Here are the most unbelievable things people pay for!
10 - Fake Paparazzi
In 2004, there was a romantic comedy called Along Came Polly.
It's your typical romantic comedy, meaning that it centers around a person who after
a life changing event meets a love interest and embarks on a journey of self discovery,
conflict resolution, and ultimately falls in love.
It also sucked, but that's beside the point.
The only funny storyline in the movie was a character named Sandy, the best friend of
the protagonist.
Played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Rest in Peace, Sandy is a former child actor looking
to make a comeback.
Throughout the movie we're led to believe that he's being followed by a documentary
crew chronicling his comeback to acting.
It turns out that he hired them himself.
Lame, right?
Well people do do something very similar in real life.
For a price, people can hire out a paparazzi-like crew to attend their event or just follow
them around, and give it the appearance of a high profile affair.
Services such as "Crowds on Demand" let tourists in Hollywood pay for "star" treatment.
Meaning, they hire fake fans and fake paparazzi crews to follow them around and bug them and
ask them questions.
It's kind of mind boggling why celebrity wannabes and average joes would pay huge sums
of money for the kind of thing actual celebrities decidedly hate.
Personally, I can think of a better use for money than vanity to the millionth degree.
9 - Professional Cuddlers
Cuddling is nice, I guess.
It's affectionate and it feels nice.
It's a great way to relax with your favorite partner.
However, not everyone has someone to cuddle with.
LUCKILY, those folks can hire a professional to cuddle with them.
Companies such as "The Snuggle Buddies," and Cuddlist charge a fee for people to enlist
the help of their professional cuddlers.
The companies claim that cuddles can be therapeutic and that for people who don't get enough
human touch and affection, it can have some very positive benefits.
In 2016, the New York Times profiled a professional cuddler named Brianna Quijada, who for $80
an hour, provides one on one cuddle sessions.
She told the successful newspaper that she will perform a range of services for her clients
such as hand holding, eye gazing, cuddling, putting their heads in her lap or otherwise
providing platonic forms of relaxation.
Because she sets her boundaries early on, she claims that her clients never take things
too far and that she's not usually afraid of being alone with strangers.
Uhhhhhh…..surrrrrre, whatever she says!
8 - A Glitter Bomb Hit
Sometimes people get really mad about something.
So they hire a hitman to take out the person who pissed them off.
Other times people aren't quite as mad about something, so they hire a person to cause
a minor inconvenience for their target.
That's where Glitter Bombs come in handy.
For those of you who don't follow the seedy underworld of mildly irritating other people,
glitter bomb has become an increasingly popular form of protest, usually targeting public
officials who actively oppose gay marriage.
It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like...some person, who's usually a bit
unhinged, finds a way to dump glitter on the intended target.
As you know, glitter is difficult to remove, and it's a bit on the feminine side, so
you can see why it's such a popular prank on homophobes.
Politicians such as Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Dan Savage, and Randall Terry have been glitter
bombed before, as have people such as Germaine Greer and Lindsay Lohan.
In 2015, online services began offering to send a glitter bomb via the mail, wherein
they anonymously send an envelope full of glitter to an unsuspecting victim.
When the intended target opens the envelope, glitter shoots out all over them, thus forcing
them to change clothes or maybe take a shower, resulting in a minor waste of time.
So look out folks...YOU could be next!
7 - Last Meal Replications
Ever wanna know what it was like to have Ted Bundy's last meal soon before his execution?
Now you can, with what is perhaps one of the most bizarre and rather twisted services on
the planet.
Last Meals Delivery Service in Toronto will deliver a replica of a last meal from a death
row inmate...but only for the citizens of Toronto.
What's EVEN weirder is that customers don't get to pick out the meals, and the food must
be ordered a few days in advance.
When the food arrives at your door, it comes with a paper mask of the death row inmate
who requested that last meal.
Hey, It also comes with a DVD!
I hope it's not the guy getting executed!
Anyways, It's worth noting that this isn't some morbid service catering to some twisted
I mean, it might kind of fit a niche for some people in Toronto, but the undertaking is
the brainchild of an artist named Paul Kneale, who seems fascinated with the public and media's
fixation on last meals.
In explaining his odd social experiment Kneale told The Globe and Mail that quote "obviously
you publish things you think people want to know about.
It seemed to be a media expression of a popular desire.
So I wanted to explore that popular desire."
It's not some sleazy scheme to make money for Kneale.
It might be odd, but Kneale seems to be legitimately interested in the social and moral ramifications
of capital punishment.
"I lose money on this, but I thought it was an important moral dimension of the work
to not make money" Kneale said.
Blog writer Paul Kay chronicled his replication of convicted murderer James Bryant's last
meal of a cheeseburger, fries, tossed salad, saltine crackers, and an apple turnover.
All this was accompanied by a pair of tube socks, just like the ones James Bryant wore
for his last meal.
According to Kay, the meal sparked some provocative conversation with his friends.
Like a lot of art in general, everyone has their own interpretations of the artist's
Whether or not this constitutes good art is fairly subjective, but Paul Kneale's Last
Meal Delivery Service is, to say the very least, quite different.
6 - Rent a Chicken/Little Person
There are lots of things that make total sense to rent.
A condo at the beach for a weekend, a car when your travel, or a movie on a Friday night.
Those things are pretty normal and are widely accepted as socially acceptable transactions.
But renting chickens?
Or renting a little person?
Now we're getting into some pretty strange territory.......which of course we love.
Let's start with chickens, which sounds pretty strange on the surface.
I mean why would you rent a chicken?!
Well, there are services, such as "Rent the Chicken" that allow people to rent chickens
as sort of a trial run for actually owning chickens.
The end goal?
Farm fresh eggs.
People love 'em, but often are shocked by the commitment after they actually buy the
C'mon, should people actually be shocked?!
Rent the Chicken allows people to rent chickens and then adopt them to see if they can handle
the responsibility.
As long as they don't pull a Kramer and enter them into illicit cockfights, then this
actually seems like a cool idea.
But what about renting little people?
Apparently that's not just some gimmick from the Wolf of Wall Street.
Online services such as "Rent a Midget", "Short Dwarf" and "Hire Little People
Dot com" all provide the service of little people for various occasions.
Characters for Hire claims to offer the most reliable, courteous and entertaining little
people in the U.S.
The company even offers services such as "midget wrestling".
These little fighters will go head to head as they provide wrestling entertainment to
you and your guests, the website boasts.
They even market this service as a viable option for corporate events.
Seriously, how would HR not bust this up?!
5 - A $5 Flirting Service
There's seemingly no end to the array of weird things or services you can buy online.
Case in point...Fiverr.
Specifically, a woman on Fiverr named Maudeev who for $5, will flirt with anyone's boyfriend
or husband to test their loyalty.
While it seems like this bizarre sting operation could backfire in a very bad way, most of
her customer reviews are actually quite positive.
Now, how exactly she goes about providing this service, and what kind of information
is gleaned from it, is between her, her jealous clients and the men they are with...or no
longer with, depending on the outcome I guess.
4 - Apology Agencies
Admitting when we're wrong is neither easy nor fun.
With that universal concept in mind, some crafty entrepreneurs in Japan started an apology
agency that hires out their services to apologize to people who have been wronged.
From what we were able to gather, there's actually more than one agency these days,
and they offer face-to face apologies as well as written or over the phone apologies.
Although, prices are a bit higher for the face-to-face feature.
According to reports on these agencies, their professional apologizers are trained to handle
each situation based on the gravity of the offense they're being paid to apologize for.
While these agencies are pretty successful, they of course lack one crucial quality that
ANY successful apology should have.
3 - The Anger Room
There's are a few theories when it comes to dealing with stress.
You can get a stress ball, talk to a friend, meditate, see a shrink, or even take some
And then there's a thing called "The Anger Room."
This is a place where you can act like a complete lunatic without repercussion, such as being
judged or getting arrested.
These therapeutic anger rooms replicate real life settings, such as an office, living room,
kitchen, or whatever.
Complete with mannequins and breakable items, the room is a place where someone can go and
let out some steam.
Scream, break stuff, curse, do whatever you need to rid yourself of all that stress.
Their website, which features a poorly shot video that looks like a cross between a 90's
grunge music video and a public access infomercial, shows people shouting while bashing things
with baseball bats.
"Some people come here because they're actually stressed out, some people come here
because they just wanna have fun" says a guy...who I guess works there?
Or maybe he's a satisfied customer, I dunno ,the video doesn't explain who he is!
"F**k you Josh!"
Shouts an angry ex-girlfriend as she swings a golf club at a wine glass with a pair of
disembodied mannequin legs in the background.
The video even makes a point of saying "OH yeah, we're real" at one point, as if
sensing the viewers incredulousness while they watch the spectacle unfold on their screens.
They even have multiple locations.
So there you have it, whether you're stressed, or looking for some good, wholesome vandalism,
the Anger Room is your place...for a price that is.
They even sell gift cards!
2 - A Massage from a Python
Generally speaking, people try to avoid snakes.
I mean, I know I do.
Whether it's the venom, or the fact that some snakes can literally end your existence
with a giant squeeze, snakes are the type of wild creatures that are either best left
alone, or handled with extreme caution.
Remarkably, it's extremely surprising that there are people who pay hard earned money
to be massaged by these scary reptiles.
Located in the Philippines is Cebu City Zoo.
Guests who are fearless or stupid enough, or maybe some combination of the two, are
able to try the intimidating venom massage.
For 15 minutes, you can lie there while four giant Burmese Pythons slither around on you.
For a point of reference, these snakes which can grow up to 16 feet long, have been known
to kill and eat deer, bobcats, and even alligators.
While the massage is done under supervision, and the snakes are fed 10 chickens beforehand
to curb their appetite, guests are warned not to shout, or blow air on the snakes as
that could rile them up.
Does THAT sound relaxing to you?
1 - Bag of D*cks
The insult "Eat a Bag of D*cks"is pretty strange in and of itself.
The comic Louis CK once pondered about how one might go about eating, or sucking a bag
of d*cks.
Wellllll, now there is an actual way to do that.
"D*cks by Mail" is a company that makes gummy penises...basically just erotic gummy
The company puts them in plastic bags and sends them out to a recipient of your choice.
According to their website, it's the ultimate way to tell a person off.
It might also serve as a tasty snack for people who actually do want to eat a bag of d*cks
but don't like giving oral sex.
Either way, there must be a market for this stuff.
Here's what's next!
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