Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 28 2018

hello every body welcome to a new episode of how to DIY Rc and in today's episode

we have the eachine e58 and we're going to show you how to fly Wifi FPV drone

using a phone with an app the UFO app we are going to test all the functions

and see how useful they are but before we can do that you have course have to

install the JV UFO app on your phone or tablet from the Google App Store and

when that's done you have to power on the drone then go to your Wifi and connect up

to the drone

and make sure it's connected then you're ready to go I make and everything should

work then the next step is going back into the app and then the first thing

you have to do is go into settings and then you have to activate the 720p

camera so you got a better recording sorry for the flickering let me go back

and we start by passing play the first icon that you get to see that is camera

and you can make a photo the second one is to start recording when useful tip

stop recording before you disconnect the battery or you will lose all your data

the third icon you have overview from your videos and your photos and

everything works just like let's go back and go into the fourth icon that

is now at 30% those are your speed rates you can switch to 60 and then you can switch to

100 making fly as its fastest and it's really good on a horrible day when

there's a lot of wind the fifth icon is for aerial footage or we have to turn on

our interface and let's go back this is the normal interface that you will have

me a press aerial video then you get

genetics stop that button is not stopped bottom is actually a kill button if your

something goes really south and goes wrong and you will just want to kill the

power to the quad so nothing is going to happen you kill you push the little red

button that says stop exactly a panic button the other options that you are

getting with this aerial footage is the automatic takeoff and automatic landing

and if you're up in the air though automatically hold the altitude and it

starts to drift you can use the trim buttons to the side to counter the drift

to make it stand stable and straight and at that position that you'll like to

have it there's some pretty nice pitches and it's one of the most features that

you're going to be using for aerial footage photo and the standard feature

is going to be used a lot those are the two main features that you will be

using on a daily basis a six button is gravity mode and as you can see now your

phone turns into this direction you can turn the cotton you want to go left you

want to go right you want to go forward you want to go back and probably still

have to manually control the height but it's not something that I recommend for

a beginner because it's pretty difficult to turn your quad this way but we are

not all the same maybe you like it let's turn it off and

then the seven I already showed it remove your interface but if it's off a

long time it also disconnects with the quad I think because your lights started

flashing again so it shows like it's disconnected turn it back on and then

the eight icon opens a whole new bunch of options that you have and the first

one is reversing your camera such as upside down then you have a 3d option as

Even can use with two people at the same time but I don't have a VR display or

glasses so I don't have a clue

the fourth option is Atlas mode so now always the front of the cot is always

the front of the quad I don't really like it I really also don't recommend it

as a beginner but my dad and the old-time guy he really likes it but he

doesn't get it when you turn around facing the court towards you that left

turns right and right turns left just that switching making in your head then

this fifth icon that makes the quad flicker is re-calibration that sometimes

is needed and then the last number six is voice command and Waypoint

Center so you can say like oh I'm going to go left right then then over there

and the quadcopter/drone going to follow that route but we have to then how we really want

to test that in practice it looks very interesting and there was it how to fly

a Wifi FPV mini drone with your phone I hope you liked this video it was

very helpful for you guys and you helped this video do we go even it a thumbs up

if you didn't know then give the thumbs up I hope you subscribe so the next

episode are we going to take out for a real test flight and we have some of

your upgrades coming up I want to say goodbye until next time

For more infomation >> Eachine E58 Tutorial How To Fly a Drone With Your Phone Using Wifi FPV Connect To The UFO App - Duration: 6:12.


Fun Ways to Teach Kids Emotional Literacy | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 6:24.

Hey, hey my friend! Welcome back to Parenting A-to-Z. I'm Kelly Bourne and in this week's

episode we're diving into emotional literacy. And I know it probably sounds

like a total snoozefest but it's really important and we're

gonna have a little bit of fun with it. We're gonna dive into what it is, why

it's important, and how we can teach our kids to flex those emotional muscles.

Plus I've got a sweet little download for you and some fun activities. So like

I said, you're not falling asleep with "emotional literacy" -- it sounds so lame!

Okay -- so what is emotional literacy? I know, it just makes you want to fall

asleep probably even hearing me say it because it's kind of a

mouthful, isn't it?! And basically all it really means is the ability to

recognize and name emotions, not only in ourselves, but in others. Because that

underpins, that skill is so important. It's the root of all those juicy

characteristics we want to develop in our kids. Things like self

compassion, empathy -- those things are impossible if we don't have the language

to recognize and name emotions that we're seeing and witnessing in others.

Because the thing is -- I found this really interesting -- when I

first heard this, the average person can only name three emotions. Can you

guess what they are? Just off the top of my head I was

able to. Happy, sad and then some version of mad or angry or cheesed off. That's,

for a lot of us, those are our go-to emotions. But the human

experience is so much more varied and so much more vast than that. And especially

when it comes to anger. Because anger is actually a secondary emotion. Anger only

shows up after some other more sensitive emotions have maybe cropped up and

we're using anger as that socially acceptable mask. Things like jealousy,

fear, resentment, regret. Those can all be masked by anger. So that's where

emotional literacy is really important. To

just kind of "beef up" our awareness and not be distracted by -- especially,

especially anger. To peel back the layers and look at what's underneath. But we

can't look at what's underneath if we don't have the language to match. So

that's where we come in. And this is one of those interesting things where, at

least for myself, I was kind of learning this skill as I was trying to teach it

to my kids. Because I was a happy, sad, mad person. That really

was the extent of my emotional vocabulary just because it wasn't a

muscle I was used to flexing. So as I was learning these emotions I was sharing

them with my kids and one really fun way you can do this it's through your phone.

Of course, like I've got my phone in arm's reach -- who doesn't?! But using the

emojis on your phone to go through and ask your kids what each of the faces are

and what they think each of the emojis is feeling. For us this

happened quite organically. I had an update and there

were some new faces and I didn't actually know what they were. I was kind

of confused by them. I was just sitting there with my kids and

we were going through and naming them and guessing what the emojis were

feeling. That's a really fun way to start the process with your kids.

And to help you in naming those emotions I've got a free download called "Feeling

Vocabulary," just moving beyond happy and sad. It's got a ton -- I don't know

how many, over 50 different feeling words -- and I'll leave the link, you can

grab it in the description below. It'll also give you access to my entire

Parenting Resource Library so from here on out you'll have all the cheat sheets

all the worksheets right there in one spot. But make sure to grab your "Feeling

Vocabulary" before you start working on things like emoji emotions with your

kids, so you have some back pocket examples and aren't just scrambling

with the happy, sad, and mad like I was. I found that

really helped. Another really good option, especially with small kids -- don't try

this with older kids, they'll probably think you're totally lame and

they'll just roll their eyes -- is, I call it "grocery store

detectives." I would do this with my kids when they were younger.

Really what it is is recognizing and naming emotions in others and

developing that sensitivity for "why do you think that baby is crying?" And

"what do you think that face means?" And "why do you think that little boy's laying

in the middle of the aisle throwing a fit? Oh wait -- that's you!" But I think you

you get the idea. It's all just about practicing and naming those

emotions. You can even make faces with each other around the table -- of

course, depending on your kids' developmental level and their age -- this

would probably not be appropriate for a 14-year, fifteen-year-old. They

would just totally tune you out. But for your little kids it can be really fun

and really effective just to practice making different faces and guessing what

the emotion is. Another really good one too, you can put the old Google machine

to work and just Google "feeling faces" and about a million different -- there's

probably actually more than a million search results -- of a whole bunch of

little faces showing different emotions that you can go through with your kids

and look at the faces and start to get names for what each of the feelings are.

So your kids can have more of an emotional vocabulary that many of us had

growing up -- the happy, sad, mad. So then that way they can start developing self

compassion. They can better experience empathy. Because they've got the tools

and the underlying skills to do that. So I'll leave you to it guys! I hope this

has inspired you to try out either "emoji emotions" or "feeling faces" or trying

"grocery store detectives" to help boost your kids' emotional literacy. And of

course, if you're looking for more in-depth support, one-on-one resources,

join us over in The Parent 'Hood, our private membership community. We have a

lot of fun over there and you're always welcome. Until then, best of luck with

your emotional literacy -- see it's such a mouthful I can't even say it!

I'll see you in the next video guys!

For more infomation >> Fun Ways to Teach Kids Emotional Literacy | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 6:24.


Best Mobile Video Editing Apps - Duration: 8:14.

for some people editing videos on a laptop is just not possible it could be

because they don't have a laptop or desktop or it could be because they

don't like the video editing software on there it's not user friendly to them or

it could be that it's just too expensive so in this video I'm gonna fix all that

by talking about some best video mobile editing apps that are almost like desktop

video editors that you can use on your phone so be sure to watch till the end

for all the details what's going on my name is Devin

Street helping you build an online presence and make money in the process

and today we're gonna be talking about some of the best video editing apps for

mobile devices that includes Android and iPhone and we're going to be going over

four of them today but if you're not already subscribed to the channel go

ahead and click that subscribe button new videos every Sunday and you podcast

every Wednesday for you to grow your YouTube channel and without further ado

let's get right into it now before I get into this let's just

make it straight I believe in my personal opinion desktop video editors

will always be superior to mobile editors because it just has more power

more ability to do stuff but if you're just doing simple videos then I suggest

going ahead and doing something with a mobile device because you're able to do

it on the go whenever you want it's very easy very convenient and very easy to

share I mean I make all my videos on a mobile device as of now but my sort of

reason for that is not because oh I like mobile devices better it's more of I

want to prove a point that hey you can build a giant massive

popular YouTube channel just from a smartphone and that's really what I want

to get across is that how powerful a smart phone actually is but with that

out of the way our first app is power director now power director is a great

app I personally used to use it but I didn't use it for much besides

just exporting or changing some sounds that I couldn't do on other apps but in

my opinion it's a really great app it's in the timeline format and if you don't

know what the timeline format is it's where you have all your layers laid out

on this long timeline and then you have how long that layer is going to last so

it's very similar to how desk top video editors actually are so if you like that

timeline format if you like multiple layers if you like multiple audio layers

then I would definitely suggest choosing PowerDirector Pro as your app to video

edit but I will say there are some others just like PowerDirector pro that

are a lot more powerful later on in this list so that does lead us to our second

app which is iMovie now iMovie there is a desktop version of this and it sort of

takes that desktop version and goes to a simpler more mobile design now just to

get this straight though it's only on iPhone so lots of Android users they

can't use it it's an issue and I wish that it could be moved over to Android

but with Apple they just won't budge it uses the exact same timeline format as

PowerDirector does which is really great to have almost the desktop format on a

mobile device and one of the great things about iMovie is you can actually

just take a bunch of clips and make them into this trailer and it will throw all

the clips together into this one big template and make a trailer out of it

something that's pretty cool that PowerDirector doesn't offer you and once

again I will say this one definitely isn't as powerful as another app on this

list but it is more powerful than PowerDirector so in my opinion if you

have an Apple device I would choose it over PowerDirector but if you don't have

an Android device right now power directors your best bet but soon I'm

gonna talk about a even more better video editing app and that amazing gray

app is kena master and what can a master is is

I actually use this one for me for my youtube channel I edit with this app and

in my personal opinion it is the most powerful Android and iPhone video

editing app out there it's available for both devices so whether you have your

pixels or your notes or your galaxies or you just have the iPhone 8 7x whatever

there it's gonna work on both so once again Khan master has the exact same

timeline format as something like PowerDirector an iMovie but the

difference here is actually that with kinemaster

you do get some great features very nicely formatted very great for users to

use very simple very quick and it also has lots of powerful features one of

those cues is green screen effects that's what I do in my videos if you

notice behind me this is a green screen I'm not actually standing behind this

blue background right now I'm standing behind a green screen I'm using Khan

master to edit it to where the background behind me is this blue black

background instead of a fuzzy green screen Khan master also adds tons of

audio layers and video layers that you can put into your videos so you may see

that a lot in my videos where I can be using up to 4 or 5 audio layers at a

time I think one of my best examples of how powerful kind master actually is is

if you check out a video called hashtag one year I'll put it in the YouTube card

right now that's probably the biggest project I've done with Kenna master and

I definitely recommend you go check that video out to see the capabilities of

this app but you can also edit in 4k and export in 4k now keep in mind you can't

do 60 frames per second I've tried and sadly it doesn't work but you can export

and edit in 4k video with is pretty great for a mobile device app

but my opinion is the best app on the list but if you're not interested in any

of these so far I have one more left for you and this one is the more ago and

this app is for very basic video editors if you don't want to go into very

technical stuff you really just want to trim the video down and put it together

then Fillmore ago is probably your best option it does not have the timeline

format and it just gives you like basic options of trimming videos cutting them

putting them together adding text and layers and stickers and stuff like that

not the most powerful out of the other ones we've talked about but it's

something for more simple video editors my honest opinion if you really want to

do some top-notch video editing I would recommend any of the first three apps on

this list but if you're going for that simplicity then go with the more go and

the best part is it's absolutely free as to the other apps you have to pay a

subscription so if you really want some very free simple video editing go with

some more ago but that's it that's for mobile apps that you can use to edit

video on your phone and upload it directly to YouTube but if you want to

grow your YouTube channel and know tons of mobile tutorials for YouTube then go

ahead and click the subscribe button and check out the other videos including a

mobile YouTube tutorial playlist in the YouTube in screen right now I want to

thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Best Mobile Video Editing Apps - Duration: 8:14.


Sing Beauty and the Beast finger family song | New mix finger family - Duration: 0:53.

Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Sing Beauty and the Beast finger family song | New mix finger family - Duration: 0:53.


Best rabbit trap - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Best rabbit trap - Duration: 7:04.


Nilu are u with me -GREY'S ANATOMY - S14-E10 WITH LYRICS - Duration: 4:12.

Wake up

stay with me

Through the flood and through the fear

Right now I need you here, I need you to stay strong

To remind me where I came from and where I belong

So wake up,

, stay with me

Cause I'm starting to think that I never actually had you

You're not in the dark, but far from the light

And I need to know now

Are you with me? Are you in or... are you out?

Are you with me? Are you drifting through the doubt?

Are you in or are you out?

Don't give up, not yet

No matter how hard this gets

We come into the world, worse for the wear

But the wars of our fathers are not ours to bear

Don't give up, no not yet

Are you with me? Are you in or... are you out?

Are you with me? Are you drifting through the doubt?

We're not equal parts, light and dark, we can be brilliant

Are you with me? Are you in or... are you out?

Are you with me? Are you drifting through the doubt?

Ohh Are you in or are you out?

Oh are you in or are you out?

Are you in or are you out?

Are you with me?

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