Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Apr 1 2017

The scammer has just connected to my PC.

Downloading Remote Desktop Software....

Realizes it's a Chromebook...

Isn't quite sure what to do.

Trying to find Notepad...That doesn't end well.

Found "Viruses"

Trying to find the "source"

FINALLY gives up and I stop recording.

For more infomation >> Scammer connects to my "PC"! (Virtual Machine) - Duration: 3:05.


Ro School Killing Game (31) - Duration: 0:37.

Larbin: Woah There's Blood!


Now go back to the description controller and pick a place to investigate!

For more infomation >> Ro School Killing Game (31) - Duration: 0:37.


Mucocele Home Treatment ❤ Home Remedies for a Mucocele - Duration: 4:33.

Mucocele Home Treatment

? Home Remedies for a Mucocele

A mucocele, also known as an oral cyst, mucous cyst, or ranula is a clear bump that can develop

on the lips, floor or roof of the mouth, or tongue.

This type of oral cyst can occur when a salivary gland is injured or blocked.

It mostly results from some kind of trauma to the site, which can be due to injury from

a blow or blunt object or an accidental biting of the soft tissue inside the mouth, especially

due to adjacent teeth.

If the mucocele is small, it is usually painless.

However, larger cysts can cause some pain.

Oral cysts can even be painful to direct touch.

Shallow mucoceles may burst and release straw-colored fluid.

Deeper ones can last longer.

Poor dental hygiene as well as the habit of lip or cheek biting due to stress can put

you at higher risk for developing mucous cysts.

A mucous cyst can cause a lot of discomfort, as it may get in the way of chewing, speaking

and swallowing.

These cysts are usually rounded in shape, bluish or whitish in color and are characterized

a raised swelling.

Mucocele can often be confused with canker sores but keep in mind that mucoceles appear

as raised blisters whereas the latter appear as sores or ulcers.

Luckily, in most cases, mucous cysts dissolve on their own.

However, there are many simple home remedies that can reduce the discomfort and accelerate

the healing process.

Before trying any remedies, you should always have any mouth cyst checked out by a doctor

to rule out more serious conditions.

Here are the top 5 home remedies for mucoceles.



Honey is one of the best remedies to treat a mucocele.

The soothing and anti-inflammatory nature of honey can help relieve the pain and inflammation.

Its antibacterial properties help prevent infection and also accelerate the healing


Mix together 1 teaspoon of raw honey and � teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Apply the paste on the affected area and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.

Then, gargle with lukewarm water.

Repeat 2 or 3 times a day.

Also, apply honey on the affected area before going to sleep every night.

Simply applying manuka honey on the affected area a few times a day will also help in healing

a mucous cyst within a few weeks.



A mucocele can be effectively treated using salt.

Salt has many healing properties that help treat the problem.

It helps remove all the mucus from the mucocele fast and reduces pain and inflammation in

the area.

Thoroughly mix 1/2 tablespoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water.

Use the solution as a mouthwash.

Repeat 3 or 4 times a day.



Ice can numb the pain and irritation associated with large oral cysts.

This makes ice one of the most effective remedies to treat a mucocele.

Wrap a few ice cubes in a thin washcloth.

Gently place it on the affected area for 1 minute to get relief.

Repeat a few times a day.

Also, you can sip cold water from time to time to ease the discomfort.



Glycerin is another effective home remedy to treat a mucocele.

It has antiseptic and healing properties that help fight the microbes causing the infection.

It also keeps the affected area well-moistened, which is essential for quick healing.

For oral use, it is highly recommended to use vegetable glycerin.

Dab vegetable glycerin on the affected area.

Allow it to sit for as long as you can, then rinse your mouth with cool water.

Repeat 3 or 4 times a day.

Also, use a glycerin-based mouthwash to rinse your mouth several times daily.


Moist Tea Bag

Moist tea bags can be used to cure a mucocele.

Tea contains tannic acid, a kind of astringent that helps reduce pain and inflammation and

speeds up the healing process.

After steeping a cup of tea using a tea bag, chill the bag in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Gently press the chilled, wet tea bag over the affected area for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Do this 2 or 3 times a day until the oral cyst is gone.

For more infomation >> Mucocele Home Treatment ❤ Home Remedies for a Mucocele - Duration: 4:33.


Understand Funding Contract | Start Up Funding 2 | Hindi - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Understand Funding Contract | Start Up Funding 2 | Hindi - Duration: 4:16.


[ENG SUB] BTS - As I Told You at Special Stage MBC 2016 - Duration: 6:04.

[On the last day of 2016, they are preparing to make a cover of 'As I Told You'] Today is the 31st.

It's really the end of the year.

The first schedule for the end of the year.

Everyone...uh...I was really a fan.

We're going to do a cover of Kim Sung Jae sunbaenim's song, 'As I Told You'.

Do you get the vibe? Do you get the old school vibe?

We will show our best performance.

[They're doing their choreography while using the elevator as a mirror]

V: Oh, hyung! That doesn't work that well. JH: No, it's fine.

[Bangtan Members are monitoring after the pre-recording]

JH: It came out good! (x3)

Staff: It did come out really well!

RM: Oh, Jungkook! He did a lot of it!

Jungkook came out really well!

RM: It looks cool! The strength is just-

JH: Oh, Jimin you jumped too high.

JM: I missed the beat. JH: Yeah.

JH: Wow!

JH: The form is great! V: It came out really well.

RM: I bet other people will like this!

RM: Oh Jungkook! Jungkook is different!

RM: At this point, he's just special.

V: What is this? It's not coming out. Is that it?

JH: We have to watch the ending.

-At first it went away and you appeared again.

-Namjoon... JH: Good job, we worked hard!

[Watching the performance video again] JH: It's cool when we first enter!

[Watching the performance video again] JH: Bah! When we do that.

JH: Bah! When we do that.

V: It didn't come up on camera, but I did really energetic head bangs.

JH: Good job. Good job.

JK: Where is the monitor?

V: Jungkook-ah, it came out really well.

JH: You did really well. You did a hard carry. Good job. V: You did a hard carry.

JH: Oh, Jin hyung!

JH: Do you have do that next to Jin hyung?

V: Jin hyung did great.

JH: Look at this. This was great. Look.

V: That was great! JH: That was great.

V: He went down like it was nothing.

V: Jimin-ie did really well.

RM: It looked nice!

V: I saw Jimin's.

JK: Look at that smile...

JH: Jimin is fascinated by the audience.

V: You were born with these skills!

V: You did a good job! J: Wow, JK!

V: It's this part. What is this?

JH: It's finished!

JH: Now, we'll have to do a good job on 'Rainism'.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] BTS - As I Told You at Special Stage MBC 2016 - Duration: 6:04.


Family Finger (Daddy Finger), Sesame Street w Big Bird, Snuffleupagus, Elmo, Oscar for Easter! - Duration: 10:34.

[intro music]

>> Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

[closing music]

For more infomation >> Family Finger (Daddy Finger), Sesame Street w Big Bird, Snuffleupagus, Elmo, Oscar for Easter! - Duration: 10:34.


Anal Fissure ❤ Home Remedies for Anal Fissures - Duration: 4:31.

Anal Fissure

? Home Remedies for Anal Fissures

A tear or open sore in the skin around the anus may cause burning and sharp pain when

you have a bowel movement.

This is called an anal or rectal fissure.

People suffering from constipation are at a higher risk of suffering from this problem

because hard or large stools can tear the lining of the anus.

However, there are other possible causes like persistent diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease

(IBD), Crohn�s disease, ulcerative colitis, straining during childbirth, tight anal sphincter

muscles, and, in rare cases, a sexually transmitted infection, such as syphilis or herpes.

The most common symptoms include itching followed by a sharp pain (brief or long-lasting) or

bleeding when you pass stools.

Most people observe bright red blood either in their stool or on the toilet paper.

These uncomfortable sensations can be scary, but there are a few home remedies you can

use to help reduce pain and heal your fissures within a few days to a week.

If they do not heal within a couple of weeks, seek medical attention.

Here are the top 5 home remedies for anal fissures.


Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich in healthy fats that will lubricate your bowel system, allowing the

stool to pass easily.

In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce pain caused by anal fissures.

A 2006 study published in the Scientific World Journal showed that patients with anal fissures

noticed reduction in pain, bleeding and itching after using a mixture of olive oil, honey

and beeswax.

Mix equal amounts of olive oil, honey and beeswax in a bowl.

Warm it in a microwave until the beeswax melts completely.

Allow it to cool, then apply it on the affected area.

Repeat a few times daily.


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has natural healing powers and pain-relieving properties that can ease symptoms of anal

fissures and help repair damaged skin tissue.

A 2014 study published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences found

that a topical cream containing aloe vera juice was an effective treatment for chronic

anal fissures.

Cut off one leaf of an aloe vera plant.

Slice it lengthwise and use a spoon to scrape out the gel.

Apply some of this gel on the affected area.

Do this a few times a day.


Hot Sitz Bath

To alleviate the discomforts and promote healing, try a hot sitz bath.

It will help increase blood flow to the anal area, which aids healing of minor tears or

splits in the tissue.

It also helps reduce pain, swelling and itching.

Fill a large bathtub with warm water.

Add a few drops of lavender essential oil and stir well.

Sit still in the bathtub up to your waist for 15 to 20 minutes.

Take this sitz bath 2 to 3 times a day.

Note: You can also take a hot sitz bath or simpy apply a warm compress after bowel movements.



Comfrey is a popular herb that can promote healing and relieve pain when suffering from

anal fissures.

Both the root and leaves have medicinal properties that help regenerate skin tissues and promote

rapid cell growth.

This accelerates the healing process.

Add 1 tablespoon of dried comfrey to 1 cup of hot water.

Cover and steep for 10 to 15 minutes.

Strain and allow it to cool.

Use the solution to clean the affected area 2 or 3 times a day.

Also, use warm comfrey tea as a compress for the affected area.

Another option is to apply an over-the-counter comfrey ointment on the affected area 2 or

3 times a day.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another helpful home remedy for anal fissures.

Being rich in medium-chain triglycerides, this oil easily penetrates into the skin,

keeps the affected area lubricated and starts the healing process.

Apply coconut oil to the anal sphincter 2 or 3 times a day.

In cases of chronic anal fissures, apply coconut oil several times a day.

If you suffer from constipation or any kind of digestive problems, try adding coconut

oil to your diet.

For more infomation >> Anal Fissure ❤ Home Remedies for Anal Fissures - Duration: 4:31.


Lashyn (лашын) Тандаганым (тандаганым) K-DF REACTION Q-POP EN ESPAÑOL (Special) - Duration: 6:09.

Hello, Hello boys and girls .. hope you are well.

Today we see with another request more and more.

that I I have.

As you have seen, I have been uploading videos, from so many backward videos, I have been uploading. in this days.

Or when I have recorded it, then upload the video.

Since it is to advance with so many requests that I have delayed.

And I hope they continue to support me, although they will make many videos every day or they will be in a continued, But let's move forward with the videos.

And I hope you like them and continue to support me

Then let's go to the video. To have such is.

let's go

Then this is another video or group from kazakhstan

And I'm sorry if I do not know the name or what it's called. And I do not know how many are in this group.

but equal. have to look at


that look

Cute that look

very cute

As they are on an island.

Is wearing a dress

They are like sirens.

Good .. if you liked and as always I tell you .. if you liked it subscribe to my channel to reach you videos to email

but when you subscribe .. das clip settings Or a little bell .. and there to side .. and you get a window .. where you agree there and place save

And ready .. ay you begin to get videos when I upload a video.

Equal down here .. I also leave them the web page of the group where I ascend the videos .. where this all separated by sections.

Where this doramas, k-df reaction kpop, k-df reaction Q-pop, dance cover and other things. to visit us and follow us. as it is another search option.

And therefore also .. I leave here down my social networks facebook and twitter .. .. although I am more on facebook.

Equal any question I can say .. or I can add or I can also follow. ask, requests, suggestions, can tell by the facebook and answer them gladly.

And thus also any comment .. good or bad .. is welcome .. will answer with pleasure.

Also share my videos As well as if you like I like or do not like

Shares for many more people to know about us or know me around the world.

So that if many know these artists that you request. Then. grow the channel more and more.

And well .. without much preamble .. we are in the following video .. Take care all .. and goodbye

For more infomation >> Lashyn (лашын) Тандаганым (тандаганым) K-DF REACTION Q-POP EN ESPAÑOL (Special) - Duration: 6:09.


Retro Remembrance Mortal Kombat - Duration: 5:37.

Hey Yo, Spaghetto here welcome to my

first episode of retro remembrance and

today I'm doing mortal kombat because

why nots one of the most popular

fighting games all history I actually

have never played the first one but lets

you scorpion and get into this and I'm

gonna get kicked buse and brutalized and

death never makes any sense like he's a

Hollywood actor why is he fighting

somebody from hell it's just it makes no

sense yeah i'm getting my mud with oh

geez come on we can do this we can beat

this Hollywood actor we can cage Luke

Cage oh wait no wait Nicolas Cage oh

wait no it's johnny cakes or on the

wrong pages yeah we won yeah on to the

next round we're not going to lose ok

it's gonna be ok we're gonna win it's

gonna be okay it's ok all right yes oh

gosh oh gosh oh goodness gravy pot I'll

we're losing oh wait wait we can only

connect if yeah we got two right in the

mix right in the toboggan right in the

noggin yes right about there up up down

side be left right upper tick I don't

know get away finish him I don't know

the fatality so this this you're dead I

like how he's sitting with his head up

he's just like you just beat me up there

to you you didn't kill me and say fatal

eyes my body who are off to Kano oh gosh

I'm gonna get killed k nose like a

cyborg right I don't know yeah yeah yeah

yeah yeah oh gosh don't throw me okay

well don't throw me away everybody does

that oh no don't do that you're not

Blanca love it nope ya ya que no one

gosh dang it uh armor and I v kino again

this time we're just gonna win is just

gonna die like turn down

oh goodness yeah go away oh gosh oh no

no no yeah oh man he's got a perfect on

me yeah no no no no yeah right in the

toboggan oh no you doing a fatality know

all that build-up and did absolutely

nothing I might try again I'm gonna be

somebody different on this blue guy

whatever drama sub-zero all right come

on Sub Zero we're gonna beat Kato around

one fight okay we can do this yes yes no

no oh my gosh stop doing that this so oh

okay yes right right the jack are you

win this all right right in the head yes

got sit right down there stay down oh

gosh no no yes yes we want what okay off

to the next pal round 2 fight okay we

can do this huh yeah okay yes right in

the head ya know okay okay yeah yeah

yeah yeah alright job right over no no

no don't don't kill me ya going yes yeah

yes yeah yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yes

Ryan is like fuck finish him it falls

right over okay perfect round three oh

gosh raiden he's like a lightning for

God or whatever it's okay so I'm gonna

beat you I'm gonna beat you Thor okay oh

gosh no don't kill me Laura okay don't

know gosh no yes we got right in the

face again I was a teleporting call what

are you doing man stuff flying a

shooting lightning boogers to stop it

not cool dude oh gosh I'm a dying yeah

Raiden 1 i'm pretty sure i deducted that

shao kahn

right okay hey oh no no don't kill me

yeah a little okay wait stop oh yes

right in the space not gonna do that I

flying nonsense you want I am the one I

okay we're gonna win this I'm gonna lose

quicker wisdom oh gosh oh yeah

interesting facts about Raiden he does

the worst attacks we need a cheap son of

a gun oh gosh no yep you do some

fatality no nothing cool dang it all

right well I'm going to call that here

since I'm really bad at mobile combat

thank you guys so much for watching make

sure to LIKE and subscribe and as always

I'll see you in the next one

For more infomation >> Retro Remembrance Mortal Kombat - Duration: 5:37.


M. Asam VINOLIFT Neck Dcollet Cream Duo - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> M. Asam VINOLIFT Neck Dcollet Cream Duo - Duration: 6:38.


march | coffee date - Duration: 5:35.

*kettle noises*

*kettle boiling*

*pouring sounds*


I'm on a swivel chair if you can't tell.

so grab yourself a warm drink, sit down, get comfy *sighs* so, how've you been?

I've been ok, what happened this month?

The first thing I wanna talk about is my tattoo! if you haven't seen that video you can go

and watch it.

This is actually the first time i've been able to show you um the tattoo when it's healed

because when I shot the video it was like the day of, so it was all wrapped up but yeah

this is- i might stand up, hold on.

yeah so it's um it's all healed over so well! we can just be together now, we can just enjoy

each others company.

so the healing process, this one I feel like it healed quicker than my leg one did just

because, um when I got the one on my leg, it was getting colder so I was wearing jeans

so I kept on wrapping it back up in glad wrap as to avoid it rubbing on like the jeans so

it made the recovery process longer, this one though I just let it breathe.

I've been using this on it, um ink nurse, and it's great stuff, it's vegan, you can

even use it on exisiting tattoos to make them more vibrant.

I'm still over the moon happy with it I absolutely adore it, um the colours are beautiful, she

did an amazing job.


quick hair fix and then we'll move on to the next topic.

I am back at uni thank god *laughs* I'm loving all my subjects, it's fine, it's great, it's

super, um and I'm even working on two um TV, like university TV shows outside of class,

so I have one that shoots tonight, then I have one that'll start shooting in a couple of weeks.

The one tonight the roles all sort of switch around so last week I was assistant director,

this week i'll be director, next week I might be a camera operator, it's just sort of fluid

and yeah.

The one that is gonna start shooting um I got the role of like, director.

I'm directing it.

It's like a comedy web series, that my friend um he came up with the idea for it, and he

pitched it and so he's gonna be the host of it.

I'm like terrified but i'm so excited, i'm so happy that I got that role.

It's really cool to be working on something that isn't class work, like this is exactly

what I wanted to be doing you know, a year or so ago- working on actual productions,

like I know its just like university funded and looked after and all that sort of stuff,

but it's still, it's still something, so.

what else?

um, I went to a Spiderbait concert, my roommate had an extra ticket and was like 'hey do you

wanna go?' and i was like 'ok' and it was actually alot of fun, it was a very different

demographic to any concert i've been to, obviously because it's sort of like, they've been around

for ages so, but it's just, it's funny to see like people in their like 30s and 40s

go crazy at a concert.

Also one thing, I want to start live streaming soon, soon: that's a very flexible term, not

sure exactly when because I don't have wifi here, but I mean I have wifi at my parent's

house, at university so i'll work that out soon, but that's just a heads up I guess.

I'll have to work out sort of a nice time that works for people, people who watch my

stuff you're like all over the place it's so cool.

So I definitely wanna start doing that soon just because I love talking to you guys.

Is that all?

Is that all?

I feel like that's it!

It really has mainly just been university, going back and back into the swing of that,

because I have three days a week in, um and then I have two nights of shooting now.

Nothing too groundbreaking but um, yeah but i'm enjoying it anyway, doesn''t have to be

groundbreaking, i'm you know, i'm quite happy with how things are going.

ok, so thankyou all very very very much for watching, and thankyou all so much for commenting,

I - that's probably one of my favourite things about this platform, is talking to people,

um but just know that um I appreciate it all so so much.

we'll have to catch up at the end of april for another coffee, i'll let you know how

i've been going, but until then, I hope you have a great month and i'll see you in the

next video.

I'm like almost finished hang on,

now i'm done, ok.

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