"delivering in Birmingham"

and they send snapper, mahi mahi,

we start buying some salmon, put it on the menu

but we got a lot of good fresh seafood

coming in from the gulf.

- But why not for Dine Magic City Week

you have this grilled snapper, you have asparagus,

you have mashed potatoes, and it's also,

is that gonna be paired with a appetizer or dessert?

- Yeah, it's coming out with some,

I think we put it on the menu like some

blue crab claws, fries, or salsa, whatever you want.

- Crab claws?

- Yeah, we're gonna put some crab claws.

- Oh my gosh!

- And we're gonna put some red snapper,

red fish special, the other special is over white rice

with some shrimp grilled sauce with some

fried calamari on the top.

- Oh, that fried calamari.

It is everything over here.

- And also I was telling the manager

put some beignets for that week.

- You're doing that for me, aren't you?

- Yeah.

So we gonna...

She's very crazy on beignets so every time she came by

- I'm just crazy about all of your food.

- Well, thank you.

But, yeah, we got some beignets

put it on our menu.

Choices yesterday are

why we can put it on the menu

when we talking about desserts like

something hot, something cold.

We put some hot beignets on your table

and some key lime pie is gonna be part of the menu.

- And key lime pie?

Oh my goodness, you guys have gotta make your way

here to Dine Magic City Week to Cajun Seafood House.

Listen, this snapper is incredible.

These potatoes, these are so creamy.

Your grandmama don't make potatoes like this.

That key lime pie and them beignets is everything.

When you come here, bring your big purse

'cause you gonna need it

so you can smuggle some of it out

and eat it later on.

So you can have Cajun Seafood House when you come here

and have a little bit when you leave.

They have great lunch and dinner specials

and guess what else.

If you come on my Eat Drink Ride bus tour

you get to come here yourself and eat

some of this good food at Cajun Seafood House.

'Cause I always bring my guests here

and they love the food here.

- Yeah, some people start coming back by themselves

and they say, "I want some more etouffee.

"I want some jambalaya. I wanna try something else

"by your menu cause when we look at the menus

"like, it's a lot of choices that we can try."

There's people start coming by to order

some different stuff off the menu.

- And the great thing about here are your prices.

They are unbelievable.

When you talk about fresh, delicious seafood...

Oh, my gosh.

- Well, thank you, and that's a lot of our, you know

we need to be fair in prices because

our location is kinda the middle of the neighborhood

so we got a lot of customers driving from Chelsea

or from Gardendale,

from Pell City. - Alabaster.

That's where I live.

- From Pell City so at least they are driving

for like 10, 15 minutes.

I wanna give them some good deals on prices and everything.

- Well, you do a fantastic job of that.

Now this wine that's on the table,

it's not included, but they have fantastic

drink specials all the time here at

Cajun Seafood House.

So, mark your calendar for Dine Magic City Week.

It is January 26th through February 3rd.

You've gotta come here to Cajun Seafood House.

Don't forget.

Bring your big purse 'cause you wanna take

some of those beignets home to the house.

Order me some.

Y'all know how I roll.

Come see my friend, Avi.

He got ya, y'all.

- We'll see you here.

Magic City.

- Well that's gonna do it for this week's edition of

Dining Out with Comedienne Joy.

Now be sure to tune in the rest of the week

because I'll be showcasing more restaurants

that are participating in Dine Magic City Week.

Now for a full list of those restaurants

you can go to my website.


Now, be sure that you also follow me on social media

as I'll be posting daily as restaurants

are being added.

So that's simply

on Facebook and on Instagram and Twitter it's just

Comedienne Joy.

Now I want you to also come to the preview party.

You get to hang out with me and

20 of my favorite restaurant friends.

Again that is January 22nd, Monday, from 5-8.

It will be at AllSouth Appliance on Lakeshore parkway.

You're gonna get an opportunity to win

some KitchenAid appliances as well as some

Samsung electronics.

Who don't wanna win that?

Because the proceeds from those items

will be donated to the community food bank

of Central Alabama.

So we're gonna be doing a good thing

to help the community

and help our stomach to some good food

while supporting our local restaurateurs,

so you get to come and taste some of their

amazing food.

We're gonna have music and a live cooking demo

by none other than Chef Cliff Holt

of Little Savannah.

So you don't wanna miss it.

It is going to be epic.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Not only tell a friend,

but bring a friend.

And I wanna thank you for continuing to watch

and support these local restaurants

because remember, the places that I take you

the food is so good, it make you wanna lay down.

What's up everybody.

You all have told me, "Joy, I wanna eat like you."

Well here's your opportunity.

I'm kicking off a new series Eat Drink and Ride

with Dining Out with Comedienne Joy.

All you simply need to do is go to my website

to find out when and where we're going.

And we gonna ride on this party bus

thanks to my friends at Flight Low,

where they always going your way.

So let's eat, drink, and ride.

Have some fun.

You get to hang out with me at some of my

favorite food spots.

So go to my website

and find out where we're going to be eating this month.

- Hey, this is John Witherspoon.

I enjoy Dining Out with Comedienne Joy.


Every time I come in the kitchen,

you in the kitchen, Joy.

Eating up all the food.

For more infomation >> Dining Out With Comedienne Joy Dine Magic City Pt. 2 - Duration: 28:33.


SHOOTING an OCULUS RIFT with a SHOTGUN!! - Duration: 7:40.

How's it going guys my name is intraVRt and welcome to jackass! This would have

to be up there with one the dumbest video ideas I've ever had but it just

popped into my head I thought well let's try and shoot it! I think it's really

important to say though do not try this at home there's been a lot of

consideration put in place regarding the safety of doing these kinds of shoots

and I just think it's important to say don't mess around and stuff do not try

to doing this stuff unless you are completely qualified with all the safety

measures in place. Now with that said let's shoot our Oculus Rift with a shotgun

back at the dam where I shot the Skyrim video check it out I'm trying to park up

here in this bull this will not move hey hey don't get out of you

it sounds kind of silly but that sounds kind of silly shush you - he's just

chilling out the back there any moment now come on chop Birds look who decided

to get up hey Elvis Elvis what are you doing you're wrecking the shot Elvis

don't pee there thing's got a publicly to shoot and I feel terrific okay to

shoot rocked I'll be using a 410 shotgun with 76 mils they're not massive but

plenty of kick for what I need them for

the strap took a fair bit of buckshot but I'm guess I missed the lenses

because there's just like no damage to that this is one of the first pieces

that flew off

alright let's go again three two one

there is after taking a shotgun blast from behind execution-style and you can

see it's done a fair bit of damage the first shot I did didn't actually do too

much you just shut off this triangular back plate that sits on the strappy and

that's pretty much all that happened but you can see a bit of the buckshot it

looks like the whole mass went straight through this little pot here first and

would you look at that it clips straight back on but we can see there's a can see

there is one of the senses there and on the back plate here you can see

where that clips on to so there's some sort of QR code there to find the part

perhaps it's also to get a free game off the oculus store I know if you can see

it on the table here but there's a little speck 'some of components and

dust oh what's that that's a tiny little screw that's fallen out of him wow that

is one tiny screw alright so the shot came from here we go so the second shot

you can see where the majority of the Buckshot went straight through his right

eye there and look at that one of the eyes even stayed on and that's just from

our blue TAC no one ever buys new blue TAC you just steal it from a poster or

steal from somewhere else in the house and that blue TAC meticulous I stole out

of our office that had been there for jeez it must been like 10 plus years but

I made just steal enough to put both of his eyes on and even with all the let's

plays and dropping a barstool on him and a shotgun blast up something else's fill

out the blue TAC stayed on and blue TAC isn't sponsoring me but you got to give

credit when it's due those are some decent results with 10 plus a year old

blue tank ok we can see you can sort of see this little cog here which is for

the this slider here for the spacing is completely gone but you can see the

little cog there that slides the lenses apart together don't think it's gonna

work too well anymore sort of see the shroud that goes around the lenses there

is taking a shellacking this is a cone I don't really want to breathe any of this

stuff in oh there's one of the I guess it's a gasket or a shroud for the lens

and that must be the screen there it probably should be touching the stuff

with my hands but if I ever get mesothelioma you know why there's oh

looks like the backing plate it's like one of the main panels from

the screen so that's one of the pentile OLEDs screens and i think it's lost a

few pixels I don't think it's 1080 by 1200 no more pretty crazy though house

how thin it is and there goes through there there's actual glass part there it

should be wearing gloves there you go there's one of the cogs it's not causing

much no more today as a coggan of gone you see some of the chipset above there

and be brutally honest they don't really know much about the anatomy of a rift

it's it's kind of fortunate it didn't absolutely obliterate the whole thing so

you can sort of see how it's supposed to be intact here is one of the lenses

pretty thick it's not glass it's like acrylic I believe or it's been coated

with something that doesn't make it feel like glass but oh yeah that's not gonna

work no more well there you go mates that's what happens when you shoot an

oculus rift with a shotgun if you have enjoyed the video make sure to strike

the life of oh you might and give me a thumbs up and yeah subscribe I won't be

doing any more stuff like this okay it kind of for to shoot these every few

months so yeah see in the next video hooroo


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