Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 2 2018

hi guys it's Adrienne welcome back to my channel in today's video I have seen a

lot of videos like this and I think it is a great idea because I didn't even

tell you what the video is hold on

without trying it's 2018 and trying to look good has

become way more difficult than it used to me I just feel like society expects

women to have all these fake nails and eyelashes and hair extensions and all

these expensive things that require a ton of maintenance and I am just like

not about it I do not think that anyone should have to do that I feel like we

should be able to look and feel great in our own skin how we are I say as I

literally have fake nails long but you know okay I do it sometimes but living I

want to be able to show you guys some of my kind of tips and tricks for how to

like look good and feel like I look really good without spending a lot of

money and without trying hard and of course looking good and feeling put

together does make you feel more confident does make you feel better

about yourself so essentially this video is like how to look put together enough

to be socially acceptable without paying too much money or trend you are so I'm

gonna go through my hair makeup outfit tips makeup artists and makeup and

things you can do to kind of like make yourself look good and expensive without

being expensive because who wants to be expensive and I will link a lot of my

favorite products that I use down below not sponsored or anything just things

that I genuinely love so let's get right into it I hope you enjoyed this video

give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you are new and I have an Instagram like to

follow that no pressure but and let's get into the video so the

first thing that I love to do that always makes me feel like I looked so

hot is doing self tanner I don't know what it is but I just feel like everyone

looks better tan that's not to say that I don't think fair skinned people are

absolutely beautiful too but it's like me and my natural color versus me just a

little bit of sunkissed like I just laid out for eight hours -

the potential skin cancer and all the time and effort that wastes there's

something about it that just makes me feel like my skin always looks a lot

more flawless when I hand so it also encourages me to not wear makeup as much

which is also less effort and I also just think not wearing makeup is

beautiful and more people should not wear makeup sometimes my favorite

product by far I'm absolutely obsessed is loving pan I actually used the two

hour Express one even though what I usually do is I put it on my body right

before bed and then I just sleep and then I wake up in a shower so that way

I'm not like having to walk around all day with it on and wait the six hours so

that's my favorite way to do it and honestly it works flawlessly I have

people ask me all the time if it's fake or real as in it looks like I did lay

out for six hours but if you still do want to wear makeup which sometimes I

still do then I have some tips for you on how you can do that without looking

like you put in too much effort and without looking like you try but you're

still look hot so starting with our base nothing says trying hard like a big

cakey foundation layer so instead I'm just gonna go in with my Sephora make no

mistake foundation and concealer stick I've been obsessed with this lately I'm

literally just gonna like dab it on to all the red areas of my face now we're

gonna look flawless you guys should cover up the stuff that needs covering

up and everything else will be fine now this is if you're feeling really lazy

then all you need to do is this mascara and lip gloss I'm just gonna put a

little bit on my eyelids because homegirl has some veins that makes it

look like I didn't sleep at all last night we're really going to

unprofessional because that's what not trying means now

the reason I love mascara is because I think it's the easiest way to look

natural but put together having long lashes in my opinion for some reason

just like completes your look and also if you think about it I shadow looks

like effort because you can physically see that you put something on your face

and it actually is more effort but with mascara it kind of just is enhancing

your artis natural lashes and so some people won't even know you're wearing

mascara but you'll look better I of course want to curl them first and

something else you can do to really enhance your lashes and make them a lot

longer is use eyelash serum I have one that I literally swear by you guys have

heard me talk on it before i only promote things that i genuinely think

are incredible so I highly recommend this serum I will link down below how

you can purchase this if you want but I already put mine on today so let's get

to the mascara

okay all done and the last thing would be just a nice little clear lip gloss I

don't know I feel like having a little shine to your lips makes you look like

you tried but you really didn't try at all like every time I wear lip gloss

that brothers like you're wearing so much makeup but I'm not and there you

have it I look pretty dang good and all I used

was literally some concealer stick lip gloss and mascara if you want to take it

to the next level I will say bronzer is probably the next thing I would go to

just because it adds a little color to your face and like I said before with

the self-tanning having a little color you really just go a long way okay that

took like actually five seconds and it just looks all better I know what you're

thinking okay fine you can use some under-eye concealer but don't use a

really thick one like my tarts shave table and I'm obsessed with nothing use

that then I have to set it and it's this whole process

it's the Neutrogena hydro boost concealer it's a pretty easy and really

really smooth to put on because it has like a lot of moisture so if you guys

are worried about bags then sure they're wrong some concealer and of course if

you're not feeling lazy you can do your full makeup routine but the whole point

of this video is to tell you how you can look really good without trying so I'm

gonna leave it oh hey it didn't see you there so next is hair and the way to be

the laziest as possible is to literally wear it in a bun like this I showered

and I put it in a bun and it's super easy and kind of cute or what I often

like to do is shower put it in a bun like this so that when I take it out it

creates these very natural and controlled wait granted this depends on

what type of hair you have I know when I was younger my hair was so coarse and

frizzy that I literally had to do it or I just had to throw it in a bun it was

too unmanageable but now if I just put it in a nice little bun after my shower

they end up with some just casual waves and then I can just kind of wear it down

and flop it around and it kind of looks like I tried but I did in that's the

secret and if you guys want me to show you how to do that fun

you literally adjust take your hair like this make it into a nice little ponytail

put it to one side twist it around like that you just take the hair tie

secure it like that it's not only will be cute but it'll also control your wave

you can wear it like this and if your ex want to wear it down you can let down a

couple hairs are you kind of cute yeah okay now we have to pick out an outfit

next it's time to pick up an outfit so something I like to do is wear comfy

clothes like I love comfy clothes and I've been realizing lately that it's

really easy to actually look really good even while wearing comfy more casual

clothes so for example t-shirts such as this shout-out to Demi love your girl

I just think can actually be really cute when paired with the right pair of like

ripped jeans or even just like some jogger pants and there are certain

things you can do to just kind of dress them up a little bit and make it look

like you tried a little harder when in reality I literally wore this to bed

last night so one of those tricks is to wear kind of dainty or jewelry or like

bigger earrings with some dainty necklaces I just feel like dainty gold

jewelry specifically but or silver whichever your preference is can just

look really fancy and expensive but really you can find really cheap pieces

I will link some of my favorite pieces below like these necklaces and these

rings I really love I just feel like adding little dainty pieces of jewelry

that look a lot more expensive than they are just make you look a lot more put

together and a lot better even though you just rolled out of bed in a t-shirt

and are hardly wearing makeup it and when it comes to shoes I really

recommend getting a really cute pair of like slide on shoes I have these really

cute furry ones from Urban Outfitters I get compliments on them all the time I'm

pretty sure they're only ten bucks I'll link them down below if I'm wrong about

the price I'm sorry they were on sale for 10 bucks but I just think these look

really bougie and like cute and fancy even though they're literally just slide

on shoes so even when I'm wearing like jeans and this t-shirt and those slides

I feel like I look so good and really I tried 0% so I recommend getting like a

cute pair of slides like that or even just like a cute pair of slip-on

sneakers they're very very comfortable relatively inexpensive and you can throw

them on with just about anything and my last tip for how to look ballin on a

budget is to have your nails done this obviously does cost money and it does

take effort but the beauty of it is you do it once and then they're set

something I've noticed it's so weird and nitpicky but comment down below if you

agree with me whenever my nails are done I automatically just feel way more put

together and I feel like I look way better even if I don't necessarily like

I could look like crap haven't showered and just but if my nails are done I just

feel like oh I'm like put together today I know that's weird

but I genuinely think it's so true so yeah that's my little life hat for you I

still have my Coachella nails on so they're growing out but we don't need to

talk about that are you guys those were my tips on how to look fallen on a

budget how to look hot without trying because who likes trying not me I hate

trying trying this sucks I hope you guys enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up

if you did I am so so so close to filming my room tour I thought I was

gonna get up this weekend but I need a little bit more time so next week look

out for my room tour I'm so excited to finally reveal to you guys everything

that I have done in this room has taken months and months and months so look out

for that and I'll see you in my next video I love you so much bye

For more infomation >> HOW TO INSTANTLY LOOK GOOD WITHOUT TRYING!! (and on a budget) - Duration: 8:49.


Don Lemon to Kanye: Pick up a history book - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Don Lemon to Kanye: Pick up a history book - Duration: 5:22.



hello guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and this is the first time of

stopping by you're welcome If you have not yet subscribed please do so for more

helpful interesting and exciting videos today we're going to see how to remove

dark spots that are left over on your face because of any sort of pimples or

rashes or ACNE so if I interested make sure you see the whole video this is

very effective and I can guarantee you by the end of this video that within

seven to eight days you see remarkable amount of difference in your skin in

today's video we'll be needing Tomatoes let me tell you all about the benefits

of tomatoes and why we should do tomatoes benefits of tomatoes are that

they reduce blemishes they remove someone or tan they prevent signs of

aging and also remove dark circles they reduce under-eye puffiness and they

amazing super super amazing for skin like me and tightening as well as

whitening, they can remove tan and dark blemishes or dark spots that you

have on your skin so this particular treatment I'm going to use tomatoes

the juices are visible easy helping removing all the dark spots you have on

you can also use this for your facials

after that you massage them on this dark spot like I have here massage it on it

make sure to clean your skin before you apply this you can use any face wash of

your choice will just clean your skin or wash your skin your face especially

anywhere you have darkspots for applying this to me to mask so means put it on all the

areas that have dark spots tomato is a very good lightening agent

Bentsen massage its

massage it on your skin to remove these dark spots in circular motion do this

for about ten minutes this will help you moving all your dark spots so if you

have any kind of darkness around your lips or around your nose or even

discoloration or even dark patches for this is the right remedy to use it's a

helping exfoliating the skin and to remove all sorts of dark spots I'm just

going to leave it on for about 10 minutes and then I'll clean my skin ten

to twenty minutes please guys if this video was helpful to you give it a big

thumbs up share this with your family and friends are most importantly guys

please PLEASE guys subscribe to my channel thank you guys and see my next

video stay fabulous

For more infomation >> REMOVE DARK SPOTS IN 7 DAYS |100% NATURAL RECIPE HOME REMEDY |ACNE SCAR |GET Rid Of Ueven Skintone - Duration: 4:05.


Crafter's Companion Dimensional Dies Papercrafting Bundle - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Crafter's Companion Dimensional Dies Papercrafting Bundle - Duration: 5:40.


Pastel Brights - Sumita - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Pastel Brights - Sumita - Duration: 4:11.


I want you to rub more more because it feels good Border Collie - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> I want you to rub more more because it feels good Border Collie - Duration: 2:10.


HealthWatch: Anxiety May Raise Risk Of Dementia; Intermittent Fasting May Be Good For You - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> HealthWatch: Anxiety May Raise Risk Of Dementia; Intermittent Fasting May Be Good For You - Duration: 2:30.


Teen & Families Connect: LiFT Program (Hawai'i) - Duration: 3:09.

DAUGHTER: One thing I appreciate about dad is that he tries really hard to be funny

even though he's not funny sometimes.

DAUGHTER: I love that she's very understanding, and always there when I need her.

SONIA: (voice over) LiFT is a six hour family connection program

where a parenting adult and teenagers get together to really strengthen their family bonds.

A parenting adult can be a biological parent, a foster parent,

can be an auntie or uncle, a grandparent, even a close family friend.

We really help families learn to communicate effectively with each other.

They can learn strategies and skills to have those tough talks.

And those tough talks can be about sexual health, about drugs and alcohol,

about healthy relationships, peer pressure — all of those things.

DAD: I was raised in a generation where you don't even have to this opportunity

to have these conversations with your parents.

DAUGHTER: You are able to further your skills that you already have

or learn completely new skill sets to, you know, just figure outhow to talk about things.

SONIA: The program is broken out into together times and separate times

for the teens and the parents in their respective groups.

Teens are going to learn skills on how to approach their parents, how to have conversations.

The parents, we're going to give them some strategies and skills

on how to really be an askable adult,

to really focus on listening and hearing what their teen is saying

and to be able to share their own personal values with their teens as well.

DAUGHTER: They tell us how to ask a question, because when I'm asking my mom something

she won't just say, "No," she'll think about it,

DAUGHTER: Being able to have your parent go through it and be on the same page is super important.

Being able to come to like a mutual understanding on a variety of subjects.

SONIA: A strong connection is a superpower that parenting adults have

and when you can build strong connection with teens, it can help them achieve school success,

it can help them from having unintended pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections.

It can help reduce chances of bullying or depression.

It really can help set the stage for teens to achieve their life goals.

MOM: The thing that's changed in our relationship —

I think she's more, honest with me.

She comes to me with more of her problems.

She's not fearful that I'm just going to jump to the negative responses.

DAD: If your daughter or even your son come and talk about stuff like this,

It takes courage to come to your parents and talk about this kind of stuff

and instead of shutting them down, just don't run away from the opportunity.

Embrace it.

SONIA: The families that have participated so far have told us how impactful this program has been,

how it really opened up communication in ways that they never thought possible.

And we know that when families are strong, communities get strong too.

DAUGHTER: Yes, do the program because no matter how much you think you know

you don't know everything.

DAD: (playful) Say that again, "What?"

DAUGHTER: (laughs)

DAUGHTER: I love you.

MOM: Awww. I love you too.

Thanks, boo-boo.




For more infomation >> Teen & Families Connect: LiFT Program (Hawai'i) - Duration: 3:09.


OTUBNS: Jacalyn Gallegos: February 2018 Market Update - Duration: 3:36.

Hey guys, Jacalyn here with Hallmark Home Mortgage with your February Market Update.

So, big news in the mortgage world right now is mortgage rates are up about a half a percent

since January 1st and the housing inventory is down.

So how do we combat this?

So the best thing about the interest rates is this generally will help clients get off

the fence because they want to buy before rates go up any higher.

So sometimes we just need to reevaluate our expectations of what that monthly payment

is going to look like.

As far as inventory is concerned, my best suggestion there and the conversation that

I'm having with clients right now is if you were going to the grocery store to buy

a gallon of milk, for example, and there were only 5 gallons of milk, but you just needed

the 1 it doesn't really matter that there's low inventory because you're still going

to be able to get your 1.

So what I've been telling clients is yes, inventory might be a little bit low but you

just need 1 house.

So just to kind of, it's already a scary enough conversation with the clients a lot

of times because they're worried they're not going to find something and things of

that nature, so I'm doing my very best on the front end of the conversation with a client

just to kind of help set their mind at ease and just reassure them.

Inventory is low, yes, but we just need 1 house, and we just need to find your house.

So hopefully that's helping in those conversations.

The very best thing I can do for your clients at this point to make sure their offers get

accepted on these high offer situations or multiple offer situations, excuse me, is make

sure they're 100% pre-approved before I ever let them get into your car and start

looking at properties.

That pre-approval process is not just for your client, it's also for you and your

peace of mind as well as that listing agents.

So the more I can do for you on the front end to help make that conversation a little

bit easier with the selling agent when you go to make those offers let me know.

The big conversation I'm having with agents right now is yes this client is fully pre-approved,

I've met with them in person, I've received 100% of their paperwork and oh by the way

I guarantee my pre-approval.

But in addition to that, I've been doing this for 10 years, we have a 100% pre-approved

to close ratio, we guarantee we'll close on time, under budget, no surprises, and we

send money the day before closing.

So I'm not just selling the client, I'm also selling my ability as a lender to close

your loan on time.

So hopefully that's helpful information.

When you start making offers, if I'm not already doing so, let me know and I will follow

up with that listing agent for you.

Two other little items that we're doing for clients as well as just providing extra

value piece to you, is one is HomeBot, if you're not familiar.

If you are a client with me and we've closed loans before all of our closed clients will

be loaded into the HomeBot system, so you should've already received an email there.

If you're not a part of the HomeBot system, or we haven't had the opportunity to do

a deal together and you'd like to be a part of it let me know, I'm happy to send you

over some additional information so that you can get signed up.

I can sponsor you as an agent so the cost to you is only $25 per month.

Your client will get a monthly digest that says what their property values looks like,

what they've paid in interest, how much equity they have, what they can sell for,

things of that nature.

So just another really great value and informational piece to your client that goes out without

you having to worry about.

And we're also using Homebuyer Scouting Report, so if that's something you're

interested in using let me know there too.

That's a great search tool for clients as they're looking for their new homes I can

help keep an eye on that as well.

We just launched that out, so I will get you some additional information if that's something

that you're interested in.

But I'll definitely start getting our clients loaded into that system as well just to create

some extra service adds for them.

If there's anything else we can do for you feel free to let me know.

If there is any additional content that you'd like to see in here let me know that too.

I'd love to see your feedback.

Hopefully these are helpful pieces of information, feel free to share with your friends.

I love helping new real estate agents and other agents that are like minded with me.

hope you guys are having a great start to 2018, and I hope you have a great February.

Talk to you soon.


For more infomation >> OTUBNS: Jacalyn Gallegos: February 2018 Market Update - Duration: 3:36.


Top 5 Things to See and Do in Rome - Duration: 3:38.

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Rome


What is there to really that you can't say about Rome?

Considered the center of the world for centuries, the birthplace of Caesar, and home to the

Catholic Church, Rome is a city built on history.

Rome is Rome.

There's no place like it on earth.

The history, the crowds, the congestion, the traffic, and the ton of tourists.

You walk down the street and next to a modern building are ruins dating back thousands of


Roman cuisine is some of the best in Italy.

Rome is tremendous and, though crowded, it is a city filled with life, beauty, and charm.

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Rome

1. Wander the Colosseum Even though the line of tourists can seem

endless, the Colosseum is not to be missed.

It is nearly 2000 years old and was the largest amphitheater in the entire Roman Empire.

It's open 8:30am until one hour before sunset.

2. The Forum and Palatine Hill Explore the seat of Ancient Rome and experience

from where Rome administered its empire.

Next to it is Palatine Hill where the Roman aristocracy lived.

You can combine a visit to the Colosseum with Palatine Hill.

It is also worth getting a guide to give you context and bring the ruins to life.

3. See Vatican City Vatican City is easy to see, but you could

spend at least a half a day there.

Don't leave Rome without spending some time to see the home of the Pope, St. Peter's

Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and all of the wonderful museums.

4. See the Trevi Fountain The Trevi Fountain is always crowded, especially

at night when couples come for a romantic picture.

The best time to see this beautiful fountain is before lunch, when the crowds are thin.

Don't forget to throw two coins over your left shoulder in (one for love, one to return

to Rome) while you are here.

5. Explore Trastevere This is one of my favorite areas of the city

to explore.

The winding alleys are picturesque and there is some really great food to be found here.

Spend some time strolling around — you won't regret it!

Very few tourists go here too so it has a much more authentic Roman feel to it!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Top 5 Things to See and Do in Rome - Duration: 3:38.


Anyone Can Learn To Meditate: 20 Tips For Meditation - Duration: 9:44.

Meditation for beginners 20 tips to help quiet the mind

Whether you're looking for more peace, or less stress in your life

meditation could be exactly what you need for

Beginners or people who are just learning about the amazing benefits of meditation

Mental clarity and well-being could be an outcome however it can be frustrating at first

When you first start meditating you may experience a mix between waiting for something to happen and having your mind over flooded with thoughts

The practice of meditation can be a daunting task and you may even feel overwhelmed by it at first. I know I was

That's why I've compiled this list of 20 tips to help you get into the perfect environment inside and out

To begin to implement the sacred practice more regularly into your daily life

number 1 practice makes perfect

Make time for your meditation every day

When you're first starting out is important to keep with it you may not notice the benefits right away

but the more you practice the easier it will become to quiet the mind and get into the state of relaxation and

Allow clarity to come through even

If it's just for five minutes a day this will guarantee you you stay on track

number two start with your breath

begin every practice by breathing deeply

Slowly inhaling and then exhaling and focusing solely on your breath

number three let go of any and all frustrations is

Completely natural and normal to feel frustrated while learning to meditate

Try not to hold on to these thoughts and don't try to stop them

Just let them float on by and go back to focusing on your breath

number four

Pick a specific room in your house to meditate try to pick a room in your house

That's free from electronics free from outside noise or distraction

number five set up a peaceful space

Consider having it dim or no lights or maybe burn some candle

Bring a little bit of incense or diffusing accentual oils such as lavender can help your mind and body to feel relaxed and at ease

number six

Make sure not to be distracted

Let your family your friends or your roommates know that you're going to be busy for allotted amount of time and not to disrupt you

Put your phone on silent

preferably in another room

number seven

feel your body

When you first begin while focusing on your breath?

Consciously try to feel each body part starting with your feet

Don't actually physically touch the body parts just feel them

After you feel the feet work your way up to your ankles then your calves and so on

This is a great technique to put you into the zone

number eight make the daily commitment

Be committed to your practice for the long haul

If you can't find and incorporate five to ten minutes per day into your life for meditation

And you definitely have some bigger issues that need to be resolved

number nine

Start slowly begin by practicing meditation for just five minutes per day

You can even set a timer if you'd like as you start to get the hang of it and feel more comfortable

You can increase the time to as long as you need to feel that deep relaxed state

number ten read a book on meditation

To get even more tips for meditation and to learn about some of the benefits and other simple tips check

A book out at the library and see what you find

number eleven

Check out some guided meditations on YouTube or CDs or listen to meditation music

If you still have trouble clearing your mind sometimes listening to a guided meditation CD can be an excellent source

Giving you something to focus on and listen to so that your mind can just take in the instructions

number 12 practice being present

throughout the day

During the day while driving working eating lunch cleaning or whatever

Find a moment of stillness in your day by quieting the mind and taking a few deep breaths

Number 13

experiment with different positions you

Can try the typical yogi Lotus position sitting cross-legged with each foot on the opposite thigh?

Or you can sit in a chair with your palms facing up

You can even lay down whatever you like whatever feels good and works for you

As you get more comfortable you will find a position that works best

When I first started I loved to lay down, but I was finding the calmness

I would feel would put me to sleep almost every time

So I realized this position was a little too comfortable, and I was it was better for me to sit up

number 14

Experiment with different meditation techniques there are so many different ways to meditate

There's breathing techniques guided meditations by neural beads

rainforest sounds etc etc

I'll include a link below. It's going to let you read about the various different types of meditation

But experiment with what works best for you and what puts you into that state more effectively

number 15

You have to let go of any and all expectations

The benefits that you will receive from meditation will come in a variety of different ways you

May receive messages during your practice or even later in the day you may have visions you may have an out-of-body experience

Or you may not if all you get from meditation is five minutes a day of clear head and peace

then that is a that is perfect in its own way and

Will be enough to relieve stress and bring peace into your life in a way that you never thought was possible

Don't get caught up with what others claim to experience focus on yourself and remember you are doing this for yourself only

It's not a competition

Remember, there's no wrong or right way to meditate

number 16

consider meditating in the morning I

Meditate in the morning and sometimes in the evening

Meditating in the morning can give you a clear head and sets you up for a peaceful start to your day

It can eliminate stress before it begins

Meditate once you've awoken and don't do anything else until you meditate

number 17 use the flicker of a candle as a focal point

starting at the flame of the candle can assist you in quieting the mind I

Personally don't use a candle and do not use it as a form of meditation

Number 18

Set your intention ahead of time

If you have a specific issue or decision you need to make or having trouble finding the answer

Set your intention for what you would like to receive during the meditation

Don't expect to get a clear answer in the form of your own voice

But just pay attention to any feelings you may feel or signs that may possibly come afterwards

Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to stop thinking about it and let the answer come to you

number 19 visualize light flowing through your body

more specifically if you feel that you have a specific chakra blocked you can actually visualize white light coming from the Sun and

into your body this can help release the blockages and

tend to let go of any old emotional patterns or vibrations and infuse yourself with high vibration of white light and

Last number 20 have gratitude for yourself and for your practice

Even if you feel like you didn't get much from the practice don't give up

Be grateful that you took the time to sit down and practice

The effects may not be obvious at first

but in time you will be glad you started and continued with your daily practice of meditation I

Hope you enjoyed this. I hope this helps with your practice

And have a wonderful day




For more infomation >> Anyone Can Learn To Meditate: 20 Tips For Meditation - Duration: 9:44.


The Look | Easy At Home Beauty Organizers | SA Live | KSAT 12 - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> The Look | Easy At Home Beauty Organizers | SA Live | KSAT 12 - Duration: 3:27.


인후통을 위한 자연 요법 7가지 - Health For you 건강 - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> 인후통을 위한 자연 요법 7가지 - Health For you 건강 - Duration: 7:43.


Entrepreneur Skills - Learn to Start - Duration: 0:56.

Scott here, another entrepreneurial skill that's huge is...

Learn to start!

Often times people have an idea in their head and will never execute.

Nothing will be perfect before you start

Sometimes you will fail, but then you will overcome and learn to start again

Learn to start w/o perfection and it will keep your inspiration going...

Starting is huge!

Until next time, smile!

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