Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 28 2018

*I do not own anything *Check out the description for the source of the translations!

(Just when I thought we were going to get away……!)

Hideyoshi-san and I were surrounded once again by Oda Army soldiers.

But Hideyoshi-san showed a relaxed smile and took out his sword.

"…… Stand back."

"B-But… there's too many of them!"

"Don't worry! Thanks to you my injury was healed, so this time I'll show you something cool."


"Wow…… he really won……"

Hideyoshi-san used the forest cleverly so that the enemies could not swing their swords freely, and – on top of that – he defeated them all while protecting me.

"See? No problem, right?"

"Right…… Um, Hideyoshi-san, thank you very much for protecting me."

"Oh, wow, when you say it directly to me like that it's embarrassing. Then, can I ask for a reward for working so hard?"

"U-Umm…… if it's something I can do……"

"Really? In that case…… could you let me taste your blood again?"

"T-That and this are different matters!"

"Meaaaan! You said you'd give me a reward! Haa, I even worked so hard……"

"Certainly, that battle right now was quite something."

"—kgh! Get back!"

By the time I noticed, we were surrounded by the Oda Army's troops.

"It has been a while, monkey."

"…… Oda Nobunaga."

(Huh? That person is… Oda Nobunaga……)

"You did well to come this far while carrying a burden. First, I should praise you for that."

"Haha, thank you very much. It is my utmost honor to receive praise from you."

"Your manner is as pleasant as usual…… Is there a reason that woman merits being taken around with you?"

"That's because…… she's just this cute? Isn't it natural to want to have her close at hand."

"Oh?…… For you to lie with such nonsense means you have decided that she is of use, hm."

"…… Oh dear. Honestly, that keen insight of yours is terrifying."

"Hmph…… You talk well for someone who does not think that one bit."

(At a glance, the two of them are smiling, but the air is so strained it's like it's stabbing into me……)

(Moreover, that person has such cold eyes…… Our eyes only met, but I can't seem to stop shaking.)

"Hmmm…… this is actually kinda bad."


"I thought I could do something so long as it was just soldiers but…… the strength of the Oda Army's main force is one of the best in Shinga–"

"Even if I were to use that trick from before, I'm not sure we'd be able to cut our way through……"

"Eh? Um, what do you mean by that……?"

"Ah, nothing, I'm just talking to myself."

"It seems you two have finished your farewells. –Kill them."

"Yes, my lord!"

"…… Do not leave my side no matter what."


"Aim at Hideyoshi's head! –FIRE!!"

"–like I'd let you!"

"I'm not gonna let a single finger touch Hideyoshi and the girl!"

"Mitsunari, Toshiie! You guys came!"

"Haha, obviously! Well, it took some time to find you guys though!"

(I'm glad…… if these two are here, everything should be okay now……)

Behind Oda Nobunaga, who was observing us and our relief, a new person appeared.

"–Nobunaga-sama. Not just Ishida and Maeda, but Takenaka Hanbee and Kuroda Kanbee's forces are spreading out behind us."

"I see…… the opportunity is lost, hm."

"Hideyoshi-sama! For the present, we will hold them back here! Please use this moment to retreat!"

"It's frustrating, but since it's not a good plan to fight any more in this situation, I guess I have no choice……"

"Got it! Sorry, you two! I'm counting on you here! Hold on!"


"You two better return properly too!"

"Ou! Leave it to us!"

We entrusted everything after to Toshiie-san and the others and hurried back to the castle.

For more infomation >> Sengoku Night Blood - Toyotomi - Eng sub - Chapter 1.4 - Duration: 5:02.


The Easiest Way to Add Your Own Style to Microsoft Word - Duration: 9:29.

- Hi, this is Deborah Savadra

with Legal Office Guru

and in today's video we're going to go into Microsoft Word

and actually demonstrate how to make your own styles.

There a couple of different ways to do this,

one of them's a lot easier than the other one

but if you've decided

that one of the over 200 Microsoft Word styles

just isn't gonna cut it for you

in a particular application,

then this is going to teach you

how to actually create your own styles, so stay tuned.

If we've not met,

I teach lawyers and other legal professionals

how to use Microsoft Office better.

So, I'm going to share my screen now.

I'll just pause for just a moment

and switch over to my screen sharing

and while I'm doing that

if you would let me know

in the comments where you're watching from

and whether you're seeing this live

or whether you're seeing it in replay.

I suspect a lot of you are gonna be seeing it in replay

because it's kind of early

and also whether you've seen the first three videos

in this Style Series.

Okay, so you should be seeing my screen right now.

As I told you,

there are two ways to create a new style

in Microsoft Word,

from scratch which is completely, totally new

or from an example

and doing it from an example

is really the easiest way to do this.

If you can find or create an example

and the formatting you want within your document,

then you can first ask yourself the question

do I wanna replicate character

or paragraph formatting or both?

Now, here's an example of paragraph formatting.

This is actually deposition text.

If you're quoting deposition text

within the context of a pleading or brief,

you probably want to indent it on both sides,

you want to do a hanging indent,

so you've got the Q and A

kind of hanging out here

and the other stuff indented,

so I've got this text formatted

the way that I want it.

I want to select one of these paragraphs,

and then right click,

and choose Styles.

Now, just a note for you

that are still using Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010,

this menu's gonna look a little bit different.

You'll probably see it in here

rather than up here by itself

but just note that the steps are gonna be the same,

that the menu may look a little bit different.

But I'm gonna click on Styles here

and do Create a Style.

Now, you're gonna get a very simple dialog box

where you can name it

and you could always click OK here

but I'm gonna insist

that you actually click that modify button

because there are some settings

that you are probably gonna want to tweak here.

Okay, first of all, I've named it.

If you don't want this style to affect

the font formatting in future documents,

if you don't necessarily want it

to pick up Calibri in a document

that you've got formatted as Times New Roman,

then you're gonna want to change this setting,

you're gonna wanna actually make this a paragraph style type

rather than a linked style type.

That way it's only picking up the paragraph settings,

the indentation, the hanging indent,

the line spacing, the space between etc.

That's all it's going to pick up.

You can always make some other changes

in the formatting in this dialog box,

somewhere in here if it's something fairly straightforward.

If you need to go to a different dialog box,

you can do it here in that Format.

Now, if you want this style

to be available in future documents,

be sure to click this radio button

next to New Documents Based on This Template.

If you want this style to show up

in the Styles Gallery, be sure to make sure

this box here next to Add to the Styles Gallery

is checked and that way it will show up here

in the Styles Gallery.

I generally discourage people

from checking this Automatically Update box

because what that does

is it updates the style

every time you apply

or anyone else applies direct formatting

to text that's styled with this particular style.

That can be devastating to the overall structure

of your document.

That can just introduce some chaos into it

that really unless you're very, very OCD

about the way that you set up your styles.

This to me just introduces too much chaos into the mix.

Also, I forgot to go back over this.

If you want to be able to when you style

a particular paragraph with Depo Text,

and you want to be able to hit enter

and continue in that same style,

you wanna be sure that that style

is listed here, style for following paragraph.

So, that way you could continue entering

in deposition text

and then when you're ready to switch back

to normal or whatever you're using

for your paragraph style, you can do that

instead of having to go back and style

every single paragraph.

If it's going to be a situation in which

you're going to be blocking and copying something

from like a text document

and dropping it into your pleading

and then styling it as Depo Text all in one go,

that may not be necessarily so important

but just be aware of that.

I'll click OK here.

And there's my Deposition Text style.

So, that's an example of how to create

a style from an example

that you already have in your text.

You can also create a style completely from scratch

if you know exactly what you want.

Now, for example, I'm gonna create

a character-based style called Citation.

So, I'm gonna go into Styles area,

this is on the Home tab,

go to the Styles area and click this More dropdown arrow

and go down here to create a style.

Again, I could name it here

but I probably want to tweak some of these settings in here.

Again, I'm gonna choose a style type,

this time I'm going to do character

because all I want to do is italicize the text

and click italics here.

Now, you're probably asking yourself

why would she go to the trouble of doing the style

if all you want to do is italicize?

I was experimenting yesterday

with the possibility of suppressing

spell check within a style.

Wasn't quite able to get it to work

but if I do get it to work,

I may post a video on doing that

but it is supposedly possible

to suppress spell check

within certain parts of your document

based on the style,

haven't gotten it to work yet,

so that was one reason

I wanted to create a character styled called Citation.

Again, if I want to add it to the Styles Gallery,

I'd make sure that that's checked.

If I want to do this in future documents

based on this,

then I make sure I check that radio button

and I can do some other formatting type things in here

if I want to.

By the way, that suppress spell check is here.

Like I said, couldn't get that to work yesterday

when I was doing my practice run.

So, I'm going to click OK

and there's my citation format,

so if I start typing something,

and then I can select that,

and then use Citation.

So, that's it.

That's how you create a new style in Microsoft Word.

So, we're coming in under 13 minutes this morning

but that was a quick and dirty

on how to actually create styles in word.

If you will in the comments below

tell me what sort of styles questions you have,

what kinds of things that maybe you've applied

from some of the earlier lessons in this series

and are maybe having some difficulties with

or some things that you're curious about

whether or not you can actually do

those things within Styles.

Let me know what you have questions about

in the comments

and we will wrap it up here.

Let me go over here and see if

there any questions at the moment and there aren't,


I'm going to wrap it up here.

It was good to see you guys this morning.

Hope this was useful.

If you do have any questions,

be sure to leave those in the comments below

and I'll dip in and see if I can answer those

but have a good Thursday

and I will check you guys next week.

For more infomation >> The Easiest Way to Add Your Own Style to Microsoft Word - Duration: 9:29.


Ai-chan Kizuna Fuck you!) - Duration: 0:10.

For more infomation >> Ai-chan Kizuna Fuck you!) - Duration: 0:10.


Would you like uninterrupted progress and resourcing this year? - Sam Robertson - Duration: 2:36.

I want to prophesy to you that in 2018 you are entering into a year where you will know

uninterrupted progress!

God started to speak to me out of Ezra 6 - out of the decree that King Darius made.

And he says in that portion of Scripture that the people's expenses are to be fully paid

so that the work will not stop.

And I believe that this year God is resourcing you so that you walk in a full, completed


And God is saying to some people who have had business dreams but they have felt disconnected

from seeing them become a reality, 'I am going to resource you with what you need'.

And with ministry dreams and church dreams and family dreams - God is saying, 'I am releasing

resources for uninterrupted progress'.

And the Lord wants to speak to some people's hearts this year and He says, 'Where in the

past you knew progress that gradually declined, or that came to an end suddenly', He says,

'That is not going to continue any more.

And God is releasing a force of His Spirit behind you this year to get you into your

right place; to push you into fulfilling your call.

For that reason I want to invite you to our Start 2018 Right! conference that is on the

9th and 10th of February at the Hilton Glasgow.

We have called it, 'Momentum!' because we believe in this move of uninterrupted progress

that God is releasing to you, to the church and to the nations.

The Hilton Glasgow is one of the most amazing buildings that you'll see when you come into the city.

It has a Ballroom that seats hundreds and we're looking to fill that for our conference.

We have Emma Stark, our Director, speaking; Apostle Jane Hamon from America - she's coming

over to bring a word for the nation.

Steven and Rene Springer - they're coming to bring a word for the nation as well.

So I invite you - 'Come and join us for "Momentum!" and receive what God has for you'.

I promise you that you are going to enter into one of the most triumphant, successful,

exciting years of your life!

For more infomation >> Would you like uninterrupted progress and resourcing this year? - Sam Robertson - Duration: 2:36.


[MMDxYS] When your girlfriend loves you ♥... but she's crazy - Duration: 0:33.

It makes me wish you be more little-

Like this

That way, I could take you with me all time!

I would feed you, I would take you to bed, I would change your clothes,

I would hide you from the others to protect you,

and I would put you in my purse so no one could take you away from me!

And then, I would put you in a roll and I would eat you.

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