How to draw KAR 98K Gun from PUBG
Should I Have Surgery Abroad? | What You Need to Know - Duration: 2:18.if you're travelling abroad for any procedure particularly cosmetic surgery you need to
be aware that there are huge risks involved with the doctors as to whether or not they're
regulated what is the regulation in the country that you're visiting is it regulated at
all if you're investigating a doctor look at his profile has he got good comments is
there anything bad that you are finding you know do your usual social media search about
the individual but from a risk point of view you need to know when you sign a contract
with a doctor for a particular surgery that not only are they going to do the surgery
but they've got a plan in place for if any complication happens if anything goes wrong
you need to know that there's a team of people available to be able to treat you carefully
if the procedure doesn't go quite as planned Obviously you've lost money in terms of
how much you paid for your treatment but also if you've been so severely affected that
you can't work that you need care and assistance say for example you came back and the surgery
was so catastrophic that you were bedbound or ill and going in and out of hospital to
have that surgery remedied your work and livelihood would be affected you'd need additional
people to help you that is what forms part of a claim that you can claim as a result
of something that has gone wrong a successful claim is based on evidence you need documentary
proof it is usually borne out of arranging a contract with a medical expert abroad if
you've gone to see somebody at a clinic you usually have signed documentation in order
to arrange the treatment all that documentation everything that you have in terms of receipts
or any other documents for the travel you need to keep and put together so then we can
advise you on the claim people are often concerned that when they've
had something go wrong whilst abroad be it on holiday or when they have taken a trip
to have surgery done that they can actually pursue a claim when it goes wrong in England
so even if you've had surgery in somewhere like Turkey or Hungary the law allows you
to be able to pursue a claim in the courts of England and Wales and even though we'd
be looking at the applicable law of that country you can still pursue it here
Point Hotspots -- Connecting Nodes with GPS -- Pano2VR Pro - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
How to Amplify the Law of Attraction - Duration: 4:50.Hi it's Stacey Berger here with Mastering Your Mindset. I am passionate
about you living a life you love.
Do you have a gratitude journal? If you do, do you want to increase the power of
that gratitude journal? And if you haven't started one, here's the reason
why you want to do that. Gratitude is such a powerful energy, it's such a
powerful practice, and most people have heard the benefits of keeping a
gratitude journal, writing down every day things that you're a grateful for. And
today I want to talk about how to amplify that practice. So if you don't
have a gratitude journal, it's something that I would HIGHLY encourage you to
start. When people ask me what's one thing I can do to start to transform my
life, the practice that I offer to them is the gratitude practice. So the way
that works is every morning that you would write down 1 to 3 to 10 things
that you're grateful for, and I recommend doing that in the morning, you can
certainly do that in the evening. The reason doing that in the morning is so
powerful is that it's a great way to set the tone for the day. We, you know, choose
what clothes we're going to wear in the day, how we're maybe going to do our hair
or makeup, the most important thing you can put on in the morning is your
mindset. And by starting with gratitude, it gets you going in a really good mind
frame. Gratitude, when we're looking for what we have in our life to be grateful
for, it gets us focused on the good, it gets us focused on what's going right.
And wherever we place our attention is where the energy flows, it's what we
attract more of into our life. So by looking for what you're grateful for,
you're looking for the good, and therefore you attract more good into
your life. Is there a painting on your wall that maybe you don't notice anymore?
It's just a fixture on the wall and you see it all the time - the same thing can
happen with your gratitude practice. When we get doing something on a repetitive
basis, it can become almost rogue, it's repetitive but there's not a lot of
energy to it. So to amplify that gratitude practice is to really evoke
the emotion in it. It's, you know, fairly easy to say I'm
grateful for my home, I'm grateful for my family, I'm grateful for my animal. Those
types of things are pretty easy to list off. It's when we feel the emotion of it,
that's what really amplifies the feeling to attract more good into our life. So
two ways to amplify that gratitude - one is to add more detail. Instead of saying
"I'm so grateful for my kids," it could be "I'm so grateful for
yesterday, when my kid came running up to me and gave me a great big hug and said
that I love you." Or maybe somebody in your family took you out for a nice meal,
or a stranger helps you with your groceries. By reliving that moment in
that memory in the specifics, you're increasing your energy, you're increasing
your emotion, you're adding more amplitude to it. So instead of being
general, be more specific. So that's one of the ways to amplitude the gratitude.
The other way is to say "Why am i grateful for this?" So I'm grateful for my
home, well what about your home? Why are you grateful for your home? Because it
keeps me safe. It's a place to host my family, to host my friends. It's a place
where I can go and read and relax, where I can prepare meals and by saying why am
I grateful for it - again it'll increase the amplitude, it'll make you feel better,
which increases your your energy and that mindset for the day which is
setting you up for success. So gratitude is such a powerful practice, I would
highly encourage you to experiment with it, see what happens.
Commit to a 30 day experiment with writing down five to ten things that
you're grateful for every day, and see what happens in your life. And if you're
noticing it's becoming more of something that you're just doing and not feeling,
try adding something more specific to that gratitude list and then ask the
question why. And by doing those two things you'll amplify your results. So
what are you grateful for today? I would love for you to comment below and share
one thing that you're grateful for. Let's build that energy as a community, and if
this serves you make sure you like the video, subscribe on YouTube follow us on
facebook. And here's to your success.
Canticos "Sana Sana" ("The Boo Boo Song") Music Video w/ Lyrics | Spanish & English | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:33.¡Canticos! ¡Vamos a cantar!
En sus marcas.
On your marks.
- ¡Otra vez! - Again?
In English!
On your marks.
En sus marcas.
Ready, set...
Pon una canción en tu corazón.
[music playing]
You can watch more Canticos in the free Nick Jr. app!
How to increase sales and reduce competition in business? Reasons for invest in foreign country. 18+ - Duration: 2:32.Hi there, today's video topic is about the reasoning why growing business international.
When talking about international business, we mean doing commercial transactions across
national borders.
These are sales, investments, logistics between countries.
But even if you are a successful businessman and seem to know everything about operating
a company, it does not mean that this knowledge is 100% applicable to a new market.
Most likely, you will have review your business assumptions when entering a new country.
And this is not easy.
Then why do you have to leave your comfort zone and start doing inconvenient steps with
no guarantee that you will succeed?
Here are the reasons why many successful businessmen decide to invest in a foreign country.
Number one reason is to increase sales.
You might be doing well at your native market.
But you may see that your business is not growing and you need to move it somehow.
By exploring new markets!
It might be easier to bring a new product to another country than to convince customers
in your country to switch between brands.
Number two reason is new resources and knowledge.
You may find a place where the manufacturing costs are lower or you may see other opportunities.
Plus, new people may bring new ideas on how to improve your product.
This knowledge might be applicable to your native market as well.
Number three reason is reducing risks of having a business in one country.
What if a stronger competitor shows up and you lose your market share?
Diversifying risks is a perfect strategy of doing business.
Number four reason is reducing costs.
There are many countries with lower taxes and wages, cheaper commodity prices and cheaper
This is your chance to save money.
So, if the mentioned reasons make sense to you, probably it's time to move on with
your business!
But also ask yourself – are you willing and ready to adapt to new conditions?
That's all for today.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to us for more details, contact us from
down below and don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
Bye for now.
The Best Photoshop Extension Panel you Don't Know About - Duration: I want to share with you what's probably the best Photoshop extension
panel that you've never heard of as a landscape photographer something that I
tend to use quite frequently in Photoshop are luminosity masks.
luminosity masks allow you to target different areas of your image based on
how bright or dark those areas are so if you look at this image for example I may
want to target this dark area here and increase the saturation increase the
contrast in it to make the color stand out some of the light areas for example
though they may be a little bit too bright and prevent you from seeing the
detail in them so you may want to reduce those now the problem of luminosity
masks is that they're not really easy to create let me show you what I mean if I
go to the channels window and I want to create my first mask I could hold down
my command key and click on the RGB Channel and that will load the luminance
values of that channel as a selection and I can then save that as a new
Channel and here we have alpha 1 if I want to create a mass snow that targets
even lighter areas but ignores the other areas I have to know create a new mask
from this and I can do that by holding down shift alt and command and clicking
on that channel this time if I save it you'll see that the areas that in the
previous mask work live sort of mid told and no darker meaning that they're not
selected and I can continue that process
so each time on creating a mask that targets a lighter and lighter areas in
the image if I want to go and target darker areas I have to create a new
series of masks so let's go back to the first mask I created and we'll load that
again and this time I need to create a new mask from it I'm going to invert it
an immediate way I've done it wrong I've created a problem because I didn't
remove my selection at the start so I'm going to have to go back and undo that
and now I'll remove my selection then I can actually invert it and now I can
start the process again
and so each of these masks will target different areas of the image depending
on their tones and that is a set of luminosity mass and as you've seen it's
very easy to make mistakes now you can remove some of that by creating actions
that will automate it but that leaves you with another problem you've got all
these channels that exist then in the image and they all add size and bloats
to the image files the alternative approach to creating masks is one of
creating them on the fly you create the mask that you need as you need it and
this is where this new piece of software comes in
it's called mask equalizer it has series of sliders that represent the tonal
range from darks through to lights and then you've got these sliders that you
can move up and down now as you move them up and down what you're doing is
you're creating a mask so here I've got a selection of the very darkest tones in
the image and also the ones that are almost as dark now that I'm moving these
sliders around is creating a mask for me on the fly and you can see that here the
darkest tones are now black and the lighter tones are white in the mask now
that's probably the reverse of what we want for selecting these areas here in
this area but all we have to do is click on our mask and use the properties
window and invert it and now we've got a selection at the very darkest areas in
our image now let me just load that mask
now when I add a new adjustment
the mask is now added to that adjustment and now I can actually target
adjustments on to the areas that we were looking at now the darkest areas of the
image have now got this very strong contrast adjustment and I've applied to
them so you can see that the area here has become intensely red and contrasted
because of the adjustment in the curves layer and the sames also happen to them
the foreground here which now appears sharper and it really is as simple as
that if I find that I want a different mask I can go back to eat my mask and
now I can go back to my mask equalizer and this time I could use maybe
different selections here and I'll use that to select the lighter areas of the
image and then we can target those with an adjustment as well now the thing is I
don't have to just use the luminosity values it gives me access to go for the
red green blue or even saturation of the image and that will allow me to create
these masks and you can turn a mask preview on or off as you're creating
them as well as turn on the effect I'll turn off the effect then you don't even
have to use the sliders individually as I have here you can go for one of these
presets so we've got the shadows we've got mid-tones we've got the highlights
or we've got the very useful shadows and highlights and of course once you've
created one of these masks you can either use it like that or you can go to
your properties window for the mask and then you can invert it and you can
feather it and you can change the density
interestingly though the mask equalizer itself will actually also give you some
of those features if I pull down here you can see we've got the ability to
adjust the contrast of the mask and we've got a feather option and we can
reduce the density of the mask so all of these things are easily available in
that very very simple interface and that's what I really like about this
it's a simple interface that gives you access to very very powerful masking
features straight away you don't have to go through the complicated process of
creating masks or have lots and lots of masks in your channels window you only
have the mask that you're actually working on personally I find this a
great improvement over creating all those luminosity masks and channels and
the ability to target individual tones in this way is very very flexible and
powerful and if you want to know the company that's behind this mask
equalizer I'll put the details down below in the information I'll also
stress that I'm in no way connected to the company and I've paid for and bought
this software myself I actually bought it as part of a bundle didn't think I
was going to need this masking tool and when I tried it I was simply blown away
by how useful it was I hope you found this interesting I'm Robin Whalley
you've been watching the lenscraft I'll see you next week for another video
Canticos "De Colores" ("All the Colors") 🌈 Music Video w/ Lyrics | Spanish & English | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:36.¡Canticos! ¡Vamos a cantar!
[acordes de guitarra]
Ay, a Kiki le encantan las mariposas.
Son tan bonitas y pueden volar.
- ¡Otra vez! - Again?
In English!
Pon una canción en tu corazón.
[music playing]
You can watch more Canticos in the free Nick Jr. app!
10 random things THEY don't want you to know (Pt2) - Duration: 2:40.The chem-trails are not produced by planes,
they are produced by genetically modified super-birds
The secret bio-labs of the governments
of the most powerful nations of the world
have created a new species of birds
that can fly into the ionosphere at the speed of an airplane.
The birds fly in storms of hundreds
and their feathers reflect sunlight so that
they are invisible to the human eye and radars.
The bio-engineered birds, once reached a certain altitude,
release an intestinal gaseous compound which,
mixing with the ozone of the atmosphere,
turns into a substance that, once absorbed by human skin,
make people's armpits sweat and stink
and therefore make people more prone to accept
the new world's order because they feel uncomfortable
to raise up their arms and fists to protest.
There is a world conspiracy of the inhabitants of the center of the hollow Earth
to sully the conspiracies conspired
by the good old strong global powers
so that no one can tell anymore whether a conspiracy is
an actual conspiracy or instead a conspiracy of a conspiracy,
and therefore the lobby of the conspiracy movies,
owned by the people of the hollow Earth, have always enough new fuzzy material
for screenplays and plots in general so that
Nicholas Cage, who possibly looks exactly like
the king of the people of the hollow Earth,
can shoot another crappy film.
After the 5
there is actually the 10.
The 6-7-8 and 9 sequence has been introduced only
in 1931 by NASA to make the count-downs
more intense so to dramatize the lift-off procedures
and increase the TV-ratings
to get more money from the commercials.
And these were the last ones of
"10 random things THEY don't want you to know".
Heads up folks, and remember
"the truth is out there"
lookin' for steamy hookups on Tinder...
Emhyr (Power) Witchers - Gwent in-depth guide for Homecoming - Duration: 19:16.Hi everyone,
last week I was playing a lot of Emyr Witchers because I underestimated the amount of synergy
and the amount of choice you have when playing this deck.
You can adapt to a lot of different situations quickly while the Ciri's enable you to get
card advantage over your opponent.
We'll discuss: The defining cards and the synergies of the
deck How to approach the Mulligan
Your gameplan and passing strategy A quick matchup analysis
And then we look at an example match
Tell me which deck to cover next in the comments below and subscribe if you like to see more
Homecoming deck guides.
Let's go!
The deck is called Witcher Power for a reason: It features 11 Witchers and the decks thinning
allows us to play almost all of them.
Two cards benefit a lot from Witchers: Vesimir: Mentor and Ivo of Belhaven
Vesimir buffs all Witchers in deck, hand and board by one and through Emyr we are able
to double play him for a ton of value, boosting your Witcher Trio by 50%.
Having buffed units in your deck also helps the ability of Recruit, who reveals 1 card
of your and your enemy's deck and buffs itself by 2 if yours is the higher one.
Revealing a witcher buffed by 2 typically activates this ability.
Playing Ivo on the Melee row enables his Order ability, which deals 2 damage to an enemy.
However, he gets 1 charge whenever is Witcher is played, so he has a lot of damage potential,
thanks to the many Witchers in our deck.
My two favourite Witchers are Ciri and Ciri: Dash.
Ciri goes back to your hand if you lost a round and Ciri: Dash will draw you a card
after 4 turns have passed.
Utilising both cards at the right time, you are able to generate big card advantage.
Ciri is best played when she gets you ahead point wise, so the enemy is only left with
two choices: Passing and letting you win the round or playing
more and therefore giving you the card advantage?
Ciri: Dash is best played after you baited out some locks or removal with other cards
like Magne Division, Nauzicaa Sergeant or even Ivo.
Then we have the Witcher Duo of Serrit and Auckes, which get additional effects when
you have the other one in your hand.
Serrit deals 3 damage to an enemy, but with auckes, in your hand, the ability will upgrade
to 5 damage.
And 5 damage with a 5 point body, which is maybe boosted by 2 through vesimir) is quite
a tempo play with the ability to deny an engine.
Auckes, on the other hand, locks an enemy, and if you have serrit on your hand, then
it will lock the unit and all its copies in deck or hand.
This may come useful against Revenants for example.
Geralt of Rivia destroys an enemy with more than 8 power, which is typically our finisher
play against most decks.
Having last say enables Geralt to find the best target guaranteed.
Then we have of Roach for additional thinning, but my favourite card in the deck is Letho:
Letho copies the effects of any card on the battlefield, while he keeps his power.
My favourite way to use Letho is to copy Ciri: Dash to draw 2 cards in round 3 to get double
last say.
In some matches, you can also play Letho on Ciri for additional available cards in round
Typically you want to do this when you are in control of round 2, and you are able to
bleed your enemy.
Depending on how the match goes, you may also want to copy Ivo, and I have also won some
games by copying Nauzicaa Sergeant and utilising a lot of deploy effects afterwards.
Since he is the most flexible card in the deck, assert the current situation and play
him on the card that will give you the most value.
Bronze Wise we want to integrate Locks through Alba Armored Cavalry and some Removal through
Alba Spearman, which deals additional damage if placed between soldiers.
We also use our Bronze Cards to bait out removals, so our Ciri's or Ivo have it easier to stick
to the board.
Perfect for baiting are cards like Magne Division and Nauzicaa Sergeant.
Magne Division buffs itself by 1 every turn it is alone on a row, and Nauzicaa Sergeant
gets buffed by one, everytime you play a Deploy Ability.
Both cards have the potential to grow big, so the enemy is tempted to use their removal
or locks on them instead of your golds that you keep for later.
Spotters are filler cards to fill the remaining 4 point provision slots and depending on the
enemy deck they either get a lot or not a lot of value.
They reveal a card in the enemy deck and buff themselves by its power so typically their
value is around 4 with the chance for a jackpot in the form of revealing Old Speartip or Tibor.
Last but not least we have Rot Tosser, which is another favourite card of mine.
Playing Rot Tosser on the ranged row enables you to throw a cow carcass unit at the enemy
board, and you are in total control where to place it.
After the enemies next turn the unit to its right will be destroyed together with the
carcass, so in an ideal match, the enemy wants to try to place a low power unit next to it.
However, if you have last say by winning round 1 or through the ciri cards, then the enemy
can't do anything against the rot tosser, and you have a bronze card that can destroy
the biggest unit on the enemy's side of the board.
Let's look at the mulligan:
As always you want to keep most of you mulligans for later when you thinned the deck, but you
want to assure that you don't have roach or more than 1 Witcher on your hand.
It's good to have Royal Decree or Vesimir to buff up all your Witchers, 1 of the Witcher
Trio, as many golds as possible, but also Nauzicaa Brigade or Magne Division for value
or to bait the removal.
Cards you are able to mulligan away without big thinking are Spotter, Spearman and Recruit,
depending on the enemy deck you also may not need Alba Armored Cavalry.
The general gameplan would look like this: If you have Magne Division, then always start
the round with it, to get the most value and to pressure your enemy to use locks or damage
to get rid of it.
Then play Nauzuicaa Sergeant into the other row, before you open with your Witchers cards.
We try to win round 1 at nearly all cost, except the enemy outtempos us significantly.
If we are sure that we won't win the round anymore, then we can use Ciri to either force
the enemy to pass or to get us an extra card for round 2.
It's good to play Vesimir already in this round and use Emyr to get the doubled effects.
If you only draw him in a short round 3, then choose if Emyr onto cards would give your
more value.
Geralt of Rivia is a very good Emyr as well for example.
In round 3 keep your finishers like Rot Tosser and Geralt of Rivia, make the best out of
cards like Ivo and utilise Ciri: Dash and Letho to play cards even after the enemy has
already passed.
Depending on the matchup, you want to go for a long round 3 or not, so let's quickly look
at the most popular decks at the moment and what strategy you could apply against them!
Woodland Giants They have insane value in a short round 3,
so go for a long one.
Keep cards like Geralt and Rot Tosser as your finisher in round 3 and make the best of your
engines like Nauzicaa Sergeant and Magne Division, since they run no removal.
Your enemy has nearly no way to interact with your side of the board so you should be able
to utilise your Ciri's and Letho.
Elf Control The longer a round, the better they get, so
winning round 1 against them and then bleeding them into a short round 3 is critical.
Sadly they have a lot of control to deal with your Ciris, so baiting removal with your bronzes
is a good thing to do so you can end your round 2 with a ciri drop.
Just try to evade Regis, Scorch, Wolfbane and Geralt: Professional as much as possible
and do your best, since this deck is not an easy one to beat.
Wild Boar SK Like Elf Control, this one will be quite a
challenge, because it really excels in long rounds thanks to Wild Boar of the Sea and
Try to split their rounds into equal semi short ones, so they can't generate that much
Having your units boosted through Vesimir will also help to avoid their Bloodthirst
or Wild Boar of the Sea to trigger!
Woodland Control This deck has a significant weakness.
If Woodland Control is not able to play the last card, then you typically have an easy
Therefore try to win round 1 and then bleed the deck to death in round 2.
After Epidemics and Predatory Dive are played, and you have baited as much as removal as
possible, you can try to establish your Ciri's.
However, most of your units won'T stay on the board, and typically it is all about,
who has the last biggest play.
Assault Foltest Try to deny their Commando Setup by killing
them off or locking them.
If Draug turns all of them into Revenants, it is a good idea to have Auckes ready, while
Serrit is still in your hand to lock all of them at once and deny their whole gameplan.
Beware that this deck can spit a lot of damage, so try to bait that out before you play your
Try to split the rounds and beware of row stacking too much!
Okay and now let's hop into an example match!
Loan Signing System "Get More Signings" Notary Signing Agent Advanced Training Course: Testimonials - Duration: 6:57.Everybody always asks me what the difference between the Loan Signing
System course and every other course... it's because we're way more than a course!
I love coming to the Loan Signing System conference this year the energy was
great... Mark was great, he was a great leader of
this pack. Meeting all these different signing agents that come from 30
different states across the country was amazing!
Mark's course has done wonders for my company Prestige Notaries... so my name is
Stephanie, I'm here at the Loan Signing System conference just in the
first day that we're here I'm already overcoming barriers that I've had for
the last four months my biggest fear is actually approaching escrow officers so
having actual escrow officers here that was so empowering after being at this
conference I 100 percent hundred ten percent recommend that you do it if
you're interested in get a good education solid training a good
community behind you to support you this is it I've been assigning YouTube for
about five years now and I still feel like I learned so much you know I always
had a misconception very impersonal but meeting these ladies
today these businesses it's been sorry so totally change their minds
I'm Lisa and this is Virginia.. we really had a great time
and met a lot of great signing agents this is the only place you'll get this
kind of information in education there's nowhere else like it it was so great to
see so many signing agents and meet them face to face it was just really exciting
to hear their experiences with our company and how they really benefited
from loan signing systems anybody looking to become a Mosin Nagant this is
the place you want to be yet with the best of the best his program executive
not he's not walking a seeing what it takes to become a
successful looks on the agency phenomenal very informative very upbeat
I've been to a lot of conferences in my past and this is one of the top ones and
I will have to say marks purses phenomenal teaches you every single
thing you need to know with a loan signing system you absolutely 100% know
everything you need to know right out the door though the experience has
really been invaluable I've been doing this now for about four years all the
Nuggets tools and tricks of the trade that we've passed on I think that it
would be instrumental in taking life one man LLC for the next level I think his
approach to the loan signing system is a lot more realistic it's great experience
I learned a lot the industry for almost two years now today is why I got an
answer I'm in New Jersey so a little bit of different state but a lot of
information I learned today definitely apply and increase my
business significant they go to do long silence
there was no way that you have the confidence and skill or the know how to do
a loan signing, unless you take Mark's course. My name is Sefanya, Mark has the energy
that is contagious he's straight to the point and the information gets through
very easy I would totally recommend this for anybody that wants to be an
excellent loan signing agent to take this. I actually felt like within the
first two and a half hours in the morning that I had gotten my money's
worth the content that was just provided this morning alone was worth every
Salafi I truly believe that if I follow the statuses the information that was
given to me that I can totally grow my business by leaps and bounds hi everyone
my name is Kimberly I just wanted to do an updated testimonial I started
doing loan signing system in November of 2017 in June 2018 I had my best month
ever I did five thousand dollars in loan signing income if you
you're thinking about becoming a loan signing system student you should just
do it you'll get your money back tenfold as
long as you implement the system exactly how mark teaches you and you do exactly
what he says you can be nothing but successful it's absolutely made all the
difference in the world it's changing my life and changing my family so if you
guys want a game-changer you should absolutely sign it thanks guys
I have been a signing agent for eight years I had joined marks system eight
years ago I would be six-figure income already this was very very helpful now I
know how to approach them get direct business from the top I would recommend
this alone signing system course to anybody in a heartbeat I was making down
two thousand dollars three thousand four months nowadays in the last three months
I am making a $5,000 to $6,000 per month part-time working directly without marks
code I wouldn't be able to do this and bump up my incompetence almost double
than what I was making if you are on the word you're thinking about taking this
code can't stop right here just do it because he is the best hi everyone my
name is Laura a been assigned an agent for about ten years now
I had an opportunity to go to the conference in San Diego and it
absolutely blew my mind I came home from the conference with my head full new
ideas new ways that I was going to market my business I've been a LSS
student now for three weeks and in the last three weeks I have gained two new
escrow companies that now use me as their preferred notary and I gained
three new realtors that are going to use me out there before notary and I gained
a mortgage company that's going to use me to the law officers are going to use
me as their preferred notary and that's in three weeks
I can't believe how amazing this system has been I'm very excited and I'm very
grateful to mark putting this all together for all your hard work if
you're on the fence if you're even thinking about the loan signing system I
highly recommend it has been a game changer for me good luck if you're on
the fence absolutely do it today was incredible mark from the Brotherhood job
getting all this information gathered and I love
asked the speaker wait a second what is this and what does
this mean so he can translate it to us so for those who haven't taken the
course yet my question is what are you waiting for because you're only going to
make money and I'm just the whole process works you have 16
years of this guy's experience behind you say what he's taught me to say and
then the signings will follow what are your training so it's not about
how many signings you've done it's about what training that's big ranging
February 2017 if I bought the course and I didn't get my first shiny - three
months later but within those three months I was focusing on relationship
and because of that here in 2018 I drew a book of business that allows me to do
three to seven Sinese a day all direct business you know the money is amazing
it's the easiest way to make six figures I am 25 anybody could do this the
opportunities there you have to take action so by the course is gonna teach
you exactly what to do even you could do this
Picture Perfect Pies | That's Cool! With CC (Episode 2) - Duration: 7:11.(upbeat jazz music)
- Hey, I'm CC.
I'm the food stylist at Kitchn.
When people see what I do, they usually respond,
"That's cool."
Today, we're gonna do a cool thing,
which is dressing up a store bought pie, huh.
Oh, yeah.
Sometimes, you've cooked a bunch of s--
Stuff, and the last thing you wanna do is make a pie.
So, cut yourself a break and just buy one,
and then you can decorate it with the pie cutouts.
You can either buy a pie crust from the grocery store,
or you can make a crust at home.
Pick your poison.
Roll out your pie dough so that it's all
an even thickness, about a quarter inch.
And then get some cookie cutters.
I chose leaves.
So, you've prepared your cutouts,
and you've put them in the freezer,
because pie dough bakes better when it's frozen,
when it goes in the oven frozen.
It'll hold its shape better.
We're going to pull them out,
because we're about to bake them.
Look how crisp they are!
(upbeat music)
Perfect cut leaf shapes.
This is why you only see raw pie dough shapes
on Instagram, before people have baked a pie,
because the dough is going to expand,
it's going to lose its shape a little bit,
which isn't a big deal, that's just how it works.
So, don't feel bad about yourself if you put shapes
in the oven and they get a little bit wonky.
You did your job right, that's
exactly what's supposed to happen.
Before you bake your dough cutouts,
brush them with a little bit of egg wash,
which is just an egg.
So, you take your little brush and your egg wash.
You don't have to add water to it.
Some people are like, "Oh, I add water."
Whatever, do whatever you wanna do, and just brush 'em.
You don't have a super long time
between putting the pieces in the oven
and them coming out, so something
I like to do is just take a little moment
and do 10 pushups, usually with a friend.
Hey, Karis?
- [Karis] Yup!
- Hey pal!
- Hey, what's up?
- Wanna do some pushups?
- Heck yeah, I do.
One, two, three, four, nine, ten.
Oh, jeez.
(upbeat music)
- That was sick.
So, here's our store bought pie.
It's from, probably Morton Williams,
but I think that's basically the same
as like Kroger, or King Soopers, Stop 'n Save,
Stop and Shop, Price Chopper, Aldi,
oh, Wiggly Piggly, Publix, Wegmans, Safeway.
Isn't there one with a Farmer Jack?
There used to be Farmer Jack in the Midwest.
What else is there?
Berkeley Bowl, probably isn't at Berkeley Bowl,
you're probably gonna get some hip (beep) at Berkeley Bowl.
Target, Target Superstore, Walmart, Walmart Superstore,
you know what, at this point, they
probably have pie at Home Depot.
So now, the cutouts are probably ready.
They are!
See how I told you they wouldn't be perfect?
And they're not, and you know what,
I still love them and still love myself.
Luster dusts are a cute and easy way
to make the cutouts look a little bit more pizzazz-y.
We have a spot in New York called Cake and Bake,
where these were purchased, but you can
definitely get them on Amazon.
So, those are good to have.
You'll need some brushes.
You don't have to get super fancy with the brushes,
like, these are just dollar store paint brushes.
These, I think are a little bit nicer,
but I'm a professional, so.
And, the pie, it's easier to decorate
the pie out of the box.
Pro tip would be to get rid of the evidence.
(horn fanfares)
Ah, homemade pie.
Whatever you want to do to the cutouts,
you should do before you put them on the pie,
because if you just want certain shapes
to have certain colors, it's gonna be a lot easier
to do when it's on the sheet tray and not on the pie.
So, we're gonna go ahead and do that now,
and you can do some more luster dusting, you can
use your sifter, doesn't really matter,
you can do whatever you want.
Something that may have happened
when you baked off your cutouts
is they got a little puffy, so they're not gonna lay flat,
which isn't a big deal, but if it's important for you
that they lay flat, then you can use a microplane
to shave off the back, so they'll lay flat.
Okay, so now, I'm gonna do a little bit of decoration.
I'm of the opinion that asymmetry
is more attractive than symmetry, so I'm gonna go for that.
I like these teeny tiny guys.
I think they're super cute.
Also, they seem to have maintained the shape best.
And sometimes, I'm just gonna dust as I go
because I do want I want.
It's my pie.
There you go, I mean, you could put on
as little or as many as you want.
(upbeat music)
Store bought pie, styled pie, store bought pie, styled pie.
Okay, quick recap.
At some point in your near future,
when you have a block of time,
you're gonna get a pie crust from the store,
you're gonna bring it home, you're gonna
cut out some shapes, you're gonna shove it in the freezer.
Forget about it.
The holidays rolled around, some unexpected guests
come around, maybe you invite your neighbor
over for a cup of tea, you're having dessert.
Take the cutouts out of the freezer,
pop 'em in the oven, decorate them,
put them on top of the pie, instantly transformed.
Magically transformed.
Thanks for watching That's Cool.
Don't forget to subscribe, and if you
have suggestions or things you wanna see styled
in the future, then mention them in the comments, below.
(upbeat jazz music)
3 Ways You're Losing Clients - Duration: 7:42.Hey guys!
Savanna Bell here with My Massage World and in this week's video I thought we'd look
at a few ways you might very well be doing some things that are not only not attracting
clients, but are actually making people turn away from your business completely?
There's a lot of intricacies to building a successful practice and enticing people
to come in for an appointment, hopefully on a regular basis.
And while you can't expect to appeal to everyone and not every potential client is
right for your business or will be drawn in by this or that marketing technique, there
are some things to keep in mind so you're not turning a lot of people off from ever
trying you out.
So here's 3 ways you may very well be losing clients without even realizing it.
#1: Appearing desperate.
While yes, you may very well be desperate for clients; you're struggling to pay the
bills, you've got numerous empty appointment slots in your book, or whatever the case may
be for you, you never want to APPEAR desperate.
A lot of this comes down to how you word things, both in written form and in how you're speaking
with clients.
For example, don't tell people you can get them in any time they want or that you're
free all day.
That lets them know that you aren't busy, which many people may see as a bad thing.
You know, maybe you're not that good if you're not staying busy, kind of thing.
People expect that if you're really good at what you do, it's known and you're
not sitting around all day twiddling your thumbs.
Secondly, it also doesn't set you up well for boundaries or getting a commitment out
of a client.
As in this person now has the thought process that they can get in anytime and don't need
to commit right now because you'll probably have an empty book tomorrow or next week and
the next too.
That's not to say you have to lie to your clients and say you're booked up and you
only have one spot available, but changing the way you word things can have a massive
impact on their response.
So even if you have a completely empty day in your schedule, ask them what days and times
are best for them.
That puts the ball in their court and they'll narrow it down for you; you know, Fridays
afternoons and evenings because their office closes early, or whatever.
Once you have that info, you can then pick a time or two in there specifically.
So you'd say something like "I've got a 2:00 or a 3:30 available this Friday.
Would either of those work for you?"
That's a big difference from "I can get you in anytime."
It makes it appear that your time for them is limited, building scarcity.
And if you haven't watched my video all about building scarcity, be sure to check
it out.
I'll put the link in the description.
It's a big part of how I built my practice and stayed booked a year in advance, charging
twice what most in my area do.
So stop acting desperate.
It does nothing to build your credibility and may very well be turning people away from
your business.
#2: Trying to Convince People to Buy While marketing is all about the attempt to
sell our services and products, it's not necessarily about convincing people to buy.
What we're really trying to do is convince them to make a decision….to buy or not.
That may seem like the same thing, but there's a clear difference.
If you're trying to convince people to buy, you're making the assumption that your service
is right for each and every person that your marketing might reach.
If you're convincing people to make a decision about buying, you are coming from a place
of understanding that your business and your services are NOT right for every person your
marketing might reach.
And that's the distinction.
A simple way to do this is to be extremely clear in your messaging.
With your branding, with every piece of copy you write, with every social media post and
email you send, you need to be clear about who your ideal client is, why you're the
perfect fit for them, and why those who don't fit that should look elsewhere.
The more quickly you can make this clear to someone when they see your marketing, the
more likely they are to book with you.
It may seem counterintuitive to dismiss some potential clients, but in reality, it's
crucial to building your business.
Like the saying goes, if you're marketing to everyone, you're marketing to no one.
When you've taken the time and put in the effort to strongly resonate with your ideal
clients, you will turn off those who do not fit that type, and that's a good thing!
If you're not turning some people off and making them quickly realize that you're
not the right fit for them, your message is far too broad and once they look deeper, they
may realize you're not right for them – and now you've just wasted their time too.
For example, if everything in your brand is extremely clinical and orthopedic based, then
those who are seeking a fluffy relaxation experience are going to spend three seconds
looking at your branding and realize it's not for them.
And on the opposite end of the spectrum; if your brand is luxurious and has a distinct
high-end spa feel, those who are seeking a very clinical approach to injury recovery
will spend three seconds looking at your branding and realize it's not for them.
Considering you want to build your business based on your ideal clientele, whoever that
may be, you want to only appeal to those people.
So the first decision they need to make when they see your marketing materials, your website,
or whatever, is whether you're a good fit for them and their needs, or not.
THEN they can look closer at the rest of your brand and at the exact services you offer
to see what exactly you can do for them.
And last but most definitely not least, #3: Too Many Choices.
This is a death sentence for sales for many businesses.
The human brain is designed to burn the least amount of calories it possibly can.
So it gets lazy.
It doesn't like to spend a long time trying to figure something out.
Our brains prefer to take the easy way out.
Just like with making your message clear, the choices a client is going to make need
to be clear as well.
If you have 30 different services listed out, and they have to take the time to read the
description of each one because you use cutesy little names that don't really sum up the
experience, or use too much inside language (like modality names) to fully understand
from an outside perspective, you're losing clients.
When we're given too many choices, we shut down.
Our brains are literally telling us it's too much work, just find something simple.
You would think that having more choices is better, but it's actually the opposite.
There was a study out of Columbia University on this subject.
They set up a table outside of a grocery store and gave samples of jams.
When they offered 24 flavor samples, 60% of people would stop.
And when they offered just 6 flavor samples, only 40% of people stopped.
But the amount of people who stopped isn't necessarily important.
It's the people who bought.
And that goes against everything we thought we knew about choices.
Of the ones who sampled 24 flavors, only 3% bought.
There were too many to choose from.
Of the ones who sampled just 6 flavors, 30% bought.
Major difference!
What does this tell us?
People can be attracted to more choices, but when it comes to the buying decision, too
many choices makes a decision difficult and leads to fewer sales.
Your branding, your messaging, and your service listings must all be clear and concise.
Don't make your clients work for information or they're likely to look elsewhere.
For more info and tips on business pitfalls, be sure to join the free My Massage World
Facebook group where we're spending all week discussing it, plus new topics of discussion
each week.
Thank you so much for watching today.
As always, check us out at, like us on Facebook, subscribe to us on YouTube,
and stay tuned for more videos – there's a new one every week.
Self Sabotaging Thoughts - Duration: 11:45.We're going to talk about self sabotaging thoughts. If you have them, do
you want to get rid of them? How is it we can do some amazing and sometimes
unexplainable things like heal our own bodies by the power of our thought
mother's intuition the law of attraction can we really tap into our subconscious
mind can we really create our own realities it begs the question are we
novice gods
okay we are talking today about self sabotaging thoughts now if you joined me
I don't know that it was a few episodes ago I confessed that I've really been
using the law of attraction wrong even though I understand a big part of it I
haven't quite gotten my arms around the whole thing
and hopefully you can learn from my mistakes right you can do that right and
have you ever known something and not applied it right okay
well the things that I discovered was that I was attracting the I was I was
living with fear and because I had so much emotion tied to those fears that is
actually what I had manifested and what it was is I was working on a project
where I was hoping to make a connection with a large corporation and I believed
that if I did a certain thing you would actually that if I was true to myself
and lived her to myself it would actually wreck my ability to work with
corporate America and that's what manifested in my life ah super
frustrated so a few days later after getting the big no even on a meeting I
stumbled across a YouTube video that Neale Donald Walsch
did and in it he was talking about that the universe always says yes and I
thought what does that mean because Here I am two working to create this great
stuff in my life and maybe you're doing the same thing you're here because
you're working to manifest or consciously create some things in your
life and you're running into roadblocks and stumbling things and it's taking
longer that you want and you're maybe caught in one of those invisible
turnstiles where it seems like you're getting the same stuff over and over and
over again you know what I mean right you're you've experienced these things
tell me tell me I'm not alone here well one of the things that I realized
that in this invisible turnstile that I've been caught in is I've been asking
the universe for something subconsciously and the universe has been
saying yes to it and what I have been saying subconsciously
I need financial success to feel complete now and this is just kind of
like deep in my core I've had these feelings I mean I've done a lot of work
and you know anyway if you've been following the show if you checked in to
the pilot show I was very vulnerable and explained about the many failures that
I've had in in launching things that can help other people very beautiful things
beautiful films a wonderful app a great book and hasn't worked out quite the way
that I wanted and and I'm frustrated because part of me got really down on
myself thinking I must be the worst businessman in America because Here I am
I have a system for how people can consistently get happy on their own
without therapy without medication and I can't sell it to anybody
what am I doing wrong so I'm focused on this failure I'm focused on my lack of
success and I have found that with the universe always saying yes what I'm
really saying is I need financial success to feel complete and the
universe responds yes you do here's more failure here's more of the
turnstile here's more of the mess that you're in because that's where my
emotion is tied to that's what I am experiencing over and over and over
again does that make sense to you have you been caught in those kinds of
turnstiles receiving the same stuff over and over and over again well I hope some
of the things that I have learned in the last few days that as I share those with
you that you can then apply those to your life and figure out how to make
this work for you so one of the things that I stumbled upon was this idea of
learning to detach learning to detach yourself from the results you know like
I had created this belief system that I needed in order to feel complete I
needed to have financial success and so my feelings of completeness were
dependent on something that was outside of my control and because those two
things weren't meshing there was this incongruent
and I was a victim to my circumstances now I know better than that you know
better than that right you know our happiness comes from within it doesn't
come from something outside of ourselves and when we take it inside and get that
clarity and get that alignment then we get things working right but that's kind
of where I was was I had this belief system where it was outside of myself
and I needed this event to happen I needed you know this magical thing to
come in and save me and change me and help me feel complete have you done that
are you there right now what do you need in your life in order to feel complete
what do you need in order to feel successful to feel satisfied to feel
happy to feel whole do you feel like you're not enough right now you're not
skinny enough you're not smart enough you know it's you're not eloquent enough
you're not successful enough whatever you're enough is if you're feeling that
way right now what I'm learning is that we can
actually change that we can reverse-engineer it and really start
with where we want to end up and what I'm learning is this comes through this
this learning to detach ourselves from the outcome so here's what I found again
I don't know if this works yet I'm applying it in my life this is a
documentary series so you're seeing this unfold before you and hopefully you are
applying some of these things to and finding out what works and really
hopefully you'll leave some comments in the notes below so that we can learn
from what you are experiencing and from the things that you have found
successful and how you are making progress in your life so anyway learning
to detach is really letting yourself be separate from the outcome so you make
this request to the universe you make this request to God you want your life
to unfold a certain way but then you let that go and you say this is what I'd
like or something better this is what I'd like or something better and as you
do that you let go and the universe figure out what is
gonna be best for you you've got this request out there but maybe they've got
something in mind that's even better than that and rather than trying to
force this thing that's going to come exactly the way you envisioned it the
you know exactly the way you visualized it exactly the way that you know however
you are doing your manifesting that it comes across exactly that way rather
than do that you let go and you let them take care of the details and you just
you turn it over to them so again I haven't quite figured out how to do this
I recognize I need to detach and the main thing that I need to detach is my
feeling of wholeness my feeling of completeness so right now I'm working on
how do I feel whole and complete without a dependency on some outside financial
success or clients or you know whatever it is gonna prove to me that I need to
look now at what what I have what is it for you what do you need to feel whole
and complete can you have that now can you do things right now by changing your
mindset so one of the things that I have done that I came up with this morning is
I am changing my identity so getting a totally new identity I'm gonna have a
much - I'm gonna have long hair okay none of that just just having fun with
you but I'm changing how I identify myself so often I will tell myself this
repeating story I'm the worst businessman in America and
in that there's like all this evidence all this proof that shows that is
absolutely true okay I got to push that aside I have to create this different
identity and then find the evidences that that is true so what I came up with
today is rather than looking at the business side I am looking at my fruit
and so I'm looking at myself I am a tree or I am like a tree I'm a tree that
produces fruit and here is the fruit that I have created I have created
amazing beautiful short films that help encourage people I have created a the
feed your happy app that helps gay five positive psychology I've created a
book I've created an online course I'm creating this series I've created a
purpose planner all these things I'm looking at as now as my fruit and so
that's what I'm focusing on as these are the things that will help me sell stop
those self sabotaging thoughts these are the things that I'm going to focus on
that will be my new identity that as I focus on am i complete and my whole will
am i producing fruit am i producing the kind of fruit that i would like to if
the answer is yes I can feel complete you can feel complete what is it that
you're missing can you look in your life can you make an analogy a connection can
you create an identity that shows you actually have everything within you
right now now if you think about a tree when it sprouts up out of the ground
it's just really small you know it may be only this big it's very tender it
could get crushed if a boot steps on it but it has everything within it right
now to be a full grown big huge oak tree or apple tree or one of those giant
redwoods of the forest it has everything contained within it it
just needs time to grow and the nourishment there that's what you are
like you are a God in embryo you're a God and training you have everything
within you right now and as long as you focus on an identity that will continue
nurturing that you can grow in the right way to where you can be more of your
true self I hope that makes sense to you again this is a documentary series I'm
figuring stuff out as I go and I'm sharing what I learned with you so that
hopefully you can get there faster you don't have to make the same mistakes and
you can be the full expression of yourself because we need your gift we
need your voice we need your light we need you to stand up and be so you
hey friends want to get rid of stress anxiety and worry ready to use some of
your inner creation powers visit Scott Wilhite comm and join me for a web class
if you do it soon I'll give you a free planner
You Ask, We Investigate: 911 Abuse - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
Evergreen Traffic Academy Review🔥 Bonuses🔥 Passive Income 2019🔥 - Duration: 11:00.This is Chava from
today we are looking at the latest product called Evergreen Traffic Academy and
It is
done by
Stefan Ciancio and Greg Kononenko
This is one massive product, let me tell you there are 61
videos seriously
Point Hotspots -- URL, Image, Info -- Pano2VR - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Boost Retirement Income with an Online Business? 🤔Mother-Daughter Team Shows You How 👏 - Duration: 10:30.- They weren't saying, you're gonna get rick quick.
They weren't saying, you're going to make a fortune.
You know, this is easy and if you just follow our way,
you'll make millions.
It was real.
She just wrote this stuff after Dad died
and showed it to me and I just thought it was so moving
and so special that I just said,
"Mom, we've got to make this into a website"
so that's how it started.
As time goes by, you see your income gradually growing
and it grows all the time, even whether you're working on it
or you're not working on it.
- Leslie Postle, one-half of the mother and daughter team
who managed two completely different online businesses.
They are our Solo Build It! mentors as we visit them
at their home in a small country town
in New South Wales Australia.
Hello, I'm Paul Buckingham,
roving ambassador for Solo Build It!, SBI!
So what is it that these two online businesses
have in common?
The answer is commitment, passion, and Solo Build It!
- One is about Art Deco
and the other one is a site that I built with my mother
which helps people cope with grief.
This is my office and where I do my work
but I don't often actually sit in this chair
because my chronic illness doesn't allow me
to get comfortable easily.
So often I'll sit on my sofa
or I'll go to my recliner in my living room,
sometimes I'll even go outside to my sun lounger.
This is my story and why I love Solo Build It!
But I think my site is much more educational
than most Art Deco sites.
Because most of them are online stores
or just places that you go to buy stuff.
So there isn't an awful lot of actual information
about Art Deco, the history of the jewelry,
and how did the style come about
and the art and the artists and the designers,
all this kind of thing.
So it's more of an educational site than just a store.
- An online business with SBI!, Solo Build It!,
gives you the opportunity to build relationships
with like-minded people from all over the world.
Lesley's online business,,
attracts between eight and 10000 page views a month.
People who are learning about Art Deco
as well as having the opportunity to buy her products.
I asked Leslie whether she ever has the opportunity
to meet her visitors in person.
- Yes, absolutely.
A couple of years ago, Mom and I went to Napier
in New Zealand which is a complete Art Deco town
and they have a massive festival every year
where people dress like this.
And they party in the streets
and they have big band concerts
and they have parades and vintage cars
and everyone is dressed up in the entire town
so it's a really great place to visit
and take loads of photographs
and meet lots of like-minded people.
Most people with my condition
which I later discovered was Fibromyalgia,
don't manage to carry on working at all so having that goal
to build a website and create an online business
was absolutely essential really to every facet of my health.
I mean, it's given me the flexibility that I needed
to take time off when I needed to
but I've been able to work hard
when I felt well enough to work hard
and I've been able to catch up with extra work
in evenings and weekends and when I feel like it.
And it makes a massive difference to be able to work
when you feel like it.
And to be able to do it because you love it
and choose what you want to do each day.
- What impact has it had for you financially
and your confidence moving forward as well?
- It's given me a lot of confidence
because as time goes by,
you see your income gradually growing
and it grows all the time, even whether you're working on it
or you're not working on it.
So it's good because it can tide you over periods
when you're not feeling so well
or you don't want to work on it
or if I go and work on my second site
for example, with my mom,
I know that the first site will still keep on
earning the same income and even growing.
And as years go by, it has grown and grown
and it's nice to be able to look forward to retirement
and know that those sites will be there
and will be a really useful addition
to our retirement income.
And also allow us to travel
which is something we're looking forward to doing.
- So one of the magical things
about talking with Leslie Postle is that
we have not one site but two sites we can look at,
plus we have one family in the mix.
So what's it like working with your mother
to create a completely separate site?
Who would like to answer the question first?
- Well, you're looking at me so (laughs).
I'm just so incredibly proud of Mom
because she just wrote the stuff after Dad died
and showed it to me and I just thought it was so moving
and so special that I just said,
"Mom, we've got to make this into a website"
so you know, that's how it started
and so proud of what's she's achieved since then.
She's written pages and pages and pages of stuff
for the website and then on top of that,
she wrote a book so it's amazing what she's achieved.
- So Elizabeth, what does it mean for you to have the site?
- After Colin died very suddenly,
we'd been married for 54 years, I woke at night
and as a lot of people find it difficult
to get back to sleep
so my head was going through with all these things.
I was thinking of families that I'd looked after,
and how they'd coped with grief,
whether it be a loss of a child or a husband or a wife
and I was thinking how brave they had all been
and I was thinking of how,
I just wrote, my head was full of all this
so I just wrote it all down.
This lady came in the night and wrote for two or three hours
and then went back to sleep.
(people laughing)
Leslie said to me one day, "You won't get writer's block,
"will you?" and it was totally opposite to that.
My head was so full of all this knowledge
and information that I'd gained over 45 years
that it just had to come
so it wasn't something that I had intended to do.
- Elizabeth's online business,,
has been created with Leslie's help.
It attracts just under 120000 page views a month
which is amazing for a site that only started
because Leslie encouraged Elizabeth to start
putting her private thoughts online.
If you're not familiar with Solo Build It!'s
unique action guide and business building process,
basically, what you would do is
normally research the subject and the relevant search terms
called keywords before writing the content.
So I asked, how did they go about creating
such a successful online business when really,
all the writing had already been done.
- Mom started by writing all these folders of stuff
so the site was not really born in the way that
most SBI! sites would be born where you study your niche
and you work out whether you've got profitable keywords
or not, and then you think, oh, that's a great keyword,
I'll write an article about that.
Well we did it upside down really.
So I had the material and then I had to find the keywords
that I could use for this material
and edit it and put it together.
So we also had to find some keywords
that would actually bring us the traffic
so that's how we really started working together
because I would say, right, Mom, this is all fantastic
but there's a big gap here and we need some material on this
or I've got a great keyword,
can you write me an article on this.
So I would keep throwing her keywords and ideas and stuff
and sometimes she'd write it
and sometimes she wouldn't (laughs).
- Before I finished with these two extraordinary mentors,
I had to find out what impact
the Solo Build It! Action Guide had
on their ability to create such diverse online businesses.
One of the things that pretty much any successful
SBI! will talk about is the action guide
and how it's pivotal in providing a navigational path,
the foundation for them to build a successful site.
Can you talk about your experience of it?
- Absolutely, it was fantastic to have something
that was like a 10-part guide that you could,
I mean they advise you to read the entire thing
before you start which I did
and that gave you such an amazing overall picture
of where you were trying to get to
and what you were going to do
and how you were gonna make money out of it at the end.
And you know, it sort of stopped you
from falling into so many pitfalls
because you had the overall picture
and then you go back and you start back at Day One
as they call it and work your way through
step by step in detail so you can't go wrong.
- For a person that's watching this right now,
who's thinking, I'm inspired, I'd like to start a site.
I'm gonna go to Solo Build It!, great idea.
Where would be the one place
that you would say they should start?
- I would definitely read the whole of the Action Guide
from days one to 10 before starting,
to get the overall picture,
and work out where you want to go
before you start working out what your niche should be
and don't do it upside-down like we did (laughs).
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