Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 28 2018

Okay, kids, another one for you if your parents are listening in, I guess

that's okay but I'm going to help you know how to convince your parents to get a dog.

Hey, guys. Got another video just for you. Now if your parents are listening in,

that's probably okay but this one's for you, okay. Because I know that you really

want to get a dog. Now you might want something else and this will apply to

that too but here's how you can convince your parents to get you a dog. You need

to understand how parents think because how they're thinking determines their

behavior, you got it? So here's how parents think. Now remember we talked

about this in another video so if you want a review of that, just go right up

there, click on that one and it'll queue it up so that you can watch that next

and you'll remember what we talked about, here's the quick version. There are three

stages of maturity. Now maturity is one of those words that just means how

grown up you are, right? How grown up you are determines how much control you get

to have so when you're on this stage one, you don't get to have very much control.

This part down here under the line is how much control you get to have, that

part over the line is how much control your parents get to have. Now your

parents get most of the control if you're in stage one, that's just how it

is. Stage two, it's more balanced. Stage three,

you get to have a whole lot more control than you do at stage 1 or stage 2. Now

let's get another take on this because control also means how likely is it that

you're going to get what you want so if you want a new dog which would be

so awesome, I love dogs, it would be awesome, right? That's what you want. If

you're on stage one, how likely is it that you're going to get what you want? Not

very likely. If you're on stage two, how likely is it that you're going to get what

you want? Oh, more likely. This is looking good.

What if you're on stage three? That's when it's the most likely that you're

going to get what you want. Now you don't always get what you want,

welcome to earth but this is the way you have the best chance, okay. Trust me, I've

worked with parents a lot, I know a whole lot about parent psychology. Now let's

review really quickly what those three stages look like. Stage one is where you

are selfish and it's all about me me me and you whine and you beg and you plead

and you manipulate and you try to get what you want in inappropriate ways, okay.

Does it work? Sometimes, huh? Yeah, sometimes it works and that's some times

why we do it but most of the time it doesn't, it just takes your parents off

and they get all control freakish on you. Notice that this is true. Okay, stage two

is where you stop fighting and you start cooperating, okay. So like when your mom

asks you to do something, you're like, okay and you do it or if your dad tells

you that he needs to have something done, you're like, "Okay, dad. I'll do that." and

you cooperate, right? Now this isn't convenient, it's kind of hard and

immature kids can't do this so I'm trusting you to be mature enough to give

it a try, alright? You're cooperating, you don't want any trouble, you want to keep

the peace so you're going to go along with things. Now stage three, this is where it

gets really exciting, you guys, okay. This is where you're

mature and responsible, there's a word called initiative, that's all about what

stage 3 is like. You can read all about it in this book, it's called The Dog Poop

Initiative. I'll put a little link down below so that you can find that if you

want to, okay. Initiative is where you see what

needs to be done and you do it, nobody has to ask you. Okay, so what if

what if mom asks you to help out with the dishes, okay. If you're on stage one,

what are you going to say? "No, why is it always me? What am I, your slave? Nobody

else ever has to do anything around here, it's always me!" I hope that's not you

but you've seen it before, haven't you? And when your parents see it, how mature

do they think you are? Oh incidentally, I got to tell you this,

okay, you've got to be mature to have a dog. Now I know your parents have

probably told you that too but I'm just I'm on your side, remember? You got to be

mature to have a dog but here's the kicker, it's not so much about how mature

you are. Sure, that's important and I want you to be mature, be over here on stage

three but the kicker is this, how mature do your parents think you are? Yeah,

that's why we got to know some parents psychology. See, knowledge is power so

when you understand how your parents are thinking then it's going to make a whole

lot more sense how you're going to convince them to give you a dog because it's not

about fighting and arguing and manipulating and whining, that's just

going to irritate them and they'll get all control freakish on you again. It's about

how mature they think you are, right? So if you're doing all of this "No, I

don't want to. I'm your slave and get out of my hair." And whining

and belly aching about everything, they're going to think that you're not very

mature even though you might

really be mature enough to have a dog. Do you see what I'm talking about? It's not

so much how mature you are, that's important, but it's more about how mature

do your parents think you are because that's going to determine their behavior,

got it? What if mom asks you to do the dishes and you're like okay or you're

not even happy about it, fine and you're all put out you know but you

cooperate, you're just not happy about it, how mature is mom going to think you are?

Yeah, she'd say, well not one because you're cooperating but probably maybe a

two, certainly not a three because you still got an attitude and remember, it's

not about how mature you are, that's important but it's not as important as

how mature do your parents think you are and most parents are not pushovers, they

can totally tell if you're faking it. Have you noticed this? And that's kind of

irritating and annoying but they do think, it's like they got this sixth

sense or something and they can figure out if you're faking it, if you're faking

it or if they think you're faking it, how much or do they think you are, right? See

that just takes, even if you're faking stage three, they think you're less

mature, they get all control freakish on you and you don't get your dog so you

really got to do it. Now let's look at stage three, mom asks you to do the

dishes, I know, right now you're probably thinking, what the heck does doing the

dishes happen to do with getting a dog? Stay with me, it's important. Mom asks you

to do the dishes and you say, "Oh sure mom. I'd love to help." Okay, that's going to shock

her. This is even better.. "Oh mom." Now you can't lie about this, okay.

"Oh mom, I already did the dishes. Is there anything else though that I could help

you out with?" Okay, meanwhile, she's like losing consciousness because she's like

who are you and what did you do with my kid? This is good because if you're doing

things and taking initiative, how mature does mom think you are? You see and how

likely are you to get what you want? Follow? Yeah, this is brilliant okay cause

you know parent psychology now. This is going to help you get the dog that you want.

Now here's a couple of other quick pointers, it's hard, okay, I didn't warn

you about that but I need to, it's hard to do this stage

three thing, only mature people even really try it, okay. Those less mature

kids and stuff, they can't even pull it off yet, maybe you can, alright. But it's

hard, it's going to take some effort and you might need to practice some things so

here's a couple of tips for you. Alright, now remember, this is a way we're going to

help mom or dad to think that you're more mature but we can't fake it, it has

to be real so you're going to volunteer to take care of something that requires

a little responsibility, you're going to volunteer, got it? So you might volunteer

for example to take out the garbage when it needs to go out. Okay, you with me? Do

you know what day your garbage goes out? If you don't, figure it out because

you're not going to wait for dad to ask you, you're going to know when it goes out,

you're going to know how it needs to be done and you're going to take care of it

without being asked. You do this a couple of weeks in a row, something's going to

change in your parents mind, that's what we're going for,

okay. So volunteer to do something. Now what if you're afraid you're going to

forget it? Gere's where the tips come in. Number one,

find a way to remind yourself. If you wait for your parents to remind you, how

mature are they going to think you are? And how likely is it that you're going to get

what you want, right? Who's going to remind you? You know what, I

went on a scout camp too long ago and as I was leaving this

group of scouts, we had one of them that volunteered to

be the bugler, you know the guy who wakes up early in the morning, plays his little

trumpet to wake everybody up, he came to me the night before and he said, "Will you

wake me up in time to blow the bugle?" I asked him, "Who wakes up the bugler?" Think

about it, he's got to find a way to get himself up, doesn't he? Cause he's in charge

of waking everybody else up. This is what I'm talking about. So you find a way to

remind yourself for example, what if you volunteered, not the garbage cause

that's only once a week, but what if you volunteered to take care of some chore

in the house every day? Okay like wiping down the sink or making sure that

everything's put away in the kitchen before you go to bed, something like that,

take a rock, find a rock about the size that would fit in your hand like this

and put it in your bed. Now why would you do that? Because when you hop into bed

after your days all done, you know, and you hop in there, oh, you're going to hit

this rock, right? And then you're going to be like, why is there rock in my bed? Cause

usually there's not and then your mind is going to remember, oh yeah, there was that

thing that I volunteered to do and I'm going to remind myself, the rock just

reminded you. Do you see what I'm talking about? Another thing that's really easy,

just write a note like on one of those post-it notes you know, that sticks to

things? Put it somewhere you're going to be sure to see it, like on your shoes, what

if it's something you volunteered to do every morning, like make your bed, clean

up your room? I know, doesn't sound like it's about a dog but it is in mom's mind,

got it? Yeah, so you put a note on your shoes and before you put your shoes on,

you're like, well there's a note on my shoes, I can't get my foot in there. Oh

yeah, I volunteered to take care of something. This is so important because

parents are thinking ,when you want a dog they're thinking, yeah, who's going to take

care of this dog, it's probably going to be me

cause I have to take care of everything because my kid's not mature enough. Do you

see? This thing you're volunteering to do has everything to do with you getting a

job because you're convincing mom or dad that you are mature enough to actually

handle it and it's not going to happen fast, you got to do this consistently for a

while, okay. And do it a little longer than you think

you want to, it might be weeks, okay, but check it out, what if you don't do it?

Then you're no better off in a month than you are right now. Give it a try,

practice it, establish some good habits, be mature and convince your parents that

you're mature and then you have a better likelihood of getting what you want.

Wow, parents psychology. it's a good thing to know, isn't it?

Your parent, I hope you got something from this too. If you like this video, please share.

For more infomation >> How To Convince Your Parents To Get A Dog - Duration: 14:23.



For more infomation >> 7 PENCIL LIFE HACKS YOU SHOULD KNOW! - Duration: 4:03.


This is why your partner cheated on you - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> This is why your partner cheated on you - Duration: 7:03.


5 Signs You May Have A Spiritual Gift And Not Know It - Duration: 3:01.

5 Signs You May Have A Spiritual Gift And Not Know It

In order to receive spiritual guidance, you must be open to it. The more you welcome signs

and messages, the stronger and more recognizable they will become.

While everyone has the ability to open themselves up and strengthen their intuition, some already

have a spiritual gift waiting to be discovered.

Here are five signs you have a spiritual gift:

1. You Have Visions That Often Come True

Your visions might come in the form of an image that randomly pops into your mind or

a feeling you get when you�re speaking to someone. Or they might arrive in a reoccurring


If your visions often come to life, it�s a pretty tell-tale sign that you have a spiritual

gift. You are able to see much deeper than what meets the eye.

2. YOU�RE AN EMPATH Empaths have both a gift and a curse. They

are able to feel the emotions of the people around them as if they were their own. This

ability can be extremely overwhelming at times and difficult to handle.

But when an empath learns how to navigate through their own life while feeling both

the pain and joy of others, their ability can only be seen as a spiritual gift.

3. YOU HAVE A STRONG INTUITION Many people are riddled with self-doubt. They

have a habit of second-guessing their decisions and constantly wondering whether or not they

should trust their instincts.

A strong intuition is nothing short of a true spiritual gift. It allows you to be confident

in your decisions, strong in your beliefs and open to the messages you receive.

4. YOU HAVE NIGHTMARES Many people have nightmares, but the nightmares

of those who have a spiritual gift are much more vivid. You might wake up from a nightmare

sweating or painting because it seemed so real.

If your nightmares are jolting you awake, it may mean someone is trying to get a message

to you.

5. YOU WAKE UP DURING THE SPIRITUAL HOUR If you have a habit of waking up between 3-4

a.m. on a regular basis, it might mean something more than a bathroom break. Waking up around

this time is believed to be a sign that there are spirits looking to communicate with you.

It�s often referred to as the spiritual hour or the connection hour. Try to be more

open to receiving messages at this time.

For more infomation >> 5 Signs You May Have A Spiritual Gift And Not Know It - Duration: 3:01.


Planetary Vibration Psychic Reading - A Blessing Or A Curse? - Dr. Rita Louise - Duration: 5:29.

Hi everyone.

I'm Dr. Rita Louise

Psychic Reading Summary for The Week Of Marsh 1, 2018

What the heck is going on?

It seems like non-stop action these days.

You may find yourself in situations where conflict may arise.

We are working through a very powerful energy dynamic right now, so I hope you watch the

entire reading so that you can be emotionally prepared for what is coming your way..

Here's This Week's Full Planetary Vibration Psychic Reading

The upside-down feelings of last week are lingering as we move into this new forecast


Are you wondering what the heck is going on?

Well, join the club because it seems like non-stop action these days.

But I have some good news to share.

If some of the events that may be transpiring in your life happened to you a year ago or

more, especially with the rapid fire we are experiencing, I think many of us would be

in melt down mode.

Instead, we are looking at what is going on and saying "OK" and just shaking our heads

in disbelief.

It is a blessing and a curse.

As the world keeps getting crazier around us, our ability to deal with the changing

tides has greatly improved.

We have and are still learning to make separation from our feelings and not being held hostage

to them.

On the flip side, is that good?

Are we becoming desensitized?

Will it make us less passionate, less empathetic and less caring?

Will in impact our ability to act human?

A duel edged sword at best.

Speaking of last year.

There were so many of us that felt deep and profound feelings of helplessness, or better

said hopelessness.

This pervading feeling was impacting even some of the most spiritually minded people

I know creating an environment where they were not able to find themselves amidst the

internal clutter.

I feel that right now we are approaching a precious of possibly reentering that energy


The combination of pain (physical, emotional or both) plus the feeling that there is no

way to escape it has people on edge, but I have to tell you, I do not get the impression

that we will reenter that black hole of despair again.

Can I get an Amen to that?

With tensions running high, you may find that you are not eating enough or are perhaps drinking

too much.

These symptoms are indicating just how much you are holding on to.

The trapped energy is sitting in the stomach area, in the 3rd chakra.

This energy center is the seat of our power, our personal power as well as our willpower.

Well, everyone, our 3rd chakra's are on overdrive these days.

It is taking a lot of our inner energy to hold our space, to stand up for what we feel

is right or to maintain our boundaries without falling over or succumbing to external pressures.

So be warned.

You may find yourself in situations where conflict may arise.

If you are holding your ground and you interact with someone who is holding their ground,

except your convictions are 180 degrees diametrically opposed, well, I think you get the picture.

Hard as this is for me to say, but this is not a time to back down.

Actually, even if you wanted to, I don't know that you could.

Well I am going to take a deep breath now.

This has been a very powerful reading.

I am looking forward to the day where things calm down and we can start loving each other

on multiple levels again.

Well, that's it for this week's reading.

Please share it with your friends on FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram.

If you are watching this week's reading on YouTube, please subscribe to my channel.

Like me Dr. Rita Louise on FaceBook or schedule a private consultation by visiting

Till next time....

Be Blessed.

For more infomation >> Planetary Vibration Psychic Reading - A Blessing Or A Curse? - Dr. Rita Louise - Duration: 5:29.


[ENG SUB] 180228 凤凰网视频专访黄子韬:和杨幂演对手戏学到很多 | Z.TAO x Ifeng Fashion interview - Duration: 1:31.

Hello, I'm Huang Zitao

I chose an outfit by myself

A sweater

Sweater and this shirt is not bad, I bought 3, 4 pieces yesterday

But they're different

I don't think we're totally the same

I just mix the interesting things in daily life and the scripts they write together

Then I act it with Xie Xiaofei's way

I learned lots of things from her

It helps me in both professionalism and dedication

I watched Street Dance of China before going to Paris

And I think it's very good

I think it's very real

I mean when that dancer dropped his identity card, I couldn't ignore it

I was afraid he would step on it or break it

It could ruin the performance so I asked him to do it again

I just never thought they would air that part and the voice cracking part too

I never care if there is a camera in front of me or something

I will just record with my most natural condition

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 180228 凤凰网视频专访黄子韬:和杨幂演对手戏学到很多 | Z.TAO x Ifeng Fashion interview - Duration: 1:31.


Karen Gillan Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:59.

If you want more, please SUBSCRIBE, Thank You...!

For more infomation >> Karen Gillan Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:59.


How To Make Hair Conditioner Using This At Home Easily - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> How To Make Hair Conditioner Using This At Home Easily - Duration: 3:26.


Find out YOUR lightsaber combat FORM! - Star Wars Quiz - Duration: 12:56.

Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair.

In this episode I have prepared a quiz to determine which lightsaber combat form you would have.

If you are enjoying the videos please give them a like, share, and subscribe to the channel

so I can continue making them for you!

Before we begin, grab a pen and paper or something to keep track of your answers and scores.

After each question, select one response that aligns with how you'd choose to be in the Star Wars universe.

It will then reveal how many points each response is worth, add that number to your tally.

At the end we will add up all the points from the questions to determine which form you got.

Alright, let's begin!

Question 1.

Your Master is slain by your enemy in front of you. Do you...

a. Somersault over him to catch him off guard, then slice him in half.

b. Over power him and end the battle quickly. You have other things to do.

c. Flee. If your Master fell what chance do you have.

d. Attack him with Force push, then use your surroundings to your advantage.

e. Disarm him but do not kill him. Then take him to the authorities to answer for his crimes.

f. Battle him one-on-one. This is your chance to show off your great precision.

g. Defeat him, but don't kill him right away. First he'll suffer for what he did to your Master.

Question 2.

You learn that an Order has been executed, and the result is the slaughter of your peers. Do you...

a. Channel your fury and attack anyone that is against you or your peers.

b. Challenge the one who passed the Order to a one-on-one duel.

c. Send out a distress code to help prevent other peers from dying.

d. Return to your headquarters to save anyone you can, even if it means battling many opponents.

e. Take out enemies one by one. The best defence is a strong offence.

f. Refuse to wait around for the enemy. Attack them head on using your strength.

g. Exile to a desolate planet and hide there for years.

Question 3.

Your father visits you to reconcile your past differences. Do you...

a. Tell him you never want to see him again. This is the easiest way to get rid of him for good.

b. Try to leave. If he keeps persisting threaten him.

c. Use Mind Probe to see what he is really up to.

d. You know what you have to do, but you don't know if you have the strength to do it…

e. Be prepared at all times. You know that he is clever and could have anything up his sleeve.

f. Let the past die... Kill it if you have to.

g. Reconcile with him. Despite your differences he is still your father.

Question 4.

You are battling against a Bounty Hunter and his young son is watching. Do you...

a. Defend yourself against him, then flee. His son does not need to see a vicious battle.

b. Dodge his blaster fire with agility, take him out with your lightsaber.

c. Run at him while deflecting his blaster fire. Then take off his head with style.

d. Use the Jedi Mind Trick to convince him to leave with his son.

e. Deflect his blaster fire back at him. He should not of come up against you.

f. Use finesse to outmaneuver him. Show his son what a clutz his father is.

g. Destroy his blasters so he's helpless, then spare his life. He is a father after all.

Question 5.

You learn that someone you trust is a dangerous Sith Lord. Do you...

a. Join them. Learn the ways of the dark side.

b. Debate with him about the Force and why he should turn back to the light.

c. Draw your lightsaber. Try to take him prisoner.

d. Distance yourself from him immediately. Nothing good could come from this.

e. Pretend to join him to gain valuable insight for the Jedi Council.

f. Attack them immediately. There's no time to wait for backup.

g. Turn them over to the Jedi Council. A few Jedi Masters should be able to handle him...

Question 6.

You are captured by a Wompa who is preparing to make you his dinner. Do you...

a. Kill him. Now the tables have turn and you have dinner.

b. Offer the Wompa something else to eat in exchange. They shouldn't go hungry because of you.

c. Use Force pull to grab your lightsaber and cut yourself down. Next slice off their arm.

d. Using telekinesis, drop a block of ice on their head to knock them out.

e. Try to escape the ice cave, and get as far away from the Wompa as possible.

f. Try to hold out in the cave to stay warm. If the Wompa attacks, you will defend yourself in whatever way possible.

g. End the Wompa with a swift and powerful swing. You must be getting back to base before the shield doors close.

Question 7.

Your dark-sided Father brings you before his Sith Lord Master. Do you...

a. Try to create drama. Ask your Father why he has settled for being an apprentice for more than 20 years.

b. Fulfill your destiny. Take your Father's place at his side.

c. Do a backflip and take the high ground. You know it brings back bad memories....

d. Try to escape. Defend yourself against them if you have to.

e. Attempt to strike down the Sith Lord. You feel you have the strength to pull it off.

f. Propose to face them individually. You stand a better chance this way.

g. Battle them both at the same time. If you defeat them, spare their lives.

Question 8.

You run into your old enemy on the Death Star. Do you...

a. Sneak away. Live to fight another day.

b. Become one with the Force. Now you can haunt him as a Force ghost.

c. Ignore having any conversation. Time to end this once and for all.

d. Discard your weapons, and have tea like old friends. Hopefully you guys can laugh about the limbs you cut off the last time you met.

e. Defend yourself at all costs. You know what he can do with a lightsaber.

f. Use the Force to increase your speed. Hopefully you can still do flips at your age...

g. Become excited. You look forward to testing your skills against them once again.

Question 9.

What is your ideal battle situation?

a. One-on-one lightsaber duels. Battling to you is an art.

b. One in which you win. That is the only thing that matters.

c. Attacking a single opponent using speed, agility, and lots of somersaults.

d. One in which you can disarm multiple opponents without harming them

e. Defending against single or multiple opponents. You are skilled in both.

f. One in which you can use Force abilities as much as possible.

g. Quick battles where you can attack with strength rather than agility.

Question 10.

What is your lightsaber hilt style?

a. Shoto Lightsaber

b. Curved Hilt

c. Standard

d. Cross-guard

e. Double-bladed

f. Double-bladed Spinning

g. Lightsaber Pistol

Alright that was the last question, good job on finishing the quiz.

Now just add up all the points from the questions and we'll find out which lightsaber combat

form you have in the Star Wars universe.

Between 10 and 17: You got Form III

Users of this form were typically described as being non-aggressive and were more concerned

with surviving combat than winning it.

They would focus on tight bladework and subtle dodges to provide maximum defensive capabilities

against both ranged weapons and lightsabers.

Users would be effective against both single and multiple opponents and commonly use their

strong defensive techniques to outlast their opponent, waiting for them to make mistakes

due to fatigue or frustration.

Between 18 and 25: You got Form I

Users of this form usually intend to disarm opponents, rather than injuring them.

They typically use wide, sweeping motions, and for this reason they are specialized at

dealing with multiple opponents.

One should not underestimate the simplicity of this form, as a true master would be able

to find a way to utilize it in most lightsaber combat and battlefield situations.

Between 26 and 34: You got Form II

Users of this form specialize in lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat, and prefer one on one duels.

They rely on precision and efficiency, instead of strength, to defend against opponents,

and go to great lengths to avoid being disarmed.

Typically users would use jabs, light cuts, and parries as bladework and would greatly

emphasize footwork in both attack and defence.Users would commonly use this form one handed and

were described as being focused and elegant.

Between 35 and 45: You got Form VI

This was the most generalized, balanced form of lightsaber combat, combining elements from

Forms I through V.

This form is not considered to be particularly advantageous, nor is it considered to be disadvantageous,

but users would not be left as exposed as they would utilizing some of the other forms.

Users would not focus on bladework as much as other forms, and therefore would typically

use Force-based attacks while fighting.

They would demonstrate great improvisation and creativity in combat.

Between 46 and 54: You got Form IV

Users of this form were typically more combative, and used a style that would combine strength,

speed, and agility.

They would prefer to be on the offensive and typically use wide, fast, and powerful swings

of their lightsaber.

This would make them especially effective against single opponents.

They were known to be particularly acrobatic, utilizing the Force to overcome any physical

limitations they might have, often moving so quickly that they would only appear as

a blur to their opponents.

Between 55 and 62: You got Form V

Users of this form would focus on domination, and therefore would be considered aggressive.

They would often try to find ways to use their opponent's attack against them.

Users of this form did not like to waste time waiting on their opponents, opting instead

to create their own opportunities in combat.

They opted to use their natural strength to their advantage, rather than agility.

Between 63 and 70: You got Form VII

Users of this form are typically extremely aggressive.

They require significant internal focus, and utilize their inner darkness in duels, accepting

the fury of their opponent.

This form was considered the most vicious form of lightsaber combat, using bold, direct movements.

Users would employ their emotions in battle, making them often unpredictable.

They would enjoy fighting, and would take pleasure in winning.

Interested in finding out more about who you'd be in the Star Wars Universe.

Check out my other quizzes.

Anyways, I hope you had fun completing the quiz.

So which lightsaber combat form did you get?

Let me know down below in the comment section.

And remember to like, share, and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come.

I hope to see you all again in Leia's Lair.

For more infomation >> Find out YOUR lightsaber combat FORM! - Star Wars Quiz - Duration: 12:56.


Casio WV-300 - module 3034 - review & tutorial on how to setup and use ALL functions - Duration: 22:49.

Hi and welcome to another Watch Geek video!

Today I'll be doing a review of a Casio Wave Ceptor model WV-300.

But first I would like to thank Silvertime watch store for supplying this watch and if

you want to check them out, you can click on the link in the description.

Before we start I would like to say that sometimes I review watches because they are considered

historically important, or they are very popular among watch people or maybe the general public.

Then sometimes I will review a watch simply because I was offered one, or because someone

might request a review of a certain model.

But sometimes, a watch just makes me smile and brings me back to simpler times when I

was a kid watching Sci-Fi movies and imagining living in them.

This is exactly that kind of watch.

It is in no way a historically important model and it's not even popular.

Hell it's even been discontinued, so this video most likely will not be getting a lot

of views, but still upon seeing it in the store, I just had to have it and wanted to

do a review of it.

To me this watch looks so cool and so geeky that I am amazed it isn't more popular.

It looks as if it came out of 80's or 90's sci-fi movie or anime.

It just belongs in a Blade Runner, Aliens movies, or Ghost in the Shell.

I mean just look at it.

The rectangular shape with the vertical look.

The big screen with even bigger digits.

The way you can see the solar cell around the screen and even the connectors of the

solar cells, I just love the look of this thing.

I even like the asymmetric placement of the light button, as it gives it another dose

of futuristic industrial design, like something from a Robocop movie.

The shape of the case is also a little asymmetrical as the 12 o'clock part of the lugs is thicker

because it houses the antenna.

The bracelet is also a work of art and has the look of the 80's but is still incredibly


It appears to be made of solid links that are connected in an invisible way when looked

from the outside.

It is completely brushed and the links are nicely rounded making them very comfortable.

The clasp has a push button release and is one of the best stamped clasps I tried.

It even comes with a little micro adjustment.

This watch is how people probably imagined future in the 80's and that makes it beyond


There are many nostalgic models from Casio that make people like me smile and makes us

want them, like the F-91W or the A164, or even the CA-53 calculator watch, but those

are all in the 80's not only by design, but also by technology, as they are regular

battery operated watches, with some not even having a light function.

This on the other hand, uses modern Casio technology making it a true watch from the

future for someone in the 80's or early 90's.

And that is another thing that makes me like it so much.

It is a solar atomic watch meaning it is self-charging and self-adjusting making it very practical

and giving you the excuse to wear such a geeky watch.

On top of that, it has a proper EL backlight, and the standard set of functions you will

find on newer Casio watches, like 5 alarms, a World time function, a 60 minute Countdown

timer and a stopwatch.

With today's rise of smartwatches this watch and its functions may feel outdated to some,

especially younger people, but I still prefer it to any smart watch as it is a self-sustained

timing device that will do its job perfectly even 5-15 years from now.

A smart watch you bought today, will most likely be unable to hold a charge for 8 hours

in 2 years of usage, and in 5-10 years it most certainly won't be compatible to any

phone that's going to be in production at that time, making it pretty much useless.

That is the main reason I still have no love for Smart watches, because they get obsolete

very quickly, which is the last thing I want from a watch.

This on the other hand will give you the geeky look, but will keep functioning years and

maybe decades after your smartwatch has died, and functionality has to be present in a product,

no matter how much we we wore it for the sake of style and looks only.

So just like a Timberland boot has to be waterproof despite it being worn more as a fashion statement

and probably never seeing mud or water, a watch has to be able to perform its functions

no matter how stylish or old it is, and I don't think any of today's smartwatches

will be able to do that.

This one, on the other hand, can and will, and that is why I think there will always

be people willing to buy a good ole digital watch despite some saying their days are numbered

because of smartwatches.

But enough rant about them and let's move to the tutorial.

Before we do the tutorial I think you shoulf know the one weakness of this watch, which

is the fact it's not a multiband atomic watch, meaning it cannot sync to all the towers

in the world.

So if you buy a US version, it will only be able to sync to the US tower, if you buy a

European version, it will only sync in Europe and so on.

This is important to know if you decide to get this watch from an online dealer, so you

dont end up buying a version thats not for your market as you will end up with a regular

quartz watch as the sync function will not work.

It's just something to look out for.

Now let's really move to the tutorial.

For more infomation >> Casio WV-300 - module 3034 - review & tutorial on how to setup and use ALL functions - Duration: 22:49.


"You, Me and the Economy" A Vital and Timely Film. KICKSTARTER TRAILER - Duration: 3:45.

There's one thing I've realised as a filmmaker

is that there's no such thing as an "ordinary" person

or "ordinary" citizen.

I would never have said the economy

affects my life

but the truth is the economy affects the whole of our lives

and there's no getting away from it.

What is life like being a citizen in today's Britain?

I think it's pretty unsettling.

We're not quite sure what's real information

or what's not real information.

The challenges that you face when you just want to

better yourself or you want better for yourself.

Do i understand what lots of political changes mean?

What does that mean for me?

What does Brexit actually mean for an area like this?

It's an ill-informed population.

It's not working with our current discourse.

So therefore we need to change the discourse.

We were given tasks to do

to create a Citizens' Economic charter

So everything else that we do

any other policies that are made

should be based on these ideals.

It just sounded like another focus group

yeah we've been there, we've done that.

I thought by the end of today i'm going to be gone.

Although we were about to embark on the same journey

we were coming from different places.

As the catchphrase goes "I love Manchester".

The hub for innovation and creativity.

There's a place for everyone.

If you really want to see the community or get a real feel of it

you're going to find it to Harlesden high street.

Do you guys think that i'm wasting my time?

What i do think is that at the moment we're in a

time of change. Probably now's the right time.

I'm hoping that they'll be quite a few experts

who get a bit out of their comfort zones.

We can't challenge experts

because that would not the right thing to do.

i'm quite refreshed and bubbly and ready to go.

Can i just quickly say...that is so...

so not not ok.

Loads of pesticides and all these kinds of things on food.

But it allows poorer people to be able to afford food.

And then you'll need the social care

and actually there isn't the money.

I'm happy to be in the minority that's being vocal

and saying actually i don't agree with this

it's your right to do that.

She's right if she can do that i can do that!

If we don't risk different ideas

we just have conformity, we just have stagnation.

I found the Citizens' Economic Council so enlightening.

But the reality is what does it mean to me and my community?

If you don't how the economy works

you can't make informed decisions.

Like the councils when they're looking at budgets.

They're not just talking about thirty people.

They're talking about thousands

or hundreds of thousands and millions of people.

One of the things i've been considering

Is of becoming a local councillor.

You do something amazing then you stand out.

You do something terrible then you're that face.

It's a responsibility.

What could we do if we all got together

just a little bit more. Little and often.

Everything's impossible until someone actually does it.

There's so many voices that are not being heard.

Some people can talk about economics

who don't wear a suit. Like me.

This has made me see how fragile our economy can be.

Up until this process i'd never voted

i voted this year.

The excitement about taking part in the documentary

is that it's going to be offered out to a wider audience.

My hope is that people will see that some of the participants

We're quite passionate about social justice

and that actually you can have a voice.

Engage, have ideas, articulate them.

Be brave

because you're better than you think.

We as citizens could do more to push

to go no you will listen to us rather than

people just burying their heads, going along thinking

"Well i'm never going to make a difference"

If you are given a voice

how are you going to use that voice?

For more infomation >> "You, Me and the Economy" A Vital and Timely Film. KICKSTARTER TRAILER - Duration: 3:45.


How to grow potatoes.Homesteading-Potato farming at my parents farm - Duration: 1:51.

How to grow potatoes.Homesteading-Potato farming at my parents farm

Dig a narrow trench 12cm (5in) deep. The potatoes are spaced 30cm (12in) apart for earlies and 37cm (15in) for maincrop varieties in rows 24in (60cm) apart for earlies and 75cm (30in) apart for maincrop.

Potatoes need a sunny site away from frost pockets, Best time for planting from Marc-April.

Cover the potatoes

Once planted, when the stems are about 23cm (9in) high, start earthing up by carefully drawing soil up to the stems and covering to produce a flat-topped ridge about 15cm (6in) high. This can be done little and often or in one go.

Earthing up protects newly emerging foliage from to frost damage . It also protects developing new potatoes from light. Light turns tubers green and green potatoes are poisonous.

Harvesting:First early potatoes should be ready to lift in June and July, second earlies in July and August, maincrops from late August through October.

For more infomation >> How to grow potatoes.Homesteading-Potato farming at my parents farm - Duration: 1:51.


How to curl hair //Wavy Hair // TUTORIAL // STEP BY STEP - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> How to curl hair //Wavy Hair // TUTORIAL // STEP BY STEP - Duration: 6:59.


Royalty Free Music for YouTube Videos – Copyright Free Background Music Library for Download - Duration: 1:59.

Did you know you can get free music that's totally legal to use in your YouTube videos?

These are available to you at no cost and you won't get flagged on YouTube for copyright

infringement when they are part of your video.

And you can actually find this free music right on YouTube!

That's right!

If you have a YouTube account, you have access to a pretty good music library for free!

Just click on Create in your dashboard and you'll be taken to the YouTube music library.

In the library there are actually quite a lot of tracks to choose from!

And recently they made improvements to the interface like adding indicators for new music

they've added.

You can filter music by clicking on Genre to help you find the perfect music for your


There are also filters for Mood and you can even search by Instrument.

But one of the most important filters is the Attribution filter.

And it's important to know the difference between attribution required and not required.

When filtering by Attribution Not Required, you'll find music that is free to use without

crediting the artist.

On tracks where there is Attribution Required, you will see the credit information listed

under the track name when you play it.

And this text needs to be pasted into your video description to use it legally.

One thing that they finally added is the ability to scrub the audio.

A simple but useful function that wasn't there before.

There's even some sound effects but personally I don't find any of them useful.

And lastly, to download a track, just click the down arrow at the far right of the track.

So now you have a growing library of free music tracks right in your YouTube dashboard!

Really helpful when on a tight budget or a no budget production!

I hope you found this video helpful and if you did please give me a thumbs up and don't

forget to subscribe to my channel TheRenderQ for more how-to videos and product reviews.

For more infomation >> Royalty Free Music for YouTube Videos – Copyright Free Background Music Library for Download - Duration: 1:59.


Glitter Slime ASMR 2018 || The Most Satisfying Glitter Slime Mixing you EVER Seen #323 - Duration: 10:43.

Glitter Slime ASMR 2018 || The Most Satisfying Glitter Slime Mixing you EVER Seen #323

For more infomation >> Glitter Slime ASMR 2018 || The Most Satisfying Glitter Slime Mixing you EVER Seen #323 - Duration: 10:43.


WE WANT TO SHOW YOU OUR STUDIO! #2 - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> WE WANT TO SHOW YOU OUR STUDIO! #2 - Duration: 3:57.


Incredible Dancer who is a Double Amputee - Duration: 3:09.

Amy Purdy is an unbelievable woman

she is a professional snow-boarder, she is a professional dancer

she is an actress, she is a model, she is a businesswoman

and she lost both of her feet. Check her out.

dancing freestyle, Amy Purdy and her partner Derek Hough

We've done a lot of these videos, and what struck me watching this was that

not too long ago, a few decades ago, if you were hit with

a disability, you were blind, you were wheelchair bound

people actually wrote you off, you used to end up

in an institution, you used to be left at home

and your life was this small, you watch a woman like Amy

and what she's done, and it's a real testament to

all the attitude that have changed, the new life that's been opened up for these people

we're lucky to share some of these stories, and I jus think

it's so important because it keeps pushing people like Amy forward

and it keeps giving a signal to people that get hit with these conditions

that nothing is going to hold them back

For more infomation >> Incredible Dancer who is a Double Amputee - Duration: 3:09.


Rudimental ft. Jess Glynne, Macklemore & Dan Caplen - These Days (R3HAB Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:08.

♪ Leaving to find my soul ♪

♪ Told her I had to go ♪

♪ And I know it ain't pretty ♪

♪ When our hearts get broke ♪

♪ I hope someday we'll sit down together ♪

♪ And laugh with each other about these days, these days ♪

♪ All our troubles, we'll lay to rest and ♪

♪ We'll wish we could come back to these days, these days ♪

♪ (Oh I know, I know) ♪

♪ (Oh I know, I know) ♪

♪ (Oh I know, I know) ♪

♪ These days, these days ♪

♪ (Oh I know, I know) ♪

♪ (Oh I know, I know) ♪

♪ (Oh I know, I know) ♪

♪ These days, these days ♪

♪ These days, these days ♪

♪ Cigarettes in the ashtray ♪

♪ Reminiscing on those past days ♪

♪ I thought you'd end up with my last name ♪

♪ But that changed ♪

♪ And I travelled around the world ♪

♪ Think where you living at now? ♪

♪ I heard you moved to Austin ♪

♪ Got an apartment and settled down ♪

♪ And every once in a while ♪

♪ I start texting ♪

♪ Write a paragraph ♪

♪ But then I delete the message ♪

♪ I hope someday we'll sit down together ♪

♪ And laugh with each other about these days, these days ♪

♪ All our troubles, we'll lay to rest and ♪

♪ We'll wish we could come back to these days, these days ♪

♪ These days, these days ♪

♪ These days, these days ♪

For more infomation >> Rudimental ft. Jess Glynne, Macklemore & Dan Caplen - These Days (R3HAB Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:08.



hey everyone Vanessa here welcome back to a new episode of game of cookies

today I'm gonna show you an alternative an easy way to make chocolate truffles

these truffles are delicious and are so versatile so I hope you will like them. if you

are new to my channel then please don't forget to subscribe you have no idea how

much your support means to small creators like me. remember that at the end of my

videos you will find an uplifting positive quote that hopefully will cheer

someone up


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