hello and welcome to this episode of how to be a great game master, well as promised in our
teaser which is going out on the various other social media channels and if you
haven't seen them then that means you are not part of our Facebook
group and I suggest you head along and go and join that so you can see what's
coming up next week and make comments and suggestions there as well as here on
the channel. So today we are of course looking at alternative universes,
alternative dimensions. now this is a particular type of adventure that you
can send your players on generally speaking it's a once-off within a bigger
campaign so it's not going to be an entire campaign unless that's what it's
about much case it's very similar to the time travel video that I did a couple
weeks ago insofar as you're changing the location all the time and your players
are experiencing slightly different variants and variations and versions as
they go through the different spaces but alternative dimensions alternative
universes have a whole lot of information that comes with them that we
have to follow we have to make sure that we as game masters comply with otherwise
our players are going to feel very very very disenfranchised they're gonna feel
as if the opportunity was there but that it wasn't taken so these are my six
points or notes on how to make sure that when you're running an alternative
dimension alternative universe type of game you get the most out of it now the
first thing that we need to look at is we need to understand what is it that
our players expect now alternative universes universai multiple universes
alternative universes pop up primarily in science fiction but we have them in
modern-day dramas where it tends towards science fiction there are of course a
fantastical version as well that come out every now and again with fantasy
people move into an alternate dimension here and there but generally speaking
it's in a science fiction setting you can of course said it in any type of
setting that you like because whilst you're the boss now so what we expect is
that we expect to encounter ourselves and that's the biggest thing about an
alternative universe that we expect and the reason for it is because that's what
being taught to expect that's what we've been taught will happen and we expect
those alternative universe selves to be different from how we are so that's a
burden upon you as the game master and I'm going to come back to that a little
bit later that's step 2 in terms of how to make sure that you are going to be
able to portray the PCs as NPCs that are slightly different from what they are in
the actual game itself so that's one thing that they expect we expect
obviously a slightly different setting something that sets this universe apart
from the other again our players are going to expect that this one is more
militant or that some kind of Cataclysm has happened or that this is some kind
of paradise with an evil undertone there's all kinds of things that the
players expect but it is generally accepted that it was it is going to be
slightly different and so that's something that you have to do now the
more subtle the differences you make the less liked that the players are to
realize that they're actually also nervous now there's a reason why these
universes have to be different and there's a particular reason why these
universes have to be different and worse the reason why these universes that
you're creating these alternative dimensions the reason why these
dimensions have to be worse for the player characters in other words whether
it's there's a war going on maybe all elves have been put into
concentration camps and cannot leave maybe there is some kind of
environmental effect maybe the planet is being and being attacked by aliens
whatever the reason you have to come up with some kind of
negative and the reason for that is that you want the players to want to get
their characters home if the alternative dimension or the alternative universe
that you sent them through to is nice why should they bother going back so
it's your job your responsibility to make them want to come back now if this
is the beginning of a campaign of course you have a tough time they have very
little loyalty to the universe that they've just left but if they've been
playing in the campaign for quite some time they will probably want to get back
anyway you can just make it a lot easier if you give them a little nudge making
the universe that much darker or worse than the one that they left so we expect
that we expect that we ignore the crazy notion of chance and that we assume that
everyone is predestined to do pretty much the same thing now in any
alternative history it doesn't matter which one you have a look at because the
idea is to examine yourself in a different space you ultimately have to
always end up meeting yourself otherwise it's basically like there's going to
another country isn't it yes it's got a slightly different this or a slightly
different that but unless you are meeting unless the party is actually
meeting they're doppelgangers they're equivalents in the universe that they're
going to or particularly NPCs are they're very fond of that they know very
well in an alternative dimension there's really no point in doing it so we have
to ignore random chance now if I look at it and I were to pop to an alternate
event dimension for myself what are the chances that there is someone who is
living in Japan who happens to watch my youtube channel invite me to move over
to Japan and I accept the circumstances and the reasons for moving me from South
Africa to Japan are extraordinarily small and yet it happened here so when I
now teleport to the alternative dimension and I happen to teleport to
Japan somehow my character from that
alternative universe needs to have moved literally across the planet so that I
can bump into myself and meet myself and follow the adventure that as a result
happens so we ignore those kind of chances we assume that although this
character is evil and your character is good you've had similar career paths
this one has ended up as an admiral whilst you're still an ensign but you
both kind of have the same friends you move in the same circles you know the
same people because while the rest of the part you want to meet themselves as
well and presumably the party is working together so it's an interesting twist
it's an interesting space that you can play in in terms of doing that but you
must do it otherwise it's not really an alternative dimension it's just another
space so bear that in mind now number two when we look at the PCs
being different this is where it becomes a challenge for you as the game master
and it can be quite daunting it really can be now the trick that you have to
take into account here is that the PCs are played by players whereas the ones
they meet are NPCs and they're played by you so that means that you need to try
now mimic your players and that can be particularly daunting and particularly
difficult especially if your players of either fairly neutral and in their
approach or have rather unique accents or mannerisms that you yourself can't
achieve so how do you do this effectively well for me what I have
found the best way to do it is to find some quirk that my player that I'm
trying to emulate does whether it's sniffing or tapping a pencil or it's a
phrase that they use or it doesn't matter I look for something during
previous sessions earlier sessions so that I can get a sense of what they like
and then I try and focus in just on that I don't worry about the rest so if
they've got a strange accent and icon do the accent I'll focus on a mannerism
or a phrase or something that allows me to do just enough that the rest of the
players will be going oh yeah yeah that's you yeah yeah yeah yeah we've met
your character we know who that is oh yeah that's what you want is you want
them to be able to pick up that you are trying to mimic of that character and
then you just use that device moving throughout for the rest of the players
so that's how I usually do it now another thing is that when you look at
trying to make them different in an alternative universe is you've got to
try and decide how are they going to be different there are stories examples
where people are good in both dimensions in both alternative spaces but the
circumstances of one forces them to behave in different ways the
administrator who's running a city very well in dimension one in alternative
dimension to that very well run city they might be doing their best but it's
actually now a mud village and instead of wearing a business suit they're now
wearing a loincloth with heavy fur because they never advanced out of the
Stone Age so you can not necessarily change the character but change the
circumstances that they're in again although that is interesting it might
not be great to have the characters meet themselves and they pretty much the same
thing maybe one of them is like that that's the quirk the others are either
usually evil where they've been buried body their dark side or have some kind
of moral difference the priest who's always talking is now a quiet
contemplative individual because 20 years ago instead of helping a bar fight
get along he stopped it pick a an alternative outcome now that is another
way in which you can decide how the character is different as you look at
the player character the player's character might pose you look at the
player's character and you look at their past and you go well this is what they
did in that adventure this is what they did in that adventure and this is what
they did in that adventure alright if in this adventure
that had happened how would that have changed the character and then you just
tweak that that way when the character is interacting with the NPC the NPC says
oh did you manage to overcome the chasm well we stopped at that point and we
turned around and went back home and so-and-so died enroute all this happened
all that happened and that changed their entire demeanor so look at events in
your own campaign history and tweak those now something that becomes very
fun to do is to look at the events in your campaign history and tweak them if
the players had been good or the players have been evil and see the outcomes and
then that becomes the alternative universe the alternative dimension that
you use it's always better in my opinion if the universe is different because of
some of the characters did or did not do as a result we're going to come back to
that a little bit later on when we look at how to create these alternate so if
we then look at our tone the tone of an alternative universe because this is a
setting so we go through the usual setting steps but the tone is generally
darker and edgier and the reason for it as I've already mentioned we don't want
the players to decide this is actually better than where we came from we're not
going back we don't want that we want our players to want to head on home we
want them to well go back to where they came from because generally speaking
that's something that our players expect as well is that they are stuck where
they are and they got there by accident or by chance all and we're gonna come to
that also a little bit later on so there's a lot coming up so hang in there
now the tone is generally set by what causes
the difference so what causes this alternative universe to be different
from that one and from base reality was it choices that were made was it
environmental factors was it the actions of PCs that change
wasn't the inaction of pcs that changed it although this is more of a time
shifting story than a alternative universe story in one of my games my
characters were a little bit paralyzed with inaction they would see a situation
they wouldn't know what's happening or they would know what's happening but
they wouldn't know what to do and that's more from the character perspective they
were paralyzed with do I save that person or do I let that happened do I do
this do I do that and ultimately the result was that the event occurred and
they hadn't done anything and it was too late to do anything so what I wanted to
do was I wanted to encourage the players to do certain actions and to not do
other actions to not act rashly but to think about their actions and I had them
project in this pool where they suddenly saw themselves in five years time and
what had become of them so they were seeing an alternative version of
themselves which because of an action had led to their character becoming x
y&z that worked really well several of the players took that as a sign of what
not to do and they corrected and change their behavior and can I say it was for
the better it was a very good change that they went through and I think it it
made the adventure that much better so that was a mini alternative you know
when ative dimension alternative universe view to give my players a
little bit of perspective on how they were playing the game yeah number four
things to avoid now the challenge with an alternative universe is that you want
to throw everything in to the alternative dimension at once you have
lots of alternative dimensions there's no mandate on how many alternatives
there are if you look at one of the theories we have the trousers of time
which every time there's a decision that splits it bifurcates or traffic eight so
it turns into fifty different options or whatever it is depending on whether the
snail goes left or right just before it hits that cloverleaf to eat so you have
all of these alternative universe running in parallel and your people can
move between them as many of them as you need
so don't overwhelm the players by changing too much stuff change one
significant thing and then obviously you change the characters themselves and
then the rest you keep the same it's the familiarity that will show up the
difference if everything is different well again you might as well just be in
a different country rather than an alternative dimension now another thing
that's important to bear in mind is that everything doesn't have to be evil just
for evils sake and the players their characters don't have to all be evil one
can be evil one can be neutral one can be good if you want to go with alignment
sort of idea morally they can be the same there can be opposite there can be
an opposition to one another so instead of a United Party that meeting a split
party really play around with the dynamics of the group and how things
changed and altered and did that kind of thing and that will really help you in
terms of developing this world and making it feel as if it's been ticking
along just as much as the main campaign world has been as well something to
think about is instead of showing a character that is evil or a character
that is morally corrupt you could show a character who is morose or sad because
an inaction or an action or an event occurred which caused them sadness which
caused them to be in a state of decay perhaps it's the noble Paladin from the
real dimension the real world and then the alternative dimension he's a
drunkard and a dropout because he didn't save the child now your character your
players characters change from being antagonistic towards the evil character
or working with themselves to being someone who wants to help themselves and
ultimately that engenders that embodies the idea of an alternative universe
where we get this space that's as breathing and living as the one that
they're in so think about it if the character was born under different
circumstances tenses what would they be like and if
you go the sad route or the pathetic route or the fallen route or maybe they
didn't take their vows that can be as interesting to the players as if they're
just meeting their exact opposite doppelgangers now something that I did
say that we're going to come to in I'm coming back to it now and number five is
how do our characters get from reality to the alternative dimension and how
they get back how do they get back that's the important thing that
MacGuffin that device whether it's whether it's a device or a spell or an
emotional accident or it's an event that has to occur like the alignment of the
planets whatever that is you need to make sure that your players and their
characters know how to get back if they can't if they don't know if they if they
arrive and they're going so how do we get back we've now stepped into an
alternative universe where um there's no electricity Edison didn't live long
enough he was assassinated by Tesla and Tesla was murdered two days later by
Edison's wife in a fit of revenge so there's no electricity it never never
never developed how do we get our electrical power device back in time now
back to our present reality although it is a time-traveling show the Back to the
Future series had this exact problem Marty goes back to the Wild West where
there's no electricity there's no petroleum for their vehicle and they
need to reach a speed of 89 miles per hour 89 kilometers an hour or whatever
the the speed is that the DeLorean needs in order to jump through time so that
was a very clever solution to this problem the players need to know how to
move between dimensions if they don't then they have no hope of getting back
which means that you don't have an adventure
more so if they arrived by accident they need to over here they need to get a
clear picture that in that building over there or there's a crazy scientist who
lives out on the mountains or those are this orders of that if they don't get
that they are not going to be invested in your story so bear that in mind that
is something that's very important to give your players and I mean give don't
make them work for it if they need to figure out how to get back give them
enough clues and hints that they can actually figure it out don't be afraid
to make that an obvious plot here we go this is it don't be afraid to do that
now finally if we look at if we look at inspirational content we look at films
and television shows that handle alternative universes the first one that
springs to mind of course is Star Trek which is replete with alternative
universe mirror universe alternative dimensions this then the next thing
current show I haven't been able to catch up with it after season 1 is all
about dimensional or alternative universe travel and it became quite a
thing in the shows for each of the series to have an alternative dimension
to go to and that alternative dimension ran in parallel for as long as the
series ran so whether the next generation went to that dimensional Deep
Space nine or Voyager it was always still linked to the alternative
dimension that had been established way back in the 80s the 1980s so that's a
that's a fairly good example of it but at the same time I felt that it was also
a fairly bad example of it they they didn't change up enough things the
federation becomes militant so their starships have a slight modification i
know they didn't do it because of budgetary restraints but there are
certain things that honda mentally have to change so bear that in mind use it as
an example of what not to do if you have a peace-loving nation and the
alternative universe is that they're militant and warlike their architecture
is going to be significantly different now something
that comes to mind when we are talking about this kind of thing is a very good
example the man in the high castle which is a phenomenal series in which the
Nazis have taken over most of the USA they defeated the British and they
managed to get into the USA and that was the end of that so the story follows the
lives of the people that are in this world but it is established that it is
an alternative world or from their perspective they're the real world and
there's an alternative world that runs parallel to it now what does that mean
and how do they get across and all those kind of wonderful things hasn't been
answers at least not as far as I know season 3 isn't out yet there is an
example of where they've changed up certain things it's the 1950s and yet
technology hasn't moved as far forward as it had by the by our standards by our
real-world standards so there's a good example we've got there's a show called
sliders which was done in the 90s where they were sliding between dimensions
between parallel worlds and discovering the changes and difficulties that they
had there too then if you look at another option something that may not
necessarily present itself immediately as an alternative universe is the Harry
Potter series Harry Potter and his companions have to step through that
magical 9 and 3/4 platform on the train station to get to their magical world
and they have this transition between reality and this fake space so it's
almost an alternative dimension where magic works and all these amazing
creatures still exist and then you've got real world which they have to return
to from time to time The Chronicles of Narnia is a similar kind of idea but
again we've got the situation where reality in Harry Potter's case is
definitely the darker side even though you've got all these horrid things
running around and Lord Voldemort running around there doesn't really
matter it's a happier brighter place because you've got magic so why go back
to it is the real question that I don't think was ever successfully answered and
then of course later on was a fantastic piece that was totally ignored there's
broke barriers no mr. although maybe I'm getting it wrong I'm not a big Harry
Potter fan so that is in a nutshell I think how one can use alternative
dimensions and I think they're very good to use as a prompt as a poke as just a
bit of fun maybe someone doesn't turn up for a session so you run an
alternate-dimension game with the same characters but this is different and
that's different that's also an option to to to explore until next time I hope
you enjoy the show so hit the like button if you did hit the subscribe
button if you haven't yet joined us find us on Facebook we're there and there's a
community that's growing there we're on Instagram or on Twitter
we're just everywhere and the more people that participate and join in the
bigger the community they're happy the community and the more options and
alternatives we get and gather to learn how to play our remarkable game until
next time wish you and yours the happiest
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