Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 28 2018

Hello there guys and girls,

welcome to another tutorial on my channel.

I guess you know how magicians are never supposed to reveal their tricks.

And then there was THIS GUY.

Well, for today, this me.

I'm gonna show you a lot of machinima secrets nobody is sharing publicly.

This video is gonna be pretty advanced so for the lessons I'm gonna show you in here

I'm assuming you have gathered a bit of knowledge already either by watching my other

tutorials or learning by doing.

We're gonna use a lot of different tools and I will not go into the basics of how they


Instead I wanna show you how to utilize them effectively to achieve creative effects and

build unique scenes for your GTA machinima.

Originally I planned on making individual tutorials on how to use animations, how to

spawn actors or how to build custom maps.

But I think it's better if you see all the techniques within typical use cases and in

the right context to each other.

But this will also mean that this tutorial is gonna be quite huge.

I'm gonna stuff this video with examples from my own machinima so you can

see how I used my knowledge for better or worse results.

In order to give you an idea of what you're gonna learn I structured this video into four

sections: First of all I'm gonna show you all the tools you're gonna need in order

to make this work.

The next step is the scripting, because it will be the basis for all your scenes.

Part three will be about how to actually set up and film scenes as if you were on the set

of an actual movie.

The last part will be another quick look into how you need to place and move the cameras

in order to achieve a good film look.

You can skip a section by using the timecodes in the description.

And I'm just gonna say this ONCE in this video in order to save time: You will find

the links to all tools, websites and other tutorials in the video description.

If you have alzheimer's you shouldn't be watching this tutorial anyway.

Let's dive into this massive pile of … fun.

Part 1: Tools of the Trade

First of all I need you to realize that there isn't a single mod or tool that will allow

you to do everything at once.

You will need a bunch of separate things which I'm gonna go through right now.

They are all meant to peacefully coexist and to complement each other during the production

of your machinima.

ONE You will need Open IV to install mods easily.

It also contains a really helpful feature called Open Camera.

This used to be an individual mod but it's now part of Open IV.

It removes the boundaries for the camera in Rockstar Editor so you can move freely all

across the map instead of being limited to a short range.

For more info on Open IV and OpenCamera please watch the tutorials I already made about these


TWO The mod Extended Video Export or EVE in short

allows you to use better export settings for your videos because the quality of the regular

Rockstar Editor isn't that good.

I already created a tutorial about this mod a while back.

Go there now if you haven't seen it.

THREE The mod Skin Control is really useful if you

want to create, save and load custom characters for your videos.

That way you won't have to recreate your characters again if you have to record your

video in multiple sessions.

I also have a tutorial for that.

The tool isn't essential and can be replaced by others, but I like using it.

FOUR Scene Director is a very helpful tool because

it was created solely for the purpose of making machinima.

Admittedly I haven't had the chance to dive very deeply into the tool because it does

have a lot of cool features.

However, I use it on a daily basis because it lets you switch between actors quickly

and record their actions so you can control multiple people all by yourself.

You'll see in a couple of minutes.

FIVE Menyoo PC is probably the most important tool

of them all.

If you're not using this trainer, you're doing it wrong.

I had to learn this, too.

Ever since I discovered the possibilities this tool has I was able to turn a lot more

of my ideas into videos with GTA V. There's a ton of options and within this tutorial

we will only have so much time to talk about some of them.

SIX The Simple Trainer by sjaak is a tool I am

used to since my early GTA IV days.

It is not the best trainer out there, but it does have a lot of nice options that will

make your life somewhat easier and which are not available in Menyoo or other trainers

as far as I know.

In particular I am talking about the bodyguard and ped spawning features.

Another nice feature of Simple Trainer are the voice options, which I will talk about


SEVEN The green screen mod isn't as essential

as the other tools I've mentioned.

However, it can and will open up so many more options for your videos if you know how to

utilize it.

And it's not as hard as you think (that's what she said).

Please go to the tutorial I have created if you're curious how this mod works best.

EIGHT With the Time Scaler mod you can modify the

time settings of your game.

Admittedly Menyoo and Simple Trainer can do that, too.

But what I found to be really helpful with this mod is that you can create time lapses

real easily with it.

Just set it to times 60 or 120 and the day and night cycle will be very rapid.

This allows for some cool shots.

However, I am not going to talk about this tool later on in this video.

NINE Another helpful mod is the Animation Viewer.

A lot of my fellow creators are using it and love the mod for its flexibility because you

can apply animations to the upper body while still walking around normally and stuff like


Also it plays many cutscene animations.

However, I haven't had the time to practice with it enough to give you solid advice so

I'm just gonna pass on the recommendation for you to discover AnimViewer yourself.

For now, I think we're good to go with the huge amount of tools I've shown you just


TEN The last mod you're gonna need is whatever

you can find on that will help you achieve your machinima vision.

Dig deep into their collection and you will find not only car or player models, but also

amazingly creative scripts for certain tasks, even if it's just an actual working indicator

for your car, which will make your movie that tiny bit more realistic.

Sometimes its details like these that turn a good machinima into a great machinima.

On the hardware side of things you will definitely need a full size keyboard including a numpad.

Otherwise you will never be able to control all of these mods, most of them have control

schemes that rely on the numpad.

So if you're working on a small laptop you might be out of luck.

Let's get into the scripting now, shall we?

Part 2: Scripting

This is a thing many people ignore altogether.

But especially for beginners it's very essential to write down what's supposed to happen

and what is being said by whom during a scene.

The script is gonna be a golden thread you will follow while filming.

It will help you know how much dialogue there will be so you don't film too little or

too much.

But how do you write a script?

It really depends on how you like to work.

I for one, have practiced a lot of this writing.

This is why for many videos I don't write a full script at all, I already have the final

video in my head like a vision.

I know which steps I'm gonna have to do in order to film all this.

Very often all I do is write down some bullet points, start filming and let the rest happen

on the fly, which is important for comedy because the spontaneity really helps keeping

things fresh.

For starters you should try and do a well-formatted script.

There is a very nice guide on wikihow that will teach you how to write and format your


The last time I did this was for my video "Halloweenception", which you can see


Let me read this out loud while showing you the according scenes.

She lays on the bed and her mobile rings and vibrates across the table.

It shows "unknown number".

The ringtone is a famous horror movie theme (Joker Arkham Asylum).

She picks up but hears only heavy breathing.

Annie is shocked.

She proceeds to walk to the bathroom.

The floorboards squeak suspiciously.

Suddenly a vase topples over and Annie turns around in shock.

It was only the cat.

What a relief.

At the same moment a ghost silently glides around the apartment behind her, disappearing

into a wall.

She goes to the bathroom to wash her face.

The ghost appears inside the mirror for a short time, but Annie doesn't notice.

As you saw, the script is not 100% accurate anymore.

I allowed myself the freedom to change a couple of things whenever I felt I could improve

stuff in the actual video.

Also, this script was a rather loose description of what's happening.

You could go into way more detail.

If you wanna do the real deal, you could also draw an actual storyboard shot by shot.

There's another cool guide on wikihow for you to discover.

A storyboard is a good thing to make especially if you plan to do visual storytelling without

any dialogue at all.

A true master of this is 88Jackob88, I recommend you to watch his masterpieces "Rover"

and "Black Ocean" to learn more about how to tell a story without a single word.

Personally I never made a storyboard for any of my machinima because as I said I already

have most of the shots in my mind and as opposed to real movies you can always go back into

the game and reshoot a scene or add new material.

In real life this would be a very expensive thing to do.

In GTA it's just...well, mildly annoying.

With these things in mind we're now gonna move on to the main section of this tutorial.

I'll show you how to set up scenes with practical examples.

Part 3: Setting up Scenes

Example 1 Next up I'm gonna show you how to create

scenes in the GTA environment.

I need you to realize that there is no perfectly right way to do this.

Every creator does this differently so I'm gonna share my personal experiences and some

best practices I found out about.

I'm gonna take you from A to Z so you can see the full process step by step.

Much of the footage you see in the background is gonna be sped up because you wouldn't

really wanna watch this stuff happening in real time.

Creating scenes is less about following a strict plan but more about finding ways to

make your ideas come true with the available tools.

You will need to find your own workarounds so it is essential to understand how the tools


Also you must realize that creating a film is all about illusions.

Nothing you see on screen actually happened like you see it on screen.

I'm gonna do my best to give you insights on this now.

We're gonna start with an easy example: Two characters walking down the street having

a little chat.

Right now, I've got Franklin here.

But I wanna use a custom character which I specifically prepared for this scene.

So I'll open up Skin Control and spawn this guy.

Now I gotta find a nice location to shoot.

I like to use the "Airbreak" option within Simple Trainer for that.

You'll find it in the general options menu over here.

This allows you to just quickly fly around the map.

Alternatively you could boot up Menyoo and hit F9 for the spooner mode.

Left click your character to pick it up and then fly around the map.

I have found a nice location.

Now I wanna set up a nice mood by changing the time of day and weather settings.

Open Menyoo and go to the time menu and adjust it according to your script.

I want the scene to be set in the afternoon so I'm gonna lock the time.

This means I'll have endless time to shoot my scene.

The mood should be kinda grim so I'll switch to the weather tab in Simple Trainer and select

something like "smog" or "cloudy".

Don't forget to force this type of weather which will ensure that it won't start raining

in the middle of your shoot – if you want that to happen you can still make it rain

later on.

Another thing I like to do is to deactivate the wind because I just don't like these

weird dirty particles flying around all the time.

You can leave this active if it suits your movie.

Ok cool.

But I wanted two characters.

So I'm gonna open up Scene Director, set my first character as Actor 1 and then clone

the actor.

This will allow me to switch between the two very quickly.

I recommend giving each actor a name because it can get quite confusing if you have multiple


I want one of the characters to carry a trash bag in his hand.

If you go to Menyoo's "Player Options" you will find different movement styles that

you can apply to each character.

There is even one specifically for holding a bag, so I'm gonna use that.

Now I need a bag.

So I'll go into the spooner mode of Menyoo by pressing F9 again.

I could now either fly around to find a trash bag somewhere but it's easier to just search

for the right object.

So I'll hit up "Spawn Entity into World" and search for the phrase "bag".

I can now see little previews of each object as I scroll through this list.

If I hit 5 on the numpad the object is spawned.

Most of the time I spawn many objects to see them at full opacity and then delete the unused

ones by aiming at them and hitting the delete key.

Now that I've found the right dirtbag, I'm gonna aim and right click it which opens the

property menu.

You can now position each object by changing X, Y, Z, roll, pitch and yaw.

This also works if you attach an object to something, for example to "self".

You can now see that the bag is stuck to the current character.

You can now even select which body part the bag should be attached to, in our case it's

obviously the right hand.

You can see how it's moving already.

Within the attachment options you can now move the object again which is a little wonky

sometimes because all the axes are kinda shifted now.

When placing attached objects I recommend to set very low increments for movement to

get more precision.

Pro tip: It's always wise to deactivate the collision for attached objects because

otherwise you might get nasty bugs in your game, something like this.

Having attached the bag to my character I can now move around freely like that.

You can do the same with any object in the game and attach it to any other object in

your Menyoo Database.

For example you could attach a couch to a car that was made invisible with Simple Trainer

and then attach two peds to the couch.

By using an invisible character you can then make it look as if the couch was driving around


You can also attach a cigarette to a characters lips and then go into the property menu of

the cigarette and apply a so called trigger effect.

If you loop the "meth pipe smoke" on the cigarette, it will constantly emit smoke.

Feel free to discover the variety of Trigger FX yourself, it's a lot of fun!

Back to our two characters.

As I said I wanna make them walk down the street.

The one with the bag should have a disgusted expression so I'm gonna go into Menyoo and

give him another mood.

I think "aiming" works quite well here.

Next up I'm gonna open up Scene Director again and go into record mode.

That way I can walk my character anywhere, even around static objects in the game.

If at the same time I push "J" on my keyboard I can make the mouth move for dialogue.

Timing this stuff is easier with a finished script because you can talk while recording

to know how long to push this hotkey.

When the recording is done, you press ALT+R or ALT+E on your keyboard.

You can repeat that with a lot of actors.

However I wanna be in control of the second character for demonstration purposes so I'll

switch to that one.

I'm gonna activate the action replay right now by pressing F2 first.

Then I open up Simple Trainer again because in "Model Spawning" there are some cool

voice options I wanna show you.

I can now apply many different voices to my characters – female and male.

They're even connected to certain gestures so it looks pretty natural during dialogues.

You can later remove the dialogue audio in Rockstar Editor or remove all the audio if

you plan on replacing it with custom sounds.

Next up I can go into Scene Director, set the scene from setup into active mode and

you'll see that the other guy starts walking and chatting all by himself now.

I can walk by his side and trigger certain voice events in Simple Trainer.

All I gotta do is time it right so it actually looks like a dialogue and not two people just

blabbering randomly.

Stuff like this might take a couple of times to get right so I'm just gonna go back to

start in Scene Director and do this shot again.

Thanks to the action replay I can only capture the scene which actually went well.

Before we move on, let me show you how this shot will look after all the editing.

Example 2 In our next scene we will look at car chases

once again.

There are different ways of creating those.

You can either use the waypoint option in Scene Director by clicking into the map and

then applying the waypoint to all the actors sitting in cars.

That way they will just drive the path that is shown on the GPS.

I recommend you to use one of the aggressive driving styles because they look better for


The "careful" style is great for stealthy or everyday scenes.

You can then drive the car that is being chased or the car that follows stealthily.

That's up to you.

This stuff works with multiple cars as well.

The second way to make car chases is to use Simple Trainer.

It allows you to spawn aggressive drivers that even shoot at you and try to ram you

off the road.

You can also deactivate the drive by weapon if you like to have no firefight which is

useful for illegal underground races or the likes.

The advantage these methods have over the recording mode in Scene Director is that they

also work with a dynamic environment, meaning the drivers will react to traffic whereas

with a recorded path the cars are undoubtedly gonna crash which will look ridiculous for


With Simple Trainer you can once again use voice events even when you're sitting in

a car and driving around.

The best thing is that even the hand gestures are automatically suited to this so you can

have your character point at stuff while driving.

The third way to do chase scenes is with Menyoo.

To make this work you need to have both characters in your database.

Then you go to the Quick Manual Placement and choose the entry "Task Sequence" for

the character that should follow.

You can now select "Cruise" if you just want your character to drive around town normally.

Drive & Follow Entity is good for car chases.

Hit this entry again for more options like the maximum speed which should be much higher

in this scenario and the driving style which should be "avoid traffic a lot".

Also in here you can choose the entity to follow.

You can either pick the car or the other character.

The last step is to make both characters get into their vehicles and then set the status

of the task sequence to active. And then you can drive around town like this forever.

Example 3 Let's say you're at the start of your

machinima and you haven't found the right location anywhere on the vanilla map.

In this case you can always go to and see if you find custom maps other players

have created either with addon props or simply by assembling movie sets with vanilla props.

But you could always build your own custom maps with Menyoo.

A real master of this trade is Zadrium, he even built an entire cafè interior once.

Check out his videos "The Jam Episode 0" and "Dark Room".

Also Jantsuu builds very cool maps for his funny testing videos!

I will make a separate tutorial on how to build creative machinima locations soon because

going into any further detail here would be too much.

So right now I just wanna give you some key information on how to build maps with menyoo.

First of all you should always press F9 for the spooner mode like I've shown you before.

This makes it much easier to navigate around the set and get previews of the objects you

wanna spawn.

You can now search for objects quickly and spawn them in.

This is how you quickly create a romantic beach dinner scene like this.

Table, chair, plates and a lot of other stuff.

Depending on what you're planning to do, you can set each object to be either "frozen

in place" which means they can't be moved by any force like characters or explosions.

Or you set them to dynamic which means they can be moved around and destroyed which is

helpful for breaking windows or bottles.

You don't need to build entire rooms though.

Sometimes it's just enough to fill an existing room with life like I tried to do in my Halloweenception


I placed a notebook, panties, magazines and all kinds of stuff in there to make it look

more realistic and also to tell a story about this character.

Just from the images you learn that she is probably a bit messy but also hard working

and social since there's stacks of paper on her bed and a notebook with Life Invader

on the screen.

If you want to use existing props for your video, it's best to add these objects to

the database if you're gonna change their position.

This way you won't see a duplicate of the object at the original position in Rockstar

Editor later on.

Animations Of course now you wanna have some people sitting

at the dinner table, right?

Well you can do that very easily.

Just go to player options and animations.

You'll already find a selection of funny animations but most of the time you will use

the full list or search feature.

So let's skip to the bottom of this list.

In the settings you can now determine if your animation should repeat infinitely or play


I like to have them repeat forever, even tho sometimes there's a lot of movement and

your character will get carried away.

In the list of all animations you can now search, for example "chair" will give

you a lot of different sitting animations.

The names of the subcontainers already give you a clue of what to expect.

In our example we want a male character to sit on a regular chair.

You can now enter one of these containers and check the animations.

Often you will find the appendix "idle" which are usually perfect loops with no ugly


Also there are "enter" and "exit" which do just what they say they do.

I recommend to save the animation you found for your current project as a favorite.

You are probably gonna have to reapply it multiple times throughout a shoot.

Also you must never be the character that you place because this can get buggy.

Once your character is animated, you can go to spooner mode and use it to position him

or her correctly.

Most of the time you're gonna have to deactivate the collision of the character or the chair

because otherwise they will do this weird skipping up and down and it will never look


After placing the character you can use Scene Director to switch back to him.

This means you're gonna have to reapply the animation again, but since it's in the

favorite list that's no problem.

Now you open Simple Trainer.

This will allow you to trigger speech events once again.

You can use this knowledge now to place any kind of character on any kind of furniture.

If you have a deckchair, search for "deckchair" in the animations.

It's that simple.

However, this is probably the part that requires the most patience during machinima production.

At least it is to me.

But it can also lead to magical moments that will make your videos unique.

Synchronized Animations Scene Director has these amazing synchronized

animations that will let you use multiple actors simultaneously.

Just go to the tab and preview the animations.

You will always see how many actors are involved in the scene, mostly it's two or three.

Now you gotta check which character plays which role.

So if you want the guy to be able to stab the girl, the guy will have to be actor 1

and the girl is actor 2.

You can reverse the roles by removing the actors from the list and re-entering them

in the correct order.

You can put these animations onto a keyboard shortcut if you wish.

As you can see with some animations the characters jump to a seemingly random position in relation

to actor 1.

In open spaces this usually isn't a problem because you can just place everything else

where it needs to be.

Indoors however it can be tricky to place, but here's how you do it: Save the desired

synced animation to a keyboard shortcut.

Then go into record mode for your actor 1.

Hit the keyboard shortcut for the synced animation and let it play all the way till the end.

End the record mode with Alt+E or ALT+R. Now test if it worked by setting the scene to

active again.

If yes, then go to the "Edit Scene" menu.

You can now change the topmost entry to "anim " for actor 1 and you'll see how the starting

point of the anim changes compared to where you stood before.

Then you can hit "edit position" and move the characters around so they fit with your


Hit edit position again so the circle is blue and the position is locked.

It takes some time to get used to the controls but it's definitely better than moving the

character around by walking.

Admittedly, many creators use these animations because it's an easy and quick way for action

that doesn't look too bland.

So you're gonna see those often in other machinima as well.

It's up to you if you wanna use them.

Lighting Also, let's talk about lighting.

If you have night scenes you can and should use custom lights to improve the look of your


There are a number of ways to do this.

The quickest way is to spawn cars and have one of the main characters sit in there - this

is important because if you use any other character as the driver the lights won't

be dynamic.

Then you just position the cars and turn the high beams on or off.

The second way to do it is by using the Spooner Mode again.

Just search the object list for "light" or "lamp" and you'll find a ton of cool

lighting options.

For instance I lit up an entirely custom made studio in my video "The Truth about Chemtrails"

which was very GPU intense.

Feel free to discover the different light models yourself.

Please note that none of these customly spawned lights will transfer into Rockstar Editor

if you're shooting inside buildings.

Also none of these lights works during daytime.

Keep this in mind or else you'll face a bad surprise.

The third option is very cool, too.

In Scene Director you can give an actor a stage light.

It's important that you don't use the spotlight option but instead go to Edit Scene

mode and add a light in there.

You can then give each light individual movement, rotation, flickering, make it follow your

character and give it a certain color.

The only thing that's kinda confusing as of now is that once you've spawned a light

you can't change the angle of the light by moving the camera around.

You can only go left and right and back and forth with it.

So make sure to adjust the angle of the spot first and then spawn it.

As opposed to the spotlights in Menyoo and Scene Director these stage lights will transfer

into Rockstar Editor.

The last tip for lighting I wanna give you is to first do a test shot of the light in

Rockstar Editor because from what I've experienced it turns out a lot brighter than it is ingame,

especially when you're rendering with EVE.

More Recording Time Another useful option in Simple Trainer is

to deactivate pedestrians and cars altogether.

This not only removes a lot of random factors that could ruin your shots and potentially

hours of work, but also it opens up more performance for your recordings.

For instance if I have all peds and cars active I can record around 40 to 60 seconds with

action replay.

If they're out of the equation, I can easily record up to three minutes worth of footage.

But then again, there are a lot of scenarios where you need the ambience of an actual city

in the background.

Part 4: Camera Efficiency

You have now successfully captured your scene.

The next step is to find the right angles to tell a story.

I have talked about this a lot of times before, for example in my first big Rockstar Editor

Tutorial and in the Advanced Camera Tutorial.

Go and watch them now if you haven't, you'll learn a lot of basic and extended stuff there.

In here I wanna talk less about what specific settings you should use but more about how

to utilize the camera to use what you have recorded to be fullest.

What I mean by that is you shouldn't necessarily place one clip only once in the timeline because

you can try different perspectives with the same clip.

During dialogues you don't have to show the talking person's face all the time.

Let me show you an example of how this would look like.

In a serious context this is a really boring style, but it can also be useful for comedic

effect if you do the timing right.

This very linear montage also limits your freedom of inserting the voice acting at a

good pace.

This is why in actual movies it is common practice to show the character that talks

from behind, which allows you to put dialogue over footage where there was no actual talking.

Also you can show the other character's reaction to what is being said at the same


Let me show you the same scene improved with this knowledge.

How do you do that in Rockstar Editor?

Well, there's no real magic to it.

If you have recorded two separate clips – one for each speaking character – you could

use both clips twice.

In the first instance you film the speaking character from the front, in the second instance

from behind.

This will leave you with four clips total and you can easily assemble these into a real


But you can also shoot actual separate reaction shots where the facial expression of the listener


I know that this process creates a lot more footage to render, which means longer export

times as well as bigger project sizes.

But using this as a starting point for practice you will get a good intuition for how much

footage you'll eventually need for your dialogues, especially when working with a

detailed script.

The next important thing for filming a scene is to have enough variations in the angles

because once again this will give you more freedom during editing, especially for fast

paced montage styles.

Plus you will be able to hide the fact that your scenes are not one continuous shot.

Let me show you an example: In this shot we once again have a car chase.

Instead of just showing angles alternating from the first car and the second car, you

can also show closeups of the cars like a spinning wheel, the dashboard or the drivers


Alternatively you can use long shots to show the cars racing through the city, how about

a nice top down view that simulates a police helicopter?

Or maybe you show the cars speeding by a character that doesn't participate in the chase?

The viewer usually doesn't notice the location changes between shots unless they are very

abrupt, say in one moment we're downtown and suddenly we're out in the country.

And this is a lucky situation for machinima because in GTA V it's kinda hard to create

a real continuity because the traffic and pedestrians walking on the street are random.

If you edit cleverly nobody will notice.

Even if you don't edit cleverly people won't notice.

Two more important things about car chases: A – keep your camera moving at all times.

If you have sudden stops of a dolly ride in there it will kinda break the flow of the


B – when making a cut, don't jump the 180 degree axis between the two cars.

You can cross this line if you do a continuous pan because the viewer won't lose orientation

during that.

But remember: If you cut again after switching the side you must stay on that same side again.

It's important so your audience will always know which direction the cars are going.

You can try to watch your footage muted to focus better on if the images make sense standing


The last important thing I wanna talk about in terms of camera work is to use the camera

wisely so the viewer is able to understand the constellations of the characters.

I've talked about this in my first Rockstar Editor tutorial: There is this thing called

an establishing shot or a long shot that is usually seen whenever there's a change in


This helps your audience to get a quick overview of where we are and who is gonna be in the


After you've made clear where your characters are you can start getting in closer with the

camera if there is any dialogue or if you wanna show what they're doing.

In this example I have now established this group of people.

If I wanna introduce a new character I will once again try to show where he is, in this

case I'll look over the shoulder of a policeman observing the group.

Then I can show a closeup of the officer to visually tell the audience: This guy is up

to something but we don't really know it yet.

And that's also how you build up tension in your scene.

A rule of thumb in Hollywood is "show, don't tell".

Because after all it's a movie and not a book reading.

So the more story you can convey with images, the less cringy dialogue you will need.

And that's about it for this tutorial.

There are many more advanced techniques which I'm gonna have to learn myself.

But the video was quite massive and contained a ton of useful stuff as it is.

If you feel that I've missed something or if you have any questions, just hit me up

in the comments and I'll try to help you out.

The script for this was 12 pages long by the way.

This took a looong time to put together so in case you enjoyed my tutorial please consider

becoming a Patron or supporting me by sharing my content on social media.

Thank you for watching, whanowa over

For more infomation >> GTA V: How To Create Unique Scenes [TUTORIAL | Rockstar Editor] - Duration: 35:00.


WordPress Settings in Telugu for better performance-Studycircle360 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> WordPress Settings in Telugu for better performance-Studycircle360 - Duration: 2:43.


How to Prepare a Model Before Rigging (3ds Max) - Duration: 4:14.

Hey, fellow animators, I'm Miloš Černý and today's video is going to be just a quick one.

About what you should check on a 3D model before you start rigging and skinning process.

Let's take a look.

I am going to use this wonderful model of a mech called Hiroshima, gifted to me by the

artist Rudy Baldi, which I am very grateful for.

You can find more of his stuff on his website.

I provided the link below the video as well.

You will also be able to download this model on my website later, when I am done with rigging

and skinning.

So when you are going to work on any model, meaning doing a rig for it, you should check

several things first.

What I like to do as a first thing, is to set the color of the mesh to black, so it

is not that visually distracting.

But that is just my personal preference and an optional step, you don't have to do it,

I just like it this way.

Next make sure the root of the model is zeroed out.

Which it is.

But also it is placed a bit too far for my taste.

I would like to have it more in the center of the character, so let's move it a bit back.

Go to Hierarchy panel, activate "Affect Pivot Only" and move it back.

Zero it out again after that.

Now check it's dimensions and if you are ok with the scale of the model.

Mainly the height.

You can use "Tape" helper object for that, but I usually just create a box and check

the value there, because it doesn't have to be precise and it seems much faster to me,

doing it this way.

If it is not the size you would like, you can scale it now.

Later after we start the rigging and skinning process, it is a bit harder to scale models,

so now is the best time if you want to do it.

You should also check the mesh before you start.

Creating a model for animation is a collaboration of the modeler, rigger and animator as well.

All of these people.

Good modeler knows how to create models which are going to be animated even if he can not

animate them himself.

For example this model was done pretty good, clearly with animation in mind.

You can see that the most problematic parts that are going to be deformed the most are

done with this blue fiber texture suggesting it is a soft surface, not a hard one like

the rest of the green and black parts.

Mesh flow is also important, but it is quite impossible to check every single polygon before starting.

Usually you will find flaws, if there are any, during skinning

because well, that's the part where you pay attention to every single vertex basically.

But we can at least take a look at the main joints and think about

where will we place them and how we want the mesh to deform.

But as I said, this model is done pretty well and I don't have any main issues with it

that I could see now.

When you are done with all the modifications, head to Utilities panel and hit "Reset Xform",

and "Reset Selected".

After that Collapse modifier stack.

What it does is making sure that all of the parameters are zeroed out.

If you would for example scaled the model before, after reseting Xform it would be on

zeroed values again, meaning 100% in case of scale.

Ok, so after all this, the model should be ready for rigging and skinning.

If you forget something or if you don't do these steps, everything can be fixed later

on as well.

But with rig and skin done, it takes some additional steps to fix these things, so it's

better to do everything before you start.

So that's it.

I would like to take some time to thank my first two patrons, Ian Gregory and Kitatus.

I know that maybe it doesn't seem much but it means really a lot to me.

It is a huge boost to motivation to keep making these videos, especially after the recent

changes to YouTube requirements for monetization, which demotivated me quite a bit.

But these pledges really helped, so thank you very much.

I am Miloš Černý and thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> How to Prepare a Model Before Rigging (3ds Max) - Duration: 4:14.


80s And 90s WWE Celebrities And Their Son ! You Didnt Know In 2018 - Duration: 3:26.

80s And 90s WWE Celebrities And Their Son ! You Didnt Know In 2018

For more infomation >> 80s And 90s WWE Celebrities And Their Son ! You Didnt Know In 2018 - Duration: 3:26.


11 Short English Conversation PHRASES - Speak Fluent English - Common Expressions in English - Duration: 11:13.

Hello there, and welcome back to Learn English Lab.

In this lesson, I'm going to teach you 11 short conversation phrases that you can use

when you talk to people.

These are all common English expressions, and they will help you sound more like a native

speaker of the language.

So, let's jump into it.

Number one is "I'm afraid" – this phrase does not show fear (it doesn't mean

that you're scared) - this is a polite expression used to say something negative, and it's

very useful.

For example, say someone calls an office and asks to speak to the manager: "Hello.

Could I speak to Mr. Peterson, please?"

His secretary is the one answering the call.

She says, "I'm afraid he's not here right now."

Or let's say one of your friends comes to you and says, "Hey, I'm broke.

Can you lend me $500 until next month?" – here, "I'm broke" means I don't

have any money.

And "Can you lend me $500 until next month" means "I'll pay you back next month."

But you say, "I'm afraid I can't, sorry.

I'm out of cash myself."

(means I don't have money either).

In a meeting at your workplace, one of your colleagues says something that you disagree

with, but you want to be polite, so you say, "I'm afraid I don't agree with you."

In all of these sentences, "I'm afraid" doesn't mean that you are scared of anything;

it just adds politeness to what you're saying.

So, get into the habit of using "I'm afraid" to make negative messages a little softer.

Number two is ASAP.

This is an acronym; that is a short form of "as soon as possible".

But, the short form is so common that you can use it as a single word – you can say

"a-sap" – "asap".

We use this most commonly when we request someone to do something immediately.

Your boss at work might say: "Send me the report ASAP."

Or, you if you phone somebody but they're not available; someone else answers the phone,

you can say, "Please tell her to call me back ASAP."

One of your friends wants to apply for a job but hasn't sent in the job application yet

and the deadline is fast approaching.

So, you give advice to your friend.

You say, "If you want to apply for the job, you should send in your application ASAP."

Remember that ASAP simply means "as soon as possible".

Number three is "not really".

All it means is "no", but it's a more soft and polite "no".

Let's say you go to a party at your friend Tom's house, but the party isn't all that

good; it's boring and the food's terrible.

But another friend, who's thoroughly enjoying it, comes to you and asks: "Hey, are you

having a good time?"

And you say, "Not really."

You want to say "no" but you want to say it in a soft way.

At the same party, you meet a guy who just loves golf.

And he asks you, "Are you into golf?"

You don't want to say "no" and be rude, so you make it a little more polite: "Not


A couple of days later, your friend, Tom, who threw the party finds out that you didn't

like it; he calls you up and he asks, "Hey, have you been telling people that my party


And you say, "Not really".

That's not what I've been saying to people.

Now, your mom overhears the phone conversation; she comes to you and she asks, "What was

that all about?

Did you just have a fight with Tom?"

And you say, "Not really."

It was just a small argument.

But we're good.

The next expression is "Good stuff!".

You say this to congratulate or encourage someone.

If a friend of yours says, "I joined a gym today because I want to get in shape."

You reply by saying, "Good stuff."

That means, "That's good to hear.

You've done a good thing.


If the news is not just good, but great, you can say "great stuff".

When my niece came to me and told me: "Uncle Gan, I just got accepted to law school."

I said, "Great stuff!

I'm really happy for you."

Another time I said this was when I ran into my neighbor the other day.

I said, "Hey, Raj.

You look happy.

What's the occasion?"

He said, "I got a promotion at work recently."

I replied, "Great stuff, man!"

That is fantastic news.

Now, if the news is not so good, then you say, "I'm sorry to hear that".

"Sorry" does not mean that you are apologizing; it just shows that you feel bad for the other

person: "I didn't get accepted to Harvard university."

"I'm sorry to hear that.

Have you tried applying to Stanford?"

"I got laid off from work recently."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.

But, keep your chin up.

I'm sure you'll find another job soon."

Now, "I got laid off" means "I was fired from my job".

"Our house burned down, and we lost everything."

What do you say?

"I'm really sorry to hear that."

Phrase number six is: "Give me a hand".

This expression is just a fancy way of asking for help.

You're not actually asking for a hand, so this is an idiom; it's informal, it's

conversational and it makes you sound more like a native speaker.

For example, let's say you're trying to move some boxes, but they're too heavy for


So, you ask someone else to help you with them: "Can you give me a hand with these


At work, one of your colleagues says: "I'm writing an important email, but I'm having

trouble wording it correctly.

Can you give me a hand?"

You can also use this expression to offer help by saying "give you a hand": "Can

I give you a hand with those bags?"

So, you're offering to help someone carry some bags.

Next up is the phrase "You're kidding me".

The word "kidding" means "joking".

You say this phrase when you're angry, annoyed or irritated, as if you can't believe how

bad the situation is.

Let's say you let a friend borrow your cell phone for a while.

But then your friend comes back to you and says: "I dropped your phone by mistake and

the screen's cracked.

I'm really sorry."

And you say, "You're kidding me!"


This is a joke; you're playing with me.

Don't tell me you actually dropped my expensive iPhone!

(Although I know that that phone in the picture is not an iPhone, but you get the idea.)

Or if you get to the airport late for a flight, the person at the check-in counter might say,

"I'm afraid I can't check you in.

You're too late and the gate's closed."

If you're really angry, you might respond with "Are you kidding me?

I'm only two minutes late!"

Now, I remember back when I was in school, I worked very hard studying for a test.

It was the most confident I'd ever been about an exam.

But, then when the results came, this other kid in my class came to me and said, "Hey,

the test results are in, and you failed."

I couldn't believe it.

I said, "You've got to be kidding me!" – this is the strongest form of this expression

– "you've got to be kidding me".

Thankfully, he was kidding that time; not only did I pass the test, I got an A+.

I was first in class.

Believe that.

Phrase number eight is "Fair enough".

It means, "I can accept that" or "That sounds acceptable / reasonable."

Imagine that you're in a restaurant with a business contact.

You ask: "Do you want to try the chicken parmesan?"

He says: "I can't eat that.

I'm a vegetarian", and you say: "OK, fair enough."

Meaning, "I understand", "That's reasonable."

We can have eggplant parmesan instead.

Or, let's say your friend interviewed for a job and got the job but decided not to take


You ask: "Why didn't you take the job?"

He says: "Because the pay was too low."

And you say: "Fair enough."

I can understand.

Here's a conversation between two students in the school cafeteria: "I forgot my wallet.

Can you pay for my lunch today?

I'll pay for yours tomorrow."

"Fair enough."

That works for me.

Number nine is "I couldn't care less".

We use this fancy expression to say that we absolutely do not care about something.

I once asked a friend of mine this question: "Who do you think really invented calculus:

Newton or Leibniz?"

He said: "Man, I hate math.

I couldn't care less who invented it."

You can feel his distaste for mathematics in that sentence.

Of course, you can dislike things other than mathematics.

When someone asks me: "What's your favorite soap opera?"

I say, "I couldn't care less about soap operas."

If you don't know what a soap opera is, it's basically any long-running TV series

that is a drama.

And next time one of your annoying friends asks you: "Hey, guess which celebrity couple

just divorced."

you can reply: "Please don't tell me.

I couldn't care less."

Number ten is "sick and tired".

This is kind of related to the previous one, but this expression is more serious.

It means you're fed up, you cannot tolerate something.

For example: "I'm not going to watch the news anymore.

I'm sick and tired of all the negativity."

Now, I read in the newspaper today about a group of factory workers going on strike.

One of them was quoted as saying, "We're going on strike because we're sick and tired

of not getting paid on time month after month."

Now, my brother is a very smart guy.

But he often tends to get stuck in a rut – that means, he sometimes does the same things over

and over again.

So, when I went to visit last month, I asked him, "Aren't you sick and tired of eating

macaroni and cheese for breakfast every single day?"

Can you guess what he said?

He said, "Not really."

And the final item in this lesson is the set of these three phrases: "I'd better get

going / I've gotta go / I've gotta run".

These are some polite yet stylish ways of saying goodbye: "I have to pick up my kids

from school.

I'd better get going."

" I've gotta go.

Catch you later."

(the "got to" sounds like "gotta" – "I've gotta go").

"It's getting late.

I've got to run."

These all mean the same thing: there is some reason why you cannot stay and chat; you have

to go.

And, with that, I hope you enjoyed this lesson.

I'd love to stick around, but there's some place I need to be, so I'd better get


Happy learning, and I will see you in another lesson soon.

For more infomation >> 11 Short English Conversation PHRASES - Speak Fluent English - Common Expressions in English - Duration: 11:13.


5 Vital Points You Must Know When Defend In PES 2018 - Duration: 4:59.


After you watch this video

there is the most important aspect

MENTALITY while playing

Although we have good defend and maybe use defend formation

if our mental shake

we will have trouble

and the enemy will be easy to score

we can get good mentality from always practice or join the tournament

do not be discouraged if lost in the tournament

all that will make us stronger

Okay dont forget to like share and subcribe this channel


For more infomation >> 5 Vital Points You Must Know When Defend In PES 2018 - Duration: 4:59.


Teen posts "I made you a sandwich" to trolls after skiing to South Pole - Duration: 2:38.

Teen posts "I made you a sandwich" to trolls after skiing to South Pole

Jade Hameister, 16, is the youngest person to ever pull off the Polar Hat Trick, or visiting the North and South Poles on skis.

After skiing to the South Pole, the Australian teen had a message for the trolls who told her to make me a sandwich: I made you a sandwich (ham & cheese), now ski 37 days and 600km to the South Pole and you can eat it. .

At a TEDx talk in Melbourne, Australia, in 2016, Hameister spoke about her desire to be the youngest person to pull off the Polar Hat Trip.

She already had become the youngest person to ski to the North Pole, which was also the longest journey to the Pole by any woman on the planet for the past two years. .

As a young woman, I live in a world where I am constantly bombarded with messages to be less, she said in 2016.

To eat less, to wear less, to be skinnier, to shrink my ambitions to fit in, to wait for my Prince Charming to come and save me or to avoid activities that are for boys because Im not as strong enough or as tough..

But several people made misogynistic comments on the video, including make me a sandwich.

Hameister told CNN that the idea of taking a sandwich was a joke throughout the trip, but she didnt decide to do it until the last minute.

According to CNN, Hameister was accompanied on the 37-day trip by National Geographics two-person camera team, which will be releasing a documentary on the experience later this year.

Her father also accompanied her on the trip.

For more infomation >> Teen posts "I made you a sandwich" to trolls after skiing to South Pole - Duration: 2:38.


Padma Bridge Update video | See how directly the work of Padma Bridge is implemented - Duration: 2:53.

Padma Bridge Update video | See how directly the work of Padma Bridge is implemented

For more infomation >> Padma Bridge Update video | See how directly the work of Padma Bridge is implemented - Duration: 2:53.


Did you spot this HUGE Emmerdale gaffe? 'For f*** sake!' - Duration: 4:02.

Did you spot this HUGE Emmerdale gaffe? 'For f*** sake!'

Lachlan has desperately been trying to stop anyone finding out that he was the one that caused the White familys speeding car to crash into a lorry.

Emmerdale spoilers revealed that the soap psycho grabbed the wheel from mum Chrissie White (Louise Marwood) after he found out she was the reason girlfriend Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) had split up with him.

While grandfather Lawrence White (Jon Bowe) and Chrissie were killed instantly, aunt Rebeccas life hangs in the balance, as she lays deep in a coma.

Last nights episode saw Lachlan become increasingly more frenzied when he found friend Gerry Roberts (Shaun Thomas) listening to the suspect voicemail he accidentally left him during the crash.

"Okay, the alarm will be going off at the nurses station and no-one appears…must be all the NHS cuts!" Sarcastic Emmerdale fan He was left further panicked when Robert Sugden (Ryan Hawley) announced he was going to shell out for Rebecca to have the very best hospital treatment to try and bring her round.

Knowing that if she woke up, she could reveal the truth and see Lachlan put in prison for a very long time, he takes drastic action and mercilessly gripped at Rebeccas incubation tubes.

But perplexed fans spotted an error in the dramatic scenes, taking to Twitter to call out Emmerdale show bosses on the gaffe.

Fans quite rightly pointed out that as the alarm rang when Rebecca stopped breathing, nurses were nowhere to be seen to catch Lachlan in the act.

Why are the nurses not coming in? pondered one fan.

FFS an alarm would have gone off! A second slammed: Okay, the alarm will be going off at the nurses station and no-one appears…must be all the NHS cuts! As soon as he disconnects her, alarm bells should ring, literally, and staff would be in within seconds, blasted a third.

Despite being one of the Emmerdale casts most accomplished killers, Lachlan wasnt able to go through with murdering Rebecca, and was found sobbing by Belle outside the hospital room.

Tearful Lachlan then ended it with his girlfriend, leaving her confused.

This was not the only blunder that rocked Emmerdale last night, as other fans noticed Rebecca apparently blinking as she lay supposedly comatose.

Is Rebecca on the verge of waking up? Emmerdale continues weekdays at 7pm on ITV.

For more infomation >> Did you spot this HUGE Emmerdale gaffe? 'For f*** sake!' - Duration: 4:02.


Shahid Kapoor Daughter Misha Kapoor Having Fun With Father - Duration: 4:35.

Shahid Kapoor Daughter Misha Kapoor Having Fun With Father

For more infomation >> Shahid Kapoor Daughter Misha Kapoor Having Fun With Father - Duration: 4:35.


Kim Byung Man's mother reveals her true feelings about her son's jungle adventures - Duration: 1:47.

Kim Byung Man's mother reveals her true feelings about her son's jungle adventures

On January 26, chief Kim Byung Man safely returned from the Cook Islands after filming yet another season of Laws of the Jungle.

He was surprised to find that his mother and closest peers had prepared a special video message for him.

Kim Byung Mans mother sent out these heartfelt words to his son: I know you went to the jungle over thirty times, but to me youre still a young boy.

I know that you do everything for your viewers, but please dont go overboard.

Honestly, I didnt want you to go, with your lower back still in pain..

In addition, his mother complained that Kim Byung Man never pampers his own son, that he was just always so stubborn.

Just like me, she jokingly shared.

For more infomation >> Kim Byung Man's mother reveals her true feelings about her son's jungle adventures - Duration: 1:47.


Eat 3 Dates A Day For 2 Weeks – Here's Why! - Duration: 1:57.

Eat 3 Dates A Day For 2 Weeks – Here's Why!

Dates are a rich source of nutrients, and nearly everyone knows that.

But what is less known is that these fruits can successfully help in losing weight.

These sweet fruits can help satiate your sweet tooth without making you pile on extra calories.

But you must control the portion size as anything in excess can make you gain weight.

These nutritious plants are elixir for health, and have the ability to improve digestive

function in the treatment of constipation and other digestion conditions.

Dates are excellent source of magnesium which has anti-inflammatory properties and might

lower pain and inflammation.

Magnesium contained in the dates, also can reduce arterial inflammation, and it is known

to lower the risk of heart disease and other inflammatory illness such as Alzheimer's

disease, arthritis, etc.

With regular use of this fruit you can lose weight.


3 dates 3 plums

1 tablespoon ground flaxseed Instructions:

Grind all ingredients and mix.

Always eat this mixture before a meal, during a two-week period.

Then take a break for two weeks, then repeat the treatment if necessary.

Consumption of this natural solution proved to be very successful in reducing the risk

of colon cancer, and can be used to treat hemorrhoids.

Dates are very abundant in fiber which helps weight reduction, but also should not be forgotten

that they contain relatively quite a lot of calories and even can be called energy bombs.

By adding more fiber to your diet, it will help you lose more weight and reduce waist

according to a study released in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in December


The explanation is the following: fiber can help you feel fuller for longer.

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For more infomation >> Eat 3 Dates A Day For 2 Weeks – Here's Why! - Duration: 1:57.


Chris Rea - Stick by you ...Bg. subs - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Chris Rea - Stick by you ...Bg. subs - Duration: 3:56.


By Gloria Melu [ # POIANA BRASOV ] - Duration: 0:57.

Let's go nice, ok?

Let's go nice, ok?

For more infomation >> By Gloria Melu [ # POIANA BRASOV ] - Duration: 0:57.


James Vergneau: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML TV - Duration: 7:13.

James Vergneau: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

A reggae singer and yoga teacher from Haiti is Conan O'Brien's pick to replace Donald Trump in 2020.

During O'Brien's special, Conan in Haiti, that aired on TBS on January 27, the talk show host got a brief history lesson in the island from James Vergneau aka Rebel Layonn.

After the lesson, O'Brien stumps for Vergneau to become the next U.S.


Politics doesn't appear to be one of Vergneau's careers.

On his Twitter page,he describes himself as a "Singer, songwriter, reggae artist from Haiti.".

Earlier in January 2018, O'Brien said that he was going to Haiti "to explore and make some new friends." The comedian tackled the controversy of Donald Trump commenting that Haiti was a "s***hole.

There have also been allegations that Trump said that Haitians "all have AIDS.".

Here's what you need to know:.

Vergneau Attended High School in the South Carolina.

According to his Facebook page, Vergneau attended Hillcrest High School in Simpsonville, South Carolina.

On his bio section, Vergneau says that he his from Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince.

His motto according to that page, "Be humble and wise." His profile photo is an image of the former Emperor of Ethiopia and Rastafarian messiah Haile Selassie.

On December 5, the anniversary of the day Christopher Columbus arrived in Haiti, Vergneau wrote on Facebook:.

Today in conventional history they teach the children with pride and loud voices that the Demon by the name Christopher Columbus discovered this land, but in reality the real story is on this day the 3 death caravels shored on this land and murdered millions of peaceful Tainos to steal their lands and natural resources and to give them churches, indoctrination and a white god since that day until today it s been chaos and hell in the Americas.

Tell the children the truth!.

The Message of Vergneau's Music Is 'Universal Love, Peace & Unity'.

In an interview with Kreyolicious, Vergneau describes the message of his music as, "The messages in my music are mainly based on universal love, peace and unity amongst all creation, equal rights and justice, joy and hope for the poor and the downpressors.

Vergneau said in an interview that Layonn, part of his stage name, means "the one" in Creole.

That same interview mentions that Vergneau is credited with helping to bring reggae music into the Haitian music scene.

Since the 2010 Earthquake, Vergneau Has Been Heavily Involved in a Charity Known as 'Playmakers'.

Since the devastating 2010 earthquake, Vergneau has been heavily involved in Haitian charity, Life Is Good Playmakers. In an interview that Vergneau gave to Life Is Good, the singer is described as the Creative Director of the group, a position he has been in since 2010.

Vergneau told the website, "I got involved in the Playmakers movement in 2010 after the earthquake in Haiti and began working with kids living in tent cities affected by trauma caused by the earthquake — diseases, violence, and poverty in the Port-au-Prince area of Haiti.".

Vergneau Is Married to Haitian Artist Makeda.

Vergneau is married to Haitian artist Makeda.

On her Instagram page, Vergneau describes herself as a yoga teacher and an artist.

The couple's trip to Kerala in India was covered by The Hindu. Makeda tells the website that her real name is Christina Clodomir and that she adopted her moniker because it means "Queen of Sheeba" in Ethiopian.

Makeda markets her own line of yoga mats and fitness programs known as Ma Flow.

The couple's adventures in yoga is heavily featured on Vergneau's Instagram page.

When speaking to Conan O'Brien, Vergneau encouraged the comedian to take up the exercise.

O'Brien Wasn't Welcomed by All Haitians.

Conan O'Brien was confronted by angry locals during his visit to Haiti.

The episode shows the host telling the camera, "We're being told through our interpreter that when Americans come here they only shoot the bad things, which obviously is not what we want to." O'Brien then told the translator to tell the crowd, the "reason I have come to Haiti is because I and a lot of Americans are angry at what President Trump said, so I wanted to come here and show positive, great beautiful things about Haiti.".

To which a woman responded, "So this show, what do we have to with this show?" She adds, "Make sure Trump knows that you guys are the ones who have bullied us, and have caused us to be in the state that we're in.

" O'Brien managed to appease the locals somewhat by attempting to deliver a heartfelt speech in Creole and a joke about Donald Trump.

For more infomation >> James Vergneau: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML TV - Duration: 7:13.


Create A SNAPCHAT Account Without Email Or Phone Number//2018 - Duration: 7:20.

you know what's going on cause today I'm gonna show you getting a snapchat with a

fake email and get it verified so yeah let's get into the video I pinch right

and get it true

yes guys at this right I'm going to show you think snapchat with a fake email in

a few minutes now guys what you need is obviously the snapshot description not

to say those I have done this already um as you can see back to tastic and if

you're going to messy things you can see that is that's the fake you know they're

in anyway yeah so I'm just going to log out so I can do this over free cards

there we go logging out and everything ok so now I'm going to sign up and let's

put in okay first I mean how about him yeah him and the percentage was my

birthday time okay let's put in a fake one I would make 26 and push up a couple

of enjoyment okay and YouTube one

you go okay and after that they should be asking me who and email no guys a lot

of people to not only use own email I do not know why but this video showing I

can use one without it okay that is just another email that I do not use now that

is not money but okay I'm moving on so now what you wanna do is you wanna be

towing this / old fake email that I used I'm gonna go out then you want to be

going into the internet browser room and in this Chrome okay I'm gonna go yeah

I'm gonna go to tinman mail a search statement memo and remember this link

will be in the description below so no worries and yeah you are go you when you

start up the link you will automatically be giving it in minute meal then you

come down here side part deals with what what comes in the copying of it they

show you take a copy to clipboard one but it does not do okay

oh just what you can be tapping at how much time she would like it won't work

at all okay and it's very resulting you have the same email as well

she does not work it does not copy to my clipboard so now windows will take the

text by itself there is no text and we are going to just gonna select it try

and selected drag it out and say copy there we go now you want to use and go

back to snapchat and put it in do my exercise keep and enjoy and prove that

you're not a robot because if you want to use your phone number you do not need

to prove you just need to put in your phone I'm going to go through if you do

not only use your phone number you can just do this takes a few seconds let's

just keep the spot and boom just not showing my my face and stuff oh goody

ok let's just take it away now okay there we go as you guys can see it's the

time fully loading and everything you have all the types of stuff you need

yeah they do not send any messenger if you read it it's already ten minutes

left and I mean okay I think okay I think we first gonna show you if I said

you get hard to verify the account will you go back to snapchat open it up go

into the little coincide go to settings and go down to the email deputies say

verify email okay we will tell you this no sometimes comes in first time

sometimes it doesn't yes I can show you yeah I did not come

through society zero messages so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna keep reloading

and thought shows I'm gonna just go back and listen okay apparently I need to go

back and go and rescind it so I am going to go wish in the email like I said

sometimes well for some people and sometimes it does not be because they

say that they have sent it and I'm gonna go back and there we go there is an old

rag over me addressed and you can use any like Microsoft account nineteen

good town one second from email you go and you should bring it to this I might

what I gonna do it was all stay here because it's a fake

email but it will get verified like let me show you

she go back it was a leak on snapchat all that which means it is basically

running in the background in today right so now you can tap the candle do the

exact same thing like a cool part is that um you know if you go back your

email is verified as you can see tap on it it will show you email is verified

and I mean it has all the features like anyone death it has every single little

feature does every one of them like here's a snack code if you like was not

close or not he's um the the same features the memories all of that normal

because it's a normal snapchat she's using a little fake email see um option

and all of that and as you can see is my thing if you guys like to add me

magnetized wanted County got another pose would you know that's about it for

this video I think and as I see it this works for anything that you would like

to try it fool you can try for Microsoft Ralph Indian because email to work yeah

that's about it for this video guys hope you enjoyed it if you did don't forget

to drop a like call it what you like to see next and I will be doing a how to

get free friends on snapchat so yeah

turn on your post notification subscribe and leave a like comment what you like

to see next and that's about it for me out and get out you

For more infomation >> Create A SNAPCHAT Account Without Email Or Phone Number//2018 - Duration: 7:20.


💝 5 Clever IKEA Storage Cubes Makeover and Furniture Upgrade 💝 - Duration: 2:55.

Still dreaming how to conceal your

favorite clothes hanger behind a door,

keep playing this video because I am going to give you

little gentle push.

This is 5 Clever IKEA Storage cubes makeover

and Furniture upgrade

by your favorite home decor list maker


Ikea Besta Hack: Scandinavian Sideboard Cabinet

An IKEA Besta Frame and LAPPVIKEN doors can

make a beautiful cabinet.

Assemble the besta frame and ditch round

levelling legs for round tapered legs.

Seal with the LAPPVIKEN doors using BESTA hinges

for a chic cabinet.


IKEA PS Plant Stand

IKEA's PS Plant Stand comes in a bright

white shade.

You can attach wooden plates on the top

to throw in some colour for the base of your plants.

Opt for colourful planting pots to finish the look.


Low Cost IKEA Desk

With a couple of Trestle legs and a LINNMON

table top, you can create your own desk.

An IKEA Table top roughly costs around $6.

Use the Trestle legs according to the colour

combination you prefer with the table top

and bolt them together for a sturdy look.

This DIY desk can serve as a side table

that carries a vase or a plant or can also

be your child's quick study table.


IKEA solution hooked on coat hooks

Do you like concealing your clothes hanger

behind a door?

Then you must definitely know how annoying

it is to feel the hooks from the hanger

bang against the door each time you swing it open.

IKEA BJÄRNUM folding hooks can offer a solution

that will conceal the concealed clothes hanger too.

You can fold them up when they are not in use.

Be it saving yourself from that door

banging against the hook or not,

it's simply amazing

to have hooks you can fold when not in use.

However, the size 8 screws for the hooks

have to be bought separately.


Make shift Rack from IKEA Picture ledges

IKEA's picture ledges serve a good purpose

of a make shift book shelf.

Arrange your toddler's colouring books

or just arrange some of your favourites magazines

on the picture ledge.

If you have a plain wall behind

then you can also paint the picture ledges

in bright attractive colours

to stand out from the plain back drop.

It's easy to install on a wall with just screws

and bolts to secure the position.

That's it for now.

Come back again next time with more home,

apartment makeover, and decorating ideas.

Like this video, comment it, or better yet

share it with everyone in your social circle.

Don't forget to press subscribe button if

this channel is new to you.

See you again later and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 💝 5 Clever IKEA Storage Cubes Makeover and Furniture Upgrade 💝 - Duration: 2:55.


nonton asik drama korea where you while sleeping eps 01 sub indonesia - Duration: 32:56.

For more infomation >> nonton asik drama korea where you while sleeping eps 01 sub indonesia - Duration: 32:56.


How to Make Chicken Meatball / Chicken Meatball CP Style / Chicken Meatball Recipe Bangla - Duration: 3:10.

Hello viewers, in this video I will show you how to make Chicken Meatball

Ingredients will need for making Chicken Meatball

Boneless chicken meat 150 grams

Garlic 4

Coriander leaves


Carrots 1 tablespoon

Green chili 2

Salt to taste

Black Pepper powder 1/4 teaspoon

2 Pieces of bread that are soaked in water then drained

I have also used Tomato Sauce 1 tablespoon, Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon

Put chicken meat, garlic, ginger, chilli, coriander leaves and Carrots in a blender and should blend them well

After blend, mix bread, 1 tablespoon tomato sauce,

1 teaspoon soy sauce, Black pepper powder and salt to taste with the blended chicken mixture

Make small balls with chicken mixture

Boil the small chicken ball in hot water for 4-5 minutes

Chicken balls should be cooled before frying

Heat soybean oil in a pan then fry the chicken balls until golden brown in low flame

Chicken Meatball is ready to be served

Thank you for watching my Video

If you like my video please share and subscribe my channel

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