Hello, BookTube! Hello. Amanda K here- and welcome- you know, your friendly
neighborhood booktuber who hasn't been around for a while? My hiatus lasted a
little longer than I intended... by, you know, about two years so there's that.
Especially considering that I didn't intend to take a hiatus at all. Sorry
again about that. Life, man. Life. As you might already be aware I am NOT the only
booktuber who has decided to return this year after a rather significant hiatus
my friend Georgina over at BritishBiblioholic
also made her comeback she's already posted like three videos
and so Georgiana and I had the idea to -"Hey, let's create a book tag!" So without
further ado let me present you with: The Return to BookTube Tag! Question number one were
you absent from making videos or watching videos or both this one is a
resounding BOTH. I will admit even when I was posting booktube videos like on any
kind of a regular basis I was not a big watcher of booktube videos which is
maybe one of the reasons why my enthusiasm took a *nosediving sound* nosedive *X-wing nosediving sound & explosion* and then when I stopped
consistently making booktube videos well then just even the idea of watching them
was like GUILT and PRESSURE -- pressing down on me! question number two
did you read anything that booktube recommended while you were gone
not intentionally question number three if no to two then what did you read and why
or who recommended it anything I wanted to okay not entirely true I'm still
horrible at catching up on my TBRs I actually started reading a lot more
adult fiction and just kind of randomly grabbing
anything and everything at the library that looked interesting
some of my reads were recommended by friends especially Star Wars books I
also joined a book club which has been really really fun for me I've read a lot
of books that I just I've never even heard of and a few books that I never
would have read on my own so it's been really fun for me question number four
what habits have you fallen into or out of as a result of not being part of book
okay, this one's kind of embarrassing to admit but I fell out of effective
planning and scheduling of like any kind I became an even lazier procrastinator I
mean how was that even possible I did not think it was possible but it was
and yeah so here I am back again because as they say who learn by doing
Number five --I forgot what the questions was-- what did you miss about booktube or what did you realize that you were
missing out on outside of booktube as far as missing booktube i really miss
sharing my opinions about books and Star Wars and things I really miss having
some of the discussions that I that I would have with a lot of my viewers and
commenters I miss being able to have this platform to share a lot of the
feelings and the thoughts that I have about books speaking of Star Wars yes
you can expect to another episode of Amanda and the Star Wars Universe and
yes I will be talking about The Last Jedi among other things if you are
really impatient to hear my thoughts on The Last Jedi I did write a spoiler free
review over on my blog which is amandakthompson.blogspot.com I'll post the
link in the box below it's also still one of the featured links on my sidebar
on the blog itself so you can just head over to amandakthompson.blogspot.com
it's gonna be right up there in your face but back to question number five
so I not only miss sharing my opinions about books I also kind of miss sharing
my opinions about books on screen because maybe this sounds weird but I am
a little bit of a ham for the camera I like being enthusiastic about books
and when I am enthusiastic in front of a camera that enthusiasm just kind of
multiplies like tenfold so I enjoy the book and the experience even more
because I get to share it with you enthusiastically and a lot of times the
viewers who see my opinions are very enthusiastic about receiving the
enthusiastic opinions and so it's just it's enthusiasm through the roof and I
absolutely love that in a way it makes the book itself more enjoyable I feel
like it just really heightens the experience of the book as far as things
I realized that I had been missing outside of booktube one of the big
things, well, like back to question four was just realizing this deadline
pressure that I put myself under I wasn't enjoying a lot of things about a
lot of aspects of my life including reading I've rediscovered my love of
reading I think because I'm able to just enjoy it, take my time with it, read
whatever book I want if I happen to maybe not be enjoying a book I can just
toss it aside for a little while and pick up something else that looks interesting
one of my big things is I'm here back on booktube to enjoy booktube and to avoid
all of the pressures that I put on myself in the past so here we go
question number 6 these are my Wolverine claws right here
*tries to say snikt* How do you even make that noise? SNIKT! Question #6. Bub.
Have you set any book review aside during your hiatus to specifically review for booktube
why yes yes I have. Here's a
stack -oh, wait. Phfft! I already reviewed this one. here's another stack and the worst part is
because I wasn't writing reviews for them when I read them I didn't mark most
of them on Goodreads so I'm probably forgetting quite a few because I didn't
write them down because my memory is horrible but I didn't realize that yet
yeah Number 7 what are you top book recommendations you discovered while on
hiatus 84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff. This one I've actually done a review for. It'll be down in the box below
Vicious by V.E. Schwab, Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
Heartstone by Elle Katharine White, I Am NOT A Serial Killer by Dan Wells and the
other 5 books in this series, Loki: Agent of Asgard, The Gospel of Loki
by Joanne Harris, library wars love and war
Full Metal Alchemist star wars the clone wars and rebel of the sands question
number 8 name three things that you plan on doing now that you're back on YouTube
number one closed captions -like these!- these are quickly becoming a staple for
any type of media videos anywhere and they are super convenient so I want to
make sure that my videos have that bonus functionality number two I plan to take
notes religiously while I read to pre-plan,
to prepare in advance, and to post regularly and number three SHAMELESS USE
OF PROPS! so every year for Halloween a Halloween mega-store opens up in town
Aye! and so every year on November 1st I do battle with everyone else for the
massive 50-75% off clearance sale. *battle cry!*
And I buy a bunch of random crap that I haven't done anything with -AHHHHH!- well at least not yet *mic drop*
so riddle me this Batman what does one do with millions of props? ....p-props...
outside of all of my actual props I would like to be just more creative in my videos in
general we're getting really really close to the end here
question number nine what new booktubers -at least since your hiatus- do you intend to
watch number one on the list is Let's Read. in all fairness I probably
discovered his channel shortly before I went on went on hiatus but I never
really got around to watching any of his videos so I'm definitely counting this
as one of them I've seen a couple of his videos he's absolutely hilarious he's
entertaining and he loves to talk about books exactly my kind of booktuber
number two Captured In Words I watched only his Booktube Newbie Tag 2.0 where
he talked about wanting to do more videos about fantasy lore, theory, and
doing video skits I mean yes yes and yes I've also discovered Pip Reads I watched
a couple of her videos and I find them very interesting and the last but not
least this guy grabbed my attention almost on his channel name alone and his
videos turned out to be very very interesting so I am also going to be
keeping an eye on Just Juan Reader and I'm looking forward to watching all of
these guys if you want to check them out the links to their channels are gonna be
listed in the box below because of course they are
And now *bad impersonation of The Collector* our final question.
who do you want to see come back to book two so I was going through my subscription list to see what other booktubers that I remembered really
enjoying and I was very sad to see that two of them are actually gone gone as in
all of their videos are no longer on YouTube which made me really sad because
I was always meaning to catch up on their stuff and watch more so really sad
but those two are Christopher R Alonso and Logan Mathis so I guess if I wanted
to see anybody return to booktube it would be one of those two guys or both
of them so that, you know, I could finally be a good booktube viewer. dang. but that is
all for the return to booktube tag i'm gonna start slow i'm gonna do a video
every two weeks and if i don't have a video all ready or ideas I might take mini
hiatuses but the plan is to stick around for a very very long time yet so thank
you for coming back to watch me thank you for any new viewers who have just
checked me out for the first time if you are one of those you have a backlog of
videos that you can totally catch up on because I do have quite a few in my
backlog but most the guys I'm just really really happy to be back so I will
see you guys from this side of the camera but can we just take a second
here to appreciate how much I look like I just walked out of a John Hughes movie
*Amanda messes around and makes a fool of herself*
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