faith-building scriptures how to start getting god's word to go to work for you
coming up next
hey everyone welcome to Wednesday's ooh crystal I'm crystal sparks I'm so glad
that you are here on my channel whether you found me on a youtube search or
maybe a friend shared this video or you're here with me every week I'm so
thankful to spend this time with you hey be sure and hit the subscribe button
every week on Wednesday I put out a new video and my channels one purpose is
this is to help grow your faith and to help equip you to accomplish your dreams
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every single week when I upload a new video okay so how can we start getting
faith building scriptures to go to work in our lives I don't know about you but
sometimes what I'm seeing in my life doesn't really match with what I believe
that God has for me you know recently there was a YouTube video that went
absolutely viral it was crazy and what it was was a man and he was begging on
by the side of the road and his sign said I'm blind please help
well with this a businesswoman was walking by and she saw his sign and she
thought you know maybe I can rephrase this so she got his sign and she changed
up the words and all of a sudden people started giving so much money just person
after person and the man the blind man wondered what was - what was causing the
change the woman was standing there with him the entire time he looks up at her
and he said what did you do to my son to make my result so much different and she
told him she said I used your same words but I just changed it up just a little
bit instead his sign said this it's a beautiful day but I can't see it you
know in an interesting that his sign said basically the same thing but he
just said it in a different way and those words changed the results that he
was seeing in his life you know when I saw that the other day I began to think
about how in our own lives we speak 20,000 words a day oh my goodness that's
a lot right but I want you to think about this 95% of the
that we're speaking are the same words that we said yesterday and they're the
same words that we will say again tomorrow in proverbs 18 20 and 21 says a
man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth from the produce
of his lips he shall be filled death and life are in the power of the
tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit so I want to ask you this that
the Bible says that we're satisfied by the fruits of our lips and if the things
that we're saying is 95 percent of the things that we said yesterday that means
that the world that we're living in today is the fruit if you will like the
Bible says of the words that we said yesterday my pastor always says this the
words that we speak today are the material that God uses to build our
tomorrow's so I want to ask you how satisfied are you with the world the
world that you're living in does your life look like a reflection of what
God's will and purpose is for your life or are you thinking in your life man I'm
ready to see more of what God has I'm ready for my kids to love God I'm ready
for my marriage to be full of love I'm ready to start seeing my finances
blessed well what if that could happen just by you using faith building
scriptures in your everyday life proverbs 12 6 says the mouths of the
upright will deliver them how about this in proverbs 18 7 says a full mouth is
his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul well with the Bible
talking so much about our words I think it's time for us to kind of pay
attention to the things that we're saying you know if you were getting
ready to cook dinner one of the first things that you would do is make sure
that you have all the ingredients you know based on what your cooking would
determine what ingredients you would need if I was making breakfast I'd want
to make sure I had bacon eggs best to make pancake syrup but if I was making
meatloaf my ingredients would look a lot different well I want to ask you what is
what is it that you're asking God to make in your life what is it that you're
believing God for and are you give the inventory in your words in your
daily life to build what you're asking for see so many times I think if we got
in a real honest place and we took an inventory of our words we would find
that most of our words are negative critical and judgmental but the truth is
that God for us to give him material for faith building miraculous things we've
got to begin to speak faith building miraculous kind of words everything we
want can begin and end by the words that we're saying if you listen to the words
that you're saying you would find that you are talking yourself into divorce
you're talking your kids into rebellion we say things like my kids are hellions
they never listen to me and then we're frustrated when they're not obeying us
we're frustrated when our marriage is we're ending and if I again on another
day what if we begin to change what we're saying what if we begin to use
faith building scriptures to begin to declare those over our kids instead of
talking about our present reality I can just hear you saying crystal the facts
are my marriage isn't going great the facts are my kids aren't obedient
the facts are I don't have enough resources well you can keep saying the
facts or you can get hold of the truth of what God's Word says see in my own
life I have found that the facts may contradict what God's Word says but at
the end of the day God's truth and His Word is going to prevail if I'm willing
to speak it what if instead of talking about how bad things are you begin to
declare bank building scriptures over your marriage
faith building scriptures over your kids faith building scriptures over your
finances in Romans 10 8 through 10 it says this but what does it say the Word
of God is near you in your mouth and in your heart that is the Word of Faith
which we preach that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in
your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved for with the
heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession
Ismay I want you to notice here that confession is used four times and the
word here in the scripture so it's telling me that what we're saying is
more important than what we're believing see a lot of times we say well yeah I
believe that God can do these things but are you saying it because when you get
to a place that what you believe and what you say are starting to line up
then now of a sudden the results you're going to see in your life are going to
begin to amaze you I love this in 2nd Corinthians 4:13 it says I believed and
therefore I have spoken see at a certain point belief is not enough we have to
believe to the point that we begin to say what God's Word says
think about this Jesus in the midst of the storm had faith enough to stand on
the bow of the ship and to declare peace be still now what he was saying was the
exact opposite of what was happening in his circumstance it was got exact
opposites of what was happening all around him but yet he had a willingness
to declare what God's truth said in opposing the facts of what reality was
telling him and when he declared God's truth the facts began to change the same
is true in your own life what if you begin to declare the truth of God's Word
in the midst of that illness in the midst of the diagnosis in the midst of
the doctor's report your children doing the not right things and your marriage
is on the rocks and it doesn't look like you have enough money to pay your bills
what if you got like second Corinthians 4:13 and you are able to say I believed
and therefore I have spoken the enemy understands the power of your words and
bhakti understands it so much so that he's constantly whispering to us that
things are never going to work out now as much words as we're saying in a day
I have read studies that say that we actually think 500 words per minute we
are thinking 500 words per minute and what's happening is the enemy's
whispering to us the negative things that he wants to see
happen in our life he whispers to us things are never going to turn around
things are never going to change but the truth is the Bible says that we are our
mind is transformed but our world is transformed by the renewing of our mind
and the renewing of our mind happens as we begin to declare God's Word boldly
God's people has so much more accessible to them than what they're currently
living I believe that when we get to heaven the thing that's gonna amaze us
the most is God's gonna pull us aside and he's gonna show us everything that
he wanted to do for us if we only would have believed him for it if we only
would have been able to believe and boldly declare instead of always talking
about what our circumstances are instead of always talking about the negative
breaks what if we began to change 95 percent of our words into faith building
words what if we begin to change the way we talk and I promise you this if you'll
change the way you talk you'll change the life that you're living I want to
put scriptures in your hand that will help equip you when you take a minute
text the keyword faith 233 7 33 in that you'll be able to get access to all
kinds of scriptures it'll help you out with your finances scriptures you can
begin to declare up your kids over your mind over your health over your physical
body I want to give you scriptures up for every area of your life and so I'll
send that directly to your email and you can text the keyword faith to 33
three-three follow the prompts and I'll get it right to you and you'll begin to
change the words you're saying so you can change the life you're living I hope
you got something out of this I'm so thankful for you to spend time here with
me on my channel but we take a moment share this video with your friends and
family help us get the word out so we can help other people start using faith
building scriptures to change their life hey thank you so much for watching let's
do something awesome for God this week
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