what's up you guys and welcome to this segment on your sheriff you guys this is
a big-ass segment we got a killer giveaways I figured it out okay I
figured it out I said this you know what since the donations are coming there is
a link to PayPal email in the description people do donate and I have
their names down there and I figured you know what let's have five lucky winners
announced at the end of this month and let's link you know a gleam giveaway in
the description this is all you got to do right there in front of you you got a
sub you got a like you got a comment that's all you got to do it's common
stuff that's happening on YouTube and it's going to enter you into the gleam
giveaway and like I said I could have given away one big prize but I figured
let's share it among us and this way we have five lucky winners all right you
guys we have an amazing glitch right there happening in the background and a
lot of people when I show you a streetcar glitch you always tell me can
we bypass the 45-minute wait and this glitch right here is gonna pipe acid and
this is proof for it right here in order to show you guys everything somewhat in
real-time but i'm skipping some of the stuff that's annoying and tedious you
don't need to see it in the videos so to prove it in the beginning we solved one
of the jackals and this thing sold for a hundred and ninety two thousand dollars
i'm going to call on my mechanic i'm gonna get one of the retro allergy is
delivered from garage level one because i need to empty a couple of spots in
that garage for this glitch to work you need to have yourself a couple of empty
spots in order to keep filling it automatically now in this segment i'm
going to show you how fast you can duplicate these cars one of the
subscribers actually came on the last video gives us a killer tip and i wanted
to test it out in order to show it to you guys now as we sell this retro
allergy right here and set up for the glitch i want to let you guys know
something man this could be the last video that I upload for maybe a week
because your boy right here is heading to Mexico
all right I'm talking tomorrow I'm sleeping for a couple of hours waking up
early in the morning and we are flying out of here so if you don't see much
much activity on the channel you know why okay and at the same time I think
I've set you up with most of the glitches that you need in order to
yourself setup now I'm the one who wants to duplicate the car so I found the
benefactor which is the best car in GTA 5 when it comes off the street I have
another screen running what my friend has to do in his own CEO tower garage
one all right and this is happening that means means West MS Bank West so
make sure of that okay if you do that it means Bank West you're doing it in spot
number six I'm sure most of you guys know exactly what you're doing right now
and he's gonna call on Gerrard and he's going to tell him you're Gerrard it
could be anybody right away give me a job buddy he gets the job and he's going
to accept it right away I'm sitting right there waiting for him with the car
that I want to duplicate this way once he spawns in it's a-okay all right so
he's going to accept it the kickstand out of the car
and he's going to go straight up we're in an invite-only session too by the way
I'm trying to give you guys all the tips and all the questions that comes toward
me so there he is he spawned right in front of me it kicks him out of his
garage I hand over the car that I want and in this point he's going to get into
it now you guys are saying you really documented this don't worry about it the
fast part is coming and don't forget I'm trying to show you guys a method that's
going to give you a bypass on a 45 minute wait okay so here we go he's
going to get into the car exactly what like what we did before he's going to
click right on the d-pad he disappears I gotta make my way to my garage now all
right he's gonna sit and you see our custom shop I gotta go all the way to my
garage level 1 which is just around the corner once you load then you need a
dummy car in spot number 6 I got the allergy right you guys remember that
yellow allergy that's sitting there but but why am i buzzed in my own garage I'm
not really sure but hey you know what that's GTA for you and I'm surprised
that this glitch is still working boys and girls it's still working and I know
a lot of people don't have the money for the retro allergy so cute card OOP there
you go all right we are in here let's get into this yellow all right what is
it salt I want to show you guys first how many spots I got empty right here
the rh8 I was like I'm like what the hell happened to the name so I'm moving
a couple of cars around because I need to have some empty spots inside each
other just to show you guys there is an empty spot
up here in this level as well behind the screen that you guys see so now that I
get the setup ready I'm going to go and sit in that rh8 it's it's completely a
dummy car as no upgrades on it I don't care if I lose it at this point I do
want to lose it but this car is like stuck to me like gum on here baby
gum on here I wasn't going to say white on rice I wasn't going to say that okay
we get into the garage and now you're going to see the perspective from both
sides now my friend doesn't even feel that I'm there he doesn't feel me check
this out this happens sometimes if this happens to you and you can't get out of
the car because if you got out of that passenger side you're not going to be
able to enter just back out one time and come back in this type of glitch is not
like the one that was before it was the retro allergy that if you don't land in
the proper spot it's not a goal this one is a little bit more forgiving so there
you go we landed it upside down and in my excitement I clicked the wrong button
but it's all good exit out of the cart click be exit out of the car by pressing
the Y button and now go and sit in the car that your friend is sitting in of
course he gets to see the door open and that's excuse to get out of the car and
be hanging around in the garage I'm going to spare you guys the
customization of this thing but my advice to you is put everything on it
and if you don't have enough money don't be cheap just put everything on it and
then when you have enough money then you'll have more to upgrade on it okay
so the final thing that I like to do is always not to be detected by Rockstar
and that's also going to bypass the 45 minutes wait when you're doing with the
allergies right which is a custom place so there you go put a custom plate on it
now we're going to put the tracker now you guys we only put the tracker and
that's about it alright now you guys want to see how
fast this glitch can go alright I'll show you the first step slow and then
I'm going to speed up after that in order to show you more about it you're
just going to exit the vehicle don't even go back to your single level garage
exit the vehicle right there I'm trying to give you guys perspective from both
sides and once you exit the vehicle now it's ready to be duplicated again just
enter the vehicle one more time and you'll see now that you have the ability
to put click on it again and also put the
tracker now you keep doing that all right every time you you just put a
plate you put a tracker boom boom boom and you're good to go
now let me tell you something a little bit about the giveaway that we have in
the description all right I'm going to say this if we hit let's say I don't
know I need you guys to give me a number in the comment section I'm thinking
maybe we can hold that giveaway for 15 days but I want to see your support all
right I want to see some support from everybody that's right here on the
channel tell your friends you know there is going to be five lucky winners so if
you get a friend and get them to enter the giveaway you guys spend a bigger
chance of both of maybe you and your friend winning or one of you winning and
splitting the shark card giveaway whatever you guys want to do man all
right you see in the background I completely
went balls to the walls and I wanted to show you guys the garage in there just
to show you how many vetoes I got in it well now you're going to tell me I rock
you Sheriff now that we did all the duplication and we're done with all this
how are we going to bypass the 45 minutes wait
I mean these vehicles are still considered to be street vehicles and I
get the answer for you right here for some reason alright for some reason the
guy that's working at Rockstar has missed a step he missed a step all right
guys you can exit out of your CEO Tower and go up to the roof or to the ground
and your friends are still sitting in there that's exquisitely step right
there usually most of the time when you exit out your friend is gone too and
this way you can you know you can't really glitch stuff in the garage but
now you can and this is what we're going to do we're going to go on to the
legendary Motorsports we're going to get their retro allergy natural retro the
normal one that is the free one from the social club we can replace the spin spot
number five okay that's the spot that's right beside that yellow one and you got
visibility with your friend right here he's looking at it now I'm skipping
forward a little bit because wiggle mister diaper man found me and he was
bugging me up on top of the roof but you know what it's all good Wiggles with
always a pleasure to have you in the video brother now we wait for the
allergy to get delivered do not get you ass down there until this car is
delivered let's get back there our Wiggles you can come in for a drink bro
take that Viper I mean keep the diaper on
keep the diaper on once you come back in as you can see the car is still visible
on my friends side as a benefactor right but we know it's not a manufacturer
anymore we displaced it with that with a normal allergy so I wanted to show you
guys what would happen from the blue circle but I've been chief detected and
I don't have the blue circle when my friends are in the garage so let's get
this car into the shop and from there we're gonna have to of course change the
plate on it right and that's that's gonna fix it now once we do that step
what does that do that makes the game think that this is a normal allergy and
normal one from the social club so they would let you sell it over and over and
over again I will take one final drive to the los santos customs after we do
this step right here to prove to you guys remember we sold a car in the
beginning that was the jackal and there is a 45-minute clearance wait this car
is going to sell a ok and you're not going to have any problems whatsoever
so we put the plate I'm going to back out to my garage just to be safe and
from there we are going to book to the los santos customs all right you guys
like i said drop a like on the video show your support don't forget the
giveaway alright share it man share it with friends I knew you guys have been
supporting super hard but I know I've been pushing super hard as well in order
to grow the channel and get you guys awesome content if I do have find
tomorrow for a livestream before I fly off to Mexico I will hook up with you
guys if not I am so sorry I'm going to miss each and every one of you for an
entire week here's hoping the brand new DLC doesn't hit when your boys in Mexico
but if it does you guys enjoy it and I'll be back reviewing all the best
glitches and everything that's active on the new patch when it comes out what is
the patch again of the patch 1.0 for i think it's going to be one point no one
point four is the zero I think that's the patch that's coming all right you
guys please drop a comment please drop a like let's get into Wiggles car here and
take one final drive to the building thank you guys for being here thank you
everybody for representing I'll see you on the next segment please baby
For more infomation >> GTA 5 Online Unlimited Money Glitch, How To Bypass 45 Min Selling - Duration: 11:03.-------------------------------------------
Colors MOTORBIKES Transportation on Truck with Spiderman - Superhero Cartoon 3D for Kids - Duration: 2:12.
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