Title: Cafe Music & Cafe Music Playlist: Best of Bossa & Jazz BGM Cafe Music Compilation Jazz Mix
Preview: A Surprise So Big You'll Just Have To Wait | Season 7 Ep. 5 | NEW GIRL - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
🔥 How Much MONEY Do You NEED To Start AMAZON FBA?! 🔥 - Duration: 16:14.What is up freedom fighters! It is Jess here and I am finally back guys it has
Been a minute and I missed you I actually moved to San Diego I am finally
Settled I'm gonna be bringing you guys a ton of new tutorials on how to make
Money online but today's video is gonna be just a little bit different we're
Gonna be talking about exactly how much you actually need to start a profitable
Scalable business selling on Amazon FBA so if you've ever considered starting a
Private label make sure you stay tuned because I'm gonna be going into exactly
How you can calculate all of your Amazon fees before you actually have your
Product so that you know that your profit margin is going to be extremely
Profitable so don't even think about going
What is up freedom fighters we're to be talking about exactly how much it costs
To start a profitable business on Amazon FBA I know there's a lot of gurus out
There that say that you can start with as little as five hundred to a thousand
Dollars but that's not really realistic in this video we're gonna be breaking
Down exactly how much it costs to start a profitable scalable business on Amazon
FBA so the first thing that we're gonna talk about is product research so in
order to actually find profitable products to sell on Amazon you're gonna
have to get a product research software so that you can find products that are
low competition and then have a really high profit margin this offer that I
recommend using is called viral launch and I was actually able to meet the
founder of viral launch Casey back in Mexico Ninja con a couple of months ago
and he is incredibly smart the software's only $29 a month and then you
can also add on the market intelligence Chrome extension for an additional 20
dollars and this obviously is it a tutorial on how to do Amazon product
research but if you guys do want to see a tutorial on how exactly to use the
viral launch product research software then just leave me a comment down below
that says Amazon FBA product research and if I get 50 of them I will make it
for you guys so once you found the product that you want to source you want
to find a couple of different manufacturers and China to actually
order samples from so you can compare the quality and also the cost you want
to make sure that you're ordering a completely done product you want to
check the packaging you want to check the logo design you want to check the
barcode you want to make sure that the product that you're ordering in bulk is
perfect and then it's high quality so definitely order a couple of samples and
once you actually do place your order you can actually get that sample fee
refunded from the manufacturer so that's just a little thing to make sure that
you ask for because 99% of them will actually give you that full cost if not
a portion of the sample feedback to you when you place a larger order so the
next thing we're going to talk about is barcodes
so you're gonna need to get a UPC code which stands for universal product
and that's how you're gonna actually list your product up on the Amazon
website now there are some rumors going on that Amazon's gonna be switching over
completely to gs1 bar codes but as of right now April of 2018 you can still
use UPC codes which are a much cheaper options and again I get mine from
nationwide barcodes and I'll put the link for that down in the description
below now that you have your products you've got your UPC code you're going to
want to get a logo designed and you might also want to invest in a packaging
design depending on what type of product you're selling I usually go on to fiber
or upwork to get my designs made and they're extremely cheap you can get a
logo made for cheapest $5 and package design usually ranges anywhere from 10
to $250 depending on the service that you use but I found some really amazing
artists and graphic designers on fiber and they're extremely cheap if you do go
into fiber make sure you're searching by best selling so that you know the
designer that you're using has worked with a lot of other people and that
they've actually done good work and they have good reviews so now that we've gone
over all the little stuff let's talk about actually ordering products now
you're probably wondering how many units should you order your first shipment on
Amazon and then also how much are they actually going to cost and this price is
gonna vary obviously based off of the product that you decide to stores
because if you order something small it might cost you know 50 Cent's whereas if
you source you know weighted blankets you might be
paying $50 per unit now for this tutorial we're gonna stick with three
dollars per unit and I always recommend that you order at least 500 units and
this is gonna be including your package design your logo on the actual white
glossy box and then also your barcode UPC code sticker that says Made in China
on the actual package if you're sourcing from China and that's really really
important guys you definitely want to make sure that you have that now the
reason that we order at least 500 units is because you don't ever want to run
out and when you first launch your product you're gonna have to do
giveaways and so you want to track figure out how many units your
competitor is selling per day and then you need to multiply that number by
ninety and the reason we do ninety is because you want to make sure that your
product is never in the Amazon FBA warehouse for longer than 180 days
because that's when you actually get charged long term storage fees which is
really gonna kill your profit margin do you want to make sure that you have
enough units to where you don't sell out but you also want to make sure that you
know once you are getting low you have enough time to restock and so I would
say at least 500 units but the best way to do it is to track your competitors
numbers that average and then multiply that by 90 and that is a really really
good place to start because you can assume that someone that's selling a
very similar product to what you're selling is going to be about the number
of units that you're also gonna be selling per day now before you release
that 70% final payment to your manufacturer you want to make sure that
you have a third party come in and give you a quality check report on your
products to make sure that everything is up to your standards that the logo
design looks beautiful the packaging looks great and that none of your units
are broken or if you have you know a specific thing that you know could go
wrong with your product you want to make sure you you pay someone to actually
come in and check to make sure that the units are perfect before your units are
actually shipped across seas so getting an inspection is super important they're
usually about a hundred dollars depending on the company that you use
now that your units are ready to go you're ready to ship everything over to
the United States you're trying to figure out you know how much is it
actually gonna cost to get a bunch of products over to the United States and
into the Amazon FBA warehouse well I can't give you an exact cost because
again this is going to depend on the product that you order it's going to
depend on the size the weight and the amount of units that you actually buy
but for this tutorial we're gonna say about six hundred and five dollars and
it also is gonna depend on whether or not you want to do sea or air so there's
a couple of different options for shipping you could do by sea which
generally gonna be a lot cheaper but it takes about two to three months or you
can ship by air which is much faster it's a little bit more expensive but it
usually only takes about three to ten days so if you're about to run out of
stock and you know that you're going to be able to sell those units and it's
gonna hold your spot in your rank on page one then it might be worth it in
the long run but that is completely up to you what you decide again shipping by
sea is gonna be much cheaper but it takes a lot longer
she can buy air more expensive but it's going to arrive in the warehouse you're
gonna be able to keep selling units much quicker so you kind of have to do the
math for yourself on that one the next thing we're going to talk about is your
product photography and this is so so so important guys I know that there are a
lot of gurus on YouTube that say that you can you know cheap out you can do
your own pictures but you do not want to do this because one image could make or
break your listing on Amazon because when people actually go on to a listing
they're looking at the images and that is usually what's going to sell your
products so you definitely don't want to be cheap here the service I recommend
using is actually a viral launch which is also the software company that I do
my product research with the basic photography package is 597 but it really
is worth every penny you don't want to cheap out on photography because your
images are what could really make or break your listing now not gonna go to
in-depth on viral launch but I do want to show you guys some of the things that
they offer because they really do it all so if you come up to solutions you'll
see everything that they have they have product discovery and market
intelligence which are the two product research software's that I spoke about
earlier they also have a keyword research tool as well as the product
photography which I was just speaking about and I'll just click on this you
guys can see some of the examples because they really do a beautiful job
and you know like it says here your images really are everything when it
comes to conversions and actually making sales and you'll see some of the
examples I mean they just do incredible lifestyle shots the images are really
high resolution and you know just extremely well so if you're looking for
someone to do your product photography I would definitely recommend viral launch
they do an incredible job with basically all things Amazon and if you guys are
interested in checking them out I'll leave the links
down in the description below that you can go directly to their site and see a
little bit more of what they have to offer the last thing we're gonna talk
about is your seller central theme which is $39.99 and that's charged by Amazon
to actually sell on the platform which brings our cost to just under three
thousand dollars to start a profitable scalable business on Amazon FBA but if
you really are serious about starting an amazon FBA business you might want to
look into investing into a course because that really is the best way to
see success if you've never ship products over from China it can be
really confusing and if you don't have trusted freight forwarders that are
giving you the right prices and you don't even know what the right prices
are then you know you could end up spending a lot more money and so in my
opinion you know my course paid for itself whether you decide to go with the
course that I took or if you decide to go with someone else just find someone
that has already been successful and learned from them because it's so much
easier to pay to actually learn how to do things correctly then to try to
figure it out on your own and fail miserably and lose a lot of money so
it's definitely something to take into consideration if you really are serious
about Amazon FBA as a business now the last thing that we're gonna talk about
are some of the Amazon fees that are charged once your products are actually
in the facility and this is not something that you need to worry about
right now but I do think that it's really important to know that there are
these fees beforehand so that you can figure out exactly how much your profit
margin is gonna be before you do decide to source a product so the first one is
the referral fees which is gonna be about 8 to 15% of your sale price of
your product that's on Amazon and that's gonna be based off of the category that
you're actually selling in you're also gonna be charged at fee fees and storage
fees and those are going to be determined by the weight and the
dimensions of your products and the way we figure out the average of these fees
is by using the FBI calculator which I will
show you guys exactly how to use right now let me just pull the screen over
right here so if you go on to Google and you just search FBA calculator you'll
see this top one here is seller central dot Amazon slash profitability
calculator and this is what we're going to use to figure out our profit margin
and so the first thing we see is find your product on amazon.com so in order
to calculate our profit margin of the product we want to source before we
actually source that product we can find a similar product that's selling on
Amazon and actually pull the Aysen number and so to find the asa number all
you would do is you just go on to Amazon and you would find a product that is
just like the one that you're wanting to sell and so for this example we'll use
this garlic chopper and you would just come down to the bottom and you'll see
here that the ASA number is right here so we would just copy this code and it's
also up at the top and the URL you look to see where I'm highlighting right here
you can find it there as well and you would just come back to the FBA
calculator and paste in the ASA number and you'll see that it pulled that exact
same garlic chopper so the next thing that we would want to do is come down
here to where it says Amazon Fulfillment and we're gonna fill in a couple of
these things so the first one it's asking about is the item price so what
are we going to sell this item for and so we can see here that this product is
selling for $15.99 so we would price ours very similar maybe a little bit
more maybe a little bit less depending on your strategy but we'll just use
$15.99 here and then how much is it gonna cost you to ship that item to
Amazon and that's obviously gonna vary by weight but we'll just say 50 cents
per item for this tutorial and then what is the cost of the product so maybe
you're sourcing this product for a dollar fifty per unit and so we'll put
that in there as well and then you come down to calculate and it's gonna give us
all of the fees so we're gonna see a couple of different things here now
if you had a merchant account and you are going to be fulfilling the items
yourself you would be focusing on the your fulfillment section and those
numbers would show up on the left side of the graph but for this tutorial we're
going to be focusing on Amazon FBA meaning that Amazon is going to be the
one that is fulfilling the order and so all of those numbers are going to show
up on the right side of the graph so the first one you see is revenue and the
revenue is going to be the actual cost that we're selling the product for so
we're gonna be selling the garlic chopper for $15.99 and so the revenue
shows up as $15.99 now the next column is the costs so this is gonna be the
fulfillment cost by Amazon selling on Amazon fees and then the cost of the
goods which is nine dollars and 18 cents and then the seller proceeds are the
revenue minus selling on Amazon fee minus the fulfillment fee and that's
before the cost of your product and before actually shipping your product so
the main two we want to focus on our revenue and cost and so if you subtract
the revenue minus the cost you're gonna get your net profit which is how much
you're actually going to make per item selling that specific product on Amazon
and you'll see here that it comes to six dollars and 81 cents which brings us to
a net margin of about 42 point five nine percent which is great I usually
recommend that you stick between that forty to fifty percent mark to really be
profitable on Amazon so that is that guy's it is as simple as that that's how
you use the FBA calculator we went over a ton of different stuff today
we talked about all of the costs that it takes to make a profitable scalable
business selling on Amazon FBA we went over fees and so I hope you found this
video extremely helpful and if you did make sure you leave me a comment down
below let me know you liked the video say hey say what's up anything you guys
want to talk about just leave it below and I'll make sure that I get back to
you guys and if you guys haven't already make sure you smash that subscribe
button turn on those notification bells because I'm gonna be putting out new
videos for you every single week
Only Side by Side With You (南方有乔木) - Episode 9 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:14.-------------------------------------------
Cast of Camp Rock - This Is Me /Acoustic Version/ (Official Audio) - Duration: 1:05.Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark?
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I've found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me
DIY Tin Can Hanging Planter - Duration: 2:49.Hey what's up you guys? My name is Emily
and in this video I'm going to show you how to make this tin can hanging planter.
Lets get on with the video!
The first thing you want to do is that you want to take the paper off of the tin can.
If there is tape on the can you can either remove it
or if you can't remove it, that side with the tape will be in the back.
After you get the paper off of the can
you want to put water into the can
and then you want to put the can in the freezer and let it freeze overnight.
When the water in the can is frozen
you want to take it out of the freezer
and and you want to lay it down on a towel.
Now you want to take a nail and you put it where you want to put the twine
so the tin can can hang on a wall.
Then you want to carefully hammer the nail into the tin can until you get a hole.
Before making your second hole make sure the twine fits through the hole.
When you're done getting the first hole,
you can measure how far down the first hole is
so you'll know where to put the second hole on the other side of the can.
Then you want to measure where the second hole will go
on the other side of the can and then you can make another hole just like the first one.
When you're done making the holes
you want to put the can under water
and wait for the ice to melt
or you can wait until the ice shrinks and you can pull the ice out of the can.
Then you want to dry off the can before painting it.
Now you can spray paint the can any color that you want
and when you're done painting the can you need to wait for it dry.
I painted my can copper.
When the paint is dry, you can take a piece of twine
and you want to run the twine though the outside of the can.
Then you want to tie the twine in a knot inside of the can.
You also want to make sure the knot's big enough
so it doesn't come out of the hole by pulling it from the outside of the can.
You want to do the same thing to the other side so you'll have a hook to hang the tin can on a wall.
If you have trouble putting the twine through the holes
you can try cutting it and and then you can put the twine through the hole.
The last thing you have to do is that you want to put fake flowers or plants into the tin can.
You can also put plants that don't need a bunch of water into the tin can.
and when you're done with your planter you can put it onto the wall or wherever you would like.
and that's how you make this tin can hanging planter!
In the comments down below let me know what you think about this DIY
and if you like this video give this video a thumbs up
and subscribe to see more DIYs.
I will see you in the next video. Bye!
The Bold and the Beautiful - You Did See My Father - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Updating Your Beliefs with Bayes (e.g. how it can help you see what's behind you) - Duration: 12:06.Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and Welcome back to Crash Course Statistics. We ended the last
episode by talking about Conditional Probabilities which helped us find the probability of one
event, given that a second event had already happened.
But now I want to give you a better idea of why this is true and how this formula--with
a few small tweaks--has revolutionized the field of statistics.
In general terms, Conditional Probability says that the probability of an event, B,
given that event A has already happened, is the probability of A and B happening together,
Divided by the probability of A happening - that's the general formula, but let's
give you a concrete example so we can visualize it.
Here's a Venn Diagram of two events, An Email containing the words "Nigerian Prince"
and an Email being Spam.
So I get an email that has the words "Nigerian Prince" in it, and I want to know what the
probability is that this email is Spam, given that I already know the email contains the
words "Nigerian Prince." This is the equation.
Alright, let's take this part a little. On the Venn Diagram, I can represent the fact
that I know the words "Nigerian Prince" already happened by only looking at the events
where Nigerian Prince occurs, so just this circle.
Now inside this circle I have two areas, areas where the email is spam, and areas
where it's not. According to our formula, the probability of spam given Nigerian Prince
is the probability of spam AND Nigerian Prince which is this region... where they overlap…divided
by Probability of Nigerian Prince which is the whole circle that we're looking at.
Now...if we want to know the proportion of times when an email is Spam given that we
already know it has the words "Nigerian Prince", we need to look at how much of
the whole Nigerian Prince circle that the region with both Spam and Nigerian Prince
And actually, some email servers use a slightly more complex version of this example to filter
spam. These filters are called Naive Bayes filters, and thanks to them, you don't have
to worry about seeing the desperate pleas of a surprisingly large number of Nigerian
The Bayes in Naive Bayes comes from the Reverend Thomas Bayes, a Presbyterian minister who
broke up his days of prayer, with math. His largest contribution to the field of math
and statistics is a slightly expanded version of our conditional probability formula.
Bayes Theorem states that:
The probability of B given A, is equal to the Probability of A given B times the Probability
of B all divided by the Probability of A
You can see that this is just one step away from our conditional probability formula.
The only change is in the numerator where P(A and B) is replaced with P(A|B)P(B). While
the math of this equality is more than we'll go into here, you can see with some venn-diagram-algebra
why this is the case.
In this form, the equation is known as Bayes' Theorem, and it has inspired a strong movement
in both the statistics and science worlds.
Just like with your emails, Bayes Theorem allows us to figure out the probability that
you have a piece of spam on your hands using information that we already have, the presence
of the words "Nigerian Prince".
We can also compare that probability to the probability that you just got a perfectly
valid email about Nigerian Princes. If you just tried to guess your odds of an email
being spam based on the rate of spam to non-spam email, you'd be missing some pretty useful
information--the actual words in the email!
Bayesian statistics is all about UPDATING your beliefs based on new information. When
you receive an email, you don't necessarily think it's spam, but once you see the word
Nigerian you're suspicious. It may just be your Aunt Judy telling you what she saw
on the news, but as soon as you see "Nigerian" and "Prince" together, you're pretty
convinced that this is junkmail.
Remember our Lady Tasting Tea example... where a woman claimed to have superior taste buds
...that allowed her to know--with one sip--whether tea or milk was poured into a cup first? When
you're watching this lady predict whether the tea or milk was poured first, each correct
guess makes you believe her just a little bit more.
A few correct guesses may not convince you, but each correct prediction is a little more
evidence she has some weird super-tasting tea powers.
Reverend Bayes described this idea of "updating" in a thought experiment.
Say that you're standing next to a pool table but you're faced away from it, so
you can't see anything on it. You then have your friend randomly drop a ball onto the
table, and this is a special, very even table, so the ball has an equal chance of landing
anywhere on it. Your mission--is to guess how far to the right or left this ball is.
You have your friend drop another ball onto the table and report whether it's to the
left or to the right of the original ball. The new ball is to the right of the original,
so, we can update our belief about where the ball is.
If the original is more towards the left, than most of the new balls will fall to the
right of our original, just because there's more area there. And the further to the left
it is, the higher the ratio of new rights to lefts
Since this new ball is to the right, that means there's a better chance that our original
is more toward the left side of the table than the right, since there would be more
"room" for the new ball to land.
Each ball that lands to the right of the original is more evidence that our original is towards
the left of the table. But, if we get a ball landing on the left of our original, then
we know the original is not at the very left edge. Again, Each new piece of information
allows us to change our beliefs about the location of the ball, and changing beliefs
is what Bayesian statistics is all about.
Outside thought experiments, Bayesian Statistics is being used in many different ways, from
comparing treatments in medical trials, to helping robots learn language. It's being
used by cancer researchers, ecologists, and physicists.
And this method of thinking about statistics...updating existing information with what's come before...may
be different from the logic of some of the statistical tests that you've heard of--like
the t-test. Those Frequentist statistics can sometimes be more like probability done in
a vacuum. Less reliant on prior knowledge.
When the math of probability gets hard to wrap your head around, we can use simulations
to help see these rules in action. Simulations take rules and create a pretend universe that
follows those rules.
Let's say you're the boss of a company, and you receive news that one of your employees,
Joe, has failed a drug test. It's hard to believe. You remember seeing this thing on
YouTube that told you how to figure out the probability that Joe really is on drugs given
that he got a positive test.
You can't remember exactly what the formula is...but you could always run a simulation.
Simulations are nice, because we can just tell our computer some rules, and it will
randomly generate data based on those rules.
For example, we can tell it the base rate of people in our state that are on drugs,
the sensitivity (how many true positives we get) of the drug test... and specificity (how
many true negatives we get). Then we ask our computer to generate 10,000 simulated people
and tell us what percent of the time people with positive drug tests were actually on
If the drug Joe tested positive for--in this case Glitterstim--is only used by about 5%
of the population, and the test for Glitterstim has a 90% sensitivity and 95% specificity,
I can plug that in and ask the computer to simulate 10,000 people according to these
And when we ran this simulation, only 49.2% of the people who tested positive were actually
using Glitterstim. So I should probably give Joe another chance...or another test.
And if I did the math, I'd see that 49.2% is pretty close since the theoretical answer
is around 48.6%. Simulations can help reveal truths about probability, even without formulas.
They're a great way to demonstrate probability and create intuition that can stand alone
or build on top of more mathematical approaches to probability.
Let's use one to demonstrate an important concept in probability that makes it possible
to use samples of data to make inferences about a population: the Law of Large Numbers.
In fact we were secretly relying on it when we used empirical probabilities--like how
many times I got tails when flipping a coin 10 times--to estimate theoretical probabilities--like
the true probability of getting tails.
In its weak form, Law of Large Numbers tells us that as our samples of data get bigger
and bigger, our sample mean will be 'arbitrarily' close to the true population mean.
Before we go into more detail, let's see a simulation and if you want to follow along
or run it on your own - instructions are in the description below.
In this simulation we're picking values from a new intelligence test--from the normal
distribution, that has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 20. When you have a
very small sample size, say 2, your sample means are all over the place.
You can see that pretty much anything goes, we see means between 5 and 95. And this makes
sense, when we only have two data points in our sample, it's not that unlikely that
we get two really small numbers, or two pretty big numbers, which is why we see both low
and high sample means. Though we can tell that a lot of the means
are around the true mean of 50 because the histogram is the tallest at values around
But once we increase the sample size, even to just 100 values, you can see that the sample
means are mostly around the real mean of 50. In fact all of the sample means are within
10 units of the true population mean.
And when we go up to 1000, just about every sample mean is very very close to the true
mean. And when you run this simulation over and over, you'll see pretty similar results.
The neat thing is that the Law of Large numbers applies to almost any distribution as long
as the distribution doesn't have an infinite variance.
Take the uniform distribution which looks like a rectangle. Imagine a 100-sided die,
every single value is equally probable.
Even the sample means that are selected from a uniform distribution get closer and closer
to the true mean of 50..
The law of large numbers is the evidence we need to feel confident that the mean of the
samples we analyze is a pretty good guess for the true population mean. And the bigger
our samples are, the better we think the guess is! This property allows us to make guesses
about populations, based on samples.
It also explains why casinos make money in the long run over hundreds of thousands of
payouts and losses, even if the experience of each person varies a lot. The casino looks
at a huge sample--every single bet and payout--whereas your sample as an individual is smaller, and
therefore less likely to be representative.
Each of these concepts can help us another way ...another way to look at the data around
us. The Bayesian framework shows us that every event or data point can and should "update"
your beliefs but it doesn't mean you need to completely change your mind.
And simulations allow us to build upon these observations when the underlying mechanics
aren't so clear.
We are continuously accumulating evidence and modifying our beliefs everyday, adding
today's events to our conception of how the world works. And hey, maybe one day we'll
all start sincerely emailing each other about Nigerian Princes.
Then we're gonna have to do some belief-updating. Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.
Who was Lord Louis Mountbatten? Find out everything you need to know about Prince Louis' namesake - Duration: 6:04.Who was Lord Louis Mountbatten? Find out everything you need to know about Prince Louis' namesake
Prince William and Kate Middletons third child, Prince Louis Arthur Charles, is thought to be named after his great-grandfather Prince Philips uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, but how much do you know about the man behind his namesake? Find out everything you need to know about Lord Mountbatten, from his impressive career to his family connections to the Queen as well as Prince Philip.
Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten was known by his family as simply Dickie and was born in Windsor in 1900 as the son of Prince Louis of Batternberg and Princess Victoria of Hesse.
His own great grandmother was Queen Victoria, meaning that he was also the second cousin to Queen Elizabeth as well as uncle to Prince Philip.
Lord Mountbatten was considered to be a father figure to Prince Philip, who had an unusual childhood after his family were exiled from Greece in the 1920s.
He was also, incidentally, the one who first introduced Philip to a 13-year-old Princess Elizabeth after inviting the royal family to tour Dartmouth Royal Naval College.
After Prince Philip denounced his title as the Prince of Greece in order to marry the then-Princess Elizabeth, he took his uncles surname of Mountbatten instead.
He also become a close friend and mentor to Prince Philips eldest son, Prince Charles.
According to biographer Jonathan Dimbleby, the pair would call each other honorary grandfather and honorary grandson.
One of Prince Williams middle names is also Louis, which is thought to be after his fathers mentor.
Military Career and Death.
Lord Mountbatten was also a dedicated military man.
After joining the Royal Navy in 1916, he served through both WWI and WWII.
Specialising in communications, he was responsible for preparing for the invasion of occupied Europe, and became the supreme allied commander, South East Asia Command in 1943.
In 1947, he became the viceroy of India to oversee the British withdrawal.
He eventually became the chief of the defence staff until his retirement from the navy in 1965.
Lord Mountbatten was tragically killed in 1979.
Aged 79-years-old, Louis and several members of his family, including his eldest daughter Patricia, his son-in-law John and their twin sons, Nicholas and Timothy, went lobster-potting and tuna fishing when the boat was exploded by a radio-controlled bomb.
The IRA took responsibility for the attack that killed Louis, Nicholas, Johns mother Lady Brabourne and a 15-year-old crew member, Paul Maxwell.
The IRA released a statement following the attack which read: The death of Mountbatten and the tributes paid to him will be seen in sharp contrast to the apathy of the British government and the English people to the deaths of over three hundred British soldiers, and the deaths of Irish men, women and children at the hands of their forces..
Speaking about his death in 2015, Prince Charles said: At the time, I could not imagine how we would come to terms with the anguish of such a deep loss since, for me, Lord Mountbatten represented the grandfather I never had.
So it seemed as if the foundations of all that we held dear in life had been torn apart irreparably.
Through this dreadful experience, though, I now understand in a profound way the agonies borne by so many others in these islands, of whatever faith, denomination or political tradition..
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