Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 15 2017


I'm Hazel, and this is a look at my personal top 9 Quality of Life Addons that I'm using

in Legion.

These are all about making the little things in WoW quicker, easier and painfree.

#9: SellJunk.

Life is too short to spend time vendoring every goopy essence and chipped claw individually.

This is one of those addons that does its job, stays out of your way and saves you a

ton of busywork.

You come home from a long day of world quests and your bags are filled with greys.

Go see your favourite vendor and SellJunk Puts this nice little button on your vendor


Press that, and it sells your junk.

It's beautiful.

In the options, we can customize it a little bit.

If you're not worried about keeping any greys, you can set it to Automatically sell your

junk when you open a vendor window.

If you're worried about accidentally selling something you need, you can set the max sell

to 12 items so you can buy something back if you need to take-backsies.

I like keeping show gold checked so I get a little readout of my big bucks in chat.

Show item sold spam puts the names of what you sold in your chat log.

I personally keep that one on, too.

Last, if you have consistent exceptions of grey items you'd like Sell Junk to ignore,

just drag the item here to add it to your Exceptions.

SellJunk will only ever sell grey vendor trash, it won't toss your mats, or transmog or anything.

I don't see any good reason to vendor items the old fashioned way and can't imagine turning

this off.

#8: Can I Mog It?

This is an addon that I fell in love with in the Legion Pre-patch.

I was holed up in my garrison, opening about 10,000 salvage crates and wondering which

pieces of gear I needed for transmog.

Can I Mog It was a lifesaver then and it's a lifesaver now.

When you get a piece of Gear, Can I Mog It puts a little icon on the item in your bags

and adds a line to the tooltip.

If the item is moggable, it'll show as either BLUE CHECKMARK Learned if you've collected

that appearance, Unlearned with an orange X if you still need it and there's a yellow

star for items that you might be =really easy to spot when you can add something to your

appearance journal, and when it's safe to vendor the gear.

If you collect mog, Can I Mog It is indispensable.

#7: World Quest List.

Originally, I was super resistant to any world quest trackers.

I thought their UI was overwhelming and I figured I could do everything I need to with

the default World Quest UI.

Oddly enough, the thing that changed my mind was the Barrel helper.

On top of being a top notch world quest tool, World Quest List comes with a Barrel Helper

toolthat auto-marks Kirin Tor Barrels when you mouse over them.

It makes the barrel quest 1000% less annoying.

On top of that, you get all the good stuff that comes with a world quest tracker.

If I'm after Artifact Power, I just open up my Map, check the filter for AP rewards and

it's got a list of exactly what I'm looking for.

Mouse through that list to see where you need to go.

Apparently there's also an Enigma helper to try out.

I'll have to give that a go sometime.

#6: Rematch.

This is a pet battle addon, so if you don't battle pets this won't do you any good.

If you do any pet battles at all and you're NOT using Rematch, though, you are missing


Rematch does a lot of things, but the primary function is to auto-load your teams for the

different tamers.

Set up and save your team once, then mousing over that NPC will pull up your team with

the right moves every time you go back.

I have a more detailed look at Rematch in my pet battle addons video, which I'll link

in the description.

#5: BuyEmAll.

Where SellJunk made vendor selling easier, BuyEmAll is the golden key to vendor buying.

The Blood of Sargeras vendor in particular is what spurred me to download this one.

Instead of confirming each blood purchase one at a time, just tell BuyEmAll how many

you'd like and it'll run the whole transaction for you.

It also has quick options to buy a full stack or as many as you can hold or afford, whichever

comes first.

The Blood Vendor is significantly smoother to use with BuyEmAll, or any other vendor

that needs a stifling amount of purchase confirmations.

#4: Incentive Program.

This is bizarrely enough one of my bigger gold makers.

If you play a class with a healing or tanking spec, Incentive Program is great.

It puts this little icon on your UI that will turn into a coin if there's a Call to Arms

Satchel available.

Those satchels no longer contain mounts or pets, but they have an average of 800ish gold,

some Artifact Power and a couple of augment runes.

Carrying random heroics and LFR can be a little dull, but it's easy extra chances at a legendary

with some decent gold income and extra Artifact Power on top.

If you're into running instances for satchels, Incentive Program will give you the heads


#3: MOnAr's Wardrobe Helper.

This is another must-have for transmog hunters and completionists.

Open Wardrobe Helper, click Refresh Items and it'll pull up a big list of every dungeon

and raid in WoW.

There's a little bar graph of how many appearances you have from each one, with a completion

percentage on the right.

I can see that I have 48% of Vanilla appearances, 37% of Burning Crusade looks, and so on.

This addon tracks the mog that drops off Bosses and trash Epics, so it does NOT look at green


Once you're in an instance, it'll have this window on the right showing which pieces you

need and the bosses they drop off of.

Click Open MiniList to get a handy little checklist.

Wardrobe Helper is perfect for anyone trying to 100% their appearance journal.


I have a whole series going over TSM so I won't spend too much time here.

The one Quality of Life thing I REALLY love it for is getting market prices in tooltips.

Pick up a weird looking green?

Instantly know how much it sells for on your Auction House.

Not sure what to get at the Blood Vendor?

Get up to the hour market values of each item in the tooltip.

Tradeskillmaster has massively enriched my WoW experience and I recommend it to everyone.

Look through my TradeSkillMaster beginner guides linked in the description to get started.

Finally, #1: World Quest Group Finder.

To me, this is Legion's Master Plan.

This is that one game-changing addon that will save you buckets of time every day.

World Quest Group Finder makes it delightfully easy to hop into a group for a world quest

as soon as you walk in range.

Even if you're a big bad Mythic Raider with ilvl bazillion, World Quests will still go

faster with a couple more people.

You don't have to talk to anyone, you don't have to open your Group Finder, you don't

have to invite or decline anyone.

Just let it put you in a group and cooperate your way to fast emmissary caches.

You don't know joy until your groupmates kill the Warden Tower boss while you're still at

the bottom.

The one thing to take a look at in the options is this one here, to avoid joining a PvP realm


If you don't play on a PvP server and want to avoid any chance of World PvP, make sure

you have that checked.

This is a special kind of lifesaver for fresh alts that struggle to finish quests alone,

but I use it on all of my characters.

Even post 7.1.5, you can pry my World Quest Group Finder out of my cold, dead hands.

So, those are my top Quality of Life addons in Legion!

Swing by or your Curse App to try them out.

Keep an eye on my channel for more videos going over my Raiding and PvP addons in the

next couple of weeks.

Thanks for watching!

Let me know what you think, and have a wonderful, wonderful day.


For more infomation >> WoW Addons - Top 9 Quality of Life Addons in Legion - Duration: 7:11.


Trek Super Commuter+: Goodbye, Car - Duration: 2:34.

The difference between Trek and dedicated e-bike companies is that we have been designing bikes for over 35 years.

We didn't just take a frame and put on a motor and a battery.

We looked at who the rider is, what they need from a bike, and created a completely dedicated solution.

You're really comparing this bike to your car, not so much another bike.

If we could make every detail of your commute a stress free way to get from home to work,

we made sure that it was on this bike.

You don't want it to take you twice as long, so it needs to be fast and it needs to be fun.

It needs to look beautiful and you need to be able to carry your stuff to your job that you would normally do with a car.

The effort that you put in is multiplied by the motor.

Depending on which mode you use, it's 1-4x the effort.

They're pedal assist vehicles, human powered.

You definitely still get exercise when riding an e-bike.

Because there are different power levels, you can decide how hard you want to ride on a given day.

We use the Bosch Performance Line; it's a mid-drive motor that provides a great weight distribution.

It has a low center of gravity, which makes it corner better.

The Super Commuter+ has a 500 Wh battery and its top speed is 45 km/hr (28 mph).

You can charge the battery on and off the bike, depending on what suits your needs best.

Just like a car, the Super Commuter+ has daytime running lights.

And you don't even have to think about them because they're running off the battery.

For a commuter bike, you want it to be fast, confidence inspiring at speed,

but you also want it to be agile and nimble for city use.

The combination of a rigid fork and high volume tires provides you with more input from the road

and way more responsive and direct steering.

We wanted the rack and fender to be structural.

As simple and clean as possible,

but still very practical so you can bring everything you need to commute and use at your job.

The reality is that cities are becoming more and more dense, traffic is getting worse, parking is getting more expensive.

So why not get a Super Commuter+ and start enjoying your commute?

For more infomation >> Trek Super Commuter+: Goodbye, Car - Duration: 2:34.


7 Thyroid Damagers Hiding out in Your Home - Duration: 20:55.

Dr. Axe: Hey, guys, Dr. Josh Axe here with Jordan Rubin.

Welcome to Ancient Medicine Today.

Today we're going to be talking about the many things that are actually destroying your

thyroid and some of the top foods and nutrients and herbs you need to start taking in order

to boost your thyroid health.

Jordan, there are so many people today that are struggling with thyroid issues.

I remember when I first opened my clinic in Nashville, I was surprised by how many women

were coming to my office with Hashimoto's disease, hypothyroidism, a number of other

thyroid-related issues.

How prevalent is hypothyroidism?

Then let's start jumping in to some of the things we can start to do to fix our thyroid.

Jordan: Well, I think the issues with our thyroid really is environmental and that's

perfect for today's discussion.

We're going to talk to you about some of the hidden destroyers of your thyroid health in

your home.

But I would guess, and I'm just guessing, that thyroid disease diagnosed in what they

call sub-clinical probably affects more than half of the women above 35 years of age.

Dr. Axe: Wow.

Jordan: I would add adrenal to that.

The adrenal thyroid axis, so to speak, is absolutely compromised today with all of the

challenges that we have in our environment, everything that we're putting in our bodies,

surrounding our bodies with.

We're going to help you change that.

So, if you know anybody today that is a female--and males have thyroid issues too, believe it

or not--go ahead and click that share button because we're going to teach you how to avoid

some of these common thyroid destroyers and some ways to boost and balance your thyroid.

Dr. Axe: All right, Jordan, let's dive right in and talk about some of the things destroying

our thyroid.

Number one here I'll have you talk about pizza boxes.

Jordan: Well, first of all, this is a really small pizza.

This is like the Alice in Wonderland pizza box.

First of all, we want to be very clear.

We're not against pizza boxes.

This is an example of modern technology and packaging that's laced with chemicals.

You can even smell the chemicals.

There are various glues.

There are various bleaches, etc.

So, when you expose yourself to some of these compounds, they actually can adhere to some

of the receptor sites that are thyroid-specific.

So, when you're dealing with a lot of particularly food handling materials, you're going to get

residue from here.

I will say this.

It's probably better that there's nothing in here, even though this would be like a

tiny Elvis version of pizza.

But what you wrap your food in, what you store your food in--plastics, plastic wrap, aluminum

foil--can be very deleterious to your health.

Dr. Axe: Oh yeah, big time.

Jordan: So, point number one, avoid tiny pizza boxes.

Stay away.

Dr. Axe: Absolutely.

Well, you know, one of the other things that might surprise people is popcorn.

I read an article here.

Actually, this is a study out of Harvard that says a lot of these flavorings in popcorn

are actually worse for you in cigarettes.

So, pretty crazy here.

You can see these popcorn kernels.

When you're doing popcorn, make sure it's organic.

The other thing they talked about in the study is the lining.

When you're actually putting in microwaveable popcorn, the lining in there actually has

a plastic like substance that then gets on your popcorn and they are endocrine disruptors.

They cause liver issues, can cause kidney issues over time.

So, again, popcorn, I know it's typically thought of, Jordan, this is one of those diet

snacks out there.

A lot of people are trying to do the low fat microwaveable popcorn but we know it affects

the livers, affects the kidneys and according to one Harvard researcher, it could be worse

for you than cigarettes.

Jordan: Think about this.

Most of what we're going to talk about today, it's about convenience.

You mentioned microwaves.

Microwaving food wasn't up here, but getting radiation into your body, I was told since

I was young by my dad, who's a naturopath and a chiropractor don't have a microwave

in your home, don't stand in front of a microwave when someone is using it and don't ever eat


It's been dramatically altered and destroyed like nothing else.

So, think about this.

We are not against convenience, but in many cases, doing things the shortcut way shortcuts

your health.

Dr. Axe: Yeah.

Jordan: So, now we're going to talk about dental floss.

I'll admit, I haven't been a big flosser in my life the last few years.

Now I really believe in the health of my gums, so I am flossing.

But the chemicals and even the materials that this floss is made from can be harmful.

This is all about endocrine disrupting.

Endocrine is your hormonal system and these toxins and chemicals can bind to the thyroid-specific

receptor sites, even causing Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

So, it causes an autoimmune phenomenon.

So, when you use dental floss--and not everyone likes this--use the kind that is more sustainable.

Get it from a health food store.

The fibers are different.

The junk they put in it is certainly removed.

Make sure to read.

You've got artificial colors, dyes, etc.

Make sure to floss but use floss.

It'll be off color.

It'll be from your health food store but find safe dental floss is a good search term for


Dr. Axe: One of the things Jordan and I both promote and love doing is oil pulling instead.

Again, you can get natural floss and that's great, but doing oil pulling, doing some coconut

oil mixed with maybe some good essential oil such as myrrh oil and clove oil, swishing

that around in your mouth, that's a good replacement as well.

The next one here, we've got these pans that are made with things such as Teflon and you

can see here that obviously it's great because these are known as typically nonstick pans,

but eventually . . . and I know in certain countries, Jordan, these types of pans are

actually banned in certain countries as well.

Jordan: Ban the pan.

Dr. Axe: Ban the pan.


These actually have something called PFOAs.

When you heat these pans, they give off carcinogenic agents, that means cancer causing agents as


So, we definitely highly recommend getting rid of these pans that are nonstick.

Use stainless steel when you are cooking.

Typically you want to put some oil in the pan such as coconut oil or ghee or avocado

oil, letting it get warm and then putting your food on a couple minutes after it's warm

and you'll actually have a lot less stick there.

But this has actually been specifically connected to kidney and liver disease as well as being

carcinogenic, cancer-causing.

So, stay away from this.

Switch to stainless steel, copper, ceramic.

These things are better instead.

Jordan: This is really, really harmful also.

You can see the surface.

This is a beautiful new one.

But when you begin to use a fork or a knife or even certain spatulas, you start to cut

it up and fragments of this get in your food and certainly the gases.

This is a bummer because it is amazing.

You can fry an egg in here and not use any oil.

Dr. Axe: Yeah.

Jordan: Here's the way I look at it.

I overcome the issue of nonstick by having teenagers in the house and we make them clean

the pots and pans.

But it's true though, people don't like to make eggs and other entrees because they stick

so much.

Even the make the oil warm trick only works some of the time.

But listen, remember, convenience is important but your health is more important.

Wouldn't you be glad to know this now than later?

What a silly thing that this could be causing your thyroid issues.

Thyroid issues lead to so many other issues.

Picnic plates--now, this is, again, similar to the super tiny pizza box.

Trees don't have bark that looks like this.

It's bleached.

It's got chemicals.

These chemicals when you interact with them, they give off toxins in the air.

We talked about breathing in essential oils, olfactory nervous system.

This is the opposite.

Again, you're eating, you're getting pieces or even on a micro level in there.

You want to avoid things that excessively bleached, including bleached flour because

that can, again, disrupt your endocrine system.

Dr. Axe: Yeah.

Good stuff.

Next one here is shampoo.

We know that shampoo can be loaded with a number of additive ingredients--sodium lauryl

sulfate, propylene glycol, different types of parabens, different types of synthetic

fragrances--that a lot of people can develop sensitivities to.

All of these are found in our shampoo today.

The thing is, Jordan, you and I both know this and use these ourselves.

Why not use natural things like aloe vera gel, essential oils, and other plant-based

compounds that actually do your hair more good.

I can tell you I've made my own shampoo using aloe vera gel and rosemary oil and it works


In fact, it's very volumizing to the hair.

It's a better thing to do and implement.

It actually is just as cost effective.

So, again, aloe vera gel, rosemary oil, other oils work well such as sage and cedar wood

are also good for naturally supporting and thickening your hair as well.

We've got some great recipes for natural shampoo if you go to or just search Dr.

Axe shampoo recipe.

We've got some great ones there for you.

Then Jordan, dust?

Jordan: Actually riding around in a broom is very dangerous for your . . .

Dr. Axe: Be careful with that.

Jordan: Dust can be a serious issue.

When I came in, I thought it was the broom, like the handle is made of . . . anyway, dust

is a serious issue.

I live in Florida part of the year, which is very damp and moist.

You go into some houses and you see the air conditioning ducts.

Just changing them, you have to wear these special goggles.

You've written an article not too long ago about the benefits of house plants, not fake


See, that's the thing, people put fake houseplants in there and then you're actually getting

more chemicals, but certain types of houseplants can purify the air.

There are also various air purification systems.

You can even buy for a couple dollars more better filters that will be on the micron


Now there's UV light within the filters that can kill microbes, etc.

But these dust particles and really things from your home, whether it's your carpet,

your paint, obviously there are compounds that are lining the attic walls.

We used to have asbestos, etc.

These are all endocrine disruptors.

They compete for healthy compounds and can damage your thyroid.

All of these things--the shampoo, I remember once looking at a baby shampoo ingredient


I didn't recognize . . . the average person wouldn't recognize a single ingredient.

It wasn't like avocado, coconut oil.


Everything had numbers and letters in it and one word, which is not a word, by the way,

it's a chemical.

We're putting this on our kids' hair?

Dr. Axe: Yeah.

Jordan: These babies have much more ability to react negatively to that toxic load.

So, we've got to clean up our act, forget convenience, go for health and guess what?

Every one of these areas you can find a healthy alternative, shop at the right stores.

So what?

Your plates will be a little brown.

Your pizza boxes won't exist because you won't get pizza in a box.

That's the easiest way.

You won't ride around on broomsticks.

You'll have less dust.

You'll use better shampoo than that.

You won't use these beautiful nonstick pans and make your teenagers clean and do the dishes.

That works for us in our house.

Dr. Axe: Let's talk about some tips to support the health of your thyroid.

Before I do that, we want to give you guys a shout out and also ask you . . . hey, help

us spread the word that food is medicine.

So, we talked about the things that are toxic to your thyroid.

We're now about to get into the things that can help support the health of your thyroid.

So, take a minute right now.

Punch that share button, click that like button.

We want to say thanks for being on mission with us.

We'll see who's joining us here, Jordan.

We've got Candy Brazeer [SP] watching from Killeen [SP], Texas.

Hey, Candy, thanks for joining me here today.

Amber Roush [SP] makes a comment.

She says, "I use CBD oil and coconut oil to do oil pulling daily with those two together."

We've got Angie Kennedy watching from Arizona.

Hey, Angie, thanks for joining us here today.

We've got Sharon Walls watching from Houston, Texas.

We've got Gloria McCann watching from Maryland and May Tovaylor [SP] watching from Norway.

Awesome, guys.

Thanks so much for joining us here today.

Another comment here, great comment said, "You forgot to mention cast iron skillets."

That's from Margaret Lopez.

Margaret, you're right.

Cast iron, a great type of skillet you can use.

So, Jordan, let's first talk here.

I'll talk about essential oils and have you jump into ashwagandha.

You know, essential oils, number one benefit of them is that they can replace the toxins

in your house.

So, as we mentioned earlier for shampoo, using rosemary oil.

The chemicals in our deodorant supply that have things like aluminum, making your own

at home deodorant with things like baking soda, coconut oil, beeswax.

A great male scent is sandalwood mixed with bergamot.

For women, I really thing jasmine and ylang-ylang along with things like lavender and other

citrus oils like lemon are great blends.

Again, using essential oils to replace the toxins.

And then certain oils have been shown to help support cellular communication and really

support balancing out immune reactions in the body.

Frankincense and myrrh are two of those oils that have great support of the immune system.

Those are oils you can actually rub directly on that thyroid area there as well.

Other oils as well.

A lot of times emotional stress can overwhelm our adrenals, our kidneys and our thyroid.

So, using essential oils that just reduce the stress--ylang-ylang, lavender, chamomile,

even sage oil, all of these oils have been shown to naturally reduce stress and improve

sleep, all of which can help the thyroid.

Jordan: Absolutely.

Ashwagandha is probably the superstar herb for thyroid.

It's adaptogenic.

It helps to balance cortisol and DHEA levels.

It helps to promote sleep, less weight around the midsection.

But really, I would not be without ashwagandha, not just if you've got thyroid issues, but

to protect your thyroid and keep it healthy.

I use the term sub-clinical thyroid issues.

These are found in people that don't have dramatic deficiencies in their blood.

They don't have imbalances that are dramatic.

But you can find just through basal temperature, underarm temperature, if you're in the 96s,

you probably have subclinical hypo or low thyroid.

Ashwagandha is a great protector.

This is great for men and women, helps to balance hormones, promotes anti-aging, strength,


Again, if you're 25 or older, take an ashwagandha supplement, a supplement with ashwagandha

in it or make an infusion.

Dr. Axe: Totally agree.

Next superfood we have here for the thyroid is bone broth.

Bone broth is one of the most reparative foods on the planet.

In fact, it's loaded with collagen, which is kind of the glue that holds your body together.

It's important for having healthy skin.

It's important for your digestive system, but it's also important for supporting the

health of your thyroid.

Part of your thyroid health starts with your gut and your immune system.

We've all heard of the condition leaky gut to where if you have too much intestinal inflammation,

it can cause these gaps in your gut to where certain toxins can get through, really strengthening

that gut lining can in turn help your thyroid health.

Bone broth contains proline and glycine and hydroxyproline.

Glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid and other nutrients that can help support

the health of your gut and your thyroid.

Jordan: Absolutely.

Probiotics, speaking of the gut, are a great protector of this environment.

When your gut is healthy, everything is healthy.

Now, probiotics might not affect thyroid directly, but they certainly do indirectly because many

people that have thyroid issues also have IBS or leaky gut, as you mentioned, consume

a probiotic supplement with SBOs, Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus plantarum.

Look for organic and get fermented foods in your diet.

There are many great fermented foods--kombucha, kvass, kefir, etc.

Consume more fermented foods, boost your gut and it will help your thyroid in turn.

Dr. Axe: Absolutely.

Another thing you want to do to help support the thyroid is address nutrient deficiencies.

There are some specific nutrients that can really throw off your thyroid.

I want to mention a few of those.

One group are B-vitamins, specifically thiamine and vitamin B12.

When you are deficient in those nutrients, it really can affect the overall function

of your thyroid, especially if you're a person who has low energy levels, you even get a

good night's sleep, you're tired the next day, part of that can be these vitamin B deficiencies,

B1, again thiamine and B12 as well, a few others, a big one is selenium.

Selenium is key for thyroid function.

I believe Brazil nuts are very, very high.

Again, one of the things you can do is start using food as your medicine and do some things

such as more Brazil nuts and other selenium-rich foods on a daily basis.

If you want to get a full selenium rich food list, you can just Google Dr. Axe selenium

food list and you find a list that I've posted there online.

Last but not least is monitoring your iodine levels.

I typically recommend potentially doing that with a physician or knowing if you have Hashimoto's


If somebody has the autoimmune form of a thyroid condition, sometimes they're not absorbing


So, the problem is not that they're not getting enough.

The problem is that absorption.

If you do too much of it, it actually can have side effects.

In that case what we could recommend is again, getting your iodine levels tested and also

just doing them in a food-based form, not doing high doses of iodine, doing things like

kept and seaweed in small doses instead, eating other foods like strawberries which are high

in iodine is probably a better idea.

So, some nutritional deficiencies again, B-vitamins, selenium and iodine are some things that can

actually affect the thyroid.

Jordan: Absolutely.

Speaking of thyroid-friendly foods, sea vegetables are great.

Even if you don't have iodine deficiency, they're still highly nutritious.

So, look for kelp, kombu, nori, you can find them at your local health food or grocery


Coconut foods, particularly coconut oil is very thyroid friendly.

In general, a diet that is higher in fat and protein . . .

Dr. Axe: Yeah.

Down goes the pizza box.

All right.

Jordan: Bad pizza box.

See, just throw them off the table.

We want to consume higher protein, higher fat, lower carb.

I see people, Josh, that are vegetarians and they're very heavy.

What that tells me is they're really carboterians.

There are many people who need to consume a higher fat--we're talking about good fats--higher

protein, lower starch diet that is really, really thyroid friendly.

In fact, people that are on a ketogenic diet almost completely reverse thyroid symptoms

because they are running on an alternate fuel.

You'll see people that are following a paleo-type diet, a low carb diet do really well.

They lose weight not just because they're purging water, but because they are balancing

their thyroid.

So, if you are a vegetarian or a vegan, it's difficult.

You've got to go with the higher fat foods because I really believe healthy, sustainably

raised animal foods are great for the thyroid, green vegetables, etc.

Limiting those starches and nutrient density is absolutely critical.

Dr. Axe: Yeah, couldn't agree more.

Again, guys, remember these tips.

If you want to take your thyroid to the next level, in general get the toxins out of your


Get rid of the chemically laden nonstick pans, the things that are bleached here, all of

the chemicals not just in shampoo but in your deodorants, in your skincare routine, use

essential oils, plant-based products instead, get rid of the dental floss, there you go,

thank you.

I'm not going to say get rid of anything else because I don't want to break this glass here.

And then as we talked about as well, Jordan, eat more superfoods.

Jordan: Absolutely.

More bone broth, ashwagandha is absolutely critical.

We talked about so many good essential oils not just for your mood but for your thyroid.

We talked about seaweed.

Address nutritional deficiencies such as iodine, thiamine, B12.

Take a whole food organic mutli, eat a diet that's higher in protein, higher in good fats,

lower in starches.

Dr. Axe: Yeah.

You do that, you're going to take your thyroid health to the next level.

We're going to say thank you to all of you who would share this message.

Press in that share button right now and like button.

You're helping transform somebody's health because people need to hear this information.

There are so many people that don't know the actual root cause of their thyroid problems.

Also, hey, don't forget to subscribe here to our Facebook Live and YouTube Live channels.

We're coming to you every single week with more content, more natural remedies and pop-ins.

Jordan and I are traveling to different places such as California and Florida and Texas and

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So, again, make sure you're set up here so you can see our live pop-ins for our recipes

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So, guys, thanks for watching Jordan Rubin and myself, Dr. Josh Axe with Ancient Medicine


For more infomation >> 7 Thyroid Damagers Hiding out in Your Home - Duration: 20:55.


when the beat drops - Duration: 0:06.



For more infomation >> when the beat drops - Duration: 0:06.


How To: Breast Self Exam (BSE, Breast Cancer Check) - Duration: 5:47.

When I think the words 'breast exam', I think of extremely awkward doctor's visits

and other stuff that I'm not excited for - like pap smears (shudder).

But unfortunately for me, I have breast cancer on both sides of my family: my mum had a breast

tumor removed when she was 50 and my dad's mum had a mastectomy when she was in her late


So with breast cancer on both sides there's basically a genetic guarantee that at some

point in the next 20 years, I'm gunna get it too.

Thus, I bring you – this breast exam video!

[sciq intro]

Now keep in mind: I'm a science communicator, Jim, not a doctor!

I know what I know from informed analyses of others' research, not years of professional


It's recommended by that every woman, over the age of 20, should

give themselves a Breast Self-Exam (BSE) once a month.

Breast cancer is not always outwardly visible or tangible, but self-exams can at least help

in determining if there is a tumor, giving you a better chance of catching it early.

Its also a way of picking up on anything in between your proper doctor visits.

Women over 20 should get a Clinical Breast-Exam (CBE) once every two years and women 40 and

over should get them once a year; mammograms should be had about as often.

So to keep your lady fun bags in check, here are the steps to administering your own thorough


First things first, strike an "I'm a bad bitch" pose in the mirror.

You know the one: shoulders back, hands on hips, and get naked.

And this pose isn't just for self-esteem, you need to use this position so that you

can find any irregularities and by holding your back straight, you'll be able to see

'the twins' in the same position.

Now I'm going to be showing you this with my shirt on, because I don't want to get

a strike on my account, so just use your imagination.

You're going to want to check to see if they look about normal, compared to what you've

seen in the past: has the shape, color or size changed recently?

Is there any visible swelling or distortion?

If something does seem off, here are a few things you'll want to ask the doc about:

any protruding bumps, called bulging; unusual wrinkles called dimpling: they'll look similar

to cellulite but they may be in unusual places or seem a little more severe than normal cellulite;

puckering which pulls the skin together tightly causing a crease; also be on the lookout for

redness, sores, swelling and rashes.

Lastly, report any sign of one or both of your nipples moving away from where they usually

are or being inverted, that is, the tip pointing into your breast rather than outward as usual.

Next, raise your arms and hold your hands and look for the same thing as you did in

the last step.

While you're at it, look for any fluid coming out of one or both nipples.

This fluid can be white, clear, yellow or even blood.

While some discharge can be normal or indicative of something benign, blood is never normal.

If you notice that, who you gonna call?

The doctor.


Next up, lie down and use each hand to check the breast of the opposing side.

For example, to check your left breast, use your right hand.

You want to keep your fingers flat and firm: using your first three fingers, gently move

your hand in a circular motion, about an inch in diameter, and check your whole breast using

this method, from side to side, armpit to sternum.

Have a systematic approach to this to be sure that you to cover the whole area.

Check the different layers by using differing pressures from light to firm: the lightest

for the skin, then the fat, the muscle and down you ribcage should be the firmest.

This can be just a little painful so be sure that you're being slow and gentle while

still being firm.

Then sit up straight, making any pose you want because you just want to get this over

with at this point, and do the same thing.

Raise the arm on the side of the breast you are checking: you're searching for unusual

firm lumps.

OK good nothing on that side, now im going to do the other side

ok good, all done...nothing to see here, I didnt find any lumps or bumps or anything

unusual, so im good for another month

If you're naked, go put some clothes on and youre done

Now remember – this should be done every month.

And if you're over 20 - get a Clinical Breast Exam and a mammogram once every two years.

And for you ladies over 40 – get them done once a year.

So this self exam is to supplement your regular doctor visit.

It is not a replacement you still have to go to your doctor and dont forget to do it

regularly and stay safe everyone.

HI everyone!

I'm Jayde Lovell, resident science nerd at the Young Turks Network.

You're watching SciQ, and we know you don't want to miss an episode, so click the subscribe

button down below.

For more infomation >> How To: Breast Self Exam (BSE, Breast Cancer Check) - Duration: 5:47.


Fanta Nutrition Facts - Duration: 1:29.

hi guys if its the first tim your seeing my face or

or watching my videos subsribe and make sure you leave this video a thumbs button

so today im doing my favorite um.. cold drink as people call it

so yea

so heres is my favorite drink. This is a big one.

So lets read the nutritions facts

you cant see it

but im going to put it on the screen somewhere i think

so the calories is 1

For more infomation >> Fanta Nutrition Facts - Duration: 1:29.


Vlog 11 #Bookdraw Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets to the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Vlog 11 #Bookdraw Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets to the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz - Duration: 7:53.


Amazing Method For Most Effective Cleaning You Take As Many Spoons As Your Age! - Duration: 0:27.

amazing method for most effective

cleaning you take as many spoons of your


For more infomation >> Amazing Method For Most Effective Cleaning You Take As Many Spoons As Your Age! - Duration: 0:27.


Utah Snow Report- March 15, 2017 - Duration: 0:41.

Top of the morning to you laddies.

Today is Wednesday, March 15, 2017.

I am Evan Thayer of

And I am up here at Brighton Resort.

We have had an extended period of warm and dry weather

And that will be continuing as we head into the Saint Patty's Day Weekend.

So, why don't you put on your Green and Riverdance your way up here

for some spring skiing and a pint of your favorite lager?

Folks, there's a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow

because next week we're gonna be returning to a more active pattern

with chances for snow.

So don't be putting away your powder skis just yet.

For more infomation >> Utah Snow Report- March 15, 2017 - Duration: 0:41.


How To Make Whipped Cream Using A Dispenser - Duration: 1:31.

We have our whip cream dispenser, heavy cream, and flavoring choice of powdered sugar and vanilla extract

Use 2 oz of any flavoring syrup in place of powdered sugar and vanilla extract if desired

Use well chilled heavy whipping cream

Add vanilla extract and powdered sugar to dispenser

Screw dispenser head on tightly

Charge with 1 N2o charger

Shake vigorously at least 5 times

Turn dispenser completely upside down and press lever gently


For more infomation >> How To Make Whipped Cream Using A Dispenser - Duration: 1:31.


You Asked, We Answered: "What do I do with bulk trash?" - Duration: 1:00.

Hi I'm Jeremy with the Town of Gilbert Environmental Services.

Spring is the perfect time to clear unwanted clutter from your home.

But what do you do with items that are too large to fit in your trash container?

Place your items such as bagged leaves, tree clippings, toilets or any other items

that you're not able to donate, such as mattresses, furniture, TVs,

on the front edge of your property, near

the sidewalk a minimum of five feet away

from any obstacles, such as fences or electrical boxes.

Items should be placed out

for collection no later than 5 a.m. on Monday of your collection week.

And no earlier than the Saturday prior.

And don't forget call for your free appliance pick up

and recycle your cardboard boxes in your blue container.

For more information on your bulk trash pick up and schedules

go to

For more infomation >> You Asked, We Answered: "What do I do with bulk trash?" - Duration: 1:00.


Home remedies for dry skin - Duration: 6:08.

winter is a season that brings many

pleasurable experiences but dry skin is

not one of them

it is one of the most common problems

that people have to deal with during the

winter days the skin tends to become

drier due to the drop in the temperature

and also humidity

this causes the skin to become

dehydrated leading to dry skin patches

as well as irritation readiness well

weather is a major factor there are also

other reasons behind skin dryness dry

skin needs an effective lubricant to

rehydrate it there are many natural

ingredients that are very effective to

treat dry skin problems here are the top

five home remedies to fight drive in one

coconut oil coconut oil is one of the

popular and effective treatments for dry

skin during the winter months

it contains ample amounts of fatty acids

that can compensate for any loss of

moisture from the skin it also has

protein as well as vitamin E that help

retain moisture in your skin also its

antioxidant property is good for your

skin's overall health

in addition because this oil is

non-greasy it is easily absorbed by the

skin warm up some coconut oil in a

microwave for a few seconds and applied

on your skin before bathing massage it

gently so that the oil penetrates into

the skin

wait ten minutes then take a bath or

shower repeat this remedy once-daily

when suffering from extremely dry skin

you can apply coconut on here somewhat

damp skin after taking a bath too honey

honey is considered another natural

moisturizer loaded with antioxidants and

tie microbial and humectant properties

it helps lock in moisture to make your

skin extra soft and smooth us honey has

many essential vitamins and minerals

that help improve your skin's health and

he'll skin tissue any of the following

remedies can be used once daily

before taking a bathroom shower rub some

raw honey all over your body and massage

gently using circular motions wait ten

minutes then take a bath or shower mix

equal amounts of honey and glycerin

applied on your hands

wait 10 minutes and then rinse it off

with lukewarm water three olive oil

another effective remedy for dry skin is

definitely altered well olive oil

contains antioxidants such as vitamin E

that helps neutralize the oxidant effect

of free radicals that damage collagen

which positive skin dryness it also

works as a great natural moisturizer

plus the healthy fatty acids limit can

sue them conditioned dry skin all over

your body for daily use rub some

lukewarm olive oil on your hands legs

and other areas with dry skin massage

and lightly using circular motions and

wait 30 minutes take a shower to rinse

it off then apply a light moisturizer

for weekly use ad enough olive oil to 1

tablespoon of brown sugar to make a pace

dampen your skin then use this mixture

as a gently scrub leave it for 15

minutes then wash it off with lukewarm

water for milk cream another milkface

product that can combat skin dryness

this milk cream the high fat content in

milk cream works as a natural

moisturizer for dry skin the lactic acid

in milk helps exfoliate the dry dead

surface of the skin and accelerates

collagen production to it also helps

maintain the proper pH balance of your

skin for daily youth rub some fresh milk

cream on your dry skin allow it to sit

for 10 minutes then rinse it off

thoroughly with lukewarm water another

option for daily uses to thoroughly mix

1 teaspoon each of milk cream and milk

stir in a few drops of lemon juice apply

the paste on your face hands and legs

leave it on for 15 minutes then wash it

off with water for a weekly treatment

mixed together 223 p spoons of milk

cream and two tablespoons of grand

flower apply this paste on your dry skin

leave it on for 15 minutes before

rinsing it off with lukewarm water five

aloe vera when it comes to skin dryness

aloe vera is just the ingredients that

you need to make your skin soft and

vibrant even during the winter season it

acts as a wonderful moisturizer and

improves your skin tone it also relieves

the genus and prevent cracking and

sleeping associated with dry skin

extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf

apply it all over your body massage for

a few minutes to help the gel penetrate

deep into the skin

wait 30 minutes then rinse it off using

lukewarm water do this once or twice

daily the lactic acid in milk helps

exfoliate the dry dead surface of the

skin and accelerates collagen production

to it also helps maintain the proper pH

balance of your skin additional tips

drink plenty of water throughout the day

fix your body as well as in

well-hydrated avoid smoking and alcohol

as they can do hydrate the body eat lots

of fruits and vegetables they have

always been a great help to the skin as

well as maintaining a healthy body it is

very important to use sunscreen daily

even during the winter months if you

liked the video give us a thumbs up and

subscribe to our channel thank you

For more infomation >> Home remedies for dry skin - Duration: 6:08.


EducationDay_ver3 - Duration: 22:03.

For more infomation >> EducationDay_ver3 - Duration: 22:03.


KIT KAT TAXI JAPAN - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> KIT KAT TAXI JAPAN - Duration: 4:35.


How Your Shades Are Made - Duration: 1:21.

When you order from, we don't just pull your product off a shelf.

Your window covering is custom made by actual people according to your exact specifications.

Take a look behind the scenes to see the custom difference in action.

Raw materials are shipped to the production facilities every day in order to create the

perfect, made-to-order products for our customers.

There are many steps in the creation process for each distinct order.

Each step is very hands on, with precise attention to detail.

By working with the latest technology, we're able to achieve the most accurate measurements.

This helps reduce waste, allowing to pass on great pricing for our customers.

One of the most important steps is quality control.

Our technicians take great care when inspecting each and every product.

The final step is shipping.

Our packers use the utmost care to ensure that your order is secured in place to make

its final voyage to your home.

We hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about what goes into creating custom

window treatments.

Visit today for all of your window covering needs.

For more infomation >> How Your Shades Are Made - Duration: 1:21.


Machine Learning With Python - Supervised Learning Classification - Duration: 2:37.


In this video, we'll be covering Classification.

The concept of categorizing data is based off of training with a set of data so that

the machine can essentially learn boundaries that separate categories of data.

Therefore, new data inputted into the model can be categorized based on where the point


Imagine that you were a machine learning model.

Where would you put boundaries to classify this data?

Please pause the video here and take a minute to observe the data points here.

Did what you came up with look something like this?

Depending on the data used to train the model, as well as the type of model used, there are

virtually endless possibilities in the boundaries that could be created here, so don't worry

if the ones you were thinking of weren't an exact match.

So the point of this is if we had a new, out-of-sample data point, let's say right about here.

And we wanted to classify this new point, the model can now do the classification for


In this case, the point would most likely be predicted as a virginica.

In K-Nearest Neighbor, data points are categorized and when determining the category of a new

data point, the K nearest points are used in this process.

This means that based on the value of K, the classification of the point can change.

In this example here, we're trying to classify the black X labelled Xu, where the value of

K is 5 or K=5.

This is shown with the black arrows connecting the five nearest points.

This can also be represented by a circle that encompasses these points.

For the classification of this point in this case, we have four red points and one green


Therefore, X_u, would be classified as a red point.

Suppose we change the value of K to a larger number, such as K = 14 for example.

We can see here that there are six red points and eight green points, therefore X_u would

be classified as a green point.

So now you should be able to understand and define what supervised learning is.

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