What's going on, Tripp Kramer here from www.trippadvice.com. Next to me, my new
friend Adam Lyons. Adam has been voted the #1 dating coach in the world
and he came to Chicago and I was like dude we got to make some videos together.
I'm glad you're here bro. Thanks I'm glad I'm excited to do. This gonna be great.
This is Tripp Advice and here I am. What I love about you so much is you
give really good practical tips. You're gonna see in just a second. He gives
really good advice. Stuff that you can take away and use right now.
Not just a bunch of theory but good stuff. Today we're talking about the 3 ways
to be unforgettable to the girl that you like. We were talking about this before
and we realized there's about 3 different situations. The most popular
situations in which you are with a girl. First you have the cold approach.
When you meet a girl at a bar, on the street somewhere.
You have no idea who she is and you just go up and talk to her. Then you have the
situation where you already know the girl but you're in the friend zone.
You're in the friend zone with her so it's this vague like what's
happening with us and then there is your inner relationship. We're gonna go
over how to be unforgettable in all these three popular situations.
Let's talk about one of the most popular situations
doing a cold approach where you've never met the girl in your life and you go
coaching and you teach guys and you help them approach girls. How do you be
unforgettable in this moment where you've never met her before?
I've spent a lot of time in the field. I've been doing this since 2006
out almost every weekend helping guys go out there and
do this and for us you have to have practical advice and it's a real easy
concept like stand out from everybody else. But how do you do it?
So I always give people the theory of you want to start the conversation about
half an hour after when you first meet her and just throw away the first half
an hour so the whole hi, who are you, what do you do for a living, where are you from?
Get rid of all that. Don't worry about it. Start the conversation as
if you've already been talking for half an hour. It's all about where you are.
If I was at a train station with somebody I've been talking to for an
hour I would start a conversation something like "you know what bugs
me about trains? How they say they're
gonna be here at certain time and they're always delayed. Why do they do that?
Why don't we just have approximations when the trains are gonna arrive?"
And what happens is you're dragging her into this conversation at
this midway point and so she doesn't feel
like she can reject you because you're acting as if you've already been
talking to her. It's a normal conversation the kind of conversation
she would typically have and before she knows it, she eases into communicating
with you and then in the future she looks back at this point, can't remember
how you started talking because she's never remember about some conversation
about a train and she just feels like she's known you forever and that's the
kind of girl that's never gonna forget you. What I like about that is every
other guy who is forgettable is having the same conversations over and over.
What do you do for a living and where do you live and have you been here before?
Oh what kind of drink is that? Let's get past all that boring
stuff and right into just fun, random, weird conversations. That's cool. I know
lots of women who when guys approach them, if they ask a question that the
girls had to answer to another guy within the last couple of weeks, it ends
the interaction instantly. In fact Eve yeah literally if you say to her
what country are you from, it ends the conversation. She's like we're done here
and she'll walk away and that's it. It's done because she's like you're not
original, you're giving me the same conversation I've had before and I'm over it.
This is the same thing if you see a girl who's got maybe a funky haircut or
a tattoo. You know already (or if you don't know now you know) a lot of guys
have already commented on this. So she has to tell the story over and over again.
And of course that's boring and boring equals forgettable.
One situation that you might be in is the friendzone, very common.
How to be unforgettable to a girl who it's vague, maybe she likes you, maybe she
doesn't. You guys have not hooked up at all, haven't even kissed or maybe you're
just boom slammed in the friendzone. I think this is the common situation.
This is the one that there's so many people deal with and the key is to
be unforgettable you kind of need her to forget about you. You need to
get out of the friendzone and one of the fastest ways out the friendzone is
disappear for a while. I tell a lot of people that are in this situation is how
how long can you go on vacation for? Can you get away for six weeks, eight weeks?
Can you go on a three month sabbatical from work or maybe even take your work
with you for a while? What happens here is she loses contact with you as a
friend but thanks to the wonder of social media, she gets to see all the
amazing adventures you go on and please go on
lots of adventures. Re-find yourself, go away and evolve as a person.
What this does is it lets us see a new side of you and now when you come back you
get to re-meet her and start the entire process as if you didn't know her or
more importantly she doesn't know you but she actually does so you've got all
the familiarity out of the way, you already know each other, you have a
history and now you're this cool guy who had these great experiences, been
with other women. You've come back and she'll say, you'll know you've done
it right because she's like wow you're really different and the minute you get
that you know that this girl is gonna be very open to dating you. I like that
it's like you got to basically present yourself in a whole new light because
just you being there sticking around for so long you're still that same person.
It's got to be kind of like it's gotta be harsh yeah like you got to just go
away so she can at this point kind of forget about you but forget about the
old you and bring in this new person and this is what makes you unforgettable
because no one else would have done that no other guy in her life would have
transformed in this way and that's what they want they're like if you're in the
friend zone with somebody they were attracted to you at some point because
girls don't really want to be friends with people they're not attracted to on
some level but you missed your window there was like a window at some point
where she may have dated you and for whatever reason you missed that
opportunity by going away you get a chance to get that opportunity back and
if she takes you after that if you if you do everything correctly follow all
trips amazing advice and make it work you'll not only get her but you'll get
her in a way that no other guy ever has you were the only one that's had that
transformation and that will mean something to her for decades I mean
that's how you get really deep long relationships now what if you're in the
relationship right so you've been dating a girl for a while maybe you guys are
exclusive she's your girlfriend and you want to keep it going right you want to
keep this relationship going because you really like her maybe you're in love
with her how do you be unforgettable when you're already in this is my
absolute favorite one yeah I love relationships relationships is my
favorite and this is all about understanding the Disney promised women
grew up with the Disney promise the idea that one day this shining night would
come along and transform their life and the problem is guys use this to try and
get girls and because of that guys let's be you've ruined the Disney promise
because when they were single they don't want that from someone they don't really
know and they would have accepted it from just one person who cheated on them
or lied to them or broke it and now they don't believe the promise anymore but if
you're in a relationship she holds on to that dream somewhere deep inside and she
wants it from the person she's dating so what you do is you take her on a Disney
date and the good news is every Disney movie is already outlined - this you're
gonna be making out on a bridge under the moonlight you're gonna go to this
fancy dinner and you're gonna turn up in a horse-drawn carriage trust me those
services exist you can hire it I did you give her the full Disney wonderful
moment but I heard some jewelry but like a necklace with like a bigger love heart
like you'd get from Disney and sell it when you give it to her you'd be like
you know like I'm expecting you to wear this but this is a memento of this
wonderful evening and by giving her that big cheesy Disney day she will melt no
other guy has done it before no other guy will do it again and in fact that
she it's what everyone gets wrong they put the effort in before they start
dating or when they're trying to date them and then as relationship goes on
they get lazier and lazier you want to do the reverse where you know you're
kind of being cool guy on the end but now you're dating you blow her away with
this Disney moment and she's yours forever and also when you're putting in
this kind of work right when you're doing something very romantic this is
very over sensationalized again I'm saying works very well when you're in
the relationship but don't get confused because this is stuff that doesn't work
as well before you guys have either had sex or you're exclusive meaning you know
she is your girlfriend because if you do too soon if you're doing this on a first
date second date it's too cheesy it's too needy or going over the top and the
reason why it's weird is because the girl is thinking why is this guy going
so over-the-top he doesn't even really know me it's like what is it's almost
like kind of desperate like you're putting so much effort into something
when you guys don't even know each other yet but when you do it after you guys
have been more connected or in a relationship it works like a charm all
right now that you already know this we a little gift for you we co-created a
blueprint for you so you can be the guy who gets women to chase you instead of
be the guy that's going off and chasing women some really good advice good
practical stuff in there so go check that out gets a free download I'm gonna
put that in the description below just click that and I want you
check it out let us know what you think write a comment down below and we'll be
sure to respond to you there Adam thanks for joining me thanks for having me man
we'll see you the next video
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