I don't even know.
It is very blurry woooooooooooooooooooooooooo
YAY! It is good again, no need to call 911.
AH! Creepy girl behind Betty!
Wow. Thats cheap. I have not saved a penny. I spent it all.
It is actually $20.49.
Blackboard Ally: Creating inclusive experiences in education - Duration: 3:14.Introducing Blackboard Ally.
Dedicated to helping create
truly inclusive experiences in education.
Ally is a revolutionary
course content accessibility service
that integrates closely
with the Learning Management System.
Accessibility of digital course content
has been a significant problem for some time,
affecting students, instructors and institutions worldwide.
Too often, conversations around accessibility
stop, at the systems instructors and students use,
and the content that lives in them is often neglected.
It is very difficult for an institution to understand
how they are performing with regards to accessibility.
There are vast amounts of content created
continuously by many different people,
making it hard to understand how or where
institutions need to improve,
let alone what the legal risks are.
Some students with disabilities
might require specific accommodations
and a quick response can be challenging.
Improving accessibility will ultimately
make a difference for all students.
Ally is dedicated to
helping you make your course content more accessible.
We do this in three ways. First.
Ally uses Machine Learning algorithms
to automatically provide alternative formats
for course content throughout your entire institution
This gives students immediate access
to more accessible alternatives
such as, 'Semantic HTML', 'Audio',
'ePub', 'Electronic Braille', and more,
without any manual intervention
from the institution or instructor.
Ally also checks and scores all content in a course.
It then provides feedback and detailed guidance
on how to fix the identified accessibility issues
to the instructor, all within the context
of the Learning Management System.
This allows instructors to see which items
in their course have accessibility issues
and fix them before students
start to use the content.
Ally provides a way to raise awareness
and increase visibility to accessibility
contributing to an inclusive culture
institutions aspire to. All while creating
higher quality and more useable course materials,
every student can benefit from.
Lastly, Ally provides
a means to understand how the institution
is doing in terms of accessibility,
and analyzes all course content
into an institution-wide report.
This report provides administrators
a deep and rich understanding
of not only how the institution is performing,
but how things are evolving
and where the problems are.
With this kind of insight, the accessibility problem
becomes a much more tractable one, and informed decisions
can be made into how to further
improve accessibility at the institution.
Ally quickly provides a level of insight
that most institutions don't have access to.
All of Ally's features work together
to move any institution up
on the Accessibility Spectrum.
From the automated generation of alternative accessible formats,
to in-context instructor feedback
and institutional reporting.
Ally works hard in making course content more accessible.
Como seria a bandeira de Marte? - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
5 Key Qualities of a Network Marketing Leader - Duration: 3:44.The 5 qualities that I wanted to have in a leader, who I was going to work with, would
possess: Confidence, they would be Capable.
What is Capable mean?
You send a brand new builder a welcome email or a package, and they actually don't ask
you a question, they read it.
And they sign somebody up all by themselves.
That is capable.
Committed, committed means, when things are going poorly you are still there.
You are showing up on leadership calls.
You are attending events, month after month, you are in it.
That's committed.
Coachable, people don't have to recreate everything all by themselves, watch what other people
are doing and be coached.
And the last is Good Communicators.
Who do you want to work with?
I think that the key to great leadership, is to communicate expectations, educate and
instill confidence into your team.
Now I think that there is some amazing people in this industry, but I also think that there
are amazing people in billions of industries.
So I love this quote from Sekou Andrews.
"Learn from outside of your industry to become better within your industry."
Watch what other people are doing, who are successful.
And if you want to learn how to communicate, see how other people are successfully doing
I remember years ago, going through one of my yoga trainings, and I was noticing that
when my yoga guru spoke in a very quiet, slow voice, everybody flocked in and sat around
and wanted to listen.
He had this way of communicating and owning the room.
I noticed it, I noticed that when other people speak who are slower talkers than me, that
I should stop and breathe a little bit.
Because they are effective in their communication.
So don't be afraid to observe how other people are communicating.
What's working, and what's not working?
You guys the key to greatness is, seeing yourself bigger than what you think is possible.
And your voice can be so powerful and still kind, with your own vision, so that you too
can achieve greatness.
Hey my name is Eric Worre and if you are involved in the network marketing profession, I want
to invite you to come to the Network Marketing Pro YouTube Channel.
Every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional.
We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with million dollar earners in the profession,
interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson.
Lots of different things that we provide, they are absolutely free.
Do yourself a favor, click on the link, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, tell your friends
to do the same, and I can't wait to see you there.
I Am No Hero (Luna's Theme) by MandoPony - Duration: 4:33.Don't look for me in the spotlight
Don't think that I am the one
Who brightens your lives
And endlessly strives
To live a life in the sun
I will never shine, I'll never be beautiful
And I will never be yours,
She made it clear I should stay right here
So you can't be sure
That I am no hero
I can't answer your prayers
No matter how I feel inside
I know that nobody cares
For I am no hero
And when you look to the sky
You will never see my face
You'll never see me cry
This is the real me
Unashamed, but not unafraid
I won't say I'm sorry
For who I was
I can't say I've never strayed
Far from the light, away from the path
That all the righteous have tread
But I'll never lie, no I'll never try
To claim I'm perfect instead
For I am no hero
I can't answer your prayers
No matter how it feels inside
I know that nobody cares
For I am no hero
And when you look to the sky
You will never see my face
You'll never see me cry
No I am not perfect I just wanna be
The one you look up to, in times of need
But you love another, I'll never be the same
When you're lonely like me
Don't call for my name
Don't call my name
Meet Your Microbiome! - Duration: 11:13.Maybe you've heard this one before:
the human body has ten times more microbial cells than human cells.
Now, that claim isn't totally accurate.
Based on recent estimates,
there are probably about as many microbial cells as human cells in your body.
In fact my favorite thing that I heard was
a single defecation event can swing the balance the other way.
But either way, there are trillions and trillions of microbes living on and inside you,
which is kind of weird to think about.
And over the last several decades,
scientists have started to really dig into how your microbiome,
that is, your personal community of tiny critters,
affects your health.
And it turns out that it has a pretty big impact.
The microbial communities in our bodies include members
of a hugely diverse array of kingdoms and species:
there are bacteria, fungi, viruses, protists like amoebas,
microscopic bugs like mites,
and archaea, which look kind of like bacteria but are very different biologically.
We're in symbiotic relationships with many of our microbes:
we give them a home, and their presence benefits us.
But they can create problems if the wrong kind of species
is introduced or if the balance between colonies gets thrown off.
Different people's microbes generally do similar jobs.
But your personal microbiome is unique to you:
the species of bacteria that digest carbohydrates in your gut
might not be the same as species that do it in mine.
And the ratios between species can be totally different from person to person.
That uniqueness can make microbiome research harder.
It can be tough to figure out what a normal microbial community should look like,
which means it's not easy to identify what happens when things go wrong.
That said, over the years researchers have learned a lot
about how the microbiome forms, how it can affect your health,
and in some cases,
they've even figured out how to fix it when it gets out of whack.
For microbes, different areas of your body are basically totally different habitats.
Places like your skin, mouth, intestines, and vagina (if you have one)
each have their own unique communities that grow and change over time.
But you don't even really have a microbiome until you're born.
The uterus is almost totally sterile,
but as soon as you're born you're exposed to millions of microbes
that immediately begin to colonize your body.
The birth itself affects the microbiome:
babies who are born vaginally are covered with the microbes
living in their mothers' birth canals,
while babies born by C-section are exposed to a different set of microbes
like ones that live on skin.
Even where a baby is born can make a difference to the microbes
found in and on their bodies
the microbiomes of babies born at home
and babies born in the hospital look different.
As you grow up, you pick up new microbes from your environment
and the people around you, and the microbial communities
in different areas of your body become more specialized.
During this shift, the foods you eat can affect the structure
of your gut microbiome.
Researchers have found differences between
the microbiomes of breastfed and formula-fed babies.
Even as an adult, tons of things can influence your intestinal microbiome
everything from the foods you eat, to the illnesses you get,
to the medications you're prescribed.
Your microbiome doesn't really stop changing until you reach old age.
That's when the overall diversity of the microbiome decreases,
and there's less variation between individual people.
These diverse, changing microbes collectively add up
to a lot of potential impact on your health.
Your mouth, for example, is full of microbes
they're all over your teeth, and tongue, and gums, and tonsils.
And when you kiss someone, you are sharing all those microbes with them!
It's very romantic!
Most of the oral microbiome is harmless, though,
and might actually help you out by gobbling up all the resources
so other, more deadly species can't set up shop.
But things can get ugly when there are shifts in the balance
of the microbial community in your mouth.
Environmental factors like smoking and diet can affect your mouth's environment,
which can lead to an overabundance of microbes that are normally harmless,
but can cause problems when there are too many of them, like cavities.
And poor oral hygiene can lead to all kinds of oral health issues,
like gingivitis, dry sockets, and even tonsillitis.
Then there's the microbiome in your gut.
It turns out that the microbes in your stomach and intestines
are actually super important for your dietary health:
they help break down and digest food,
influencing the nutrition you get from what you eat.
Because the microbiome is so diverse and it's a relatively new field of study,
there's a lot biologists don't know about how the microbes
in your gut affect your health.
But they are learning.
Recently, for example, researchers have found some evidence
that in people with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS,
the kinds of foods they eat could be interacting with their microbiomes,
leading to their symptoms.
The idea is that diets high in certain kinds of sugars
oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols,
or FODMAPs for short
can cause fermentation in some people's guts
because of the makeup of their microbiome.
This fermentation is thought to lead to the symptoms
of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: cramps, constipation, diarrhea, and gas.
Small clinical trials have found some support for this theory:
in small groups of patients (around 30 per study)
subjects who ate diets that were low in FODMAP sugars
reported that their symptoms were less severe,
especially when it came to pain and discomfort.
One study found that this improvement in symptoms corresponded
to more diversity in some kinds of gut bacteria.
This research is still pretty new, and again, the sample sizes were small,
so it's not clear how effective a low FODMAP diet might be for IBS,
or if it even really works.
But so far, it seems promising.
So expect to see "low FODMAP food" on labels any minute now!
In more severe intestinal conditions,
like inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn's disease,
scientists have found connections between less diversity in the microbiome
and the level of disease activity.
Basically, how bad you're feeling.
And it's not just the bacteria that seem to be playing a role.
One study found that a particular type of fungus, called Candida tropicalis,
is more abundant in the intestines of people with Crohn's disease
than those of their non-affected family members.
Right now, though, it's not clear if the changes in the microbiome
lead to the disease, or if the disease lead to the changes.
All we know is that there's a strong connection between bowel inflammation
and the microbiome, and that the connection seems to have big effects.
Gut microbiome seems to play a role in other conditions that affect digestion, too.
Clostridium difficile, or C. diff for short, is a type of bacteria
whose toxins cause diarrhea and fevers and can lead to colitis,
an inflammatory bowel disease that causes cramps,
ongoing diarrhea, among other painful symptoms.
C. diff infections are often picked up in hospitals,
where patients' health is already compromised.
And often, they get the infection because they took prescription antibiotics.
See, most antibiotics are broad-spectrum,
meaning that they kill lots of different kinds of bacteria, not just the bad ones.
So the helpful bacteria that normally live in your gut become collateral damage
in the fight against infections, and when they're killed off by antibiotics,
C. diff can move in and fill up the space.
In a sick patient with a weakened immune system, that can be a serious issue.
And when someone's struggling with chronic C. diff infection
that doesn't respond to normal antibiotics,
a great way to fix their microbiome is to just … give them a new one.
That's done with a fecal transplant,
which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like:
doctors take fecal matter from a donor and transplant it into a patient's colon.
Basically, they put someone else's poop up in there.
After the transplant, patients end up with microbial profiles
that look a lot like the donor's,
which usually translates to more good bacteria and less bad bacteria.
Those new good bacteria are able to out-compete the C. diff,
fighting off the infection.
Researchers have gotten similar results when they culture the microbes
from a donor's fecal sample and insert it into the affected patient,
allowing doctors to skip the full-on fecal transplant and giving them
more control over what, exactly, they're giving their patients.
These techniques might seem kind of unappetizing, but they often work.
Using antibiotics can have a big influence on your microbiome in other ways.
Antibiotics that kill off all kinds of bacteria can contribute
to a dysbiotic microbiome,
one that doesn't have the right kinds of species in the right proportions.
A dysbiotic microbiome is linked to pretty broad health issues,
like not getting proper nutrition and less protection against dangerous pathogens.
Studies have found that the high, extended doses of antibiotics
used to protect premature infants could be causing
all kinds of microbiome issues, including higher rates of mortality
due to drug-resistant infections.
At the same time, when severely malnourished children
are treated with antibiotics as part of their recovery,
it seems to help them recover faster and reduces mortality.
Malnutrition in children might lead to lifelong changes in their microbiomes,
and it's possible that giving those kids antibiotics
helps correct some of those changes.
Scientists are working on other questions, too,
like how interaction between antibiotics and the microbiomes
might affect obesity and diabetes.
Since your microbiome has such a huge effect on the rest of your health,
you might be wondering how you can take care of it.
So, can you do anything good for your microbiome,
aside from putting poop up your butt?
Well, researchers are working on developing new therapies
to help protect your good microbes and keep you healthy.
For example, they're trying to develop alternative approaches
to treating bacterial infections that don't just rely on broad-spectrum antibiotics
like treatments that block the toxins released by bacteria
instead of just killing all the bacteria.
And to help balance out dysbiotic microbiomes,
researchers are working on understanding how probiotics,
microorganisms that have health benefits when they're consumed,
might help restore proper levels of good bacteria in your gut.
They're also trying to develop genetically engineered strains of bacteria
that can produce compounds to fight the bad microbes,
like the Avengers for your intestines.
And, they're still studying how fecal transplants restore order
in the microbiomes of sick patients,
including how exactly microbes from donors are able to fight off infection.
While they're still trying to piece together the microbiome puzzle,
there are some things you can do to keep your microbiome healthy.
Different foods influence which kinds of microbes can grow, and how much.
That's especially true when it comes to the kinds of vegetables you eat,
because the bacteria in your guts rely on all that fiber.
Lots of different kinds of vegetables means lots of different kinds of fiber,
which means lots of diversity in the microbes in your gut.
But if there's one thing we know for sure,
it's that microbiomes are really complicated.
And everyone's microbiome is different, so every person's needs are different.
There's probably no one-size-fits-all trick for growing
or maintaining a healthy population of microbes inside you.
It'll be a while before scientists have it all figured out.
There are a lot of genes to sequence, and a lot of interactions to pick apart.
What is clear, though, is that the microbes living in and on you
are just as much a part of your health as your own cells.
And these tiny organisms play dramatic and important roles in your health.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow,
which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.
If you want to help support this show, just go to patreon.com/scishow.
It's a place where people give money so that other people can do cool stuff.
There's lots of cool stuff on Patreon.
Check it out!
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How to Archive Email Messages in Office 365 | GoDaddy - Duration: 1:44.Suppose you needed to find a specific email that was critical to preserving or protecting your business?
How long would it take you?
What if you couldn't find it?
Learn how can email archiving help you avoid this situation.
An email archive is created by taking the original, individual email
and creating a copy of it in a different location,
preserving and indexing it
for long-term retention and access.
GoDaddy email archiving indexes and stores the originals of all email messages sent from
or received in your GoDaddy Office 365 email account,
as well as their attachments,
making each file accessible and searchable.
As long as your email subscription is active,
it will archive every message that is sent or received with no storage limitations.
Remember that email or document you needed to find,
the one that was critical to preserving or protecting your business?
With an email archiving solution,
you can easily search the archive and the application locates all of the email messages and attachments
that meet your criteria.
Email archiving is a great data loss prevention tool for businesses concerned about accidental,
or malicious deletion of email,
or for data retention in cases of employee turnover.
Archiving is also useful for mitigating future legal risk.
While optional for some businesses,
email archiving is a requirement in regulated industries,
such as financial services or healthcare,
where maintaining a searchable email archive
is a requirement.
For example,
the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act,
makes it mandatory for healthcare providers to maintain records for at least six years.
Whether your business is part of a regulated industry,
or you're just looking to protect your data,
email archiving is a great tool for accessible, searchable,
long-term storage of email and data.
Vlog 11 #Bookdraw Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets to the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz - Duration: 7:53.-------------------------------------------
Adaptive Front Lighting System – Know Your Lexus - Duration: 1:54.[Upbeat music plays]
Some Lexus models are equipped with an intelligent Adaptive Front-lighting System, or A-F-S.
The system helps improve visibility at intersections and along curves by automatically
adjusting the direction of the headlamp beams according to the vehicle speed and the
tire angle, determined by the driver's steering input.
The system operates automatically at speeds of 10 km/h or more.
It uses electric motors to change the swivel angle of the low-beam headlights, which
varies depending on the driving conditions.
In general, the more the steering wheel is turned, the more the headlamp beam turns,
within the limits of the system.
At low speeds, the broad low-beam lighting area is expanded towards the inside of a
corner by swivelling just the low-beam lamp on the side facing into the turn.
At medium and high speeds, the AFS control system calculates the swivel angle
required to light up the area the vehicle will reach after three seconds and drives both
headlight swivel motors individually, to illuminate that part of the road ahead during cornering.
In vehicles equipped with Adaptive Front-Lighting, the system is automatically turned on
when the engine is started. Some models include an AFS-Off switch that permits the
system to be turned off by the driver.
An indicator lamp turns on when the AFS is turned off. In vehicles without an off switch,
the system can be deactivated at a Lexus dealership, if desired.
The features and functions described in this video might not be applicable to your Lexus
model. See your Owner's Manual for details.
Thanks for watching this Know Your Lexus video!
[Upbeat music fades to silence]
বান্ধবীকে কিভাবে চুদলো বাড়ির পিছনে নিয়ে নির্জন জায়গায় [Bangla New Crime 2017] - Duration: 19:25.বান্ধবীকে কিভাবে চুদলো বাড়ির পিছনে নিয়ে নির্জন জায়গায় [Bangla New Crime 2017]
beauty tips in urdu - 5 din ma baal lambe karne ka tarika | hair problems solutions in hindi - Duration: 3:29.beauty tips in urdu
5 din ma baal lambe karne ka tarika
hair problems solutions in hindi
kashi health and beaauty tips
Chiropractor Near Me Omaha Chiropractor Dr. Christine Zorad 5 Ways To Green Your Baby - Duration: 2:40.Hi Omaha Chiropractor Dr. Christine
Zorad. The article today is from the
doctors resource on my website and the
title is 5 Great Ways to Green
Your Baby. Every parent naturally wants
to protect the health of their child
and their well-being. What if there was a
way to have a healthy baby and have it
be good for the environment. There is a
way to do both, it starts with awareness,
according to Christopher Gavigan who is
the CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World.
He states that "no parent can do
everything, but every parent can do
something". The tips are in the article,
the link is below the video. Please read
the article, if you have questions i am
available at 402-210-8490. I often
promote having a more green environment
in your home, cleaning with products that
you find that our low residue, low
chemical, there's shampoos there's lots
of products out there that you can
purchase that will reduce the chemical
exposure that your child has. Essential
oils are great for cleaning, but if we
want to talk about green, green we could
also look at as renewable energy. The
biggest renewable energy that we have is
the innate intelligence that we have
inside of our own bodies. Getting access
to that in intelligence allows us to be
healthy from the inside out, so
chiropractic is one of the ways that
allows you to tap into that innate so
that you stay healthy and you can
develop your well-being over time. If
you're not getting sick then you're not
going to need the use of chemicals and
lotions and potions that you would use
from the outside in in order to be
healthy. I have a lot of suggestions
about how you can reduce the
environmental stresses that you have so
please contact
me I'm available 402-210-8490
I'm happy to help you anytime. If you
watching this on YouTube you can
subscribe to my channel, if you see this
on Facebook like my page on my website I
have a form to fill out where you can
get health tips right to your email.
Again this is Omaha Chiropractor I look
forward to working with you soon.
Automatic High Beam- Know Your Lexus - Duration: 2:09.[Upbeat music plays]
The Lexus Safety System Plus+, is a state-of-the-art safety package
designed to help prevent collisions in a wide range of vehicle speeds.
The system includes Pedestrian Pre-Collision System, Lane Departure
Alert, Dynamic Radar Cruise Control and Automatic High beam.
Automatic High Beam is a safety system designed to help drivers see more
of what's ahead at nighttime without dazzling other drivers.
When enabled, Automatic High Beam uses an in-vehicle camera to help
detect the headlights of oncoming vehicles and taillights of preceding
vehicles, then automatically switches between high and low beams as
appropriate to provide the most light possible and enhance forward visibility.
Here's how it works:
When driving in low light conditions at vehicle speeds above approximately
34 kilometres-per-hour and the auto high beam feature is turned ON, the
vehicle's camera is designed to detect headlights of oncoming vehicles, or
the taillights of preceding vehicles, then automatically switch to the low beams...
After the system senses the oncoming vehicle has passed, or the distance
between your vehicle and the preceding vehicles increases, it automatically
reverts back to the high beam mode.
By using high beams more frequently, the system may allow earlier
detection of pedestrians and obstacles.
Refer to your Lexus Owner's Manual for additional information on how to
operate Auto High Beam.
The features and functions described in this video might not be applicable
to your Lexus model. See your Owner's Manual for details.
Thanks for watching this Know Your Lexus video!
[Upbeat music fades to silence]
Solar LED Smart Focus Spotlights 2pack - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
DIY Crayon Chapstick! | How to make Candy Lip Balm | DIY Candy Lip Scrub - Duration: 6:25.Hey guys, I'm Mariss and I'm Brookie and to day we are going to be showing you how to
make DIY lip scrub and lip gloss.
If this is your first time watching, welcome!.
Make sure to hit the subscribe down below and hit that notification bell so you don't
miss a beat.
If you want to check us out somewhere else, our instagram, snapchat, and musically is
linked down below.
Let's get on to the video.
First we are going to be making a DIy lip scrub.
In the winter it can get really hard on your lips and they get all cracked and it does
not feel good.
This lip scrub will help your lips be smooth and soft.
all of these lip scrubs and lip glosses are made with candy so they are going to be delicious.
We are going to make an orange cream lip scrub. all you will need it one tablespoon of coconut
oil and 5 tablespoons of sugar, some orang essental oil and some orange hard candy. and
something to mix it in.
Start by putting you candy in a baggie and start smashing.
Keep smashing until there's no big chunks.
Now you just want to pour it into the bowl Then just mix it all together.
5 tablespoons of sugar.
Level it off.
okay, time to get dirty.
Here just let me.
You can also grate orange zewst into it to make it smell even better.
If you put it on your lips you can just lick it off.
It'll be nice and tasty.
It actually is pretty good.
it's just coconut oil and sugar. and there you go, you have a DIY, candy orange cream
lip scrub.
Next we are making a DIY chocolate lip gloss.
FIrst, take a couple squares of your favorite chocolate.
One bar.
Melt it in a double boiler with some beezwax and some coconut oil.
Add a little bit of crayon to halp it have color.
We're going for Red.
wait for that to melt.
Then, just pour it in a container of some sort.
Then just put it into the freezer for a few minutes until it cools.
There you go a DIY chocolate lip gloss.
The next one is a grape soda can lip gloss.
You know, the things you get at the gas station when you were a little kid?
Even though we are still kids.
we still get them.
smash them up.
just pour it in.
I'm just going to do half.
we forgot to tell you, before we added the powder, we had some coconut oil in there.
we have a grape candy flavoring that we're just going to add to the mixture in the double
boiler to give it some flavor.
Oh, it's purple.
That's a plus.
We decided to add some beeswax so it will help it to be a little more solid.
There you go, a grape soda can lip gloss. for this next one we are going to make a pina
colada lip scrub.
We put our lemon heads in the baggie, now we are just going to crush them up.
There's a hole.
I just smashed my fingers.
Just go like, we are putting some coconut oil in here and dumping it with the lemon
head powder.
Then add a couple drops of coconut and pineapple flavoring.
That was a little more than i expected.
It's like Hawaii but not.
all right, I think we're done.
Now we're gong to need a little sugar.
get it a fine grain.
you need it to feel like wet sand.
ya know, on the beach, where i want to be right now.
Now we're gong to put it in some containers.
I think we only have enough to fill one of these.
you can definitly make more.
Now for the test.
It's a little chunky but it works.
oh yeah and then you get some lemon head in your mouth.
that is like, that is probably my favorite one. and there you go, a pina colada lip scrub.
This can be a great gift for your friends, your teacher, and we're just going to add
a little finishing touch to it I guess.
We have boiught some little pineapple, cupcake, and lips to add as a detail to the top.
I'm just going to put a little glue on these.
Hope you enjoyed this DIY lip scrub and lip gloss tutorial.
Thanks for watching.
Hope you enjoyed the video.
Make sure to leave a like down below and subscribe if you haven't already.
Beauty and the Beast | Lumière | Walt Disney | Speed Drawing - Colored Pencils | Mahnoor Rizvi - Duration: 3:52.Hey guys!! If you like this video your friends might like it too.
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You Asked, We Answered: "What do I do with bulk trash?" - Duration: 1:00.Hi I'm Jeremy with the Town of Gilbert Environmental Services.
Spring is the perfect time to clear unwanted clutter from your home.
But what do you do with items that are too large to fit in your trash container?
Place your items such as bagged leaves, tree clippings, toilets or any other items
that you're not able to donate, such as mattresses, furniture, TVs,
on the front edge of your property, near
the sidewalk a minimum of five feet away
from any obstacles, such as fences or electrical boxes.
Items should be placed out
for collection no later than 5 a.m. on Monday of your collection week.
And no earlier than the Saturday prior.
And don't forget call for your free appliance pick up
and recycle your cardboard boxes in your blue container.
For more information on your bulk trash pick up and schedules
go to gilbertaz.gov/bulktrash
How to Love Yourself and Be Confident - My Story About Self Awareness and Happiness - Duration: 5:54.- This is the story about a paper airplane
and learning to love yourself.
(inspirational music)
Hey everyone, my name is Nate
and I like to think of myself as an art curator
and a literary connoisseur but the truth is,
I'm just a nerd who likes to tell stories.
So if that's your kind of thing,
please hit that subscribe button below.
So the other day, I was taking a walk in San Francisco.
It was a beautiful day.
The sun was out.
There was a soft breeze and I came across
this beautiful little garden tucked into,
in a residential area.
The garden was full of roses and sunflowers and tulips
and there was a bench, there was a white-painted bench.
So I sat down on the bench for a minute
just to close my eyes and feel the breeze in my face
and the smell of the beautiful flowers.
And when I was done I was so excited,
I was so happy that when I started walking down the hill
and I started gaining speed, if you're familiar
with San Francisco, you know hills are basically like this.
So I was gaining speed and as I was gaining speed,
I realized I was a paper airplane
and I lifted up my wings and started balancing in the breeze
and the breeze was in my face.
It was coming across my wings and my chest
and I was gaining more and more speed.
And I was balancing in the wind
and I was smiling and then I realized
there was a street at the bottom of this hill.
And this street had a red light
and cars were zooming by, zoom zoom,
and I'm like uh oh this could be bad
and so I took a sharp left turn and my wings
were vibrating but I made it.
I turned the corner and as I turned the corner
I started slowing down and I gently touched down
on the sidewalk.
By the time I reached the sixth grade,
I started developing a terrible sense of self-worth.
You see I was bullied mercilessly.
It was my first year in a public school.
I was short.
I had a really huge glasses, gold-rimmed,
I mean they took up half my face.
It was super nerdy.
And so of course I was teased.
I was teased mercilessly and so I became even more quiet,
more socially awkward.
I used to sit in the back of the class
not even raising my hand to go to the bathroom.
I used to like squirm in my chair
because I couldn't raise my hand
because then I would be visible.
By the time I reached high school it just became so intense.
I was full of so much anxiety and no self-worth
that at a school dance I sat in the corner
replaying in my mind walking up to a girl
and her saying yes.
When I went home that night,
I punched my pillow numerous times
and started crying 'cause I hated myself
for not having the nerve to go up and do that.
So I started comparing myself to others,
to the popular kids, to the kids who were laughing
at the quad during lunch.
They were happy and I wasn't,
so there was something wrong with me.
By the time I reached 18, I found myself at a party
and alcohol was being served and I took a sip
and I took another sip, and finally I had this courage
to not just talk to people but to be loud and boisterous,
to be that person I always thought was the happy person.
And so I continued to drink more
and drinking led to more drinking.
Eventually leading to drugs.
Now we all know where that story ends.
It's never a good place to be.
And it all started from no sense of self-worth
and from comparing who I thought I was
to how other people were.
They were happy I was not.
I need to be them.
Carl Jung once said, "Do not compare, do not measure.
No other way is like yours.
All other ways deceive and tempt you.
You must fulfill the way that is in you."
In her book, The Crossroads of Should and Must,
the artist and author Elle Luna
describes a difference between what we should do
and what we must do.
What we should do are external pressures placed on us
by society, by friends, by family.
What we must do is who we are as an individual,
deep down inside, how are soul resonates.
Now it's human nature to listen to what we should do
to please others, so we end up choosing that path.
We end up choosing to be a medical student,
we end up choosing to take that job.
We end up choosing to go to school and study that major.
When I was at that school dance
and replaying in my mind walking up to that girl
saying, do you want to dance?
And dancing with her and smiling as a result.
That was doing what I thought I should be doing.
I'm at a school dance.
I should be asking a girl to dance.
I should be enjoying myself because I was dancing
with another girl.
I wasn't doing what I must do.
What I must do probably to be honest,
wasn't even going to the dance in the first place
because that's not who I am.
I'm not a gregarious person who thrives
in a social environment like that.
I thrive when I'm reading.
I thrive on taking a walk by myself.
I thrive when I'm a paper airplane coasting down a hill
in San Francisco on a bright sunny day.
Thank you so much for watching.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time
out of your life and please please,
if you like this kind of thing, if you like this video,
hit that subscribe button and I will see you
in the next video.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Pre-Collision System – Know Your Lexus - Duration: 3:40.[Upbeat music plays]
The Lexus Safety System Plus+, is a state-of-the-art safety package designed to help
prevent collisions in a wide range of vehicle speeds.
The system includes Lane Departure Alert, Dynamic Radar Cruise Control, Automatic
High beam and Pedestrian Pre-Collision System.
Lexus' Pre-Collision System (PCS) is designed to detect obstacles in front of the
vehicle, such as another vehicle, and assess the potential for a collision.
If it determines there is a high possibility of a frontal collision, the system warns the
driver, readies the brakes and takes steps to protect the occupants, reduce the
impact and lessen collision damage.
PCS predicts a possible collision with another vehicle or a pedestrian, based on
information received from a variety of sensors, including a forward-looking radar sensor.
The radar sensor, mounted at the front of the vehicle, detects vehicles or other
obstacles on or near the road ahead. The system then determines whether a collision is
imminent, based on the position, speed, and direction of the obstacles.
If it determines that a collision is likely, it warns the driver with a flashing warning light, a
buzzer sound, and a message on the multi-information display.
On some models, the system also automatically tightens the front seat belts and
activates Brake Assist control, which increases the braking force being applied by the driver.
If the system determines that a frontal collision is unavoidable, it also activates Pre-Collision Braking.
If the brakes have not yet been applied by the driver, it reduces the impact speed.
In some models, PCS can bring the vehicle to a complete stop and adjust the steering
gear ratio to improve the response to the steering input when a collision is imminent.
For models equipped with Adaptive Variable Suspension, the system controls the
damping force of the shock absorber as well.
In addition to the radar sensors, some models are equipped with camera sensors, which
can detect three-dimensional objects on or near the road ahead.
When the headlights are on, near infrared rays are projected to ensure proper detection at night.
The pre-collision system can be turned off with the PCS switch on the instrument panel.
The Pre-Collision System will only activate when specific operating conditions are met.
Those conditions may vary, depending on the specific vehicle. Typically, the Pre-
Collision warning and, when the brakes are not applied, the Pre-Collision braking
system will activate automatically:
- if the vehicle is traveling at approximately 15 km/h or more
- and if it is approaching the obstacle or vehicle ahead with a speed differential of more than about 10 km/h.
There are some obstacles the PCS may be unable to detect such as plastic traffic
cones, pedestrians, animals, trees, or snowdrifts - which do not provide a clear signal to the system.
Under some conditions, such as when turning a corner, the PCS may detect a vehicle
or object directly ahead, predict that a collision is likely and activate, even if the danger
is not really great. This does not indicate a malfunction.
The pre-collision system may not function properly in inclement weather conditions such
as heavy rain, fog or snow.
The features and functions described in this video might not be applicable to your Lexus
model. See your Owner's Manual for details.
Thanks for watching this Know Your Lexus video!
[Upbeat music fades to silence]
Dynamic Radar Cruise Control - Know Your Lexus - Duration: 4:11.[Upbeat music plays]
The Lexus Safety System Plus+, is a state-of-the-art safety package designed to help
prevent collisions in a wide range of vehicle speeds.
The system includes Lane Departure Alert, Automatic High beam, Pedestrian Pre-
Collision System and Dynamic Radar Cruise Control.
Lexus Dynamic Radar Cruise Control supplements conventional cruise control with a
vehicle-to-vehicle distance control system.
It enables the vehicle to automatically adjust the speed to maintain a safe following
distance with the vehicle ahead.
The system uses a radar sensor mounted at the front of the vehicle to determine the
distance from the vehicle ahead. Its important to keep the sensor and grille clean to
ensure the system can operate properly.
The radar sensor detects the presence of vehicles up to about 120 metres (or 400 feet) ahead.
It determines the correct vehicle-to-vehicle following distance and then maintains a
suitable distance behind that vehicle.
The controls work the same way as a conventional cruise control system, such as
setting, adjusting, and canceling the set speed.
There is an additional distance control button on the steering wheel for setting the
desired vehicle-to-vehicle distance to be maintained.
Three choices are available - long, medium, and short. They can be selected by
repeatedly pressing the distance control button.
The selected distance is shown in the multi-information display along with the set speed.
The long position is automatically selected each time the ignition is turned on.
When driving at speeds of 80 km/h, the long setting results in a following distance of
approximately 50 metres (or 160 feet) from the vehicle ahead.
With the medium setting, that distance is reduced to approximately 40 metres (or 130 feet).
And with the short setting, its approximately 30 metres (or 100 feet.)
The vehicle-to-vehicle distances increase or decrease proportionally with vehicle speed
and may increase or decrease on long grades.
When there is a vehicle ahead within the set range, a vehicle ahead symbol illuminates
in the cruise control indicator and the vehicle maintains the pre-set distance behind it as
it slows down or speeds up to a maximum of the speed set for the cruise control.
On some models, if the vehicle speed falls below approximately 40 km/h the vehicle-to-
vehicle distance control driving is automatically cancelled.
When approaching a slow moving vehicle or another vehicle cuts into the set space
from the vehicle ahead, a warning tone may sound and a warning appears in the multi-
information display to alert the driver to brake.
Some Lexus models will apply the brakes initially but will not bring the vehicle to a
complete stop. Other models can stop the vehicle automatically in certain situations
without the driver depressing the brake pedal.
When the vehicle is stopped by the system control, the vehicle-to- vehicle distance will
be between three and five meters (or 10-16 feet), depending on the model.
To resume the vehicle-to- vehicle setting, push the cruise control lever up or depress the
throttle after the vehicle ahead starts off.
The vehicle-to-vehicle distance control may automatically cancel if it detects inclement
weather such as rain, snow, or fog.
The cruise control function can also canceled by applying the brakes, moving the cruise
control stalk on the steering column to cancel, pressing the main cruise control on/ off
switch or shifting from drive to neutral.
If you prefer to use the traditional cruise control instead of the vehicle-to- vehicle
distance system you can. Simply push the cruise control stalk forward after setting your
desired speed. Keep in mind, the driver is now exclusively responsible for maintaining
the appropriate distance between other vehicles.
Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is not a collision- avoidance system or a substitute for
safe and attentive driving practices.
The features and functions described in this video might not be applicable to your Lexus
model. See your Owner's Manual for details.
Thank you for watching this Know Your Lexus video!
[Upbeat music fades to silence]
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