Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 27 2018

Hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you are here, I'm sure that you are looking forward to seeing my ginormous

collection of Lululemon headbands so my goal is


Declutter enough headbands so that they fit comfortably on a tie racks

I hang my Lululemon headbands on tie racks and

There are about 27 little pegs on each tie rack

And I have two of those so that means I could have like up to 54 Lululemon headbands

And they would all fit on one tie rack each. I don't necessarily think I'm gonna get there I

Don't think I can pare my collection down to just 54 headbands

Y'all that's the truth like I love headbands anybody who knows me

I'm always wearing a headband so um I am going to try to pare down my headband collection

But I don't know how successful. I'm going to be so let's find out together shall we

The first thing I want to say is these are mostly slipless or flyaway tamers and

mostly fringe fighters and bang Buster's

So those are the two categories of headbands that I have and I hang

27 of them or like more

Frankly um I hang the fringe fighters and bang Busters together on those tie racks

And I hang the flyaway tamers and slip less headbands on those tie racks

And there are a couple other different types thrown in there, but that's mostly what I so

I'm gonna try my best to go through these

one by one, but as quickly as possible because this is gonna be like a 40 minute video, so

Maybe get yourself a snack or something a drink because this is gonna take a while

This is the box of headbands that I have to get through I'm sure that's in the thumbnail

But I just thought I would show you in the actual video the first ones. I have are flyaway tamers

This one's in cross petal black

clarity yellow

this is an iridescent multi is in dotty dash

This one is a cross trainer in Heather Berry Rumble

This is a slip --less in lace-o-flage polar cream so of the ones

I just showed you I'm going to keep this very Rumble one, and I'm gonna get rid of these three

Texture colored ones and I can keep the beaming the blue one because it matches I think a pacesetter that I own

These next five are all sleepless headbands as well. This one is an angel blue. This is in April

We are from space this one is in that


poncho stripe color I forget the name of the pink, but anyways

And then this one is a lilac one and this is in ultraviolet um

I'm going to keep all of these

They're all my favorite and plus like I have tons of stuff that matches all these colors except for the April

We are from space one

You know I could probably get rid of this one um

I'm gonna put this one in the maybe pile if it fits in my collection it can stay if not then it's going a long

While back I had a stride jacket in April

We are from space and I got rid of it because I just strides don't fit me right

My hips are kind of wide

but I

Just really like the color so the next three are kind of boring this one's a heathered gray one

I can get rid of this one

This one is a charming twist headband

I'm keeping this one and this one is a velvet headband

And I'm gonna pass this one along as well the next five headbands. This one is a

Flyweight tamer these four are sliplesses. This is pistachio. I'm gonna get rid of this one

This one is electric coral. I'm gonna keep this one. This is Bali breeze and

Pigment blue Heather pigment, and then this one is ikat definitely keeping this one

I love all my ikat stuff so the next five; three are Flyway Tamers two are slipleses

Um this one looks like it might be polar pink

And we're keeping that one

This is moonlit magenta definitely keeping this one this one is either

Poseidon or Alberta Lake it wouldnt shock me if it was Alberta Lake because I own two that look exactly the same

I'm gonna pick whichever one is in the best condition to keep and

It just wouldn't shock me if I bought Alberta Lake twice because I love that color

And I would be like oh alberta Lake, and I would just buy it

So I'm gonna keep that one and see which one is in best condition. This is unicorn tears

We all know how much I love unicorn tears, and if you don't know I love unicorn tears

And this one's staying in my collection the next one is

this one in I

Want to say POW pink I

Could be wrong. These are the next five um this one is in moody Mirage

We're keeping this one because it matches the pace setter i own

See the pattern um

Multi up-and-down I got this wrong in my last video

I think I said it was sir mix-a-lot, so it makes a lot looks pretty similar, but multi up-and-down has more is more colorful

So that's actually what this is

this one is

Flashlight, and I don't love this color, so we're gonna pass it along

This is tender violet and black and I probably have more than one black one in my collection

So I'm gonna put that in the maybe pile, and we'll see which one. I like better

Here's another one of the either Poseidon or an Alberta Lake your the next five this one is in fuel green

It's gorgeous, and I'm keeping that one. This one's called a see me run headband

That's reflective so I'm definitely keeping that this one. I think it's pretty pink

Keeping by the way this one is a pink space dye

We're gonna put this one in the maybe pile

This one is like a mystic jungle fatigue green one and

I'm gonna put this one in the maybe pile next ones that I have are this light blue

I forget what the name of this blue is I had in my head, and I totally forgot so Oh

Light blue, and I am gonna keep this one. I don't know. I just really like it

white I'm gonna keep

This is spray

Luon jaquard hunter green black something like that this one matches something else either

Maybe a pair of wonder unders that I own oh no wait it matches a pair of inspire crops that I own

And this one I can't tell what color it is it could be surge. It could be submarine it could be oasis

I don't know. It's old-school for sure

I'm gonna put it in the maybe pile, so the next five we're gonna start getting into my bank Buster's and my

Fringe fighters, so this one is a bang buster, and I think it might be tender violet

But it also might be some type of grape. I'm not sure

But I'm keeping it

This one is inkwell Paisley

This one matches a lot of stuff too, so I'm keeping it as well

This one isn't a sort of stripe a power pink

I think I'm gonna put this one in the maybe pile this one is in not so petite Fleur antidote um

I like this one

I don't know why I don't think I own anything that matches this but I hope for whatever reason

I just really like it so I'm keeping it. This is a slip 'less one and Dewberry space-dye

This is Paris pink actually I think it's Paris perfectionist from the second release

so I'm keeping this one blurred blossom definitely keeping frangipani pink um I

Do really like it?

But I'm gonna put it in the maybe pile this one. I'm keeping because it's kind of a heather gray color

I forget what this is called. Oh, it's Ziggy. Wee October. I think and

This one just goes with a lot of stuff. Um angel wing on the back. This one is a pretty pink Slom stripe

I'm keeping this one it matches some stuff I own

This is assorted stripe surge this one is a brisk bloom one um. I like that. It's neutral

I'm gonna put in the maybe pile of this one is a bumbleberry stripe assorted stripe one

I'm gonna to keep this one it matches a couple things. I own this one is in Beach Blanket



Keeping this one is in fresh teal and I'm tempted to keep it

I'm gonna put it in the maybe pile this Bang buster is in spring has sprung. I'm keeping this one

This one is a Bordeaux drama quilt. I'm keeping it just because it has literally bordeaux drama on it

I love Bordeaux drama this one is in heathered porcelain blue, so I'm keeping that

for reasons this one is Beach scape I

Don't have any of the beach scape items, I do like this back like bright orange color I

Didn't put in the maybe pile. I don't really want to get rid of that one actually

But I don't have anything that matches it and I don't really reach for it, so this one's great granite

I do love that it is sort of a neutral color

So I'm going to keep that this one is in raspberry glow definitely keeping this one is in beaming blue lace-o-flage.

I'm gonna keep this one as well as the slippers headband that I have in it cuz

reasons and

I know it's like not really a good reason reasons is not a good reason

But I don't know I just like both of them so keeping both of them, so this one is in spry blue

And I'm keeping it because I have some stuff that it goes with same with this blue moon striped one

Definitely keeping that this is a wham-o camo one the same reason for keeping the other ones

I tend to buy headbands that match stuff

I already own

and then I sort of do like a

wunder under and then a headband in the same color our top and headband in the same color

This one is not Lululemon

I think it's probably from Macy's and it matches like a skirt that I own so I'm keeping it this one is in bleached coral

I'm gonna keep this one I

Don't know if I have a ton of stuff I do have a couple of things I think in Bleached coral

I'm gonna look around in my collection and see if I have a lot in bleached coral

Because I don't want to keep it if I don't have anything to wear with

So maybe I should put it in the maybe pile. Let's put it in a maybe pile

Okay, so this next one is in raspberry glow striped Bordeaux drama

Definitely keeping the next one is in Marvel is a Flyway Tamer

Keeping, I just got it matches something else

I own so this next one is a fringe fighter, and it is in black cherry Heather black cherry

I'm definitely keeping that one

It looks like Bordeaux drama, and I really like bordeaux drama, so I tend to gravitate towards these same colors like bright pinks purples

Deep wine colored purples. I don't know. I just really like them and then like bright blues - I really like bright blues

Angel blue was like one of my favorite colors ever the last headband

I have to share with you is this one in Black Swan and

raspberry glow by the way

I'm definitely keeping that so I'm gonna go away and

Count up all the ones I decided to keep and count the ones that I decided to get rid of and

We'll see if they all fit on this tie rack

Hi, I'm back. I had counted up all the headbands that I'm getting rid of there are 12

So not that many and I counted up all the headbands that I'm keeping I'm keeping

30 small style ones and

27 large style ones so my goal is having them all be able to fit comfortably or

perfectly on the tie rack was not met I did take a photo of the cluttering of

The before fore time where all the headbands were on there

So we're gonna see what it looks like with 12 headbands less

And I'll do like a before and after comparison of the way it looks on the tie racks before

So the way that looks on the tie racks after and I'll put a picture in here

If you like Lululemon videos if you like declutter videos

There will be more on this channel

I guarantee it

My next declutter is probably gonna be my vinyasa scarves because I have a bunch over

Here that are hanging, and then I have a few in a drawer

And I want to get it to the point where I can just have them hanging

I know I probably have a bunch of blue

And I'm sure that I can get rid of some of those if you liked this video

please hit that subscribe button leave me a like on your way out and

Tell me in the comments if you'd be interested in seeing like an all Lululemon unicorn video. I'm thinking about doing a video like that

Thanks for coming by and if you're still here. Thank you for watching

Leave me some hearts in the comments, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye

I'm not just seeing things it has a pattern I bet the old tapes were better editing Shannon

Hi, hi editing Shannon. I think that the older takes might have been better. Just trying to figure out, which takes are better. Thanks

For more infomation >> Lululemon Declutter: Headbands - Duration: 13:31.


Joke of the Day - Why don't Bees smell... - Duration: 0:34.

Hey guys this is Zig-Zach Gamer back with another Joke of the Day. And the Joke is...

Why do bees not smell?

Because their wearing Bee-odorant!

This is Zig-Zach Gamer signing out. Bye!

For more infomation >> Joke of the Day - Why don't Bees smell... - Duration: 0:34.


Researchers Claim DMT Can Connect You To A Parallel Universe - Duration: 5:21.

Researchers Claim DMT Can Connect You To A Parallel Universe

DMT or Dimethyltryptamine is a chemical compound produced naturally in the pineal gland inside

your brain that belongs to the tryptamine family.

This naturally occurring substance is produced and excreted by the pineal gland during sleep

and is structurally similar to serotonin.

It is found in both animals and plants and is pretty much connected with everything alive

on this earth.

The reason this chemical compound gets so much attention is because it is the active

component in psychedelic substances such as ayahuasca.

Though scientists are still very unsure of its function in the body it is believed to

influence our ability to dream visually.

How DMT Works

�DMT binds to serotonin receptors in a manner similar to how psilocin does.

This causes neurons that would normally be triggered by the release of serotonin to fire

when no actual serotonin is present.

�This leads to visual hallucinations and feelings of being separated from reality.

Users become more introspective, but also report seeing or �visiting� another reality

or dimension, and being completely removed from this one.� -

If we really are connecting to other dimensions when we are under the influence of DMT then

who is to say that we don�t visit alternate dimensions in our sleep?

Not necessarily physically but we travel to these mental realms and influence them with

our mind.

Now, this may all seem a bit far-fetched to a person who has never experienced something

like this for themselves but there is definitely something profound going inside the minds

of people who have decided to travel into these realms.

History and Discovery

DMT was synthesized in 1931 for the first time by the Canadian chemist Richard Helmuth

Fredrick Manske.

Then in 1946 microbiologist and chemist Oswaldo Gon�alves de Lima from Brazil discovered

that DMT was a natural substance found all over the world in living things.

Since then there have been many more discoveries have come forth better proving its existence

in many different plants and animals.

DMT: The Spirit Molecule

In the Book and Documentary by Rick Strassman known as DMT: The Spirit Molecule a legal

lab setting test of DMT is authorized and for the first time in decades, the effects

of DMT are studied.

Strassman explores the possibility that we actually do visit other tangible realms when

on DMT.

He also suggests that DMT may actually allow our consciousness to become a gateway into

other planes of existence.

Other test subjects that have used DMT in a lab setting have also suggested this may

be happening based on their own experiences.

While each person has their own unique experience on DMT there are also many similarities that

are reoccurring in each person�s experience.

They each encounter a realm which is completely different than the one we are in right now

and they encounter other intelligent beings.

While in this place, subjects report experiencing unfamiliar sensations such as ego dissolution,

feelings of unity with the universe, death, and rebirth.

�DMT provides regular, repeated, and reliable access to �other� channels.

The other planes of existence are always there.

In fact, they are right here, transmitting all the time!

�But we cannot perceive them because we are not designed to do so; our hard-wiring

keeps us tuned in to Channel Normal.� � Rick Strassman, M.D.

The Fabric of Reality

On the other side of the coin David Deutsch, a scientist and author who wrote The Fabric

of Reality expressed his doubts about our minds being able to connect with a parallel


He says that such a feat would require quantum computing.

This means that we would actually need simulated temperatures of almost absolute zero in order

to reach another universe.

In response Strassman suggests that perhaps an increase in DMT levels within the mind

could be the key we are looking for in order to discover those things that we do not yet


Perhaps a quantum computing of the mind would create the scenario we can�t seem to do

with technology within our own biological structure.

If DMT truly creates an experience that literally displaces our consciousness into intergalactic,

interstellar or even interdimensional explorations then perhaps the secret to understanding the

universe is inside each of us.

Perhaps DMT will even be the key to helping humanity understand why we exist.

For more infomation >> Researchers Claim DMT Can Connect You To A Parallel Universe - Duration: 5:21.


Bollywood Theme Park - Dubai Parks & Resorts - Duration: 10:01.

Today, I've brought you to World s First Bollywood Theme Park in Dubai Bollywood (Indian Cinema)

The name of this place is Dubai Parks & Resorts

In this area, there are two parks - Lego Land and Bollywood Theme Park

Now I am going to show you how the entrance is decorated

You can see a building on which characters of ROCK ON (Indian Movie) are painted

Some screens over here are continuously showing trailers of Indian super hit movie

SHOLAY, one of the Blockbuster Movie is displayed on hoarding board

MUGHAL -E- AZAM, another classic hit movie hoarding board

Some more screens showing trailers and movie scenes

So here's the entry. Let's see why this would become the latest attraction of Dubai

Rajmahal (Classic Movie) Movie Set. Beautiful isn't?

Here, a live dance performance is going on

They included in this area, a model of Mumbai's BEST Bus and a passenger train and named it Mumbai Chowk

People are showing interest in taking picture with clay pots and cycle rikshaw like Jitender's(movie actor) movie

LAGAAN's(Aamir Khan's Movie)song is playing right now

It's Lagaan Cricket Carnival

Let's go in and check it out

LAGAAN movie's photographs, cricket bats and cricket ground like appearance

Movie Set of Ramgarh station from the Super hit Movie SHOLAY, where Amitabh Bachchan and Dharmendra - Jai and Veeru (Movie character's names)

arrives Ramgarh and hire Basanti's horse cart (buggy)

I hope I could see Basanti's buggy and s Basansti's horse cart but I can t see Dhanno (horse name in the movie)

So lets's look inside the buggy. This is where Jai, Veeru and Basanti met first time in the movie

and see here friend, this is the same water tank where Veeru threatened Mausi Ji (Aunt of Basanti)

for committing suicide if she won't agree to let Veeru and Basanti to get married (Movie Scene)

and then at the end Mausi Ji agrees to let Veeru marry Basanti

I love this movie

Another dance performance, on Ramleela movie's song

Even they could manage Ranvir's (Indian movie actor) duplicate to dance on stage

This place is really crowded today

You can see dance performances in each and every corner in this park, after all this is BOLLYWOOD

One performance is just finished and another started

There are some sets of Indian Movies

Mera Naam Joker(movie name)

Qurbani(movie name)

Munna Bhai MBBS(movie name) and more movie sets

Now we are going to Bollywood Film Studios

I can see big poster of movie characters KRRISH and RA-ONE

I can see posters of BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN (Indian Movie) on my right side and 3 IDIOTS (Indian Movie) on my left

They have made each and everything in Bollywood style, even cafe and restaurants also

Now we have arrived at Hall of Heroes we are going in

Alright now we are inside of Hall of Heroes

Here.. you can see RA-ONE 4D Movie Theatre with real effects

Now I can see Heroes Vault, let's see what's there in it

Now I can see Heroes Vault, let's see what's there in it

Here you can buy bottles, T- shirts, caps, mugs and CD's of your favorite movie

Miniatures of KRRISH (Indian Movie Superhero)

Miniatures of RA-ONE (Indian Movie Superhero)

I guess Shahrukh Khan (Indian Actor) wore this kind of hat in the song Chammak Challo

Now I am exiting Hero's Vault

Now I can see Krrish Hero's Flight

Alright friends I got some information about Krrish Hero's Flight and RA-ONE unleashed

the entry ticket is inclusive of all the rides and screens available in the park

There's only one problem, the queues are very long

if you want to go faster you will have to buy another VIP ticket of Dhs.100 with this ticket you can enter only once

But if you buy Dhs.150 ticket you can go as many times as you want in a day

same applies to RA-ONE unleashed 4D show

So friends, this was my LIVE experience of Bollywood Theme Park

If you would ask me to rate this park from OK, GOOD or BEST. I would rate it OK

because I felt there are only cafe's here where you can have only snacks, no multi-cuisine restaurants

Attractions inside are expensive. You have already bought an entry ticket of Dhs.285 still

you will have to buy Dhs.100 ticket to beat the queues and enjoy the attraction available in the park

Honestly that's not worth it

My feedback for this park is.....OK

I hope you like this video

If you like this video please like the video and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my channel for more exciting videos

Hope to see you soon in my next video

Bye Bye

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