Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 28 2018

hey guys welcome back so I thought I start a new series to showcasing my top

5 apks for free IPTV now we know with all things that are free things can go

up and down so if I do one of these episodes once a month I can show you

exactly what's out there and what's currently working so let me do a quick

overview of the 5 apks just showing you the positives and negatives then I'll

give you the exact steps you need to follow to install them but before I

start I did mention in my last video that the first 5 people to leave the

comment t-d UK you delivered I'll give you mention in my next video

so all of the names you can see in a screen right now I just want to give a

shout out to and say thanks make sure you watch this video to the end to find

out how you can feature in my next video so it all of that being said let's get

started ok guys so these 5 apks are going to be shown in no particular order

and all of them work perfectly fine on fire sticks fire TVs and all Android

devices ok so first up we have an apk called CKayTV

so this was recently updated to version 2.1 and they did add in some

really good fixes so the plus points of this apk are the fact that we have a

great selection of USA and UK channels I would say in terms of reliability this

specially a really good apk because pretty much every time I've tried there

I haven't really seen any buffering on top of that I could say this apk is

getting regular updates so as we can see this has recently been updated to

version 2.1 and i think last week or the week before it was operated to version 2

so literally every week or so we're getting a new update which is always a

good sign of a healthy apk the only negative I can think with this apk is

the fact that it does require you to register but I only takes a few seconds

and you don't necessarily have to use a valid email address but once you've

registered you are good to go so that's CK TV next up we have an app called live

net TV so again this was recently updated to version 4.6

not some more links you have a VOD section and probably the killer feature

with this apk is the live event section so what this basically is is you get a

calendar view of all the games are playing on that day or on the following

day and at one click you can access our game directly from the calendar so just

having that overall kind of calendar view makes it really easy to find the

sport that you want to see the other good thing with this apk is the fact

that it has lots and lots of a global channels so

if you are looking for international TV channels were around the world this apk

definitely has those the other good feature is the fact that most of the

channels do have multiple links so if the first link is not working you do

have other options to try to find that content in terms of negatives guys I

really couldn't find anything negative with this apk so this definitely is a

good one to try so that's live net TV next up we have an apk called visa so

it's a quite interesting apk whereby firstly we have a really nice cable TV

like interface we have thousands and thousands of channels from around the

world including lots lots of premium ones and pretty much everything I've

tried is still working and probably the main reason for that is the developer

has put in a limit of 1000 concurrent users so I think it's basically looked

at a server and decided that if I have any more users than a thousand it's

gonna start causing buffering or start causing lag will start taking channels

offline so to minimize that he's putting that hard limit but what it does mean is

if you can't get on to the server you do get a really good performance and all of

the channels just work so then obviously the main negative with this apk is the

fact that only a thousand people can use it at once but if you're able to get on

to it it's a really really nice apk so that's visa IP TV next up we have an APK

called live TV so this one is a little bit fiddly because it doesn't require

you to use the mouse toggle and just to navigate up and down the list you have

to press the forward key to go down or the options key to go back up but

ideally what you want to do is go through the list

find the channels that you regularly watch and then just add them into your

favourites once you've done that because otherwise you just have a big list of

like I think it's 4000 channels and you can't really be navigating through that

big list every time you want to find the channel you want to watch so go through

the list are all the chance to directly watch into your favourites then you have

a much smaller list for you to go through but but once you've done that

it's it's a pretty good apk so the other benefits its apk is that we have 4,000

channels from around the world so lots and lots of global content there's a

great selection of sports channels and because it's especially modified apk we

have no adverts with this app so negative voice this has been updated for

a while so you may find some of the channels are not working and as

previously mentioned because of that little fiddly master girl issue it's not

the easiest apk to navigate but again once you have added your channels into

your favorites it's not too bad so it's live TV law start we have the

one in early mob draw so this apk really it's no introduction it's been around

for a very long time and in terms of reliability I would say this is one of

the most if not the most reliable apks for live IPTV

we have thousands of channels from around the world and everything just

works in terms of negative points I would say firstly most the channels are

in SD so if you are looking for some HD content you probably need to look

elsewhere but the big negative point is this apk has horrible adverts I mean I

can take a panda advert but this apk has full screen 30-second adverts with audio

that you just can't skip fortunately I did create a video on how you can buy

pasta using an app called block order so I may do an update video for that but if

you can't handle the adverts or if you can't just you know find a way to get

around them this apk has to be in your arsenal of apks for frerp TV right let

me show you how you can now install all these apks onto your devices okay so to

install on a fire stick it's gonna be a four step procedure step one is to make

sure you go to your settings device options developer options and make sure

these two options are set to on if you've been installing apks for a while

they'll probably be on anyway but just double-check that and make sure the both

set is on and that's step one done step two is to download an application called

downloader again you probably have already got this installed but if you

haven't just press left on the remote on the home screen click on search and then

search for the app downloader once you see that click on that click on

download and that should now be ready to use to get the mouse toggle again use

the download your application and navigate to this URL which is HTTP colon

forward slash forward slash bit door ly for /td UK ms e just type that in and

click on go when you get to this page click on download this will download the

mouse toggle apk to your device now press down a few times and click on

install okay now that's installed correctly

let's open that up and the key thing you want to see here on the bottom left

where it says status need to make sure that says started at the moment we can

see it says starting so give that a few seconds and now that it says started we

know we're ready to use the mouse toggle and the way you bring up the virtual

mouse is you double press the play button let me do that now

so one two and we can see there is a virtual mouse and we're all set how can

you get actual apks again user download your application and type in one of

these URLs now if you're doing this on an android TV box or Android phone or

Android tablet just open up a browser like Chrome or Firefox type in one of

these URLs depending what you want to install and click on go and that will

take you to the download page but on a fire stick or fire TV you use the

download your application type in one of these addresses and click on go this

will then take you to the download page and you can download the APK and install

it when you get to this page press down a few times and click on the green

download button and just a gentle reminder guys if you are finding these

videos useful do hit that thumbs up and please subscribe to make sure you don't

miss out on the latest apks the latest builds and the latest add-ons thanks ok

when you see this screen press down a few times and then press write to

install ok when you see this message standard procedure don't click on open

let's click on done this will take us back to the downloader screen and allow

us to delete the apk just so we can get that space back so let's click on delete

and click on delete again now when you press the HOME key you'll notice you

won't see the new application in your application list the way we bring it

into our application list is if you hold down the home key on the remote and then

click on apps this will take you to your apps library now if you go to the bottom

of this list ok we can see the new application now let's press the options

key on that and select move to front this will bring it to the top of the

application list right if there's anybody still watching my video at this

stage I want you to leave the comment below t d UK good luck to 50 K and the

first 5 people to do that I'll give you a mention in my next video so let's do

that that's all for this video guys many thanks for watching do leave me a

comment below let me know you think about these apks also let me know what

you think about my new series and I'll hopefully catch up with you guys real

soon thanks that's it guys I hope you find

that video useful give me a thumbs up if you did comment below let me know if

this worked for you and please subscribe for more content thanks again for

watching guys oh and if you're interested in a VPN if you click on that

link on the bottom left you'll get a great 46 percent discount if you are

worried about your privacy and you want to stay safe online I do recommend you

check out a VPN thanks again guys see you on the next one

For more infomation >> 🔴TOP 5 FREE IPTV APK's Live TV & Sports Firestick & Android NO Kodi 2018 - Duration: 8:52.


সত্যি ভালবাসা কি ? কেন সবাই পাইনা || true love vs false love || motivational video in bangla - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> সত্যি ভালবাসা কি ? কেন সবাই পাইনা || true love vs false love || motivational video in bangla - Duration: 5:12.


YA TENGO LA VICTORIA - I have already Victory - Duration: 4:10.

Many people believe that the stories told in the Bible are fables

and they have no scientific confirmation

For example Adam before Eve was born

but many people believe that a mother should have to be born

but is scientifically proven that the man was made before

The male chromosome is XY

and the woman chromosome is XX

means that God the Creator took the X chromosome of the men to create the women

if it had been reversed and the woman being born first

If the XX chromosome of the women be repeated the result would be result in a hybrid or same creature

in other words, God used the X chromosome of man to do the double XX chromosome, which is the woman

Believing in the Bible and in the blessed stories that tells us is no longer a fable

every day it is found that the texts are true

God never imposes to love him

He will motivate you but your relationship is personal

you choose

God never forces

God is waiting you say Lord Thy will be done

and not mine

and begin to feel that you already have victory

I heard blessed story of Jesus

from his glory

He decided to come to Calvary

to save me

His shed blood

was applied happily to my soul

unequaled victory gave me

when I regretted

I have victory

because Christ saves me

he sought me and bought me

with His divine love

imparts me from His Glory

His peace floods my soul

Victory gave me

when He died for me

I heard than in tender love

He healed the sick

the lame sent them running

the blind He did see

then supplicating

I asked my beloved Christ

would give my soul healing

and faith to overcome

I have already victory

because Christ saves me

he sought me and bought me

with His divine love

imparts me from His Glory

His peace floods my soul

victory gave me

when He died for me

I heard than in sweet glory

There are mansions of victory

his holy hand prepared

for those that He saved

I hope to add my singing

to the group sacrosanct

which will offer victorious

praises to the Redeemer

I have already victory

because Christ saves me

He sought me and bought me

with His divine love

imparts me from His glory

His peace flood my soul

victory gave me

when He died for me

victory gave me

when He died for me

Glory to God

God bless you.

seeks victory in the Lord

For more infomation >> YA TENGO LA VICTORIA - I have already Victory - Duration: 4:10.


Reduce Your Exposure to EMF - Duration: 7:14.

Reduce Your Exposure to EMF

The negative effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) continue to ignite conversations and

controversy worldwide.

The most dangerous pollution affecting you is the invisible sea of EMFs your body swims

in daily.

You are exposed to EMFs all day long, not only in public but inside your home, too.

Most of the radiation emits from cellphones, cell towers, computers, smart meters and Wi-Fi,

to name just a few of the culprits.

While it�s nearly impossible to avoid EMF exposure completely, there are practical ways

to limit it.

Given the number of EMFs that bombard you all day long, getting educated about the negative

effects of EMFs is imperative to your well-being.

Particularly if you are dealing with a serious illness, it is well worth your time to reduce

your EMF exposure as much as possible.

If you have been told EMFs are safe and not a danger to humans, you may want to consider:

The telecommunication industry has manipulated federal regulatory agencies, public health

authorities and professionals through powerful and sophisticated lobbying efforts leaving

consumers confused and unaware of the health risks associated with EMFs

Any negative health effects from EMFs, similar to smoking, may not be immediately noticeable,

but will likely develop gradually over time.

Cell phones indeed are the cigarette public health threat of the 21st century.

What Are EMFs?

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, EMFs are �invisible areas

of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical


Most agree on the hazards associated with ionizing radiation, which is why the dental

hygienist covers you with a lead apron when taking X-rays.

Similarly, you would expect to get sunburned if your bare skin is overexposed to the sun�s

powerful UV rays.

Ionizing radiation is generally believed to have enough energy to break the covalent bonds

in DNA but actually most of the damage is due to the oxidative stress resulting in excessive

free radicals.

The type of EMF your cellphone emits is in the microwave 2-5 gigahertz range.

Besides your cellphone, electronics such as baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, cordless

phones, smart thermostats and Wi-Fi routers consistently emit microwave radiation at levels

that may damage your mitochondria.

Interestingly I have reviewed a number of studies that show double and single strand

DNA breaks are actually higher when exposed to nonionizing microwave radiation than ionizing


This is believed to be due to the excessive oxidative stress that microwave exposure induces.

Intracellular Calcium Increases With Exposure to EMFs

Martin Pall, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at

Washington State University, has identified and published several papers describing the

molecular mechanisms of how EMFs from cellphones and wireless technologies damage humans, animals

and plants.2,3,4,5,6 Many studies indicate your intracellular calcium increases with

exposure to EMFs.

Pall also discovered a number of studies showing that you can block or greatly reduce the effects

of EMFs using calcium channel blockers � medication commonly prescribed to patients with heart


Notably, it is the excess calcium in the cell and increased calcium signaling that are responsible

for a vast majority of the biological effects of EMFs.

Pall discovered no less than 26 bodies of research asserting that EMFs work by activating

voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which are located in the outer membrane of your


Once activated, they allow a tremendous influx of calcium into the cell � about 1 million

calcium ions per second per VGCC.

When there�s excess calcium in the cell, it increases levels of both nitric oxide (NO)

and superoxide.

While NO has many beneficial health effects, massively excessive amounts of it react with

superoxide, forming peroxynitrite, which is an extremely potent oxidant stressor.

Peroxynitrites, in turn, break down to form reactive free radicals, both reactive nitrogen

species and reactive oxygen species, including hydroxyl radicals, carbonate radicals and

NO2 radicals � all three of which do damage.

Peroxynitrites also do their own damage.

All this to say EMFs are not having a thermal influence; they are not �cooking� your

cells as some suggest.

Rather, EMF radiation activates the VGCCs in the outer cell membrane, triggering a chain

reaction of devastating events that, ultimately: Decimates your mitochondrial function, cell

membranes and cellular proteins Causes severe cellular damage

Results in DNA breaks Dramatically accelerates your aging process

Puts you at higher risk for chronic disease Peroxynitrites, Cellphones and Spikes in Chronic


Once formed, peroxynitrite reacts relatively slowly with biological molecules, making it

a selective oxidant.

Inside your body, peroxynitrites modify tyrosine molecules in proteins to create a new substance,

nitrotyrosine and nitration of a structural protein.7 These changes from nitration are

visible in human biopsy of ALS, atherosclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, myocardial ischemia

and septic lung disease.8

Significant oxidative stress from peroxynitrites may also result in single-strand breaks of

DNA.9 This pathway of oxidative destruction triggered by low-frequency radiation emitted

from mobile devices may partially explain the unprecedented growth rate of chronic disease

since 1990.10 This, truly, is a far greater concern than brain tumors, when it comes to

the hazards of cellphones.

Once you understand cellphones can contribute to these chronic diseases � not just brain

tumors � you may be more motivated to limit your exposure.

Although the top health threats continue to be cardiovascular disease, cancer and infections,

the rates of increase noted for the following diseases and disorders is astounding.

Some of them were not even public knowledge prior to 1980

For more infomation >> Reduce Your Exposure to EMF - Duration: 7:14.


30 Things to Store Day 27: Clothing You Are Not Currently Wearing - Duration: 5:56.

Hi there, and welcome to, "30 Things to Store," where each day in this video series we are

giving you tips on how to store things you commonly use.

And today is Day 27, and we are going to talk about clothing, but this time

the clothing that you own, but are not currently wearing.

There are a lot of reasons why we may not be wearing some of the clothing we own.

And, we need to figure out where do we want to keep those items, uh, because we're not touching

them every day, but we're not ready to get rid of them.

And so, let's talk about those different categories.

First, I want to remind you that your closet, your drawers, the spaces that you easily access

should really only have the clothes you are wearing today.

I'm not telling you to get rid of those other clothes, I'm just saying, "Don't keep them

in your closet, don't keep them in your top drawer."

That is your prime real estate, and I want that to be available to you for the clothes

you're wearing.

Okay, so that's what we're gonna do with our closets.

So, how about these other clothes, what are these other kinds of clothes?

Well, sometimes we have clothes that just aren't fitting us right now.

Maybe we gained a little weight and they're a little too small, maybe we lost a little

weight and they're a little too big, or maybe they are out of season clothes, right?

Uh, because we have limited space.

Or, maybe they are something like maternity clothes... we might need them again, we don't

want to get rid of them, but they certainly don't need to be hanging in the closet

when I'm not expecting a baby, right?

So these are clothes that we want to keep for a potential future use, and we're not

gonna keep them in the closet, so where do we put them?

You can always do well with a plastic bin.

If these are very expensive items or furs or things, they need special treatment, but

generally speaking a plastic bin is a great place to store clothes that you are hoping to get

to at some point.

You can get a long and flat one that will slide under your bed, if that's the storage

you have.

If you have a basement or an attic, you can put them in those locations, the bigger bins,


We always want to label them, "maternity clothes" or something like that.

If you are space constrained, you can get those vacuum bags.

They are kind of like giant Ziploc bags.

You put the clothes in, and then a vacuum cleaner hose can suck the extra air out, compress

the clothing, that can help save a few inches.

Another tip, perhaps for the out of season clothes is, you could keep it in suitcases.

If you have your suitcases stored in the eaves of a home, or a closet and they are mostly

unused, you could use them to hold out of season clothes as well.

So lots of different options, just remember to label so you know what is where.

Also, I would just, one word of caution: it's okay to keep a few things that might be too

big or too small, but don't keep a whole wardrobe's worth.

Just keep a few, right?

We don't want to keep too much.

Uh, there are some other reasons why we might keep some clothes.

For example, if you have children, and you may have clothes from one child that you'd like

to pass down to the next child.

Or, maybe you have a baby and you've received gifts and they just are a little big because

the child hasn't grown into them yet.

So, if you have a large span of years between children, I again suggest those plastic bins,

labeled by size: "3 months," "6 months," 2T," that kind of a thing.

If your children are close, and maybe there is just gonna be a six month/one year period

between this child's wearing the item, and when this child is wearing the item, you can

establish something I call the, "One Size Up" container.

That is a, it could be anything, it could be a laundry basket, a plastic bin, a box,

that is either on the floor or on a shelf maybe in the closet.

And when an article of clothing, maybe this one grows out, and this one's gonna

wear it next year, you can just put it in that bin.

And then when this child starts to grow a little, and they put on their pants and they're

too tight or they're too short, you just say, "What do I have waiting in the 'One Size Up'


So that's a little tip for children's clothing, because they grow so fast.

It can feel like a full time job keeping track of these clothes, right?

Another tip when you're handing down clothes, what I'd like to say is when it comes to shoes,

it's okay to hand down some shoes, but I generally suggest you not hand down the sneakers, especially

if they wear them every day.

Those tend to conform to the shape of the foot, and they might not transition well.

Dress shoes are terrific, maybe cleats that they only wear for a month or two, but probably

not the sneakers they wear every day.

And the last category of clothes that I notice people tend to have that they don't wear are

memorabilia clothing items.

So, that could be the dress you were wearing when you got engaged, that you're probably

never gonna wear again, but it has sentimental value.

Or, maybe the sweater that your Dad used to wear, and he's now passed away and you just

can't bear to let it go.

It's okay to keep a few of those.

There are other ways to maintain that memory, like through photographs, but if it's just

a few items, it's okay to keep them, but just remember don't keep them in your closet.

Those are really memorabilia more than they are clothing, and so we want to store them

with our memorabilia.

And we're actually going to be talking about memorabilia in a couple of days, but basically

we're gonna pull it out of the wardrobe space, and put it into a storage space.

So, it's great to keep things that you might wear in the future, just remember don't keep

them in your closet.

That's all for today.

Hope to see you tomorrow on, "30 Things to Store."

For more infomation >> 30 Things to Store Day 27: Clothing You Are Not Currently Wearing - Duration: 5:56.


Who is Chris Heidlebaugh? and Why Subscribe to My Channel? - Duration: 2:39.

hi I'm Chris Heidlebaugh and I teach digital marketing - diyers and I want

to thank you so much for being here on my channel I want to tell you what you

should expect on this channel if you decide to subscribe on this channel I

talked about SEO and web design social media internet marketing video

podcasting things like that again things that help you take control of your own

online success you don't like me you might be a DIY or

where you know maybe you work on a business website or maybe a personal

website or you know maybe you're here starting a blog maybe you know and maybe

just have questions about you know WordPress or maybe need to troubleshoot

something maybe you want to rank in a search engines and you just need some

help that's what I'm here for so if you

consider subscribing to this channel that's the kind of content that you can

expect now what can you expect from me well I'm just a very unique guy I'm very

ordinary I wear plaid shirts I'm a man of faith I love my family you know I

work in my office here okay so it's just you and me and my computer and and

that's just what it is there's no fluff I'm not taking you know videos in front

of Lamborghinis and in 10,000 square-foot houses and I'm not you know

it's not getting rich stuff Kay this is me giving you honest advice and as a

digital marketing agency owner myself here in Colorado plus a college

professor I'm teaching you exactly what I use for my clients and teach my

students so it's one of those things where I do hope I can earn your trust I

do hope that I can you know earn your loyalty to come back and visit the

channel from time to time and I want to tell you too that I have live sessions

and so if you subscribe to this channel there's a little Bell icon you can hit

next to the subscribe and that way you'll get notifications when I go live

or when I put it you know put out a new video which I try to do it weekly put

out new videos if not sometimes daily fingers crossed I try to do the best I

can but a lot of times its weekly and I do a live show as well and so when my

live shows I want to see your website so if you have questions I want to see what

your website you know what your facing what you're going through give you tips

on SEO and things to just help you again take control of your own online success

and just truly succeed so thank you for being here on the channel I do hope that

you'll consider writing and again there's something I do

at every single video and I want you to know that it's not fake

it's truly from the heart and I always tell people that I hope that you find

success online offline and in your life and that is completely true so thank you

again for watching and I know it sounds redundant because I just said it but I

truly do hope that you find success online offline and in your life take


For more infomation >> Who is Chris Heidlebaugh? and Why Subscribe to My Channel? - Duration: 2:39.


The Power of Ordinary Objects - Duration: 2:07.

Hey it's Brian from Citrus Church, coming to you this week from Scribble Space in the

Summerport Village Center.

It's a perfect co-working space for Horizon West area and the hub entrepreneurs in this


Whenever I come in, and I see this scribble sculpture, I think of God.

Richard Rohr talks about the early Christians understanding of Trinity as perichoresis,

or "circle dance."

An unending flow of giving and receiving between Father, Son, and Spirit.

God is not only the dancer, Rohr says, but the Dance itself, and we are all invited to

participate in this rhythm of life!

In the ancient world of the Bible, it was common for people to stack rocks at places

where God had come through for them.

That why, when they passes that way again, and saw those rocks, they would remember,

God is with us!

Do you have objects that help you remember encounters with God?

How do you "stack rocks" to remember God is with you?

Can I share three of mine with you?

These crosses mark key moments in life, wedding, ordination, and a trip to Israel.

This rooster figure was given to me in a college class, and reminds me to think globally of

God's work.

This leaf, pressed between packing tape came from the tree I sat under when I first responded

to God's grace as a high schooler.

These probably mean very little to you.

I don't have time now to tell the story of each, but only to say when I see or touch

these, they take me back to meaningful encounters with God.

Everyday objects can bring powerful reminders of encounters with God.

What helps you remember that God is always with you?

Comment below, I would love to hear!

Thanks for watching, and make sure to "Like" us on Facebook @Citrus Church for these weekly

refresher videos, as we are "Finding God in Horizon West."

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