All glory to God for enabling me to speak to you all through Rapture Broadcasting Network.
I give thanks and glory to God for touching many lives by the power of the Holy Spirit,
through the prophetic Word of May 2017. Thank you all for sharing and subscribing.
Let's enter the prophetic word for June 2017.
Scripture reference from Revelation 3: 7-8. Let's read it together.
"To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David,
what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.8. I know your deeds,
see I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.
I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name".
For certain people, doors are going to be open by the Spirit of God.
Even having little strength you held on to the Word of God. You were not ashamed to tell others about Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is going to open some doors before you.
If God decides to open doors for you whoever tries to close it, what God has decided to open will remain opened.
Word of God tells us "If God is for us who can be against us".
Those who are watching me, next generations, families, believers, anointed people;
if God has a plan that you should reach any village or city, let it be North India,
gulf countries or other continents or Americas. If God has a plan, He will surely open ways.
If you have the anointing and the calling, many who are listening to me now,
who are thinking the way is closed, your anointing itself is going to open the door.
Those who are burdened, doors were closed for you because some people blocked your ways.
The Holy Spirit is speaking to those through this Word.."The one who has the key of David".
God is not looking are you world famous, or serving God in villages or cities, but are you faithful?
Let me say it again, God never looks how famous you are or not.
What God is looking is even if you have a little strength, you held onto His Word, which penetrates through joints & marrow.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God,
that Word became flesh. and if you are sure God has seen you to lift up Jesus,
you must be sure He has called you to testify that Word. And if you are faithful before that Word,
in believing God's power, The Holy Spirit is going to open some great and wide doors for you. Amen! Hallelujah!
"The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit".
We are able to do a lot of things through the media, things which are being done through you
your generations, believers and the anointed ones. It reaches to many.
More than the likes & comments you receive, see if heaven is liking it or saying Amen.
That is great and it doesn't mean receiving a lot of likes or comments is not good or even if it is less it is not bad.
If for your words heaven is saying Amen then the power in that word will open certain doors before you.
In your church if people are less don't worry, pray for all those who are there to burn.
Some churches may be having 30 people or 10 people or 20 people.
Only 120 were there to wait and pray. When they waited power came and the 120 turned into 3000 and 5000.
Today this faith has spread to the 7 continents.
God is not looking at the numbers but all those who are there, should experience the power of God.
Anointed ones, do you desire for revival to come into your churches? 30, 50, 300, 30,000 or 25,000.
If the fire burns inside them a group of people of the land will come into your church, like the crowd came to listen to Jesus.
Some states and countries will know that Jesus's Word is being declared through you will come to listen.
Men serving the King, people in authority all will come to listen to you.
Even when you had little strength, you held onto the Word and never rejected.
Let us pray - Even when you had little strength, you held onto my Word.
A door is being opened for you, which was spoken through the book of Revelation.
Today, this moment the one who is listening to me personally, for them what you are desiring to do,
I praise you Jesus. Lord you are looking for the faithful.
As it is said about David, who followed after your heart, those who know this deep in their heart,
are still unable to follow you fully. Spirit of God is going to bring out the anointing which is poured on them.
Some people who are listening to me now, cities, states & nations will be moved through
those lives declaring your Word and your name.
Even from the palace they came to listen to Paul's preaching.
As you open doors same way, in the midst of people in authority with great deliverances,Holy Spirit will open doors before some people.
Give you praise for the children of God who believe in you, you are going to turn 2017 into a memorable year.
Thank you for hearing this prayer in Jesus name. May The Lord bless you.Amen! Amen! Amen!
We know you will call us, that through this Word your faith level has raised.
One thing I am sure the one who called you is the all powerful God.
Your calling is not ordinary, it is a Kingly and priestly calling.
You won't be like ordinary people. God touched you and will touch others through you.
You will witness to cities, nations & continents.
Let us rejoice together in the Lord and be glad. Let us prepare ourselves for the Lord's coming.
May the Lord help us to prepare many. God bless you all.
For more infomation >> Prophet Sujith James Abraham :Prophetic Word June 2017 - Duration: 9:37.-------------------------------------------
Tips for Staying Hydrated - Duration: 2:33.
Tips for Staying Hydrated
Keep your water bottle handy.
"If it's right next to you, you'll likely get into the habit of sipping it without even
realizing it," says Sakimura.
Spice up plain water.
"If you don't love plain water, jazz it up by adding a splash of fruit juice or chunks
of fresh or frozen fruit," says Sakimura.
"Or, try naturally flavored, calorie-free seltzers (my personal favorite) — their
fizz and fruit flavor makes them more appealing than plain, flat water."
Try different teas.
Sakimura recommends reaching for unsweetened flavored teas, which are available in lots
of different flavors.
"Sip fruity iced teas during the day (with lots of ice if it's hot out) or cozy up with
a mug of hot peppermint or chamomile tea at night — they all count towards your daily
fluid goal."
Makeover your snacks.
"Swap dry, carby snacks like chips, pretzels, and crackers — which have a very low water
content — with refreshing munchies like fresh or frozen fruit, yogurt, healthy smoothies,
celery with peanut butter, and cut veggies with hummus," recommends Sakimura.
Pile on the produce.
"Aim to make half your plate produce at meals.
All those vegetable and fruit servings will supply water as well as a hearty dose of vitamins,
minerals, and fiber," says Sakimura.
Sip more during meals.
"Sipping water with meals will help you eat more slowly, pace your eating, and of
course stay hydrated," Sakimura adds.
Opt for room temperature or cooler water.
When it comes to fluids, steer clear of extreme temperatures.
When ice water comes into the stomach it constricts the arteries surrounding the stomach, which
help the stomach function properly and help with water absorption, explains Higgins.
"Ice water will just sit in your stomach until it warms up.
If you hear water swishing around in your stomach, it means the water is not getting
absorbed," says Higgins.
Fluids that are cooler or room temperature are better options.
When it comes to total water intake, which includes water gained from foods and other
beverages like tea and milk, the Institute of Medicine recommends that most women get
about 2.7 liters of water a day (or about 12 cups), and most men get about 3.7 liters
a day (or about 15 cups).
English Conversation: Asking someone out - Duration: 0:47.
A: Are you still seeing that girl from work?
B: No, we're just friends.
A: How come it didn't work out?
B: We were too different.
A: What's your type?
B: I like someone tall and athletic.
B: Easy going. Like you.
A: Like me?
B: Yeah. Are you seeing anyone right now?
A: No, I just broke up with my boyfriend.
B: Do you wanna go out sometime?
A: Sure.
A: I didn't know you liked me that way.
B: I've liked you for a long time.
B: I was just too shy to ask.
English Conversation: Congratulations! - Duration: 0:31.
A: How did your job interview go?
B: They offered me the job this morning.
A: Oh really! Congratulations.
A: That's great news.
B: Thanks.
A: You must be so happy.
B: I'm very happy.
B: I really wanted that job.
A: Well, congrats again.
A: When do you start?
B: Next Monday. I can't wait.
English Conversation: What are you reading at the moment? - Duration: 0:37.
A: What are you reading at the moment?
B: I'm reading the new J.K Rowling book.
A: I like her books.
B: She's my favorite author.
B: Who's your favorite author?
A: I really like Stephen King.
A: I've read a lot of his books.
B: What are you reading right now?
A: I'm reading The Girl on the Train.
A: It's out on the movies too.
B: I've heard that is a good book.
English Conversation: How do you like living here? - Duration: 0:38.
A: How do you like living here in the US?
B: I really like it.
A: When did you come here?
B: I moved here two months ago.
A: You're still brand new to everything!
B: It's still a bit of a culture shock.
A: What do you like about it so far?
B: I love the food here.
B: And I love the weather.
A: Have you met a lot of people?
B: I have. Everyone is really friendly.
English Conversation: How is it different from home? - Duration: 0:43.
A: Do you miss home?
B: Yes but I like living here as well.
A: How is it different from home?
B: For starters, the weather here is amazing.
A: It's not good where you're from?
B: It rains a lot.
A: What else is different about this place?
B: Here the pace of life is a lot faster.
A: Are you from a small town?
B: Yes, everybody knows everybody.
A: Would you ever consider moving back?
B: No. I already go back twice a year.
English Conversation: Hotel Check In - Duration: 0:31.
A: Welcome to the Oceans Hotel.
B: Hi. I have a reservation under Davids.
A: David's. Party of four
B: That's the one.
A: Your room is all ready sir.
A: Room 459. Here are your keys.
B: Thanks, what time is checkout?
A: Check out time is 11 a.m.
A: Enjoy your stay with us.
B: Thank you very much.
xxxsensation - may you please direct your eyes toward me - Duration: 2:27.
yea yea yea
deez nuts
dab on em
cringe lord
i will regret writing this
did you know gaming is a great chanel
chanel is good brand
oooohhh listen to that
i want a hoverboard
and a fidget spinner
send one my address is
71 Pilgrim Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815
found it
so send me some fidgets
English Conversation: Dating life - Duration: 0:40.
A: How's your new girlfriend?
A: How long have you been dating now?
B: She's well.
B: We've been going out for 2 months.
A: What's her name?
B: Daniella.
A: Where did the two of you meet?
B: Through a mutual friend.
B: How are you and your boyfriend doing?
A: We're doing great.
A: We are going to move in together soon.
B: When am I gonna meet this guy?
A: Stick around.
A: He's on his way now.
English Conversation: Wifi - Duration: 0:25.
A: Do you know if they have wifi here?
B: Yeah, it's under airport wifi.
A: Do you have to pay?
B: No, it's free.
A: is there a password?
B: No. You sign up with your email.
A: What's the speed like?
B: It's good. I'm on it right now.
English Conversation: We're just friends - Duration: 0:34.
A: Are you still seeing that girl from work?
B: No, we're just friends.
A: How come it didn't work out?
B: The spark just wasn't there.
A: That's a shame. She was nice.
B: I really like this one girl.
A: Have you asked her out?
B: I can't tell if she likes me as just a friend.
A: Just ask her out.
A: You've got nothing to lose.
English Conversation: Cancel a Reservation - Duration: 0:34.
A: Hi there, how can I help you?
B: I'd like to cancel my reservation please.
A: What date are you booked for?
B: July the sixth.
A: What name is the booking under?
B: It's under Smith. Party of four.
A: Would you like me to refund the amount back to the card?
B: Yes please.
A: Ok. That's all done.
B: Thanks for your help.
English Conversation: What colour is it? - Duration: 0:42.
A: What color do you want to paint the room?
Whats your favorite color?
A: I like brown, green, blue, grey.
B: Not black though right?
A: No definitely not black.
B: How about orange, red, yellow or even pink.
A: Pink? No way!
A: What about white, that's a nice neutral color.
B: Do you like this color?
A: What color is it?
B: It says it's Tiel. I like it.
A: It does look nice.
A: Maybe we should try that one.
English Conversation: How long have you been dating? - Duration: 0:30.
A: How long have you been dating for?
B: We've been together for six months.
A: Where did you meet?
B: University. We were in the same class.
A: Who spoke to who first?
B: I broke the ice first.
B: I was pretty nervous though.
A: Well, you guys look cute together.
A: I wish you all the best.
English Conversation: Email - Duration: 0:26.
A: Do you mind if I check my emails?
B: Sure go ahead.
A: What's your laptop password?
B: It's admin.
A: Thanks.
B: Did you get my email yesterday?
A: Yeah I did. Did you get mine?
B: No I didn't see it.
A: Check your spam.
A: It goes in there sometimes.
English Conversation: Parking - Duration: 0:36.
A: Do you know if we can park here?
B: There's a sign over there.
A: What does it say?
B: No parking on Tuesdays between eight and ten.
A: What's the time now?
B: It's just after nine.
A: How about the other side of the road?
B: That side is ok to park on.
B: It has parking meters.
A: I don't have any coins.
B: It's ok. It takes credit cards.
English Conversation: Social media - Duration: 0:42.
A: Are you on facebook?
B: Yeah but I barely check it.
A: It's good for looking at people's photos.
B:I love using instagram.
A: Who do you follow on Instagram?
B: Pro athletes and musicians.
A: I have a Youtube channel.
B: How many followers do you have?
A: Over 60,000.
B: What kind of stuff do you blog about?
A: Fashion and design.
A: I have a Twitter and Snapchat account too.
B: Sounds interesting. I'll take a look.
English Conversation: Booking a Room - Duration: 0:37.
A: Hello, Oceans Hotel.
B: I'd like to reserve a room please.
A: How many nights will you be staying?
B: 3 nights.
A: When will you be staying with us?
B: From July second to July six.
A: Yes we have a room free.
B: How much does it cost per night?
A: $180 per night.
B: O.k. Can I pay by credit card?
A: Yes, we accept Visa and Mastercard.
English Conversation: Do you miss home? - Duration: 0:40.
A: How are you liking living here?
B: It's going really well.
A: How long have you been here now?
B: I've been here five months.
A: That's really flown by.
B: It'll be six months next week.
A: Do you miss home?
B: Every now and then I do.
A: What do you miss the most?
B: I miss my family for sure.
B: Plus I miss the food.
A: I bet you miss speaking your own language!
B: Sometimes I do.