Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 31 2017

Hi there, Vladimir here, with another video on how to learn English

How to become fluent in a foreign language, in English in our case

How to become a fluent speaker of English?

Fluent is such a hot word nowadays, everybody on the Internet is promising to make you fluent

here is my 2 cents/opinion

First we need to define the word fluent.

I use the definition given by Cambridge Dictionary

when a person is fluent, they can speak a language easily, well, quickly and without many pauses

The first thing you need to do is ask yourself Are you a fluent speaker of your native language?

do you speak your mother tongue easily, well, quickly and without many pauses?

it is not possible to be fluent in a foreign language/English, and not be fluent in

your native language first.

Don't blame the foreign language alone for your lack of fluency

your second language fluency is likely to mirror your first language fluency

this was the first condition for fluency

to be fluent in English you have to be fluent in your native language first

Second condition for fluency is to read a lot, yes you heard me right, read a lot

lots of reading and listening practice, it's what we call input, but mainly reading.

Many people blame their poor language fluency on their lack of speaking practice.

let me let you in on a secret: speaking is overrated

the reason why you don't speak English fluently is because you don't read enough

read and listen

Just consider how long it takes a child to start speaking somewhat fluently

at least 6-7 years of intensive listening

reading can shorten that time, it's the 1 huge advantage adults have over children

we can start reading English texts from day 1

The third condition for speaking fluency is to use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries,

read a lot and use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries every time you come across a new word

As I said, everybody is making videos about how to become fluent

the most popular fluency video by far is titled Get fluent with 1 trick - become a confident

English speaker with this simple trick by one Drew Badger and the simple trick is

to learn English like native speakers

learn English like a native speaker, what the hell does this mean?

how can a 30-year old learn English like a native speaker, wait to be reborn in an

English speaking country with English speaking parents, go to English only school

the most popular English learning video on YouTube

help me understand, I am simultaneously discouraged and encouraged by this video

ask yourself this simple question:

what does a native English speaker like Drew know about how to become fluent in English ?

It's like Shaquille O'Neal teaching you how to dunk

I would much rather Allen Iverson taught me how to dunk

Allen:183cm, 75 kg Shaq: 216cm, 155 kg

I bet Drew's Japanese isn't as fluent, he should make a video to demonstrate how his

1 simple trick helped him learn a foreign language Japanese in his case

you won't see that video

learn English like native speakers, native speakers never use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries

so many fluency videos on the Internet and nobody talks about Monolingual Dictionaries

why? because native speakers don't have to use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries

the last condition for speaking fluency is of course speaking

but make no mistake

in order to make a single sentence in English you have to have read at least 10 pages in English

That's my 2 cents/opinion, for what is worth, after all all I've done is become fluent in English,

here I am speaking English fluently and confidently

as I said, I am both discouraged and encouraged by videos like the 1 simple trick video

discouraged because I truly, honestly don't understand why the 11 million views

and encouraged because there is room for some real, helpful stuff on the internet

like my book Virtually Native

Everything you need to know about how to become a fluent speaker of English is in that book

Virtually Native is available at Amazon and

For more infomation >> How to Get Fluent in English with 3 (not so) Simple Tricks - Duration: 6:22.


Why You Need Audacity - Duration: 28:30.

TERRI: Have you ever heard someone say, "The audacity!"?

What are they saying? The nerve, the courage, the boldness, the

fearlessness, the grit. Well, I want to teach you today how audacity is exactly what you need to live your dreams.


TERRI: Hey, I'm Terri Savelle Foy and you're watching Live

Your Dreams. I pray that as you invest in yourself today, you're

captivated and you're catapulted to live your dreams. You know, I

heard somebody once say that, "Success is like knowing the

combination to a lock." They said, "It doesn't matter if

you're male or female, if you're 16 or 65, if you're from France

or the USA. If you know the combination, the lock has to

open." Well, the problem is, most of us are going through

life without the combination. Well, I like to discover the

combinations by studying successful people, see what I apply in my life that gets results, find it in the Word of

God, and then make it really practical. You know, J. Paul

Getty said, "There's only three keys to success." Now, you might

want to write this down. He said, "Number one, get up early.

Number two, work hard. And number three, find oil." Well,

thank the Lord there's some other keys to success, because

most of us are not going to find some oil. But you know, the

truth is, you can hear a broadcast called Live Your

Dreams and think, "Are you kidding me? I don't even have

any dreams." Or, "I've made too many mistakes, you have no idea

what I've been through. You have no idea how old I am. I've

missed my golden years. I've missed so many opportunities."

But you know, I'm glad that we're bringing this up, because

I want to share with you a few people who achieved amazing

dreams later on in life, even like Joyce Meyer. Did you know

she was 42 years old when she launched her worldwide ministry

in Vinton, Missouri. 42 years old, and she was just launching

the ministry. At 45, Henry Ford introduced the automobile the

Model T. At 52, Ray Kroc started a fast food chain called

MacDonald's, at 52 years old. At 64, Betty Ford opened her first

clinic to treat substance abuse, so at 64 years old she was

saying, "I've still got a dream. There's still something I've got

to accomplish." At 71, Coco Chanel debuted the Chanel suit,

at 71 years old. At 73, Ronald Reagan was reelected as

President of the United States, at 73. And you think you're too

old to achieve your dreams, and he was running our country at 73

years old. At 76, Henry Fonda won his first Oscar. It's never

too late to achieve your dreams. You know, that's why I always

say, "Don't look at all the years you've lost, look at the

years you've got left and start living your dreams." Now, I want

to just share with you real quick why I'm so passionate

about you living your dreams, like why would I even call the

broadcast Live Your Dreams? Well, it wasn't just something I

came up with that I thought was really cute, you know, "Let's

talk about dreams." No, it was an experience that I had with

the Lord that was so real to me it changed my life, changed my

whole destiny, and it actually happened on July 9th of 2003.

Now, I was coming out of one of the worst times I'd ever been

through in my life. I was starting to get restoration in

my life, I was starting to get vision again and get some hope,

but I was still filled with a lot of shame, a lot of guilt, I

was still asking God to forgive me for the same sin over and

over and over. And on July 9th 2003 I was out walking in my

neighborhood, five o'clock in the morning, it's pitch dark

outside, and I love to walk, you know, just for exercise. Well, I

was out there walking and I just cried out to the Lord again,

"Lord, I ask you to forgive me for all the dumb things I've

done." Well, all of a sudden I had this vision, and I have

never had anything like this or since then. But all of a sudden

I saw myself just standing at the foot of the cross, and when

I looked up I saw the feet of Jesus. When I looked at his

feet, the blood from his feet dropped and it landed on the top

of my head. This was just a vision. And I clearly heard the

Lord say, "I'm washing the memories away." It was amazing!

All of a sudden I saw the blood go down my heart and I heard the

Lord say, "I'm the healer of the brokenhearted." Then that blood

went down to my feet and I heard the Lord say this, "The residue

of sin is gone from you." In other words, you know, I could

sing about the blood of Jesus my whole life, which I pretty much

have, but I knew the Lord knew that I had to see for myself how

powerful the blood of Jesus really is. Do you know that God

can give you a supernatural amnesia of the past? He can wash

the memories away. Where you stop reliving it, rehearsing it,

reminding other people what you've done. He can truly wash

those memories away and he can heal every broken place in your

heart. Well, I saw that, but that wasn't all that happened.

All of a sudden I just saw this big hand just reach down from

heaven and it was like the Lord handed me a clipboard, and it

was a cute one, and I heard the Lord say to me, "This is an

assignment on your life." Then he went on to say, "I have an

assignment for your life." Well, then it was like, you know the

old fashioned keys? I saw him hand me some old fashioned

looking keys and he said to me, "These are the keys to the

kingdom of heaven, to help you fulfill your assignment." He

said, "Everything you need to fulfill your assignment can be

found with these keys." I don't know about you, but that changed

my life. It was such a powerful moment, for me to understand

that God truly has a plan for my life. Well, since that day, my

outlook on life has drastically changed. I see you, I see every

person as having a clipboard with your name on it. There's

something God's expecting you to do during your time here on

earth and then it's over. In fact, after that encounter, I

went to a meeting where I heard John Bevere make this statement,

and he said this, he said, "When judgment day comes, and it's

going to come, when every single one of us stand before God and

give an account for our lives." He said, "But when that day

comes and you're standing before God," he said, "he's not going

to hold you accountable for what you did on earth." I was like,

wait I'm so confused, I thought he was. He said, "No, he's going

to hold you accountable for what you were called to do on earth.

And that could be two different things, what you did and what

you were called to do." Well, that really woke me up to

realize, "Man, God really does have an assignment for our

lives. There's something he's really counting on us

accomplishing during our time here on earth." Well, my

favorite Scripture now is John 17:4 from The Message Bible and

this is what it says, "I glorified you on earth by

completing down to the last detail what you assigned me to

do." So, I believe that can become your favorite Scripture,

"Lord, I am determined to fulfill my assignment down to

the last detail." So I want to share with you some of the keys,

just a few of the keys that the Lord has taught me, that will

help you develop that audacity to go after your dreams. Well,

what did Henry Ford, Coco Chanel, Joyce Meyer, Ronald

Reagan, and even me to a degree, have in common? Well, I would

say in one word, audacity, the audacity to believe in our

dreams. You know, you hear that word sometimes in a negative

way, people will say, "The audacity!" Well, you know

audacity actually means nerve, courage, boldness, fearlessness,

grit; it's the willingness to take risk. Well, what do you

have the audacity to dream? Do you have the audacity to believe

that God can heal your body, that he can restore your broken

marriage, or he can deliver your kids from whatever they're going

through right now? Do you have the audacity to believe that you

can still have a baby after three miscarriages? See, God

wants you to have that kind of faith, that people even say,

"You have the audacity to think that can happen?" You say, "Yes,

that's exactly what I have, audacity!" Get the audacity to

be debt free, to live in a nicer house, to see your books in

bookstores. I want you to have that kind of audacity, where it

looks impossible to other people, but you say, "I don't

know how God's going to do it, but I have the audacity to

believe, and thank you for noticing. Well, you know, Jesse

Duplantis, he shared a message years ago, and I don't know the

title of it, but he was talking about a choke hold, how

everybody has a certain choke hold with their faith. I thought

about a dog leash, you know those kind of leashes that let

the dog go so far and then you push the button and it jerks

them back. Well, he said, certain people, everybody pretty

much, has that with their faith. Where you can believe for

certain things, like maybe you could believe to have a $50,000

salary one day, you could wrap your faith around that, and then

someone comes along and says, "Have the audacity to believe

that one day you could make $100,000." And you're like, you

choke, you know, it just puts a little hold on you. You're like,

"I can't believe that big." Well, same with houses. You

know, you could believe to live in a certain neighborhood, but

not that one, not the one that's gated and on the lake or on the

golf course, that's a choke hold. Well, do you know the only

limitations that we have are the ones we put on ourselves? Well,

there were certain areas that I had to change to build my

audacity to do what I'm doing today, and you will too. One of

them is, the audacity to believe in yourself. Do you know that

you have to become your own best cheerleader when it

comes to your dreams, your goals, your faith projects.

You're not going to have other people coming along, cheering

you on, motivating you for the most part. If anything, people

will discourage you, tell you your dreams are crazy, they're

pipe dreams. We have to do like David did. The Bible says David

encouraged himself in the Lord his God. We have shared this

story many times but I love it. I have to share it again. It's

about a guy named Monty Roberts, who grew up very poor. He grew

up on the back of a truck, in fact. His dad was a horse

trainer. He said they would go from town to town, training

horses. He said, "I was barely in the same school district from

one year to the next." He said he's sitting in class one day,

he's just a little boy, and the teacher said, "I want you to

write a paper on what you want to be when you grow up." He

said, "I really thought about it. I put some time into this

paper." He said, "When I grow up, I want to raise thoroughbred

race horses." He said he drew a race track, he drew these little

bunk house and tack rooms. He said, "I'm going to live in a

big house. I'm going to have hundreds of acres of land." He

was so proud of his paper, he turned it in, the teacher graded

it. The next day, she's passing out the papers and this is what

his said. "F, see me after class." He was devastated. He

asked the teacher he said, "Why did I fail the

paper?" She said, "Monty, this is an unrealistic dream for a

kid like you." She said, "You live on the back of a truck."

She said, "You said you're going to own a bunch of land in the

valley. Do you even know what land cost in the valley?" She

said, "Listen. It's my job as a teacher to not let you grow up

and be disappointed." She said, "In fact, I want you to re-write

your paper, turn it in, and I'll give you a better grade." He was

devastated. He said he went home, he shared that with his

dad and he just said, "Dad, what do I do?" His dad said, "Monty,

I can't tell you what to do but whatever you decide, it's going

to affect the rest of your life." Those were some wise

words weren't they? He said he thought about it, he went back

to school the next day, he turned in that very paper and he

told the teacher, "You keep the F, I'm keeping my dream." I love

that, don't you? Do you know today, Monty Roberts has that

very paper framed in his, I don't know, 6,000 square foot

home on 200 acres where he raises thoroughbred race horses

and in one year alone, his income was $6 million. "You keep

the F, I'm keeping my dream." I heard someone say, "The worst

day in heaven would be when God gives you a glimpse of all that

you could have had, all that you could have done and all that you

could have been but for some reason, you didn't

believe in yourself." I'm going to teach you some

more keys, one step in particular that I know will

drastically change your life when we come back. (Music)

ANNOUNCER: Everything God has for you is

available but it's not automatic. Obstacles,

challenges, and resistance will try to stop you from achieving

your dreams and receiving your breakthrough. In the exciting

teaching series, "Audacity", Terri shares from personal

experience, seven key areas to conquer fear and build the

audacious faith you need to reach your dreams and fulfill

your destiny. We'll also send you Terri's eye-opening message,

"You Get What You Ask For." Don't miss out on all God has

for you when you can put the powerful Biblical principle of

asking into action in your life. Plus, for a limited time, we'll

also include Terri's Top 10 Book list that will help you move

from where you are to where you want to be. Call or go online

now to request your copy of "Audacity" along with "You Get

What You Ask For" and Terri's Top 10 Book list. Call

toll-free, 800-795-5597 or visit us online at

TERRI: Hey thank you for joining with me. You know, we're talking

about having audacity, which means the nerve, the courage,

the boldness, the fearlessness to go after whatever it is God's

put in your heart. I want you to build up that type of nerve

where people say to you, "You have the audacity to think that

could happen?", and you say, "Yes, that's exactly what I

have." In fact, years ago when my dad Jerry Savelle, 1969 when

he finally surrendered his heart to the Lord. He said he was

broke, he was in debt up to his eyeballs, his marriage was

falling apart, his business was in debt, he said he felt like

the biggest failure. That was the night he finally cried out

to the Lord, surrendered his heart to Jesus, and he just

said, "Lord, I'm a failure. I'm a nobody. What would you even

want with someone like me?" I'll never forget what the Lord said

back to him. He said, "Don't worry about it, son. I'm a

master in making champions out of nobodies." Don't you love

that? God is the master in making champions out of

nobodies. He's the one that wants you to develop that

audacity like my dad did to believe that God could use a

paint and body man to impact the world. How does it start? Well,

I mentioned earlier, number one, you have to have the audacity to

believe in yourself. You have to believe in yourself. There are

strategic steps that you can take to start believing in

yourself. I know what I had to do because I was the poster

child for insecurity. There are certain things that I've had to

do to start building my confidence, building my

audacity. Number two is having the audacity to grow yourself,

to invest in yourself. How do you start doing this stuff?

It's all affected by what you're consistently filling your mind

with. In fact, do you think about Proverbs 23:7, it actually

says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Or you could

say it this way, "As a man thinks in his heart, so does he

become." In other words, what you think about, you bring

about. If these scriptures are true, and they are, then you can

have, be or do anything you can wrap your mind around. What do

you want to do? How much debt do you want to pay off? How far do

you want to go in business? How many books do you want to sell?

How much money do you want to save? What can you wrap your

mind around? How do you grow yourself? How do you start

making an investment in your thinking so that you enlarge

your ability to believe for more? In fact, I heard this

story about a guy who's riding a horse really fast and it appears

he's going somewhere really important. A guys on the side of

the street yells, "Where are you going?" The rider says, "I don't

know, ask the horse." That's the way most people live their

lives. Like Darren Hardy says, they're riding the horse of

their habits having no idea where they're going. I'll tell

you what's leading you. It's your daily habits. Your daily

habits are leading you closer to or further from the dreams that

God's put in your heart. In fact, Darren Hardy, he was the

publisher for Success magazine, he said, "I have interviewed the

most successful people in the world." He said, "They all seem

to have one common trait that they share, good habits." I'm

telling you this because I had to start making myself, learn

some new simple habits in order to change my life. Jack

Canfield, he's the author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul". He

said, "I've studied peak performers for 25 years. People

in finance, sports, business, government, things like that,

and he said they all have certain disciplines of success,

certain routine that they practice and every one of them

can be learned." When I begin to hear stuff like that and he

says, "Every one of them can be learned." I thought, "Well, I

need to learn because I got to make some big changes in my

life." Number one, it's really simple. He said they listen to

motivational teaching consistently. I think the

keyword there is "consistently". The Bible even says that faith

comes by hearing. Every time you hear the Word, faith comes. How

do you develop the faith to go after audacious dreams? Listen,

just push play and faith comes. In fact, I read where the most

successful people in the world, they actually use their drive

time to learn, to grow, to invest in themselves. Do you

know that that they actually call it Automobile University.

I'm going to Automobile University, you can go to

college in your car. These are some of the habits of the most

successful people in the world, is they don't just waste that

valuable time driving, they push play. They listen to

motivational faith building teaching that's going to cause

them to grow, to enlarge their thinking. When I begin to learn

this kind of stuff that every successful

person does his, I thought, "Well, if they

do it, I can do this. I got to drive anyway. I

might as well learn something." Instead of dancing all the way

to office, I might as well push play and listen to a faith

building teaching. Well, I started that little habit in

2002. It really wasn't that hard. All it took was my finger

going push play. But here is the key, that was in 2002, and I

haven't' stopped. This morning, I was listening to Joyce Meyer

on my commute to the office. Faith comes by hearing. You know

the thing is, as you start hearing, motivational faith

building messages on a consistent basis, your thinking

begins to grow. You begin to just say, "I'm going to stop

just believing to put gas in my car. I'm going to believe to pay

the car off in Jesus' name." That's just from that simple

habit of investing in yourself every day. We can do this, can't

we? Number one, start the habit of listening to faith building

teaching. Number two is to read great books. I just happen to

have one of my books. But for years, I had no idea that the

most successful people in the world read consistently.

However, those who struggle financially and settle for less

than they deserve, never pickup another book after

high school. Isn't that crazy? Now the

sad thing is I was in that category for 11 years of my

life. For 11 years after I graduated from college, I did

not pick up another book. Consequently I was just existing

year after year with no growth, no change, no dreams, watching

everybody else move on with their lives, pursue their

dreams. Well, these are simple habits that we can start. In

fact you may have heard of W. Clement Stone. He was, you know

I think he was worth $800 million. Well he began to mentor

the young Jack Canfield. Jack was struggling in every area of

his life. He grew up in an abusive home and this wealthy

mentor just kind of began to take him under his wing and

teach him some things. He asked him, he said, "Jack, I have a

question for you. Do you watch television? Jack said yes. He

said, "How many hours a day do you think you watch?" He said,

"Well, I mean I watch Good Morning America. I watch the

news. I watch the Tonight Show. Probably about three hours."

Stone said, "Cut out one hour a day." Jack Canfield said, "Okay

but why?" He said, "If you cut out one hour a day and you

multiply that times 365 days in a year, that gives you 365 hours

to make an investment in yourself. Now divide 365 hours

by a 40 hour work week. That gives you nine and half weeks of

productive time. Just one hour a day." Then he said this, "I want

that time." He said, "Well what do you want me to do?" He said,

"I want you to read. Read books that are going to build your

faith. Read stories. Read marketing. Read management." He

said, "If you do this, you will not only become more valuable to

me, but to yourself." Well like I said, Jack Canfield went on to

write a little book called "Chicken Soup for the Soul."

You know, I've read so many different statistics about

people who watch TV and how many hours a day we spend watching

TV. Do you know the average American watches six hours of

television everyday. That's on the average side, so some people

are watching. Some are less, but six hours of TV everyday. Well

by the time you're 60 years old, that's 15 years of your life

glued to the television or watching other people live their

dreams. Don't turn the TV off yet though. I want to show you

how a simple dose everyday of just listening to the Word on

your way to work, on your way home, while you're doing the

laundry, while you're cleaning the kitchen. Just start that

habit. That's how I started. After 11 years of doing nothing,

I said I'm going to make myself do this. Then I started making

myself read for 20 minutes a day. I read where the most

successful people in the world read 30 minutes everyday. I

couldn't even start with 30. I had to start with 20. Well, I've

never done this before. In fact in this week's offer, we put

together a special offer for you. Sometimes people have asked

me, you know what are the books that you recommend? Where do I

start? Well I didn't have anybody come to my house and lay

out a plan for me on how to start and how to develop good

habits, but I listed the top 10 books in our special offer this

week that I find the most helpful, that have helped me to

develop discipline, to develop good habits, a routine, time

management, saving money. Rodney and I were spending everything

we had. Everything that came in, it went out the door. I had to

learn these things, so I've listed my top 10 books that I

recommend and you might say, "But Terri this is overwhelming.

Where do I even start?" You start with one. You just start

with one. You just start with one simple habit. You start with

one book. You start with one audio and you go from there. In

fact let me just ask you, have you ever been bit by an

elephant? I hope you haven't because it messes up my

illustration. Well, what about a mosquito? Have you ever been bit

by a mosquito? My point is, it's the little things that bite you.

It's the little excuses that we make where we say, "You know

what? This isn't going to change my life. It's just one day. It's

one cd. It's one book." But I'm telling you it matters. In fact

do you know there's a scripture that says, "Your Father who sees

what you do in private, in secret will reward you in the

open." God is watching every investment you make in yourself.

It's never wasted time. You've heard that statement, you don't

have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.

So in this special offer, we've got my teaching on audacity. Now

in this teaching, I talk about seven vital keys that I had to

learn in my life. One of them was having the audacity to

believe in myself and to not wait for other people to cheer

me on and encourage me. In fact, you might have heard this

before, but you can't share big dreams with small minds. Small

minds have a way of sucking the life right out of you and

stealing your dreams. You got to learn to believe in yourself.

When it's all about audacity to pursue impossible dreams. Do you

know if your dreams are possible, you're not dreaming

big enough? I'm going to teach you how to develop that courage,

that boldness to not only dream impossible dreams but step out

of your comfort zone. Do you know everything I'm doing today

is stretching me out of my comfort zone but that's exactly

what God wants you to do? I want you to get this special offer

and like I said, I put together my list of top 10 things, the

top 10 books that I highly recommend for you to get

started. Then I threw this bonus audio in here on asking. This is

one of the most powerful and neglected keys to success is to

ask. Did you know you might be mission out on some things just

because you haven't asked? Doesn't the Bible say, "You have

not because you ask not." You're going to love this teaching.

It's fun. I'm going to teach you how to start asking for things

like benefits, bonuses, discounts, scholarships,

reductions, percentages off. Anyway, it's a fun teaching. Get

this special package this week and I'm believing God. You're

going to develop courage like you've never had

before. You're going to have that audacity to believe

impossible dreams. Don't look at the years you've

lost. Look at the years you've got left.

ANNOUNCER: Everything God has for you is available but

it's not automatic. Obstacles, challenges and resistance will

try to stop you from achieving your dreams and receiving your

breakthrough. In the exciting teaching series, "Audacity,"

Terri shares from personal experience seven key areas to

conquer fear and build the audacious faith you need to

reach your dreams and fulfill your destiny. We'll also send

you Terri's eye opening message, "You get what you ask for."

Don't miss out on all God has for you when you can put the

powerful Biblical principle of asking into action in your life.

Plus for a limited time, we'll also include Terri's top 10 book

list that will help you move from where you are to where you

want to be. Call or go online now to request your copy of

"Audacity," along with "You Get What You Ask For,"

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For more infomation >> Why You Need Audacity - Duration: 28:30.


나쁜기억이 오래가는 이유-트라우마치료(Why is bad memory lasting a long time?-Trauma therapy) - Duration: 29:11.

For more infomation >> 나쁜기억이 오래가는 이유-트라우마치료(Why is bad memory lasting a long time?-Trauma therapy) - Duration: 29:11.


What Drives You? | ASUS - Duration: 1:04.

For more than 27 years, ASUS has built countless powerful products

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For more infomation >> What Drives You? | ASUS - Duration: 1:04.


Success Habits you Should Master (Law of Attraction) - Duration: 15:51.

Live Today With Passion: "I've never particularly been asked to do

transformations but you know you just go

you just get it in your head then you

just go I need to that's that's what I

need to do I don't know how to play that

part without looking that way I always

talk with the director about it it's

just that they don't necessarily

understand quite to what lengths they

might be talking about I feel if I work

hard I can play hard cover there this is

me did nobody get in there and put the

gloves on for me did nobody go out there

on that road and run miles and miles for

me nobody took the broken ribs nobody

took the bloody nose I did it all I

dedicated myself to my craft and I bust

my ass I'm continue to keep believing in

my skills keep listening to my father

keep listening to my uncle and sit on

this throne for 30 months my father

worked two jobs his whole life one of

that a jam plan Jim 30 years and then he

had a trash hauling services so he had

we had he had his own truck and we would

go door-to-door pick up people's trash

and it was one situation where it was

probably seven below zero and very cold

Saturday morning and my job was to pick

up all the loose trash and so we it was

so cold that I got everything that I

could just grab throw it on the truck

and I ran to the to the truck cuz it was

just cold to jump in by the time I got

in and the door shed my father opened it

back up grab me and drag me through the

snow back to the barrels to say son you

did a half way job and if you do this

job in a half wig man you're going to be

a half way basketball player you put it

in half the time you only put in half

the time as a student and he said you're

supposed to do this job right so I want

you to go get that several and I want

you to chop the ice until you can get

all the trash that's trapped in the ice

and put it on the truck and that's

that's what happened and so he taught me

how to be a perfectionist and do

everything the leather

claim what you want not what you don't

want so firm good thing to suppose to

happen to me and begin to believe that

began to expect that now I was talking

to my oldest son Calvin we're going for

walk and I said Calvin do you want to be

successful he said yes I dad it's okay

kept on walking then I stopped and I

looked him in the eyes it's my namesake

my junior that's it Calvin we're looking

at each other I died on do you expect to

be successful given the fact that you

are a single parent of two kids given

the fact that you decided not to go to

college to further your education given

the fact that you're very talented but

you're behind on your dreams and your

bills do you expect based upon your

performance based upon what you produce

at this point in time in your life do

you expect to be successful and Calvin

got quiet you can see if you ask most

people at the manpower conference do you

want to be successful do you want to

live a life of productivity do you want

to live a life of contribution do you

want to be a better problem do you want

to have your own business other dreams

you want everybody will say yes but the

war shows up in conversation expectation

shows up in behavior say I can tell what

you expect by what you do that's why the

Bible says judges a tree by the fruited

fair not to prove that it was

not to prove that it talks about not the

proof that it claims but by what you are

doing see what you do when you leave

here when the music stops when the

shouting dies down your behavior how you

conduct yourself writing your goals down

deciding to enroll in school to get a

GED deciding to fit into class with

children young enough to be your

grandchildren decide to find some part

of some ID of some service that you can

provide so that you can begin to create

some value for yourself so you can

create well let me tell you something

ladies and gentlemen it's very important

we begin to learn how to create well i'm

not talking about loving money i believe

that a lack of money is the root of all

evil people are steel for money people

have killed for money people go to jail

for money every time the unemployment

goes up in those areas where the

unemployment is high that's what you

have the highest incidence of crime and

violence whenever the unemployment goes

up one percent in our community 10,000

children and women are better what money

makes a difference in your life I never

wanted to be rich all I've ever wanted

to do was to be comfortable how many of

ever want to become full raise your hand

now I realize not to be comfortable

you've got to be rich

no pretty much because people say money

won't make you happy but everybody want

to find out for themselves Rita

Davenport save money and important what

is right up there with oxygen and let me

tell you some fellows even if you have

homeless I am if you've got some money

women will find something cute on you

he got yellow like Denzel honey money

makes a difference I used to be so broke

when creditors would call the house my

children would answer the phone to say

bye daddy say yeah I was going broke

every one time of my life i want my

bacon trip the alarm

I'd say you poverty sucks you hear me

repeat after me please I'll never be

broke again

yes write that down I've perm that I'll

never be broken here never never will I

ever be broke again let me tell you what

money does number one it gives you

control over your life write that down

number two it gives you options breathe

it allows you to live a life of

contribution to contribute to things

that you feel strongly about like this

ministry and the work a project 2000

will be doing to change the lives of

young people Bishop Jake's vision is and

we can have little league football teams

and baseball teams and basketball teams

then we can have league dermatologist

and cardiologists and endocrinologist so

he is now establishing an institution

project 2000 to give our young people

the methods of the techniques to

reinvent themselves as we go into the

next millennium and this era that Peter

Drucker calls the era of a pre thief

accelerated change overwhelming

complexity and tremendous competition so

here's the first step to accumulating

wealth if you expect to do it write this

down you must be willing to do the

things today others won't do in order to

have the things tomorrow others won't

have that's why the book of life said

the road to life is straight and narrow

and few there be that find it because

fuel there will be that are willing to

do the things today others won't do in

order to have the things tomorrow others

won't have what are the things that

others won't do number one make

discipline and major force in your life

how many of you know if you'd have been

more discipline you be further along to

reach your goals right now

Socrates said the undisciplined life is

an insane life Road life is straight and

narrow because few there be that are

willing to discipline themselves here's

something else that most people won't do

make it okay to fail a lot of people

eighty-five percent of people allow

their fear of failure to outweigh their

desire to succeed repeat after me please

anything that's worth doing is worth

doing badly

yes anything is worth doing is worth

doing right as we have been taught if

you know how to do it but if you don't

know how to do it is worth doing badly

until you get it right now write this

down you don't have to be great to get

started but you have to get started to

be great

the first time I stood up to speak I

stood up and my mind set down I looked

at the audience and I panic I had to

introduce a play at school oh we oppose

we run the spoon ran up mr. Washington

mr. Brown where you going on mr. wash

and I I can't think so i don't i don't

know did you rehearse yes i did well

what's wrong why did you say your Liza I

don't know sound I just got up then I

looked at them and everything let me let

me do it another day please her no go

back out there mr. bhram mr. Washington

how mentally sir so don't go don't send

me I did not mess up this around if you

run now you will always be running

anything is worth doing is worth doing

badly until you get it right why are you

moving like yes I got to go to bathroom

sir and it's around go back out there

yes sir we're both estaba please call 12

Angry Men directed by mr. Leroy


now ran off the next day hey alfalfa who

are you they dogged me out they talked

about me so bad the next time another

event came up mr. Washington mr. Brown

you're up I said no mr. Washington

everybody says no not him I said they're

right miss Washington not me he said Mr

Brown you're uh yes sir and I went out

and pretty soon when people after they

didn't bother me they would throw paper

and I can catch it without losing my

concentration and then one day I came

out and a hush went across the audience

because it must have been something

about me that indicated that I had come

to myself and mr. Washington been

practicing with me to give a

presentation and I looked at the

audience and I said I choose not to be a

common man it's my right to be uncommon

if I can I think opportunity not

security I do not wish to be a chef

citizen humbled and dull by having a

stage look after me I want to take your

calculated risk to dream into bills of

failing to succeed I refuse to live from

hand to mouth after present challenges

of life to the guaranteed existence the

thriller fulfillment to the sale karma

gets help you I will never caliber for

any master nor been to any threat it's

my heritage to stand erect prominent

afraid the faces were boldly and say

this i have done girls since they ask my

boyfriend hardy

I like me from that Brown baby but I

didn't start off like that you have

something special you have talents and

abilities than you that you don't even

know so how do we begin to create wealth

let me give you some some ideas number

one right to sound knowledge what

knowledge that you have in this economy

part of what we need that people willing

to pay you for that next is talent what

talent the arms talents playing football

I don't have that as a tower my talent

is talking to me that my definition of

success is doing what you love to do and

find somebody to pay you to do it you

want to master your talent find out what

it is that you love to do I love to talk

scriptures another key that says to us

and what we need to do to begin to

develop ourselves loop 12 30 for where

your treasure is there will your heart

be also so what do you love to do and

then explore ways in which you can earn

a living doing that cooking writing

painting working with numbers working

with people the other thing is not only

must you have knowledge talent some

skill but the other thing that's

important faith to act on whatever your

dream is see if you don't believe in

yourself how many people you know that

have a lot of town a lot of abilities

but they don't believe in themselves

rachel has CF phase is very important so

the paint to act on those dreams those

desires here in Scripture that I that I

like very much proverbs 16 16th chapter

third verse commit thy works unto the

Lord and I thought shall be established

commit means to carry into action

deliberately commit means to make it

happen no matter what commitment

the difference between next time you

have bigger than age the chicken was

involved the pig was committed he had to

give it all up that's going to take a

minute to sink in all right so when you

make a commitment I'm going to become

wealthy when you make it important when

you decide I'm going to do it no matter

what life changes for you see most

people don't keep their commitments to

their commitment that's why they lead

lives of poverty lives of misery lives

of unhappiness tajuk you said the

uncommitted life isn't worth living so

part of what you must do whatever

commitment whatever covenant you make

with God while you're here to go back to

be a better partner to go back to make a

difference in the community to go back

to change your life to decide not to

ever to use drugs or alcohol again to

decide to visit you're going to begin to

recreate yourself that you're going to

be reborn to a new state of

consciousness whatever commitment that

you make keep your commitment to your

commitment no matter what if it's hard

then do it hard but keep your commitment

to your commitment

For more infomation >> Success Habits you Should Master (Law of Attraction) - Duration: 15:51.


Ways To Look Younger Naturally Without Makeup - Best Anti Aging Foods - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 2:24.

Foods that can make you look YOUNGER Tamil Health Tips

For more infomation >> Ways To Look Younger Naturally Without Makeup - Best Anti Aging Foods - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 2:24.


BREAKING Trump Just Set Washington ON FIRE With New Ruling that Has Lobbyists Terrified!! - Duration: 11:16.

BREAKING Trump Just Set Washington ON FIRE With New Ruling that Has Lobbyists Terrified!!

Donald Trump has finally done it!

Less than a week after his presidential nomination, Trump has kept his word on "Draining the

Swamp" in Washington DC with a new ruling that has lobbyists p*ssing all over themselves!!

In a historic move never before seen by a US President, Trump declared that ALL officials

working with his campaign, on his transition team, and in his cabinet will be BANNED from

working as DC lobbyists for 5 years to prevent them from abusing their connections for self-gain!

Not only that, but ANYONE who wants to work for Trump is now required to immediately end

ALL of their current connections to lobbying groups or be FIRED instantly.

But the Donald was not done yet.

To put icing on the cake, he has also moved to officially have the term lobbyist apply

to ALL DC insiders working as "consultants" or "advisors" when in reality, "we all

know they are lobbyists."

Video by CNN – Trump Drain the Swamp!!

Of course, you know all the long-time Senators and lobbying groups are already freaking out.

Mitch McConnel refused to acknowledge the ban when pressured by reporters while the

National Institute for Lobbying and Ethics tried to intimidate Trump by saying "This

will have a chilling effect on his hiring, no doubt."

Uh, yeah.

Now Donald Trump will have to hire people NOT trying to line their pockets with hundreds

of millions of tax payer dollars.

Sounds like a real loss to me…NOT!!

If you are proud of President Trump for standing up against the DC lobbyists and career politicians,

let him know by sharing this out to every person you know!!Angry Liberals Did Something

TERRIBLE to Mike Pence Last Night During Hamilton Play…

Now it is no secret that Liberals HATE Vice President Mike Pence.

I mean you would basically have to be living under a rock not to know that.

However, last night months of angst poured over onto Pence while he was watching the

Hamilton show on Broadway.

For starter, Pence was booed the second he walked into the theater and then multiple

times throughout the show.

Then Pence was caught off guard again when one of the play's actors froze the show

to give a long and passionate speech about how they are afraid of Pence before begging

Pence to uphold the Constitution.

By this point, Mike Pence was tired from a long night of heckling.

He figured he would just watch the rest of the show and sneak out to avoid any angry

people in the audience.

Well, to his surprise the streets were already flooded with anti-Pence protesters shouting

horrific slurs at him.

They apparently had been tipped off about Pence's presence at the play by a Twitter

account owned by Anonymous.Now I'm gonna be completely honest with you folks.

I do not agree with Mike Pence on Gay rights.

I tend to agree much more with Donald Trump.

That being said, dehumanizing him and treating him like trash is vile and the worst way to

make a point.

So, despite our disagreement, I want Vice President Pence to know that I have his back

during these times since America needs more compassion and understanding than these nightly

riots have given us.

If you will stand with Pence too, prove it by sharing this on your Facebook Page!!Melania

Trump Shut Down Anderson Cooper Last Night With 5 EPIC Words…

If the liberals really thought that they could go after Donald Trump by interviewing Melania,

they made a BIG mistake…

Anderson Cooper sat down for an interview with Melania Trump tonight hoping to catch

her saying something bad about Donald.

He even had the nerve to ask about the women claiming Trump assaulted them.


"I believe my husband.

I believe my husband.

This was all organized from the opposition.

And with the details that they got – did they ever check the background of these women?

They don't have any facts."

You see, Melania may not enjoy playing the media game as much as the rest of her family,

but she can still take down the liberal shills with ease.

She also dispelled all the lies about the Trump Tapes with Billy Bush by pointing out

that Bush was egging Trump on to say bad things so that he could put it on TV.

Melania said Donald Trump NEVER talks about women like that!


This girl is crushing it.

Way to go Melania.

I think everyone needs to see this amazing interview for themselves.

If you agree, share this out and let the world see Melania in Kick-Azz Mode!After Bashing

Trump For Months, George Soros Just Got The Worst News Of His Life!

This story by Paris Swade.

George Soros is a rich liberal!


Scratch that.

George Soros is the richest of liberals.

He spent tens of millions of dollars trying to elect Hillary Clinton.

Now that she lost…

He is focusing his attention on Donald Trump.


There is a 3-day meeting at the Mandarin Oriental hotel beginning on Sunday, according to Politico.

This event is sponsored by Democracy Alliance – which is headed up by George Soros.

Their plan is to stop Trump even after he has won the election.


You heard that right.

The election is not over.

It's going to be a long year.

*** If you didn't know, Soros is behind the protests going on right now.

Soros founded the Democracy Alliance in 2004.

Members of the organization have to donate at least $200,000 a year to its recommended


*** Soros gave $13 million to unsuccessfully stop Trump from winning.

The Democratic party is wanting to get away from Soros's Democracy Alliance.

One Democratic strategist said the following:

"The DA itself should be called into question," said one Democratic strategist.

"You can make a very good case it's nothing more than a social club for a handful wealthy

white donors and labor union officials to drink wine and read memos, as the Democratic

Party burns down around them."

You heard it right here at Liberty Writers News.

The Democrats are starting to doubt George Soros's vision for the party.

Let's help them doubt it!

#SHARE this article with every single patriot and Democrat that you know.

We need to stop this man from trying to topple our country.

Are you American?

Will you stand up, patriot?

God bless all the real patriot left.

Share this article if you agree.


(h/t Breitbart)THIS IS MASSIVE!

Watch Homeland Security Chairman Make Hillary GASP With 1 Word…

This story by Paris Swade.


You need to read this.

The Department of Homeland Security just came out and said that Clinton's actions amount

to treason.

*** Seriously!

Let me repeat that the Chairman of Homeland Security just said that Clinton's actions

amount to treason.

This is Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX) and he accused Hillary of "treason"

on Thursday morning on Fox and Friends.


The mainstream media is not going to push this.

Hillary is a traitor to this country.

The left is trying to cover for Hillary.

They are literally trying to elect a criminal to be President.


It's up to us to fight the mainstream media and share this.

Hillary is about to be slapped with treason.

Let's get this out!

Put Hillary in prison.

If we don't, this nation is too corrupt to fix.

(h/t Talking Points Memo)HOLY BLESSINGS Donald Trump Just Made a Deal With Israel that Will

Make God Smile!

Donald Trump is not just the leader America wants, he is the leader the entire world NEEDS!

Earlier today he had a private meeting with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu where he promised

the US would begin helping Israel again with military assistance, security and regional

stability once he is elected.

Trump ALSO Promised that, during his presidency, the US will recognize Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv,

as the official capital city of Israel!

This means the US embassy will no longer be in Tel Aviv to satisfy the Palestinians.

His campaign released this statement:

"Mr. Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People

for over 3,000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will

finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided

capital of the State of Israel."

And what is Israel going to give Donald Trump in return?

Well, help with his wall of course.

After all, nobody knows defensive wall building quite as well as the Israelis.Sounds like

the world's greatest deal-maker is already having success and he is not even in office


(H/T – Daily Mail)

So, my fellow patriots, let's give Donald Trump a round of applause for this amazing

deal with Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu.

And if you want to go the extra mile to help him out, just share this story out on Facebook

before the liberals can spin it.BREAKING Donald Trump Just Gave Laura Ingraham The BEST News

of Her Life…

For all those of you who LOVE Conservative radio Host Laura Ingraham and America's

President Donald Trump, prepare for the best news of the week:


She told Fox & Friends,

"Things are in flux.

We'll see…It's wonderful to be considered.

I've known Donald for a long time, and I know most of the guys who are going to be

in the White House with him."I think Ingraham would be an amazing choice.

She is poised, trusted, and still entertaining enough to keep America's attention.

Way better than Obama's sniveling brat, Jay Carney.

In case you didn't know, Ingraham is also great friends with Trump's top Advisor and

Strategist, Kellyanne Conway.

Back in the 90's they worked tirelessly to take down Bill Clinton's sick history

of RAPE, and even helped land the impeachment we all remember.

(H/T –told GQ)

Even if Trump decides to go a different way with his Press Secretary, I can guarantee

we will be seeing a LOT of Laura Ingraham around the White House for the next for years.

If you are proud of President Trump and all of his appointments, show your support and

share this out!

For more infomation >> BREAKING Trump Just Set Washington ON FIRE With New Ruling that Has Lobbyists Terrified!! - Duration: 11:16.


[SFM] Sims - 2 - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> [SFM] Sims - 2 - Duration: 0:28.


String trimmer Husqvarna 323R review - and how to mow with trimmer properly! - Duration: 6:27.

Hi, you are watching Review Machines – the most interesting machines for work and fun!

Today we will review Husqvarna 323 – one of the most popular string trimmers in the


We will find out why this trimmer is so popular and besides we will talk a little how to use

this string trimmers in the right way!

As you know we can make any conclusions about the efficiency and reliability of any machine

only after this machine has been used for some time.

That's why today we will listen to the feedback of the owner of this string trimmer who has

been working with this machine for three seasons!

Frankly speaking in fact this owner is me, so if you don't mind I continue my story

about this great machine.

I've been using this model for three years, and still haven't had any problems.

The design is very simple and consequently reliable.


To be frank I had one problem.

The hand starter was broken, but I think it was my fault cause I pushed it too heavily.

Mind that you should use this starter with some caution, don't put too much efforts

and everything will be OK.

Broken starter was the only problem I had with this trimmer, all the other parts of

the machine are still in very decent condition, even little plastic details.

So for three years of using I've got a very good impression about the reliability of this


Lets look at the trimmer closer.

2-stroke Husqvarna engine, mind that this kind of engine requires fuel mixed with oil.

Ecxept starter here we have a spark plug, so it is very easy to control its condition.

The muffler is under special cover that prevents you from the burns.

The main rod is solid and made of good steel.

On one hand we can consider it as a drawback cause we can't take to pieces the trimmer

and it is rather tough to transport it.

But on the other hand this solution provides the best reliability.

I had a composite trimmer before and I always had a lot of problems with join of its rod.

You can adjust the handle bar of the trimmer according to your height.

Design of the handle is standard, there is a throttle trigger, safety staple and Engine

stop button which is very convenient it is very easy to immediately stop the engine.

besides you can fix the throttle by a special trigger.

You can bump the string bobbin into the ground to make the string longer, and if the length

is more than necessary it is cut with a special knife equipped on the cover.

Husqvarna is rather heavy trimmer, so it comes complete with a special suspension belts which

put all the weight on your shoulders and in this way it is very simple to work with trimmer.

The most important thing is to adjust the height of the point where you attach the trimmer

to the belt.

The trimmer attached to the belt in the right way should slightly touch the ground, and

it should be very easy to manipulate with it.

The engine usually starts without any efforts, make sure that choke is in the right position

and slightly push the starter.

When the engine is idling the bobbin with string doesn't rotate, but as soon as you

push the throttle it immediately starts rotating.

String trimmers are very popular garden tool, they may be even more popular than lawn mowers.

The point is that the trimmers have a very significant advantage – they can be used

on a rough terrain and can cut even old and thick grass.

Besides trimmers are indispensable when there are a lot of obstacles in a working area,

like trees and bushes.

As to Hysqvarna 323, I can say that is a very powerful trimmer.

It easily can handle even huge grass so high as a human being.

And if you equip its head with a steel rotating blade, it will be able to cut even small trees!

Now its high time to speak about common rules, which are very important when you work with

any trimmer.

The first and most important thing – don't even think to work with trimmer without a

safety mask.

Numerous tiny pieces of grass, wood and even little stones are constantly bumping right

into your face when you are working with trimmer.

That is why except a mask you must also wear very durable shoes and pants.

Besides when you choose working closes mind that after work with trimmer you entirely

will be covered with a mulched grass.

When the weather is hot it is strongly recommended to make brakes during work for about ten minutes.

It will seriously increase service life of the engine.

Also there are some rules how to mow the grass.

Firstly as I've already mentioned adjust the belts properly, you shouldn't feel the

weight of the trimmer on you hands, the whole weight should be on your shoulders.

Then try to keep the cutting head of the trimmer across the ground, in this way a yard will

look neatly after work.

To sum up our review lets speak about the drawbacks of the trimmer.

The main thing is that the trimmer has a solid rod and you cant take it to pieces.

Then it has a slightly weak starter so be careful with it.

But on the other hand it is reliable and powerful garden tool, and I undoubtedly can recommend


Thanks for watching, please consider subscribing, it will be many more interesting materials.

Good bye!

For more infomation >> String trimmer Husqvarna 323R review - and how to mow with trimmer properly! - Duration: 6:27.


How to Convert Sketchup Materials to Vray Materials | Vray 3.4 for Sketchup (Quick Tip) - Duration: 2:53.

What's happening ladies and gentlemen,

this is Minh from Architecture Inspirations.

Today I'm going to show you how to

quickly convert Sketchup Materials to Vray Materials.

Let's get started.

When you download a model from 3D warehouse,

the materials that come with it might not

look great when it's rendered

since it's just Sketchup Materials.

But with the new version of Vray,

you can easily turn those Sketchup materials

into Vray Materials.

Here's how to do it.

The first thing I'm going to do

is turn on Vray Interactive Rendering,

so I can see the changes in real time.

Next, I'll press B to bring up the Paint Bucket tool

or I just click on this icon here.

Then I'll use this eye dropper tool

to sample the paint that I want to change.

Now you will see that material selected on the list.

With that material selected,

now go on to the Quick Settings Tab.

Then you can click on this button

and you'll see is a list of different presets

that you can use to convert your materials.

Since we are looking for a car paint material,

I'll just select Car Paint.

Now pay close attention to the frame buffer window

because the white solid material

will now change into a new material

that looks more like car paint.

I can even go in here and use the region render tool

to make Vray focus on one particular area.

There we go, you can see it better now.

Let's test it on another material.

Make sure you are using the Paint Bucket tool,

now you can just hold Alt and Left click

the material you want to change.

Then you'll see that material selected on the list.

Now go to the Quick Settings tab

and change to the preset that you want.

For this black car paint,

you can see that it has the default blue flakes,

but I don't really like it

so I can go over here

and change it to white like so.

You can even change the flake density,

scale, size, etc.

Just adjust it to your liking!

Now I think I'm going to change

the material of the rim as well.

I can sample it, then go to Quick Settings,

change it to, say, a Plastic Material.

Then I can reduce the reflection

and glossiness with these sliders here.

Alternatively, I can use materials

from the built-in library

to replace an existing material in the model

like for these tires.

I can first go to the library

and find a material that I want to use,

like this plastic leather material,

and then drag and drop it here

to add it to the list.

Also, remember that you can change

the way you see materials

with these buttons here.

Now right click that material and select copy.

Then go to the material that you want to replace,

and right click it to paste the plastic material here

There you go, it looks better now.

And that's all guys,

you can repeat those steps to fine tune it even more

but that's the gist of it.

I hope you found it useful.

Make sure to leave a like if you enjoy the video

and comment down below if you have any requests.

Stay inspired guys,

and I will see you,

next time.

For more infomation >> How to Convert Sketchup Materials to Vray Materials | Vray 3.4 for Sketchup (Quick Tip) - Duration: 2:53.


After Bashing Trump For Months, George Soros Just Got The Worst News Of His Life! - Duration: 11:16.

After Bashing Trump For Months, George Soros Just Got The Worst News Of His Life!

This story by Paris Swade.

George Soros is a rich liberal!


Scratch that.

George Soros is the richest of liberals.

He spent tens of millions of dollars trying to elect Hillary Clinton.

Now that she lost…

He is focusing his attention on Donald Trump.


There is a 3-day meeting at the Mandarin Oriental hotel beginning on Sunday, according to Politico.

This event is sponsored by Democracy Alliance – which is headed up by George Soros.

Their plan is to stop Trump even after he has won the election.


You heard that right.

The election is not over.

It's going to be a long year.

*** If you didn't know, Soros is behind the protests going on right now.

Soros founded the Democracy Alliance in 2004.

Members of the organization have to donate at least $200,000 a year to its recommended


*** Soros gave $13 million to unsuccessfully stop Trump from winning.

The Democratic party is wanting to get away from Soros's Democracy Alliance.

One Democratic strategist said the following:

"The DA itself should be called into question," said one Democratic strategist.

"You can make a very good case it's nothing more than a social club for a handful wealthy

white donors and labor union officials to drink wine and read memos, as the Democratic

Party burns down around them."

You heard it right here at Liberty Writers News.

The Democrats are starting to doubt George Soros's vision for the party.

Let's help them doubt it!

#SHARE this article with every single patriot and Democrat that you know.

We need to stop this man from trying to topple our country.

Are you American?

Will you stand up, patriot?

God bless all the real patriot left.

Share this article if you agree.


(h/t Breitbart)THIS IS MASSIVE!

Watch Homeland Security Chairman Make Hillary GASP With 1 Word…

This story by Paris Swade.


You need to read this.

The Department of Homeland Security just came out and said that Clinton's actions amount

to treason.

*** Seriously!

Let me repeat that the Chairman of Homeland Security just said that Clinton's actions

amount to treason.

This is Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX) and he accused Hillary of "treason"

on Thursday morning on Fox and Friends.


The mainstream media is not going to push this.

Hillary is a traitor to this country.

The left is trying to cover for Hillary.

They are literally trying to elect a criminal to be President.


It's up to us to fight the mainstream media and share this.

Hillary is about to be slapped with treason.

Let's get this out!

Put Hillary in prison.

If we don't, this nation is too corrupt to fix.

(h/t Talking Points Memo)HOLY BLESSINGS Donald Trump Just Made a Deal With Israel that Will

Make God Smile!

Donald Trump is not just the leader America wants, he is the leader the entire world NEEDS!

Earlier today he had a private meeting with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu where he promised

the US would begin helping Israel again with military assistance, security and regional

stability once he is elected.

Trump ALSO Promised that, during his presidency, the US will recognize Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv,

as the official capital city of Israel!

This means the US embassy will no longer be in Tel Aviv to satisfy the Palestinians.

His campaign released this statement:

"Mr. Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People

for over 3,000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will

finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided

capital of the State of Israel."

And what is Israel going to give Donald Trump in return?

Well, help with his wall of course.

After all, nobody knows defensive wall building quite as well as the Israelis.Sounds like

the world's greatest deal-maker is already having success and he is not even in office


(H/T – Daily Mail)

So, my fellow patriots, let's give Donald Trump a round of applause for this amazing

deal with Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu.

And if you want to go the extra mile to help him out, just share this story out on Facebook

before the liberals can spin it.BREAKING Donald Trump Just Gave Laura Ingraham The BEST News

of Her Life…

For all those of you who LOVE Conservative radio Host Laura Ingraham and America's

President Donald Trump, prepare for the best news of the week:


She told Fox & Friends,

"Things are in flux.

We'll see…It's wonderful to be considered.

I've known Donald for a long time, and I know most of the guys who are going to be

in the White House with him."I think Ingraham would be an amazing choice.

She is poised, trusted, and still entertaining enough to keep America's attention.

Way better than Obama's sniveling brat, Jay Carney.

In case you didn't know, Ingraham is also great friends with Trump's top Advisor and

Strategist, Kellyanne Conway.

Back in the 90's they worked tirelessly to take down Bill Clinton's sick history

of RAPE, and even helped land the impeachment we all remember.

(H/T –told GQ)

Even if Trump decides to go a different way with his Press Secretary, I can guarantee

we will be seeing a LOT of Laura Ingraham around the White House for the next for years.

If you are proud of President Trump and all of his appointments, show your support and

share this out!BREAKING Trump Just Set Washington ON FIRE With New Ruling that Has Lobbyists


Donald Trump has finally done it!

Less than a week after his presidential nomination, Trump has kept his word on "Draining the

Swamp" in Washington DC with a new ruling that has lobbyists p*ssing all over themselves!!

In a historic move never before seen by a US President, Trump declared that ALL officials

working with his campaign, on his transition team, and in his cabinet will be BANNED from

working as DC lobbyists for 5 years to prevent them from abusing their connections for self-gain!

Not only that, but ANYONE who wants to work for Trump is now required to immediately end

ALL of their current connections to lobbying groups or be FIRED instantly.

But the Donald was not done yet.

To put icing on the cake, he has also moved to officially have the term lobbyist apply

to ALL DC insiders working as "consultants" or "advisors" when in reality, "we all

know they are lobbyists."

Video by CNN – Trump Drain the Swamp!!

Of course, you know all the long-time Senators and lobbying groups are already freaking out.

Mitch McConnel refused to acknowledge the ban when pressured by reporters while the

National Institute for Lobbying and Ethics tried to intimidate Trump by saying "This

will have a chilling effect on his hiring, no doubt."

Uh, yeah.

Now Donald Trump will have to hire people NOT trying to line their pockets with hundreds

of millions of tax payer dollars.

Sounds like a real loss to me…NOT!!

If you are proud of President Trump for standing up against the DC lobbyists and career politicians,

let him know by sharing this out to every person you know!!Angry Liberals Did Something

TERRIBLE to Mike Pence Last Night During Hamilton Play…

Now it is no secret that Liberals HATE Vice President Mike Pence.

I mean you would basically have to be living under a rock not to know that.

However, last night months of angst poured over onto Pence while he was watching the

Hamilton show on Broadway.

For starter, Pence was booed the second he walked into the theater and then multiple

times throughout the show.

Then Pence was caught off guard again when one of the play's actors froze the show

to give a long and passionate speech about how they are afraid of Pence before begging

Pence to uphold the Constitution.

By this point, Mike Pence was tired from a long night of heckling.

He figured he would just watch the rest of the show and sneak out to avoid any angry

people in the audience.

Well, to his surprise the streets were already flooded with anti-Pence protesters shouting

horrific slurs at him.

They apparently had been tipped off about Pence's presence at the play by a Twitter

account owned by Anonymous.Now I'm gonna be completely honest with you folks.

I do not agree with Mike Pence on Gay rights.

I tend to agree much more with Donald Trump.

That being said, dehumanizing him and treating him like trash is vile and the worst way to

make a point.

So, despite our disagreement, I want Vice President Pence to know that I have his back

during these times since America needs more compassion and understanding than these nightly

riots have given us.

If you will stand with Pence too, prove it by sharing this on your Facebook Page!!Melania

Trump Shut Down Anderson Cooper Last Night With 5 EPIC Words…

If the liberals really thought that they could go after Donald Trump by interviewing Melania,

they made a BIG mistake…

Anderson Cooper sat down for an interview with Melania Trump tonight hoping to catch

her saying something bad about Donald.

He even had the nerve to ask about the women claiming Trump assaulted them.


"I believe my husband.

I believe my husband.

This was all organized from the opposition.

And with the details that they got – did they ever check the background of these women?

They don't have any facts."

You see, Melania may not enjoy playing the media game as much as the rest of her family,

but she can still take down the liberal shills with ease.

She also dispelled all the lies about the Trump Tapes with Billy Bush by pointing out

that Bush was egging Trump on to say bad things so that he could put it on TV.

Melania said Donald Trump NEVER talks about women like that!


This girl is crushing it.

Way to go Melania.

I think everyone needs to see this amazing interview for themselves.

If you agree, share this out and let the world see Melania in Kick-Azz Mode!

For more infomation >> After Bashing Trump For Months, George Soros Just Got The Worst News Of His Life! - Duration: 11:16.


BREAKING Donald Trump Just Gave Laura Ingraham The BEST News of Her Life… - Duration: 11:16.

BREAKING Donald Trump Just Gave Laura Ingraham The BEST News of Her Life…

For all those of you who LOVE Conservative radio Host Laura Ingraham and America's

President Donald Trump, prepare for the best news of the week:


She told Fox & Friends,

"Things are in flux.

We'll see…It's wonderful to be considered.

I've known Donald for a long time, and I know most of the guys who are going to be

in the White House with him."I think Ingraham would be an amazing choice.

She is poised, trusted, and still entertaining enough to keep America's attention.

Way better than Obama's sniveling brat, Jay Carney.

In case you didn't know, Ingraham is also great friends with Trump's top Advisor and

Strategist, Kellyanne Conway.

Back in the 90's they worked tirelessly to take down Bill Clinton's sick history

of RAPE, and even helped land the impeachment we all remember.

(H/T –told GQ)

Even if Trump decides to go a different way with his Press Secretary, I can guarantee

we will be seeing a LOT of Laura Ingraham around the White House for the next for years.

If you are proud of President Trump and all of his appointments, show your support and

share this out!BREAKING Trump Just Set Washington ON FIRE With New Ruling that Has Lobbyists


Donald Trump has finally done it!

Less than a week after his presidential nomination, Trump has kept his word on "Draining the

Swamp" in Washington DC with a new ruling that has lobbyists p*ssing all over themselves!!

In a historic move never before seen by a US President, Trump declared that ALL officials

working with his campaign, on his transition team, and in his cabinet will be BANNED from

working as DC lobbyists for 5 years to prevent them from abusing their connections for self-gain!

Not only that, but ANYONE who wants to work for Trump is now required to immediately end

ALL of their current connections to lobbying groups or be FIRED instantly.

But the Donald was not done yet.

To put icing on the cake, he has also moved to officially have the term lobbyist apply

to ALL DC insiders working as "consultants" or "advisors" when in reality, "we all

know they are lobbyists."

Video by CNN – Trump Drain the Swamp!!

Of course, you know all the long-time Senators and lobbying groups are already freaking out.

Mitch McConnel refused to acknowledge the ban when pressured by reporters while the

National Institute for Lobbying and Ethics tried to intimidate Trump by saying "This

will have a chilling effect on his hiring, no doubt."

Uh, yeah.

Now Donald Trump will have to hire people NOT trying to line their pockets with hundreds

of millions of tax payer dollars.

Sounds like a real loss to me…NOT!!

If you are proud of President Trump for standing up against the DC lobbyists and career politicians,

let him know by sharing this out to every person you know!!Angry Liberals Did Something

TERRIBLE to Mike Pence Last Night During Hamilton Play…

Now it is no secret that Liberals HATE Vice President Mike Pence.

I mean you would basically have to be living under a rock not to know that.

However, last night months of angst poured over onto Pence while he was watching the

Hamilton show on Broadway.

For starter, Pence was booed the second he walked into the theater and then multiple

times throughout the show.

Then Pence was caught off guard again when one of the play's actors froze the show

to give a long and passionate speech about how they are afraid of Pence before begging

Pence to uphold the Constitution.

By this point, Mike Pence was tired from a long night of heckling.

He figured he would just watch the rest of the show and sneak out to avoid any angry

people in the audience.

Well, to his surprise the streets were already flooded with anti-Pence protesters shouting

horrific slurs at him.

They apparently had been tipped off about Pence's presence at the play by a Twitter

account owned by Anonymous.Now I'm gonna be completely honest with you folks.

I do not agree with Mike Pence on Gay rights.

I tend to agree much more with Donald Trump.

That being said, dehumanizing him and treating him like trash is vile and the worst way to

make a point.

So, despite our disagreement, I want Vice President Pence to know that I have his back

during these times since America needs more compassion and understanding than these nightly

riots have given us.

If you will stand with Pence too, prove it by sharing this on your Facebook Page!!Melania

Trump Shut Down Anderson Cooper Last Night With 5 EPIC Words…

If the liberals really thought that they could go after Donald Trump by interviewing Melania,

they made a BIG mistake…

Anderson Cooper sat down for an interview with Melania Trump tonight hoping to catch

her saying something bad about Donald.

He even had the nerve to ask about the women claiming Trump assaulted them.


"I believe my husband.

I believe my husband.

This was all organized from the opposition.

And with the details that they got – did they ever check the background of these women?

They don't have any facts."

You see, Melania may not enjoy playing the media game as much as the rest of her family,

but she can still take down the liberal shills with ease.

She also dispelled all the lies about the Trump Tapes with Billy Bush by pointing out

that Bush was egging Trump on to say bad things so that he could put it on TV.

Melania said Donald Trump NEVER talks about women like that!


This girl is crushing it.

Way to go Melania.

I think everyone needs to see this amazing interview for themselves.

If you agree, share this out and let the world see Melania in Kick-Azz Mode!After Bashing

Trump For Months, George Soros Just Got The Worst News Of His Life!

This story by Paris Swade.

George Soros is a rich liberal!


Scratch that.

George Soros is the richest of liberals.

He spent tens of millions of dollars trying to elect Hillary Clinton.

Now that she lost…

He is focusing his attention on Donald Trump.


There is a 3-day meeting at the Mandarin Oriental hotel beginning on Sunday, according to Politico.

This event is sponsored by Democracy Alliance – which is headed up by George Soros.

Their plan is to stop Trump even after he has won the election.


You heard that right.

The election is not over.

It's going to be a long year.

*** If you didn't know, Soros is behind the protests going on right now.

Soros founded the Democracy Alliance in 2004.

Members of the organization have to donate at least $200,000 a year to its recommended


*** Soros gave $13 million to unsuccessfully stop Trump from winning.

The Democratic party is wanting to get away from Soros's Democracy Alliance.

One Democratic strategist said the following:

"The DA itself should be called into question," said one Democratic strategist.

"You can make a very good case it's nothing more than a social club for a handful wealthy

white donors and labor union officials to drink wine and read memos, as the Democratic

Party burns down around them."

You heard it right here at Liberty Writers News.

The Democrats are starting to doubt George Soros's vision for the party.

Let's help them doubt it!

#SHARE this article with every single patriot and Democrat that you know.

We need to stop this man from trying to topple our country.

Are you American?

Will you stand up, patriot?

God bless all the real patriot left.

Share this article if you agree.


(h/t Breitbart)THIS IS MASSIVE!

Watch Homeland Security Chairman Make Hillary GASP With 1 Word…

This story by Paris Swade.


You need to read this.

The Department of Homeland Security just came out and said that Clinton's actions amount

to treason.

*** Seriously!

Let me repeat that the Chairman of Homeland Security just said that Clinton's actions

amount to treason.

This is Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX) and he accused Hillary of "treason"

on Thursday morning on Fox and Friends.


The mainstream media is not going to push this.

Hillary is a traitor to this country.

The left is trying to cover for Hillary.

They are literally trying to elect a criminal to be President.


It's up to us to fight the mainstream media and share this.

Hillary is about to be slapped with treason.

Let's get this out!

Put Hillary in prison.

If we don't, this nation is too corrupt to fix.

(h/t Talking Points Memo)HOLY BLESSINGS Donald Trump Just Made a Deal With Israel that Will

Make God Smile!

Donald Trump is not just the leader America wants, he is the leader the entire world NEEDS!

Earlier today he had a private meeting with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu where he promised

the US would begin helping Israel again with military assistance, security and regional

stability once he is elected.

Trump ALSO Promised that, during his presidency, the US will recognize Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv,

as the official capital city of Israel!

This means the US embassy will no longer be in Tel Aviv to satisfy the Palestinians.

His campaign released this statement:

"Mr. Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People

for over 3,000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will

finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided

capital of the State of Israel."

And what is Israel going to give Donald Trump in return?

Well, help with his wall of course.

After all, nobody knows defensive wall building quite as well as the Israelis.Sounds like

the world's greatest deal-maker is already having success and he is not even in office


(H/T – Daily Mail)

So, my fellow patriots, let's give Donald Trump a round of applause for this amazing

deal with Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu.

And if you want to go the extra mile to help him out, just share this story out on Facebook

before the liberals can spin it.

For more infomation >> BREAKING Donald Trump Just Gave Laura Ingraham The BEST News of Her Life… - Duration: 11:16.


'Me Time' As A Cat Owner: Simon's Cat - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> 'Me Time' As A Cat Owner: Simon's Cat - Duration: 11:48.


What Is Your Best Snapper Shots? | ASUS - Duration: 1:29.

I have a passion for travel and photography

Street photography is what I excel at,

it involves good timing and observation

I devote a lot of time on the street in order to capture the perfect moment

But now I don't have to waste any more time

With the ZenStreet function,

all you need to do is go to ZenStreet mode and hold your phone up for 5 seconds

The latest innovation and intelligence of ZenStreet

was developed from interviewing 200 world-class photographers

Its latest Intelligent Zoom

will help you instantly find an interesting shot

and capture the perfect moment at any distance

Not only this,

ZenFone's latest technology can also detect the real emotions

and subsequent facial expressions

of a person in any settings

Now I don't have to waste my time shooting street shots anymore

-...Can you be quick?!-

And the picture I took with ZenFone

made me won the BEST SNAPPER OF THE YEAR.

ZenFone is the best creation that came into my life has also made me won the BEST SNAPPER OF THE YEAR award.

ZenFone is the best creation that came into my life

Take a walk, Take a photo, Take ASUS ZenFone

For more infomation >> What Is Your Best Snapper Shots? | ASUS - Duration: 1:29.


Angry Liberals Did Something TERRIBLE to Mike Pence Last Night During Hamilton Play… - Duration: 11:16.

Angry Liberals Did Something TERRIBLE to Mike Pence Last Night During Hamilton Play…

Now it is no secret that Liberals HATE Vice President Mike Pence.

I mean you would basically have to be living under a rock not to know that.

However, last night months of angst poured over onto Pence while he was watching the

Hamilton show on Broadway.

For starter, Pence was booed the second he walked into the theater and then multiple

times throughout the show.

Then Pence was caught off guard again when one of the play's actors froze the show

to give a long and passionate speech about how they are afraid of Pence before begging

Pence to uphold the Constitution.

By this point, Mike Pence was tired from a long night of heckling.

He figured he would just watch the rest of the show and sneak out to avoid any angry

people in the audience.

Well, to his surprise the streets were already flooded with anti-Pence protesters shouting

horrific slurs at him.

They apparently had been tipped off about Pence's presence at the play by a Twitter

account owned by Anonymous.Now I'm gonna be completely honest with you folks.

I do not agree with Mike Pence on Gay rights.

I tend to agree much more with Donald Trump.

That being said, dehumanizing him and treating him like trash is vile and the worst way to

make a point.

So, despite our disagreement, I want Vice President Pence to know that I have his back

during these times since America needs more compassion and understanding than these nightly

riots have given us.

If you will stand with Pence too, prove it by sharing this on your Facebook Page!!Melania

Trump Shut Down Anderson Cooper Last Night With 5 EPIC Words…

If the liberals really thought that they could go after Donald Trump by interviewing Melania,

they made a BIG mistake…

Anderson Cooper sat down for an interview with Melania Trump tonight hoping to catch

her saying something bad about Donald.

He even had the nerve to ask about the women claiming Trump assaulted them.


"I believe my husband.

I believe my husband.

This was all organized from the opposition.

And with the details that they got – did they ever check the background of these women?

They don't have any facts."

You see, Melania may not enjoy playing the media game as much as the rest of her family,

but she can still take down the liberal shills with ease.

She also dispelled all the lies about the Trump Tapes with Billy Bush by pointing out

that Bush was egging Trump on to say bad things so that he could put it on TV.

Melania said Donald Trump NEVER talks about women like that!


This girl is crushing it.

Way to go Melania.

I think everyone needs to see this amazing interview for themselves.

If you agree, share this out and let the world see Melania in Kick-Azz Mode!After Bashing

Trump For Months, George Soros Just Got The Worst News Of His Life!

This story by Paris Swade.

George Soros is a rich liberal!


Scratch that.

George Soros is the richest of liberals.

He spent tens of millions of dollars trying to elect Hillary Clinton.

Now that she lost…

He is focusing his attention on Donald Trump.


There is a 3-day meeting at the Mandarin Oriental hotel beginning on Sunday, according to Politico.

This event is sponsored by Democracy Alliance – which is headed up by George Soros.

Their plan is to stop Trump even after he has won the election.


You heard that right.

The election is not over.

It's going to be a long year.

*** If you didn't know, Soros is behind the protests going on right now.

Soros founded the Democracy Alliance in 2004.

Members of the organization have to donate at least $200,000 a year to its recommended


*** Soros gave $13 million to unsuccessfully stop Trump from winning.

The Democratic party is wanting to get away from Soros's Democracy Alliance.

One Democratic strategist said the following:

"The DA itself should be called into question," said one Democratic strategist.

"You can make a very good case it's nothing more than a social club for a handful wealthy

white donors and labor union officials to drink wine and read memos, as the Democratic

Party burns down around them."

You heard it right here at Liberty Writers News.

The Democrats are starting to doubt George Soros's vision for the party.

Let's help them doubt it!

#SHARE this article with every single patriot and Democrat that you know.

We need to stop this man from trying to topple our country.

Are you American?

Will you stand up, patriot?

God bless all the real patriot left.

Share this article if you agree.


(h/t Breitbart)THIS IS MASSIVE!

Watch Homeland Security Chairman Make Hillary GASP With 1 Word…

This story by Paris Swade.


You need to read this.

The Department of Homeland Security just came out and said that Clinton's actions amount

to treason.

*** Seriously!

Let me repeat that the Chairman of Homeland Security just said that Clinton's actions

amount to treason.

This is Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX) and he accused Hillary of "treason"

on Thursday morning on Fox and Friends.


The mainstream media is not going to push this.

Hillary is a traitor to this country.

The left is trying to cover for Hillary.

They are literally trying to elect a criminal to be President.


It's up to us to fight the mainstream media and share this.

Hillary is about to be slapped with treason.

Let's get this out!

Put Hillary in prison.

If we don't, this nation is too corrupt to fix.

(h/t Talking Points Memo)HOLY BLESSINGS Donald Trump Just Made a Deal With Israel that Will

Make God Smile!

Donald Trump is not just the leader America wants, he is the leader the entire world NEEDS!

Earlier today he had a private meeting with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu where he promised

the US would begin helping Israel again with military assistance, security and regional

stability once he is elected.

Trump ALSO Promised that, during his presidency, the US will recognize Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv,

as the official capital city of Israel!

This means the US embassy will no longer be in Tel Aviv to satisfy the Palestinians.

His campaign released this statement:

"Mr. Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People

for over 3,000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will

finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided

capital of the State of Israel."

And what is Israel going to give Donald Trump in return?

Well, help with his wall of course.

After all, nobody knows defensive wall building quite as well as the Israelis.Sounds like

the world's greatest deal-maker is already having success and he is not even in office


(H/T – Daily Mail)

So, my fellow patriots, let's give Donald Trump a round of applause for this amazing

deal with Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu.

And if you want to go the extra mile to help him out, just share this story out on Facebook

before the liberals can spin it.BREAKING Donald Trump Just Gave Laura Ingraham The BEST News

of Her Life…

For all those of you who LOVE Conservative radio Host Laura Ingraham and America's

President Donald Trump, prepare for the best news of the week:


She told Fox & Friends,

"Things are in flux.

We'll see…It's wonderful to be considered.

I've known Donald for a long time, and I know most of the guys who are going to be

in the White House with him."I think Ingraham would be an amazing choice.

She is poised, trusted, and still entertaining enough to keep America's attention.

Way better than Obama's sniveling brat, Jay Carney.

In case you didn't know, Ingraham is also great friends with Trump's top Advisor and

Strategist, Kellyanne Conway.

Back in the 90's they worked tirelessly to take down Bill Clinton's sick history

of RAPE, and even helped land the impeachment we all remember.

(H/T –told GQ)

Even if Trump decides to go a different way with his Press Secretary, I can guarantee

we will be seeing a LOT of Laura Ingraham around the White House for the next for years.

If you are proud of President Trump and all of his appointments, show your support and

share this out!BREAKING Trump Just Set Washington ON FIRE With New Ruling that Has Lobbyists


Donald Trump has finally done it!

Less than a week after his presidential nomination, Trump has kept his word on "Draining the

Swamp" in Washington DC with a new ruling that has lobbyists p*ssing all over themselves!!

In a historic move never before seen by a US President, Trump declared that ALL officials

working with his campaign, on his transition team, and in his cabinet will be BANNED from

working as DC lobbyists for 5 years to prevent them from abusing their connections for self-gain!

Not only that, but ANYONE who wants to work for Trump is now required to immediately end

ALL of their current connections to lobbying groups or be FIRED instantly.

But the Donald was not done yet.

To put icing on the cake, he has also moved to officially have the term lobbyist apply

to ALL DC insiders working as "consultants" or "advisors" when in reality, "we all

know they are lobbyists."

Video by CNN – Trump Drain the Swamp!!

Of course, you know all the long-time Senators and lobbying groups are already freaking out.

Mitch McConnel refused to acknowledge the ban when pressured by reporters while the

National Institute for Lobbying and Ethics tried to intimidate Trump by saying "This

will have a chilling effect on his hiring, no doubt."

Uh, yeah.

Now Donald Trump will have to hire people NOT trying to line their pockets with hundreds

of millions of tax payer dollars.

Sounds like a real loss to me…NOT!!

If you are proud of President Trump for standing up against the DC lobbyists and career politicians,

let him know by sharing this out to every person you know!!

For more infomation >> Angry Liberals Did Something TERRIBLE to Mike Pence Last Night During Hamilton Play… - Duration: 11:16.


instaCHARGE 6Port USB Smart Charger with Cable Set - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> instaCHARGE 6Port USB Smart Charger with Cable Set - Duration: 4:24.


KLM First Flight - Magnificent Málaga - Duration: 2:39.

I am Margot Frank. I have been flying for KLM for 25 years.

Last year I moved to Malaga.

Mainly because of the feeling of freedom, life literally being lighter here...

and the activities outside.

People know Malaga thanks to the airport of Malaga.

But Malaga has much more to offer.

If you want to get the real Malaga feeling...

you should begin the day in the Mercado de Atarazanas.

This old market has been divided into three parts.

Here you feel the real life in Malaga.

The connecting theme in Malaga certainly is Pablo Picasso.

Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga in this house at Plaza de la Merced.

The Malagueños are very proud of this fact.

When I have visitors, I most certainly show them Fort Alcazaba.

Alcazaba is of Moorish origin.

Walking through the fort you see the Arabic influences which are still there.

A visit to this fort is a must.

Not only the fort is very beautiful and special...

but certainly also the view on the historic part of Malaga.

Truly beautiful. It is a most rewarding view.

This part of Malaga is called Pedregalejo.

Here you find the beach, the sea, the chiringuitos...

where you can eat fresh fish. Everybody is relaxing outside.

If you want to get the real feel of Malaga...

you definitely have to come to this place.

This is the real Malaga.

For more infomation >> KLM First Flight - Magnificent Málaga - Duration: 2:39.


The Spine of Albion - Book Review - An Exploration of Earth Energies and Landscape Mysteries - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> The Spine of Albion - Book Review - An Exploration of Earth Energies and Landscape Mysteries - Duration: 6:26.


Daily List: America's April Fools' Plans - Duration: 1:39.














































For more infomation >> Daily List: America's April Fools' Plans - Duration: 1:39.


365 Chinese Cuisine | Ep.20170331 - 【Cantonese Cuisine】 - Duration: 2:03.

365 Cantonese Cuisine

This is a video about Chinese Cuisine

Each episode will introduce different types of Chinese Cuisine.

Now we are in a Cantonese Cuisine restaurant

And the name of the restaurant is called victory restaurant

What is the different between the black one and the white one?

Oh the chopsticks?

Oh, for this one is like, we can eat the food.

So touch our mouth?

Cris, look at that, there is a head in the middle of the dish.


What about white one?

This one we can pick the food.

And into our bowl

Cris, look at that, there is a head in the middle of the dish.

Oh, let me see.

Is this a duck head or like a bird head?

Emm... Try it first.

Try this?

No.. I mean you don't have to eat the head. Just try the meat.

Is that good?


Ok.. But just tell me what's this?

Actually that is kind of bird.



The head of the bird pigeon?




Let's try another one

This looks so good.

Tell me first this time.

I'm not really wanna try it before you tell me.

Ok. That actually is a duck's tongue.



Yep. The tongue.

Is that delicious?

Yummy just try it.

Right? It tastes good. Right?

But I don't believe this is a duck.

It is.




That means, we finished.


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