I take adderall all the time you guys know so like I'll take like a fourth of
a 20 milligram felt like five milligrams about it in my bag everywhere I go I
always have a pill bottle filled with adderall why does the bottle say that
this is oxy code and there's just there's not even oxycodone in there like
the pain pills in there we're like hydrocodone do I get adderall dealer in
LA and you happen to run across this hit my business email like I'm not a Fed
what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the
problem but focus on the solution and today we are going to be talking about a
youtuber by the name of Tana Mongeau so you might recognize her she has about 3
million subscribers ton of fans she goes on tour she does story time videos and
before I get this video started like this is nothing against her or anything
like she has her own style like good for you Tana but this is a video because I
am concerned I'm concerned about her prescription drug use as you saw from
that intro she's somebody who enjoys her prescription drugs and as somebody who
has a mental health channel who is in recovery from a prescription drug
addition I feel it's necessary to talk about this and whether or not
tennessee's this video I hope some of you out there can take some lessons from
this and please share with people who don't understand how serious
prescription drug addiction is now is Tana Mongeau a prescription drug addict I
don't know but I do know from her videos that she does abuse these medications
and remember abuse turns into dependency which then turns into addiction alright
so some of the clips I took we're from a videos I'll link it down below but
somebody made a compilation of Tana talking about drugs for about 2 minutes
straight now real quick real quick if any of you follow my channel you've
watched some of the videos I've made in the past I don't really care about weed
if you smoke weed like go for it like yes we can become addictive but with the
opioid epidemic and people dying from alcoholism and stuff like weed is
literally the last of my concerns ok but this is more focused around tannaz
use of drugs like adderall as well as prescription opioids and there's also a
problem with san-x abuse so in some of her clips you see her talking about her
prescription drug use it sounds like her primary drug of choice is at all she
talks about a lot she jokes about it and she has even made a video she made a
comment that if you are somebody who sells adderall like hit her up one of
the dangers about adderall is adderall it is an amphetamine so amphetamine is
the specific drug class and I might sound familiar because it's not too far
off from meth amphetamine okay so it is an upper it is a stimulant this is a
drug people use for ADHD but it can also become highly addictive now one of the
dangers behind adderall and I don't know how much Tanner drinks but a lot of
people who die from alcohol poisoning we're on some type of stimulant the
reason why people take adderall or use cocaine when they're drinking is because
it lessens the effects of alcohol now when you get drunk that is somewhat of
your body saying like yo something's getting introduced into my system and
then there comes the point where you just pass out so you can't drink any
more drugs like adderall cocaine meth it allows you to drink longer and not
experience the effects of alcohol which then can lead to alcohol poisoning
because your body isn't really giving you the right signals of how much you've
drank now prescription opioids I don't need to go too far into that I've done
plenty of videos about my own prescription opioid addiction these are
pain medications and I've also discussed how over 80% of hey one addicts or
people who were abusing prescription opioids first now one of the main
concerns I have with Tana is xanax and partially because of this video right
here tonight I hope your high ends and out right now please know
all right so in that video there are a few things that we can unpack from this
okay so one of them is her being high on xanax okay the other one is her friend
and we'll get to the friends in a second now I want to make it very clear the
reason why I have this concern and I've made another video which I will link in
the description above is that people don't talk about it but more people are
dying from prescription drug overdoses than heroin and cocaine combined okay
prescription drugs are not a joke okay people are dying left and right
now one of my concerns with Tana is I can see her falling to the same fate
that little pump did not that long ago little pump for those who don't know he
was in a rapper and he was 21 years old and he died from a xanax overdose this
is something they talked about in his videos and his music and things like
that he died at 21 years old okay xanax is
not something to mess around with this is a tranquilizer
it is a depressant there are so many people who die from sandesh overdoses
constantly constantly and it's not being talked about that's part of the issue
with what's going on since we have so many different problems with drug
addiction is that the opioid crisis is kind of this cloud over all the other
issues that are going on but don't get it twisted people are dying from xanax
overdoses by the masses okay and Tana is a young woman she has a whole career
ahead of her okay she has so much that she could do and
this goes in to my next concern my next concern is the people she's hanging
around with and these people who are enabling her and think it's a joke and
think it's funny like again referencing back to little punk like this was a
young guy and in that culture there's so many people who are abusing xanax as
well as other drugs one of the biggest issues is that it's part of the culture
and we'll think it's fun people think you
know we're just partying it's okay but the thing is when you wake up and find
your friend dead it's no longer fun and another issue is is that when somebody
overdoses a lot of people they just scattered they don't call the paramedics
they don't call anybody this person dies because they didn't get
the help that they needed so when I see Tana Mongeau's friend says oh here goes
animo Joe like I'm like white dude like what like this isn't a joke granted he
might be on something himself but as you saw in that video to like her whole crew
was kind of egging her on and letting her get behind the wheel and that video
ended with this so the video ends with her crashing the car while she was high
and her friends in the backseat laughing and messing with her and like I
said granted they were probably all on something but we need to start taking
this a little bit more seriously like it's 2018 nobody in that car has a
problem with money like take an uber if you are messed up take an uber because
thank God it was only wrecking the car but this could have been hurting one of
the passengers it could have been hurting somebody else randomly on the
street an innocent bystander like these stories happen costly where people run
into bus stops where they hit people walking across the road or you have
people who are traumatized for the rest of their life because they were messed
up behind the wheel and they they may kill one of their friends all right it's
not it's not worth it for this fun party lifestyle you know what I mean like just
keep in mind I will link to another video in case you missed it I just did a
video of me putting makeup on for my girl Totti Westbrook
it's just
and like we have fun sober like there was this cultural issue where we're told
that one of the only ways to have fun is by getting drunk or high and that's
absolutely not true so Tana if you watch this or anybody
else watching this watch who you're hanging out with okay
and if you are somebody who is enabling somebody who clearly has a problem you
need to really check yourself like something I have to ask myself every
single day is am I gonna be able to go to sleep at night if this person does if
that answers no that I need to change my relationship with that person okay so
lastly my last concern of with Tana is that she has a very young audience very
young audience now again my channel is not to talk about the other topics that
she talks about on her channel of idubbbz did his own thing on that but
like this is specifically about drug use like there's an issue when people are in
a position to be seen by young impressionable children because children
often associate a person's lifestyle with their success and they try to
emulate it so some of you may not realize this but if you remember back in
the day when Lindsay Lohan was running amok getting DUIs every other day there
was a time when she actually got a DUI and she was wearing an American Apparel
hoodie the very next week the very next week that hoodie was sold out all over
the country so what we can deduce from that is kids
are not associating the consequences of alcohol or drug abuse they're looking at
this and they say oh well Tanner's famous Tanna has money she's doing all
these things well maybe I should emulate that if I want to follow in her
footsteps I need to do what she's doing okay so kids are not necessarily putting
those two things together and they're not supposed to they're young they're
kids that's what US adults are here for now
some of you watching this you may say well that's the parents job that's the
parents job Matt you are preaching to the choir I am somebody who believes
that you should know where your kids are watching my kid loves YouTube he loves
YouTube but I know what he's watching and if there is even something that
might be questionable he and I have a conversation but upon the whole thing
off on the parents is not being responsible
like even Logan Paul mentioned it in his interview that he recently did after all
the backlash from his suicide video what would you like to say to them I'm gonna
be honest with you Michael I think I think parents should be monitoring what
their children are watching more I every parent I meet whose kids are under the
age of like 12 I go hey you you let your kids watch my stuff and they go yeah
what am I gonna do like yes absolutely parents have a responsibility but we we
are fortunate live in a society where people keep bouncing responsibility from
one person to the next no when you decide that you want to be a
person that millions of people are watching you are also basically signing
a moral agreement that you are going to act in a way that is going to help
people rather than hurt people like it's a very selfish self-centered way of
thinking of saying oh well it's not my fault if people watch me and they see
what I'm doing like that is extremely selfish and self-centered so when you
get to that position you have to look at the way you're living your life and
realize that people are watching you if that's not something that you want then
you shouldn't go on that path towards being a recognized person that young
people might be watching so there's responsibility on all ends
from the parents to the actual youtubers as well as celebrities and things like
that but anyways like I said this video is it's purely out of concern is purely
out of concern about Tana because I don't want people to wake up and be
surprised by what actually happened because we see it happening okay so if
people in her life do love her and care for her they are going to intervene so
if you're watching this and you don't even know Tana mojo and you've watched
this video think about who you might be enabling in your life by simply staying
quiet okay but anyways anyways I'd like to hear
your thoughts if you know Tana I'd like to hear your thoughts about her content
and stuff like that about her drug use go ahead and leave a comment down below
but anyways if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and if you're
new here I'm always making videos about mental health addiction and everything
else that might be able to help you out okay so make sure you click the
subscribe button or you can click the top right there check out some other
videos on this channel thanks for watching be kind to each other I'll see
you next time
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