Hello visionaries and welcome to the Monday mindset
So Monday's are the day we come together as a community to
Really set the stage and set the mindset and set the frequency
For the entire week and so it's a really important time. It's a very powerful
intention and
Everyone's doing it at their own time, but I hope that everyone commits to doing it on Mondays
It's a great way to start the week so today. We're gonna have a really seriously intense deep dive that
I'm really really excited about that. I've been working on this past week
to bring to you guys and
So I want you to really allow yourself the time to go deep I'm actually gonna guide you through a meditation
So go ahead and pause this if you need to light a candle like some incense
You know create some beautiful oils essential oils make sure that you won't be interrupted. This is going to be about
15-20 minutes as we normally setup for the Monday
Mindset calls
All right, so is everybody ready I
Love this quote
Let your dreams be bigger than your fears
So as you guys know when you are leaping into a new area
of your life either creating a new business that reflects more of your truth or
You know moving from corporate moving from something a way that you're used to making money to something else or quite
Simply if you're trying to you know bus through in your business to making
Consistent you know income each month from from five K to 10 K to 20 K. Whatever it is
It's usually there's usually a deep inner growth expansion that needs to happen
The law of attraction or manifestation as well as learning your design all of these things are
Here to assist us in
our life purpose of becoming
these incredible
beings of
expansion and
Co-creation on the planet so in other words we're here to grow we're here to expand
We're here to enlighten ourselves and become more than
Where we what we were yesterday and usually that comes with inner
investigation it comes with healing it comes with
inner insights and
transformations of the
thought the daily habitual thought patterns that we have and
so if you have a desire
Then your soul is calling you to grow into that
Desire, and you need to understand that we're here to live our dreams
We just need to sometimes clear away some of the doubt the fear the anxiety the self-worth issues that keep us stuck
So today, I want you to be willing to be open to heal to look inside to transform
when you do this you crack yourself open to more joy and
I truly believe that's one of the main reasons
We're here on the planet is to fill our lives with more joy
When you're doing what you love every single day your life feels more joyous. It just straight-up does and
So this is part of our journey together in this course is
opening ourselves up to greater and greater levels of ourselves and
Allowing that joy to come in allowing new
Abundance to come in and
Allowing ourselves to become the person we're destined to become so everybody take a second to close your eyes
Get present and I want to share with you that
usually you when we're asking ourselves to
Allow more abundance and allow
You know money making in a new way
There's often levels of either shame or self-worth
That keep us from
Allowing greater and greater levels of abundance into our life. It could be anxiety it could be fear
You know these energies and these feelings
Attract more of that into our lives, and I know it seems bizarre and counterintuitive
When you're stepping into a new realm a new expression of yourself and you're challenging
Everything you know
Of course it's gonna. Be scary of course. It's intense, but if you can learn to
calm your nervous system and
talk yourself through it and
Allow yourself to grow and become as you're moving into these
Scary new realms you'll attract
More opportunities and more abundance so really important to be able to walk yourself through
You know as though you're walking on a tightrope, and there's a part of your mind. That's able to guide
The part that's scared across the tightrope
With the right thought the right focus the right
intentions and
Also catching yourself. You know if you look down and
You begin to wobble and you begin to think oh my god if I fall. I'm dead
Then you catch yourself quickly. I know you're having that thought and
I'm gonna have you focus on the other side and have you focus on
Getting across safely right so you're also being aware of
How your mind could potentially trip you up and sabotage you?
So today, we're gonna do some deep work on really lifting and clearing self-worth shame and fear
and really allowing ourselves to
heal, this love this part of ourselves and
awaken and
expand our consciousness
to allow for more and more
Abundance to come into our lives so everybody taken a breath with me. I want you to imagine that we're all together
Everyone in this group standing in a circle connecting holding hands feeling the power of coming together
Open your heart. Take a breath
And what we're gonna do is I want you to move and scan in your body and get present
Something uncomfortable what's present for you?
Allow your mind to kind of run through?
scenarios or whatever's present for you and then allow the
Water to settle the thoughts to settle just feeling to the body is something uncomfortable just
Feel it
You're anxious afraid just feel it
Be present
And now I want you to just allow yourself to go deeper into the relaxation
We're gonna move into our
Imagination and we're gonna go on a little bit of a journey so I want you to see yourself climbing
Climbing up. I love witnessing myself climb up a ladder
I usually imagine it as a ladder of light moving through the clouds, and I see myself climbing
moving out of the mundane moving out of the world moving out of the problems moving out of
Anything that's bothering me and moving up
into higher and higher realms
I want you to allow yourself to climb up and you land in a beautiful location of your choice it
Might be a garden it might be a beach it might be in the mountains in
Just see yourself arrive and see a path in front of you and begin walking on
this path and you
See a bench. I want you to just allow yourself to walk towards that bench and sit
And as you sit you're overlooking
Might be a lake it might be
overlooking the ocean
Wherever you are and just take it in and breathe in with me
And look out and you're noticing
In the distance
You're seeing someone walking towards you a
And you're realizing that it's you
It's you at an age
Where you first?
either fear or shame
Or that
You should be afraid of money perhaps that you weren't as
Rich as your neighbors, or you didn't get what you wanted. I want you to scan your memory
For the first time he felt less than
He felt as though you didn't get what you wanted. He felt maybe poor
You got some message of being ashamed about not you know having enough money
Maybe you realized that one of your friends lived in a three-story mansion
And they were wealthy and it was the first time you realized that
Your family didn't have as much or
Perhaps your parents told you you couldn't have the toy you wanted
Have that memory?
and notice
The younger you walking towards you is the one who experienced that?
She's gonna come and sit with you on the bench
She doesn't really understand what happened, but she felt shame
Not worthy
Fear about money
Or less than whatever she felt and let her share with you
What happened for her
And as she's talking your heart
Just cracks opening compassion, and you scooped her up and hold her and cradle her on your lap
And just send her so much love so much love
All of a sudden she's
feeling incredibly joyous again and free
And tell her she is so worthy
Her spirit is free
She's so valuable
Just because
Let her open up to new levels of expression
And watch as she skips away from the bench and runs off
You're alone again
Looking out over the ocean or this
beautiful mountains or the lake and you see a
Young woman walking towards you she's older she's still young maybe high school
Once again, it's another part of you a
Little bit older
Another moment in time
Are you experienced not having what you wanted
You experienced the truth that?
Your family told you maybe you needed to work hard you needed to choose a responsible career you needed to
Work long hours to make money
You couldn't have fun. You couldn't have joy you needed to get serious or perhaps you
Found yourself in a job we were forced to make ends meet
Perhaps your friends again had more bought brand-new
BMWs or cars and you weren't
what ever happened to you at this age and just watch her coming towards you and she feels a little beat down and
She feels like life might be hard cuz I gotta work hard and I gotta do these jobs and
Whatever she might be experiencing and just let her share with you on this bench
Let her talk out her feelings she
Confides in you where she felt stuck
Where she took on the burden of the family?
Where she felt she didn't deserve to make money whatever she might feel
And just hug her or just allow her to share be present and once again look in her eye
And allow your heart to crack open
Compassion compassion for the pain and the
Just allow her to feel your compassion your guidance and your wisdom and
She feels lighter
She feels more free again she feels hopeful she feels that she might be able to do anything she wants
Her heart is free and she leaps off the bench and you're alone again
And now a wise woman sits down next to you
this wise woman is your future self and
Has everything that?
You want?
She exists now
She's going to provide for you
Intel and I want you to hear it, and then I want you to write it down
She's gonna provide for you a quote
To assist you in allowing yourselves to awaken to the highest expression
The most enlightened expression of yourself the most free the most abundant
She's going to say something like I know you want to live and thrive
In the entrepreneurial world
As a leader as a
This has been your dream for many years
And I want you to know that you deserve to live the life of your dreams in
Fact you're destined
You're destined for it
You're destined to be prosperous
successful happy
to publish that book
To be in total abundance to have more money than you know what to do with to have money in your savings every month
Then just
Tell her that you now allow yourself to live the life of your dreams
Say it again, I now allow myself to live the life of my dreams
And she's gonna say, you know I know your choice is scary. I know it's scary that you chose a
Entrepreneurial life, and I know that is courageous, and I know you may have felt lack and limitation in the past
But you're destined
You're destined to be an abundance you're destined to have
Clients throwing money at you, you're destined to succeed and your success is guaranteed
Your success is guaranteed
Breathe that in
Let that be in your own words
Write it down
so if you need to you can pause this video
Make sure you write down
the intention the quote I
Want you to write that down, and I want you to keep it by the mirror in the bathroom
And I want you to say this to yourself twice a day brushing your teeth I
Want you to let your mind when you
Might be
Questioning or in fear imagine yourself on the tightrope creating this
Business and
This quote is going to have you focus on the other side and not look down
Let it run in your mind
Make sure that it's clear you might want to work on it a little bit you might want to write it out a little more
Clear that represents exactly what you want exactly how you see yourself, and it should make you feel
inspired and hopeful if it makes you feel any
resistance for example if you write something about I see myself having
350 Cape clients a
month and
You don't believe that and it makes you feel
If it if it makes you shrink or move into anxiety then you might want to reword at this quote
so that it really reflects a
Grace a hope and inspiration
So spend some time with us
then I want you to
Imagine yourself back on the bench with the wise
Part of yourself that is living in this world
Telling you to allow
Letting you know that when you focus on this and you feel this the universe will start showing you
Showing you the path showing you the doors opening and
Everything you look at is going to guide you and
Say yes, I know I've been seeing the signs
I've been seeing the signs, and I'm expecting it. I know it's here
And just thank her for showing up
Thank yourself for being willing to go back and he'll
Send love and
Awaken yourself to higher levels of prosperity that higher expression of yourself, that's living your dream
Take a breath in wiggle your fingers and toes move your head stretch
Take a breath in and bring your attention back into the room look at your quote and
Perfect it write it out in a way that
Feels right to you
Allow this quote to run in your mind
Allow yourself to say this quote in the morning and in the evening
You are divine
I honor you all
for being so courageous
To live your vision and to live your dreams
You are manifesting a life that brings you joy
This is
Why we're here on the planet it might be scary, but it's your time
I'm so honored and so proud of each one of you
Secure joy to work with you all and watch you allow your genius
To lead the way and allow for your new vision and your new life to unfold
Mmm. Have an amazing day
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