Isn't it cute?
Hurry bring them home!
Hurry bring me home!
Muhabbet Kuşu Fıstık ve Limon - Duration: 5:18.
Bhai Manpreet Singh Kanpuri - ਕਿਨ ਬਿਧਿ ਮਿਲੈ ਗੁਸਾਈ - Peaceful Kirtan - Duration: 54:41.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT II वज़न घटाने के रामबाण नुस्खे II BY DIETITIAN PRITI NATH GURU II - Duration: 2:32.Hello everyone, My name is Priti Nath Guru.
Today I'm going to share some "Tips for Weight Loss".
First point is that we should control over certain food items in our diet.
First thing is Sugar, The direct sugar
Quantity of Direct Sugar from WHO is 10-15 gm i.e 2-3 tsp in a day.
Sugar above than that should be avoided.
Generally when we share this information with people, they assume
There is nothing wrong if they had 2-3 tsp sugar in a day in Tea or Milk
But other than that we take Sweets, Canned food that is also a part of direct sugar.
So we should avoid such food items in our diet.
Second thing to be avoided is Direct Fats.
Fried food:- Samosa, Patties. Parantha, Poori should be avoided.
So that we can lose weight.
The third thing which we can get for weight reduction, we should do some Regular Exercise .
It could be walk, tread mail, cycling, running, skipping.
We should do one of the activity in daily routine.
It's ideal time is to do for 40-45 mins but
Initially we shouldn't start it from 45 mins rather we should increase the time slowly.
We should make a regular schedule of exercise in our life.
Which helps us to reduce the weight.
Fourth point that we should have the fixed schedule
If we are taking lunch at 2 pm & breakfast at 9 am then
We should make sure that between 9-9:30 am we must have our breakfast done
And we must take our lunch between 2-2:30 pm
Once in a while changes are acceptable but regular changes
Are not good and we should have fixed timings & accordingly we should take our meals.
I hope these points will be beneficial for you & you'll be able to control over your weight.
For more information, keep watching my upcoming videos. Thank you...
The #1 Grammar Mistake English Lanaguage Learners Make - Duration: 7:28.hi there I'm Drew Badger the world's
number one English Fluency Guide and in
this video we're going to be talking
about the number one grammar mistake
that English language learners make I
get so many questions from learners that
have problems with being able to
understand grammar or more importantly
even if they do understand how grammar
works they can't use it automatically
and fluently when they speak so I wanted
to begin this video before talking about
the actual mistake people make more
talking about why you actually have this
problem typically people will be not
having the ability to use grammar
automatically because they have learned
it in a way that's taught them grammar
rules but hasn't taught them how to
actually use the grammar without
speaking now people are learning the
language like a robot or a computer in
most traditional language classes they
get a list of grammar rules and often
even in the videos that you'll see right
here on YouTube with people are teaching
grammar they're doing it the traditional
way to give you a list of things written
on a whiteboard and they explain its
this tense and then if we want to talk
about the past then you change it and it
basically goes on to explain things that
you understand logically but because you
haven't trained yourself to use these
things automatically that's really what
stops you from being able to get fluent
now this isn't your fault because this
is the way that native speakers have
taught non-native speakers for many many
years or even people that are non-native
speakers that are also trying to help
other non-native speakers learn the
language I've been teaching it it's just
a traditional typical way and this is
what we were fighting against with
English anyone and trying to help people
see that you should be learning things
visually and then understanding things
and practicing them much more so that
you can actually use them confidently
and correctly automatically when you
speak so the number one mistake people
make is not with a particular grammar
point it's more about the learning of
grammar in general you may have been
learning this way ever since you began
learning the English language or any
other language you're studying but it's
now your opportunity to change the way
you learn so you can start training
yourself to speak because what you
really need to do if you want to use
correct grammar automatically is to
practice using grammar and to learn it
the right way the first thing you need
to do to become a master of grammar so
that you can use it automatically is to
learn it visually you don't want to
things where you're just reading it in a
textbook and getting a translation of
what your verb is to what a verb is in
English this is another one of the
really big problems that people make and
this is why maybe if you do hesitate
when you speak this is one of the big
reasons why this happens as an example
if I'm trying to learn Spanish I don't
actually see somebody running or
drinking or whatever and then learn the
spanish word for those things i'm just
reading in a dictionary maybe I see the
word like I don't know bear for drink if
that means drink I don't remember I took
like a little bit of Spanish and failed
it in school anyway but this idea of
just having something in a textbook
where you have to drink and then you
have the opposite thing the translation
of that next to it and then you're just
supposed to remember what those things
are now some people are able to do this
but I was not and I know a lot of the
people that follow me here watching
these videos have trouble understanding
in that way as well so what you have to
do number one is learn everything in
English and the way you do that is doing
it visually especially with verbs and
this is why we have all these little
video clips in these videos and I try to
demonstrate things visually as opposed
to just writing things up on a
blackboard it's important to see what
things look like you know to have the
spelling something like that but really
the most important thing is connecting
the meaning of something that you're
learning with the word that you're
trying to remember so I'm not trying to
translate from your language into
English but by taking a word where
you're seeing somebody running and then
you see I ok the word is to run for that
so the first step to grammar mastery is
to learn everything visually through
English the second step is once you've
mastered the grammar itself to
understand and practice using it by
telling it in different ways as an
example I could just maybe if I'm
speaking in a very simple way talked
about yesterday I went to a party or
tomorrow I will go to a party so I'm
taking something and I'm just making
different sentences in my mind by
practicing something and again I'm
connecting the meaning of something not
with a particular verb tense but in the
same way children would learn it it's
almost like you know if we look at the
verb to eat so if a child is listening
to a verb like that and I here as a
someone says I eat dinner and I'm
watching them they are eating right now
ok I understand what that means I eat
but if I here I ate dinner yesterday I'm
actually hearing these as two different
words it's not until we get a little bit
older that we connect oh these are
different tenses of the same thing so
we're actually really getting to the
meaning of something just this word
eight means to do something in the past
tense but then maybe like it's a little
bit easier to see when you have a
regular verb but something irregular
like to eat when it becomes eight
something it becomes a little bit more
difficult to understand but again this
is why you should be connecting with the
meaning directly so the first time
you're connecting with the meaning
directly is seeing something visually
and the second time is you're connecting
with the tents by hearing that thing and
understanding what the meaning of that
is so if you understand the time period
ok yesterday my friend did something so
we're not talking about right now we're
talking about a period in the past
instead of he does something now or he
will do something in the future he did
something in the past now these are both
of the steps that we do in master
English conversation but however you
like to learn keep these two things in
mind and that will help you improve your
English grammar and use it and really
become a much more competent user of
correct grammar automatically well I
hope you have enjoyed this quick video
really it's a very simple process for
mastering grammar once you stop doing it
the traditional way so if you're trying
to learn something like you're a Spanish
speaker and trying to learn English
through Spanish or Portuguese or any
other language Chinese French Italian
you have to remove all of those other
languages and connect exactly with the
English language through visual
exercises so something where you
actually get to see what's happening and
learning in the same way a child does
and then listening to stories which
explain okay we have a particular tense
and we're trying to show you exactly how
something works but we're again
connecting with the meaning of that as
opposed to trying to drill tenses and
remember grammar point all of these
things are really simple and will help
you improve but you have to actually
practice these things so just take a few
things maybe a few sentences and then
play with that so learn it as a visual
thing and then try practicing okay if I
did that thing yesterday how would the
sentence sound so yesterday I
sindh to music today I am listening or
right now I am listening to music if you
have enjoyed this video do click that
like button become a subscriber to the
YouTube channel and do share this video
with other people who also struggle to
use grammar correctly it's really not
difficult to become a master of grammar
but you have to stop learning at the
traditional way finally if you do want
to improve your grammar we can help you
do exactly that at English anyone calm
with the free quiz that you can take by
clicking on the link in this video or on
the link in the description below this
video it will tell you exactly what you
need to focus on whether it's grammar or
your pronunciation or anything else and
we can help you improve your confidence
in speaking fluency as a result of that
so you can get started doing that today
absolutely free and I look forward to
seeing you at English anyone com bye bye
Fitbit Charge 2 Fitness Tracker w/Classic+Leather Bands - Duration: 34:32.-------------------------------------------
ALOO JEERA RECIPE - SIMPLE ALOO JEERA CURRY II स्वादिष्ट जीरा आलू II BY VIJAYALAKSHMI II - Duration: 5:05.Hi friends, myslef Vijaya. Welcome to my kitchen.
In the first video of Vijaya's Recipes i.e Lemon Rice, I've introduced my aunt.
Today we'll learn an another recipe from my aunt.
Before we learn any recipe, I want to share something about her.
Last month we've celebrated her 80th birthday.
Throughout the day she works a lot and that is the secret of her fitness & health.
She's also a fabulous cook.
Whenever my son's friends visit our home, they relish Aloo Jeera & Puri Recipe made by their Grandmother.
So today we'll how to make Simple Aloo Jeera Curry and Puri.
Let's learn the recipe of Simple Aloo Jeera from her.
To make Aloo Jeera Sabzi we've taken 6 potatoes
We've boiled them till 2 whistles in pressure cooker, peeled & cut into small pieces.
Water, Oil, 1 tsp Asafoetida
Finely chopped 6 Green Chilli.
1 tsp Cumin Seeds, 1 tsp Turmeric Powder, 1 tsp Red Chilli Powder
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves
Let's make Aloo Jeera Curry
We'll put 3 tbsp Oil in the pan.
Let the oil heat up
Adding Cumin Seeds
Adding Green Chillies
Turmeric Powder
Red Chilli Powder
And salt to taste
She has mixed all the spices.
Let's see what next she's going to do
So, Grandmother what next?
Potatoes to be added.
Adding Potatoes
Adding Coriander leaves
She has made dry Aloo Jeera & we are taking it out in a bowl.
And we'll garnish it with some coriander leaves
With Puris, Aloo Jeera Curry goes well hence he had added water in it
Mix it well
Let it cook till its boils once.
Our Aloo Jeera Gravy is ready
Turning the flame off & taking it in a serving bowl.
Aloo Jeera Gravy is ready.
We'll serve it with Puris.
Grandma's made Aloo Jeera Dry & Gravy both are ready.
If you like our today's Grandma's recipe of Aloo Jeera Dry, then do try this.
We have given all the detailed method of preparation & ingredients.
Like our videos, share our videos and post your comments.
And please subsribe to our channel.
And keep watching our recipes on every Tuesdays & Fridays.
Thanks for watching.
JOY IMAN Fashionably Functional RFID Leather Bag - Duration: 4:03.-------------------------------------------
How to make cash online in kenya - How to make easy money online in nigeria - easy and free, kenya - Duration: 3:53.How to make money online in Nigeria fast" "How can I make money online in Nigeria" "How to make money online or ways to make money online in Nigeria". Additionally, I am going to show you how to make money online in Nigeria fast - even without having a single dime. How to make money online in nigeria fast with Pure Leverage. How To Make Money Online In Nigeria 2 2 2 2021- Free Online Business Ideas.
JOY Super Chic Jewel Kit and Better Beauty Case - Duration: 14:53.-------------------------------------------
THE TRACER PARADOX SOLVED!!! | THE SCIENCE!... of Overwatch - Duration: 8:09.Hello, this is isitpossible??? and today I will be talking about Tracer from the game
Overwatch, in particular, I am going to be talking about her powers.
Now, why am I covering this well mostly I just the "Impossible" science ideas or concepts
on this channel, but when watching The Game Theorist take on Tracers powers I felt dumbfounded.
Why does The Game Theorist take such great concepts and destroys them?
Because it's fun.
Well, I enjoyed Austins decent into madness except for his teardown into my favorite Superhero
by trying to tear apart Tracer's power called "the recall".
So I am here to prove that Tracer's powers do make sense Quantum Mechanically.
To make sure that you understand what I am talking about I suggest pausing this video
right here and going to watch the original Game Theorist video the link is structure
here on the screen and in the description.
Now The Game Theorist said that they have no room for Quantum Entanglement instead looking
at near light speed travel, Closed Time Line Curves, and The No-Cloning Theorem.
The answer is the very thing they refused to address.
Quantum Entanglement is the key to understanding how Tracers Powers work.
Now to understand what Tracer can do I need to go a bit into her back story of how she
got her powers.
Tracer received her powers during a testing of a prototype fighter jet.
During the testing, there was a malfunction that caused the jet and Tracer to disappear.
Tracer assumed dead until she showed up tree months later and it was discovered that she
had "fallen out of time."
Now, this was assumed because no one had seen her for three months.
After they found her she would vanish and come back after a few hours or days.
However, if Tracer had truly fallen out of time then she would have teleported between
multiple eras.
But she doesn't, what she does do is continuously moved forward in time.
This means that Tracer is still affected by time.
Which means that her powers come from somewhere else unrelated to time.
So how might Tracers powers work?
When Tracer is outside of her "chronal accelerator" at first her body is unable to properly materialize
for long periods of time and would constantly skip forward in time.
Then later on in the series canon, she is able to walk and move around without her "chronal
accelerator" while in her own home as well as engage in a relationship with another character.
With the "chronal accelerator" she is able to turn her own time back not affecting anything
except for herself.
She even uses beam pistols because if she used bullets she would run out.
That means that she is unable to affect anything besides her own physical location and health.
Now back to Quantum Entanglement well Austin was so close that I wanted to slap him.
The key to Tracer's powers is ... the Bell State.
That's right the same answer as Austin except that he was pushing information through a
Closed Time Line Curves causing a time loop.
Except he showed a clip of Tracer turning back time from her perspective.
It showed her body moving backward in physical movements, not the jump we were led to believe.
What is happening is Tracers molecular structure is rewinding itself.
This is happening at such insane speeds that to everyone including Tracer it looks like
a teleport.
What does this mean?
It means that her body is using a bell state effect on her entire molecular structure simultaneously.
So what about her memories?
Why can she remember what just happened if her entire molecular structure was reset?
Because her brain is isolated from the main effect by the "chronal accelerator."
The "chronal accelerator" must be able to isolate her brain from affect and allow it
to resync without harm.
Which limits her jumps to only 3 seconds.
Now to everyone about to yell about when she isn't wearing the "chronal accelerator" and
is still able to use her powers.
I didn't state that the "chronal accelerator" gave her powers, I just stated that they help
her powers.
No, her powers came from her initial accident on the experimental jet.
What must have happened is that her molecular structure was changed in a fundamental way.
Tracer's atoms must now contain a new property.
So what could be changed in Tracer's atomic structure without killing her but give her
her powers?
Tracer's neutrons must have become neutrinos.
A neutrino is a particle that can transfer itself across the universe in a matter of
It literally has the same properties as Tracer does.
The only problem is that a neutrino is highly unstable, being produced when radioactive
decay occurs.
However, the story of Overwatch covers how this was solved.
In this story, Winston stabilizes Tracer's body with the "chronal accelerator" thus keeping
her in the present.
While also allowing her molecules are more easily influenced by her "chronal accelerator."
Allowing her to achieve the "Bell State" easier enabling her to use the power of recall.
So now that we have proven Tracer's powers.
If you like this
content please hit a like and leave a comment below and to my 7 subscribers thank you for
supporting my content.
As always goodnight.
Korean Folk Song - 물레타령 (Spinning Wheel Song) - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
JOY 20piece SHADES Readers Best of the Best Edition - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
TPLINK AC1750 DualBand WiFi AC Wireless Modem Router - Duration: 10:37.-------------------------------------------
BIKERGIRL | DRAGSTER 800rr vs SUPER DUKE 1290 - Duration: 6:30.Hi everyone! Thanks for watching
My name is Anne
And today I'm test riding a bike in collaboration with the Coolwall
We are going to motorcycle store Dipi Moto at Gilze (The Netherlands)
And I'm taking you with me
i'll show you what I use
Navigation. Keys of the motor I'm with
The camera I'm now using
DSLR camera
GoPro's and the accessory
And my Sena
Motorcycle gear
Lets go
I'm going with my moms bike. The CB600F
Because it got the topcase and I need to right a long way on the highway
here we are
Awesome dragster!
You are the macho with this bike
This thing is SICK!
This thing is sooo RAD!
This is going so fast!
Waaaaah I did a WHEELIE!
that was awesome!
I'm falling inlove
This is so awesome to ride!
OMG. I am inlove
I just rode this bike
Do you hear me through the wind noise?
This is the next test bike
We are going with this one
I think this one is also nice to ride
I can't get in...
In neutral
You got him?
This thing is not fuel efficient
After two kilometers it is empty
I am at home with my moms bike
I have rode two freaking awesome bikes!
To see the review of these bike you need to check The Coolwall
You can see the whole review of the bikes
I hope you enjoyed this video
Don't forget to give thumbs up
Till next time
पनीर और मिल्क पाउडर की बर्फी - Milk powder and paneer burfi - Duration: 4:15.Milk powder or Paneer burfi is a very delicious Indian sweet.
This delicious sweet can be eat on days of Vart's and fast
or you can make it on any special occasion like Festivals,
special days of your life or anytime whenever
you want to eat something sweet.
It is very easy to prepare and very delicious in taste.
Required ingredients for prepare this sweet are
milk powder, paneer, crushed sugar, ghee, milk and some dry fruits.
Let's start to make this yummy sweet
#08 How Do I Choose A Company Name For My Cleaning Business? - Duration: 8:47.Hi there.
I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a housecleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer.
The question we're going to cover today comes from a girl who is starting her own
housecleaning company, and she wants to know; "What is the best company name,
for my business"?
I love this question.
I get asked this question 2 or 3 times a week.
Okay so what it comes down to is, number one, what is it that you're doing?
What is it that you're doing?
And the reason I ask that question is this.
If you are cleaning houses, cleaning houses should be somewhere in the title of your company name.
So, think about this.
Let's say that you're looking for a housecleaner.
And so you're going to go on Google, and what are you going to search for?
"House cleaners in my area?" or "I need a housecleaner" or "affordable housecleaning"
or whatever the terms are that you're going to use.
Those terms should be built inside your company name.
Now I've heard all kinds of people that have these amazingly creative titles.
But they're never going to show up anywhere on a search engine.
And I won't embarrass the people who have really crappy company names.
Because just think about it, if you go to Google and you search for:
"I'm thinking of clean" or something like that - that's not going to show up.
The word clean is in there.
But that's not going to show up under housecleaning.
That's not going to pull up in the search engine, and that's not going to help people
find you.
So your company name is not the time to be creative.
That is not the time to be creative.
It should say something like "housecleaning," "house cleaners," "affordable housecleaning,"
"cleaning in this ZIP code," whatever it is.
Be very specific about your company name.
Okay, so the second thing that you need to think about when you're choosing a company
name, is what is the URL that you're going to use?
And I say the URL, that is the website www or http:// whatever your company name is.
And that is super important.
Because everyone now lives on the internet.
When people go to look for you, when people go to vet you, when people refer you, somebody's
going to go to your website.
And how are they going to find your website?
Because your company name is built into your URL.
Here's an example, my company name is called Savvy Cleaner.
What do I do?
I train house cleaners how to start their own cleaning companies.
When they go through my program, they are a "Savvy Cleaner" that is the result.
That is what I'm offering, are savvy cleaners.
So my company name is Savvy Cleaner guess what my URL is? that is My URL.
Okay so you want to make sure that you're company name is built into your URL.
Why do you want to do that?
We want to do that for SEO purposes.
And SEO stands for search engine optimization.
And it is super important, because if you get this right this will save you hundreds,
and hundreds, and thousands of dollars on advertising, and marketing later on.
Instead of trying to pay later on to come back and figure out a way to get your page
to rank in Google, start out by doing it correctly.
You start out by doing it correctly by using keywords that people are going to search for
in the title of your business name then use it in your URL.
Now we live in a world of social media.
So the very next part of this is your social media handles have to also include your company name.
This is where it gets really tricky because a lot of the handles and a lot of the URLs
are already taken.
So if you have a really great company name, you need to get on the internet immediately
you need to reserve the URL.
Okay, so you can go to a place like lets you register the domain name for your business.
So, if that is available before you register it, go over to social media.
Go to
Type in the business name that you want, and see if someone else is already using it.
So on my company name is on Twitter it's
On Instagram, it's the little @ with your company name?
All of my social media is consistent with my company name and with my branding.
And so if you get this right, right now, like I said, it will save you so much money and
so much hassle later on.
You can't be "Savvy Cleaner" and then have your URL at some, not your URL, but your
handles on social media, be something like "@OneCoolChick."
That doesn't make any sense.
People are not going to associate @OneCoolChick with Savvy Cleaner.
Do you see what I'm saying?
It has to be consistent.
You have to be consistent across the board here's why:
The search engines are getting smarter and smarter every day with algorithms that help
connect the dots on social media.
And so what happens is places like Google they want to provide the best user experience.
So what are going to do, is they're going to try to connect the dots.
So let's say that you are Savvy Cleaner you are also Savvy Cleaner on Facebook.
They're going to start looking for clues.
Is this the same Savvy Cleaner?
And can I link them?
And so what happens is on Savvy Cleaner, let's say on Savvy Cleaner Facebook.
If my Facebook page is all about things that are about cleaning and house cleaning, and
cleaning tips, and things like that.
Google is going to say; "Wait a second.
I think this is associated with this."
And it's going to link the two of them and my search engine rankings just when.
If I use this page to talk about things like my dogs, and tattoos, and a picnic that I'm
having and a boating trip, Google is going to say, "well, it has the same name, but
I'm confused.
I don't think it's the same person."
Which is one of the reasons why you have to have business social media pages?
So you can link the business social media Pages back to your URL.
Then when you start producing content, let's say that you make a video, like the one that
I'm making right now it will connect this with this.
So, if I post this video over here on social media, guess what?
It's going to find its way to the search engines, and half my work is already done.
So when you create a company name, this is huge, this is super important get it right.
Get it right from the very beginning.
This is not the time to say; "A mother-daughter loves to clean" or something like that.
That is that is not a good company name.
Nobody's ever going to look for you there.
"Guy in a cleaning truck" maybe, but not likely.
"Cleaning houses," "housecleaning," "cleaning company," "affordable cleaning"
something like that "cleaning in whatever your ZIP code is,"
there are people that have amazing company names for house cleaning, and they have coined
terms like.
"Top Notch Chicago Cleaning Company" that's pretty awesome.
Guess what?
They clean in Chicago right?
So don't be creative. Just be consistent with all of your marketing approaches.
And if you set that up in the very beginning, I promise you this, it will save you a lot
of time and hassle later on.
Okay, that's our tip for today. And if you have any questions go over to,
there's a little blue button.
Click on that button a little microphone appears you can ask your question.
If you like this tip and you found it helpful, please pass it along.
Share it, Tweet it.
Pin it.
Post it, whatever you guys do.
Okay, that's it for today and until I see you again, leave the world a cleaner place
than when you found it.
What is an Annuity and How Does It Guarantee Income - Duration: 1:30.What are annuities and how do they work?Annuities are both a savings and an income investment
that pays out over a period of time.
It's actually a steam of income you can't outlive.An annuity is a flexible insurance
contract that allows retirement savings to grow income tax deferred and then payout to
you in a lump sum, income for life, or income for a certain period of time.There are two
basic types: Fixed and Variable.The Fixed Annuity earns a set yield and payout set by
the contract.The Variable Annuity is invested in stocks and bonds.
The growth value and potential income stream will depend on the investment returns and
losses could occur.
In both annuities the growth is income tax deferred and the contract terms control growth
and income.In today's market there has been a blending in the qualities of these two kinds
of annuities to generate the best return for investors yet maintain the guarantees needed
in retirement.There are a lot of choices and your personal situation needs to be considered.We
can help you develop a plan to meet your specific needs towards a comfortable retirement, so
please give us a call today.
Should You Invest In NPS For Extra Tax Savings? - Duration: 4:18.Should you invest in National Pension Scheme (NPS) for extra amount of tax deduction?
NPS gives extra tax deduction over and above the regular annual limit of Rs 1.5 lakh
If employed, you have provident fund for retirement savings
Self-employed might be having other retirement investments
NPS combines tax deduction with retirement savings
Is the extra Rs 50,000 of tax deduction under Section 80 CCD for NPS worth the bother?
At any stage, investment in NPS is worth. This is so even for those in lower tax brackets
At any stage investment in NPS is worth. This is so even for someone at a lower tax bracket
In a 30% tax bracket, an investment of Rs 50,000 will save tax of Rs 15,000
You are effectively investing Rs 35,000
Whereas you will be credited with Rs 50,000 to start with
If some one has enough pension schemes and he is not worried about retirement income, he could give it a pass
How to Make Banana and Coconut Toast - Banana and Coconut Toast - 2017 - Duration: 1:12.How to Make Banana and Coconut Toast - Banana and Coconut Toast - 2017
How to Make Banana and Coconut Toast - Banana and Coconut Toast - 2017
How to Make Banana and Coconut Toast - Banana and Coconut Toast - 2017
How to Make Banana and Coconut Toast - Banana and Coconut Toast - 2017
How to Make Banana and Coconut Toast - Banana and Coconut Toast - 2017
How to Make Banana and Coconut Toast - Banana and Coconut Toast - 2017
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