Hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you are here, I'm sure that you are looking forward to seeing my ginormous
collection of Lululemon headbands so my goal is
Declutter enough headbands so that they fit comfortably on a tie racks
I hang my Lululemon headbands on tie racks and
There are about 27 little pegs on each tie rack
And I have two of those so that means I could have like up to 54 Lululemon headbands
And they would all fit on one tie rack each. I don't necessarily think I'm gonna get there I
Don't think I can pare my collection down to just 54 headbands
Y'all that's the truth like I love headbands anybody who knows me
I'm always wearing a headband so um I am going to try to pare down my headband collection
But I don't know how successful. I'm going to be so let's find out together shall we
The first thing I want to say is these are mostly slipless or flyaway tamers and
mostly fringe fighters and bang Buster's
So those are the two categories of headbands that I have and I hang
27 of them or like more
Frankly um I hang the fringe fighters and bang Busters together on those tie racks
And I hang the flyaway tamers and slip less headbands on those tie racks
And there are a couple other different types thrown in there, but that's mostly what I so
I'm gonna try my best to go through these
one by one, but as quickly as possible because this is gonna be like a 40 minute video, so
Maybe get yourself a snack or something a drink because this is gonna take a while
This is the box of headbands that I have to get through I'm sure that's in the thumbnail
But I just thought I would show you in the actual video the first ones. I have are flyaway tamers
This one's in cross petal black
clarity yellow
this is an iridescent multi is in dotty dash
This one is a cross trainer in Heather Berry Rumble
This is a slip --less in lace-o-flage polar cream so of the ones
I just showed you I'm going to keep this very Rumble one, and I'm gonna get rid of these three
Texture colored ones and I can keep the beaming the blue one because it matches I think a pacesetter that I own
These next five are all sleepless headbands as well. This one is an angel blue. This is in April
We are from space this one is in that
poncho stripe color I forget the name of the pink, but anyways
And then this one is a lilac one and this is in ultraviolet um
I'm going to keep all of these
They're all my favorite and plus like I have tons of stuff that matches all these colors except for the April
We are from space one
You know I could probably get rid of this one um
I'm gonna put this one in the maybe pile if it fits in my collection it can stay if not then it's going a long
While back I had a stride jacket in April
We are from space and I got rid of it because I just strides don't fit me right
My hips are kind of wide
but I
Just really like the color so the next three are kind of boring this one's a heathered gray one
I can get rid of this one
This one is a charming twist headband
I'm keeping this one and this one is a velvet headband
And I'm gonna pass this one along as well the next five headbands. This one is a
Flyweight tamer these four are sliplesses. This is pistachio. I'm gonna get rid of this one
This one is electric coral. I'm gonna keep this one. This is Bali breeze and
Pigment blue Heather pigment, and then this one is ikat definitely keeping this one
I love all my ikat stuff so the next five; three are Flyway Tamers two are slipleses
Um this one looks like it might be polar pink
And we're keeping that one
This is moonlit magenta definitely keeping this one this one is either
Poseidon or Alberta Lake it wouldnt shock me if it was Alberta Lake because I own two that look exactly the same
I'm gonna pick whichever one is in the best condition to keep and
It just wouldn't shock me if I bought Alberta Lake twice because I love that color
And I would be like oh alberta Lake, and I would just buy it
So I'm gonna keep that one and see which one is in best condition. This is unicorn tears
We all know how much I love unicorn tears, and if you don't know I love unicorn tears
And this one's staying in my collection the next one is
this one in I
Want to say POW pink I
Could be wrong. These are the next five um this one is in moody Mirage
We're keeping this one because it matches the pace setter i own
See the pattern um
Multi up-and-down I got this wrong in my last video
I think I said it was sir mix-a-lot, so it makes a lot looks pretty similar, but multi up-and-down has more is more colorful
So that's actually what this is
this one is
Flashlight, and I don't love this color, so we're gonna pass it along
This is tender violet and black and I probably have more than one black one in my collection
So I'm gonna put that in the maybe pile, and we'll see which one. I like better
Here's another one of the either Poseidon or an Alberta Lake your the next five this one is in fuel green
It's gorgeous, and I'm keeping that one. This one's called a see me run headband
That's reflective so I'm definitely keeping that this one. I think it's pretty pink
Keeping by the way this one is a pink space dye
We're gonna put this one in the maybe pile
This one is like a mystic jungle fatigue green one and
I'm gonna put this one in the maybe pile next ones that I have are this light blue
I forget what the name of this blue is I had in my head, and I totally forgot so Oh
Light blue, and I am gonna keep this one. I don't know. I just really like it
white I'm gonna keep
This is spray
Luon jaquard hunter green black something like that this one matches something else either
Maybe a pair of wonder unders that I own oh no wait it matches a pair of inspire crops that I own
And this one I can't tell what color it is it could be surge. It could be submarine it could be oasis
I don't know. It's old-school for sure
I'm gonna put it in the maybe pile, so the next five we're gonna start getting into my bank Buster's and my
Fringe fighters, so this one is a bang buster, and I think it might be tender violet
But it also might be some type of grape. I'm not sure
But I'm keeping it
This one is inkwell Paisley
This one matches a lot of stuff too, so I'm keeping it as well
This one isn't a sort of stripe a power pink
I think I'm gonna put this one in the maybe pile this one is in not so petite Fleur antidote um
I like this one
I don't know why I don't think I own anything that matches this but I hope for whatever reason
I just really like it so I'm keeping it. This is a slip 'less one and Dewberry space-dye
This is Paris pink actually I think it's Paris perfectionist from the second release
so I'm keeping this one blurred blossom definitely keeping frangipani pink um I
Do really like it?
But I'm gonna put it in the maybe pile this one. I'm keeping because it's kind of a heather gray color
I forget what this is called. Oh, it's Ziggy. Wee October. I think and
This one just goes with a lot of stuff. Um angel wing on the back. This one is a pretty pink Slom stripe
I'm keeping this one it matches some stuff I own
This is assorted stripe surge this one is a brisk bloom one um. I like that. It's neutral
I'm gonna put in the maybe pile of this one is a bumbleberry stripe assorted stripe one
I'm gonna to keep this one it matches a couple things. I own this one is in Beach Blanket
Keeping this one is in fresh teal and I'm tempted to keep it
I'm gonna put it in the maybe pile this Bang buster is in spring has sprung. I'm keeping this one
This one is a Bordeaux drama quilt. I'm keeping it just because it has literally bordeaux drama on it
I love Bordeaux drama this one is in heathered porcelain blue, so I'm keeping that
for reasons this one is Beach scape I
Don't have any of the beach scape items, I do like this back like bright orange color I
Didn't put in the maybe pile. I don't really want to get rid of that one actually
But I don't have anything that matches it and I don't really reach for it, so this one's great granite
I do love that it is sort of a neutral color
So I'm going to keep that this one is in raspberry glow definitely keeping this one is in beaming blue lace-o-flage.
I'm gonna keep this one as well as the slippers headband that I have in it cuz
reasons and
I know it's like not really a good reason reasons is not a good reason
But I don't know I just like both of them so keeping both of them, so this one is in spry blue
And I'm keeping it because I have some stuff that it goes with same with this blue moon striped one
Definitely keeping that this is a wham-o camo one the same reason for keeping the other ones
I tend to buy headbands that match stuff
I already own
and then I sort of do like a
wunder under and then a headband in the same color our top and headband in the same color
This one is not Lululemon
I think it's probably from Macy's and it matches like a skirt that I own so I'm keeping it this one is in bleached coral
I'm gonna keep this one I
Don't know if I have a ton of stuff I do have a couple of things I think in Bleached coral
I'm gonna look around in my collection and see if I have a lot in bleached coral
Because I don't want to keep it if I don't have anything to wear with
So maybe I should put it in the maybe pile. Let's put it in a maybe pile
Okay, so this next one is in raspberry glow striped Bordeaux drama
Definitely keeping the next one is in Marvel is a Flyway Tamer
Keeping, I just got it matches something else
I own so this next one is a fringe fighter, and it is in black cherry Heather black cherry
I'm definitely keeping that one
It looks like Bordeaux drama, and I really like bordeaux drama, so I tend to gravitate towards these same colors like bright pinks purples
Deep wine colored purples. I don't know. I just really like them and then like bright blues - I really like bright blues
Angel blue was like one of my favorite colors ever the last headband
I have to share with you is this one in Black Swan and
raspberry glow by the way
I'm definitely keeping that so I'm gonna go away and
Count up all the ones I decided to keep and count the ones that I decided to get rid of and
We'll see if they all fit on this tie rack
Hi, I'm back. I had counted up all the headbands that I'm getting rid of there are 12
So not that many and I counted up all the headbands that I'm keeping I'm keeping
30 small style ones and
27 large style ones so my goal is having them all be able to fit comfortably or
perfectly on the tie rack was not met I did take a photo of the cluttering of
The before fore time where all the headbands were on there
So we're gonna see what it looks like with 12 headbands less
And I'll do like a before and after comparison of the way it looks on the tie racks before
So the way that looks on the tie racks after and I'll put a picture in here
If you like Lululemon videos if you like declutter videos
There will be more on this channel
I guarantee it
My next declutter is probably gonna be my vinyasa scarves because I have a bunch over
Here that are hanging, and then I have a few in a drawer
And I want to get it to the point where I can just have them hanging
I know I probably have a bunch of blue
And I'm sure that I can get rid of some of those if you liked this video
please hit that subscribe button leave me a like on your way out and
Tell me in the comments if you'd be interested in seeing like an all Lululemon unicorn video. I'm thinking about doing a video like that
Thanks for coming by and if you're still here. Thank you for watching
Leave me some hearts in the comments, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye
I'm not just seeing things it has a pattern I bet the old tapes were better editing Shannon
Hi, hi editing Shannon. I think that the older takes might have been better. Just trying to figure out, which takes are better. Thanks
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