Nightcore - Umbrella (subtitles in video)
Break Through the Barriers: Earn Your Degree at SNHU (:30) - Duration: 0:31.When I see obstacles, I create opportunities.
When I see adversity, I find a way.
When I hear never, I say now.
Southern New Hampshire University is education made to fit your goals,
with over 200 degree programs, flexible class schedules
and some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation.
So, when I face barriers, I can break through.
Break through at
Why You're Always Tired - Duration: 3:42.Being tired from time to time is normal,
but if you feel tired all the time,
then something may need fixing.
I've turned the word "tired" into an acronym...
so that it's easier for you to remember:
Now let's examine each letter one by one.
"T" stands for "Too much comparison".
Believe it or not,
it's not "too much work"
that makes you feel truly tired;
it's too much comparison.
There are many people in this world...
who work really hard,
but don't feel that sense of gnawing weariness
all the time...
because they don't constantly...
compare themselves to...
what they see on television or social media.
Exhaustion comes from comparison,
so maybe you don't necessarily have to work less,
but you have to compare less...
and appreciate your life more.
"I" stands for "Imbalanced life"
Balance is a building block of a healthy life.
If you don't balance your work with exercise,
rest and recreation,
then exhaustion will build up...
until you feel like life is just...
an unending rat-race.
Just look at animals in the wild,
and you'll see that they understand balance.
They don't hunt or gather food all the time,
that's why they never die...
from stress-related issues like we do.
"R" stands for "Repetitive routine"
Repetitive routine kills creativity...
and breeds exhaustion,
so try incorporating new things into your life...
from time to time.
Seek out new places to go,
new people to meet
or new activities to do.
Step out of your comfort zone and...
face your fears.
Make a bucket list and try to complete it.
novelty will always boost your energy.
"E" stands for "Energy-draining negativity"
Blaming and complaining...
may seem like behaviors that...
should help you feel less tired,
yet interestingly enough...
they actually have the opposite effect.
Also, consuming a lot of negative information
and being around people...
who are predominantly negative...
will also make you feel much more exhausted.
"D" stands for "Despair"
You feel despair when you have no dream,
passion or purpose.
if you work hard for something...
you are passionate about...
or for a cause that you truly believe in,
then, although you might feel physically tired,
you will not be mentally exhausted.
So find that passion and purpose,
and exhaustion will not be able to find you.
I hope this acronym...
will guide you towards a life...
with more energy and less tiredness.
This is K... signing off.
Till next time,
Be peaceful.
Be powerful.
Merry Christmas 2019 - Christmas Songs Greatest Hits - The Best Christmas Music Ever - Duration: 1:13:38.Thanks For Watching!
Social Advertising - Duration: 1:32:24.Hello Everyone! Welcome to Social Advertising Creating and promoting Substance Abuse and
HIV Prevention Campaigns Online. I will be your producer, my name is Tracey Denman and
I will be making sure that things will go smoothly as they have in the past couple of
sessions. I have a couple of housekeeping logistics to get through for you guys. You
should be hearing me through your speakers, if you are not connected by phone. If you
are connected by phone, then you should be hearing me that way as well, but your line
will be muted – we'll go over that as well. We'll go over some housekeeping and
then we'll get started. This event is being recorded. You should be
hearing me now with audio so please type in the questions box if you are not hearing me,
so that we can make sure to get you connected. The views, opinions and content expressed
in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or policies of the Center
for Mental Health Services (CMHS) or the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), or the U. S. Department of Health
and Human Services (DHHS). We do have live captioning available for you
today. If you click on the link we have it posted in the all questions box for you or
you can click on it here and it will open in a new window or tab. You can position this
anywhere on your screen and adjust the size, color and speed of your captions. Please type
in the all questions box below the slide box if you need assistance with that.
Your line will be muted during the presentation as I mentioned so if you're having trouble
with the computer you can get connected by phone and we can help with that as well, but
you will be muted during the presentation. There is a chat box on your screen and you
can feel free to use this for comments and sidebar conversation. I see a few of you have
found it so nice work with that. Just make sure everybody can see that okay because that
is how you will participate through some of the questions and things today. Glad that
you have found that all right. If you have questions for our presenters please
use the questions box and also the chat box, but very importantly, if you have any kind
of technical issues type in the all questions box as well. In addition to that if you need
you can also raise your hand. There is a little man at the top of the screen there, so you
can raise your hand and that will also let us know you need assistance, but the all questions
box is the best place for you to ask for help and we are glad to help you.
With that I will go ahead and hand off to my colleague, Candice Russell.
Thank you Tracy and good afternoon everyone. I am your moderator today. Thank you for joining
us again for the social media advertising webinar. This is the last webinar in the social
media 101 series. In this webinar today, we're going to focus on teaching you how to gain
insight on your social media strategies to inform your social media advertising. We're
also going to talk about integrating social media into your marketing plan. Our presenter
today is Carlos Morales, the founder of Viva Technology. He has been a speaker in the last
two webinars so if you joined us for past webinars you may already know that he is amazing
at this aspect of technology and social media campaigns. If Carlos Morales is ready, he
can take it away. I'm here, can you hear me?
Yes. Thank you for the introduction. So, thank
you everyone for being here. I am going to have my camera here, so you can see me. I
want to say hello to a few of you now. We have Margie, John, Melvna from Richmond, we've
got Maria Cabrera, welcome. Thank you for being here again for the third time and thank
you for coming back. The goal that we have here is to provide as much value as we can
in giving you a strategy that you can use when it comes to doing social media or online
communications. So today, really what we're doing is basically talking about paid advertising.
So, we will try to put together some of the things that we talked about on the first webinar
- social media strategies, the second one where we talked about content and now we will
talk about how we create social media ads. Those are going to be based on some of the
things that we've talked about in the previous two webinars. So, we're going to be talking
about these objectives: components of a digital marketing campaigns, what are some other things
we need to think about and consider when we're creating a digital marketing campaign when
we're talking about for substance abuse and HIV prevention.
We will also talk about once we create the campaign and people click on an ad, they have
to go to a site, this is called a landing page and I remember mentioning that on the
previous webinar as well which is a one-page site. We're going to be talking about the
power of having that site in order for you to encourage your audience to take action.
I'm going to give you examples of how all of the organization are doing and give examples
of another campaign that we ran for another grantee and the results that we got. We will
talk about budgeting because I know, based on the questions and thank you for when you
register, you answered the questions we had looking at some of the answers some of you
mentioned - we don't have a budget for it, there is no money or we've never created
a specific campaign and we're not sure how to do this. We're a little bit nervous.
Here's one thing I want to tell you – don't let that hinder the possibility of you stating
to create content for your social media. The idea is, for those of you who haven't had
hands on experience in doing this is to take baby steps. The more you do it the better
you will be at it. So, we want to make sure you are taking action. We'll talk about
that. I'll give you some examples in terms of what you have to consider when you are
budgeting for a social media campaign. I will give you the amount spent on a particular
grantee, so you have an idea of some of the things that you can do based on and the amount
of money available. So, I will give you examples of how other organizations are using social
media ads and then we will talk towards the end about how we can help you. I think in
every single webinar we have done we want to make sure that you understand and you know
we can provide free technical assistance. The idea is not for you get all of this information,
consume it or to say how do I do this now – sounded good but will be confused – we
want to get the information. This is to give ideas and strategies that we can use and how
we can go about doing it. The idea is to give the information and tools needed to help you
walk through that. As you start listening to this webinar if there are things that you
have questions and doubts and concerns to make sure that you ask the questions in the
chat room, but I want you to know that you don't have to do this alone because if you
don't know how to do it we are here to help you. Please keep that in mind.
Thank you so much, We've got Lenita, and I apologize if I am not pronouncing the name
correctly but as you know I have an accent. I apologize for that – I'll do my best.
Thank you for being here. Let's start with the presentation for the webinar. Here is
what we're going to be talking about - the digital marketing campaign. When it comes
to digital marketing campaign, the idea of creating a digital marketing campaign is to
have a plan and strategy. Remember how in the first webinar we talked about putting
the strategy together. The idea is for us is that now that we have a strategy and a
goal whether it is increasing the number of followers or creating an engagement, having
more people coming to our program or if you are doing an HIV testing day or doing promoting
PReP, now that you know this, whatever the goal is. Now that you know your goal what
are the things you need to do to create a marketing campaign?
The marketing campaign is supposed to support the strategy and help you reach your goals.
So, you have two things really. Basically, you are doing things that are organic, free,
and you are not spending any money. The only money you are actually spending is time because
you are creating content. But as you are creating content, remember that you are educating your
audience and bringing awareness. That is key. I don't get tired of emphasizing this because
what happens is this -if you don't tell your audience what you are doing in a way that
is relevant and engaging to them it doesn't matter what else you do, nothing else will
work. So, we want to make sure how the audience is consuming information in order for you
to do it effectively. We talked about that in the last two webinars. We talked about
content creation. Basically, now that we have a basic understanding
of those two concepts we are thinking about, let's suppose that we want to create a digital
marketing campaign and when we do that, the purpose of these digital marketing campaigns
is to help you through the process. You are going to do a little researching, you understand
that you are going to start creating some ads, you need to understand exactly how to
communicate that. You are going to be creating your audience profiles, remember we talked
about social media strategies and you need to be clear on who your audience is. I will
give you examples as we go through the webinar. The digital marketing campaign allows you
to do all of those things. Let's start with the audience. We are going
to be talking about four components. Component number one is your audience. So, when you
are talking about your audience you have to consider the people that you are trying to
reach. Not only who your audience is but also how they communicate. I mentioned in previous
webinars you have to know which social media channels or platforms they are using to interact
with each other. And besides social media are they using any dating apps? Is YouTube
one of the channels that they actually use the most because they like to watch videos?
So, if it's not Facebook, is it Instagram, is it Snapchat? Which social media platform
is the one in which audience is fairly present on. You need to understand that because that
is the platform you will choose to create your ad. So, let me stop there, I know that
some of you mentioned that you are having audio issues. Can you hear me okay? I want
to make sure? Please type yes. I want to make sure that you are able to…. -- thank you
so much. Yes. It seems that we are doing okay. If not, let us know and we will try to take
care of the problem. Thank you so much for responding. So, when you talk about your audience
remember you have to be clear who your audience is. In this case let's suppose that our audience
are 18 to 29, Latino and African-American gay men. If that is the audience we're trying
to reach, what is going to happen? Remember, we know with audiences we need to know now
exactly the things they are interested in. What are the websites they visit the most.
What are the apps? What is going to be the five or seven apps on their cell phones they
use the most on their phone? The more you know, the better you learn how to position
your message and where you need to be and where your message needs to be placed. These
are the questions we need to answer. For this particular example, we are going to target
18 to 29-year-old Latino and African-American a gay men -that's our audience. Let's suppose
that we want to promote the HIV platform and PReP. Let's pretend that's the service
we want to promote. How do we start a conversation? How a we start making the message or creating
the engagement? Here are two things. I always recommend doing two things. You can create
ads but at the same time, you need to create content and put it on your social media. You
have things that are free – pushing content out and you also are paying also through your
social media platform. You are paying for them to see certain or specific messages.
If we are targeting 18 – 29, Latino, African American gay men, possible topics to include
on our online strategy could be this - we could talk about common sexually transmitted
disease. We could talk about racism and homophobia and how that affects this population. What
about a connection between SDIs and HIV. What are the perceptions they might have about
HIV, or perceptions about your organization or program. This are actually just ideas in
order for you to start thinking about how you start generating content. The content
as you remember can be viewed in different ways. We talked about written content and
creating posts. You can use graphics and videos. The video is more direct and engaging because
you can have a discussion about some of these questions. This is where the power of the
tool that you will use comes into place. If you are using Facebook you can use Facebook
Live and you can do this live. Don't worry about whether you have one person seeing the
message when you are talking to them live or three or four or five. Don't worry about
that. Worry more about the content you are producing because remember, if you plan and
you have a goal in terms of as you are creating videos, you are educating our audience, you
are bringing awareness to your audience, what happens is this, as you create the content,
Facebook is recording the video and once you are done with the slide, in Facebook you can
use that as part of your ad campaign. So when you actually run a video ad on your social
media platforms – Facebook or Instagram for example. You are paying for people to
see that and it's very cheap. Sometimes you pay about two or three cents per view. Because
video is still very cheap when it comes to creating video ads – it's very economic.
So, basically you can save a lot of money and also they have better engagement rates.
This is how you can use a piece of content and repurpose it for different situations
and goals. So, you can still create a video ad based on the video you're recording when
you did a Facebook live or an Instagram live and so think about that. You can have a discussion
with a colleague of yours about some of these questions and how your program or your organization
as it is positioned to deliver the services. Make sure you have answers to the questions.
There are many things that you can do, many ideas in how you can start positioning yourself
when you are promoting a specific program. Notice that here, we have not talked about
PReP or HIV testing. Those are the goals. We're talking about topics that you think
is relevant to the audience you are trying to reach. So, the HIV PReP is actually a conversation
that can happen later on or during the presentation that you are doing through your video. But
make sure that your answering questions that your think your audience has and make sure
that you are providing solutions. These are actually examples of how you can position
your communication and the messages you will create. So, the other thing too is that when
you talk about the audience in terms of the messages and things they can start talking
about, then what happens is that the next element we're talking about is the goal. So
let's say we have a goal for the next 30 days, we are very conservative, we're new to this
and we're going to be launching a campaign and we've never done it before. But suppose
that we want 50 people to come so they can get PReP and we are testing the waters. Those
are our campaign goals and we want to be sure we know exactly the numbers we want to reach.
Remember though that this is the audience - 18 through 29 and the goal is to have Latino
and African-American gay men to come to our organization between 18 - 29, about 50 of
them in the next 30 days for example. They can actually come here and get PReP. But here's
the thing. You might be actually promoting PReP with other services that you can provide
to them because when they come or they give you a call, there are actually other things
you're going to find out about them and there might be other services you can provide to
them. So, the end goal is not only PReP. You have to think beyond that, about what other
services they need. So for this campaign we know that is the goal. We need at least 50
of them to come in the next 30 days. You might be thinking that that's a very low number.
I am being conservative right now. For some of you have never done this before and you
might say well because we don't know so were not going to reach 1000 people so we're
very conservative and it will look and sound more realistic so instead of 50 you get 100
or 200. It's a good problem to have. That's great. Right now, that is our goal and so
basically that will be the campaign goal. Here's one thing I want to make sure that
you understand, when we're setting up a digital marketing campaign, we know the good thing
about this is that we know which ad will drive the most traffic that will drive the most
amount of people. I don't know if I mentioned this before - a few weeks ago I was having
a conversation with a grantee who spent a lot of money on an online and off line social
marketing campaign and did billboards on the streets and they did some ads for buses as
well. They also did some social media did some googlead words. The problem is, they
did all of these things but the problem is when I ask, which platform offline or online,
sends you the most traffic, the one you think worked the best? They did not know because
what happens is you get people from all over, but they were not able to measure which one
was the one that was more effective. Whether was Facebook, Google, a billboard at a place
on a specific corner. They could not tell. So, when we do digital marketing campaigns
we able to tell which one works better. Why is this good for us to know? They adjust the
budget and they place more on the ad or message that is providing better results. So, I mention
this because for some of you that don't know how to do this, this is something you might
want to think about. Again, you don't have to think about it yourself, we can help you.
Once we know, what is the call to action? This is something that is very, very important.
When we talk about the call to action we want to make sure that people know exactly what
they are going to do once they see your ad. So, this is very, very important. We need
to send them to a specific place and we need for them to do something whether it's grab
their phone and give you a call or click on the ad and go to a landing page - a one page
site. So, in this case, for example I am just showing
a screenshot of a landing page. They are promoting PReP. What is the call to action here? Get
started on PReP. I'm going to show you in a little bit what this landing page looks
like. That is the idea. This is the step where you actually tell your audience what they
are going to do once they see your ad. So basically you need to be very clear on that.
If you say get started on PReP and they say register for this program or go ahead and
click here to get tested for HIV. One of the things that when you do that you have multiple
call to actions and you actually confuse people. So, if you have one specific goal make sure
you only use one call to action. It's congruent to the ad, it's congruent to the message
you are trying to deliver. So, are there any questions so far? No questions.
All right. So, let's talk about what's after the call to action. We have the audience and
the campaign goal - the second element where we decide we get 50 African-American and Latino
gay men, we want to the goal is to come to get them PReP.. That was the goal. Now we're
calling for a call to action - to get started on PReP. Very specific, very simple. I want
to simplify this - we tend to think that when we're putting an ad campaign it has to be
complicated. The simpler the processes, the better for you because you are the one setting
this up. And better for your audience because they know exactly what to do. We don't need
to complicate this. So, once we have the call to action clear then what happens next? What
happens is we create a landing page, a one-page site in which we are explaining to them now
what does that mean when you say click here to get started on PReP? What is PReP? How
is that beneficial for me? Why are you promoting this? How does that affect my lifestyle? These
are things you need to start answering because, remember, what happens is you get them to
click on the ad so they click on the ad on the landing page and the purposes of the landing
page is to basically and ultimately, have them call you or give you their your name
and phone number so you can call them. It is ultimately for them to ask for more information.
That is the goal for the landing page. In marketing, when we talk about marketing, we
talked about conversions. We talked about how many people take the action that you wanted.
So that is the purpose of the landing page - to convert and make sure that you are reaching
the people that you want to and they are taking action that you desire. So basically, for
this particular landing page - the service they are providing and that they are promoting
is PReP. One pill once a day will protect against HIV. Let me show you now, let's do
a share screen so I can show you some of the landing pages. I will show you this one and
a couple more so you know exactly what we are -- let's see here.
I am showing you my screen so you should be able to see the site. Basically, I want to
highlight a few things. When I go to this website you see how at the top is says "Call
the Chicago PReP line at 872-215-1905 for answers to your PReP questions". That's
actually the third thing people see. We call that the top of the page - make sure it is
clear in terms of where people will be able to find the information in order to take action.
The number is at the top of the page. Then below look at, you already have a sense of
who the audience is based on because of the design of the landing page and if it says
PReP, one pill, once a day protect against HIV, as they go down we end up explaining
more about what PReP is. So, as we go down here, then we have a man and a woman, African-American.
So now we know that they are targeting gay men or a straight couple. As they go down
more I want to start having a sense in terms of what the purpose of the landing page is.
So, if you noted, in here there are different messages. Once pill once a day actually tells
you that it protects you up to 99% effective when taken consisistently. That means you
are in control. PReP it helps you to take control and connect with a health provider
to help keep it on track. So, they are saying that it is covered. So, they discovered and
talked about insurance and PReP is covered under insurance. So, they are basically saying
who is PReP for? So, I wanted to understand that you are adding information that you are
going to be thinking about. You are answering those questions right away, even before they
ask them to you. How do we do that? Part of the research we have to do is making sure
that we use a landing page to answer the questions and the objections and the concerns we might
have in regards to PReP for the case. As I go down, there are frequently asked questions
that are included in here, Here is another couple. So, this is actually a very well-designed
landing page and the purpose is to educate people on PReP and they should get on it and
if they have questions they can call the number. So that is one example of a landing page.
Here is another one. This one, the PReP as you can see the message is very clear.
Look at the message. look at the different photos. You know exactly who this is for you
and when you are actually saying, have sex without fear, that gets your attention. And
it says PReP here. What does that mean? As I go down too, if I click it goes down to
the page and click on HIV prevention medicine – it goes down to this page as well, so
pretty much all of the information is under one-page. The link you see here is part of
the page and it is not taking it you to another separate page of the website. Everything is
on this one page site. So, as you go down that there is more information about PReP.
What's the idea, once again, what is the goal of the landing page? To make sure that
I educate you about PReP and that I'm able to give you the most information possible
in order for you to actually come to us or order for you to give us a call. You want
to make sure that you are able to answer those questions. Now, is your thinking about this
page and see there is a lot of information to think about, later on I will show you a
different page where there is not a lot of information. It does tell you what PReP is
about and who it's for but it is more of a simplified landing page and we will talk about
the results that that produced. The idea of me showing you this is not to feel overwhelmed,
but to tell you the possibilities and the potential for what you can do in regards to
this. Then, this is not a difficult process. At the beginning you have to work a little
bit and do some research but once you do it you can replicate it for any other service
- to promote a service for example, that you know what the process is for the next time
that you do it. Let's go back to the presentation. Any questions? Are you still here? Are you
watching the presentation or do you have other tabs open? I want to have your attention here.
I'm just joking of course but if you have any questions let me know.
>> Thank you for answering, yes. I appreciate that.
>> Let me ask you something. This is something that is very true. I've tested this myself
and I've tried it when I run campaigns for people. But, never start your marketing campaign
without a dedicated landing page. Here's the problem. If you actually send people to a
home page of your organization website which I know some organizations have done, there
is no way you will know whether those are coming because of your campaign or their traffic
is coming because somebody typed something into Google and it went to your site and had
nothing to do with your campaign. The idea of a landing page is for you to measure exactly
how your marketing is doing. Because if you send it to your homepage, remember anybody
can go to your site. Not necessarily anyone looking the ads, but anyone. It can be a funder,
a partner or other clients or somebody who is searching something that is not related
to PReP for example. They could search something in regard to prescription drugs and it happens
to provide services in regard to that and they search with Google and they show up on
your site. That is traffic right, but it is not coming from the ad campaign. The purpose
of the landing page is for you to grab the landing page and connect it with your ads
-that's the purpose. When you do that you know exactly where the traffic is coming from
and you are able to measure whether you are being successful or not. That is advice I
always give. Never start your marketing campaign without a dedicated landing page. Then, what
you are actually doing, you are wasting money. Remember, you are paying for the ads. Every
time someone clicks on an ad, you are paying. Every time someone views your video, you are
paying. You want to be sure you know exactly how you managed that expense and you know
which ads are producing the results you desire. By having a landing page you are able to do
that. We have some questions here. Which is most effective? Paid marketing campaign
versus free. If you are doing that right now – the most
effective that you are going to find out. If you are starting with zero, unless you
are an organization that has 1000's of followers they might not necessarily pay a lot because
they have a brand established with followers and audiences but in this case for most of
you the most effective will be the paid marketing campaign. However, if you do both at the same
time it will be more effective. Here's one thing I want you to think about. Don't let
go of your campaign for a paid campaign. You have to have a combination of both. For one
reason when we talked about content marketing in the second webinar I told you that Facebook
was making changes in their algorithms to make sure now that they were going to highlight
any post that come from a friend or family versus post that come from business pages.
The idea is that they want to make sure when people go there they don't get inundated with
ads. They are changing the rules. That happens. It's their property and their house so they
can change the rules as many times as they want to. We can get mad or upset or we can
get creative and take advantage of an opportunity that Facebook is giving us and what is the
opportunity? Facebook says the way we will put relevance on your page if you produce
content that is engaging in your audience. If your audience is engaging with you, if
your audience is commenting, if your audience are cheering, that means that for that particular
audience your content is important, so Facebook will make sure they see that when they log
into Facebook or Instagram. So that means that as social media managers or marketers
or anyone who wants to promote a program or service, we have to do a good job of creating
good content. Here's the other thing, even without the change, that change shouldn't
be necessary in order to do that. Because what happens is this - You have a lot of organizations
creating content and I look back at the organization and the number of followers that have not
increased. It's still the same. I can guarantee you that because of that they are not getting
a lot of engagement. Also, because they don't have the strategy behind it that says the
content behind it will generate an extra 100 likes with no goals behind it. That's a mistake
I don't want you to make. Make sure that if you create and have a free and paid strategy
because when you do both, you're going to actually see some very good results. Don't
create content just for the sake of creating content, because you are going to be disappointed
– it didn't work. The fact that it didn't work was because you didn't have a plan
behind it. You were just creating content, but didn't know exactly what you wanted
to achieve with that content. It might look good on paper and the page looks busy, but
what happens when I look at your interaction and engagement rate and I only see one like
or two likes or no comments at all that I know that people are not seeing your content
and that people are not interested in what you are actually communicating. What does
that mean? Am I targeting the wrong people? That means basically you are competing for
people's attention and your content is not generating the engagement enough in order
for you to have more reach. If you are doing in organic, free strategy you want to be sure
what you want to accomplish with the post you are creating and you want to use video.
Video is still a great tool –for you to generate engagement. Because Facebook gives
more relevance to video than any other type of post. So, think about that. Then you can
pay five dollars or $10. We will get to that in a little bit that you can pay a little
bit of money to start to reach people. Don't be afraid to do it. If you have a plan, the
plan will make sure you are not wasting money. So that's that idea.
I know a lot of you are nervous because you are new to this, I don't know how to do
it. The key to actually be successful is for you to put the strategy together so you know
how to measure this. We can help you to do this. I want you to realize that we are not
talking about something that you cannot do. You are able to do this if you have a plan
and a good strategy behind it. If you don't want to do any of that and you create content
and then you pay for $10, $20 and you don't see the result, then of course you are wasting
time and resources, okay? >> Another question I have here is - I can
see how a social marketing campaign with a landing page would work well for a younger
targeted audience but how does this work for a 50+ audience. Well for 50+ audience age
group it works really well. Because if you notice, for Facebook for example we have
>an older audience - 45, 50 a lot of those. A lot of the people are using Facebook. There
is a lot of ads in regard to them. They click on a link and go on a landing page. But think
about this, you and I consumed digital information 24/7. I want you to think about a landing
page. A landing page is nothing different that you see on the Internet. When you go
to the news, you go to a website. When you are trying to find information about a business
or you want to check out a movie, you want to set up a doctor's appointment or you
got sick and you trying to make understand where you can go, you go to the internet.
And end up looking at websites, for whatever information, whether it's news, whether it's
health related, whether it's entertainment, you go to go to a site. You are not doing
anything that other people are not already doing. What you are doing is creating another
site but with a strategy in mind that is very specific. It's just a one-page site. That
is what you are doing. You are still providing that information that they are already consuming
in the internet. That is what I want you to think about. Regardless of the age group,
the landing page works really well. What actually matters for any age group is the way you position
the message and whether it's relevant for a younger or older audience and which social
media platform you will actually use. I mentioned this in my last webinar. I know that probably
some of you, one of the audiences that you want to reach are teenagers and we say well
teenagers are not on Facebook. Okay I get it. A lot of teenagers are using more Instagram
and Snapchap and other apps as well. Great, but here's the thing I want you to think about.
If the message is targeting teens, ok you might want to start using Instagram. Instagram
is a visual platform and you can use pictures. You have to understand that that is what you
have to actually have to do. That's great but what about then reaching the people who
have influence on the teenagers that you want to reach, which are parents – are they on
Facebook? I guarantee they are. Can we use Facebook for that purpose? Yes. Now you're
having a good strategy in which you are targeting the audience that you want to reach and also
targeting the audience that surrounds teenagers that have a big influence on those teenagers.
When you do that you are actually compounding the amount of result that you will get. I'm
telling you this so you can open your eyes and be more strategic when you do this. Not
just concentrate on just the audience you want to reach but think about those who will
influence the audience that you want to reach your target. So, let's see here, question
number one, how many of you created a landing page specific to a service or a bank that
you promote it? Yes or no. >> How many of you have created a landing
page that is specific to a service or event that you have promoted? If the answer is no
tell me why you have not. >> So most of you have not created a landing
page only a few of you who have. So Johnny, hey, great to see you here thank you for coming.
Skills needed and access to website. I get that. We need to get more information to complete
the landing page. Here is part of it. With this skill set you might think how do I create
one because I'm not a graphic designer or a web designer and is it difficult to actually
create one. The thing is that now they have tools you can use to create a landing page.
Some of those tools, yeah, you'll pay but it's cheaper than paying a graphic designer
or web designer. But I understand that sometimes you might want to use if you have the resources
for a graphic or web designer, they could create something for you and the only thing
you do now is update it with new content and maintain it. There are many ways you can do
this and the perception that we have is that creating a landing page is something difficult.
Now I understand that. From that perspective I understand that may be some difficult because
you've never done it before. And if you look at one and you look at all of the colors and
all of the stuff, but, don't let that stop you from actually getting someone to do it
for you or investing in a tool. If you want to start playing around with it. I've done
landing pages for other grantees, but at the same time once this is created they can manage
it themselves. They can change the text or the message but the design is already done.
There are many things that you can do. Don't let that stop you from actually creating one
if you think it makes sense for your marketing campaign. We can talk more about a landing
page and the tools you can use. A little later I will show you an example
of a landing page that we created and the tools that we use so you know it does not
have to be difficult. Rebecca is saying that I could use more information.
John is talking about identifying priorities that will drive marketing strategies. There
are templates that can be used at You can use it to create a landing page. That
is free. In terms of still learning more about the
approach and identifying priorities that drive marketing strategies, what I want you to start
thinking about, even though you are trying to identify strategies and an approach, this
is something we can spend a lot of time doing. When we do that we are stopped from implementing
because it takes a lot of time and you don't know what will work and what will not. So,
you can actually sit down and develop a strategy, launch your campaign and you change as you
go because the data you are getting will tell you what is working and what is not. Sometimes,
we think if we do it this way or that way, we will have better results and we could end
up taking care of all the details and it takes a while for us to launch something. There
is one thing - if you are launching a social media marketing campaign, the first question
I will ask is are you active on social media? Are you creating content? You may not need
a landing page if you just have content, because what happens is some people will go back to
your social media presences to see how active you are. If they don't see a lot of content
they will think there is not enough information in here. You don't have to go to a marketing
campaign right now but you can start to create content and cause them to engage. After you
do that, you can use some of the content and incorporate it into your communication strategy
or your ad. Thank you for the feedback, John, very helpful.
You don't want to get slowed down by overthinking. If there is anything we can do to help, let
us know. We will end the polls. So, we had 38% that
said yes, you have created a landing page but the other 61% said no. Let's continue
with the presentation. We can have much more conversation on this,
but for those of you who have created a landing page I would ask what sort of results have
you gotten? Has that benefitted your program, your marketing campaign? If you have comments
in regard to that, put them in the chat so I can touch base on that later as well.
>> So, on the basis of a paid ad, whether you are using Facebook, Snachat, Instagram,
what do you want people to do when they see your ad? One thing I want to make sure is
that you need to be clear on what your objective is. This impacts how your ad is delivered
on the social media platform. What's the campaign objective? Is it traffic? Engagement?
Is it video use? What's the objective? What is it? What are you trying to do? If it is
traffic, that means that you are sending traffic to your site, your landing page. If it's engagement
that means you are looking for someone to comment on the ad itself and start to generate
engaging conversation. If it's video views, you want more people to see the video and
the more aware they will be of you and your organization or program. Is it conversion?
If you go to a landing page that provides information to you like name, email and phone
number, every time somebody does that it counts as a conversion. If someone goes in and puts
in information, it's a conversion. If another person goes in to put in information this
counts as a second conversion. You have to be able to know what the objective is. So,
having said that, let me share my screen because I will show you what we can do. Right now,
I am showing you the Facebook Ad's Manager where you go to create an ad on Facebook.
There are three different marketing objectives that you have. You have awareness, consideration
and conversion. Basically, for the most, if you are out trying to recruit people, to have
people come for testing or for PReP or you are recruiting people for your program, what
I look at in terms of the objective is the activity of traffic. I look at traffic because
traffic is basically, looking at that and saying, what Carlos wants is that when he
creates his campaign, when you click on this this ad it will send traffic to the landing
page. That is going to be my market objectives - to send traffic to the landing page. Remember,
when we talk about conversion, whether we are selling something for business for the
most part, if you are selling things, to look at conversion when the purchase happens. When
the person bought the item you are selling. That is a conversion. A conversion can be
when someone gives you the information that you want, name, email, phone number. They
are giving you some things, in this case they're giving you content information or in the other
case, the purchaser, they're actually giving you money to purchase or buying something
for you. Depending on what you want, you choose your objective that you need. Again, if you
want to do this and you think you want to set up a campaign, we can help you with this
but I wanted give you a sense of some of the things that you need to think about. Let's
go back to our presentation and let's go here. What we did not want to happen has happened
and I have a black screen in front of me. So, here's what I will do, I am going to log
out and log back in and in the meantime, I will do this really quickly. If somebody can
help me go to the next slide in the meantime while we're doing this, that would be awesome
because I can actually talk about the next slide when we have
this open. You are all set.
We're on the slide where we talk about the Facebook Ad Manager screen with a three-part
final -- funnel for ads. Thank you, I am back. So, we look at awareness, we look at consideration
and conversion. Those are the three object – some of the basic things you will manage
when you create an ad campaign. So basically, as you do that you have to be clear on terms
of what you want to accomplish. Let's go to the next slide and you can budget. When we're
talking about paid campaigns, we're talking about creating a budget. You can budget advertising
spend for search, display and retargeting, mobile and social. What it means is this,
let's suppose that you are creating a campaign in Google Ads and you create a campaign and
every time someone types into Google they will see the ad, for example, so if somebody
clicks on the ad, you are paying. In this case for the most part when we use social
media, it's not necessarily that people are looking for you and typing into social media,
it may just be that they see your ad when they are interacting with friends on social
media and they see your ad and if it's relevant to them they will click on it. You are displaying
ads. That is the next activity you can budget for. When you display ads, in this case, when
we create ads on Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat even for other platforms like craigslist for
example, you are actually creating display ads. They see a banner, or a link, or a graphic
and they click on it. What does retargeting mean? This is something
we don't have time to talk about. This is a powerful tool. Retargeting means that basically
if someone sees your ad and clicks on it, if they go to the landing page they may not
take action yet, but they have seen it and that means they are interested. You can retarget
them based on how they engage with your ad and landing page. In other words, they will
see an ad the next time they log into the social media platform. Sometimes, people need
to be presented with the same product at least seven times before they make a decision or
purchase. So, as you retarget them with different ads and messages and eventually they will
take action. So, this is something that not a lot of organizations take advantage of.
There is a lot of money that is not being used and you can get even better research
when you do this. So, what about mobile? When you create ads on social media you tell Facebook
or any other system that you want the ad to show in the app in their smartphone. So for
the most part, the 98% of the audience that you're to reach will see the ad under a
smart phone So you always want to make sure that you budget for that as well. We're talking
about different social media platforms – all of them you can use to retarget. Having said
that, let me talk about some of the things you pay for - you pay a cost per click. When
someone clicks on your ad, you are paying. The cost will depend on the social media platform
that you choose. One campaign that we set up for a grantee
we actually chose the cost per click. For us it was important that the people we are
trying to reach, click on the ad. You have two options. You have cost per click and you
pay every time they click on the ad. Then we have the other option which is cost per
a thousand impressions. That means every time your ad is shown at least 1000, times you
pay. You can use this for more of a brand awareness approach and you don't necessarily
have a link there, but we promote the organization and brand and where there is a video it can
be a video where you are talking about a specific subject, but you don't have them click on
something so they can go to a different page. You are creating awareness – the brand awareness.
You pay for the amount of people that get to see this, as many people as possible, based
on your target audience That's why it's called CPM – cost per a thousand impressions
- The amount of time the ad is shown, not the amount of times they see the ad, the amount
of times the ad is shown to your audience. The ad can be shown, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or
100,000 times. If the ad is shown 1000 times it doesn't mean 1000 people see it, you could
just have 100 people see the ad because they saw it multiple times and that counts. Those
are the things you want to consider when you talk about budgeting. Basically, I want to
touch base on budgeting and show you now some ads that we created – the audience promoting
PReP. Remember that the original audience with 18 to 29 African-American and Latino
gay men. So, basically, we created ads for more than PReP for this particular audience.
I will show you how we did this but I want to read something. Allison had a question.
"We are a health care center and we had established a brand within the community,
but find it hard to engage with patients online. How do you get someone to follow a healthcare
page and then engage with it from there." My question would be - What kind of content
are you creating that you think is relevant to your community? Is the content itself engaging?
I want you to hear me out. A lot of the answers to this has to do with how you are actually
creating content. Are you using video, are you for example, every time you have someone
new on your staff being introduced into the community on your social media platforms,
or are you trying to explain to audience some of the things you can do with them, are you
using graphics or are you using pictures where you can humanize your center? There are many
ways that you can do this. Think about this. Your audience is already consuming digital
information and when they go on Social Media they like to look at pictures but if they
don't see the same thing from you and the content you are creating is not relevant to
them they are not going to pay attention. So, a lot of the answer to that depends on
the type of content you are creating. That's one of the things I would ask. What is your
content strategy and see if you are very clear of what you want to accomplish.
Let's suppose you have a health care page and suppose you have 100 followers. Let's
say you want to change that to 500 in the next three months. You have to have a goal.
The question is what do we do to increase that? You can do a combination of two things,
create good and engaging content and then create a Facebook ad like campaign where you
use Facebook to reach a specific audience for them to like your page, but in order for
them to like your page, you have to keep creating good content because people will see that.
So, you have an approach where you are using free with the content and paid. The money
doesn't have to be a lot. It could be $100 for the next 30 days to make sure you increase
the likes then you can make an educated and informed decision in terms of how you need
to adjust your ad campaign to reach 500 people or have 500 followers in the next three months.
That was just a short answer without knowing much about the content and looking at your
Facebook page. I hope this is helpful let me know if you have additional questions.
I'm glad Allison – glad I was able to provide the answer that you were looking for.
Which ad was the most effective? We have 4, 2, we have 3, 2 and 4 so far. Allison and
John, 1. So we have one 3, 2 4s, and 1. Fact, the ad that was the most effective is number
three. Can you believe that? Look at how simple the ad is. Here is one thing. As marketers,
we have to be humble and because even though we might actually know how to put a campaign
together, we might do research in terms of the audience that we are going to get surprised
every once in a while about how the audience will respond. This means that our marketing
depends a lot on what we think could happen and on research. Once you implemented and
once you tested is when you will know exactly what your audience is looking for. So, number
three was the one that actually drove the most traffic to the landing page. Number three.
If you look at the ad, you might say that it is boring that it's just announcing PReP
and the bottle of pills. That is it. But, for some reason that ad was effective. Now,
having said this, when we created this ad Facebook gives you a score from 1 to 10. One
is bad for engagement, people are not interested not seeing it, not even clicking and 10 is
very good, they are engaging with your ad and clicking. We had a score of nine in all
of these four ads. All of the four ads together were doing pretty well. The one that created
the most clients was number three. What does that tell you? It tells you that we have to
test and create. We cannot pretend that we know it all. We have to test because the best
way for us to know our audience is by testing and by seeing how they are engaging and how
they will see our ads and what will be relevant to them. So, you want to keep the message
simple and easy to understand. The second ad that was most effective was which one do
you think? Out of the for which was the second most effective?
>> 1, 1, okay. John says to 2. -- Ricardo, 1.
>> Okay. >> Spencer, 2 after number three the one that
was most effective after number three was the number two. It's interesting. Right -- you
are showing two guys holding hands. It was three, two, one, four. All did really well,
the nice thing about social media You are able to see which one performs better than
the others. Basically, it is interesting - the message was important and we tried to answer
so many questions by placing the messages in this way. Let's see, I will actually show
you another landing page that we use. When people click on this I will show you the landing
page that we use for traffic. I will show you my screen right now. I can share my screen
and here it is. This is the landing page. That me tell you something about this. This
is something we design for this particular organization. The first version of the landing
page we had couples kissing in this part of it. Here's one thing you might learn as you
create this thing, depending on who the administration or management team of the organization of
the initial landing page they might have concerns. You are putting your organization's brand
behind it- their concerns are legitimate. Basically, want to make sure that it goes
with the mission of the organization. This only serves the LGBTQ community as a whole
and you want people to say is there any way that we can still instead of having couples
kissing or making out, can we still use pictures of the audience that we serve without them
having physical contact. So, we created this. We have a picture of this guy who could be
an African American or a Latino as well. And then we have this guy who when you see would
basically think he is Latino. Even the first version, we had the skin color was not a dark
skin color -- they came back and said our organization serves this particular population
and their skin color is darker - so we use this. Here's one thing I want you to get
out of this. I want you to look at the site. We have to work within the goals of the organization
and we have to take into consideration what's important to them. We can come up with a different
design and we have to deliver the message that they want us to deliver. Basically when
you look at this the first thing you see besides the logo is call info and text to get PReP
now - the numbers at the top. You made the right decision, we have you covered with PReP.
And there is a form to fill out if they want to fill it out. We actually see here a picture
of the audience they are trying to reach. The other thing is we want to keep the message
simple. So, we said what is the message? We have to explain what is PReP. We define here
what it is and then we say who it is for. PReP is recommended for people who are HIV
negative and are high risk of HIV Infection, those who have sex with those who are HIV
positive, men who have sex with men. We list different reasons and different categories
and behaviors in terms of who PReP is for. So, when your audience goes to this landing
page they say do I fall into any of these options and if I do, I might actually give
them a call. This and do I qualify for PReP based on what is being described. We did that
and we actually talked a little bit about what PReP is. They use it along with other
HIV prevention strategies and we also talked a little bit about the benefits of PReP. We
talked about why you might want to consider using PReP. We actually put in the address
and the map, so they can see where to go without calling.
>> We want to know any kind of barrier they might have. The more information that you
have that is relevant to this audience, the better. In this case this had the number,
address and a form. This page performed really well. Let's go back to the presentation. Basically,
they ran this campaign on Facebook for about a week. And also used Grinder. The result
they got out of this campaign - they had about 50 people for about a week that called them
and texted them and they filled out the form and they used Facebook messenger as a way
for them to interact because this was actually being run on Facebook and created a test campaign
using Grinder. Why? For this particular grantee they actually did another dating app and they
had a bad experience with that and we went with grinder. They were great with us, with
explaining what they were able to do and we're creative but they were able to deliver this
campaign and Grinder makes sense. So, they are using grinder. Basically, this was for
an audience in Brooklyn and Queens, New York. So, it was very targeted, we knew exactly
what we wanted but after it was over we got enough data because people were actually calling
in to ask additional questions – insurance was one of them. What if I don't have it,
am I covered and the other was well I have a partner who is HIV-positive and I'm not?
And I understand that based on the page I might want to think about using PReP. There
were other concerns and fears and so the idea was for the people to call them and start
the conversation. What you think we would do now the next time we run the campaign.
We're going to use that data to improve the methods we have used in the past. And
also improve the landing page as well. In order for us to maximize the amount of people
interested in this. This was a one-week campaign and in one week we had 50 people. We spent
$300 on Facebook. But, here is one thing about it. As we were spending $300 we started to
actually be more selective in terms of looking at this as $300 worth of test money. We had
a little freedom in terms of the ads that we wanted to create, what made sense for them.
So, we did quite a lot of things and spent money just to see how people reacted. They
had a budget available and still have and we're going to be running another campaign
for them and so this is one of the things you can do. You can have a very good campaign
for even three of our hundred dollars – you can actually run a very good campaign using
Facebook. And if you use a video.. for this grantee we actually used videos for the next
campaign that if you use video as it gets cheaper. So, I basically want to give you
a sense in terms of what you can do. So, let me go to the next slide. So, in order to advertise,
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube ,Instagram, LinkedIn, I want to give you a sense because Facebook
is the most popular. Instagram, you have to use images, you have to use images and videos.
Those are the things that you need to be sure you're able to use these. You can advertise
on YouTube but you have to create videos the same as for Facebook. But for Facebook you
don't need any equipment you just need a smart phone. If you want to target other organizations,
LinkedIn. This works really well for business-to-business. Snapchat has a lot of limitations even though
businesses use it, I've been able to see one or two HIV campaigns but in terms of the reporting
of Snapchat it's not as good as Facebook or Instagram, for example. Then Twitter is another
way for you to also promote as well. So, these are being used for other organizations where
they promote a specific webinar because they are promoted to other behavioral health professionals
and they use Twitter quite a bit so Twitter has been a good tool to generate engagement
if you're promoting the training. You can do Twitter chats. There are so many things
you can do in Twitter. Let's go now and see what else to advertise. I want to touch on
these with you really quick. Google Adwrods and Scruff. Com - if you are nonprofit that
serves LGBTQ, you can advertise for free. They have a free advertising plan for serving
LGBTQ communities. If your organization falls within that you can go to all the
way down, and you can register, you have to confirm you're a nonprofit but it's a great
way for you to start. If you're not sure yet and you don't want to spend a lot of money.
Craigslist, I know a lot of grantees are using Craigslist as well, and then Reddit. I did
a webinar about a month ago with another grantee on how to user reddit because they are considering
using reddit to advertise their prevention and treatment program. There are other organization
using reddit as well. When it comes to substance abuse and alcohol and other drugs, they are
using Reddit as a way for them to create banners. It's not as robust as Facebook or Instagram
were YouTube but they are starting to give the opportunities and give them to businesses
as a platform for advertising. So, Reddit could be a good way for you to start. You
will have to pay of course, but it's a great way to build a platform and test to see whether
Reddit works for our organization and test. You might save money because they are enhancing
the advertising platform and you are able to test Reddit with a few more images.
>> So really quick I want to give you the stats. We talked about advertising this is
more, we're talking about in this case for African-American and Latino gay men. One thing
we looked at was what social media platform will make sense. Grinder, daily use is 54
minutes a day and they have about 3 million daily active users. So, after Grinder is Facebook.
So, looking at data you say it makes sense to use Facebook to create these ads, and then
we have Tinder and Snapchat. So, we want to choose one or two platforms and go in on both
of those to make sure that we actually create a good campaign. Are there things we can improve?
Definitely. Because we have enough data from the first one that allows us to improve the
methods and positioning and improve a lot of things to get a better result. That is
what the campaign is all about. It's about you being able to improve based on the data
you are collecting on a daily basis. I wanted to give you this so you know the reason behind
it and why we chose the platform that we chose. Have you ever used a dating in your marketing
campaign -- a dating app in your marketing campaign? We have another poll question. Have
you promoted your program and a dating app? We have 30% saying yes and 70% saying no.
I will end the poll because we don't have a lot of time but I wanted to have the sense
in terms of whether you use it or not. This is basically something you might want to consider. again, if you are working with the LGBT community and you want to launch
a campaign, scruff is a good way to start because it is free.
>> I'm going to end with this. We have the 10 best practices for planning social media
ad campaigns. I will run through this quickly because we've talked about it already. #1
Plan with the ad will say, who to target and what action you want them to take. I showed
you examples of those ads. This is based on the ad and the message that we have. You want
to drive one action, in this case the action that we drove was actually to get PReP or
learn more about PReP, we need to look at traffic sources and the reason why we chose
Facebook and Grinder. Do your research and make sure if you use Facebook or Grinder that
you pick your platform for who you want to reach. You do research in terms of the audience
and how we want to position the message. This is part of the research that this is what
you need to do. Then use a combination of visuals to make the ads stand out. Use all
of the visuals that we use. There is one thing we didn't do, we did not look at organic post
because we had money to do the campaign. So we are not limited by money, we have a budget
so let's just go ahead and put the money available to create a marketing campaign. But if the
budget is limited or you want to you can use both, organic post and then paid as well.
Look at your budget to see how much each new participant or program is worth, start with
$100. The budget is small have to have a good strategy and then you can maximize it as much
as you can. Test multiple combinations of images, copies and calls of actions and other
things that I showed you examples of. Engage your users. One of the ads we created we said
that the PReP was effective up to 90% of the time. If you read that and you hear that,
PReP is effective up to 90% of the time, what do you think people will say when they read
it? You are not going to have the effect right away, in fact the comments we had in one of
those ads because we made a mistake was that people were saying if it's effective up to
90% it means it could be up to 10%, up to 20% or up to 30%. It's totally different
when used they that PReP is effective 90% or more, instead of up to. So right away we
changed our ad and we engaged with them to answer some of those questions. It was good
because it generated some engagement. That is what it means when you gauge the user.
You identified the problem, you provide solutions right away and in that case, they had a problem
in regard to PReP because we made a mistake in terms of the copy. Then participate and
monitor the comments. That is what we did and basically we took the ad and changed it
and put a new one in to make sure that we fixed that part of
the campaign. >> Define your social media campaign goals,
we wanted to reach 50 and in 30 days but we reached 50 in one week. Know your audience.
Ages 18 – 29, gay Latino and African American men. Design your landing page – I showed
you that. Choose your social media ad platform – we chose Grinder. Create a budget, we
spent about $300. Test and analyze and then make necessary adjustments. That is the end
of my presentation and I hope it was valuable and helpful and again, please ask for technical
assistance if you want to. Talk to your officer and submit a request. Thank you so much. We're
out of time. >> Thank you Carlos, that was a great presentation.
For everyone else who has joined us for the Social Media series, if you're interested
in building a social marketing campaign or need help with social media websites that
we do offer technical assistance at the center. If you are interested in getting TA, just
know there is no cost to your program, SAMHSA takes care of all of the cost for you. Talk
to your GPO and once you get that clear, enter A TA request in SPARS.
>>Finally, we do offer continuing education credits for
this seminar. Complete the quiz on the screen now and
you will receive an email with your certificate. If you have any additional questions, ask
us which is also listed in
the public chat box. Thank you for joining us and I hope you
have a great day and
good afternoon. >> [ event concluded]
New PRINCESS dress up girls 2018 COSTUMES COSPLAY girls games - Duration: 1:47.Latest PRINCESS dress up girls 2018 COSTUMES COSPLAY in amazon shopping online dresses images
Keurig KSelect Coffee Maker with My KCup and 48 KCup Pods - Duration: 23:57.-------------------------------------------
6 Cool Kitchen Gadgets 2019 | New Inventions For Kitchen Tools - Duration: 2:15.
STACK Quick Start Tutorial - Duration: 13:55.Sit back and relax as you follow along with this video guide designed to help get you
up and running quickly with STACK software.
Alright, let's jump into a quick overview of the software. We offer videos that go into
more detail, so this is intended as a fast-paced guide to get you up and running.
You'll start by entering a project name in this field in the upper left. Whether it's a business,
a school, etcetera, enter the project name. You can specify the bid date by clicking on
the calendar icon below. Everything below those two fields is optional.
Click 'Create and launch'.
Assuming you've already retrieved a file and have it stored on your computer, you will
click 'Choose a local file'. Locate your file and select it. It's going to upload
into the software. Then you will click 'done'. The file will begin to process. This upload
can take a bit of time due to factors including
file size and internet connection speed. The software takes the time to break the file
out into individual pages that can be viewed as thumbnails for quick access. This is a
smaller six page example, but with much larger projects this viewing scheme is very helpful
and gets you to your measurements quickly.
While that's processing through, let's look at navigation. The highlighted tab indicates
we are in the 'plans' tab view. We will click the 'Takeoff' tab next to it.
This will take us to the drawing side of the software.
For our example, we will choose this architectural drawing in the bottom left. Let's click
on it to open it up. You'll notice that doing so opens the drawing with a quick access
tab up above. With the tab open, we can click and hold to drag the page around as needed
and we can use the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom in and out.
If your mouse doesn't have a scroll wheel, we have incremental zoom tools located in
the toolbar to the right.
This 'Plans' tab is a static tab that does not go away, so you can use it to quickly
view all of the plan pages and choose the next one you need.
You can leave all of the tabs open up above for simple tab-to-tab navigation, but if you
wish to close a tab simply clicking the red 'x' will take care of that for you.
The first thing we are going to do is set our scale.
Our scale button in the bottom right shows that no scale is set.
The first option is to calibrate with a known dimension such as this. The second option
is to go by what is listed on the plan, which is a quarter inch in this case. We will click
that 'Scale' button in the bottom right corner to open this scale box.
We will click on the 'Standard Scales' tab and open the dropdown list of options.
Then we will choose the quarter inch option.
If you have a known dimension, that is the best way to set your scale.
If your known dimension is obscured, you can click and hold the plan to move it however
you need.
Here we will enter 18 feet and 2 inches, and click 'OK'. Then we will draw a quick
point-to-point line. That will set the scale for us. If the scale value looks odd, it's
fine and perfectly accurate.
Now let's run through some takeoffs and different measurements.
For every different type of measurement we want to make, we will do a new takeoff.
Our takeoff name will always be what we are going to measure and then we will choose the proper
corresponding measurement type.
An area would be something like a floor or a ceiling. From elevation view, it could be
the side of a building.
Now we'll say we are doing twelve inch tile, and we will choose 'area'. We may add
an optional description. When finished, the system will shade in our drawing with a color.
We can choose a different color to replace whichever color the system chose.
Drawing a measurement is as simple as clicking once to start, clicking once for each turn,
and then double clicking to finish.
If you are working with rectangular or square structures, it can be easier if you toggle
from the polygon tool to the rectangle tool.
With the rectangle tool we'll just click once to start and then double click to finish
the drawing.
Next we will tackle a linear measurement with 12 gauge wire.
All of our drawing tools work the same, so let's say that we're going to run some
wire through this building to a junction box. One click to start, one click for every turn,
and double click to finish at an outlet over here. And then we have an outlet over here
that we want to include as well.
Linear could include wire, PVC, H V A C- anything for which you need a linear measurement.
Next will be 'Count', so that could include outlets, fire extinguishers, signs- anything
you need a count on. In this case we will count outlets. We'll select, 'Count'.
Again, description and color are optional.
With counts, we have an assortment of symbol options in various shapes and sizes.
Select one, and now we will simply click anywhere an outlet is listed on the plan.
The system will automatically track the total number of outlets marked.
You can see here that we are three takeoffs into our project. When the system finishes
processing it will show us all three of our current measurements.
We have 6 outlets, 377 square feet of tile between both rooms, and 41 linear feet of
12 gauge wire.
Linear with drop is primarily for our electrical friends. We will say we're doing a wire with a drop.
We'll zoom in to see this a little better.
So let's say that we're going to run along the ceiling and then drop down to an outlet.
We will indicate a six foot drop for each outlet. We will start right here. Notice the
'X' indicating a drop. To remove the drop, we will hit our delete or backspace key. We
will click for the turn, but hit delete to remove the drop. We will click here for a
drop, and then I want to finish over here but will hit delete once more to remove the
drop. Now hit 'enter' to finish the drawing. This takes the full linear run measurement
and adds six feet for each instance of a drop.
Next on our list is pitched area. Let's imagine we are taking off a sloped roof over
this room. We'll enter 'Shingle Roof' as our takeoff name and choose 'Pitched Area'.
The system will then prompt us for slope, our rise and run. We'll say this
is 5'12". Now we are going to do an area measurement and then the system will
account for that additional square footage. Here we can see all of our measurement values.
Pitched linear will be a similar deal. Let's say we are taking off a hip and that it also
has a rise and run of 5'12". We will draw where the hips would be for that roof,
and the system will account for that additional square footage. If we were doing the ridge
along the top of the roof we would simply do a linear measurement since there is no slope.
Let's say we are doing a surface area measurement for paint in order to know how much paint
we need to buy. The system will prompt us to enter the wall height, which we will say
nine feet and six inches. Now we will draw our linear measurement, and the system will
calculate the square footage for us.
After taking a moment to load, it will provide us with all of our measurement so far.
Next on the list is a volume 2D measurement. In our example we'll say we are taking off
a six inch slab. Let's change the color to something more clearly visible. For the
prompted depth value, we will enter just the six inches to the inches field.
Here we are going to do an area measurement which the system will multiply by the depth
to give us our cubic yardage.
Lastly, we will perform a volume 3D measurement for a concrete footer. We'll be prompted
for the width and the depth of the footer. We will say it's 12 by 24 inches. We will
perform a linear measurement and then the system will calculate our cubic yardage of
concrete for the footer.
The measurements will take a moment to load. You can view them here as before, but now
we will take a look over in the 'Reports' side of the STACK software.
'Takeoff Quantity Report' is a nice, clean report that presents all of your primary measurements,
taken out to two decimals.
Takeoff Summary Report will show both primary and secondary measurements. So in the case
of our six inch slab we will be provided values for square footage, linear footage, and the
cubic yardage as well.
'Geometry By Takeoff Report' drills down one step further. In the case of our twelve
gauge wire, we have two linear runs that total the value listed at the top. This is a great
report for finding things such as numbers that might look odd or incorrect. If you suspect
an issue, you can click this little icon to transport you to the plan page and the measurement
itself we be highlighted for quick verification.
Now if we wanted to edit or to delete something, we would select the edit arrow from the toolbar
to the right and click the drawing directly. The drawing will be highlighted. While highlighted
the drawing can be freely repositioned. You can add any additional points you might have
missed. If you wish to delete the selection entirely you can do so by pressing your delete
key or by choosing delete in the dropdown list within the toolbar.
Now let's say we need to remove some negative space from a drawing, such as this bed for
our example. We will select this cutout tool from the toolbar, which can only be used when
a selection is highlighted. We'll draw the selection to remove it, and now we are good
to go. The system will automatically take care of the math for us.
There are plenty of markup tools available to us.
We have a highlighter,
a cloud icon that can be used to denote an area that requires extra attention,
and a callout that can be used to leave an important message.
The edit arrow tool from before can also be used for these items. We can move the callout,
resize it, change the font size of the contained text, or change the color of the callout bubble.
Now the dimension line tool won't factor into our measurements, but will allow you
to quickly get a great visual measurement on the screen.
The text box tool simply lets you add text anywhere you wish.
As before, this can be edited with the edit arrow tool.
Last on our list is the plan legends. We will select the legend tool.
We'll place it anywhere we want, nice and big on the screen. It will provide your takeoffs
with color coding and the primary measurement values. So when you're done you could print
this out, email it, or save it to your computer.
In summation we tackled uploading a project, drawing the different measurement types, how
to edit those drawings, adding our markups, and then how to check out reports.
For the PRO side of the software we are just going to do one more additional thing by adding an assembly.
Let's click our shingle roof and choose 'Edit'. Go down to items and assemblies
section below and then click the 'Add' button. Open the assemblies folder in the
list view. We'll locate roofing and find the corresponding assembly. Click the assembly
to attach it.
We'll be prompted to enter necessary information. Any non-applicable information can be left alone.
We are simply noting all of our needed materials for this roof. We will save the assembly.
The reports in PRO will give us our materials
and our pricing. Here are the materials and quantities for my shingle roof.
That was our quick start guide. Reach out to us if you have any questions. Also remember
to check out our other tutorial videos!
Transformando a Sala - Projeto do dia / Transforming the Sun Room - Project of the day - Duration: 10:02.Hi everybody Welcome to Batistenha Homestead, I am Joselito and I am Iva.
Well, today we want you to join us, with the process of transformation of this
sun room. As it was before and as it is now,
so stay with us. People to start our project of the day, I want to show
for you as it was before. It is a room that opens to the exit, is a sun room. And we painted
green, here we have pictures of our
birds We will paint a lighter color to make some changes.
Look how it is here, we already have our paints, all we need are here. Iva already taking
some things, cleaning. We're going to take it all out here,
Let's see how it goes. Probably we'll have than two hands of prime paint, because this
ink is too dark, that's for sure. There are still some places that have to pass mass.
Let's start there
Preparation takes longer than painting itself. You have to tape around everything to
protect the wood.
Look, people already covered everything with tape, plastic in the window to protect the
wood. On the doors to protect all wood, the floor also. Joselito already started the primer
We'll have to put two hands to cover this green. This is very green,
Let's work, I'll show you more.
We started to pass the paint that we want,
It has little light but I think you can see the difference here from white, we had to
pass three hands of primer to take away the green that was. So
That's it, let's continue, let's go, we will show you when it is ready.
People we already finished the painting, Iva is putting our pictures back, it's cool.
Look at this picture here, we took this picture of the garden, same thing in this one.
Iva cut the curtains
she did it herself, and now she's putting it there. Made of
door, let's finish putting the stuff back.
Guys here is our shoe closet, we keep our
shoes here to stay well organized.
Well guys, we finished our project of the day here with our room.
Things are already here in place, the curtains that Iva has made with
People there's our project of the day that was to transform this sun room,
you saw how it was, like vibrant and now it's light like that.
Many thanks for joining us here in this project of the day
we will take the opportunity to announce who was the person we
we choose to receive the apron in the month of September.
Okay, and the person who was awarded the apron this month, Célia Guimarães, our
friend Célia Guimarães. Contact Us contact us through the email we have
there in the description of the video, so that we can send your apron.
So look, thanks so much one more time for accompanying us here, it is very
satisfying to know that you are there and Are you giving us your like,
sharing our videos and if you like this video, please
subscribe now, sign up now for the channel and give your like to us.
Many thanks again, I'm Joselito and I'm Iva and see you next time
Stamp Layering Tips - Flourishing Zinnia Altenew! - Duration: 7:32.Hi it's Therese from Lostinpaper and
I'm here for the Build-A-flower
flourishing zinnia release with Altenew
and I'm going to be sharing some tips on
stamp layering today so this is a
beautiful new stamp layering flower it
has five different layers and it doesn't
have an outline layer and I think
sometimes they can be a little bit
harder to layer up so I am using my
Misti - tip number one if you have a
stamp positioning tool it makes life so
much easier and you might as well stamp
out a few while you're on the go
starting with the most solid stamp so
that your base stamp I've just prepped
it because it's a brand new stamp I've
just prepped it with an eraser and
that'll just help the ink stick to the
new stamp I do twist my ink pad and then
tap just to get a little bit more ink
onto my stamp but I am only stamping
these once I will list the colors that I
use over at my blog you will see a
couple of different colors while I'm stamping
here because I did try out some
different colors along the way but a
good trip trick to is to have a piece of
cardstock like I'm doing here I'm
actually using it for two flowers so I'm
just flipping it around each time
tucking it into the corner of the Misti
so there are some guides on the back of
the packaging and if you look at the
second image that'll tell you what
colors you need to line up on the first
and then it's just a matter of picking
out the second layer of stamp which is
going to be the next most solid image
and lining it up according to those
marks that you can see on the packaging
now I do make sure to take my time when
I'm lining him up and I figure while I'm
doing it if I've got my Misti in place I
might as well do more than one so for my
next image is the next most solid
image I look at the colors on the third
image and then match
with the picture on the second image and
using my Misti again I'll just line up
according to those markings on the
picture on from Altenew and use my
Misti and then I can just keep rotating
my images around and stamping them out I
used to kind of wing it and just sort of
look at it and try and work and
sometimes you can actually just look at
the image and work out where the layers
need to be but once I actually started
looking a bit more closely at the
layering guides that Altenew supply my
flowers improved immensely and it does
take time and it does in a little bit of
practice especially some flowers are
actually harder to stamp than others and
when I say that they're not actually
hard to stamp but it's good to do a few
practice and practice on the color
combinations that you want to use as
well because that can really change the
look of a flower
now this last layer of flower isn't
actually on the packaging but it's easy
enough to work out where it needs to go
because there's only those last portion
of white sort of areas left on on the
flower now for the leaves it's exactly
the same there is actually three layers
to these leaves and I always stamp out
more leaves than I need these inks are
the tropical ones so it's the same again
the two red marks for the second layer
matched with the two red marks on the
first first leaf image and on this
particular guide the first leaf image
has all of the guide and you can see see
that when you go to the packaging to
look at the lineup of the next one the
lines for the third image are actually
on the first as well so you can actually
tell by the colors on the layers where
they need to match up with the original
stamp and to be honest you don't have to
be too perfect I know you want to be I
know I want to be I get very frustrated
if it's not exactly how I want to be but
it is just a piece of cardstock you can
always start again and like I said stamp
more than you need and then you can have
fun with the colors and testing them out
and the best thing about build a flower
is that they come with their own
coordinating dies and this one has one
for the flower and for leaves another
tip if there's any areas that you're not
particularly happy with just get a
matching pencil and fill them in and if
you actually want to add more shading
it's another great way to add more
shading as well so try not to stress too
much about it and have some fun!
Alright now it's time to put my card together
I've got some of the celebrations paper
here I've cut it down and just attaching
it to the front of my top fold card I've
also created a circle frame from the
Creat a wreath die and I have some gray
cardstock that's the real gray cardstock
and i've popped it up on some fun foam
ready to go
now the I wanted to use two leaves with
this flower so I thought I'd actually
attach one directly to the back of the
flower and I'm just using my tape runner
to to do that but what I'm going to do
is actually hold my flower in place over
the front of my card so that I now get
the position right and then I can also
pop my second flower in like in the same
sort of way I'll hold the flower where I
think it's going to be and then not
press down too hard on my pieces just
yet because I can always shift them
around if I need to right to attach my
frame I'm just using some matte medium
and I'm kind of doing this almost in the
center of the card maybe just slightly
up from the center oh and I haven't
mentioned, and I've added some fun foam
to my flower,
and I haven't mentioned that there's a
giveaway at my blog so if you're here in
October 2018 head to the head to my blog
through the link below and you can have
a chance to win if we leave a comment
now I'm just going to add the sentiment
which comes from the signature words die
and I thought it would be really nice
just to add this to the actual flower
itself and that's my finished card
thanks so much for joining me I hope to
see you at my blog don't forget to like
this video if you liked it and subscribe
if you haven't already
till next time happy papercrafting bye
Talking Back to the Surrounding Silence - Duration: 8:45.I am talking to you but you are not hearing me; there is too much noise, which disturbs me
and we grow further and further apart.
Our thoughts prevent us from hearing each other or thinking. Do you hear me?
I am talking to you. The images are independent and do not allow us to revive.
They hold me back from understanding your time. We forget things due to inattention.
Do you hear me? I am talking to you.
The power belongs to the people.
We will come back with powers tenfold multiplied.
I am Arpy Balayan, and consider myself a feminist. For three years, I've been doing street art.
I project images on walls or papers and try to doodle on them.
Then I take artwork and try to make it more like a graffiti by cutting off the edges.
I look odd, deliberately. My hair is dyed, along the top.
Both the poetry, the audio recordings, and in all my works, be it video, photo, text or anything, I express, essentially,
my feminist opposition to patriarchy and militarism. The works are mainly about my struggle and experience.
- Is it fine that those are my hands?
-It's a bit queer, good! You can use someone else's feet, though, I don't mind.
During my communications with other people, my questions remained unanswered and I had
a problem of just being understood and heard.
Though I still have these issues.
Overall, I understand why, as they have no time to go into details and think. From that understanding,
this idea was born.
'My thoughts don't bother you and you don't even hear. I am trying to explain but you don't hear me,
still I'm talking to you and you don't hear me'.
-It's OK for feet. One is a bit chubbier … still I don't like the hand, take a look at it.
My first project was in Vanadzor, Gyumri and Abovyan. I drew on the walls of special purpose buildings.
It was mainly about militarism and feminism; how militarism affects the body of women.
Also what militarism is and what implications it can have.
Gender roles are more pronounced under militarism.
Many think that women, the old and the young do not suffer that much from war as they don't participate.
Well, it's the opposite.
In 2016-17, one could see many posters all over the country with the slogan:
'What have you done for Artsakh?'.
It is a very militaristic poster, maybe subconsciously, but it affected the people.
It had huge effect on the daily life of the people and I tried to change it.
So my graffiti was like this. I drew a famous image where a common manifesto is seen.
And wrote instead of the manifesto: 'What have you done against the war?'.
I also switched the well-known image of the Artsakh Grandmother's head with that of another woman's face.
In this way I tried to give another meaning to that expression.
[I created another graffiti, where] A woman sews up her vagina, more specifically her womb,
and there is a text with it, saying: 'My womb is not on contract for your military deals'.
This was done in Abovyan, but covered up right on the following day.
However it received a huge reaction in social media.
Many were saying that it was pornography, and shouldn't be displayed on the street.
The Grandmother's poster didn't get the same attention, though it was more political.
I also created another graffiti right next to a shop which sells wedding dresses in Abovyan city.
The graffiti was a bride with the following text: 'I didn't marry the army'.
During the revolution, as well as before and after it, Anna and my other friends
were creating various slogans and posters against the republicans, Taron [Margaryan,
The ex-mayor]. We had a great idea, together with Anna, coming up with the slogan: 'Power Belongs to the People'.
We were going around the city and shouting it.
I wish I could try to live on within the history that we have created together across the walls of the city.
For me it is very important that the text stays up on the walls of my city.
The environmentalists of 1988 from Abovyan somehow influenced my revolutionary nature.
Then there was a group protesting, which moved from Abovyan to Yerevan. That transformed into a national movement.
The response that I get even in social media, or when I see that some graffiti is cleaned off already
creates a reaction -- I know that they heard what I said.
It's important that they read it at least once. It's fine if they don't understand the idea,
but later it may be useful somewhere.
-The power belongs to the people.
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Risks - Duration: 1:39.every procedure there's there's always a little bit of a risk associated with
anything that we have done so can you just touch briefly on some of the risks
that people might be facing in this kind of a procedure well you know the obvious
anesthesia risk which is really minimal today a little infection blood since
we're not opening tissue the risk of bleeding and hematoma is really very rare
the main risk really is if you're injecting fat that doesn't survive if
you inject blobs with the big syringe you can have nodules all over the breast
that's a big problem because you know makes you all anxious and nervous what
are these all about and they unnecessary biopsies etc and that's the reason why
the procedure was banned in the first place so the main risk here is having
palpable nodules that are worrisome we minimize it with our technique of
grafting very thin fat very gently in a space that we create it in so that week
we enlarge the field to put more seeds we don't stuff more seeds in the tiny
field it's actually a key point we get an MRI and all of our patients and
we get a six-month follow-up MRI so we have a good baseline of how the breasts
look so that if in the future they come back and oh doctor I feel a little
nodule we can get an MRI we can compare and at 99 almost all of these things get
resolved because they look like fat their radiologist identifies them as fat
so we can take an ultrasound and we can just get rid of it
Driving You Crazy: Schaad Road - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
The World of Blocks - Duration: 4:13.Wiser: Did I ever tell you the story
about a magical world where anything is possible?
Boy: I don't know. I've heard about many places where anything is possible.
Wiser: But have you heard of the World of Blocks?
Boy: Why is the scene so blurry?
Graphics today really should be better than this.
Wiser: Oh, sorry. I need to adjust the focus.
Boy: Wait, this is the improved version?
I thought you said this was a magical world where you could do anything.
What happened to the circles? What happened to the...
Wiser: This world is much better than you might think on the surface.
This world is full of endless possibilities and creativity.
Boy: Well, what even is there?
Wiser: First, we must explore the surface.
Here, we have a biome of dessert.
Boy: Wait a minute! "Desert" only has one "s."
Wiser: No one would have known I spelled it wrong if you hadn't had the nerve to mention it.
Boy: They could have always enabled the closed captioning feature.
Wiser: *interrupting* Anyway,
as I was saying, the land of dessert is a marvelous place
where you can find all sorts of biodiversity.
Including rabbits,
smaller rabbits,
and cactus.
Boy: Wow, things are really getting interesting here...
Wiser: Okay, maybe the land of dessert was not the place to go to first.
Let us go to the Ice Spikes!
Ah, now this is beautiful terrain!
You can see the whole world from this perspective!
It's like an Icy Shrine built by ancient peoples!
Boy: Well, what kind of wildlife resides here?
I would bet you this is the exact same as a desert biome.
Wiser: Well, in fact, my boy, there is diverse wildlife here.
There's polar bears, and, uh...
Boy: You put that fish in an item frame,
I saw that!
Wiser: Well alright. Stop being so judgmental.
I'm sure this world of blocks has something more to offer.
Ah! I found something!
Let us go to another dimension...
Boy: What is this place?
Wiser: Why this is hell, my boy!
Boy: Hell? Why the hell would you bring me to hell?!?
Wiser: Now, now, son. You mustn't get so worked up about things.
Even the darkest of places have beauty inside of them.
Look at all the various creatures that live here!
There's floating stick man!
The bouncing block of fire!
And even a zombie pigman.
Boy: So what possibilities of things can we do in this biome?
Well, we can create all sorts of structures in here.
Including bringing trees from the overworld,
and creating a hell tree farm.
Creating large dome structures,
and creating a base inside this place.
Or even create secret passages and traps.
Boy: Wait, so what you're telling me
is that the only purpose of this place
is to just go in here,
and lliterally bring back items that you can easily find on the surface of the world.
Wiser: Well, I don't see a problem with that logic...
Boy: Why go into the firey pits of hell
just so we can build a tree farm,
when we can just do that anywhere we want to?
Wiser: Well, what do you want to do in this world, huh?
If you don't want to build an amazing fire tree farm, then I'd...
Wait! My beautiful trees!
Why did we build a tree farm in hell?
This is all your fault.
Boy: My fault?
Wiser: Yes, you were the one who wanted biodiversity,
a place teeming with life,
and you brought this upon yourself.
Boy: How can you blame this on me? You were the one who brought me here!
Wiser: You know what? I don't care.
You can go on with your boring stories about horses,
and princes, and knights,
and other boring things that have no purpose.
I will keep my world of blocks to myself,
and you will have no part of it.
Actually, this game is kinda weird isn't it?
Boy: I thought this was a magical world and not a video game.
Wiser: Didn't I tell you to go already?
Teapot oracles - Monthly Tarot Reading | October 2018 (english subs) - Duration: 1:42.
Hi! I'm Odette, you are on "teapot oracles"
I'm on my beautiful hammock
and like last seasons episodes we are going to pick one card
for you not to get tired of my blah blah
To find out which energies we can use
in order to have a more smooth month
Lets find out Octobers card
here we are
and that's the card of Justice
Justice advise us to count carefully the pros and cons of the situation
before we make any decision
She reminds us that in order to gain or achieve what we desire
there is always something we need to sacrifice
and ones again we need to put a good thought before we proceed
and finally Justice is the card that
indicates that all of our previous hard work will bring great results
and eventually we will get what we deserve.
that's all for October,
until next month, take care!
Outside the Box - Full Video - Duration: 16:50.Jack and June are from the same
mother and father.
June is an individual who descends
from multiple races.
Jack is black.
What do you go under?
White? Hispanic? Asian?
African-American? Black?
Primary and then a secondary.
Well…I have the same problem with my son.
One needs to be chosen.
Well, uh, I really don't know how to address that.
Yes, it would be…here we go.
Oh, okay, let's say white.
Then we're going to call you and say…
we have to put something.
"You need to pick a Primary Race and
an additional Race.
Without this information your son is
not and will not be enrolled."
"I must seek the nomination of the
Democratic Party for the presidency of
the United States."
Jesse Jackson called Jews "Hymies",
New York "Hymietown."
When Eli filled out his college applications,
he felt the same old
conflict many multiracials feel.
Should he check the black box and
inflate his GPA from 3.7 to 4.0 or higher?
But he'd actually earned that 3.7.
Should he ignore the urgings from
teachers and counselors to exploit
this perfectly legal racial preference,
and instead check all that apply?
But he was informed that if he did that,
showing he was of mixed race,
he would just be placed into the
black box, anyway.
He considered opting out and leaving
the boxes blank, but, again, he was
informed that he would likely land in
the white box.
The decision of how to identify
himself racially was, at this moment,
tied to his future possibilities.
Get out.
Get out?
What's that?
Born in the basement.
Born in the basement.
Jack and June now live in an America
that grows more determined to track
people by race and ethnicity.
This, of course, is done with the best
of intentions to correct past
injustices and current inequalities.
Eli knows that one day he will have to
explain to them why he thinks this is wrong.
Growing up in Radom, Poland,
Eli's grandfather lived in a world that
never knew him as an individual, but
only as a member of a despised group.
Eli's grandfather's six older
sisters raised him.
When the Nazis came, his sisters,
believing that the women would be spared,
told him to flee.
He was caught.
He then escaped from a Nazi transport
train with other men and was the only
one to survive the gunfire with two
bullets in his back.
The Russians arrested Eli's
grandfather on the charge of being a
German spy, and he was sent to Siberia.
There, for the first time,
he met Eli's grandmother.
Eli's grandfather's six sisters were
murdered in Majdanek.
It is likely other family members
perished in Treblinka.
Most of Eli's grandmother's family
survived Auschwitz, including his
grandmother's mother.
Eli believes this is why he carries an
innate mistrust of identity politics.
Its emphasis is always on racial
group identity and rights.
But doesn't this emphasis on racial
group identity use the same reasoning
that all racial orders are built on:
the rights and interests of the racial
group over the individual?
And doesn't this always lead to some
racial groups being valued over other
racial groups, and to the
marginalization of the individual?
When Eli's grandfather came to America,
it took him many years to
shed the tribalism that had
oppressed him back in Poland.
But he did come to trust that America
was truly a country of individual
rights and freedoms.
His assimilation was complete when he
fully understood one thing,
the smallest minority in America is,
and always has been, the individual.
10 Top Ideas to Make Your App Popular - Duration: 5:27.Hello Everybody! Welcome to App Academy! Get ready for your daily dose of app wisdom for taking your
business to a new high. This is Purabi and today I'm gonna talk about the 10
most imaginatively creative ideas to make your application rolling up in the
app market. The mobile app market has become a very important part of our lives and
the driving force behind many foremost businesses now comes through mobile app
technology. Up against an ocean of competition, it's vital that you find
original ways of mobile app promotion to make your app stand out. Sure, you may
not have a boundless bank account to work with, and it is thought-provoking for
young startups to get ahead of deep-rooted companies in the app world.
But there are still ways you can get ahead with your new mobile app. So, how do
we do it? Number 1, Write a well-defined and artistic description, the far
reaching description of your app will be the first thing many consumers see. Make
it appealing and illuminating. Number two, take off a beta, we all like to try on
clothes before we buy them, right? Creating a beta allows your followers to
sample your new app before it becomes fully accessible. Before you launch, make
your Instagram and Facebook pages entice the audience you're looking for, so your beta
is geared towards the spot on people. Number three, Get evaluated, people are
relentlessly looking for new ideas and tips and that is why you are reading. Get
your app on widespread blogs or app review sites like 148 apps and App Advice, etc.
Getting your app on these sites will escalate your exposure and give you
helpful feedback about what people love or don't about your app. Don't ignore:
many people are keen to retort to your app through reviews. Number four, look for
app awards and accolades, there are establishments out there that
award apps for their imagination, functionality and strategy. Do some
exploration and you can apply for the ones that fit your app. A couple of good
examples are The Stevie and The Webby awards. Number 5, create bargain-basement
openings, who doesn't tender open stuff? People love giveaways and earning points
towards things they like. A point system is a prodigious method of mobile app
upgrade because your app breeds and upholds interest as it lingers to
develop. Number 6, keep an eye on your stats, this one seems fairly aparrant, but
it's very easy to oversee certain signs regarding your app. How many
downloads are you getting versus how many active users you have? What are the
trendiest features of your app? These are the questions that help you understand where
you are ensuing, and what still needs honing. Number 7, become a LinkedIn
specialist, LinkedIn is perhaps the best interacting tool existing to a young
business, and it's a great way to get your new matter out there. Many top
corporations regularly share exciting content and create chances for
discussion with like-minded businesses and followers. Number eight, build app
cards, you may have observed small businesses cards and coffee shops and
bars featuring "Song of the Week" or "Download of the Month". These are app
cards, and they're a great way for you to get your new app on display to the heaps.
Confer with local businesses so you can leave your app cards in their
institutions. This easy mobile app promotion makes you gamely accessible
to a broader audience. Number nine, convert into a social media
hustler, companies that are functioning on social media are like people in a
crowd with the brassy voice! Following some steps will help you to stand out
over your fewer complex competitors. Last but not the least, take care of your
criticizers, this is arguably the most essential tip for endorsing your mobile app
and one of the plainest. Many businesses fail to answer appropriately to negative
criticism. None of us enjoy getting negative
comments about ourselves or our business, but understanding and relating to your
critics will allow you to better recognize where you're going wrong. So
these were some quick tips from me. Be passionate, be original and activate your
journey towards promoting the most amazing new mobile app the world has
ever seen.
You were watching our latest video on App Academy. Please make sure that you like
share and subscribe to our Channel for more awesome stuff! Adios!
Do You Have Shoulder Impingement Syndrome? - Impingement Signs and Symptoms - Duration: 1:45.With Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, a person will typically have pain with activities reaching
They may also have pain when having to reach up behind their back.
A person will also typically have pain and limited strength during shoulder flexion.
They will also have pain and limited strength during shoulder abduction.
This position and motion will often reproduce pain in patients suffering from Shoulder Impingement
This test is known as a Hawkins-Kennedy Test and can be performed by your healthcare provider.
This will also be painful in a person with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome.
There is another test known as a Neer's Impingement Test.
This is also commonly painful in a person with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome.
So we can continue to make these free educational videos, please subscribe to our channel.
Stop Coming Over The Top! WRONG! You Must Come Over The Top! - Duration: 6:31.have people told you that you come over the top well in today's video I'm gonna
show you why you actually want to come over the top let's do it if you're new
to the channel I do a lot of golf tip and drill videos so please hit the
subscribe button and the Bell notification so you don't miss anything
now let's find out why you actually want to come over the top let's go
okay this whole over-the-top thing has gotten blown way out of proportion and
it's messing up your golf swing let me show you why look here is the
over-the-top move that's gonna mess you up right but what people say is stop
doing that so you start doing all this other stuff with your swing and you
eliminate a very critical move in your golf swing which is that over-the-top
move watch we actually want that Club to be down here right and move in this
would be a good move watch this here's the over-the-top move here's the move
I'm just gonna keep doing it and put my hands in a lower spot look at this it's
all of a sudden starting to look a little bit better oh look at that now
I'm coming inside out see that oh that's perfect I'm doing the same move it's the
same move the only difference is my hands aren't up here when I'm doing it
they're down here so doing the over-the-top move is actually what
you're supposed to be doing you just have to do it with your arms and hands
in a different position so the question is why do we do it in the wrong spot
here's why you're doing the wrong spot cuz you go like this and you have no
shoulder turn your shoulder your shoulder turn is right here look at this
we want our shoulders turn to be way back here okay so we're gonna we're
gonna get you a drill that's gonna help you get the proper shoulder turn so that
your hands end up in the correct position before you do that that
over-the-top move what so here's the drill it's gonna help you get the
correct motion I call it big turn little swing check it out we want to get the
biggest turn possible then really turn those shoulders to set your club on your
shoulder you want to turn that as far as possible as far as you can go
okay so turn those as far as you can go and then get your hands down here so
I've got my hips turn my shoulders turn my hands are down here and I'm gonna hit
shots like this just pump it a couple times and then go oh you're not gonna
hit good shots don't worry about it you want a big turn hands low and go just do
this about 500 times charring everything turn those hips I
don't want to sway out here I just want everything to rotate around I mean as
far as you can go there get those hands hands it slows and go big turn little
swing because as you hit from here that move that's the over-the-top move and
you want to train your body to do it when your hands get a lot lower once
you're here they always say cover the ball so we're all trying to cover the
ball and move around it but the problem is we don't have the correct shoulder
turn back here because once you get the shoulder turn back here when you get a
full swing you're going to start rotating those hips and now your hands
are low enough to do that move you're doing the right move
you're just you're not in the correct position when you're doing it so from
back here you'll see it's big turn I mean my back is facing the target my
shoulder everything's here I didn't sway off the ball at all I just rotated here
boom I don't want my hands up here right now I went I'm really training my body
for the to get this feeling and then wanna get a little momentum for my swing
and go
and that will you start understanding what it feels like to hit the ball from
in here look if you're not very flexible it's going to be more difficult but you
want to work on your flexibility and try to get a better shoulder turn
so those hands can get in the better position when you attack the golf ball
and after you do it 500 times then you can take a full swing a regular swing
and you'll be here when you attack the ball with the better shoulder turn
you've got to be careful about using these buzzwords or these terms the over
the top is actually the correct motion of your body we just have to have our
hands and our arms in the correct position when we do it it feels weird
and strange but awkward should be what you feel because comfortability is the
enemy in golf you don't want to be comfortable it's an uncomfortable motion
and to change is uncomfortable give it a try work on that flexibility
big huge shoulder turn over exaggerate to get the correct feeling then when you
swing normal it'll be a lot closer to what it should be let me know comment
below let me know if this works for those of you who are coming over the top
on your golf swing alright hit that like button subscribe to this channel if you
haven't done so already I love you guys thanks for watching we'll see you in the
next video
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