- Hello everyone, Dr. Anna here.
Today we're gonna talk about do-it-yourself lubricants.
I'm gonna show you how to make your own lubricant.
Also, as a moisturizer, too.
There's a little difference
between lubricants and moisturizers.
Lubricants are that slide and glide,
don't really penetrate into the skin,
so there's no moisturizing benefit.
The moisturizers, vaginal moisturizers, for instance,
are designed to also heal and nourish the tissue,
just like if we were to use
a facial moisturizer, that's the goal.
So there's a little difference
between moisturizers and lubricants.
So, today I'm gonna have you make
your own lubricating moisturizer,
because if you've been suffering from vaginal dryness
and sex has been uncomfortable,
you don't need to power through it.
I mean, seriously, if you're having pain
every time you have sex, why would you want to have sex?
There's a definite negative push on your libido right there.
So let's take that issue out of the way,
and let's create something easy, inexpensive,
that you can use to heal and nourish your pelvic floor.
How exciting, right?
So what do you have in your cupboard
that may be able to help solve the situation?
So I wanna show you a few things.
If you're a cook and you've got some ghee or butter,
you can make your own ghee if you don't have any.
Ghee is purified butter.
How do you make this?
You take some butter blocks from grassfed cows,
totally different than non-grassfed cows,
but different color, has great vitamin A, vitamin E in it,
and simmer it down, you skim off the impurities,
and then that liquid gold, you can put into a container,
when it's at room temperature, will become this color,
and that's your ghee.
Now, for sexual health, Aryuvedic practitioners
will recommend a ghee and infuse it with the
essential oils or herbs that support your dosha.
So, I don't know about that,
but what I will tell you is that
ghee, in and of itself, smells like
it should be cooked with,
so adding it, purifying it, melting it down.
If you've already got some purified ghee,
again a little bit goes a long way,
because it is so moisturizing,
you can use a little essential oil and that becomes great.
Put it in a little container like this,
blend it in with the essential oil
and it's a great lubricant.
Now, my favorite, any of you have done
Magic Menopause or Sexual CPR know is coconut oil.
Coconut oil, the drawback is,
at room temperature, it's solid.
So, that's okay, it will melt very easily,
and it makes a great lubricating moisturizer.
You wanna keep a container in the bedroom
and a container in the kitchen,
do not mix up the two, and it smells great.
Oh my gosh, not much else you have to do with this.
But let's add in, because many of us can suffer
from irritated vaginal tissue,
maybe discomfort after sex,
especially if you've been dealing with vaginal dryness,
that wanted to create something
with a little more healing benefit
than straight coconut oil in and of itself.
So, another potent healing agent is aloe vera gel.
Very clean, doesn't clog pores.
If you have aloe vera plant in your house,
you are blessed, let me tell you.
We all need to have aloe vera plants in your house.
And then you just use the inside,
make that into a gel, and you can use that,
blend it up and use that,
mixing it with some fractionated coconut oil,
and that will become a great lubricant.
I use these little glass jars, and what you want to do,
you want to mix two parts of the aloe vera gel
with one part of the coconut oil.
So, using fractionated coconut oil
is liquid at room temperature,
it is more of a moisturizer and it won't clog the pores.
It's also great for makeup remover,
this combination is.
How fun.
I'll give you another little aside bonus at the end.
And you've got the aloe vera gel
and you have the fractionated coconut oil two to one,
so that means if you use two tablespoons of aloe vera gel,
you would use one tablespoon of coconut oil
or something similar.
Add in a little essential oil,
a pure, beautiful essential oil.
I am using the Passion Blend from Annemarie Gianni.
It's super gorgeous, a little bit goes a long way,
and it will create that nice, subtle smell,
which is really wonderful.
Now, the great thing about
vaginal lubricants and moisturizers
is that the ideal is that they taste good, smell good,
and that's really important,
and that is definitely we created here today.
You put it in a pump jar, pump it out,
or you can have a flip top tube and use that.
It works as a beautiful, gliding lubricant
and then, again, it's nourishing and healing.
So, before, during, and after intercourse,
it works fantastic that way, too.
Now, a little aside, 'cause maybe you've had some soreness,
or maybe you're dealing with hemorrhoids.
Have you ever heard of Tuck pads?
Well, Tuck pads are what we would recommend
if a woman had hemorrhoids
or to use after childbirth and after an episiotomy.
But you can make something even better yourself.
So if you are having any vaginal discomfort
or you are dealing with hemorrhoids,
cracked skin, et cetera, I want you to make some
of your own Tuck pads,
which will also double as a makeup remover.
Yeah, I know, two for the price of one,
I'm super excited about this.
My daughter came home the other,
my 17 year old came home the other day,
and she had these cosmetic wipes that are in a container
like baby wipes, right?
And I was like, "What is in this?"
And it was horrendous.
A ton of hormone disrupters.
Look, our teens don't need that, we don't need that,
it doesn't matter what age we are.
So make your own.
And the way you're gonna do that is very similar.
Equal parts this time of your aloe vera gel,
and this is a small little mason jar
that I got at the grocery store, which I love this.
And equal part of the coconut oil.
Everything's a little slippery right now.
So one to one there.
And then add, very inexpensive, witch hazel.
Inexpensive, easy, natural.
Healing also for sores, scratched, abraded skin.
Great for, again, part of my recommendation
to make your own Tucks pads, part of that situation.
And then, soak in your cotton rounds,
ideally organic, and there you go.
That's your Tuck pads
slash perennial soother slash makeup remover,
and it smells really good.
I know, the great things that you can do.
What did you learn today?
You learned to make your own
moisturizing lubricant, reuse jars, recycling.
See what you have on the counter
that you may have in your own cupboards
that you can make right now, no need to wait,
and start enjoying having more pleasure,
because your partner doesn't want you to suffer.
Your pleasure is his pleasure,
never forget that.
Never, ever forget that.
Then you can add on things if you need to.
We've got in my cupboard my Pure Balance cream,
my Julva, Mighty Maca, and when it's empty,
you can put some cotton rounds in it
and reuse the container.
So if you have any questions,
please comment below or email me back.
Let me know what you use or what you create,
and also would love to know
your favorite essential oil, too.
I think there's just so many great options for us,
and the things we can do inexpensively
that have much more benefit
than anything we could buy over the counter.
Chemical-free, hormone disrupter-free,
nurturing and soothing.
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