Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 28 2018

Heya playa have you ever wanted to tell your crush how you felt but you weren't sure whether

you should do it directly as in tell them to their face or indirectly as in give them

a note?

Well dark_memes_1226 asked me this "Do you think writing a note to your crush is a good

thing to do or will it be bad?".

I have pretty mixed thoughts on that but I'm gonna share them with you right after this.

This is The Josh Speaks.

You're watching The Josh Speaks.

For those of you that are new here, my name is Josh and every single Monday through Friday

I make videos sharing tips, ideas and stories teaching you how to be your best self.

When it comes to giving your crush a note to express how you feel, I've had a bad experience

with that.

I go way more in-depth in another video as to how and why I chose that method but ultimately

it didn't work out for me.

She ended up reading my note and realizing "Wow, I really only see this guy as a friend"

and that was it for me.

But I do want to get into being direct vs. indirect so let's cover indirect first.

Giving your crush a note or telling someone else to tell your crush how you feel.

I don't think these methods are good ones and the simple reason is because you're not

allowing your crush to see that you're confident enough to approach them and talk to them yourself.

Instead, what you're doing is your finding a shield to protect yourself.

You're kind of putting your feelings out there and hoping that whatever your crush has to

say, whether it's good or bad won't come and make you feel embarrassed in the moment.

By writing them a note and slipping it in their locker or sending them a huge text message

expressing how you feel.

Both of these indirect methods simply show your crush that hey, I'm not ready to approach

you, I'm not ready to build something in person I'm hoping that I can just kind of pose this

yes or no question to you and hopefully it's yes.

You're essentially flipping a coin and hoping for it to land on heads.

And the problem with flipping a coin is that your odds are the same for you to lose as

they are to win.

You're simply posing a yes or no question and by doing it indirectly, you're even removing

yourself from the equation of having an influencing factor to help your crush lean more towards


So let me give you an example.

Let's say there's someone that you really really like and you don't really talk to them

as often.

Maybe you guys interact once in a while in a friend group or in class and things like

that but you're not really that close with them.

Well, you like them and you want to approach them and tell them how you feel but you're

too nervous to do it.

You're too nervous to even start a conversation with them so what do you decide to do?

You weigh your options and decide that the easiest thing for you to do is to write a

note, pass it off and hope for the best.

But when your crush gets that note, opens it up and reads it they're really not gonna

see the heart and feeling that you've put into it and how you feel on the other side

because all they have is a piece of paper to show that.

So most likely what they're going to feel is wow, this person put their heart on this

piece of paper.

This is a lot of pressure on me because I need to decide what I want to do and I don't

really know this person that well but they really like me so I'm probably going to take

the easy road myself and to say no.

You took the easy road and they took the easy road, nothing was accomplished here simply

because no one wanted to really make that first in person move.

So what you're saying is you should just tell your crush directly how you feel, right?

Not exactly.

Even that holds it's own weight of problems.

If you were to confidently walk up to your crush and say "Hey, I like you.

Let's go out some time."

Sure, there's a chance that they may say yes but there's also a lot of other contributing

factors that will probably push them towards no.

The first is that there's all these strangers and people watching to see what their reaction

is, second could be that their friends are there and they don't want to do anything in

front of their friends and the third may be that they're not sure if they could actually

go out.

They need to talk to their parents or maybe they need to balance it with their schoolwork

and get things in order so just kind of directly telling them just like that might not work.

Plus it puts a lot of pressure on the person that you're sharing your feelings with.

Can you imagine someone walking up to you and saying "Hey, I like you.

I don't really know you that well, we're not really that close but I like you.

So decide what you want to do with that information right now".

So wait a second, telling your crush indirectly that you like them is not good.

Telling your crush directly that you like them is not good either.

So what are you supposed to do?

How should I tell my crush that I like them?

Give it some time, there's no need to rush into telling someone how you feel.

What I always say is this, you're better off showing your crush how you feel rather than

telling them how you feel.

And the way to show them how you feel is to ask them to hang out, to spend time getting

to know them, learning a little bit more about their personalities and hobbies and their

interests and really just showing an investment in them as a person.

The more time you spend building that deeper connection with them the easier it'll be for

both of you to be on the same page when you are ready to express your feelings so that

no one's doing it out of the blue and it's just weird and it's awkward.

You avoid all of that just by taking the time to get to know them.

So try to move away from that black and white type of thinking.

You know what I mean, the kind of approach where you're like "Well, I like this person.

I'm gonna ask them out.

If they say yes, then things are good.

If they say no, then things are bad.

If they say no then I just move on.

It doesn't have to be like that.

Spend a little bit more time investing, getting to know them, that's how you're really going

to increase your chances of success.

What do you think though, is there a person that you have a crush on and you're not really

sure how to go about telling them or even showing them?

Leave your comments down below and we'll talk about it.

Now if you're in a situation that you don't really want to make public in the YouTube

comments, you can always shoot me a DM over on Snapchat or Instagram.

I do my best to answer as many messages as I can.

Otherwise thank you so much for watching.

If you found this video to be helpful, hit the thumbs up button.

If you're new here, make sure to subscribe but definitely check out the videos over there

on the side where I go more in depth on this topic of telling your crush hwo you feel and

why I don't think that's such a good idea.

Watch those videos, I think they'll help you out.

On that note guys, I'll catch you next time.

As always, love and peace.

For more infomation >> Why You SHOULDN'T Confess Your Feelings to Your Crush 🤐 - Duration: 5:36.


How To: Install New Wiper Blades - Duration: 1:54.

[Mechanical SFX]

Hey everybody.

Rene here from O'Reilly Auto Parts to show you how to change your front wiper blades.

You should check manufacturer's specifications on this, but a lot of vehicles are going to

be pretty similar to either this 2002 PT Cruiser or this 2014 Equinox.

Once you've got your blades, here's what you'll do.

We'll start with the PT Cruiser which has the j-hook style arm.

If the blade you purchased has a plastic blade guard for protection be sure to remove it

before installation.

Lift up on these wiper arms so that the blades aren't resting against the windshield.

That will give you access to the blades and the clips that hold them on.

Start on the driver's side and after pivoting the blade, push the clip back toward the wiper


Then slide the blade down toward the windshield.

Once it's disengaged from the hook, the blade can be removed.

Position your new blade so that it can be slid down into place on the hook.

As you pull the blade toward the arm, you'll hear it click into position.

Pivot the blade back against the arm and gently lower it to the windshield.

Wiper arms can cause damage if they're allowed to spring down into the glass.

Repeat this process on the passenger side and you're good to go.

If you have wiper blades that attach with clips you'll either press in on each side

of the clip or depress the tab on the top to release the old blade.

Once you've slipped off the old blade, carefully slide the new one into position until you

hear it snap into place.

Then repeat that process on the other side.

If you changed you blades and still have poor visibility it's possible your issue is a wiper


Stop by, and we'll help you find the one you need if that's the case.

We have a wide selection of wiper blades for your vehicle at your local O'Reilly Auto Parts

store and

Also, if you pick up your new wiper blades at a store we'd be happy to install them for


And don't forget to change your rear blade if you have one.

Our DIY videos are designed to help answer questions that we get in our stores every


If you found this one helpful, subscribe to our channel to get all the latest.

We'll see you again soon.

For more infomation >> How To: Install New Wiper Blades - Duration: 1:54.


Learn How to Crochet Waterfall Ripple Blanket - Chevron Afghan with Super Bulky Weight Yarn - Duration: 8:59.

Hi I'm Donna Wolfe from Today i'll show you how to make my

waterfall ripple blanket. By the way please subscribe to my YouTube channel

and like me on Facebook Instagram Pinterest and Twitter. I'm using four

cakes of Caron's chunky cakes yarn for the main panels and two skeins of their

Softee Chunky yarn in gray for the border. And an 8 millimeter hook. To begin chain

16 make 1 double crochet in the third chain from the hook.

Then make 5 more for a total of six. 2 3 4

5 & 6.

In the next chain make one double crochet, one chain, and one double crochet

then make 5 double crochet stitches. 1 2

3 4 and 5. We have 2 chains left. For our sixth stitch make a double crochet 2

together decrease.

To review we have a chain 2, 6 double crochet, a V stitch, five double crochet

and the decrease stitch counts as number six. Chain two and turn your work. Skip

that first stitch, make 1 double crochet in the next six stitches. 1 2 3 4 5 and 6.

In that top space make a double crochet, chain ,1 and a double crochet stitch. Then

make 1 double crochet in the next 5 stitches.

And for your 6th stitch make a double crochet two together. Chain two and turn

your work. Skip that first stitch and do your six double crochet stitches. One two

three four five and six, followed by a double crochet, chain one, and a double

crochet. Then do your five double crochet stitches. One two three four five. And a

double crochet 2 together decrease.

Chain two and turn your work. Repeat this process for a total of 54 rows or

however many you wish to make the blanket longer. You can make any number

of panels to make the blanket wider but I made five panels for mine. Now it's

time for the edging. Make a slip knot on your hook. Have your panel facing in this

direction. Slip stitch,

then chain three. Make another double crochet in the same space. We're going to

make two double crochet at the end of every row. Trace the rows with your

fingers if it helps. Two double crochet at the end of every row, next row, two double

crochet. Continue like this for the entire side. On the very last row near

the top do something different. Make two double crochet, chain one, two double

crochet, all in that corner. Skip two stitches, make two double crochet in the

next, skip one stitch, make two double crochet in the next,

make two double crochet, chain one, two double crochet at the top.

Skip one, two double crochet, skip one, two double crochet, then make your corner

stitch here. Two double crochet, chain one, two double crochet.

Now go back to making two double crochet at the end of every row. Here's what mine

looks like. At the other corner make your two double crochet, chain one, two double

crochet again.

Skip two, and two double crochet. Skip one, and two double crochet. Make two double

crochet in the next. Skip one, two double crochet, skip one, two double crochet. Then

finish your beginning corner with two double crochet, chain one, and slip stitch

to the corner. You can leave a long tail end to sew the panels together. You can

use whatever method you wish to join the panels together. And this is my finished

waterfall ripple blanket. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Like and

comment on this video. And please visit my website at

For more infomation >> Learn How to Crochet Waterfall Ripple Blanket - Chevron Afghan with Super Bulky Weight Yarn - Duration: 8:59.



For more infomation >> YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT SHE SAID HIS BREATHE SMELLED LIKE...BUSTED!!! LOL - Duration: 16:16.


What does your garden mean to you? - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> What does your garden mean to you? - Duration: 0:55.



Grineer are strong

Grineer are good at shooting things

Grineer are beautiful, even

(what the fuck is that)


most importantly

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For more infomation >> GRINEER PRESENT: TUSK BALLISTA - Duration: 2:13.


Benefits of Basil to Health: Do You Know It? - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Benefits of Basil to Health: Do You Know It? - Duration: 4:33.


How the States Got Their Shapes - Duration: 4:20.

When I was in eighth grade, I was very curious about how the states got their shapes.

Why are all the states so weirdly shaped

and then Wyoming and Colorado are just boxes?

Why are the states in the east real tiny, but the states in the west so huge?

I voiced this curiosity to my social studies teacher that year,

and she introduced me to the show, "How the States Got Their Shapes."

I loved this show.

I still tell people how some states got their shapes much to the annoyance of most of them.

If you're one of those people that would be annoyed by that, click away, go watch TheOdd1sOut or something

beacause I'm about to learn you a lesson on why the states are so weird.

Number one:

Why are the eastern states's borders squiggly lines, but the western states's borders straight and boxy?

Well it's because of choo-choo trains.

Back in the east they used rivers as borders because trains hadn't been invented yet,

and water was their primary source of transportations.

(That's also why most major cities are on water)

That's also why most state borders in the east are very squiggly.

Then comes the Industrial Revolution,

TRAINS ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, the U.S. is moving west and with that movement comes more states,

and when you have more states you have more borders, so what do you do to define these borders?

With the train tracks! That's why most state borders have straight lines and are so boxy.

Number two: Missouri.

Missouri seems like a pretty normally shaped state,

with the straight border on the bottom, top, and left side,

and the Mississippi River carving out the western side.

Everything's normal except for those two weird things on the side.

The little bit on the top left is the Platte Purchase which was acquired *FROM* the Natives there.

I don't get why it's called the Platte Purchase,

when I doubt there was any actual purchasing going on.

The bootheel of Missouri is actually an interesting story,

At least... it is to me.

Back when Missouri was first admitted to the Union, it didn't include the bootheel.

The people that lived there were all like,

"we have more in commom with Missouri,"

"Missouri is better than Arkansas,"

"Arkansas is bad," etc.


after writing this I looked it up just to confirm if I was remembering it right,

and it turns out was I said was just a legend.

It turns out it was because the rich landowners didn't want to be part of Arkansas

and just wanted to govern themselves.

But that's boring.

Another version I heard from the aforementioned (ooh big word) social studies teacher was that

there was a huge earthquake in New Madrid, Missouri.

It rang bells in North Carolina,

made the Mississippi River run backwards,

and destroyed Memphis.

This earthquake devastated the area in what is now south-eastern Missouri,

which meant it was cheap to buy.

This guy bought the land,

and when Arkansas and Missouri were becoming states

he wanted to join Missouri because he felt that Missouri would have stronger political power.

I didn't see the version anywhere on Wikipedia, so I'm assuming it's not true.

That kinda makes me sad because it was pretty interesting.

I guess teachers can't always be right.

Next, Ohio and Michigan.

Have you ever wondered why Michigan has that upper peninsula?


Well, too bad, I warned you I was going to nerd out.


back in the day Toledo was a pretty important city,

with it being on Lake Erie and all.

Michigan and Ohio both wanted Toledo,

and they actually had a war called the

Toledo War. Or the Michigan-Ohio War.

It depends on who you ask.

It lasted from 1835 to 1836

The U.S. government was all like,

"we can't have these states fighting, that's no good."

(Even though the Civil War would be like 30 years later)

So they proposed a deal.

Ohio would get Toledo,

and Michigan would get the land above Lake Michigan that no one had really explored or colonized yet.

Michigan was pretty sad at the time,

but I imagine they're just laughing now.

Finally, why is a part of Kentucky not actually in Kentucky?

Funny you should ask,

it's because that part of Kentucky actually used to be connected to Kentucky.

How did it end up looking like it either belongs to Missouri or Tennessee?

Interesting story, it's because of the Mississippi River.

Rivers, especailly rivers like the Mississippi or Missouri,

are constantly changing their position due to erosion and stuff.

The river eventually moved downward enough

that it separated that part of Fulton County from the rest of Fulton County.

I went onto Google Streetview to see if there were any houses or people living in the area

and all I saw was a bunch of farmland, which isn't really too weird for the U.S.

Quick note before I go to the end card,

while I was messing around with Google Maps

I found that someone had gone kayaking (or canoeing or whatever)

and took a 360 camera so you can do a streetview of that part of the Mississippi River

that surrounds that little part of Fulton County


Alright, that's it,

I hope you enjoyed the video

and that I didn't nerd out too much.

This was really a fun video to make because it's just so interesting to me,

but yeah okay bye.

For more infomation >> How the States Got Their Shapes - Duration: 4:20.


The Perfect Number Of Hashtags To Use On Instagram - Duration: 1:29.

Hashtags On Instagram

how many hashtags

should you use. What is the go with

hashtags in 2018? Now the hashtag game of

Instagram has changed and over using

hashtags is really a bad like you get

penalised now if you for the overuse of

hashtags. So optimal hashtag use you

should be using between 5 and 15

hashtags and the the correct like ideal

number you want to aim for is 11

hashtags 11 hashtags is proven to show

the best results sites no longer anymore

30 hashtags it is anywhere between 5 to

15 and remember 7 out of 10 hashtags are

actually flagged as spammy hashtags so

you got to understand some hashtags that

you use actually penalise you rather

than expose your content so make sure

you're looking up what the banned

hashtags are you can just go on google

I've made a video about this before but

I just wanted to say in this video the

optimal hashtag use is 11 hashtags so

you want to be using between 5 and 15

that'll get you the reach that you want

that'll get you max

that'll maximise your exposure. So guys I

hope you got value out of that if you

did like it comment on it and let me

know what other videos you guys want on

this channel

For more infomation >> The Perfect Number Of Hashtags To Use On Instagram - Duration: 1:29.


Cruel Truths About Existence That Will Force You To Get Your - Duration: 6:22.

Cruel Truths About Existence That Will Force You To Get Your Sh t Together!

By consciousreminder

Life is tough, there is no doubt about that. It is going up and down like a roller coaster,

and sometimes it seems like as soon as you get up, it�s going to knock you down again.

Life is difficult, and everybody knows that. But nobody realizes how tough it can be. When

things start to tumble down around you it can make you feel hopeless.

While you shouldn�t ever try to control the things that happen around you because

you can�t, it doesn�t mean that you just have to sit and give up. Get back on your

feet and fight back. The more you beat down the harder it gets

to keep going, believe me on this one. However, once you accept all this, it�s getting easier

for you to accept it. You can�t wait for things to get better, you have to do it yourself.

Accepting these things will really open your eyes to the importance of it.

1. You are dying No matter how much time and money you spend

on making your life good, it will always end no matter what.

2. Everybody You Know Will Die You can�t constantly obsess over losing

people and death, but you also can�t take anyone for granted. Eventually, everyone you

know will die, and you might not be the last one to go either.

3. Wealth Isn�t Happiness No matter what amount of money you have it

will never cause you to be happy. Happiness is within, no matter the riches.

4. Searching for Happiness Makes You Lose It

Happiness is right there in front of you. If you are constantly searching for something

to make you happy, you�ll never suffice your hunger. In order to be happy you have

to be happy with what you already have. 5. Spend Time Not Money

Many people believe that you can not enjoy yourself without money. Wrong! You don�t

need to go out for a dinner, to see a movie or go to a museum to have fun!

6. You Can�t Please Everyone Trying to please everyone around you is exhausting

and at the same time impossible. You just can�t do it, so stop trying.

7. Accept Your Feelings Stop trying to deny yourself of emotions.

You have feelings and you can�t get past them without admitting you have them to begin

with. 8. Be Responsible

Nobody is responsible for your actions except for you. Regardless of what influences you,

you are the one who makes the decision. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.

9. Stop Trying to Be Perfect None of us are perfect, and although we all

try to be, we never will be. Perfection is an imaginary tale of fairies. Stop trying

to live up to some non-existent standard and love yourself.

10. Don�t Waste Talent If you have a talent put it to use! Don�t

let a god given ability go to waste!

11. Live in the Now As much as we try to plan out and control

our lives, we ultimately don�t control anything. You can try to predict the future and prepare

for it, but it�ll never work out the way you think it will. Stop trying to perfect

the future and stop dwelling on the past and you will achieve happiness.

12. Nobody Cares How Hard Your life Is Life is hard for everyone. It throws us all

twists and turns, so stop thinking you�re the only one it happens to. Stop going on

and on trying to make everyone believe your life is harder than theirs. It�s a never-ending

piss contest. 13. Share Your Knowledge

Learning things is useless unless you share it with the people around you! Knowledge is

only of help if we share it with each other. If you learn something the hard way, help

your neighbor out by warning them. 14. Invest in Yourself

If you don�t spend time with yourself life is pointless! You don�t get to live as anyone

else, so take the time to really make yourself the best version there is.

15. When Things Suck, Don�t react Life might always throw us curve balls, but

it ultimately comes down to the way you react to it. If you believe it is the end of the

world it will really feel like it. However, keep your chin up and remain positive and

you�ll see that things aren�t half bad. 16. Quit Dreaming and Do the Work

Dreams are for the birds, you have to make your biggest wishes come true. There is no

wish-granting genies even though we all still hope one will show up for us. It�s time

to stop expecting things to change and change them for yourself. Want to be an actor? Go

be an actor. Stop wishing and do it! 17. Be Grateful

No matter how bad you think you might have it, there is always someone who has it worse.

Be happy and be grateful for the things you do have instead of wishing for the things

you don�t! It takes the joy and value out of everything if you don�t appreciate it!

18. Don�t Lose Yourself It�s important to never lose your true sense

of self throughout the journey of life. Always remember what is important to you and keep

a sense of your priorities! 19. You Can�t Take Money with you When You

Die You might be a millionaire in this world,

but you certainly can�t take it with you when you move on. We all die eventually, so

don�t get too caught up in your own finances. There are more important things in life.

For more infomation >> Cruel Truths About Existence That Will Force You To Get Your - Duration: 6:22.


Polygraph Exam Santa Rosa CA 707-395-7448 Polygraph Exam Santa Rosa CA - Duration: 1:54.

Polygraph Exam Santa Rosa CA. You may be the best judge of character on the planet, but when you're talking to a

trained liar who is determined to scam you, you could look them right in the eye and never

have a clue that they're not telling the truth.

That is, until it's too late.

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At Patriot Investigations, we provide a complete variety of lie detector testing services that

we can administer in our Santa Rosa office or at your location with our mobile testing


You may need a polygraph examination service for infidelity issues, background checks,

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service to call.

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