Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 30 2017

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a Placeable Mod The Kastor Food Inc. SLAUGHTERHOUSE .

IN this mod pack Included I'll start from the Trailers Betimax RDS 7500 Animal Transport Trailer LS-540 Animal Transport Semi Trailer And Auflieger Schimtz Coolliner Semi Trailer

In Kastor Food Inc. SLAUGHTERHOUSE You can produse Saysage And Meat from Sheeps And Pigs

Let's transport the animals Pigs First

The placeable mods incuded in this mod pack are the Butchery Sheep camp Pigs camp Saysage And Meat Selling Trigger

Saysage And Meat load triggers

Animal Trigger

At Sheep camp Pigs camp You "store" the animals

The uploading at the camp is simple just use the I KEY , it must pass some time to reupload the animal

The animals change side an they are ready to upload R KEY

Lets unload the animals at Butchery

The Sheep Now

Same procedure

Now to sale the goods Form Butchery you must use the refrigerator Semitralier

Easy money :p

Stay tuned For the new Meat packing industry Mod From Svapa Agro

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Kastor Food Inc. SLAUGHTERHOUSE - Duration: 10:14.


Starcraft - Sumo's Favourite Game - Full HD Game Video - Duration: 18:32.

For more infomation >> Starcraft - Sumo's Favourite Game - Full HD Game Video - Duration: 18:32.


How have you found living away from home? | University of Southampton - Duration: 1:55.

[Music and outtakes]

I have a small family and we're really close so having

to move away from home and experiencing

something so dramatic and

crazy as University, I was really

nervous coming in. Just having

to experience all these new things but

it turned out really well I have amazing

flatmates who I get on with.

Three of my flatmates are from Hong

Kong and I've never met any I've met

people from Hong Kong before but I never

have to live with anyone like that so

they teach me new things all the time

about their culture and experience in

the foods that they eat so I feel like

I'm learning something new every day and

we get along really well and the thing I

love about university most is that

there's always someone there to help you

out so for example I have my lecturers

who are always willing to help me out

and I can I know I can ask some

questions if I want to and my tutor as

well who's really great. Even in halls

we have the reception you can

always just go there and just talk to

the security guards or people in

reception if you want to and they're

really welcoming.

So coming to university. I wanted to try something new

join some clubs maybe and just put

myself out there because I'm quite a shy

person in general. So I just took a leap

of faith and I joined the dance team.

I had no experience before this so I

joined the dance team and I'm really

glad I did that because I made 50 new

friends I kind of like my sisters now we

do a lot of stuff together. So with

joining that I've just gained a lot of

friends gained more confidence even in

my self and just put myself out there

more which really helps me out.

For more infomation >> How have you found living away from home? | University of Southampton - Duration: 1:55.


5 Tips for Writing Dialogue - Duration: 2:32.

Hi community of awesome, I'm Ava Jae, and this is bookishpixie.

So far on bookishpixie I've done only one dialogue vlog, and that was focused on what

*not* to do when writing dialogue.

So when someone asked me recently if I had any vlogs on what *to* do when writing dialogue,

I realized I didn't and wanted to fix that.

So here we go, five tips for writing dialogue.

First, think about your characters' background.

The way a character speaks is largely going to be influenced on their background.

Where do they come from?

What's their socioeconomic status?

What's their level of education?

The way you answer those questions will affect their speaking pattern, which is something

you should be familiar with.

What slang they use, how formal they speak, what word choice they go for—all of those

things are going to be influenced by background.

So when constructing your characters' dialogue, make sure you take their background into account.

Second, everyone speaks differently.

Or at least, everyone should.

What I mean by this is even if you were to take off all the dialogue tags, your reader

should be able to have a pretty good idea as to who is speaking, just by the way they speak.

So pay attention to the differences between the way your characters speak and what they

say, because if your characters all sound exactly the same, that'll draw attention to itself.

Third, read it aloud.

Reading your dialogue aloud is one of the quickest ways to figure out whether or not

it sounds natural.

If you stumble over a phrase or line of dialogue, chances are likely your readers will also

stumble over it when they're reading.

Writing dialogue to sound natural is tricky, but this is a pretty good way to figure out

when it doesn't work.

Fourth, dialogue isn't always straightforward.

What I mean by this is real life conversations aren't always A, B, C.

Sometimes people answer a question with a question.

Or by changing the subject.

Or by not speaking at all.

Real life conversations aren't always straightforward, so that's something you'll want to consider

when writing dialogue.

And fifth, use dialogue tags *or* action tags, but not both at the same time.

To give you an example, this:

"'I'm not doing that,' she said, pounding her fist on the table."

Is the same as this:

"She pounded her fist on the table. 'I'm not doing that.'"

But the second one is more effective. Why?

Because you're not repeating the unnecessary tag.

When debating between a dialogue tag or an action tag, I usually go with the action tag

because it's more visual and descriptive—but not always.

The main point is, you don't usually need to use both in the same line because either

one will tell you what we need to know: who is speaking.

And, bonus tip, I've said this before, but I'm gonna say it again: don't be afraid of using said.

Said is invisible and doesn't draw attention to itself.

And while you absolutely don't need to use it every time, nor should you use it every

single time, you don't need to be wary of it either.

So that's what I've got for today!

If you liked what you saw, don't forget to subscribe and comment, and I'll see you guise next week!

For more infomation >> 5 Tips for Writing Dialogue - Duration: 2:32.


How often should you change your interdental brush? - Duration: 3:45.

The daily use of interdental brushes to clean between your teeth eliminates bad breath,

keeps your mouth healthy and gives you a beautiful smile.

Hi it's Nora and In this video, I'll tell you how often you should change your interdental

brushes, and share the secret to making an effective dental regime part of your daily


How often should you clean your teeth with interdental brushes?

As an experienced dental hygienist, I tell my patients to use an interdental brush to

clean between their teeth once a day in the evening before using a toothbrush.

By doing your interdental clean before bed, it removes all of the food residue that has

built up over the day.

If left overnight, this food residue will turn into plaque, and then if you forget to

do it the next morning, or even the next day, it will mix with saliva and turn into harmful


This stuff needs to be scraped off by your dentist and can lead to more serious oral

health conditions such as gum disease and cavities.

Not to mention bad breath!

If you can do it once a day, you'll keep your teeth and gums healthy, and have fresh breath

to boot.

Here comes my first EXPERT TIP: 60% of the bacteria in your mouth

live on your tongue.

Use a tongue scraper to clean your tongue twice a day before brushing your teeth with

a toothbrush.

Studies have shown that using a tongue scraper to clean your tongue reduces bacteria production

by 75%, compared with 45% when using a toothbrush to clean it.

So How often should you change your interdental brush?

An interdental brush can be used until the bristles are worn and out of shape.

However, I really don't recommend this.

For the best cleaning results, you want the brush to be in perfect shape and the bristles

to be intact enough to clean all those hard to reach places.

So, I tell my patients to change their brush once a week.

You don't want all that teeth cleaning diligence to be let down by a worn out brush, right?

EXPERT TIP # 2: Clean your interdental brush with water after every use.

This removes any food residue or bacteria they may be left on it, and helps keep the

bristles in the best shape.

The secret is persistence... and Biteaway

By now you are probably used to using interdental brushes to clean between your teeth.

If you're just starting out, keep at it.

If you can be persistent and practice using your interdental brush for just 5 minutes

a day, it will soon come naturally to you and fit in easily to your daily teeth cleaning


I recommend practicing in front of the mirror in privacy!

Do you sometimes forget to buy your interdental brushes and end up not being able to clean

the food residue and plaque from between your teeth?

Well, what if you could get your brushes delivered right to your door, every month, so you'll

never forget again?

Biteaway's monthly subscription gives you a 30-day supply of Swiss-made, custom fit

interdental brushes so you can keep your mouth healthy, your breath fresh and your smile


Make remembering to clean between your teeth easier...

Hi guys I hope this video was helpful.

If you like it

Please hit the like button below, share it with your friends and please leave a comment


See you next week, bye

For more infomation >> How often should you change your interdental brush? - Duration: 3:45.


This Japanese breathing technique will help you lose weight | How To Lose Weight - Duration: 2:07.

This Japanese breathing technique will help you lose weight

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready, because here comes the diet of a long breath.

This incredible food developed by the famous Japanese actor (self-professed) diet guru

Miki Ryosuke.

Ryosuke says that this 'diet' consists of breathing exercises that take between two

and five minutes a day.

Apparently, no changes in your diet are required.

He developed the diet by accident while using breathing techniques to relieve back pain.

Instead, he lost about 13 pounds and nearly five inches around his waist in just under

two months.

According to Ryosuke, the "secret" behind the food is twofold.

It hooks and therefore tones your abs.

And secondly, it increases your metabolism by increasing the oxygen in the blood.

The fat is composed of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen.

Therefore, when the oxygen we breathe reaches these fat molecules, it breaks down into carbon

dioxide and water.

Blood then collects carbon dioxide - a waste product from our bodies - and returns it to

the lungs to be exhaled.

In short: the more oxygen we use our bodies, the more fat we burn.

The diet based on two breathing techniques:


Place one foot in front of the other with a maximum of your weight on the back foot

and buttocks tight.

When breathing at a count of three, raise your arms above your head.

Then exhale to a count of seven pushing all the air out of your mouth vigorously and involving

your abs. 2.

Stand with one hand on your belly and the other on your lower back.

Oh, and your buttocks tight.

Breathe for a count of three, drawing your belly to your spine and then exhale for a

count of seven, sucking the stomach even more.

Stay healthy and active!

Share and make your loved ones aware!

Thanks for watching

If you like the video please, thumbs up and subscribe to our channel

For more infomation >> This Japanese breathing technique will help you lose weight | How To Lose Weight - Duration: 2:07.


Are You Leuving It ? - Duration: 2:52.

For over twenty years I lived in Leuven, until I finally embarked on an adventure which was

living together with my girlfriend.

We recently went back to my hometown and I have to admit that only now, I completely

fell for the city.

Falling in love with a city is so much more different and complex than falling in love

with a human being.

A city can not speak, so you must learn it more slowly.

You questing everything about it, explore the beauty and learn every nook.

You memorize the streets, the stores, the bars, the parks and your favorite coffee shop.

Still, you often miss the same turn and laugh about it but eventually, truthfully, you are

the perfect guide to others.

I adore Leuven.

It is centuries old but still so alive People often show off where they're from,

there's this pride for your hometown.

And until recently, I did not have that at all.

I always looked forward to the day I'd move away and never return because I never truly

appreciated what made this city click.

Leuven might not be my home anymore but is still comfortable and feels like it.

No matter the distance I take from it, no matter the situation around it, nothing will

ever change the memories of my city.

Even though I have changed a lot and the city has as well, we both moved on, but Leuven

is still my city.

So obviously, I will see you somewhere in the near future.

For more infomation >> Are You Leuving It ? - Duration: 2:52.


Bloated Stomach - Get Rid of Bloatting And Lose Weight Overnight With This Amazing Recipe - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Bloated Stomach - Get Rid of Bloatting And Lose Weight Overnight With This Amazing Recipe - Duration: 3:11.


How to Pronounce VASE in British and American English [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:16.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English channel.

I'm Gabriella and today we're looking at some pronunciation differences of this word

in American and British English.

Do you know the difference?

Let's look at the British pronunciation first.

In British English, we usually pronounce the word like this.



So let's compare this to the American pronunciation.

In American English, we usually pronounce this word in two ways.

Like this "vase".

So the end has an "s" sound.



The second way is "vase".

The end has a "z" sound.



Let's compare the two.







Let's practice together now.

So please repeat after us.







Alright - very good.

Thank you very much for watching.

I'm Gabriella.

Please subscribe to our English channel, ForB English and click the video if you liked it.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce VASE in British and American English [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:16.


How to login to CartonCloud via mobile? - Duration: 2:39.

To download CartonCloud

Open the app store or google play,

and search for CartonCloud

Select Get and the Install

and the App will automatically install on your phone.

You may have to authorise the app with your apple or google

password before download commences.

Once complete, select Open. If already

installed, tap the app to open.

You will be asked to enter in your work email address and password.

If you do not know what these are, please contact

your administrator for details. If you have forgotten your password,

your administrator can reset it for you.

When you login for the first time, you may be prompted with a series of questions

Click Ok, until you are presented with this option

to Open Settings. You will need to provide access to CartonCloud

for a number of features. First make sure the location is set to

'Always'. Yo will then need to turn on access

to your camera to allow pictures to be taken with the app.

Next, make sure you have allowed notifications, so that when new jobs

are assigned to you, a message can pop up. Finally, make sure

the Background App Refresh and Mobile Data are turned on.

CartonCloud requires these settings for the application to work.

When you log on each

morning, you will need to clock on. To do this,

click the Clock icon in the top right hand corner

It will turn green when you have successfully enabled it.

This will provide a range of features in the application to be turned on and

ensure notifications and new jobs are added automatically.

The system will download new consignments and notify you when they been

added. If you wish you can manually check for new consignments

by selecting the menu (the three lines in the left hand corner)

and then tap refresh consignments.

The next series of videos will cover how to identify different

consignment types, capturing a POD and much more

please continue to watch.

For more infomation >> How to login to CartonCloud via mobile? - Duration: 2:39.


Logging an Error in CartonCloud's mobile app - Duration: 4:04.

Recording errors for consignments can be challenging

Drivers or Customers have traditionally written on a consignment note

and then relied on back office staff to manage the issue after the fact.

With modern technology CartonCloud solves this problem

by providing the driver with a simple and effective way to manage this issues.

There are 3 common reasons for errors to be raised against a consignment

The first is damage to freight, the next is missing

items within a consignment and finally

if the receiver rejects the order.

In this video, we will show how a driver can quickly and easily

manage the identification of errors and capture the relevant information.

In the first example, the receiver has complained about

one of the parcels being damaged.

The driver records the POD as usual,

by entering in the number of cartons that are being delivered,

capturing the receivers signature,

followed by entering in their name.

He then identifies that an error needs to be lodged.

The driver then,

captures the number of items effected, in this case 1,

records a comment of the damage,

and then captures a photograph

of the damage. Note the driver can capture up to 6


Once complete they save the error and move onto the next consignment.

The second example demonstrates how a driver can manage a short

delivery. The driver

starts by recording a POD as usual.

Entering in the number of items he has to deliver,

followed by the receiver's

signature and then,

capturing their first name. Finally he selects

that he needs to record an error.

CartonCloud, then automatically notifies the driver

that there is an error and asks the driver to confirm the reason.

In this instance a short delivery.

He then proceeds to the next screen to capture all of the details,

entering in the number

of cartons that were short, comments

related to why they might be short,

and then again saves the error and

moves onto his next consignment.

The third example shows how to manage a consignment rejected by the customer.

As the customer has refused to accept the consignment the driver immediately

taps lodge error. CartonCloud prompts the driver to confirm

if he is delivering any items, displays a screen to identify

the reason, in this case Goods Rejected and then enters the details

of the error as before. Starting with the number of items being rejected

followed by the name of the receiver

and then the rejection reason.

Once saved the driver is ready to move on to his next delivery.

CartonCloud will automatically sync all these errors to the web app, with

the details, photos and comments enabling the back office to quickly

and easily manage the issue.

For more infomation >> Logging an Error in CartonCloud's mobile app - Duration: 4:04.


What new activities have you discovered? | University of Southampton - Duration: 1:36.

[Music and outtakes]

I knew before I came to Uni which

societies I wanted to join and then the

bun fight was massive and there was a huge

room with loads of tables in it and all

the different societies have a stand,

advertising what they do. So I kind of

made a beeline for the societies I already

knew I wanted to join and there were

some really friendly people on the

cycling society and I already like

cycling anyway so they kind of convinced

me to come along. I didn't have a

very fancy bike at first but I cycled

for a semester and then saved a bit of

money and now I'm racing for the

University going to the British

University in college sports championships.

I also joined the

university air squadron which is a

society run by the RAF as a recruitment

drive and they take you in and you can

do all sorts of crazy things so I learnt

how to fly a plane that was really

exciting and I went mountaineering in the

Alps for two weeks which was fantastic

and in fact that was where I saw my

first glacier and I'm now going on to

do a master's in Glaciology, so that

was really important.

It's really exciting, one minute you're on the

runway and then the next thing you're

up in the air in control of a plane

and it's terrifying but it's

great, really great fun. I think I

definitely am more confident after

coming into Southampton, I think I've

had the chance to meet new people and

try new things that have pushed my

boundaries of what I'm confident to do.


For more infomation >> What new activities have you discovered? | University of Southampton - Duration: 1:36.


Farming Simulator 17 Svapa Agro MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY - Duration: 13:45.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a New Placeable Mod The Svapa Agro MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY.

At the Svapa Agro MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY you can produce 1. Noble meat in cardboard on pallet. 2. Bone meal (bulk material) 3. Grill goods on new thermobox pallet.

To work the Svapa Agro MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY needs

1. Meat from the slaughterhouse of Kastor Food Inc. 2. Pallets of Palett factory 3. Cartons From Cardboard factory 4. Butter and Kefir from Milk Factory You can find details for all those mods at description

Let's start Cardboard Pallet

Empty pallet

Butter and Kefir from Milk Factory

Meat From the slaughterhouse of Kastor Food Inc.

Output Triggers

You can sell the Products From Svapa Agro MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY at Svapa Agro Central Trade

At last there a trigger at the back of the building you can load with a tipper the Bone meal You can use the bone meal to feed the pigs

A little bug

That's all folks I hope you like this mod

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Svapa Agro MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY - Duration: 13:45.


Agara - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Agara - Duration: 3:32.


How have you grown personally? | University of Southampton - Duration: 1:01.

[Music and outtakes]


I'd say the main way I've grown personally

during my time at University

is my confidence has definitely grown

massively. I think in six form and

prior to University I was a bit more

timid and unsure of myself. I think that's

the same for everyone, not

everyone is fully confident, not everyone

is sure of who they are and what they want to do.

Definitely these last three

years, just from my social

experiences and academic experiences, my

professional experiences and work

experience/internships have definitely just

made me more confident in my abilities and

my skills socially. I think that's been

probably the biggest difference

for my my time here.


3 nhận xét:

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