Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 21 2019

Jessica: Hi.

I'm Jessica.

We are in the middle of a homeschooling series.

Today I wanted to show you exactly what to do if you live in Texas and wanted to homeschool

your child.

I get a lot of comments like, "Oh, I wish I could homeschool.

I just wouldn't know where to start," and a lot of comments implying that people are

just overwhelmed and I do know that the laws and regulations are different in each state,

so I figured I would look up the laws specifically and just kind of give you the information

you needed to know if you do live in Texas.

I couldn't do this for every state because literally every state is different, but I

figured I would at least cover my own state.

For the best cleaning, organizing, productivity, and mom advice, please subscribe to my channel,

and hit that bell so you'll be notified when I post a video every Thursday.

Okay, so I'm going to break this down in four steps.

There is only four steps.

If you are going to begin homeschooling in kindergarten and you have not registered your

child for school, you can do this in three steps.

Step number one is you need to withdraw your child from public school.

You only have to do this if your child has been in public school before.

If you haven't even started kindergarten yet, then you don't have to do anything at all.

In order to withdraw your child, all you have to do is send an email to the principal or

counselor and let them know you're withdrawing your child.

In that email, you're supposed to tell them, "I am withdrawing my child this date, and

starting homeschool this date."

Typically, you're supposed to withdraw them one day and then start homeschooling the very

next day.

Step number two is your homeschool must be bonafide, which just means that it's genuine

and real.

You can't say, "I'm homeschooling," and then not homeschool your child.

Step number three is the curriculum needs to be in visual form.

You need to be using books, workbooks, or like a video monitor.

If you found a curriculum online, you can use that also.

All right.

The fourth step, the very last step, is the curriculum must include five basic subjects

of reading, spelling, math, grammar, and good citizenship.

All right.

That's it.

Now you know how to homeschool your child if you do live in Texas.

It is very simple.

We don't have a lot of rules and regulations.

But I will link below the website I got all this information off of.

That way, you can look it up for yourself.

Feel free to leave me any comments on any questions you may have about homeschool.

I will try my best to respond to all of them.

If you liked this video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, and share it

with a friend.

I will see you in my next video.

Bye, you guys.

For more infomation >> Requirements to homeschool in Texas - Duration: 3:08.


身材、长相被吐槽的她却被韩国人成为"亚洲之星"还是隐藏的学霸 - Duration: 4:19.

沈月可以说是 2018年 蹿红速度很 快的一位女 星了, 先是 她和胡一天 主演的《致 我们单纯的 小美好》,

不但收获了超 高收视, 还 一举将两人 推向流量小 生小花的行 列, 接着,

沈月还因此成 为了新版《 流星花园》 中女主杉菜 的饰演者。

与实力派演员 闫妮, 周一 围合作。 而在201 9年, 更是 献上了自己 的春晚首秀 。

本来一开始在 《致我们单 纯的小美好 》中其实还 是有蛮多人 喜欢她的,

在节目里和胡 一天的搭配 也是让 不 少人成为他 们的CP粉, 但是在红 了以后,

不少人也是发 现了沈月的 小缺点, 开 启了吐槽的 模式。

特别是最后决 定翻拍《流 星花园》成 为里面的女 主角以后, 更是一波又 一波的骂声 也是开始了 起来。

五短身材经常 被人吐槽, 本来身高就 不高, 加上 又有点微胖, 所以看起 来并不美观 。

精修过了的照 片看起来其 实还好, 但 是当照片没 修过的话,

那么出现在大 家面前观看 是惨不忍睹。 在演技 上也是频繁 遭受不少人 吐槽。

虽说官博标注 的沈月身高 是160厘 米, 但是各 种路透照都 让人觉得, 她的身高应 该不足15 0厘米,

还有把紧身裤 撑得满满当 当的小粗腿, 都让沈月 精心维护的 女神形象碎 了一地。

尤其是这张沈 月背后抱着 王鹤棣的照 片, 几乎都 看不到她本 人了。

而就是这样一 个被国人吐 槽的艺人, 却被韩国人 评为"亚洲 之星", 更 是一枚"学 霸"。

有韩国网友觉 得沈月一看 就是亚洲之 星的感觉,

还有的网友看 了一眼沈月 就感觉说《 花样男子》 里女主的风 格,

看来沈月出演 《流星花园 》女主的时 候虽然在国 内的质疑声 很高,

但是韩国网友 对于沈月的 评价却还是 很高的。

她可是以广播 电视编导专 业全省第一 名的成绩考 入湖南师范 大学新闻与 传播学院, 这样的成绩 算是不错了 。

当然有网友感 叹沈月高考 成绩, 不过 就是499 分而已, 也 并不算是高 了。

可沈月她的专 业分更加高 一点, 这几 年之中她也 算是发展的 很好了。

在近日的一档 节目中, 沈 月更是自爆 自己艺考是 是省第一名, 更是坐实 了学霸人设 。

既然在节目中 已经树立了 学霸人设, 之后老师也 是给沈月出 了一两个难 题,

其中一个就是 如何看待美 颜拍照, 沈 月的回答也 是很有理有 据,

逻辑思维和清 晰, 阐述的 观点也是很 有想法。

之后老师更是 让她押题, 没想到她的 答案竟然是 "单身是否 会拉动GD P的增长" ,

也是很有意思 了, 甚至还 有网友调侃 沈月表示努 努力说不定 就是博士了 呢。

其实"人设" 并不是贬义 词, 如果是 由这个能力 那么立个人 设也是很加 分的。

For more infomation >> 身材、长相被吐槽的她却被韩国人成为"亚洲之星"还是隐藏的学霸 - Duration: 4:19.


Crazy A Vinyasa Yoga flow on youtube helptips66 - Duration: 3:50.

Crazy A Vinyasa Yoga flow on youtube helptips66

Crazy A Vinyasa Yoga flow on youtube helptips66

For more infomation >> Crazy A Vinyasa Yoga flow on youtube helptips66 - Duration: 3:50.


Shoffy feat. Lincoln Jesser - Takes My Body Higher (8D AUDIO) - Duration: 4:16.

I saw you in my dreams Middle of the night

You're everything I need Together we're gold

My heart is sold to you I saw you in the summer

Your face came alive You can be my lover

The skies are blue Our feelings grew

You hold me down, set my soul on fire Your voice that sound, takes my body higher

Oh na na, Oh na na Takes my body higher

Oh na na, Oh na na Takes my body higher

Takes my body, takes my body Takes my body higher

Takes my body, takes my body Takes my body higher

Oh na na, Oh na na Takes my body higher

Oh na na, oh na na Takes my body higher

Spent the days together, melting in the sun Skinny dipping weather, we fell so deep (so

deep) Only took a week (only took a week, yea)

Lazy afternoons, laying in the sheets I smell like her perfume, she's in my arms

My lucky charms You hold me down, set my soul on fire

Your voice that sound, takes my body higher Oh na na, oh na na

Takes my body higher Oh na na, oh na na

Takes my body higher Takes my body, takes my body

Takes my body higher Takes my body

Takes my body higher Oh na na, oh na na

Takes my body higher Oh na na, oh na na

Takes my body higher Takes my body

Takes my body higher Takes my body

Takes my body higher Takes my body, takes my body

Takes my body higher Takes my body

Takes my body higher Takes my body, takes my body

Takes my body higher Takes my body

Takes my body higher Oh na na, oh na na

Takes my body higher Oh na na, Oh na na

Takes my body higher

For more infomation >> Shoffy feat. Lincoln Jesser - Takes My Body Higher (8D AUDIO) - Duration: 4:16.


My Experience With Dip Buying This Past Week - How Did You Do? - Duration: 6:11.

- What's up, Tim Sykes here in Singapore.

Look at my view from my suite.

This is ridiculous.

All of Singapore down there and it's just beautiful.

I'm here actually, I don't even know where to look,

I'm doing this iPhone thing, sorry.

I'm here on some meetings with my charity.

We have several new schools.

I'm actually heading to Australia

to help save the reef in a few days,

so I'm excited about that.

There are so many organizations, so many causes,

I can't help but want to help.

I have the money, I have the resources,

I have the network, I have the connections,

so, frankly, it falls upon me

and I feel guilty not trying to help save the reef

or help save a lot of these animals

or help save a lot of these kids from lives of poverty.

And I wanna help you too.

Even while I'm here, with this view,

I'm not just doing meetings and doing charity,

I'm also trading and teaching.

I do a lot.

I am one of the hardest working people you will ever meet

and this past week, I think, has been the best week

in the past few months.

There are so many small, low-priced stocks moving,

especially in OTC land, SHMP, BCCI, TVOG,

it's actually kind of insane right now.

If you've been following along,

if you've been using my watchlist

or trade alerts, you know I made like 30%

on BCCI the other day.

It spiked 100% in a day.

I dip bought SHMP.

I made like 15, 20%.

It bounced 50% plus.

So I'm taking like a third of the potential profits,

so a lot of people ask me, like Tim,

aren't you concerned, like if too many people

learn your strategies, like they're not gonna be

working anymore, there's gonna be too many people.

In 10 plus years of teaching with me yelling

at the top of my lungs pretty much every day,

I have a few hundred lousy dedicated students,

not lousy, but it blows my mind that I only have

a few hundred people.

And then also, you have to remember,

a lot of my top students like short selling.

Mike Hutty, who's one of my newest six-figure students,

you know, was banking, shorting

the green to red move on SHMP,

the same day and the same hour

that I was dip buying the panic.

We each made a few thousand dollars.

I think he made like 4,000, I made 4,000.

So you can make money on the short side

and the long side, whether you like dip buying,

whether you like shorting, whether you like

buying breakouts, there's opportunity galore.

And frankly, I wish that I could stop these patterns

in their tracks by teaching so many people

that it would no longer work because

then I would theoretically get fantastically rich

from teaching everybody and then

I wouldn't have to trade anymore.

But, instead, I have gotten richer

from teaching everybody, but the pattern still exists.

It doesn't matter how many students there are,

most people just want hot picks

and then there's an equal, I think,

amount of short sellers and then buyers too,

so we've basically just made the market bigger

and more volatile, which brokers are happy about,

even though brokers aren't happy

that I teach patience and I teach people

to wait for the right trades.

Sorry, brokers, I gotta be real.

I gotta be honest.

So it's been an interesting ride

teaching while traveling and trading

and I'm just so grateful, you know.

I sit here, or I stand here, my arm is getting tired.

I'm just grateful to all of you guys who want to learn.

Ow, my arm really hurts.

This iPhone thing is tough.

I gotta get like a selfie stick or something.

But I just wanted to take a minute to thank you

for your dedication because I know this is weird.

I know that there's many scams and fakes

and newbies who are teaching.

I'm real.

And that's why I like doing videos like this

because you guys seem to like this handheld stuff

so that you see that, oh, I am in Singapore,

oh, it's not a green screen, oh, I actually can

trade from anywhere, oh, I actually have just one

laptop, which is sitting right over there.

People seem to think that they can't do this from anywhere.

They think that they need multiple laptops

or multiple screens in an office

and they need to like, train like an athlete

and they can't have fun, like, I am feeling

like death a lot of the time here in Asia,

I'm not gonna lie to you because of the time zone.

The stock market is open here at night

and then all day I'm doing charity work,

so it doesn't leave a lot of time for sleep.

So it's not ideal for me, but at the same time,

I love it, you know, I'm following my heart.

I'm traveling, I'm doing charity, I'm teaching

and when the plays exist, I'm profiting.

This is a very, very big difference

from the past few weeks where I said

there's really not any hot sector,

there's nothing really moving and now we have

one, two, three, four OTCs every single day

going up 100, 200, 300, 500%, even like 1000%.

It's mania again and I love it.

I love the volatility.

So, leave a comment just below this video

if you like the volatility, if you like these iPhone

videos, if you like views like this.

I'm always looking for more feedback

because I wanna inspire you to study,

I wanna help you see that this is real

because it's gonna take a lot of time and energy

to go through this, so you need to have

the right mindset, the right perspective.

It's not just about hot picks.

It's not just about, you know, beautiful views,

like I'm not like, selling you the dream,

I'm living the dream, okay, and I'm teaching.

So I don't like the fact that so many people

did not profit enough on SHMP or BCCI

or any of the other low-priced weed stocks

and CBD stocks, NGTF, ALYI, there are so many,

I can't even think about it right now.

It's kind of crazy, but let the good times roll,

take advantage of the plays when they come about,

and leave a comment.

Let's get the conversation going.

It's all about being real and being honest with yourself

and being honest with me.

That way I can help you more.


For more infomation >> My Experience With Dip Buying This Past Week - How Did You Do? - Duration: 6:11.


15 Stunning CSS Loading Animation You Should See - Duration: 2:42.

hello and welcome to red stapler Channel in this video I'm going to show you a

collection of awesome CSS loader and codepen that could give you some ideas

and inspiration also drop a comment which one you guys want me to make a

tutorial on and see how they've made it ready let's check it out

so that's all for this video hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to like or

subscribe if you love to see more of this thanks watching and see you next

time bye

For more infomation >> 15 Stunning CSS Loading Animation You Should See - Duration: 2:42.


Best birthday Surprise ever - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> Best birthday Surprise ever - Duration: 7:58.


Are you having a breakdown or a breakthrough? - Daily Inspiration - Duration: 2:11.

breakdown can equal breakthrough in truth it all depends on what unfolds

within you at the bottom what transpires during these vital moments in time will

set the stage for what is to come when your dream is shattered it's time to

dream of something new and allow the old dream to die a breakdown is a process

they will require you to get very close with parts of yourself you want to hide

from you see it all from this place even some things you didn't know were there

or things you forgot were there there is a reckoning of sorts happening within

you you are the judge but you are also the executioner you may need to break

down walls within yourself to get to the other side or you may need to jump which

will require some faith not knowing yet or you will land you will be an

unchartered territory in this unknown land you will need to learn how to

navigate and how to respond to others the ground may not yet feel solid under

your feet you may not feel you even know who you are any longer or what to do

next remember though that birthing new things is always a little painful and

unfamiliar it feels strange at first until your new dream begins to breathe

on its own take one step at a time knowing that you will be okay in the end

be easy on yourself whenever possible you are your only Ally here be kind and

patient like you would with a small child

take your time and get ready for something new

have you ever experienced a breakdown like this yes or no comment below and

share it make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel to get all the latest

video updates and daily inspirations

For more infomation >> Are you having a breakdown or a breakthrough? - Daily Inspiration - Duration: 2:11.


XQC Stocks PepeLaugh :point_right: :chart_with_downwards_trend: - Duration: 10:24.

XQC Stocks PepeLaugh :point_right: :chart_with_downwards_trend:

For more infomation >> XQC Stocks PepeLaugh :point_right: :chart_with_downwards_trend: - Duration: 10:24.


Productivity Secret 2 - Duration: 2:59.

- Hey there, it's Laura here from I Heart Planners,

and I am back to share productivity secret number two,

and here it is.

It's not about what you start, it's about what you finish.

And this is something that I need

to take to heart probably more than anyone else.

And not to brag or anything,

but I am pretty good at starting projects.

And if having good intentions equaled productivity,

then I would be the queen of productivity.


But as you probably know, it doesn't really work like that.

Starting a bunch of projects and having the best

of intentions hasn't really gotten me anywhere.

What has actually gotten me somewhere is finishing projects.

But how do you make sure that you don't end up

with 12 half finished projects and nothing actually done?

So first, don't start too many projects at once.

This is what drags us down more than anything,

when we have more projects

than we can possibly keep up with,

and there's nothing to help you avoid completing a project

like having another one to work on.

And second, this goes right along with that,

don't start another project until you've

finished the current project that you're working on.

So don't start working on three closets at once.

Organize one closet and move on to the next.

I think a lotta times we start a new project

when the current project gets hard,

when we don't know what to do,

when it gets tough, instead of pushing through.

What you need to do is push through, get it done.

And that brings us to another thing that really helps,

and that is to build up what I call your finishing muscle.

So it's like a muscle.

As you get in the habit of finishing projects,

it's easier and easier to keep going,

and there's nothing to give you more motivation

and momentum than actually getting a project finished,

and you'll go into the next one with more momentum,

and you'll actually get more done that way.

Next, identify project drag points

before you start a project.

Now this is a term and an idea that I got

from the Start Finishing Your Projects course

in the Ultimate Productivity bundle.

He talks about how you need to identify those points

before you start and then create a plan to deal with them

rather than being surprised and getting derailed

when one of these things comes up.

Because let's face it, there are obstacles that come up

when we're working on projects, right?

So who's with me on finishing more projects?

If you want even more help learning how

to finish the projects that you start,

I highly recommend checking out

the Ultimate Productivity bundle.

You wanna make sure you do it now,

because it's only available for a very short time.

And I will be back tomorrow

with productivity secret number three.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Productivity Secret 2 - Duration: 2:59.


How To Make Mermaid Cakes For Kids | Yummy Cakes Decorating Tutorials For Party - Duration: 10:09.

How To Make Mermaid Cakes For Kids | Yummy Cakes Decorating Tutorials For Party

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> How To Make Mermaid Cakes For Kids | Yummy Cakes Decorating Tutorials For Party - Duration: 10:09.


Florida Georgia Line Performs 'Talk You Out of It' - Duration: 3:44.

With over 2 and 1/2 billion streams,

our next guests were the number one country artists on Spotify

last year.

Here to perform their latest hit "Talk You Out Of It,"

please welcome Florida Georgia Line.



Girl, I know you had a long day.

You ain't feelin' them downtown lights.

But I got a bottle at your favorite place.

It's waitin' for us in a bucket on ice.

Damn, I didn't think it'd be that easy 'cause

now you're gettin' ready.

I'm just sitting here watching TV,

and here you come lookin' like a grown man's dream.

Damn, I can't believe, I can't believe

I talked you into slippin' down the hall, baby, turnin'

on your playlist you play when you're in the shower.

Talked you into takin' up our time, makin'

up your mind, switchin' back and forth for an hour.

Now you're lookin' like a line from a Vandross song,

and I'm lookin' at that fine little dress you got on.

Don't get me wrong, girl, I love it.

Now I just wanna talk you out of it.

Yeah, as cool as it could be watchin'

people wonder who you are, oh, we should just say we did.

We can start with a kiss and pretend

we just got back from the bar.

I talked you into slippin' down the hall, baby, turnin'

on your playlist you play when you're in the shower.

Talked you into takin' up our time, makin'

up your mind, switchin' back and forth for an hour.

Now you're lookin' like a line from a Vandross song,

and I'm lookin' at that fine little dress you got on.

Don't get me wrong, girl, I love it.

Now I just wanna talk you out of it.

Yeah, it's a little cold outside.

The music's probably way too loud to hear you laugh.

And there's a look in your eye, looks like we ain't leavin'


Girl, I'm so glad, I'm so glad I talked you into slippin'

down the hall, baby, turnin' on your playlist you

play when you're in the shower.

Talked you into takin' up our time, makin'

up your mind, switchin' back and forth for an hour.

Now you're lookin' like a line from a Vandross song,

and I'm lookin' at that fine little dress you got on.

Don't get me wrong, girl, I love it.

Now I just wanna talk you out of it.

Thank you guys so much.


How are you?

Thanks for having us.


The name of the CD is Can't Say I Ain't Country.

Everyone in the audience, you're getting a copy.

We're going to talk to them after this.


For more infomation >> Florida Georgia Line Performs 'Talk You Out of It' - Duration: 3:44.


WB02X10521 - Replacing Your GE Oven's Leveling Leg AP3416877 PS223802 - Duration: 2:20.

hi my name is bill today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the

leveling leg on your stove the reason

why we have to do this the leg is damaged and you can't properly level the stove

warning before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source so this is

the stove we're going to be using in this demonstration

it's a GE now keep in mind our it might be a little bit different than what you

have at home but the same technique should still apply move the stove

forward a bit so we can tip it back and get to our feet maybe a little twist

this actually reminds me of another corny joke what do you call somebody with

one leg shorter than the other I lean

now grab your new OEM

replacement leveling leg if you don't have one already you can find one on our

online store and I'm going to screw it in all the way and then once we have it

set up we can adjust if needed and your repair is complete

Spanish magician we're doing a magic trick and he said no uno dose then he just

disappeared without a tres finally don't forget to plug in your

appliance if you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find

an OEM replacement part on our website thanks for

watching and please don't forget to like comment and share our video also don't

forget to subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just

like these for you to watch for free

For more infomation >> WB02X10521 - Replacing Your GE Oven's Leveling Leg AP3416877 PS223802 - Duration: 2:20.


FOX TV - How VCT and EIS investing can get you a tax-free bonus - Duration: 8:09.

As low interest rates prevail and the Government continues to claw back the annual allowance on pensions, investors have been forced to find more creative ways of getting returns

For many, investing in venture capital trusts or an enterprise investment scheme could be the answer

VCTs and the EIS were introduced by the Government as a way of encouraging investment in start-up businesses in the UK

But they also come with a major tax relief, making them an attractive option for serious and experienced investors

  The biggest draw for putting money into VCTs and the EIS is the 30 per cent relief on investments of up to £200,000 per person, meaning a £10,000 investment would cost an individual just £7,000

 Additional benefits include tax-free dividends and tax-free capital gains on VCTs, and inheritance tax relief on enterprise investment schemes

Although VCTs and the EIS are high-risk, the tax breaks help to mitigate some of that, as well as the fact that all companies are required to go through HMRC

This means the taxman essentially carries out a 'health check' on the companies, says Mark Brownridge, director general for the EIS Association

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The crypto currency revolution! Is it a passing craze or the. Share this article Share HOW THIS IS MONEY CAN HELP Want to invest but prefer someone to do it for you? Timber's low-cost financial advice can help Will there be a Budget crackdown on VCTs?Existing investors will have their eyes on the Budget on Wednesday, with the industry expecting some technical changes to the schemes

Since the EIS's launch in 1994, 26,355 companies have received investment, with £16

2bn of funds raised.  VCTs, which were introduced in 1995, have seen £7bn worth of funds raised, and last financial year issued shares to the tune of £570m – the highest amount raised since 2005/6

 EIS success stories include smoothie company Innocent and English wine maker Chapel Down

Bosses at members-only luxury travel company Secret Escapes put part of their success down to the investment secured through the VCT scheme

Launched in 2010, the firm now has offices in London, Berlin, Munich, Stockholm, Warsaw, New York and San Francisco, has more than 1

3m customers around the world and reported turnover of £83.5m last year.But with such investments also comes a high risk of failure

DVD mail order service provider Love Film, which closed its operations last month, is one such name to have enjoyed initial success from VCT funding but failed to maintain its momentum

But there are concerns that investors are not putting their money into the higher risk, long-term sectors that the Government intended, and instead focusing on companies which have high 'asset backing' to hedge the risk

Jonathan Bell, chief investment officer at Stanhope Capital, says: 'There are some "capital preservation" investments with high-asset backing that also qualify for the same tax breaks while not offering the same benefits to the economy

It is these schemes that the Chancellor will target.' VCTs vs EIS  VCTs are viewed as the safer option for retail investors as they work in a similar fashion to an investment trust, by allowing them to spread their risk over a number of companies in the long term – for a minimum of five years

 To qualify for tax relief under EIS, investors must have held their shares for a minimum of three years

Companies in VCTs also have a few years on their EIS counterparts, up to ten in some cases, and can include small unquoted businesses, firms in specialist sectors or companies listed on the smaller indices of the London Stock Exchange such as AIM

However, as VCTs and EIS are highly illiquid assets, Jason Hollands, managing director of business development at Tilney, stresses the importance of planning how you will cash out the investment

 'There is no market on which to sell your shares, so setting out a potential path for exit is essential

Looking at a company's business plan before you invest will help to give you an idea of their strategy,' he says

Hollands offers one last word of advice: 'A bit of common sense needs to prevail when considering these schemes

They are not a replacement for pensions. Never let the tax tail wag the investment dog

The investment has to be appropriate for you. Just because the tax perks are attractive doesn't mean you should plough money into something

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For more infomation >> FOX TV - How VCT and EIS investing can get you a tax-free bonus - Duration: 8:09.


Slinky Brand Printed Drama Sharkbite Tunic Solid Pant ... - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> Slinky Brand Printed Drama Sharkbite Tunic Solid Pant ... - Duration: 9:57.


Needing Validation - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Needing Validation - Duration: 0:58.


How Well Do You Know Susanne - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> How Well Do You Know Susanne - Duration: 2:28.


Easiest DIY Security System to Install - Duration: 4:30.

the easiest system to install is the alula connect plus diy wireless encrypted security and automation system

the alula connect plus panel comes pre-programmed with monitored clients so

there's no need for tedious programming of sensors all customers need to do is

take the panel out of the box plug in the main control panel to the power

outlet stick up the sensors devices and keypads then call Geo arm to test your

alarm signals receive your username and login passwords the alula connect plus

was designed in a different manner than most all-in-one security systems alula

figured since most people today have their smartphones with them all the time

the need for an expensive keypad should be optional instead end-users can

remotely arm and disarm the system using the very responsive alula smartphone app

with that being said the alula Connect plus comes in as our least expensive

system on our list the connect plus system comes with a 24 hour backup

battery onboard that will power the system and communicator modules in the

event the power is cut end-users will have the luxury of choosing between

broadband Wi-Fi LTE cellular or a combination of interchangeable

communicators to obtain dual path alarm monitoring services having multiple

communication path options allows end-users flexibility and monthly

monitoring rates alula has created a whole new line of security sensors and

peripherals this product line has a 128-bit one-way encryption back to the

connect plus panel to protect against RF jamming the connect plus sensor line has

the third best range of all systems on our list

totaling 1,500 feet nominal without a repeater and 3,000 feet nominal with the

repeater not only is the alula connect plus a home security system

it can also be set up to use z-wave Plus devices so you can create a smart home

mesh network the touch of one button in the app or verbal control using Amazon

Alexa you can arm and disarm toggle lights on or off set thermostat

temperature and either lock or unlock a door with the alula app end-users will

be able to remotely and individually bypass sensors this is one of two

systems on our lists that offer this feature the alula connect plus does have

access to its own recordable two-way audio DIY IP camera line called ez vis

by hikvision which has an indoor indoor pan-tilt outdoor and video doorbell

option the downsides to the alula connect plus system our end users can't

program the system locally it can only be programmed in the dealer portal there

is no recessed encrypted door window sensor at this time alula does not

integrate with apple homekit Google home Boggess door locks nest thermostats

ratio sprinkler controllers Lutron lights or lift master garage

doors also for cellular communications the panel only supports Verizon LTE no

AT&T option at this time no one go all go feature for smoke and heat detectors

this is where if one smoke sensor goes off they all go off simultaneously

connect Plus can't reutilize existing hard wired sensors as there's not a

module at to this point that will allow you to do so lastly with the alula

connect app end-users can't see when a door was opened in the event history and

there is no zone control we will be providing updates to this security

system and features in the show more tab below throughout the year make sure to

subscribe to our YouTube page and click the show more tab underneath the video

where you can view valuable links pertaining to this product similar

how-to videos and our low-cost no contract alarm on it

ring services

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