Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 15 2017

We did a video recently talking about the

three sales tools to invest

in to use for lead generation.

One of them was linkedin sales


The other one was Email Hunter

and the third one was this one

called zoominfo.

And in this video I want to run

through zoominfo

and show you why this is worth it.

The price on this one is

about five or six times higher

than the other platforms.

About $300 a month.

So I want to show you why it

makes sense. And what we use it

for, for lead generation so

here is my review

of zoominfo.

This is what you see when you

first log in and there's

a lot of stuff that zoominfo

does that I just don't really

care about too much.

They've got a reach out

platform some integrations

here. But the thing

that makes zoominfo so

valuable is the search page.

It doesn't just let you build

a lead list like

LinkedIn sales navigator does.

It also has the contact info

for anyone that you're looking

for. And that's what's really

valuable: is finding that

contact info quickly

without having to use a virtual

assistant, without having to use

guessing like e-mail hunter.

It just has that database ready

in there. So basically you can

search for whatever you want.

Let's say we wanted to find

some good contacts for

marketing and advertising

service. You can target by

zip code. You can target by

city. Let's put Los

Angeles in here.

And here we go, 675

people that match the criteria.

So this is already very similar

to LinkedIn sales navigator.

We've got pictures of the

target and it will let

us see the data.

So if I click this

I can now see executive

director of retail marketing at


Here's her phone number, direct

phone number and her e-mail

address and these phone numbers

worked really well for cold

calling. That's actually the

place that zoominfo delivers

the most value. They've got

these phone numbers and they're

up to date whereas with email hunter

you can't really find the phone

number. With sales navigator you

can't really find the phone

number. And before, we were doing

this really manual process where

we were calling the company's

lines and asking to be

transferred to the right


But with this data here,

she's lined up. I can export

this. I can put this into a

dock. I could even give access

of zoominfo to a VA to build the

list, but I don't even need

to. The cold callers now build

their own lists because it's so

simple. And it's not just film.

It's not just Los Angeles.

They've got a really big

database for

almost anything and you can go

even deeper by industry.

Government, health care, finance.

You can go by know the industry

classification code,

you can go by private versus


You can actually go by revenue.

They've got a lot of revenue

numbers here and employees.

Something we've been doing a

lot is going by revenue to

try to guess ad spend. If we're

selling for marketing and

advertising company.

A lot of the times

let's say you want a minimum of

five million dollars an ad


So you don't want to target

a company that let's

say is under $50 million.

Right? If you're trying to find

a really high ad spend you

don't want a small company or

they're not going to be able to

afford you and this is one

really easy way to do it.

When you target like this.

Here's national sales manager

at Harrah's,

Metroland, a lot of big

companies, Hyatt Corporation

you can even go higher.

And so if you're selling

advertising and

you want to find SVP of marketing in

the United States at companies

over 100 million.

This list is built now.

Right? Here's 220 people.

And if you go point by

point almost all of them are


Right? SVP of marketing

at Six Flags, Bank of America

and all of the info

is right here including

a picture of the guy.

That's what I love about zoominfo.

That's why we find it


Let me know in the comments if

you like this type of video.

Like this to encourage it on

YouTube and subscribe to this

channel for more B2B sales

training. If you need marketing

support for your digital agency

check out !!

For more infomation >> Is Zoominfo a Good Investment? (Zoominfo Review, Pricing, Options) - Duration: 4:03.


Whatsapp funny videos - whatsapp funny videos in 2017 - Funny adventures in the toilet - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Whatsapp funny videos - whatsapp funny videos in 2017 - Funny adventures in the toilet - Duration: 2:51.


Tasty Peanut Butter Snacks (that MIGHT DISGUST GERMANS?) - Duration: 5:02.

Hey everyone! Dana here.

I love peanut butter! I love it prepared in all different kinds of ways.

But sometimes when I've told some of the people that I've met here in Germany about

the different kinds of peanut butter snacks that I love, sometimes they make a face that looks

a little like this...

Today, I'm going to share a few of my favorite peanut butter snacks with you, and I would

love to hear down in the comments if you think these snacks look and sound disgusting

or delicious!

Let's start with something no-bake and super simple: stuff dipped in peanut butter.

If I'm going for something on the healthier side of things, I might do an apple dipped

in peanut butter or celery sticks with peanut butter.

Some people put little raisins on the peanut butter celery sticks and call it ants on a log,

but I'm not really a big fan of that flavor combination.

I would just rather eat my raisins separately over here and my peanut butter celery sticks

over there.

I also like hard pretzels with peanut butter, or if I want something a little bit more on the

dessert end of things: chocolate covered pretzels with peanut butter or even sometimes Oreos

with peanut butter.

And, side note: as far as chocolate covered pretzels themselves go,

with or without peanut butter, I just love them.

The salty and the sweet coming together.

Mmmh, I just find it so delicious.

I made the batch of chocolate covered pretzels in the picture for the Eurovision Song Contest

last year, and I posted the picture online, and, wow, I saw that there was a big divide.

Lots of people saying either they love chocolate pretzels and then also lots of people saying

that it sounded really disgusting.

But okay, so back to peanut butter now and moving on to something that requires a little

bit more effort, just a little bit, just a little bit: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,

peanut butter and honey sandwiches, and the one that I just have a feeling might surprise

people the most: peanut butter and Marshmallow Fluff sandwiches.

This sandwich actually even has a name too.

It's called a Fluffernutter.

But to be honest, I could even do without the bread.

Just give me the Marshmallow Fluff and the peanut butter on a spoon, maybe throw in some

chocolate in there.

And, yeah, I'm a happy camper then.

A good snack that I like while watching a movie is popcorn with melted peanut butter on it.

And again, if I'm feeling a little bit more dessert-y, then I might add some melted chocolate

to the mix too.

But now, on to my all-time favorite peanut butter snack ever.

I give you the peanut butter cookie with chocolate in the middle.

Traditionally these cookies are called peanut butter blossoms, and they usually have a Hershey's Kiss

in the middle, but since I live in Germany and Hershey's Kisses are hard to come by here,

I also make them with just other kinds of chocolate in the middle.

And I love them so much.

However before I wrap this whole food-fest up, I would like to give an honorable mention

to a peanut butter snack that I actually, myself, don't like at all, but that my mom

loves, and that I think also other people in America like as well: bananas covered in

peanut butter and granola.

So, she takes the banana, slathers it with a thick layer of peanut butter and then dips it,

rolls it around in cereal or granola.

And I don't like this just because I don't like bananas, but I think that if I did like

bananas, I would also be a fan a pretty big fan of this snack.

So my question for you is: what do you think of these snacks and what are your favorite

snacks that you think or you've heard that other people find a little gross?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching.

I really hope that you enjoyed this video.

And I also hope that you will enjoy the bloopers that are coming up next.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

Hi again!

You might notice there's a new addition to the end card.

Somewhere down there, there is the Patreon logo now!

Yes, we are now on Patreon.

So if you'd like to check out our Patreon page, a link to that is down in the description,

and thank you so much for checking it out, and now on to the bloopers.

Until next time, I'm waving too soon.

Why did I start waving already? Bye.

I guess that's gonna be in the bloopers.

Peanut butter, peanut butter, peanut butter.

I know that after this video I'm gonna have to go eat something with peanut butter.

The problem is I am now craving a peanut butter and Fluff sandwich.

Unfortunately, we don't have any Fluff.

For more infomation >> Tasty Peanut Butter Snacks (that MIGHT DISGUST GERMANS?) - Duration: 5:02.


How to Minimize Pores With 5 Natural Home Remedies That Work Best - Duration: 4:27.

how to minimize pores with 5 remedies

that work best we suggest some awesome

ways you can minimize pores with baking

soda and a few other ingredients the ice

cube treatment 1 cleanse your face with

a cotton soaked in rose water to take an

ice cube and run it over the open pores

for a couple of minutes your pores will

shrink naturally minimize pores with

baking soda ingredients 2 tablespoons

baking soda 2 tablespoons warm water

method of preparation one in a small

bowl mix the baking soda and warm water

and blend it thoroughly to form a thick

paste to apply it generously on your

pores and allow it to dry for about 10

minutes 3 rinse off with cool water why

baking soda baking soda is a natural

exfoliator that helps remove dead skin

cells and opens up clogged pores do this

every day if yours is a terrible case of

open pores and in two weeks your pores

will start shrinking this is in fact the

most efficient way to minimize pores

with baking soda little wonder be

patience and makeup artists from all

over the world swear by this remedy

lemon and pineapple juice trick one soak

a thick tissue in a mix of 1 tablespoon

pineapple juice and 1 tablespoon lemon

juice to place the piss you off or your

pores and let it soak up for a couple of

minutes 3 rinse off with warm water why

pineapple juice and lemon juice the

natural enzymes in both the fruits help

boost skin elasticity and makes it firm

by cleansing it of its impurities and

opening up clogged pores lemon is also a

natural bleach that lightens skin tone

semolina and milk scrub ingredients 1

tbsp semolina suji 1 tablespoon cold

milk method of preparation one in a bowl

blend a semolina and cold milk to form a

paste of even consistency to

apply it on your face particularly over

the affected areas and scrub it in

circular motion three keep it on for

about 10 minutes for rinse off with cool

water why semolina semolina is a natural

exfoliator that opens up the pores by

removing dirt and oil stuck in it why

milk the nourishing quality of milk

makes the skin soft and supple yogurt

and lemon face pack ingredients 2

tablespoons yogurt 1 teaspoon lemon

juice method of preparation 1 pick fresh

yogurt and lemon juice in a bowl and

blend it's thoroughly to apply to paste

on your face with a second coat over

your open pores 3 leave it to dry for

about 15 minutes for rinse off with cool

water why yogurt yogurt is rich in

lactic acid and probiotics that fight

microbes which cause acne and pimples

and reduce the size of open pores a few

other things you must know wash face

twice every day you need to use a gentle

face wash and wash your face daily but

make sure you are not over washing your

face just do it once in the morning and

once at night as this will help unclog

pores and remove the accumulated dirt

bacteria and oil gradually your pores

will shrink stop sugary drinks and

caffeine you need to have a healthy diet

to get rid of all kinds of problems

including that of skincare make sure

your diet is rich in whole grains fruits

vegetables lean proteins and also fish

for being rich in omega-3 fatty acids

drink more water and stop drinking

coffee frequently those who have excess

diary products are also prone to getting

acne and other skin conditions minimize

pores with baking soda or try these

natural home remedies and surely your

pores will shrink making your skin clear

and healthy thank you for watching the

video please subscribe my channel for

more videos

For more infomation >> How to Minimize Pores With 5 Natural Home Remedies That Work Best - Duration: 4:27.


How To Make the Most Of Your Networking Experience Tip #2 of 5 - Duration: 0:56.

Are you looking to make the most of your networking experience?

Find out how with my top 5 tips, tip #2 coming right up after this.


Chris Pagli here from Above and Beyond Marketing Strategies and

welcome back to another Motivational Minute.

This is part two of my five part series on "Making The Most Of Your Networking Experience."

Tip #2 - Arrive early, get acclimated, and dive right in.

I do some of my best networking before the event begins.

By coming early, it helps me stay grounded, break the ice, and have conversations with

fewer distractions.

When other people start to arrive, you can greet them because you will be more comfortable

in the room.

If you missed tip #1, head over to my

Facebook business page - Above and Beyond Marketing Strategies.

I look forward to seeing you next week for another Motivational Minute!

For more infomation >> How To Make the Most Of Your Networking Experience Tip #2 of 5 - Duration: 0:56.


vampire diaries - Duration: 6:47.

25 facts about 'Vampire Diaries' we bet you didn't know

Are you a 'Vampire Diaries' fan?

Do you eat, breath and sleep it?

Do you consider the Salvatore brothers like your own?

Well there are facts that some fans are aware of but there are so many of them none of you knew.

Like how a real-life love triangle developed behind the scenes or who was auditioned first

for the role of Damon.

Here we give you 25 unknown facts about 'Vampire Diaries' that you can sink you teeth into.

Stefan and Damon's surname was going to be 'Whitmore' but producer Plec decided it

was best to stay true to the books and keep the name 'Salvatore'.

Tyler Lockwood's character began as a "supporting role".

It was his future werewolf/hybrid storyline that kept him around.

Supernatural abilities aren't all they can brag about!

Nina Dobrev can speak Bulgarian and French, Paul Wesley can speak Polish and Kat Graham

knows Spanish, French and Hebrew.

Ian Somerhalder (Damon) auditioned for the role of Jason Stackhouse on HBO's hit show

'True Blood'.

We're glad he didn't get the role because we can never imagine anyone else playing the

role of Damon.

All episode titles in Season 6 are named after 90s songs.

That makes sense considering that's where Bonnie and Damon got trapped.

James Van Der Beek (aka Dawson Leery) could have played the role of Alaric.

That would have been weird because James will always be Dawson to us no matter what.

Jeremy is older than Elena in real life.

Steven McQueen is 6 months older than Nina Dobrev so she's basically his younger sister.

Zach Roerig (Matt Donovan), Michael Trevino (Tyler Lockwood) and even Paul Wesley (Stefan)

all originally auditioned for the role of Damon.

We're glad they didn't get the part because no one else can ace that sarcasm and mystery

like Ian Somerhalder can!

Delena was real!

Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev dated from 2011 until 2013.

Nina Dobrev is of Bulgarian nationality.

That explains why Katerina Petrova speaks the language so well.

Kat Graham is not only an actress but also a singer.

She's a witch of many talents!

In Season 2, episode 12, Isobel's phone number was shown.

Fans that actually called her number at 919-399-2507 were treated with a recorded message from

Stefan, Elena and Damon.

Damn it, we're 4-years too late!

There are more than just vampires and werewolves in the book version of the series.

The books feature other supernatural things like angels and foxes.

Well, there's always room for these supernatural beings next season!

Caroline has gone from Matt to Klaus to Tyler but in real life she's dated Steven McQueen

and Zach Roerig!

The network originally wanted to cast Ashlee Simpson as Elena Gilbert.

Just imagine someone else other than Nina Dobrev playing our favourite damsel in distress!

Paul Wesley experienced a real-life love triangle behind the scenes.

It began when he married co-star Torrey DeVitto (Meredith Fell).

After splitting in July 2013, he soon got together with Phoebe Tonkin (Hayley Marshall)

in September 2013 and they are still going strong.

Taylor Kinney who plays Mason Lockwood is engaged to pop superstar Lady Gaga.

Isn't she lucky!

Steven McQueen is the grandchild of actor Steve McQueen!

So that's where he gets his talent from!

Zach Roerig (Matt Donovan) has a daughter in real life.

The mother of his child was incarcerated in a federal prison.

Katherine Pierce was only supposed to be around for beginning of season 2.

Does that mean Caroline would still have been human now?

"Vamp Mode" is a Long Process Turning into a vampire isn't as quick and

easy as it looks on the show.

Transforming the cast into the blood-sucking monsters takes a lot of work.

The show's makeup artists have revealed that putting the actors in "vamp mode"

is a long makeup process involving contact lenses, fitted fangs and prosthetics.

Not just that – there's also a special team that does all the airbrushing and finishing

touches, like blood effects!

Ian Somerhalder Wanted Damon to Stay Bad As you may recall, Damon was introduced to

us a total douchebag.

Although he still has his moments, he certainly isn't as nasty as he used to be.

Apparently Ian Somerhalder was against this change.

During an interview with ET Online, Ian revealed that he "hated" it when Damon first went soft.

Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder Have Directed a Few Episodes

That's right.

Those Salvatore brothers are multi-talented!

Ian and Paul have both taken a few turns in directing episodes of The Vampire Diaries

– and they're pretty good at it, too!

Ian has directed episodes including The Downward Spiral while Paul was in charge of the Detoured

on Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell episode.

Damon Salvatore is a Real Person (kinda)!

Okay, don't get too excited.

Apparently the executive producer of the show knew a guy named Damon Salvatore!

While he didn't take the form of Ian Somerhalder, he was reportedly just as much of a rebel

and badass according to Les Morgenstein.

Gosh, can you imagine a real life Damon doppelganger?!

Season 8 is a Homage to Season 1 Not only is it the final season of The Vampire

Diaries but each episode apparently has a special meaning.

Every episode title in season 8 is named after a quote from the first season. #Memories

For more infomation >> vampire diaries - Duration: 6:47.


Gatwick Hilton Room With Purple Parking | Holiday Extras - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Gatwick Hilton Room With Purple Parking | Holiday Extras - Duration: 2:15.


Korres Rose 20 L'Eau De Parfum and Body Butter - Duration: 12:51.

For more infomation >> Korres Rose 20 L'Eau De Parfum and Body Butter - Duration: 12:51.


A Mixture Of These Two Ingredients Kills Cysts And Fibroids! -Health Wizard - Duration: 2:45.

a mixture of these two ingredients kills

cysts and fibroids this article will

introduce you to a very effective mix of

how sleek leaves and natural honey

the mixture is mostly used and sometimes

recommended against fists in the body

specifically referred for the fists on

female organs and breasts

this is not all there are numerous

benefits for your body among which

treatment against intestinal parasites

uterine cancer part and inflammatory

processes in the body using how sleek in

this medicine is crucial recipe 300

grams of whole leaves how sleek 300

grams real natural honey chestnut

pick how sleek wash it well and grind it

in a blender mix the resulting slurry

mixture of how sleek with honey in a

glass jaw and stir it well for a few

minutes so that the ingredients are

combined well the mixture should be left

for seven days but it is good to

occasionally stir it keep the jar in the

fridge after seven days start to consume

it take a teaspoon of this three times a

day everyday take the first tsp as soon

as you wake up in the morning the other

during the day between meals and the

third one at bedtime

do not skip if you do not have to

consume this natural remedy the process

of treatment lasts from a few weeks to a

few months and assists usually disappear

after this period in practice this

combination of honey and house sleek is

proven to be effective in all types of

cysts in the body especially for those

on the female organs and breasts the

mixture is good for cleansing and

strengthening the whole body it works

great for speeding up the metabolism it

improves digestion and the frequency of

stools the juice of how sleek acts

anti-inflammatory and if you use this

mixture regularly it will have positive

effects on inflammation of the mouth

throat and stomach and particularly of

the digestive tract

For more infomation >> A Mixture Of These Two Ingredients Kills Cysts And Fibroids! -Health Wizard - Duration: 2:45.


Cruisin' Connecticut – All Things Irish: Emerald Bakery in Milford - Duration: 2:04.























































For more infomation >> Cruisin' Connecticut – All Things Irish: Emerald Bakery in Milford - Duration: 2:04.




There are some that believe growing our own food is the single most important thing one

can do to take back the power and opt out of our corrupt system.

Others prefer to grow their own food to avoid mass-produced, genetically modified produce

laden with chemical pesticides, and others just like the benefit of getting essentially,

free food.

By growing your own food, you can support yourself and maybe even your family, and if

you can do this, then you have figured out how to take control of your life, and you

do not rely on the system to survive.

As Jules Dervaes, a man who grows 6,000 pounds of food annually on his two acre property

has said:

�In our society, growing food yourself has become the most radical of acts.

It is truly the only effective protest that can and will overturn the corporate powers

that be.

By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing essential

to change the world: we change ourselves.�

Ikea Flatpack Vertical Garden Makes That Easy

Ikea has recently come up with an awesome flatpack vertical garden that allows those

living in the city or those who are strapped on space to enjoy a little green space to

grow their own food as well.

Ikea is calling this �The Growroom.� It is a DIY (obviously, knowing Ikea) project

that is 9 feet tall and in the shape of a sphere.

This garden is perfect for growing plants, herbs and vegetables, and you can even sit

inside of it with your friends and family � or alone when you speak to and sing to

your plants while encouraging them to grow.

The Growroom consists of 17 sheets of plywood and 500 screws, but the only tools that are

needed to put this beauty together are a screwdriver and hammer.

Unfortunately, the plywood does not come pre-cut, so a table saw, laser cutter or CNC machine

will also be needed to put this garden together.

It is designed to be low cost and easy to assemble to encourage more people to start

their own garden, regardless of space or resources.

According to the website, food produced from The Growroom can feed an entire neighbourhood!

The sphere is built so that each plant can obtain water and sunlight but whoever sits

inside won�t get wet.

At 2.8m by 2.5m, the Growroom is just large enough for a few people to sit inside, as

if it were a magical living gazebo with built in snacks.

Why Was This Designed?

It seems more and more people are either starting to grow their own food, or at least are becoming

curious about it.

Designers Sine Libndholm and Mads-Ulrik Husum feel that the Growroom caters to a future

where more and more people are choosing to grow their own local and healthy food.

These two both work for the Space10 design project in Copenhagen, Denmark, supported

by Ikea.

In a blog post the two wrote, �The challenge is that traditional farming takes up a lot

of space and space is a scarce resource in our urban environments.�

Space10�s website states, �SPACE10 envisions a future, where we grow our own food much

more locally, to spark conversations about how we can bring nature back into our cities,

grow our own food and tackle the rapidly increasing demand for significantly more food in the

future, we teamed up with architects Sine Lindholm and Mads-Ulrik Husum to create The


Standing tall as a spherical garden, it empowers people to grow their own food much more locally

in a beautiful and sustainable way.�

Way to go Ikea!

How Can You Get One?

In an effort to support sustainability, Space10 has explained it doesn�t really make much

sense to promote local food production and have your own garden and then start mass producing

and shipping across oceans and continents.

So, The Growroom is released now as an open source design that encourages anyone to build

their own by obtaining the supplies needed locally.

You can find the template for the Growroom by following this link.

I Live In An Apartment, What About Me?

Well, as awesome as Ikea�s latest invention is, it still doesn�t really do much for

those of us �myself included � who live in an apartment.

But, there is hope for people like us, especially if your apartment has a balcony.

Check out No Yard?

No Problem: 5 DIY Garden Projects For People Who Don�t Have Space For A Garden.

And, another awesome Ikea invention, Ikea Launched An Indoor Garden That Never Stops

Growing Food.

For more infomation >> Health - A NEW FLATPACK GARDEN FROM IKEA CAN FEED AN ENTIRE NEIGHBOURHOOD - Duration: 5:06.


Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel - Duration: 14:38.

Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel

Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel

Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel

Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel

Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel

Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel

Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel

Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel

Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel

For more infomation >> Shahid Afridi Exclusive Interview to Zainab Jameel - Duration: 14:38.


Project DesiHounds Update #1: Ramanathapuram Mandai Naai - Duration: 1:01.

Hi, this is Baarath Mani for Today is the 15th of

March 2017 and I'm here with an update

for Project DesiHounds. The video I

plan to release today, marks the true

beginning of my DesiHounds journey. The

story behind the video is about the

famed Ramanathapuram Monday Naai or

Saambal Naai - a rare dog breed indigenous

to this region. I traveled to Madurai to

meet with Mr.Krishnan who inspired me

to make this video. His family has been a

passionate caretaker and keeper of this

rare breed of hounds for three

generations. Please visit the official

YouTube page of DesiHounds - check back

at around 6 p.m. India time, today. For

more updates you can visit www.desihounds

.in. You can also find us on

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Just type

and search for DesiHounds. Share and Subscribe

Thank you !!!

For more infomation >> Project DesiHounds Update #1: Ramanathapuram Mandai Naai - Duration: 1:01.


No free ride into heaven - Duration: 3:11.

Most Christian believers will end up in

hell. They will not find the entry to

heaven because they are not following

Jesus Christ, they do not know Jesus.

Jesus Christ is the way and the truth

and the life. The only way that we will

enter heaven, is if we follow and obey

Jesus. You cannot have a free ride into

heaven. You have to walk, you have to deny

yourself, and pick up your cross, follow

Jesus Christ every day. You have to

repent, turn away from sin, turn away from

a going after your own desires, going

your own way, and you have to follow

after Jesus, or else you will not find

the entrance to heaven. You have to obey

Jesus Christ, repent and be baptized in

water, seek Jesus with all your heart and

He will give His Holy Spirit in you. He

will come and dwell in you, and He will

guide you every step of the way, but you

have to stay with Him. If you do not

follow Jesus, and if you do not obey Him,

and do not stay with Him until the very

end, you will end up in hell. Jesus Christ

is the only one who can show you the way,

but you have to follow Him. Just

believing in Jesus, cannot save you, if

you do not follow Him. If you believe

that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that He is

the WAY, then you have to follow Him and

you have to obey Him. You have to walk

with him every step of the way as He

guides you, or else you will not find the

narrow door into the kingdom of heaven.

Strait is the gate and narrow is the

door, and few there be that find it. Jesus

said:"Strive hard to enter the strait

gate, because many will try and will not

be able." We will only make it if we

follow Jesus Christ every day until the

very end. Do you know Jesus and are you

following Him? You must endure until the

end with Jesus, to have eternal life.

May Jesus bless you. Jesus Christ is alive

and hell is real. I am here to introduce

you to Jesus Christ so that you can know

Him and follow Him, and have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more

about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.

For more infomation >> No free ride into heaven - Duration: 3:11.


Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep 02 | Love in the Moonlight Ep 02 | English Subtile | Korean Drama 2016 - Duration: 1:00:23.

For more infomation >> Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Ep 02 | Love in the Moonlight Ep 02 | English Subtile | Korean Drama 2016 - Duration: 1:00:23.


Gatwick Hilton Room With Meet And Greet Parking | Holiday Extras - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Gatwick Hilton Room With Meet And Greet Parking | Holiday Extras - Duration: 2:08.


The K2 Ep 15 | Eng Sub | Korean Drama 2016 - Duration: 1:04:08.

<i>This program is suitable for viewers ages 15 and up.</i>

Subtitles by DramaFever

<i>[Episode 15]</i>

Wow, everyone is working so hard.

You all sure are working hard!

Atta boy!


don't want you to worship me.

I just...

- I just... - You just wanted to coddle me.

And make me into another one of your slaves.

What's going on?

<i>An intruder has arrived.</i>

Wow! This is so cool!

Mirror, lock the door.

This is a bomb.

She won't be able to hear you from in there.

That's a bomb.

That son of a bitch.

Let's talk! I can't hear you!

Mirror, turn on "Outside Communication" mode.

<i>Please go ahead and speak.</i>

What brings you here?

You didn't even call ahead.


You should've told me beforehand if you were going to invite a guest.

Yes, Madam. I apologize.

I only did it for the sake of the company--

Shut your goddamn mouth!

Hey, come on, Big Sis.

You're going to break my eardrums.

What in the world is going on?

Listen carefully to what I'm saying from here on out.

So, what brings you here?

Me? Well, I came to install some bombs here.


Open it up.

All right, then.


All of you are watching!

All right, there we go.

There we go. Two hours is plenty, right?

For our conversation.

Mirror, soundproof the room again.

Where's Anna right now?

Despite all this, she's the only person you're worried about.

I asked you where Anna is.

She might have gotten on the plane by now.

Or she might still be at the airport.

She's going to Lafelt.

Well, sure. That's still the best thing you've ever done for Anna.

Mirror, turn "Outside Communication" mode back on.

It seems that you've come to take Cloud Nine for yourself.

Oh, Kim Je Ha. How's your health?

So you're still alive, huh?

You two sure go all out when it comes to family feuds.

That's just how our family is.

Oh yeah, Big Sis. Pick up the phone.

It's probably my partner.

Who is it?

<i>A video call from Assemblyman Park Kwan Soo, Madam.</i>

Pick up the call.


<i>Good evening... or is it? I'm not too sure, Madam.</i>

As you can see.

<i>My knight went to capture the queen for me.</i>

So, did you send him over to kill me?

Oh, no! Don't say such scary things!

Politicians need to solve things with words, up to a certain point.

Isn't that right?

Oh, you say this with a gun in your hand though.

<i>Discussions are no fun unless they're done like that, after all.</i>

<i>Just like last time.</i>

<i>You do remember how I almost died last time, don't you?</i>

So what is it that you want from me this time?

All I need is Kim Suk Han's memory card.

<i>Pretty simple, right?</i>

And all I need is Cloud Nine.

Mirror, turn on the soundproofing.

Why don't you just be honest and tell them that you don't have it?

What are you planning to do?

I'll have to get him.

Mirror, turn "Outside Communication" mode back on.

You keep asking me for the impossible!

Firstly, I can't give you Suk Han's memory card.

Because I don't have it.


Is that really true?

Yes, it is.

Kim Je Ha hasn't handed it over to us yet.

If you give us some time, we can find out where it is right away.

<i>Hey, Mercenary.</i>

<i>You still haven't handed it over yet?</i>

Oh, yes. If only that guy hadn't tried to take it from me back then

it would've been in your hands by now.

And I wouldn't have ended up in this state either.

Why'd you do that? Did you not want to pay me that badly?

<i>Oh, come now.</i>

Oh, come on. There's no way I would've ordered them to do that.

It was probably due to some unnecessary emotional battles between young people.

<i>You beat up that guy a lot until now, after all.</i>

<i>You completely destroyed him on certain occasions.</i>

Well, yeah. I did beat him up quite a lot.

Payment? Money?

Then was he working together with Assemblyman Park Kwan Soo?


I'm the one who hired that mercenary.

Did you lie to the members of the consortium then, Madam?

Is that right?

Seems like I owe you an apology.

You damned traitor.

<i>What are you planning to do?</i>

That's why I told you to leave Anna alone.

<i>I'll have to get Park Kwan Soo.</i>

<i>Wow, what a scary fellow he is.</i>

Aw, I feel so bad for Madam Choi.

She didn't even know that, and...

<i>So? Did you lose that memory card?</i>

No. I've been keeping it nice and safe.

Can you bring it to me now?

What about the money?

Oh, of course I'll give it to you! I'll even give you a bonus too!

So hurry and bring it over. You know where I am, right?

Of course.

Well, I've gotten what I want, so...

you siblings enjoy a nice chat, all right?

<i>All right, goodbye, then.</i>

Here, Miss. Your ticket.

I've checked all your luggage in too.

Thank you.

Mirror, turn on the soundproofing.

Will you be able to do it in your current state?

Send Chief Joo to the site, please.

All right.

Also... I won't be coming back.

Just leave Cloud Nine behind and go outside.

I feel like you'll become a bit happier than you are now if you do that.

I can't leave Mirror behind.


Mirror is me.

That's true. I'm sure she is.

Because Mirror possesses an incredible power that you can't give up.

That's right.

So you've realized it as well, huh?

That's why I allowed you to have access to Mirror.

Just look.

He's the chairman of a large conglomerate and has everything he could ever want

and yet he's going to such lengths to have Mirror for himself.


this is already yours now.

If anyone experiences Mirror's powers firsthand...

they'll become greedy and want Cloud Nine for themselves.

So as long as you're the witch that rules Cloud Nine

you'll be its slave.

So hurry up and leave this place.

I'll take care of Chairman Choi and Park Kwan Soo on my own.

If only we'd met...

under better circumstances or at a better time.


Mirror, turn "Outside Communication" mode back on.

Hey, back off.

Also, Mirror, close the door and lock it as soon as I leave this room.

<i>Yes, I shall.</i>

Open it.

You think you'll be able to manage in that state?

Hey, shut it. Let's hurry and go.

Lead the way.

All right, then. We have to take care of our deal now.

Big Sis.

One of our people will be get you when you get there.

All right.

Young Miss. Make sure you keep my number. Don't delete it!

I'll never change my number.

Of course. Why would I erase it?

What a strange sense of affection this is.

All we ever did was keep watch over you, keep you trapped, and do mean things

and yet, you still care about us!

And when we were just about to be good to you, you have to go!

Oh, don't cry! How am I supposed to leave then?

Yes, Madam. Don't cry.

I mean, she's leaving because she's succeeded!

Young Miss.

Go out and live in this big world, and live however you please.

And please forgive me too.

And make sure to call when you arrive, okay?

I will.

Looks like Dad isn't coming this time either.

Please... take good care of Je Ha.

Did you forget that I tried to kill you two?

No, not yet.

But I'll try to forget from now on.

It's time now. Go on.

Go to Sungdonghwa Hospital's parking lot.


Did Je Ha exit the building?


I see. So he left.

Then first, shut off the elevator.

And cut off all cell reception.

Go and check!

The door won't open, sir.

Oh, come on. Why are you being like this?

I told you, this is a bomb, Big Sis!

All right, Mirror.

Connect a CCTV feed of what's going on here to Chief Kim's phone.


What's this? Hurry to HQ now!

And send all our men outside back to HQ!

Yes, ma'am.

This is B1! This is B1!

All agents are to report to HQ now! All agents are to report to HQ now!

All right, then.

The live broadcast has started now.

Shall we begin the game now, then?


Where do President Gook's grandchildren live again?

<i>In the western part of the United States.</i>

Send the kids' address to our contractors overseas.

Tell them that it's an irrevocable order, but in exchange they'll be paid in cash.

They say I won't even live for two more hours now

so tell them I'll pay them double if they get it done in an hour.


W-w-wait, Madam!

I deserve to die for what I did!

Stop for a moment, Mirror.

Madam, it's me who deserves to die. I'm the one who deserves to die!

Please! Please!

So please, Madam!

Please don't fight over JB Group with the chairman now and--

So that's why you betrayed me?

- Mirror. - Madam!

Couldn't you give me one more chance?

I even took care of the Ume Hye Rin incident under the ex-chairman's orders!

Isn't that why you got to be the director and CEO of JSS?

Yes, Madam. I'll die.

But please! Those kids didn't do anything wrong!

- Is that right? - Yes!

It's true that the kids didn't do anything wrong.

All right, fine.

Then die right here, right now.

In exchange, I'll spare your grandkids.

You don't want to?

No, Madam. I'll do it.

M-M-Madam. Thank you.

I'll definitely repay this debt to you in hell.

Sung Hwan.

Did you see that?

This is how you're supposed to use Cloud Nine.

Wow, Big Sis. This is so like you.

Don't get too excited.

Because you're next.

You special forces agents over there.

Shoot Choi Sung Won.

What are you saying?

The one who shoots him first

gets a billion won straight into their bank account.

All right.

No need to feel self-conscious. I'll give you all a billion won each.

Hey, hey, hey. Wait!

I have a lot more money than she does!

I'm the chairman of a conglomerate!

Geez, you surprised me, damn it.

Also, I'm the only one who knows the password to defuse this bomb.

And it has a location sensor, so if I leave this and go

it'll just explode!


Really? Okay.

Then forget my last order for now.

Wow. It was a good try though, Big Sis.

But did you think that I really didn't think this far ahead?

I think you'll end up dying after all.

Can you all step outside? We need to talk.

Yeah, go outside and stand by.

Also, take good care of the president.

Yeah, you did make great preparations.

But you really don't know people, do you?

Soon, those guys will be pointing their guns at you

to make you defuse the bomb.

And they'll want me to reactivate the elevator after that.

If they kill you for me.

You've made a grave mistake walking into this place.

There's no exit for you here.

Yes, it's me. I got the memory card.

Really? Good job! Good job!

What should I do with this guy now?

Well, you have to get rid of him, of course.

Yes, I understand. Just a moment.


Are you okay, Agent Kim?

- Get up. - Yes.

You okay?

No. Just a sec.

<i>Hello? Hello?</i>

Yes, so... where do I need to bring this?

Oh... oh, Mercenary!

Is that you?

Yes, it's me.

What about the guy who was with you?

Aw man. Well...

he went and died already.

So, about the money. Is it ready?

Um, yeah! Of course!

I just need to go to the place where your safe is, right?

Um, yeah. At my place.

Oh man. This punk.

Just what kind of punk is he, anyway?

Did you find the memory card?


Thank you.

Hurry to the hospital now.

No. This isn't yours anymore.

I have to reveal its contents to the world now.

Chairman Choi has broken into Cloud Nine and installed a bomb there.

To steal Cloud Nine.

We have to take down Park Kwan Soo and Chairman Choi right now!

And in order to do that, we have to expose its contents to the world.

Agent Kim.

If we do that now, it'll be the end of the assemblyman's political career too.

Give it to the assemblyman. We must use it for JSS or for his political career!

No. We have to stop Park Kwan Soo and Chairman Choi right now!

I know! But this is no simple matter.

JB and Jinhan will both be in danger if you release it now.

Then what'll happen to the presidential race?

Do you know what will happen if we don't release this now?

Chairman Choi will get Cloud Nine for himself!


Choi Yoo Jin could die alongside Cloud Nine.

Je Ha. For the greater good, sometimes--

The greater good?

You're the same as ever, aren't you?

You said that small fry needed to be sacrificed for the "greater good"

back when I had to leave the army, didn't you?

I'm not telling you to sacrifice yourself this time, though!

Yes, Je Ha. I have to hold onto that for me to realize my dream

and for you to get your revenge.

What about Ume Hye Rin then?

And what about Anna?

If it's hard for you, I'll do it myself.

Don't make me shoot you, Agent Kim.

You said that these people were quite formidable when I first joined JSS.

And that they'd definitely get the presidency.

But look.

You, Chief...

are throwing away the last shreds of morality you have left for him.

What about you then?

You killed civilians in Iraq just for some money

and ran away because you got fired from your last employer, didn't you?

What you said is both wrong and right.

It's true.

It's true that I became a killer-for-hire after I was cast aside by the country.

And it's true that I did mercenary work. But...

I never killed any civilians.

The reason why I was actually being pursued is because

Blackstone found out that I was going to stand as a witness at

the International Criminal Court about the murder of civilians in Iraq.

And they were after me to stop me from doing so.

Je Ha.

You said that I was a puppet, didn't you?

You're right.

But now, we're about to lose Cloud Nine.

So if we don't have the memory card, I'll be even less than a mere puppet.

I'll become a scarecrow.


Why would you be a scarecrow?

You have to be a father to Anna now!

I've grown sick and tired of you people.

My original motive was protecting Anna from Choi Yoo Jin

and killing Park Kwan Soo.

Well, I'm off to kill Park Kwan Soo now.

What's all this?

Aren't these C-4 explosives?

Hey, Agent Kim.

How are you going to do this by yourself?

You saw what was in the trunk, didn't you?

Surely you're not planning to--

Are you planning to blow yourself up too?

Hey, Agent Kim!

Hey! Agent Kim!

Big Sis!

Can't you just give me Mirror?

Let's share Mirror. Please?

Now you're planning to nag me about it?

Let's be real. Didn't you give up on JB when you decided to marry Brother-in-Law?

I was quite jealous of the courage you had to be able to do that back then.

That's not true.

Your mom stole JB from me.

I envied you.

You're not the daughter of some mistress like I am.

Everyone liked you and said that you'd become the next chairwoman.

And of course, I didn't doubt that in the slightest.

But you made me most envious of you

when you refused to get an arranged marriage

and married Brother-in-Law.

I had a woman that I loved too, you see.

But I had no choice but to give her up.

I would've actually believed that lie if I were a bit more gullible.

Oh, damn it!

I almost had you.

Man, you sure are clever, Big Sis.

But it is true that Father had higher hopes for you than he did for me.

And judging from what I just heard

didn't Dad tell President Gook to cover up the fact that you killed Ume Hye Rin?

What would you know?

Okay, fine.

Then let's do this, Big Sis.

I'll give you half of my JB shares.

So let's both use Mirror together.

Isn't that fair?

So after I get Jinhan, you can be the chairwoman of JB Group.

And I'll be the chairman of Jinhan.



Since the clock is still ticking, is it making you uneasier?

Sung Won.

I'm sure that when you first came in here with that

you wanted to take Mirror or just destroy it.

You didn't think that we'd have to die here together.

But now that you can't leave, the only thing you can do is defuse the bomb.

So why would I agree to make any kind of deal with you?

Before those guys out there get anxious and turn into feral beasts

just defuse the bomb now and take it out of here.

If you do that, I won't kill you, at the very least.

Um, Assemblyman.

Will you really do a press conference?

There's only one reason why I've covered up your corruption and stuck around.

It was the constant amount of authority you always exuded.

But if you want to throw all of that away now

I have no reason to remain by your side.

Geez, you sure are coming on strong, punk.

Chief Joo.

What about you?

I believe that Madam should have a say in a situation like this, sir.

That's true too.

Call Choi Yoo Jin. Let's see how she's holding up.

<i>A call from Assemblyman Jang Se Joon, Madam.</i>

Wow, that sure was fast. Not.

I'll take his call.

Yes, Assemblyman? Go ahead.

Oh, so it seems that the bomb hasn't gone off yet.

What, are you sad that it hasn't?

You seem to have some time, so I'd like to ask you something.

Go ahead.

Je Ha left a gift to me.

It's Kim Suk Han's memory card.

Oh no, Sung Won.


He told me that I had to hurry and release this if I'm to save you.

Je Ha... said that?

<i>Yes, he did. But...</i>

what should I do?

Should I release it or not?

Are you crazy? Why would you do that?

Don't worry about Sung Won.

He won't allow the bomb to go off.

Okay. Then...

<i>I think we should take this chance</i>

to straighten Park Kwan Soo and the consortium out.

I should... wait, no. You call ex-Chairman Park directly.

And tell them that we'll destroy the consortium and Park Kwan Soo

and JB as well if they don't straighten up.

Wouldn't it seem like more of a realistic threat if you say it?

As to be expected of my wife.

What about Je Ha?

What about him?

His condition.

Well, he doesn't look like he's doing that well.

Where did he...

No, never mind.

See you later at home.

Looks like Park Kwan Soo will soon pull out of the race of his own volition.

So? What will you do, Sung Won?

Should we just destroy everything and I'll begin JB anew?

Cancel the press conference.

And call Chairman Park.

Yes, sir!

Yes, Chairman Park.

An interesting item has fallen into my hands.

It's Kim Suk Han's memory card.

Oh, why are you so shocked?

I heard that you're a member of the consortium too.

I'd like to see all those members face-to-face

and have a cup of coffee with them.

What? Jang Se Joon has the memory card?

Yes. Does he know what's in there too?

Oh my.

Then, um... well, firstly... I... okay.

Oh my. This is bad.

Then, does that mean that Kim Je Ha gave it to Assemblyman Jang?

Yeah. There's something strange going on with him.

I think he's a double agent for me and Choi Yoo Jin.

Turn the car around! Turn the car around!

- Yes, sir. - And, you!

- Yes, sir? - Call men to the hideout

and make sure you catch him, all right?

Yes, sir.

Wait. Jang Se Joon has a daughter named Anna, right?

Yes, sir.

Call the Police Chief and tell him to get her.

Yes, sir.

We'll get rid of both Jang Se Joon and Kim Je Ha tonight!

No matter what!

Excuse me, ma'am.

Could you turn off your phone for a short while for safety purposes?


<i>[Turn off phone]</i>

<i>The person you are trying to reach has shut off his or her phone.</i>

Our plane will be taking off soon. Please put on your seatbelts--


We'd appreciate your cooperation.

Have you see this person?

Over there.

Ms. Go Anna?

<i>[Police Officer]</i>

Please come with me.

He's here. Kim Je Ha is here.

All of you, be careful. And find him!

Put the gun down.

Put it on.

Put it on!

Put it on.

What the hell? Where is Park Kwan Soo?

He told me to tell you that if you want to save your girlfriend

you need to give him the memory card.

What... what did you say?

- Who? - Your girlfriend. Go Anna.

What did you just say?

He caught her just as she was about to leave the country.

Where are they now?

If you want to save her, you have to bring him the memory--

Tell me, you son of a bitch!

Please, spare me! I'll tell you!

Tell me now!

- Hello? - It's me, Ms. Mi Ran. Kim Je Ha.

Where is Anna right now?

Are you feeling okay?

Young Miss just left the country.

I think Park Kwan Soo kidnapped Anna.

Call the airport and confirm it for me.

Kidnapped? Young Miss was kidnapped?

What do you mean by that? What do you mean, she's been kidnapped?

But we just saw her board the plane!

I don't know, but I think Park Kwan Soo may have kidnapped her!

I think Mr. Je Ha is going after them.

Hello? This is the airport, right?

I want to know about a plane that was scheduled to leave.

Oh, a video call? To what do I owe this pleasure?

I thought it'd be best in a situation like this to talk face-to face

Assemblyman Jang.

Oh, you must have been in quite a rush.

Oh, of course. A person's life is at stake here, after all.

Don't worry. I wouldn't have you killed.


No, I'm not talking about me.

Just a second.

Dad? Dad!

Dad! Save me!


How about you stop looking at that unpleasantness now?

What the hell are you doing?

Come, now. Calm down.

I don't need to explain anything now, right?

Assemblyman Jang.

Bring me Kim Suk Han's memory card.

Trade me that for your daughter.

<i>Come to that place... what was it called? Ah, yes. Cloud Nine.</i>

I'll bring your daughter there too.

Let's settle this there.

It may be an enemy base, but I'm at a loss for options, so...

That's fair, right?

You know... killing young ladies and such...

I'm not too fond of doing such things, but--

I'll go.

<i>Oh yeah, I heard that it's a memory card that you can't copy data from.</i>

So don't play any games with me, all right?

Because I'm going to check it all.

I'll head there now.

All right, then.

Send her over there.

Let's end this entire affair with the memory card

and that Cloud thing and all these people right now.

Yes, sir.



Hello? Mr. Je Ha.

The cops got there right before the plane left and took her.

I think Park Kwan Soo was telling the truth.

All right.

Damn it!





Please help me! Please help me!

Save me, please! Save me, please!

Please help me!

What are you doing? Kill him now!


You too.

There we go.

Master Song!

Master Song.

Are you all right, Young Miss?

Oh, yes!

Master Song!

Who are you people?

Let's go.

- Master Song! - Go, quickly!

- But-- - Now!


Let's go together.

Oh, I surprised you, didn't I? I'm sorry.

M-Master Song. It was you?


On that night...

the person who covered my mouth and flashed a light on me...

Young Miss.


On that night...

Um, Mr. Je Ha.

Um, don't overreact, okay? Let's settle this with words.

Let's settle this with words! How about it?

Where's Anna?

Oh, um, Anna? S-she's at Cloud Nine.

She's there now. You should hurry.

- You drive. - N-now?

Um, we can't go there now.

Why not?

Well, um...

Okay, fine!

The... the bomb will go off soon.

And when it does, everyone there will die!

Then you can just stop it from exploding.

That'd be nice, but...

you can't defuse it once it's been set.

Chairman Choi doesn't know that.

Oh, damn it.

No! No!

Subtitles by DramaFever

<i>What's the prize?</i>

<i>Let's just die here together.</i>

<i>So my Anna is being pursued right now?</i>

<i>Damn it.</i>

<i>I didn't defuse the bomb.</i>

<i>Wouldn't he trade the memory card for Anna?</i>

<i>Who knows?</i>

<i>Do you really think everything will go according to his plan?</i>

<i>All of you have to get out of here now.</i>

<i>When the bomb goes off, Cloud Nine will...</i>

<i>Let go of me! Je Ha!</i>

<i>I swear it.</i>

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For more infomation >> Conscious Route Part 2 | Bottled Up - Duration: 3:07.


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Do-more PLC - Simplify your Programming with Casting - Duration: 2:46.

Casting is a great way to make your coding life so much easier.

For example, suppose you want to take an IP address in the usual format and pack it into

an unsigned DWord which is what you'll need for some instructions.

You could do a bunch of math and combining and re-arranging to create the properly formatted

IP Address, or you can do it the easy way.

Using the INIT instruction you can just say you want this to go into the upper byte of

D0, this to go into the next lower byte, this into the next byte and this into the lowest


That colon is the casting operator and it tells Do-more exactly how we want to transform

or 'cast' one data type into another using this code.

In the SETUPIP instruction for example, you can now use D0 as the IP address.

Now your IP Address is easy to maintain and the intent of your code is obvious so when

you come back to look at it in the future you will see exactly what you meant to do.

Suppose you want to take one bit of an unsigned word and use that to drive an output coil.

You could do some math and masking and shifting, etc.

But why not do it the easy way?

Simply tell Do-more you want the 4th bit – numbering starts at zero – to drive the output?

We're just telling Do-more to transform – or cast - the 4th bit of the word into

a bit type to use in this contact.


Suppose you receive a number from some other device in Modbus holding register 10 and you

know it is intended to represent a real number.

You could do a bunch of math to convert that into a real number format, or, you can use

casting to simply tell Do-more to do it for you.

Casting is a super-fast shortcut around a lot of programming headaches.

The help topic covers every possible way you can cast one thing into another so take a

look at that to learn more.

And check this out.

In the element browser, this little button down here is awesome.

Suppose I want to take a V memory element and pull one bit out of it.

Look – it shows me the exact format I need to use!

How about a taking signed word and pulling out a byte, the upper byte and we want it


There's the exact format I need.

So when in doubt, use the cast builder – it's quick and easy.

Once you get the hang of casting will quickly become one of your favorite programming tools.

And if you need more help with casting, contact AutomationDirect's free award winning support

team during regular business hours.

They will be happy to help.

And don't forget the forums.

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