- Hi I'm Sonia Choquette.
I am a world renowned intuitive guide.
I am a spiritual teacher
and I am the author of over 25 books
published in over 30 languages around the world
and I've been teaching people to listen
to their intuition, to develop their creativity,
to manifest lives that they have loved for over 35 years.
So I am here to tell you that in the course of my
incredibly beautiful life and remarkable opportunity
to have worked with so many people around the world
that I've observed something really incredible.
While everybody I work with is a fantastic and gifted
and blessed human being, not everybody is having
that kind of life.
There are people who are having amazing lives
and others who are struggling and no matter
how hard they try and they really are trying
things just don't seem to work out.
In observing these two types of people
I've been really curious about what makes the difference
between people whose lives work incredibly
and those whose don't.
So I'm here to share with you the answer
is those of us whose lives work
are engaging what I call your three best superpowers
and we all have them.
So maybe it never occurred to you that you might
have superpowers and what on earth are those
and what can they do for me?
Well your superpowers are natural
and what they do is they help you lower your stress,
they help give you peace of mind.
They help inspire your creativity.
They give you the courage and the wisdom
to know where your opportunities are
and move you into right place at right time
and create one after the other empowering
synchronistic, supportive, dynamic events
where you just keep getting more and more and more
into the flow of a beautiful life.
When you use these superpowers your health improves,
your relationships improve,
your inspiration, your sense of purpose
starts to get fulfilled.
You become an attraction magnet.
You start to prosper.
You start to feel that your life has meaning
and is fabulous.
You actually start enjoying the life you have now
instead of constantly chasing some elusive dream
in the future.
So we all have these superpowers and they come naturally
to us and the best part is they're not difficult at all
to activate and in fact you do use them all the time,
maybe just not all three or not all three at once.
So what are these superpowers?
Well, simply put, the first is meditation
or the ability to calm your mind and be in charge
of your life instead of letting your thoughts
make you crazy and stress you out.
It's just the ability to relax.
That's a superpower, especially when it helps you relax
no matter what is happening in the world around you.
Second superpower is imagination.
When you use your imagination the way it's designed
to be used, when you begin to take charge
of your imagination, the sky is the limit
when it comes to what you can actually create.
There are no limitations as long as your imagination
is the superpower that you're using
instead of letting other people hijack it
and use it against you.
So that's another superpower.
And the third is my favorite
and that's the superpower of intuition.
Your intuition, your sixth sense is your inner compass.
It's your GPS.
It's your divine guidance system.
It protects you.
It leads you to your opportunities.
It leads you away from bad decisions and stressful,
even threatening situations.
Your intuition gives you inspiration, direction,
it connects you to people.
So it leads you to great relationships.
Even that alone can change your life.
Any one of these three tools.
When you bring them together and you become aware
of the power of this trilogy of super tools,
superpowers, supernatural abilities,
and you begin to integrate them into your life,
all kinds of things start happening that are amazing.
Wanna tell you about a client whom I've taught
to use these three superpowers
and what happened to him?
When I first met him, he wanted to create
his own business.
He was a chef and his dream was to start a restaurant
but he had really no money, no backing,
just this desire and everybody in his life
told him he was crazy and it wouldn't happen.
It would go out of business.
He'd never get the money.
You name it, life was working against him.
So I taught him the power of meditation
in a really quick tool.
Just breathing in and breathing out
and pushing away all these voices.
And I taught him about imagination,
how to really imagine his dream and see it happen
and follow his intuition.
In working with these tools with me step by step
because he had no introduction,
he opened his first restaurant
and it was an overnight success
which led to another and another and another
and now he has over 50 restaurants,
was voted one of the top restaurateurs in Chicago,
and has over 3,000 employees.
So not only did he fulfill his dream
he's manifested it at the highest level.
Making money, having fun, creating over and over again,
and employing people and giving them
livelihoods and opportunities.
So without the superpowers I'm confident
that woulda never happened.
But using these tools, using these natural abilities
and amplifying and strengthening him,
he's become such a successful, profitable,
and philanthropic person that it's what I call,
the superpowers are what I call the gift
that keeps on giving.
So with that in mind, I wanna introduce to you
a superpower technique right now to get your
intuition up and running.
(slow instrumental music)
Now with intuition, we have it all the time
but we don't listen to it 'cause we're so preoccupied
with what our head says.
Here's a simple practice that will get you
back into your intuition and give it a voice.
It's called my head says, my heart says.
So bring to mind a question in which you really want,
you're really interested in receiving intuitive guidance
and then say it out loud.
For example, I would like to know if it's a good time
to change the job I have.
I would like to know if this relationship
is worth pursuing.
I would like to know if I am getting
the right medical treatment that I need.
I would like to know how to manifest my dream
of writing a book or creating a play or starting a movie
or falling in love.
One sentence.
Just be interested and available to the answer.
Now you know your head has an opinion about all of this
and you don't wanna fight it
so simply give it its opportunity by doing this.
My head says, in response to your question,
and fill in the blank.
So let's use the example of I'd like to know
if it's a good time to move.
My head says the economy is bad.
My head says I'll never find the proper place
to make me happy.
My head says I wanna move but it's too expensive.
My head says it's a bad idea and I'll regret it.
You know the things that your head says all the time
that discourage you from the dreams you have.
So let it speak and do it until you can't think
of any more things that your head wants to say.
Next, take a breath.
Look around the room and notice right where you are,
including the things you're looking at like there's
the window, there's the floor,
there's my trainers, there's my tennis shoes,
anything physical right in front of you
because this brings you out of your head
and into the present moment.
Then take a breath and put your hand on your heart
as you breathe in.
Now give your heart,
which is where your intuition originates,
give your heart a chance to speak.
Breathe in and say my heart says
it's a perfect time to move.
My heart says look in this such and such neighborhood.
My heart says ask these friends for help.
My heart says it's a better time next month.
Just be curious and keep doing it over and over again.
Just listening to what your heart says.
If you wait too long you're back in your head.
So you have to just thump your chest and go ha
and that shoots you out of your head
and back into your heart.
Breathe, and my heart says.
Feel the difference between what your head says
and your heart says.
Head energy is tense and stressed and contracted
and heart energy expands.
It opens up and it starts receiving guidance.
So you try this tool two or three times
but the key is do it out loud
and you'll begin to notice the difference
between your head, plus you'll quiet it down,
and allow your intuition to be heard,
allow yourself to receive it 'cause it is there
and because you'll feel so much better
it'll feel true.
It'll feel correct for you.
It'll feel supportive.
It will become easier to follow it.
Simple tool.
Try it right now.
It takes a second and it works every time.
(slow instrumental music)
In this series I have been so thrilled to work
with you giving you tools and opportunities
to activate these superpowers and I'm sure by now
you're already feeling it.
Well this is the thing I love the most,
empowering human beings, which is why I'm excited
to tell you that I've had the opportunity
to create a magnificent online course
full of tools just like the ones you've already
been introduced to that are just as easy to use,
just as fun, and really fast and empowering
in terms of changing your life.
The course is laid out over four weeks
and each week for the first three weeks
I'll teach you one superpower.
I'll give you lessons, jump starts, tools,
practices to strengthen that superpower in a way
that's very easy to integrate into your life.
In the fourth week, I will show you how to weave them
all together so that it becomes just a new, graceful,
easy, exciting way to live.
Throughout the course they'll be worksheets
for you to work on, a journal to fill in
that you can track your own progress
and like the tools you've already learned,
tons more that are really exciting, really fun,
and really work.
Now as I've said I've been teaching for a really long time
so I also understand how people learn
and the way I've set it up is the best way
for you to learn because I deliver the course
in very simple 10 to 15 minute videos.
One per day for five days and then on the sixth day
of each week, a summary video.
It's easy to use and not only that,
the way it's set up, you don't have to march
through this consecutively.
You can watch the videos at your convenience.
You can go through them at the pace that suits you
and you can work this into your life
so it doesn't feel like a burden
or an obligation that you simply can't meet.
It works in a way that works with you.
And then the best part is this course is yours for life
and so you can go back and visit it again and again
and I can assure you every time
you do visit a lesson here,
visit a lesson there, you'll get even more insight,
more tools, more power, and it'll strengthen you
like just a little superpower workout.
It's fun.
I know that it's not fun to do something
where you have to make it stressful.
I know how to teach.
I know how to teach these tools.
I've been doing it a long time
and the way it's set up really works.
So don't delay.
I am so excited for you to come on this journey with me
to transform your life, have a great time doing it.
It's changed my life and through the course of my work
I've seen it change the lives of literally
thousands and thousands of people.
I want you to be one of them.
So register now so we can get on with this
extremely fun process of helping you become in complete
charge of your three best superpowers.
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