Hello everyone and welcome to English supplement. My name is Johnny and today
we're going to talk about see look and watch
see look and watch Each mean a slightly different thing and knowing the difference can help you
in conversation and in your writing. So let's talk about see. Now when we talk
about to see that means something that is naturally coming into your field of
vision, something you don't have to make much of an effort to see. For example, I
can see the road sign. I can see my friend
waving to me. This doesn't require any hard attention or any focus to be given
to see something. It's whatever is naturally in your field of vision. To look,
this is different in the sense that it requires a little bit of focus. So when
you look at a painting you're not just seeing it as if it's just naturally
randomly coming into your field of vision but you are giving it attention
you are looking at the painting. So when someone says look at this painting it's
beautiful. You look and you focus on it and that's when we use look or another
example would be I've lost my house keys please help me look for them so when you
are looking for your house keys or your car keys you are actively focusing
actively looking for them. To watch is slightly different in that
if you are watching something whatever it is that you are watching must be in
motion and that's the key word here is in motion. So for example I'm watching
the football game. Its motion that you are watching or another example, the
police were watching the suspect all day. They were following the suspects
movements all day but they use watch or watching because it is motion is in
motion. So to quickly recap to see something seeing just comes naturally
whatever is in your field of vision. To look is a little different that you need
to focus on what you're looking at so right now I am looking at the camera I
am focusing on it, and then to watch watch something requires motion so you
are watching me on the screen. That is the difference between to see to look
and to watch and thank you very much everybody
if you enjoyed this video please remember to like and subscribe I make
these videos for you guys if you have any suggestions please leave them in the
comments I always take suggestions and thank you very much I hope you're having
a wonderful day
For more infomation >> English Lesson - How to use See, Look and Watch 👍 - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
BRAZILIAN WONDER DRONE WOMAN // Zmaro asked how was created DRONE WOMAN - Duration: 3:55.
Guys I was taking a look
In the audiences of my channel and 95% is MALE
And 5% is here
Wow 5% only! We have to invite more women
Women have to at least say that are here
Exactly, but now I am sure they're starting to come
The photographers will be here, filmmakers
They have to invade and show their face and say I'm here!
Or maybe they're using her husband's computer.
And ends up accessing because in the audience only shows who is logged in
What's your name ? HELENA
HELENA Why do they call you the DRONE WOMAN?
I came to learn from the same instructor you've learned: ÉLIO MARTIN
And what happened there in the stadium I was robbed
I left the hood open. Some people came and I was robbed.
And I called the police.
She opened the hood and went flying away
They steal the Lens 50 mm, battery
Anyway, this is what happened ...
I called the police and the woman who sells drinks asked me:
"Hey Hey Hey Drone Woman? What happened?
The cops are not letting you fly?
No. I was robbed! They helped me! Then the people in the stadium shop asked me
Hey Drone Woman what happened?
Then... DRONE WOMAN was created as my nickname there
But it looks like you've turned advertisement girl into a brand of a manufacture, right?
What does DRONE WOMAN have to do with it? No, I'm not yet.
I'm not yet a advertisement girl, BUT if someone wants to sponsor me?
MI Hao Ma I'm here for the Chinese to see me!
She already represents 5%
And of what this is manifesting
So this is a suggestion for her to be or not to be an advertisement girl
Suddenly you are watching the video now and she has already become the Wonder Drone Woman
DRONE WOMAN if any brand of a company or something else is looking for something she is here
But why do you think the male audience
Manifest themselves more? Because women when they appear in the tracks
The wives who come here are just enjoying
The other side of the track
But piloting radio control it is only you. Why is that?
Why would that be? Actually, I think it's more a matter of taste
Men like collecting, modeling
Men like engines. They like things like a NERD
And since I'm NERD too, I like this world.
But for example if I were to film a man
Any interview that I do normally
I turn on the camcorder and start recording
But women need to make-up and hairstyle
Yes, we have to! I know why women don´t pilot a drone
But look how beauty ? Do you really think we should not make up?
Look at my theory because women does not fly drone
Because women when catch the Drone
They will want to make up and get everything right ... it's already dark and the battery is over
People her contacts for you to call the DRONE WOMAN to represent your store is all here
Enter this link here and you talk to her:: helena@aMulherDoDrone.com.br
And you'll see what she's doing on the YOUTUBE channel "Drone's Woman" - "a Mulher do Drone"
She is posting and you will find everything else
About her and the next interviews I will do with her you can check here
That's it ... So you call the DRONE WOMAN that I'm going to come with
Lots of videos, lot of short film and movies
awesomes of places that you´ve never been before
OK? KISSES and Sign up for her channel in the description below.
15 Weird Animals You Won't Believe Exist - Duration: 7:33.
• With an estimated 9 million species on the planet there's plenty of variety to
choose from.
But which ones really stand out?
Would you believe these were real if you saw them?
Here's the top 15 weird animals you won't believe exist.
15 – Ocean Sunfish • These are the largest bony fish that exist
and they can weigh almost a tonne.
They look like floating ironing boards and are so big that they can't really control
their motion.
So, they are just pushed by the current, grazing on whatever jellyfish and small creatures
are propelled carried along with them.
• They are seen as an easy target for sharks and the big aquatic mammals like sealions
and killer whales.
• Without any real defences, they have evolved a very simple trick to survive; they just
lay an astonishing number of eggs, 3 million at a time, the highest volume of any vertebrate.
14 - Velella velella • This is a kind of cnidarian, which includes
corals and jellyfish.
They have a soft blue base and they float on the sea surface.
Like the sunfish, they don't have much control over their motion but these guys have a small
triangular sail to catch the wind.
• This can result in them being blown ashore though, and places like California have seen
kilometres of beach covered in stranded velella velella, like an alien massacre.
• To make them that extra bit weirder, if you pick one up, you're actually holding
a mini colony that's working together like one complete organism.
13 – Glowing Cats • Dr Eric Poeschla led a research project
into protecting cats from the feline form of AIDS.
They took a gene from the rhesus macaque, known to produce a protein that resists many
animal Aids viruses, and transferred it to the cats' eggs.
• But, to make it easier to mark the cells and find them under a microscope, they also
used a fluorescent protein from jellyfish, leading to glow in the dark cats.
12 – Issus Leaf hopper • This tiny bug has an incredibly powerful
jump and it can accelerate with a force of over 400g.
To give you some perspective, a human body can only take about 20g
• In order to control this massive force, they've had to evolve one of the most astonishing
things to occur in nature; organic cogs.
Their legs join together like cogwheels so that each jump is exactly synchronised.
Without this, any tiny delay between each leg would have them bouncing around like a
kitten in a Ferrari; all that power with no control.
11 – Axolotl • Almost all animals change to become adults;
caterpillars become butterflies, tadpoles become frogs and humans get the spotty, moody
joy of puberty.
But the axolotl is one of the very few creature without this metamorphosis.
This permeant youth is called neotony.
• Neotony helps with their almost supernatural ability to regenerate.
They can grow back legs, parts of their brain, even their spine.
10 - Cantor's giant softshell turtle • If you came across one of these guys by
the side of the road, you'd assume he'd had a meeting with a truck tire.
But they don't need the heavy protection of their brother turtles as they spend almost
all their time, buried and motionless in the sand.
• They ambush passing crustaceans and fish by shooting out their head as fast as a cobra,
with a bite that can crush bone.
9 - Giraffe weevil • It's pretty obvious where these guys
get their name from, especially the males, who have a neck double or triple that of the
• Unlike a giraffe's neck, which helps them feed from the softer leaves at the top
of the tree, the weevils only use theirs for nest building and a good, old fashioned fight.
8 – Oilbird • These South American birds live in cave
and are nocturnal.
They are one of the few birds to echolocate, just like how bats do.
But rather than hunting insects, they diet on fruit.
• They get their name because people used to catch their fat chicks and boil them for
• Oilbirds are also one of the most evolutionary established birds since it's been distinct
for 80 million years.
7 - - Golden Tortoise Beetle • These insects' shells contain nano-grooves,
that are typically filled with a light red liquid that gives them their gold shine.
When this liquid is drained, the lower, darker red layers become visible so, when you watch
them, they turn from gold to red.
This kind of colour changing is very rare, especially among insects.
The gold shine makes them hard to spot and the red probably mimics ladybugs, that birds
don't eat.
• They turn red when they are stressed and during sexual arousal, so, pretty much just
like the rest of us really.
6 – Jaglions • This large cat is a hybrid animal, where
two different species mate and create a cross breed.
Cats are probably the most common group where this occurs since there are many different
mixes like Ligers, Tigons, and Savannahs, which are a mix of house cat and African Serval.
• The Jaglion can end up with jaguar's spots or even a mix of spots and the black
panther colouring • These mixes are not just from zoos, they
used to occur in nature too, when populations were higher.
5 – Grolar Bear • Another strange cross breed is the Grizzly
and Polar bear mix.
They normally have a cream head and back, and darken towards the legs, like they've
just got dirty while jogging.
• In Canada and Alaska, their territories can overlap and so these bear liaisons occur
from time to time.
• Polar bears are being forced south by the melting icecaps so this kind of cross
breeding may become fairly normal.
4 – Scarlet Jellyfish • These jellyfish may have unlocked the
secret to immortality.
As we saw with the axolotl, the secret to regeneration is the childhood stage.
• So, if a scarlet jellyfish gets injured or just overdoes it at the weekend, they can
revert to a childlike state, called a polyp, and just grow everything back.
• Within 2 months they are back to being a full jelly adult again.
3 – Cape Rain Frog • These fat little frogs are native to South
And if you think they look a bit chubby to swim around, you're right, they actually
drown in water.
They prefer to live burrowed in the ground and they come out just before the rain begins.
• They puff up when under threat and even let out a pig-like squeal.
2 – Hooded Seal • At first glance, these seals look like
pretty unremarkable seals; fat and furry, just like you'd expect.
• But when it comes to mating season, they have evolved one of the strangest lures in
the mammal kingdom.
The males puff out huge skin sacks on their heads, creating a pink balloon.
This is used to threaten off smaller males and entice the ladies.
• So, fellas, you know what your new Tinder profile needs to be.
1 - Babirusa • Also known as the deer-pig, babirusas
have to take their dental care very seriously.
If you don't brush your teeth, you'll get cavities.
But if a babirusa doesn't grind down its canines they can eventually curve round and
pierce its own skull.
• Both the upper and lower jaw grow these bent tusks, with the top ones used as protection
and the bottom as a way to attack.
GoBearTV Ep 3 | Travel Insurance 101 - Duration: 2:40.
Hi folks!
Welcome back to GoBearTV.
This week, we're gonna dive right into travel insurance.
So, are you ready?
If something "suay" (unfortunate) happens to you overseas,
having travel insurance helps ease your mind.
Because it covers medical expenses and evacuation,
lost and damaged belongings,
and even cancelled trips.
Let's look at them in more detail now.
Have you ever had street food
and "kena" (got) food poisoning?
Forgot your charcoal pills?
Or you actually need to see a doctor
immediately while you're overseas?
Well, travel insurance covers
your medical expenses while you're there
and actually, back in Singapore too,
from clinics, all the way to hospitals.
Imagine you went rock climbing
and then, "Ahhhhhh!", you fell!
How like that?
In situations like these, travel insurance pays
to have you airlifted to a local hospital
with the right medical facilities.
How much do you think that will cost you?
Hundreds and thousands of dollars!
Oh my gosh!
Money got stolen? You're covered!
Lost or damaged baggage? You're covered too!
Just make sure you file a report immediately.
Let's say you have to cancel your trip
under these circumstances…
You can actually be reimbursed for
your flight and accommodation expenses.
And I'm sure most of you have seen
news about the closure of tour agencies,
resulting in holiday makers having
difficulty in seeking compensation?
Well, you are covered too if you have travel insurance.
Lastly, a few things to note.
Make sure that you are covered for
all the countries that you are visiting,
especially the high-risk countries.
Get a plan with higher payout for all your stuff.
Make sure the plan actually has
sufficient medical coverage
for any illnesses or accidents.
And are you an extreme sports seeker?
Not all plans cover it so make sure you get the right one!
When it comes to choosing a plan,
don't toss a coin and pick blindly.
Visit gobear.com and compare the different plans.
We handle the nitty gritty, you compare easy.
For more information, click on the link to GoBear's blog.
And if you enjoy this video, like it and share it so that
we know that we're hitting the right spot.
And in the next video, we'll be unleashing a few tricks
on how you can get freebies
with your credit cards when you travel!
So, see you then!
How Do You Pronounce Bolognese? Andy Knows | Season 1 Ep. 2 | LOVE CONNECTION - Duration: 2:09.
Where'd you go on the date?
We went to a Moroccan restaurant, a very
romantic Moroccan restaurant.
All right.
Do you like Moroccan food?
I've never had it before.
The ambience and decor was great,
but when it comes to my food, I don't play with it too much.
Oh, come on.
Broaden your horizons a little more.
I was open.
You wanted to order spaghetti Bolognese,
and you didn't even know how to pronounce Bolognese.
Oh, come on.
By the way, Anne, I don't think you're pronouncing it
correctly either.
Thank you.
Thank you, Andy.
What did you just say?
Spaghetti "bowl-ga-nays."
Is it--
It's "bowl-en-yays."
That's what I said.
All right, we're saying two different things.
You wanted to order spaghetti.
This is what I wanted.
I said, "I've had that before," and then the one thing I did
want, she was like, "No, no.
We'll try this." She's a little bossy.
You're a little bossy.
I'm a little bossy.
I'll admit, I'm a little bossy.
I was like, let's get a lamb sausage,
just in case everything was bad.
It wasn't lamb sausage.
It was lamb meatballs.
Sorry, lamb meatballs.
I apologize.
Anyway, she ended up eating my food.
She didn't even eat her-- she ate all my food.
Sharing is caring, Boo, and we shared all of our food,
and just because you didn't like the food that I ordered
doesn't mean that I ate all your food.
We shared.
I even gave you the last meatball.
I gave you the last meatball.
Don't lie up on there.
Do not be lying up on there.
Yes, you did.
Yes, you did give me the last meatball,
but there was five meatballs, and I had one.
CosmoEnergy Healing Session: Protection From The Enemy ( Igor Andreev's school of Cosmo Mage) - Duration: 4:55.
Hello, dear friends!
Today we are working with protection
from the inner and outside enemies.
Inner enemies are the thoughts,
and any negative desires.
While listening to this session,
you can close your eyes and receive a healing.
If you liked this session,
you can contact me via Skype or call me.
All info you can find on www.andreevmag.com.
We are starting....
Chicken - Duration: 0:39.
(casual music)
(distant chicken noise)
[Jane] Here, chckie, chickie, chickie
- What's Jane doing?
I told her because of the Roseland annexation,
she had to give rid of her animals.
- That's not true.
[Jane] Here, chckie, chickie, chickie
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- Hmm.
- So, you gonna tell her?
- Nope.
- [Kim] Here, chickie, chickie, chickie, chickie.
- Good call.
(chicken balking)
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