Hey guys
I'm in my corner of the room again
tiny background
its still messy like last update
but this is the five month update
five months
half a month left
till i leave
and it just so serial rn
theirs been allot of ups and downs while being in this program
I'm not saying this was not enjoyable
I defiantly got to do things
it just feels so weird rn
i finally have the time after school to do this
it's not dark outside because it's been getting dark real fast because its winter
I'm just here rn talking to you guys
well only less then a month left and this is the five month update
lets get on with the update
out of it for a moment
so basically rn
I'm actually packing packing unlike before were I was kinda packing
i filmed so footage of my room
over there where I filmed my video last time
thats different
I only have a drawers worth of clothes rn
a week five days I 'm trying to get down to
took down alote of decorations behind me
these fair lights
turn them on rn
I'm gonna take those guys down
after this video probably
a full week of school next week
then I have a day for
my last day the week after just one day
then after that
I have like packing
theres the flight after that
just allot of packing
just allot of trying to fit everything in at the last moment
in some ways I'm glad I 'm leaving
things do get repetitive
I'm glad because you get to see some people you haven't seen in awhile
try the foods you love at home again
I'm sad i'm leaving because
I'm gonna be leaving people I know I wont see for much longer period of time
when you left the people at home you knew you were gonna see them again
you knew you were going to meet them again
It's just a short period of time going away
vs this is a long time of going away
when I leave these people i dont know if ill see them again
one of the sad things of leaving
I know this update seems kinda slow
so much is going on rn
Im like looking around my room just like
I need put that away
i need pack that
but rn its just allote of packing
i have to do speeches
foe different events like goodbye speeches
gotta meet people before I leave
ill just give to end this of a quick perspective
how i see the months
very similar to month four
first month your just kinda get settling in
second month
pretty much situated but still a few new things
you have problems some times
month three is kinda just a idle month
things kinda change kinda dont
month four felt like my most productive month
go so many places I was finally able to
by then you feel like you got the hang of things pretty well
month five is like
because once you get month six which isent a full month I 'd say
you cant leave everything of to month six because there is no time
month five almost feels like what month six should be
begging doesn't feel like it but mid month starts feeling like it
like last time I'm filling this now because if I film this later I know it's just not gonna happen
this jouney been pretty long
keep looking of to the window out side because its a clear day
very nice
i really enjoy you guys watching my videos
its good to share this experience with you guys
I'll do a month six update
it's probably gonna be really late probably when I'm in america
or right before i leave
i just wanna thank you guys for watching
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