Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 28 2018

pak vs west 2018 T20 series schedule-Pakistan vs West Indies T20 Series - New schedule 2018

For more infomation >> pak vs west 2018 T20 series schedule-Pakistan vs West Indies T20 Series - New schedule 2018 - Duration: 1:25.


Guns of Glory - Win the Creation Arena! Update 1.6 - Duration: 2:10.

Hello guys, welcome back to another developer update.

Today we will be talking about update version 1.6

and the new features for your Creation: the Arena.

This new feature will let you fight with your Creation

against other player's Creations for awesome rewards.

With that said, let's get started.

To access this new feature, tap on your Events Center,

then Creation Arena.

From the new window you can fight

against other Creations five times a day for free

and then ten Gold per extra fight.

Every time you fight you will collect

a Creation Material Chest,

with the maximum of ten per day and depending on the

results of the fight, you will either win

or lose ranking points.

So pay extra attention, because ranking points are

quite important later.

They will determine how much rewards you can earn.

The Arena offers two sets of rewards per season

and both are based on your ranking points.

The first part, which can be checked

by tapping on Score Rewards

offers eight sets of awesome rewards

based on the ranking points you can

achieve within the season.

Simply reach the target to unlock the rewards.

These rewards are reset every season, which means

you can only claim it once per season.

The second part, which can be accessed

by tapping on Standing Rewards

is the global ranking among every player in GoG.

Reach the top to claim the epic rewards

such as 100K Gold.

To be the top you will obviously have to

get the highest ranking points among all the rewards.

That's it for the Creation Arena guys.

Get ready to forge some good equipment

for your Creation and complete your research in the

Academy to claim those new awesome rewards.

Also, don't forget to train your Creation.

It will certainly help collecting these cool prizes.

In the meantime, Like and Subscribe to our

YouTube channel and I hope to see you in-game soon!

For more infomation >> Guns of Glory - Win the Creation Arena! Update 1.6 - Duration: 2:10.


Tanki Online. Kemerovo Our Thoughts Are With You - Duration: 1:55.

Greetings, tankers.

Today in Russia a national day of mourning has been announced in support of those

who were affected by the horrific tragedy in Kemerevo.

We grieve with them and for the next several days,

all events in Tanki Online and Tanki X will be put on hold.

This will affect the upcoming April 1st and Easter events,

which will be delayed one week to April 7th and 8th.

The release of the new map will also be delayed.

There will be no V-LOG this week, and the next episode will be released on April 6th.

This week we had planned to announce a new program to support Youtube channels

that make videos about Tanki Online,

but that announcement will be moved to Monday, April 2nd.

All events will be suspended until the evening of Saturday, March 31st.

Kemerevo, our thoughts are with you.

For more infomation >> Tanki Online. Kemerovo Our Thoughts Are With You - Duration: 1:55.


Cute Baby Sharing Food With Dog Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:39.

Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!

You can watch more videos in our playlist, its link in the description.

Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments.

Thanks for your presence here! Have a nice day!

For more infomation >> Cute Baby Sharing Food With Dog Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:39.


102 Not Out | Official Trailer | Amitabh Bachchan | Rishi Kapoor | Umesh Shukla | In Cinemas May 4th - Duration: 2:56.

Meet Mr. Ong Chong Tun Peng from China.

118 years 3 months and 28 days of age.

Longest living person in the history of Mankind.

I'll break this Chinese guy's record.

Only 16 years to go.


But there's a problem - What?

It is impossible to live so long

With this boring, unenthusiastic, old man.

You know, he inhales so much air...

...that sometimes I wonder whether there will be enough left for me.

Look, I am a 75-year-old man.

I've accepted my old age.

That's why, I am sending you to an Old Age Home!

Old Age Home.

I am the father.

And I want to send my son to the Old Age Home.

Why is it so difficult to understand...


Tell me what I've to do.

Write a love-letter.

To your beloved wife.

Yo... You want me to write a love letter?

Who else will write a love letter to your wife?

"Dear Chandrika..."

"My entire existence is nestled..."

" the sacchariferous reminiscences of our pulchritudinous marital life."

What's this? Latin?

How many lives will you claim... your quest for a long life?

If your son grows up to be a rascal...

...then forget him.

Just remember his childhood.

Just the childhood.

And if you try to interfere...

...then I will drag you to court!


"Oh Chandrika."

"A father who thinks about sending his own son to an old age home..."

"... must be such a mother...!!!

For more infomation >> 102 Not Out | Official Trailer | Amitabh Bachchan | Rishi Kapoor | Umesh Shukla | In Cinemas May 4th - Duration: 2:56.


Always very certain about Karma Membership | Umesh Shridhar Rane - Duration: 1:13.

Hi! I am now in Karma Royal Jimbaran, and I come from India, I have been a member for the last 3 years

first year i go to Goa, and there is where i buy the membership, and second year i

went to Thailand, to Chiang Mai

3 years ago I went to Goa, because i already decided to take the membership, but decided to take small

when my friends join me and then we purchase the big membership

i'm never scared of this, I already decided, i want to travel the world now, that's why i buy the membership

every year we get some points, there is a Hot Deals also if i wanted to give someone some good holiday then i can book them from Hot Deals

There are many other deals also, i can also buy some points if i wanted to go somewhere, i can go up 3- 4 times with this membership

membership wise, it's very fine

every year i can manage to go

first time I come to Bali is now, I'm enjoying it, really Bali is a very good place to visit, I will advise you to come at least one time you have to visit Bali , very good

Thank You very much to the Karma Group, i really enjoy the holiday, goodbye for now

For more infomation >> Always very certain about Karma Membership | Umesh Shridhar Rane - Duration: 1:13.


Are You Doing This Mistake? - Duration: 1:39.

you get results!

what up guys it's your boy Matty, Mateo from Macro Lean and in this video i'm gonna be getting into a question that's been popping up on the

old social media & email a bit about "weighing food, should I weigh food before I

cook it or after I cook it? and the bottom line is here is check the

packaging. It will tell you, it will say either nutritional value for 100 grams

as sold or nutritional value for a hundred grams as cooked and the suns

come out it's probably ruining my lighting whatever the video continues. so

you need to check the packaging first. if it says as sold it means raw so weigh it

before you cook it. and if it says as cooked way, weigh it after you've cooked it

whether in the oven, boiled. fried or whatever. The weight

does vary of cooked food so you do want to check beforehand. If you haven't got

the packaging or you've thrown it away for whatever reason I'd say find a

generic similar on MyFitnessPal. that makes it very it's easy. so if I had

boiled potatoes, 400 grams I'd find boiled potatoes on My Fitness Pal. again finding

similar and generic food is going to make life easier we're not looking for

perfection we're looking for consistency. and if we're in that ballpark figure we

are going to be consistent over time. when you're consistent and you're in

that ballpark figure guess what happens? you get results! so

that's my tip for weighing food before or after. Check the packaging, check it says

"as sold or as cooked" and then follow those guidelines. if you liked that video

guys I suggest you hit like, share subscribe, until next time:)

For more infomation >> Are You Doing This Mistake? - Duration: 1:39.


Guns of Glory - Succeed in the new Expeditions! Update 1.6 - Duration: 3:29.

Hello guys and welcome back to another

developer's update. Today we will be talking

about the update version 1.6 and

the new Royal Expedition feature.

Royal Expeditions will let you test your specific stats

of your army and win great rewards.

With that said, let's get started.

We wanted to be able to challenge you in the game

in a fun way, which means also without losing troops

or spending resources.

So we came up with the main idea

as a series of expeditions to test your Estate's strengths

on specific criteria's.

We also wanted to give out good rewards

for succeeding these expeditions.

To sum up, completing the expeditions will earn

specific coins and these coins can be

exchanged for gifts of your choice.

And at this time the list is very large.

Let's check in details these expeditions.

With the update a large ship has sailed into your Estate

and stopped by your Lookout Tower.

If you click on it, you can access the Royal Expeditions.

These expeditions will change every day and

will test your Estate on a few aspects,

such as equipments, Airship, Research and building.

Let me give you a practical example of expeditions

with the Research Expedition

currently available on Thursdays.

After embarking into the expedition, you will

arrive on a path composed of Castles and chests,

where one Castle represents one expedition

and one chest represents rewards.

To unlock a chest and an expedition you need

to succeed the expedition placed before it on the map.

And to unlock the next expedition

you must complete all the expeditions

of the previous expedition.

For the Research Expedition, all buffs besides the one

provided by the Academy are ignored.

Then it's pretty simple.

Fight your way along the expeditions

and obtain better rewards every time.

Let's check out other expeditions available on that ship.

The Equipment Expedition will let you fight

using only your equipment benefits

without the gemstones.

The Airship Expedition will let you fight using

only your Airship benefits so make sure

to adapt it for every fight if possible.

The Gemstone Expedition will let you fight using

only your Gemstone benefits.

The Building Expeditions will let you fight using

only your Building and Prestige powers.

And finally the Combo Expedition will let you fight using

both equipment combined with Gemstone benefits.

Every day you will be able to collect coins

from the previous day expeditions.

The number of coins will depend on how

many expeditions you were able to

complete in that category.

For the rewards, access the new store

by clicking on Redeem.

We now have a full list of all available Goods

and the price for each.

And as you can see the choice is quite large.

We have everything such as Intensity Gears,

Guard Fragments, Speedups and so on.

That's it guys for this awesome new feature.

Make sure to master it in order to get more rewards.

In the meantime make sure to Like, Share

and subscribe to our YouTube channel

and I hope to see you in-game soon!

For more infomation >> Guns of Glory - Succeed in the new Expeditions! Update 1.6 - Duration: 3:29.


9 Things Far Cry 5 Doesn't Tell You - Duration: 6:37.

9 Things Far Cry 5 Doesn't Tell You

This video contains Far Cry 5 tips, tricks and strategies that players should find helpful during their adventures around Hope County.

For those of you just starting the game, be sure to check out our list of things to do first,and series veterans will want to check out whats new in Far Cry 5.

Below youll find tips that the Far Cry 5 tutorials may have left out, and strategies for effectively mounting your resistance against the Project at Edens Gate.


It may not be a huge issue for some people, but the ability to take aim before shooting while driving (on console) has proven exceptionally useful during our playthrough.

You can enable this ability by changing the driving controls in the Options section of the Pause menu.

Tab over to the Driving controls and change the control style from Classic, which uses the gamepad/controller triggers to accelerate and brake while shooting automatically, to Shooter, which lets you aim and fire with the triggers while controlling the motion of the vehicle with the left thumbstick.


If your first instinct when the world opens up is to hop in a chopper or plane and uncover as much of the map as much as you can, youre going to be sorely disappointed.

No matter how low you fly - even in just a wingsuit - you wont be able to lift the Fog of War covering the map from the air.

The only way you can clear it is by driving, walking, or piloting a boat or a jet ski. Thankfully youll be given an excuse to visit just about every inch of the map during the missions and activities.

Thankfully, though, you're still able to ping locations and fast travel points while flying above these areas, allowing you to fast-travel on foot or in a vehicle.


Your regular guns for hire (not the Specialists) aren't just NPCs who can pick up a gun and shoot whatever moves - they each have their own skill set.

Some are more adept at using assault rifles and shotguns, while others are more comfortable hunting silently with bows, or finding a snipers perch to attack from long range.


In addition to purchasing them with the money you earn, you can unlock weapons in the store by collecting them out in the field.

If you really like this guys flamethrower, pick it up and youll have access to it from now on. Sure, there may be nicer weapons that you can buy, but these freebies are a great place to start building your arsenal.

You may sometimes see an enemy fall down with a red indicator above their head.

That means that they're wounded but still kickin' - just like you or your buddy when downed in co-op - and their cultists pals are going to try to get them back on their feet just like your friends would (assuming theyre not jerks).

This can be a real pain if you're not paying attention to them - but it's also a great, if not a bit psychotic, strategy for luring enemies in cover out into the open for some target practice.


You can unlock new perks with points earned by completing challenges and opening Prepper Stashes, but you can also find survivalist magazines scattered throughout the county that will give you an extra skill point.

Keep your eyes out in peoples houses or in hunters blinds for these helpful items.


It's also worth noting that you can also earn skill points and cash to use in the campaign by leveling up in Far Cry Arcade, be sure to jump on one of those machines located around the map.


You'll probably stumble upon a collectible or two while exploring each region, like comic books or baseball cards.

There is a quest associated with each type of collectible, and when you track down the questgiver and formally start the mission, you'll be able to purchase a map with all the locations of that collectible from a shop vendor.

That said, you could just as easily click here and see all of their locations for free.


Despite the fact that during character customization you're told after selecting a hairstyle that your choices are final and cannot be changed, that's not entirely true.

Your gender and face type are, in fact, locked, but you can still change your hairstyle in the Clothing Menu or under that Customization tab of the pause menu.

For more infomation >> 9 Things Far Cry 5 Doesn't Tell You - Duration: 6:37.


Want Better SEO Results? Why a Full Backlink Audit Will Help You - Duration: 1:28.

Here's a question I get quite often

"Christoph, why should we audit all the backlinks?"

"Why do you force me to work so hard, to spend more money to audit my 50 million backlinks?"

Here is a simple answer:

Because you have to, because we have to

there's no point in looking just at 500,000 of these backlinks

think about it - that's what?



you don't simply make business decisions

with 1% of the data do you?

You don't take your car to service and

make them look at your front lights only

you wanna full check

you expect it

you expect it from the professional, and in this case

we are the professionals for links and link audits

and my recommendation is

do it all or nothing

if you seriously consider just big decisions

based on 1% of the data

I'm sorry, then we can't help you anymore

I changed this and I'm happy to do so

I'm happy and proud about this decision that we don't offer any partial link data any more

and it might change again

we might find more data in the future

my goal is to provide you with the biggest, best

and richest backlink profile that you can get

this is what LinkResearchTools stands for

Thank you

For more infomation >> Want Better SEO Results? Why a Full Backlink Audit Will Help You - Duration: 1:28.


The Gazillion Bubble Machine | Making Giant Bubbles - Duration: 9:42.

hey guys it's Urban Juniors back for another video

and today we have Gazillions!

Gazillions and if you guys don't know what they are.

they are basically bubbles! Bubble machines!

and you put bubble liquid in and they come in the packets as well. Which is handy!

nearly everything comes in a packet Isla!

ok thanks!

and basically you put the bubble solution in there and then it blows bubbles!

So me and Kristian are really excited because we have had these for a really long time

and we have just been waiting to show you guys

so let's get started



so the first thing we are going to open is the gazillion tornado

then we are going to open the gazillion giant power wand

and then we are going to open the gazillion giant bubble mill

let's move these out the way

so we can see what is going on

err what's this?

so we have put the batteries in and now we are going to try out the tornado

and see if it cool

remove the bottle cap. Do not remove the bottle seal

so that's the bottle seal

turn the gazillion bottle upside down

into the machine

like this

there's no bubbles

so cool!

this is really cool

it is really refreshing when it splashed on you

so we have added some more powerful batteries in now

so hopefully it will be more like a tornado

so let's turn it on

wow that's a lot better

wow it's so cool

it's rainin gbubbles

now we are done with the gazillion tornado so let's turn it off

anyways that tornado was so much fun

let's hope the next one is even funner....not even a word

even better!

let'e move this to the side

so now we are going to move on to the gazillion giant power wand

we don't know that much about it

i think it is like a huge wand

yeah so let's get opening

let's open it

you pour the solution in here

and you dip your very special power wand in there you press the button and it will blow

let's take this bubble solution out

like a tea cup!

let's spread this around!

we are good to go! so let's get our special little wand!

let's dip it in!

so we are going to have to pour more of this solution in there

ok so now we are getting the bubble wand

oh that was awesome!

oh that was awesome!

oh i can see you guys

i can see you

oh that's amazing!

oh did you see that

this is awesome guys!

i think we need more solution!

so as you can see this one was really fun

now we are going to open the gazillion giant bubble mill

let's open it!

so this is the gazillion giant bubble mill!

oh this is really cool!

oh this is awesome!

ooo they are all coming to kristian

really hope you guys enjoyed our gazillion and giant gazillion bubble machine video

if you did don't forget to give this video a like

and subscribe to our channel

also comment down below

see you guys soon!


For more infomation >> The Gazillion Bubble Machine | Making Giant Bubbles - Duration: 9:42.


What should you be negotiating for? - Duration: 3:00.

Ooooh. There's one! Key to getting what you want, need and deserve is knowing what you

want, need and deserve. I know it's painfully obvious but you'd be surprised

at how often those things just aren't clear to us. This is what happens. We read

a book, we skim read an article, we watch a really great webinar and we think 'oh

these are fabulous! I need to do that for my business!' or maybe our

business bestie is putting in a new strategy and it's getting really great

results so we jump on board and we start trying to make our business look like

that too. Or maybe we've been sitting at home alone on the sofa crying a little,

feeling very sorry for ourselves that things aren't going the way we want them

to go. So to snap ourselves out of it we launch

into a flurry of random activity hoping that it makes things better. We've

all been there. The problem with all of that is that sure we're moving forward,

we're changing, we're transform and we're probably even asking for things along

the way... but it's not going to get us where we want to be. The way to do

that is to use the following litmus test: If you are feeling less than a hundred

percent *Heck Ya!* about something in your business, that is a sign that there's

an opportunity for you to negotiate. For you to ask for something

different, to make a change. So let's say you get

really frustrated sitting in rush-hour traffic to meet with your client one on

one. That's a sign. Or your hosting bill arrives and you have this feeling of

stress about having to pay that bill. That's a sign. Or someone's name pops up

in your inbox and you start feeling sick to your stomach and sweating profusely.

That is most definitely a sign that there's something there that you can be

asking to change. My challenge for you this week is to keep track of that *Heck

ya!* question when you're going through your business and life, and jot down the

things that leave you feeling kind of meh, not excited.

Or stressed, panicked, fearful - keep track of those because those are the things

you're going to want to pursue in a negotiation. You'll start seeing your

priorities become a lot clearer for what action you need to take next. Now every

week here on the Smiley Sessions I share short and sweet videos with tips and

tricks to help you go after what you want, need and deserve. Make sure to hit

the like button and subscribe so you don't miss a moment. Got it? Good.

For more infomation >> What should you be negotiating for? - Duration: 3:00.


King of Avalon - Kingdom Quest Tips - Update 4.2 - Duration: 3:04.

Hello and welcome to another developer update.

Today we will be talking about the new event:

Kingdom Quest.

This new event will let your Kingdom

work all together to obtain nice rewards and

unlock powerful Kingdom buffs.

Let's check this out.

As mentioned, this new event will let your Kingdom

work together against Morgana's new threat

in a similar way as the Kingdom Threat Event.

We will also have a check on Morgana's Golem

at the end of the video, but for the moment

let's focus on the new threat!

From now on, every time you kill a Monster

or a Barbarian Captain on the Kingdom Map,

you have a chance to collect a Map of Seals Fragment.

Your duty will be to collect as many fragments

of this Map as possible.

Once you have collected enough fragments,

open your Inventory and synthesize them

into a complete Map.

With this full Map in your possession, you will be able

to send your troops to specific Map coordinates

to fight and close the Magic Seals.

Tap on the Map and then on 'Use'

to send your troops there.

The good thing about this is that

only one troop is required to close the Seal

and they won't fight.

Once your march is back home,

you will receive a report stating that

the Seal has been broken and with some

small rewards such as resources,

materials, Assault Points and so on.

The list is really big, so it's best that you

break as many Seals as possible to find out

and help your Kingdom.

That's only one part of the reward.

Let's check out the main reward

of joining the Kingdom Quest.

Open your Event Center in your City

and then click on 'Kingdom Quest'.

Here you will notice a progression bar

next to the Lady of the Lake.

By breaking Seals you will collect points

and progress in your Quest.

You can reach up to six milestones.

Each milestone will offer every Lady and Lord

a set of rewards,

while every two milestones your Kingdom

will trigger new Kingdom buffs.

There are three different buffs:

Gathering Resources, Construction and Research.

Once activated, these buffs will remain active

for three days and you will have to wait for the next

Kingdom Quest to have them again.

Regarding Morgana's Golem we have brought

some changes so everyone can enjoy this event.

From now on, the Golem will be available on the Map

for 24 hours and Lords and Ladies will receive rewards

based on total damage.

These changes were brought in order to allow

every player to take part in this event.

That's it for update 4.2.

Make sure to check the FAQs for more details

about this new feature.

And remember to Like, Share and

Subscribe to our YouTube channel.

I hope to see you in-game soon!

For more infomation >> King of Avalon - Kingdom Quest Tips - Update 4.2 - Duration: 3:04.


Susanna Reid to strip naked in The Real Full Monty? - Duration: 4:09.

Susanna Reid to strip naked in The Real Full Monty?

But it might take a little bit of persuading first.

Good Morning Britains Susanna Reid, 47, and Richard Madeley, 61, were discussing The Real Full Monty, which like the 1990s cinema classic, will see both sexes strip off on stage.

EastEnders cast member Johnny Partridge, who played Christian Clarke from 2008 to 2016, is one of the lucky men removing their clothes for charity.

John – who revealed he had testicular cancer back in 2004 – will be stripping off for cancer alongside TOWIEs James Arg Argent, The Wanted singer Tom Parker, ex-footballer John Harrison, celebrity chef Ainsley Harriot, TV host Jeff Brazier and rugby star Ugo Monye.

John, 43, promised wed see the whole package during the strip show, which prompted Richard to ask Susanna if she would take part in the female version.

"No-one needs to see that frankly! I think youre showing enormous courage doing it" Susanna Reid Would you do it? Richard asked.

Er. No, she said adamantly.

Richard then asked why she wouldnt take part and Susanna replied: No-one needs to see that frankly! I think youre showing enormous courage doing it. Really, all credit to those who choose to do it because this is as much skin Im showing, sbefore rubbing her bare arms.

John later suggested she she should try it next year, but there was no swaying Susanna.

Yeah, theres always…never, she hit back.

The brunettes Good Morning Britain co-host Charlotte Hawkins agreed, insisting she would not be getting her kit off on TV anytime soon.

However, Richard said he might consider doing it for a good cause.

Despite Susannas protesting, viewers were clearly desperate to see her on the programme.

Susanna for the female version of the Full Monty!? one begged.

@susannareid100 saying she wouldnt do the Full Monty because nobody needs to see that – really? I would just like to say, youve been seriously misinformed! another added.

While a third brought up the ban on F1 grid girls and how the show could be deemed sexist: This is how hypocritical #GMB is.

Remember when they had women on the show for working in skimpy gear and calling it sexist!? The Real Full Monty airs tomorrow night and The Real Full Monty: Ladies Night kicks off on Thursday, both at 9pm on ITV.

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