Oddly Satisfying Video That You Will Love Watching
3 Manifestation Processes More Powerful Than the Law of Attraction (Try These) - Duration: 17:04.video will show you three manifestation processes that I think are more powerful
than the stereotypical Law of Attraction process that we go about I'm gonna share
with you how to apply these in your life and how you can really make this
something that makes a change for you
welcome back to another video my name is Erin and I help people expand their
consciousness now this video I'm gonna be sharing with you those three other
processes that I think are more powerful than the understanding of Law of
Attraction now first off let me say that with these processes the idea is to just
pick what works for you now the reason I say that is because ultimately our
beliefs are creating our reality now if we buy into a certain process then we'll
get the result based on how much we're putting into that process how much
belief we have behind it now with this I've been learning these higher level
consciousness understandings of bringing in some Eastern philosophy and how to
have these new perspectives about how the law of attraction works and the old
ways like my old law of attraction videos can still absolutely work for
people but these are ways of understanding it from a higher level
paradigm and I think that these three things can absolutely transform your
life now the first one is gonna be one I have never talked about before it's
actually one that I listen to I was watching another YouTube last night and
it has to do with understanding Arturo Deol field and how the power of
our heart works now there's this guy I used to watch years ago and he used to
always talk about the power of the heart and how we can create from that place
and how when we create from the heart we create from a singular point of view
where as when we create from the head we create from a dualistic nature because
think about it the head the brain has the left brain
the right brain the logical mind the creative side the dualistic nature then
creates dualism creates polarization in life now this comes from understanding
the energetic point of view of our body and kind of what I've been learning from
something called the heart math Institute which studies the
electromagnetic energy of the heart now the electromagnetic energy of the heart
is thousands of times more powerful than that of the head and that when we learn
how to tap into this I believe we create what we want in a much
powerful wait now I want to use this analogy because I heard it last night
and I think it could be so powerful think of it like this
our thoughts the things that we're thinking our beliefs the stories we tell
ourselves energetically because we have an aura that actually extends far
outside of our body what we are thinking we are carrying around in our energy
field how we feel about ourselves any reaction we have to the outer
environment those things are imprinted in our energy field now when we walk
around they've shown and I'll put a chart up that shows this detour or deter
Oriole nature of our energy field and how it kind of feeds into it it kind of
is this loop that goes around and it goes through our hearts and then it goes
through our outer energy field now think of it when we're walking around and when
we're feeling a certain way we are triggering certain emotions and what
happens is we carry those around with us so when we're around other people though
something we can feel from other people because even though we're not touching
them physically if we're close to them we can feel what's in there within their
energy field now the idea is that those emotions that we carry around those
thoughts that we carry around for about a month I'd say maybe even longer we're
carrying those around with us of what we thought and felt for the prior month
behind us it you know literally speaking just because we continue to create the
same momentum of what we feel now think of it like this as we go around in our
daily life what happens is we link ourselves up with other people that
resonate with it with other situations that resonate with it and that begins to
be something that we pull in certain experiences from based on what we're
carrying in our toroidal field now the power of knowingness is the power of
understanding first off momentum whatever we're consistently thinking and
feeling we are carrying around with us and that is something that is affecting
our environment that other people can feel that off of us just like we can
feel that off of other people now what this means is that we can become much
more aware of what we are thinking of we could become aware of how we are
relating our inner world to our outer world and how when we do that we start
to transcend the lower paradigms of thinking around the law of attraction
and just kind of some of the you just got to constantly think of certain
things understand more about a holistic understanding of your
energy field in general now this is something I'm newly developing this
perspective I'll get more clarity as this as I go
but I wanted to share that first with you guys because it's different than the
next two I'm gonna share which I've shared a little bit about before but
I'll go a little bit more in detail to them so that's the first one understand
let me give you guys a practical tool and technique that I think could
transform your life what you can do is this is a process that I've use is this
is called from the heart math Institute the freeze-frame technique now what you
do is you first off simply you put the awareness on your heart center as you
put the awareness on your heart center you immediately start to grow the
electromagnetic energy of the heart and you start to feel from that place which
is much more powerful than just out of the head now what you do is as you feel
from the center of your heart what you do is you think of things that you're
grateful for and you start to think of things and you start to put the
awareness in your heart and you start to think of memories of you being grateful
for certain things happening you can think of memories of things of states of
being that you want to be in and you could even visualize certain things that
you want to happen into your life and as you do that from your hearts place make
sure it's something that your heart really understands something your heart
is connected to you really start to connect that at a powerful way and as
you do that consistently and you breathe into it
you start to grow the electric magnetic energy of your heart which from the
torque field you'll see that it expands very very far out there so that's
something that I think is just so powerful and I'll be developing more
perspectives on this in the future the second process that I think is more
powerful than that of the law of attraction is understanding that of what
is called reality Tran surfing now reality Tran surfing is something I've
been sharing a lot in the channel I think it's literally one of the most
transformative law of Striped processes I've ever used and just to give a little
bit of a basis for it reality Tran surfing is a book that was written in
Russia by a quantum physicist his name was Vadim Zealand and it's a
book that was written it's just now being translated to a whole bunch of
different languages it's starting to really gain popularity and I wanted to
share with you the ideas because I read the book but the suggestion of a friend
that told me to read it and I read it I started to apply it then I started to
get more I started to get much easier results things started happening a much
more smooth way so it started to work for me
so now I'm on the YouTube channel I'm like hey I want to share these ideas
with you because I think they can transform your life now let's understand
the general basis for it and why it's a little bit different than Law of
Attraction first off general basis general basis is that there is what is
called the alternative space alternative space is everything that has been is and
will be it's infinite possibility we connect with that alternative space
based on our intention and based on our focus if we simply first off set more
intentions your life will begin to change if you do that your life will
begin to change just simply by setting intentions most people don't set
intentions most people think about where they are the resistance they have with
where they are and they don't set intentions as to what they prefer to
experience in their life therefore they get the same results that they've always
gotten simply first off set more intentions now the next part of this is
understanding how do you decrease importance this is an idea that has to
do with understanding importance in the sense that anything we ever give excess
meaning to excess importance to we immediately distance ourself from think
of this like there's a specific person or just a person in general you want to
attract into your life you're thinking about this person so much you put them
on this high pedestal and if they come around you and you're around them you
feel nervous because they're so important to you
the moment you start to do that is the moment you distance yourself from them
because you're making them more important than they have to be any time
we make something more important we create what is called excess potential
and metaphorically speaking balancing factors come into play that balance out
that energy and they will keep you from getting that because it's balancing out
that energy this is one of the most transformative concepts within reality
transfer fee decrease the level of importance of what you want to
experience and everything will begin to change now what this means is that under
the stereotypical way that it relates to the law of attraction is we think we
need a white-hot burning desire right desire is the best thing however under
reality transfer fee desire is only powerful if it's translated into
intention or into action if I ever desire to put up my hand right now but I
don't do it the desire is meaningless and useless but if I have a desire and I
translate that into intention and I do it with action then it is powerful so
the idea is instead of having a desire because if
you have a desire you're also telling yourself in the present moment that you
don't currently have what you want if I want an ice cream cone but I want that
that water over there and I desire it so much I'm saying I don't currently have
it but at the moment I go over there and I grabbed it and I drink it I no longer
wanted so I resonate with it so the idea is to focus on what you want but not to
give it too much importance and to understand you can create from a much
more observation point of view a much more neutral point of view and that
anytime you want something you don't resonate with it so start to see
yourself as already having it now there's more to reality Tran surfing
there's understanding that alternative space what are called pendulums the idea
is that our thoughts have an electromagnetic energy and
electromagnetic reality in of it itself and when people in the collective
consciousness so other people in society think similar thoughts it creates these
thoughts structures that start to carry momentum of themselves so sometimes you
may think you're having your own thoughts but in reality you may just be
thinking the thoughts of a pendulum a pendulum will influence you and Spike
you to feeling the emotion of certain things that aren't actually your
thoughts but you're buying into it so for example being Republican or Democrat
if you're on either side of the spectrum you're carrying with that some type of
pendulum and because a lot of people think one way or the other it sucks you
in anytime you have an emotional reaction to it it's what the news does
the news keeps you tied into the lower-level paradigms of those pendulums
and you begin to perpetuate more and more of that thinking that though your
thoughts but really they're the thoughts of those collective consciousness those
thoughts structures so the power to this is just simply being aware of what
you're thinking as you're aware of what you're thinking everything begins to
change because that you can then choose to have a new perspective you're not a
victim of those pendulums now if you want to
know more about reality transfer fien I've created a powerful mp3 guided
meditation that will wire those in for you using NLP using powerful technology
in order to get it so that you are able to create from that place it'll also
help you to decrease the amount of importance you're giving to your
manifestations so that you can actually resonate with them and it's something
that I think that if you listen to for 21 days can
family change your life so I'm gonna give it to you for absolutely free you
can see in the description box below if you download it I think you'll find that
something that's just so powerful that's why I want to give it and offer it to
you to try so other than that the third process that is just so powerful is
understanding parallel realities which is kind of similar to that of reality
Tran surfing but a little bit different now parallel realities and creating from
parallel reality point of view what we do is we have this awareness that
everything we can possibly imagine exists right now in the present moment
because this is what quantum physics shows us quantum physics and shows us
that the only moment that exists is this moment right now that even though we may
have perceived different moments they're actually just moments from different
perspectives but we know this because we've never actually experienced the
past because when it was the past it was this moment right now we will never
actually experience the future because by the time the future gets here it will
be this moment right now now actually the idea behind this is that there are
an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and they are all different
snapshots think of this like a film projector and in that way there may be
different frames that go through the film projector but the idea is that if
you were to actually take out the film and stretch it out you'd see that those
individual frames each individual frame is a totally separate parallel reality
what we perceive of as time even after even if I'm doing this with my hand
right now it looks like one long fluid motion but that is just an illusion of
continuity because we are able to perceive them as all coming together we
say oh this is all one fluid movement but in reality this is me shifting
through billions of parallel realities per second it's just something that we
see because we have memory and we're able to tag these thoughts together tag
these parallel realities together using time using space so the idea behind this
is understanding that when we come to really understand this what we can then
focus on is how to detach from the story that we tell ourselves and how to tell
ourselves a new story to create what we want you can create and connect to any
parallel reality you can imagine imagine right now for yourself the best possible
parallel reality you can possibly imagine what is that represented about
for me if me traveling the world speaking in front of
thousands of people it's me going to amazing restaurants and being around
friends and family mean networking was some of the best people in my field and
Industry me connecting with people that listened to my message and that I can
connect to and and really feel like I'm adding value to other people it's me
going anywhere I want the world and you know being able to vacation at the same
time and creating YouTube videos that is the perfect version of me that I imagine
that parallel reality exists right now and in order for me to connect to it
what I can do is start to see myself as that type of person and as I begin to
act from that place I begin to literally pull from within the infinite parallel
realities I pull within it that reality and I make that more of who I am so
normally when we look at the past we think that the past is set we think that
the past is a part of who we are now in actuality there's an infinite number of
probable pasts that exist and if we just simply drop the story that we tell
ourselves if we have the awareness that we don't have to constantly remember
certain things in our mind we start to tell ourselves a new story and as we
tell ourselves a new story we allow ourselves the ability to then start to
create what we want in our life we can then shift and create whatever we want
in your life so what I encourage you to do the practical tip of this one is to
imagine the best possible version of yourself
to imagine the body language that you have when you're in that specific
scenario or that kind of lifestyle imagine how people respond to you
imagine what you do for a living you know this I believe that the parallel
reality that you're gonna get the most fulfillment out of is going to be the
one that's connected to your passion so find out what that is what do you love
doing what do you you know feel from your heart is the most exciting thing
for you to do and then imagine that feel into that know that that exists right
now and start to take action as if that is who you are what did you do to get to
that place did you create content did you start a business did you find
yourself being a manager and helping other people going for that job
promotion that you didn't think you were worthy of whatever it is start to view
yourself as enough start to view yourself and change your self image if
you change your self image I promise you everything will begin to change in your
life you can apply that towards parallel realities as well
and if you apply all of these things I think they can profoundly change your
life now I believe that all three of these processes are more powerful than
the stereotypical Law of Attraction process of have a desire focus on it and
then create what you want this is a little bit more beyond that in the sense
of the awareness of how reality may work I think that the best way for you to
find out is for you to just simply try them to try them out and to see how they
work and if it works for you than to do that one and to keep doing that to rinse
it and repeat it and refine it these are all different ways of going about the
same thing to get the same type of result but understand that as you follow
your passion that's gonna be the highest route to you achieving what you want
that you can use the toroidal field of the body you can understand how your
thoughts carry momentum your emotions carry momentum you can understand how to
link yourself up with what you want to experience by cultivating the gratitude
in your own life you can use the freeze-frame technique of using your
heart in a powerful way that secondly you can use reality transfer fees to
decrease the amount of importance you can download that free mp3 below if you
want more on wiring in that process and really decreasing the manifestation of
what you want to create that's something that could be very powerful and then
thirdly parallel realities understanding that every possible reality exists right
now in the present moment so why not create what you want your life by
connecting to that version of you so the Debian said I hope you guys enjoy this
video don't free to like this video if you guys liked it subscribe if you
haven't already as always I will see you guys in the next video peace
much love and namaste
This Video Gamer Admits His Habit Nearly Drove Him To Suicide | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 11:01.-------------------------------------------
Decluttering your workshop (part 2 glue guns and glassware) - Duration: 9:54.Here I am back for stage two of my workshop decluttering and I'm ready to
tackle my glassware area so again need to tuck the curtains out of the way so
here I've got glass down here don't he who sits just off screen I've got a
little filing cabinet full of craft supplies which I'll need to go through
and then some shelves up at the back here so I'm going to tackle what's
around the back here first of all so go sticks they need to be put with some
other glue sticks and again if you saw my first tidy up I've been collecting
these lacy doilies and turning them into scarves and I must have so many of them
now that I'm not going to make them into scarves anymore so I shall donate those
back to the charity shop so they can go in my charity shop pile down here so I
should say I've got three piles going one for the charity shop and giveaways
one is dis total rubbish which I'm not going to compost if it's dried flower
materials or recycle or throw in the bin and then the other stuff will be what I
will put back and make more efficient use of the shelves I've got so here I'm
really heavy floristry wise I've got a new place to muffle oyster wise now so I
want to keep them all together so actually I'm going to put that on one
side to put away later on and then another whole stack of Oh blue six which
I've just opened at the wrong end so I need to put all those back and keep them
together so I know where to find this next time
and actually what I might do they've got that big hole I've got this plastic jug
and me just draw them in there for the moment and then a race dish I've quite
often use this when I do my adult education class it's really nice when
you're doing flour agents to lift them off the table a little bit so that's a
really handy dish and in here I've got a bag full of glue guns so the
glue guns and the glue sticks need to be kept together so I shall put those back
in a moment and on the top shelf I've got a little cup of box which I
will be using as a prop box for my photographs in fact as I empty that out
I've only got one sheet of wrapping paper you see use rattling papers the
background to my photographs so I'm like to actually put that in why wrapping
paper pile and then got the boxes on the psychs I'm sure I can feel that with
something else as well and then two plates if you followed my vlogmas for
Christmas 12 days of Christmas I bought these plates to do some styling with and
they only cost me one pound fifty for the pair and I don't need them anymore
so I think I will give those back to the charity shop and then down here I've got
a glass jug all my glassware is just a bit dusty and ideally needs cleaning out
but all I want tend to do because I'm working in the workshop space everything
is washed as soon as I finished using with it but I tend to wash it again
and when I use it again because it does get a bit dusty on the show so I'll keep
that to one side and then two jars here there's more coffee jar I think now I'm
doing a workshop later on this month using jam jars to arrange flowers in so
I'm going to put that in my jam jar pile this work this glass jar here is
actually in old kiln Rajasa it's quite nice to use so I should be saving that
I went through a phase of by all sorts of glassware from the charity shop and I
don't think I've ever really used this one and I'm going to send that back to
the charity shop and a wine carafe which I'm going to keep because we used to use
that at home and it just needs a good wash I can't not quite get rid of that
yet and an old stopper which I think must have come from my mum
I'm going to hold on to that for a while and then also I had this thing for
collecting these cake stands and again sort of supplies for classes and these
days I tend to do a lot of classes where the ladies bring their a material so I
don't need to supply everything for them I am going to keep this one because I
like the little up stand here but this one was always really difficult to use
it's more fluted so I think I'll donate that back to the charity shop and I got
a matching pair think those look like matching pair so I might keep the two
you never know I could have a one arrangement to either end of the table
and then this stand lovely sort of rise of you something my screaming but
actually it's too flat and when you put the flower foam in here it doesn't sit
so well so I'm going to get rid of that one as well I can't believe I'm getting
rid of these I searched high and low for them and now here I am just getting rid
of them crunched up bit of chicken wire which is really handy when you are
arranging in visors because you can put it down into your bars and arrange your
flowers through that so I will keep that
and then a plastic glass I thought these might have been a good idea for a class
and never really use them so I shall donate that to search and shop get rid
of all those bits of green is falling out there and then back at the top here
I've got all my supplies of Oasis shapes which I've wedged in so I'm keeping all
of those it's all those kind of things back at the side and I have a tray as
well it's originally when I first of my classes my workshops I've had a vintage
tea party theme to them and quite like that tray but what I find now though I
don't use the tray it's quite handy putting on the shelf
because anything small and rest on the tray without falling down there the
holes in the breads and then there is I quite like this fast it's it's wider at
the bottom than this one so it's more practical to use and looking at it I
think this is the vars that I stood my flies and when I
preserve them with glycerin so you have to check back and look for that video
I'm reasonably sure I eventually transferred my glycerin into this floors
because it's a better shape the glycerin stood up quite high and then the flowers
could spill out some holding onto that one and at the bottom here a little
glass dish I've never used that again like the idea in the charity shop but
wasn't for me and basket I think that we originally would have been filled with
like a planted arrangement and again I've not used that and although I've got
a couple of truffles you've seen the earlier video I've got a couple of
trough farces I think I will charity shop that one pass that on to make some
space for myself and also gosh how dusty is that again I just have a thing for it
these verses and they only cost me a couple of pounds each it's almost like a
fruit bowl so I shall be getting rid of that one as
well and what to have me around I'll sweep more glassware with lots of bits
and pieces in it a cold fish bowl okay that's quite handy it's sort of quite a
classic shape particularly nice for arranging tulips in when you bend them
around so I think I'll keep hold of that one and then a much deeper glass glass
now this look great filled with sticks and flowers arranged
through it but it's quite large not quite sure about that
and then this trough here really big it's almost looks like a casserole dish
but it was again I went to a workshop and we supply with these so I think I
might get rid of that big one and keep the two smaller ones I think they'll be
a bit more practical down like that and I can see white at the bottom I think
I've got another so a combination of a cylinder of ours and a goldfish bowl as
well so I shall put those all back in my cupboard and bring up some space and as
I do trying to sort of consolidate everything so it packs down really
neatly in the hope that when I've done a workshop I will just have some what I
can put my bag and empty it back in and hopefully the whole workshop will be
tired yeah so fingers crossed so I'd love to hear how you're getting on with
your decluttering so do drop me a comment below and if you enjoyed the
video give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe if you're interested
in hearing lots of flower arranging hints or tips and bits of chat I'll see
you again another time
何でも言うことを聞いてくれるアカネチャン (Akane-chan Will Go Along With Anything You Say) English Sub - Duration: 4:46.Listen Akane-chan!
I came up with a great idea!
what's that?
I will be the best streamer in the world!
That's fine
Right now, this game is fashionable.
It seems fun so I'll try to play it.
Well, because I'm a genius.
I will gloriously destroy my opponents.
And I will record it (via stream)
And I'll upload it to my channel! yea I will ascend to the first place in the ranking! yea Everyone will love me! yea
Yukari is cute!
you are so cool!
Everyone will say it!
nah, that's a bad idea
It's a great idea! No, Akane?
I agree
It's fine
It looks good.
It sounds good.
I think it's good.
I see.
It's fine
It looks good
It sounds good
I see.
Although I do not care.
Listen to my guitar solo, Akane!
How was it, Akane?
It was good... "yay"
I see. (Impressed)
I see. (View)
I see. (Perception)
I see. (Knowledge)
I see. (Incomparable)
It's fine
It looks good
it sounds good
I see
Although I do not care.
Listen Akane-chan
What happened
About the game I told you before ... It was really difficult ...
Also, the others said things like:
"If you think you are a genius, try to ascend with basic equipment, lol"
And they laughed at me.
Give it here then! You bastrds
Don't you know I'm a genius!? I'll destroy you all in 8 minutes
You think I will allow them to get away with it!
I will bring hell on them
And people will talk about it 5000 trillion times
So, what do you say!? Akane chan!?
Sounds stupid.
Wouldn't it be better to quit?
That's fine
That sounds good
That looks good.
I see.
Should I give up?
That's fine, looks fine, sounds fine, I think its fine.
I see.
Although I don't care.
It's that I don't care.
How To Live Like Bill Gates - Morning Routine of Bill Gates - Duration: 3:02.When you think of Bill Gates you think of two things Microsoft and the richest
man in the world while these associations are often talked about
there have been many factors that have contributed to a success than many
people overlook Bill Gates like many individuals has a specific morning
routine that allows him to tackle each day balancing productivity happiness and
his own well-being the following aspects are how Bill Gates starts each and every
morning number one getting ample sleep before having a productive morning Bill
Gates has stated many times that it is important for him to get seven hours of
sleep per night he is a big believer in getting sufficient rest and while he
states that getting less sleep will not determine tackling such tasks like
giving speeches his optimal creative output requires his desired 7 hours a
night this creativity is especially important when advising one of the most
technologically advanced companies in the world number two eat something sweet
many studies preach the benefits of breakfast in the morning with an
emphasis on including lean protein in your first meal of the day while this
may be true mr. gates does not conform to these best practices Bill Gates has
stated a few times that he enjoys a sweet treat to start his day however
there have been mixed reports in the past he is told to a group of high
schoolers in the past that he loves Cocoa Puffs in the morning however his
wife Melinda admits that bill often skips breakfast as the eagerly starts
his day therefore at times breakfast must take a backseat when building one
of the biggest companies in the world number three get in some exercise while
building the tech giant Microsoft Bill Gates Dell prioritized health and
fitness including daily exercise into his morning routine in 2014 the New York
Times reported that bill would often spend an hour on the treadmill in the
morning before starting work mr. gates also loves to put on an educational DVD
for his morning cardio watching anything from geology to US history therefore
every day Bill Gates works out his body and
as part of his morning routine number four
read the newspaper like many people bill gates enjoy staying up-to-date on
current worldly affairs his go-to newspapers in the morning are the New
York Times and The Wall Street Journal he's also stated in the past that The
Economist is another publication he enjoys on a weekly basis
in conclusion having a morning routine has helped Bill Gates become the richest
man on earth and a world renowned philanthropist while success is often
associated with massive action these small daily activities show that over
time minor actions can lead to big achievements therefore create your own
morning routine to allow yourself to maximize how much you get out of each
and every day
HOW TO DO A BACKFLIP FOR BEGINNERS OR KIDS - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Starbound Gameplay -EP 2- First Expedition Beneath the Surface!!! - Starbound 1.3.3 Let's Play - Duration: 25:54.Well he drops oh, she's very needy Why Why What okay?
You have your camp I have my I know
Okay, I know look. This is your camp over here you stay here. I'm gonna go on an adventure
Hey, what's going on guys I MeanBad here. I'm having a great day today
Hopefully you guys are having a good day today, too. I hanging out playing some
Starbound again
when we left off we had gotten the
Super awesome matter manipulator, we got this sweet
laser pistol thing
But what we're dealing with now is
a severe lack of food apparently we are hungry and
I remembered that we learned how to make chocolate and apparently we can't eat our graduation flyer got some salve something here
So what's this? Oh look at this we got?
Probably need to bite down hard okay. How do I use this right click nope not really?
Like you're starving the team consumed some food now. I would love to I would actually really I just I
Do we just and we just died okay?
Well that sucks
Well well here we go again back down here, and do we have anything on us now we got some stupid cherries
Let's see you don't right click you put up here
All right, so I got cherry. It would have been good to know how to eat food. Oh I can plant
We can we can plant some stuff
Yes, no yes we
See oh we got a wheat seed so that's great it still just really help me eat
Does this
Essential for making bread coca-c this is just profie
You'll need to bite down hard so that means she think that he'd be able to eat it, right
So scared one
Cannot there's nothing there's no way of eating this that I'm aware of
Gonna drink no
I have nothing again
put that in my inventory
Don't know oh, here's all our stuff, so that's great news
All right well okay, anyway, we're back here hopefully
We'll find some food at some point cuz I don't know we can't eat that or not
Devil bird thing okay anyway, so last time we were walking around and
Figuring out a little bit about what the surface looks like and all that stuff
And I got some feedback believe it or not that people were disappointed that we didn't go below the surface so
This thing I think that today, maybe we will head over to that mine that we found last time
Stay back dragon city state god. We're at it nope
There we go he's dead, we've done it
Anyway, I'm really kind of concerned about this whole lack of food thing
I bet eating is stupid easy, and I just have no idea how to do it
You know what actually all BRB I'm gonna
Go check how to actually eat because I feel like an idiot right now
And we're back so apparently you need to get raw meat and cook under fire some of them, so
From what we just killed okay, so we good. We've canned food
So it'd have been helpful a minute ago tomato its food
So that's great. So they said to drag. It's your character
So that's not helping okay, how about this? We have now put it in our hot bar
Right click oh look at that that was amazing how full we are from a tomato
Not really that phone. Okay? Whatever sleep until does there's no such thing as sleep until daytime know
another thing
Well these were nice and healthy okay, anyway ah door close the door this isn't even our house, whatever it doesn't matter Oh
Looks cool. Okay back in this guy's house. It's awesome. Hey. What's up? Man? Yeah? We're leaving okay?
So here we are to the mine
Now I feel like we might get a little bit rekt going down here, but at the same time
Nothing there nothing nothing
I know that they wanted us to look for 20 core samples or whatever so you know
Little like tadpole things
You're done you're done you want to go and you're done, so
Manipular module this module can be used to upgrade a matter of an AP later
legendary times a thousand little bitty things
That's fantastic you obtain a manipular module enough these you can upgrade your matter manipulator from the external
On the right-hand toolbar, okay, okay?
weirdos at this and then upgrade
You know expansion slot optics
And if you later modules select you know creative you it's got some benefits, okay, so these are the upgrades I see
One twelve one of a 1:06 all right well, that's good to know we don't have enough to do any of that yet, so
No Homer see whoever told me to come down here was not looking out for our best interest
Let's go with this
So right left clay okay? He lit up very good
Alright, so we've got this giant Pokemon looking thing down there. I don't really want to get down there and check it out
Nothing in here ready
Bad things are happening Oh
Rest in peace Oh
Looks like we're getting close third percent of pixels lost Oh
In my underwear got a sword got a gun still all right so clearly I am NOT very good at this at all
Anyway, here we go again. See what happens all right? Oh?
This dude is back every - oh no no no oh
My god oh
Okay, can you die already okay good?
Ha you fell into my trap it totally meant for you to fall down in there did it on purpose
It's beautiful thing all right. Anyway. Let's continue. Let's get moving
It's flower in our hair so beautiful all right. Let's get back to this little mine area
Man forget about that bird nope I have no interest to deal with that bird
I've no interesting dealing with anything right now
But we're gonna go back down there because I want to see
If we can actually no you're fine you just
Okay, I warned you
All right, let's see about these torches we want to put this thing here. Oh, yeah. Yeah, oh boy
All damage is real
What respect it seems so much better even though I know it's not okay
Give dad that
Done with you
All right, these little monkey things are kind of intimidating. I don't they're all singing. It's creeping me out
I don't know what's going on down there
Let's sit with this
We have to hit for
There we go
Yeah, I don't let's see what's over here if we can actually
Please don't jump up. Oh man look it took out like the new health
So we can just hang out up here and just Jack this full up look, so he's taking poison image from this
Pistol too so it's not really the strongest pistol on earth the gun poison damage. It's cool. Take it
Doo-doo-doo-doo like a Molotov cocktail to throw down there at him
It's over for you oh
My god, there's a million of them
Okay, oh, we got meat well assume you can there, okay? I wouldn't you do all right
I'm sorry. I killed your father
It's not worth it don't know you're done for let's see
All right well that's a good start
All right you're done for
You are done for as well. Everybody's done for I like it like there should be a hotkey there that I'm just not figuring out
Now nope back up there we go alright. We're looking good now
Like some pottery in here
So can we let's see if we can oh, yeah, we can totally just
Damn, oh, this little house. I'm gonna take this light. You got a light
some pottery
So what's up here then okay?
Like this look where this is going
Uh-huh, I'll get core fragment then we do
If anybody has any idea what a quorum does just you know feel free to let me know
We've got just a bunch of crates over here
This is this I'm hoping that okay, so we know there isn't here, so we know there's a poor farm in here
so if I destroy this do we get the porphyrin
Look the storage storage attic up here
Okay, so like we redid that house pretty good
Spike guy, yeah
Go heal up in here not too bad. Oh
you know what let's try cooking the
try cooking our meat cook steak boom
slab of demisch
Domitius steak, we've got some delicious steak coming from here, so apparently the cost was 25 or
Something it cost us money. I think that it's saying we could sell it for 25. Maybe I don't know
Anyway, so we are hungry and a little bit now where's our cook steak under the food
Cook steak ok right click no we can stick up here and then
Look at Oh we've eaten it and we are
Little plant dude spin
He's like my poison is better than yours man
This is no joke you don't know what's coming out. You know the broken broadsword, baby
Give up do you have the high ground?
I thought the high ground was supposed to win
not today
not in my
Seriously that we we almost got destroyed, okay, so let's further down. I'm scared
We're like we're at like we're at the core
We're here, or at the bottom. No. That's not our yeah
See what happens we get down a little bit further
Stairs taking its sweet sweet time get through this rock
It sounds like it's raining or something I feel like I'm about to find something that I don't want us to find right now
Oh, there's so there's something down here guess. What's down here
Some kind of something this alright well
What number is this even I don't know, but let's
Okay, I feel like we might be able to handle this
You're dead you're dead. You're dead oh
Oh god, no. I
Just dropped we dropped way further than I ever really Oh God
I want that
how do we
Have to use the thing er oh yeah, just some bits, that's all so
Let's look at structure down
or iron
Alright I feel like we have a ton of iron at this point a wonderer
Stick craft like a furnace or something, huh?
You know I don't know. I haven't really looked into it because I want to figure it out
But I feel like I bet we have to craft a furnace
Oh, no, what?
What is this deadly area place I?
Don't you know maybe?
I don't love the idea. Oh, no this is that this is not looking good guys
about this let's
Suit us didn't hear anything. Yeah, okay, so we need to do then is
Get the heck away from the devil snail
Giant devil snail that's a little crate deal
No don't hide in your shell come at me you
Ha you've died, and I still your venom sample
Or that's for
All right, so I think we're gonna have to get in to build a building time now because
Let's see
Something random there's also such sapling stuff. We don't need any of that
Some bricks all right, I feel like this is the kind of deal that we're going to need 15 of those
See here so if we go to this we just kind of flew sit then can we jump I
Was so right click places it behind you now we're talking
Now we're talking okay here we go
You know as fun as it is down here. I feel like if we make our way to the surface
So we are gonna move back toward the surface even though this bat hates me
Done for it's over for you dad why I'm slow
It's a bad mistake in your part all is forgiven
Wow, that's where we died before all this stuff. Oh
All right, all right. How do we climb this? I would just jump up cool to do to to do, dude
Music growing to the surface all right, so this is that chick Space Camp
she kind of freaks me out because she's strangely I
Think she has attachment issues because she was very very ready just to kind of pair up with this, dude
That's wandering around on the surface of a strange planet with a flower in his hair. It makes me uncomfortable
I don't know what that is looks like a dinosaur
Well he drops oh, she's very needy why why what okay?
You have your camp I have my I know
Okay, I know look. This is your camp over here you stay here. I'm gonna go on an adventure all right
You stay here, I'm going on an adventure
Are you freaking serious No all right, this is a chair you sinned
Okay well clearly we've had a different Hey looking for coffins yet. No I found some already and I don't need I
Thank you it was a pleasure
Very needy oh look at that we get some oh, no like that. There is some copper stuff going on in here. I don't know
You know what I'd love to upgrade we really need to upgrade like the get through the mossy Rock gotten faster
This is not
Now really happening that quick
Come on moss you're on you can do it
Get to the beautiful. Oh you hear that. It's a beautiful noise right there
This really just goes to show you the
Lazy she's just sitting at her camp
I'm up here working. You know
I'm war up here. We're mining rock or fighting monsters ticket stuff. She's just showing the camp like hey, you know what?
time to go uh
Go get me some core fragments, you know you're looking for him. I noticed that unless you're looking for yeah well
Maybe you should go find it yourself. Yeah
We found ours got
However many. I don't even know where they are core
Fragments feel like we found a bunch of them at some point
They go 27 20. I don't even know what they're for
We're gonna find out though
After we mined all this amazing the coal and copper and cold snow or mining some snow
Don't know Oh magical vines those would be nice
Plant fiber I feel like that's probably actually useful for something grab the rest of this real quick
So think remember who can mine the back rocks to every click mine's kind of that back area place
Just kind of make a little hole in the wall die okay, Oh our health is a nightmare right now what we got for healing
Backpack this thing
That there
As here right click there we go
We're gonna have tons of grassy rock. I'm gonna get done with this two
Takes so long to get through it
Is that there we go and we're stuck amazing
There we go
minecraft move right there five or so on
Okay, kind of digging these purple trees
Now you stated you Oh God
Dummy now you're down in a hole and I'm up here shootin a
What oh?
You know what I think?
Tonight what I think it somehow shifted all right
So friendly you can shift to another tool bar - oh here we go. We got some iron down here -
Lets get that
Yeah, I want this iron or
This wood while we're at it
Learn to craft a snow cone, yeah
Okay, so none of these things down here - those are pixels everything like that
Hmm Oh
What are you?
There's little snowmen
How do I I?
Don't know
I want them
Okay, that's sex they were so cute
Okay, so the deal is actually needs to be built on to something else
So that was terrible, but there we go
You look angry oh
my god
no just
Back up, okay, it's over for you
All right, how we doing we're up here oh
Look so cool. Here. We go like
Yeah, this is gonna be
Where we stopped for this episode I think?
This this might actually be a little spot
I kind of want to build our own place, but this is a good enough spot to stop for right now
Let's go ahead and eat something
Get some food up in here
Just right-click we eat the food we're good to go okay. Yeah, so I think that's gonna be all for this episode
Thanks for coming hanging out guys. I feel like that was a little bit more fun
The last time at least I feel like we're actually getting the hang of this a little bit now, too
You know kind of understanding. What does what how to eat and not die because you're starving to death?
So yeah, I think that's gonna do it for today and we come back
We'll pick out a spot the next episode probably to set up a house
are in place
Yes, so we probably need to build a furnace or something like that. I don't know honestly haven't looked into it too much
I kind of like to figure this stuff out as I go looks more fun
That way then we didn't exactly do everything so yeah if you have any
ideas in the comments
Or if you want to give me a couple tips and tricks or whatever if you played this before I know it's been out for
a while so a lot of people probably watching this just like pulling their hair out like
You idiot right click and you can freakin eat?
And you won't die and all that stuff see I still have to be awesome in the comments, and if you like the video
Please hit that thumbs up button and if you have not yet done, so please subscribe tell me out a lot appreciate it
Thanks to every nice you guys
Fascism Has Arrived – Jeff Sessions To Investigate Anti-Trump Bias At DOJ - Duration: 3:33.Proving that America is further descending into full-blown fascism, Jeff Sessions, the
Attorney General of the United States, has announced that he is going to launch an investigation
into anti-Trump bias within the Department of Justice of the United States.
According to Jeff Sessions, what he said at a Q&A earlier this week, he was going to have
the Inspector General start looking into the anti-Trump bias that may or may not have been
the cause of the ongoing investigations into the Trump administration.
Now, as far as we've seen, all of the available evidence says that no, that's just a byproduct
of people in the FBI or the DOJ actually having their own opinions about politics.
It did not dictate their investigations.
There's absolutely no evidence to suggest that these people started these investigations
because they don't like Trump, but nonetheless, Jeff Sessions wants to take the DOJ into a
new era of pure fascism where if you don't like the President, you risk losing your job.
That's what's happening right now.
This isn't about finding out the truth about this investigation.
This is about digging into the personal lives of people within the Department of Justice.
He wants to get rid of people who do not like Donald Trump, because Jeff Sessions believes
that's going to help curry favor for him with the President.
It's no secret that Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump have had a bit of a tumultuous relationship
since Jeff Sessions came into office last year, but this is pandering in the extreme,
and it is putting the United States closer and closer towards fascism.
In fact, it's not even putting us closer to it.
We're in it at this point.
Donald Trump's grand military parade that he wants to have, that's fascism.
The constant attacks on the press, that's fascism.
The attacks on institutes of higher education, that's fascism.
What Jeff Sessions is doing at the Department of Justice is fascism.
And what's really interesting about this is that Donald Trump tweeted out Wednesday morning
that, "Why is Jeff Sessions doing this?
I don't understand it.
The Inspector General's an Obama guy.
Of course he's not going to find anything."
Well, Trump, if you've got a problem with it, you could ask Jeff Sessions why he's doing
You could pick up the phone and call him.
You could have one of your aides go get him and bring him to your office, and you could
ask him in person instead of posing an idiotic rhetorical question on Twitter that you already
know the answer to.
He's doing it because one, either you told him to and you're trying to make it look like
you didn't, which is what I believe, or two, because he's very, very sorry that he had
to recuse himself from the investigation, so now he's trying to curry favor with you
by doing this for you.
This isn't about justice.
This isn't about getting to the bottom of things.
This is about purging people from the DOJ offices who do not like President Trump, and
that, ladies and gentlemen, is what fascist regimes do.
10 things you did not know about Zlatan Ibrahimovic - Duration: 7:10.10 things you did not know about Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Zlatan Ibrahimovic - the name is enough to strike down fear in the heart of even the toughest defences in the world.
The Swedish superstar might be edging towards the end of his career but is showing no signs of slowing down.
Zlatan is still going strong at the highest level making his critics eat their words every-time he steps on the field.
The former Barcelona and AC Milan talisman has often stated that he is no mood to hang-up his boots anytime soon and will continue to play for a couple of years at the very least.
#10 Eat The Zlatan.
It is no secret that Zlatan Ibrahmovic is a hugely popular figure in France thanks to his trophy laden career with PSG, so it comes as no surprise that he has a burger named after him at a restaurant in Paris.
The burger is loaded with 600 grams of meat and three layers of different cheese - Jean-Philippe Grandin, the owner of the restaurant claims that the burger is just as exceptional as the towering Swede.
#9 Family roots.
The former Paris Saint Germain star was born to a Muslim father and a Catholic mother, with his father being a Bosnian and mother a Croatian citizen.
The family emigrated to Sweden - where Zlatan is now at par with the royal family.
Ibra however chose to follow his mothers religion and has often publicly stated that he is devout Catholic.
#8 Champions League specialist.
It is no secret that Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been a journeyman throughout his career having played for numerous clubs during his illustrious career, however he holds a unique record which hardly any player can beat at least for the time being.
Ibra is the only player to have scored for six different clubs at the Champions League.
#7 Black belt.
Not many people know that Swedish superstar is a taekwondo black belt holder. Zlatan attended Malmö Taekwondo club Enighet as a child where he learnt his trademark flying kicks.
However, he did not compete professionally but was rather given an honorary black belt for his tremendous achievements in football.
#6 Ronaldofied.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a huge fan of Ronaldo and has often stated his affection for the talismanic forward and no he isnt talking about CR7 but the Brazilian legend Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima.
Ibra even claimed that the former Brazil international is the greatest player of all-time as he said: I think Ronaldo was phenomenal, He was the player that whatever he did it became wow! He could do a difficult thing and it became magic.
#5 Its all in the game.
Zlatan calls himself a lion and obviously lions cope with losses differently then how humans do, so when he failed to help Sweden qualify for the 2014 World Cup, he decided to gift all his PSG team-mates a personalized gift.
The former Inter Milan striker gifted every PSG star a customized limited edition Xbox One with their name and squad number printed on the machine - Oh and each unit was personally signed by the man himself.
#4 Did you know?.
Its no secret that Zlatan is adored and even worshiped in Sweden - so much so that the Swedish government decided to add the term To Zlatan in the Swedish dictionary.
The term is described as to dominate or do something with extreme talent, and as is with anything associated with Zlatan, it has become a global trend with the term being used worldwide.
#3 Adores Tattoos.
Zlatan is hugely fond of tattoos and is never shy of showing off the ink whenever possible. The Swede has got his surname inked on the back of his right arm in Arabic.
He also has his sons name tattooed on the same arm.
Ibra also has Buddhist tattoos on his upper arm and lower back - while also having the phrase Only God can judge me inked on his rib cage.
#2 Zlatan Court.
Zlatan proved that he never forgot his roots as he collaborated with Nike to open a football pitch in his home city of Malmo for under privileged kids.
The pitch is made of recycled athletic shoes and plays host to five-a-side teams. The court is named Zlatan Court after the former Swedish International.
#1 His name is a trademark.
Ibra realized the value of his brand as early as 2003 when he trademarked Zlatan and Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The iconic striker is very particular about his image and makes sure that his name is not used in a bad light.
The former Ajax and Juventus star holds exclusive naming rights for sporting apparels and several other products in the entirety of the European Union.
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