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It's Sounds Like Health, on Texas A&M Health Talk.
Howdy, welcome to Sounds Like Health,
I'm Mary Leigh Meyer, and I am here with Angela Clendenin
with the School of Public Health,
and Martin Mufich with the College of Nursing.
They are both faculty advisors
for the student steering committee for Disaster Day.
The Health Science Center held it's
11th annual Disaster Day last Friday,
so we wanted to bring them in to tell you guys
a little bit more about that,
and maybe discuss some disaster preparedness tips
that you can do to get yourself and those you love
ready in case of a disaster.
Welcome to the show guys.
Can you tell us a little bit more about Disaster Day?
- Disaster Day is an inter-professional
education opportunity among all of the colleges
within the Health Science Center.
And also including college of veterinary medicine
and biomedical sciences.
And it is the nations largest
student led disaster training exercise
for inter-professional education.
And it involves about 500 or more students, nurses,
future nurses, future pharmacists, future doctors,
public health practitioners, and future veterinarians
all working together to respond to a simulated disaster.
- That sounds like a pretty big event.
Just very briefly, what is inter-professional education?
What does that mean?
- So studies have found out
that when disciplines work together and learn together,
that health outcomes and patient outcomes improve.
So there's been a big push for IPE,
inter-professional education,
to occur here at the Health Science Center,
and throughout all the colleges.
They're finding common ground.
It used to be that professions were somewhat siloed
and that they did their own thing
and just reacted with the other disciplines
when they needed to in the workplace.
So by getting out and having a somewhat
very unique experience for these students,
outside of the classroom, reacting to something
that many of them have never been around,
it puts them on a level ground,
has to get them to work together and build that teamwork
and cooperation and respect for each other.
- Yeah so that sounds pretty important
in an emergency simulation.
You could never be truly prepared for it,
but that sounds like a pretty good
training opportunity for them.
What does the everyday person need to know
about preparing for a disaster?
- So, most communities will use
what's called an all hazards approach
to their community planning for preparedness,
but it also applies at that personal level.
So they're just,
you need to have a plan of what would happen if.
If you could not stay in your home for whatever reason,
wildfire, or a tornado, or a flood, or a hurricane,
and you need to have some basic essentials
that you can just grab quickly and leave.
And have a plan of where you're going
and notifying your family.
And so there's a lot of good websites you can go to,
The Red Cross, preparetexas.gov, those all have lists
of things that you might wanna think through,
and have either in some sort of container
or a bag that we would call a go-bag, or a go-box,
that can easily be grabbed and taken with you.
- So what kind of things should go in one of those go-bags?
What should we try and get in advance?
- Well needless to say there's things like water,
that's a big thing, clothes.
A lot of copies of paperwork, because if something happens
and your house gets blown away,
or the communities suffers a tornado,
just having that information, whether it's insurance,
drivers license, medications, a list of medication,
list of contacts, those types of things.
Just getting people prepared to think about it.
It's that saying, plan for the worst, hope for the best.
But have it ready.
One item that you can buy this stuff,
they have this stuff already made,
but you'll find it less expensive if you put it together,
but you have to remember to almost put it on your calender
to check your supplies, however that is,
whatever it's gonna run out on,
you know whether that's yearly
to be sure everything's still good and in good shape.
It's kinda like if you were to,
what we try to do at our house
is that when you put on the calender,
time to change the air filters,
time to change the batteries in the smoke alarms.
Probably about once every six months,
check this box to be sure we're all good
and everything's still ready to go.
- And I know a lot of people wonder,
well how much water do we need,
and how much of this do we need.
The recommendation typically is at least
three days to five days worth of
kind of grab and go shelf stable food and water.
And you wanna make sure that you
have the same for your pets,
and be prepared to evacuate with your pets.
Have a plan of where you can take them,
know if you're going to a shelter or a hotel
that it's pet friendly and have about
the same amount of food and medication for them.
A lot of pharmacies will allow you to go in
and fill above and beyond your prescription
if it's an emergency.
So you need to followup on that
and make sure that that's the case,
so that you have enough medication with you
and you're not left out.
- Just that proactive ability
gives somebody quite a bit of confidence.
And there's just so much good information out there,
with the videos, and the stuff
from the governmental agencies.
The point I was gonna bring up is that
if it's going to be maybe a sustained absence,
relatives where you could stay.
And just, it's kind of a morose dinner topic
but when you're, I'm not gonna say like
at Thanksgiving or something, like hey,
let's pretend a tornado runs through your place
up in Oklahoma, would you guys wanna come down here?
Let's pretend a hurricane comes up through the gulf,
let's pretend, and have those discussions early,
and try to figure out how you want to do things.
- Yeah, I grew up in Houston
and we had my dad's mother lived around the corner
and she was in a wheelchair, had oxygen,
and so when we were thinking through those things,
we thought about close family
that we would've needed to help assist.
So that kind of got me thinking
when you said prepare for your pets,
prepare for those you love
that might need a little bit extra help.
- Exactly, and you know, that brings up a really good point
with your grandmother that's on oxygen,
that some people are on machines that require electricity,
and there's not guarantee, even if you can
come back to your house in three or fours days,
that you're gonna have electricity for a few weeks.
And so I think that was kind of a surprise with Harvey,
when people evacuated, they thought
after it had passed through they'd be able to come back in,
and they were without electricity for quite some time.
So having a backup to your communication plan,
cell phones may not be working,
so you wanna find some other mechanism,
some other access point, to be able to reach out to people.
As well as you can't guarantee that ATMs are working,
so you want to be able to withdraw some cash in advance
so that you have that just to get you by.
And understanding that three or four days of supplies
gets you where you're going,
and you'll need to be able to sustain yourself
for probably maybe up to a week or two,
depending on the type of disaster,
before electricity is restored.
- And Martin, you're a nurse,
so what should people have in their first aid kit?
What do you think, should they bring
their entire medicine cabinet with them?
Or do you think there are specific things
that they should be sure to include?
- You know there's the basics of course,
the antibacterial salves, and the bandages,
and just things in your typical first aid kit.
But one thing we're really trying hard
in the College of Nursing, is to prepare our students
to take care of people in a non-traditional environment.
So you roll up on a four or five car pileup
and you have to make decisions,
you have to keep yourself safe,
almost that first-responder type of thinking.
But going back to your question,
what do you need as a basis.
Once again, I will always defer
particularly to what your family needs.
Is it an asthma inhaler, things like that.
But then just the typical basics would be pretty good.
Know your local community resources, your Red Cross,
where to go, maybe it's a church that you would go to.
In the event that it's maybe a smaller area that got hit
where would you go locally.
And then also know that as these terrible events occur,
there's always lessons learned.
And so there are, Angela might have to
help me out on the compacts,
or there's agreements between communities.
So I believe in the event that a Hurricane
hit the Beaumont area, the college station
has a agreement to take up to 5,000 of their people.
So you are allowed to go to certain places.
Those things are in the works right now where to go.
- That's a really good point.
So for example with Houston, after Ike, people were stuck
for hours, and hours, and hours on the exit routes.
So the lesson leaned from that was they need to do
what's called zoned evacuation.
And so where you live determines whether
you are going to get the first evacuation notice,
the second evacuation notice, or be in the third wave.
And you're also kind of directed to exit one way.
I always try to explain to people,
you may have relatives in San Antonio,
but where you live, you have to evacuate towards Dallas
before you can get over
and then come back down to San Antonio.
It's meant to try and ease that flow of traffic.
So knowing that plan,
being engaged in your community so you're aware of that.
Texas has a wonderful resource, called 211,
it's a phone number that you can dial from anywhere,
and it has a menu button, guided menu,
where you can access information like
the different kind of shelters
that are open in what communities,
are they special needs shelters, can they accommodate pets,
how many people, are they full.
So it can help make those decisions
as you're moving down the road.
- So you recommend people know about these resources
before they need them.
You know, they might not have cellphone service,
the might not have internet access, radio,
you don't know what you're gonna have,
and so it's all in that preparedness.
- Exactly.
And that's one of the challenges in disaster communication
or risk communication is that balance of
constantly making sure people are aware
of the resources that they have, and to have a plan.
But at some point, when is it so much
that they just kind of block it out and forget about it?
So it's always good to have sort of a
constant periodic reminder of what you need to do
to be prepared for your family and your pets.
- I know I like to follow the, just the regional,
whatever city I live in, I follow the regional
emergency management Facebook or Twitter.
I know here at Texas A&M we have this specific
emergency management social media account
that gives updates and regional advice.
So that's something that's helped me through my 26 years.
- Well and almost every county is going to have
some sort of a website, at minimum,
or some sort of social media presence
that you can subscribe to.
So I highly recommend finding those and subscribing,
or linking in to it, or liking it on Facebook.
That way it really does help you stay informed.
- One other thing coming back to the students,
and kind of almost the Disaster Day
and off shoots we hope to do,
is that we give students maybe,
I know the students in our college and community health
going out to, whether it's fairs or HEBs and setting up,
like to go and get your glucose and blood pressure checked,
having these types of pamphlets and information
so that people that are out there walking by
and they go now what's this, and the students can help teach
and give them resources they might not have been aware of.
- So all this is very specific to the individual,
you need to know what your family needs,
you need to know what your house needs,
you need to know regionally what could impact you.
How should people go about learning
what the potential threats are?
- I think probably the best way for people to understand
the threats that their particular region are facing,
is to again, be connected to your community,
be involved with your community.
Every county has to have an emergency management plan
that follows FEMA guidelines, or the
Federal Emergency Management Agency guidelines.
And as part of that planning process,
they do what's called a threat and hazards
identification risk assessment, or a THIRA.
Where they sit there and they talk through
not only what are the risks and threats,
everything from maybe a nuclear meltdown
at South Texas Nuclear, all the way down to school shootings
and people walking through crosswalks texting,
with a large student population.
And so then they assign a probability, they give it context.
It's a high probability and a high consequence,
or a low probability and a high consequence,
and try to prioritize that planning.
But all of those plans typically are public record,
but the best way to understand what they say,
because those documents are quite large,
is to get involved in your community.
May communities have what we call
a community emergency response team, or a CERT.
And they go through some of the same training
as first responders.
And they are the first volunteers called in
to help with shelter operations, or volunteer registration,
when people descend on a community
to help support a response effort.
And so that's an excellent way for people to get involved.
- Okay, and before we wrap up
I think we need to touch back on the pets.
We are located in Bryan, we have a lot of small animals,
and we have a lot of large animals.
What should people be thinking in advance
about preparations for these animals.
- So number one is people need to be
as prepared for their pets,
and have a plan for how they're going to evacuate with them.
It's very similar, matches their own
personal preparedness plan.
Same amount of food and water, they may need blankets,
crates, toys, things like that.
Animals get stressed during disaster.
And sometimes when that happens your pets can actually,
what I say, acquire super human capabilities,
and they can dig out, or they can jump over fences,
or they can escape out the door
faster than you've ever seen them run.
So probably the most important thing you can do
to be prepared with your pets is to microchip them.
When we deploy that's the number one way
that we can reunite people with their pets.
When they're found and they come back,
that microchip is unmistakable as to ownership.
Having a picture of your with your pets, veterinary records,
so that when you may have to go back to a shelter
to pick up a pet that's been separated from you,
being able to prove ownership is really key.
And I know that living in predominately rural areas
you have a lot of livestock.
So engaging with your county extension agent,
and saying, I have a trailer,
I can pull out this many cattle,
or this many horses, or this many goats,
or whatever livestock you particularly have.
Knowing where they livestock shelter is set up,
they can start to identify extra resources they may need.
You know, we need to use the FFA trailers
from five different counties to come in
and help get animals out.
And making sure that there's hay,
and the types of feed that they need,
and that the the type of care
that large animals need to have is provided at that shelter.
So it's really important that they know how much feed,
how much space, things like that, are gonna be required.
In Brazoria County they set up at the fair grounds
because it's uniquely set up
to house large numbers of large animals.
And so being able to know where to take them,
who has capacity, who can help, who needs help,
all that tends to run through
the Texas Animal Health Commission,
and your local county extension agent.
- That's pretty good info.
Even before, we mentioned
when you identify potential shelters,
if you have pets you need to identify
what shelters can take pets.
Do they ever need proof of rabies vaccine?
Or do you need any credentials
to get your small pet into these shelters?
- Rabies vaccination is required by law,
but not everybody who has a pet that's running loose,
or that needs a shelter, has that.
So typically if you can't prove
that they have a rabies vaccination,
they're going to get it.
They'll also get vaccinated against some things like
kennel couch, and those types of transmissible diseases
that tend to happen when you have
a bunch of animals in close proximity.
- So they won't deny your pet?
- No they won't deny your pet.
But they're gonna ask for records or proof of vaccination,
and then if they don't have it,
your pet may be in quarantine for a little bit,
or isolated away from the main population
of animals in the shelter.
And then at that same time,
they're probably going to administer the vaccines
that they need to be in a large population.
- Okay that's good to know.
I know I have a few pets that I would need to take with me
in case of a scenario like that.
What do we do with the members of our family
that might need a little bit more assistance?
You know, what about small children?
Do they need any specific helpful toy,
or certain kind of medication?
What about my grandmother who's oxygen?
Can we get extra tanks in advance?
- So kinda to address that, The Red Cross
has got this great program called the Pillowcase Project.
It's unwritten by a big company.
And basically the kids are taught in the case of a fire,
or you need to take something and evacuate your house,
here's your pillowcase,
and they practice what they need to put in.
So that's one way to do that,
and to practice with the kiddos, that helps to sway it.
When we talked about evacuating to certain regions,
people with certain health needs,
if you think about people in hospitals
that require certain things,
they will also be sent to certain regions as well.
So somebody that is more ill,
there are very possibly
designated areas where they would go.
- To piggyback off what Martin was saying,
you know, that's the key, we have a lot of resources,
we have a lot of capability to ensure pets,
people with special needs, have that continuity of care,
they have a shelter that they can go to,
but we can't help those that we don't know about.
And so it's really important
that if you have family members, or your immediate family
needs assistance with small animals, large animals,
people in your family with disabilities,
or other types of illnesses, that it's communicated,
so that they people who are helping
with that evacuation effort can best assist you.
And again, thinking about other
alternative means of communication.
Facebook, any kind of email if you have access,
even through an internet cafe or something like that,
at a Starbucks where you can go in
and get some quick wifi that's up and running.
There are other alterative ways
besides just strictly the phone lines to reach out.
- So I think that's all the time we have for today.
So this podcast was really about disaster preparedness.
Because of Friday, like we mentioned before,
we had one of the most successful Disaster Days.
It's was unique in many ways,
it had hundreds of students involved.
What made this one so special?
- Well Disaster Day has really become a signature event
for the Health Science Center, like you said,
and it's starting to attract a lot of attention
because of the utility,
the quality of the inter-professional experience,
the potential for the lessons learned,
it's a skillset that can't be taught in classrooms.
And so this year we were fortunate,
we had members of the Texas State Guard
who came in and helped train.
We included members of the Corps of Cadets here at A&M
to come in and help with some of the
logistical movement of people.
In addition we also had even international visitors.
We had two people coming in from Germany.
One from the German federal government
who was here to observe Disaster Day
to see how we bring in multiple disciplines
to train together in a mass casualty event.
The idea is he and the German graduate student who were here
would be able to then take that back to Germany
and work together with universities there,
to begin to create something similar in that country.
And I really feel like based on their experience here
the leadership, particularly the student leadership,
of Disaster Day, may have the opportunity to go over there
and almost serve as consultants
with the students in Germany.
To help them to begin to develop this concept further.
So it's a concept that, you know, to began here locally,
it was an A&M idea of selfless service,
and we're able to extend that
hopefully in the future overseas.
- And it goes without saying,
this is the second year we've had Disaster Day
at Disaster City, which for those of you who don't know,
this is a great resource.
It's probably one of only four or five
big training areas in the United States.
And please take some time to check out
some of their videos and information.
They have people coming from all over the world
to train there so we're very fortunate
to be in a place that has this great resource.
- Disaster day was on such a major scale.
Was there anybody else in addition to TEEX
that stepped in to help make this such a success?
- Again starting off with TEEX,
we wouldn't be able to have the quality of the experience
that we are able to provide these students,
without having something as magnificent as Disaster Day,
or Disaster City for them to go and train in.
But you know, it involves a lot of people
and a lot of expense, and we wouldn't be able to do that
without having sponsors like HEB,
who has stepped up now for the second year in a row,
to provide a significant contribution
to help us provide this level of training.
- Yeah that's pretty incredible
how the community is supporting this event to you.
- Absolutely, couldn't do it without it.
- Absolutely.
- Okay guys, thank you for coming on the show.
Angela, Martin, it's been a pleasure.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- This has been Sounds Like Health.
- Thank you for joining us on Texas A&M Health Talk.
Our production of the Texas A&M
University Health Science Center.
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Until next time, stay healthy.
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