hey guys dawn here from the millionaire mailer and I just wanted to do a much
overdue update update video I know I haven't made a video in like two weeks
but um you know there's just been a lot going on in my life you know I have two
elderly parents that I got to take care of all the time you know I got to take
into appointments you know take them for lab work and you know I also had a very
close relative of mine passed away in the family so it's just been a you know
a long family affair just meeting people you know catching up with people and
like doing all this stuff and it's just been really stressful uh last two weeks
guys but um anyway I do have you know a lot of signups and I just want to do a
quick update video I did have the Flyers out like this as you can see I'm not the
most organized person I have flyers and receipts and money you know packages
everywhere but anyway these are the two basic sign ups that I got one is for the
millionaire Miller the $25 level the other one is for the $50 level and now
I'm gonna go through all the other sign ups alright so here we we have Erica for
the millionaire Miller for 250 we have Marcel for 250 and see we got a
Erica for another 250 the millionaire Melo for is uh is what I promote the
most guys and this is from peace her name's actually peace for 250 and then
we have Joseph for 800 dollars he came in at the 500 but he's getting some
extra work done from me through the marketing services that I offer this is
from Renault for 250 and last but not least this is from Jonathan for the
millionaire mailer three for the hundred ah level guys so guys you know this has
been a twenty two hundred dollars that I made in your own the last couple of
weeks guys and you know even though life will test you you know I've just been
having a lot going on in my life you know taking care of my parents and
and you know taking care of other family but guys I don't have a job to go to I
don't have a store that I got to run to every morning and unlock the store so
the workers can get in guys you know I've just been spending time with family
doing what I need to do taking care of whatever I need to take care of guys and
even right now guys I have such a bad headache my neck is throbbing you know
i-i've been you know I've just been having a lot of stress guys and you know
people call me and they say Don you sound tired or you sound sleepy or you
sound like you're down in the ducts but you know this is what's been going on
and for those who work with me on a weekly basis know what I'm talking about
I appreciate the support from all my subscribers and guys um you know despite
everything everything that's going on in my life guys I had the time to take care
of whatever problem that I was going through guys because I had you know
financially you know it's uh everything's taken care of guys I don't
have to worry about oh when is my next paycheck gonna come then I can you know
you know go out and do this or go out and do that I can get up and go wherever
I want to go whenever I want to guys and also here's another thing I wanted to
talk to you guys about um a lot of people will say that you know it's just
a paper deal it's just a paper deal guys if you look at it as a paper deal okay
this is what a lot of you are talking about
okay those who say it's just a paper deal a paper deal means that there's
nothing on that paper it's just a paper but the minute you put something on it
that paper becomes a value guys okay this needs little eight and a half by
eleven paper is the same paper that big companies use you know sports businesses
use NFL Walmart whatever to sign multi-million and billion dollar
contracts okay it's the same size 8 and 1/2 mile own paper it might be a thicker
paper but you know it's what you have the content that you have on that paper
that makes it valuable and for us you know the real the reason why aren't this
is valuable is because we have you know a proposition here guys we have the
millionaire Miller on here so automatically it's more than a paper
deal so if you look at it as a paper deal
and that's all it's gonna be for you but if you look at it something of more
substance and something that can work for you and do something for you then
it's a game-changer guys so you might want to change your mindset for for
those who you know um who still are you know skeptics about it guys because I'm
a real person I show real results guys oh yeah and by the way this is a you
know I usually do not do postcard marketing I really don't like it because
you can't put as much you can't put all this information on a postcard guys but
what I do is I make my own custom postcard that redirects people to my
website because when I mail out these Flyers guys even though my I use my own
personal flyer and my own personal cover letter which is very high converting by
the way guys you know it's you know people will not go to the website
they'll go through all this first and then when they call me I'll tell them to
go to a website so in order to gain more traffic online I'm using I'm using
offline marketing to get that online traffic so what I do is I have this you
know postcard and it's gold from the inside guys so when they open it they
know it's something serious and in that postcard I I just keep it very simple
guys the content is you know top secret it directs them straight to my website
you know and this is not your run-of-the-mill
Oh mail cheap ugly postcards and get pain guys that sounds hilarious to me I
still get those in the mail ok if they came with a more serious offer and they
worded it correctly then maybe I would have took interest in it but you know
that's that's all I want to cover for today guys again the proof is all here
guys you know and this is what I made in the last two weeks and you guys can do
it too guys and also for those who called me and left the message you know
whether you send me an email I didn't get back to you
you know I didn't do it intentionally it's just I've been really busy and
there's just been a lot going on in my life but anyhow you know if you have any
questions you could give me a call email me and make sure to give this video a
big like and subscribe and hopefully I'll be making another update video soon
stay tuned
For more infomation >> MILLIONAIRE MAILER - Life Will Test You | $2200 Proof 💰💵🤑 - Duration: 6:30.-------------------------------------------
How To Import Custom 3D Models Into Oculus Home (SketchFab, Oculus Medium, Paint 3D or Blender) - Duration: 5:42.
In this video, I'll explain to you how to import custom 3D models in your Oculus Home.
With this feature, you can add anything you want in your home to show off to your VR friends!
Right now you can see in my Oculus Home.
There are two ways to import custom 3D models.
You either find a model online, like my favorite Final Fantasy X character here or you can
create your own and import it, like this one I made of our cat.
I'll show you easy ways to do both methods in this video.
Coming up.
Subscribe if you haven't yet to see more of this kind of videos.
Let's start with finding a 3D model online.
So, in this guide, I'll use Sketchfab, which is an online 3D model store.
They have a lot of free-to-use community uploaded 3D models.
There are also other websites that provide 3D models, a quick Google search will give
you many.
• Ok, now go to Sketchfab (link is below) https://sketchfab.com/
• Make an account or log in.
• Find a model you want.
You can also preview it if you'd like.
• Now scroll down a little to find the Download button.
Make sure you download as gITF.
• Oculus Home only supports GLB files, which is a 3D model file extension.
So we have to convert this file before importing.
• You can easily do that by using this GLB packer tool: https://glb-packer.glitch.me/
• Unzip the downloaded file and drag and drop the whole folder in it.
• You'll get the .glb file straight away.
Now just place this GLB file in your Oculus Home import folder, which is usually located
in your Documents > Oculus Home \ _Import.
Mine is in...
C:\Users\Venom\Documents\Oculus Home\_Import for example.
Oculus Home will search the whole directory for any .glb files and add them to your in-game
After you pasted it there, just put on your headset, go to Oculus Home > Inventory > My
Imports And put it in your home!
Yes, that's all to it.
While you are watching this video, don't forget to leave a like as support!
An extra tip I can give you in case your 3D model is way too big.
You can use this 3D model editor tool online to view and resize your model.
All you have to do is drag and drop your model in there.
Resize it here.
Export to GLB again, put it back in the Oculus Home import folder and you have a smaller
sized model available in your inventory.
Now, let's move on to making your own model.
I'll show you two easy tools that you can use for this and a more advanced one.
An easy way would be using Oculus Medium, a free app that comes with your Touch controllers,
because they have a sharing feature that allows you to add it to your Home straight away.
For example, see my amazing 3D sculpture of my partner in crime here.
Please don't judge my 3D creation skills.
Select share, then share to home.
You can set a title here and detail level.
Go for low if you plan on copying this model many times in your home.
High for special objects you just want to showcase.
Click the checkmark once you're ready.
It'll automatically save your model to the Oculus Home's Import Directory.
And let you place it in your home.
Don't forget to save your sculpture in Medium itself too!
If you want to create 3D models on your desktop and not in VR.
You can use Microsoft's free Paint 3D program that comes with Windows 10.
This is a super easy tool to draw 3D models in and it has a GLB file export feature already
So, once you are done creating, just can just save the model as GLB and then import like
explained at timestamp 1:23
If you want a more advanced program.
You can try the free, open source 3D creation tool: Blender.
It's available for all major operating systems.
The only caveat here is that you don't have a GLB export feature built-in.
But I'll explain how to add that feature in now.
You can download this gITF-Blender-Exporter.
• Download the files as a zip file here.
• Now unzip it.
• Open Blender • Go to File > User Preferences > File > Scripts
> Open the folder you unzipped > Add the Scripts folder > Accept.
• Save User Settings.
• Now restart Blender.
• Go to File > User Preferences again.
• Go to Add-ons > Type in glt in the search field.
> Check the checkbox.
• Save User Settings again.
• Close the Settings.
• Go to File > Export > and now you'll find the GLB export settings.
• Now you can create anything you want and export the file in GLB.
And then import like explained before.
There are a couple of other nice and free apps available for 3D creation.
You can even get some 3D creation apps on your tablet and probably also for your phone.
I would say, go crazy!
And comment down below what you've made and imported in your Oculus Home.
We would love to know!
You can visit Chary's Home or my home.
They are both set to public.
I've added our usernames in the description.
Chary has a really beautiful one too, she has a different design style and I feel she
has more of an artistic eye than me.
So check it out if you have the time!
But if you want to see my beautiful, very resembling creation of Chary, then you gotta
check out my home.
Have fun everyone.
And thanks for watching.
A special shout out goes to our Patron, check out artArmin's Patreon page!
Thanks for your support man!
And as always.
I know I know the spam got you again it's okay little Jimmy I got the guide
just for you! 5 tips spammers don't want you to know let's go!
ayo guys it's your favorite kage, enigma kage bringing you yet another video if you're
new to the channel welcome, subscribe stick around. I'm almost at 1k and you
can greatly help that as for the returning clan
I got the message guys via your Twitter my last guide was a hit and if you didn't
see it I advise you to check it out anyway you are here today because of
some whack spammer dude with either Goku, a swordsman, or even a CAC. If you can
master these five tips these spammers will be beneath you. starting at number five
play chess not checkers a spammer is usually rushing you with the intent of
you using your escape which he can further the punishment it's your goal
to not touch the damn L1 or LB. a combo string from a spammer is not too crazy
it's pretty much they're gonna be spamming the square or the X button now
do not get a good player with the ability to extend their combos mixed up
with a rushing spammer you know a spammer when you see them you have to
force them to escape then I would either escape chase or block right away because
it's chess not checkers remember he has no escape so wait for the opportunity to
put the hurt on them using a rush cancer it's also pretty good simply going for a
rush and then block it cancels right away which can throw them off normally
when they used to escape they're either gonna rush back into you or hopefully
waiting for you to rush in to spam the square button if you pause for a second
you won't be matched in the square of the X button because you're staying
still and that person doesn't have an escape. number four elements matter this
one's tough I'm not gonna lie so when you start the character select you
notice that some characters have higher resistance to certain elements while
others do not you can exploit that door in combat but that requires you
memorizing everybody stats why did I mention something so difficult
right well I fought a Cell user and he had an explosion that had a fire element
which Kenshin isn't too fond of I let's just say it was a struggle. so knowing a
character weakness can give you an edge. number three chasing versus instant
transmitting the normal combo string where you attack and smash them across
the screen and you zip right over normally consists of you just keep
hitting square or you keep hitting X right yeah take it easy with that you
know a lot of players can match the square of the X button initiate a high
speed counter which is something you want to avoid at all costs by simply
switching up you can do a load of a difference to chase someone simply at
the end of the combo string you press left or right with the "A" button that will
stop the timing on the counter, not always works all the time but you have a
greater chance of extending your combo with your assist to continue the
punishment number two super armor moves I know I
know I've cried about the super armor moves in the past but let me tell you
this it's here to stay and since it's here to stay it's only right that you
learn who are your super armor mains. I often use Sabo and Rukia. Sabo has a
super armor move which is his jumping claw attack. if you're feeling overwhelmed
use it. I didn't say spam it, but I say use it use it as a defense mechanism as well
as an offensive combo extender if I'm a luffy player and the guy is spamming me
with Kenshin you best believe I'm going to use my Red Hawk to get me out of
there I'm not gonna experiment but whatever you dish out to me I'm a dish
out to you and had that mentality because you're not going against a good
player he's trying to win at all costs it's our job to make sure he gets lower
ranked. so learn which super armor moves and used them on these spammers turn up
the heat oh no now I have integrity in this gamer but I'm not a fool if you
don't use them someone will use them on you
finally ultimate cancellation yes you have a chance to counter someone's
ultimate if you're lucky enough to hit the escape in Bravo but in reality you
can use your ultimate as a defensive maneuver rather than an offensive one
some players will take the punishment knowing they have an instant all any
time it's so frustrating to be fighting someone and you're got the upper hand
and you know it's too easy right now because that person is waiting to hit
you with all the first opening big half it's a highly annoying I wished it was a
small window for it here's the biggest tip of the day
whoever ults last wins. two things can happen though you guys can either cancel
each other out which I'm counting as a win because you didn't get hit by it or
you'll have the upper hand and win the battle it's not the greatest thing to do
but it's effective anyway guys I hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to
leave a like and tell me if I miss any techniques let's help each other out
let's put a stop to these spammers guys this is Enigma, signing off, peace.
In this video we are going to talk about the relationship between insulin and potassium,
and which one shifts where and when.
I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to know about it for nursing school.
Let's do it!
Hello there friend, Christina here with nursingschoolofsuccess.com helping you to raise your grades and have
more free time in nursing school (yes- it's totally possible).
So if you're like me, you're struggling with fluids and electrolytes in nursing school,
and specifically, I had a difficult time with this concept of insulin and potassium and
glucose and what happens to the potassium level when you give insulin, and if there's
too much glucose, will the potassium level increase or decrease.
So we're going to put an end to your confusion right now.
I'm going to break this all down super simple for you.
So the first thing you need to understand is that there are 2 different places that
fluids and electrolytes can be, and that is inside of the cell (or the intracellular fluid,
or ICF), or outside of the cell (called the extracellular fluid or the ECF).
Normally, potassium hangs out inside of the cell.
I like to think of potassium as a home body, it likes to hang out and stay all nice and
cozy inside of the cell.
So potassium hangs out in the ICF or the intracellular fluid.
But when there's so much glucose outside the cell, in the extracellular fluid or ECF, potassium
get curious, it wants to join in on that party that all of that glucose is having.
So potassium moves outside of the cell to see what all the fuss is about.
So let's say you have a patient with hyperglycemia, meaning their blood sugar level is high, what
do you think is going to happen with the potassium level?
Will it increase or decrease?
Don't worry, I'll just wait here while you think about it...
The potassium level will increase because potassium will have moved outside of the cell,
which raises the potassium level.
The potassium isn't hiding away inside the cell anymore, it's moved outside of the cell
to go to the party that all that glucose was throwing.
Now, when the party gets a little too out of control, there's too much glucose around
and they're getting a little too rowdy, the police need to get involved.
And the police is insulin.
So insulin comes and moves glucose into the cells where it belongs.
And potassium, like we said before, potassium is a really big homebody, it doesn't like
to shake things up too much or cause a ruckus, it just came out of it's cell to see what
was going on when glucose was having that big party.
But now that the insulin police are here, it's going to go back home so it doesn't get
into any trouble.
So it's going to move back into it's cell.
So what is going to happen with the potassium level when insulin arrives?
No rush, I'll pause while you think about it...
If you said the potassium level is going to drop when insulin arrives, you are 100% correct
my friend.
When insulin shows up, potassium moves back into the cell and out of the ECF, causing
the potassium level to drop.
Now, why is this so important?
Well, if you have a patient with hyperglycemia, like during diabetes or DKA, and you give
them insulin, you need to be very careful with that potassium level.
You need to monitor it as they're receiving insulin treatment because you don't want that
potassium level to drop too low, that can be very, very dangerous.
So you need to monitor their potassium level closely when you're giving insulin therapy,
along with monitoring their glucose closely as well.
And make sure to like, share and subscribe, and go become the nurse that God created only
you to be.
I'll catch you in the next video.
Ken Jeong Answers Medical Questions WRONG From Twitter - Duration: 6:31.
hello I'm Tina and today we're gonna be proving Ken Jong wrong cuz he's a fake
doctor and I'm a real one so everybody you may be asking Doctor Who and I'm
just gonna laugh cuz that's the funniest thing I've ever heard in seven years you
can't really be throwing Doctor Who jokes at me so like get lost I'm not
gonna answer that Doctor Who question cuz it's not funny
in my opinion but everybody grab your inhalers and we're gonna get tucked into
this I need two million views of first time around don't think like that you
know what go the other way around if this doesn't get Adele like numbers I
will fuck myself same guys so if you don't leave a like right now I will
actually come to your house give a thermistor and then after that is just
I'm not gonna explain it to you cuz it's pretty gruesome so make sure you do a
drop a like on the video right now and if you don't go and comment something
saying okay and you're the greatest brilliant maker on the road or something
on them lines anyway then uh yeah the thumb starts coming your way it'll be
like the prison showers so so make sure you leave a like and comment something
or see if you're not subscribed like subscribe right now with notifications
on to electric Boogaloo let's do this at Lexie alazai she has way too many eyes
and their fucking name never trust a person with five eyes I
said I always say laughs well one day we've always made any extreme change in
temperature can have your body react in a certain way that will cause you to
have your immune response muted and then not be prepared for the transitory
change in environment booyah it's right off the top of my fondo me
all wrong that is it take that Booya back because you're wrong mate key in
the doctor here to expose you he's he's done a bit of good searching on the
internet and has found out that most people would have greased sudden weather
changes can make you feel under the weather it can't actually make you sick
so booyah take that right back and also guys if you're wondering who
young is he's the guy says ha gay he's actually a comedian he's not actually a
doctor the most important tool is respect so uh yeah he he only plays a
doctor in some sitcom yeah he's the gay guy so uh yeah just just
thought you would know you know what if you have more than three questions in a
tweed you're an alcoholic and that's what you are Kip I get some help you
obviously do a lot of day drinking and day drinking as you know and some
medical fact it leads to annoying questions on the Internet wish you the
best well you might have not expected that one cause I is a very knowledgeable
answer but that's actually wrong wrong I searched up what is classified as an
alcoholic and it and it says here for women it's around three drinks on any
single day and no more than seven drinks per week for men well four drinks on any
single day and 14 drinks per week that's what they call an alcoholic no if you
put too many questions in a fucking tweet can someone tell me well hi I'm
sick after getting a flu shot that's supposed to prevent me from getting one
question mark one there is this myth that says you can get I got the flu from
the flu shot that isn't not the case if you're already having a cold okay and if
you get a flu shot you can get a little bit sick from the combination of having
a cold and that flu shot but you cannot get the flu from a flu shot well I would
say that was wrong very kind of isn't you can't actually get the flu from the
flu shot but the flu shot can make you sick seniors you're not used to it not
because you've had a cold and the coldest stayed with you with the flu
shot so that part's wrong but the part that you can't actually get the flu from
the flu shot it's kind of right I feel really sad that I'm proving a comedian
wrong it's uh it's not meant to be how it is I
should just stop what I'm doing is there any magical remedies for cold and a
runny nose I I feel so unhealthy for the time being that's actually a great
question and the problem is there is actually no cure for the common cold you
just have to treat the symptoms there's actually no antiviral there's no
antibiotic you just have to write out a common cold and you know that's actually
a very good question so great job Eileen just work on your at Twitter handle it's
horrible wrong well guys guys you're never gonna expect
it he's wrong now partly according to Google you can get rid of cold overnight
if you eat garlic and drink ginger tea the cold will be gone see that that is
the real cure right there you'd never knew it just just eat literally a whole
garlic just buy into it like an apple eat it you'll be fine also I'm gonna add
in a bit of my like expertise into this don't clean your teeth afterwards you
want the smell to get rid of your cold you clean your teeth afterwards you're
screwed so you don't really want to clean your teeth afterwards now guys if
you did enjoyed today's video make sure you drop a like on the video it really
actually does help out the video on getting to more views so make sure you
go and leave a like and also if you don't leave a comment then remember I
said let's start yeah I'm gonna come over to your house with a thermostat
wait I think I'm pretty sure I change that
thermostat is another thing on the who cares I'm coming to your house with a
thermostat if whether you like or not I'll make your house hot as hell so yeah
make sure you leave a comment and leave a like and if you know around here
subscribe to my youtube channel it would really help me out and follow my follow
my twitter at keene KSG all of you if you do it i'm not some card love so
thank you and I've seen this one goodbye
Religious Leader Says Evangelicals Who Don't Support Trump Are Morons - Duration: 4:46.
The religious right has made an unholy alliance with Donald Trump for some reason. And one
of his biggest supporters in the religious right is a Dallas based pastor Robert Jeffery's.
We've spoken about him in the past and he's been a longtime ally of Donald Trump. And
last week Jeffrey's actually went on a radio program that was hosted by a Fox News commentator,
Todd Starnes. We're Jeffries, said the following about evangelicals who refuse to support Donald
Trump. This is his exact quote here, says, let me say this is charitably as I can. These
never Trump evangelicals are morons. They are absolutely spineless morons and they cannot
admit that they were wrong. So according to Jeffrey's, this alleged man of God, any evangelical
that does not blindly support Donald Trump is a moron, a spineless moron. And you somehow
refuse to admit that you were wrong for not supporting him. You know the philandering
guy who's been accused of sexual misconduct by at least 19 different women.
How dare you not support him, you morons. You know, the guy who's really trying to get
us into an illegal war in Venezuela and possibly even Iran has been helping to murder kids
in Syria through our sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia and our support, uh, for this civil
war in Yemen. Yeah, you're a moron if you don't support him. I don't follow that line
of logic, but luckily Jeffrey's explains a little bit because like always there's only
one issue that the religious right actually cares about. And here it is another quote,
this is an issue of life and death. This is so black and white. So much about good versus
evil. I don't get it. It really goes to the core of who we are as a country and what kind
of country we have in the future. And if we can't get this issue of life right, I just
don't know where we're going to go down the road.
And he is of course referring to Donald Trump being the most pro life president in American
history. So that's where it lies. Ladies and gentlemen, you're a moron if you're an evangelical
and you don't support Donald Trump because he is the most pro life president in American
history. And I swear to God, I would love to see all the receipts from everything this
man has ever purchased. Cause I am willing to bet there is an abortion on there somewhere.
You cannot be this kind of a philanderer and have affairs with any woman you see down the
street and not eventually screw up. I would love to get my hands just on one because there
is no way, it is no way that this guy hasn't had to pay for an abortion at some point in
his life right now. Total speculation. Maybe he hasn't. Maybe he's a great guy, but we
can make assumptions based on his history, based on his philandering and based on his
disgusting, uh, habits of cheating on women. Yeah, pretty sure there's something in there
in fact, isn't that would one of the investigations right now is actually trying to figure out
the Karen McDougall payment? What the hell was that about? Yeah, there's still a possibility
that we may get evidence of that, but nonetheless, this isn't about Donald Trump and what he's
paid for. If he did it, whatever. I'm actually not going to judge him for that, but Robert
Jeffries would because Jeffrey's thinks that anybody who thinks a woman should have the
right to choose what to do with her own body is evil in that if you don't support Donald
Trump, you're a moron. That is today's religious right. He did. I mean, Jeffery's flat out
said this is good versus evil, so I guess we're evil and he's good and we're morons
and he's not. But I strongly suggest that Jeffery's invest in a good mirror cause this
guy needs to look at what he's actually doing and what he's saying. And then after he invests
in that mirror, perhaps invest in something called a a Bible, and maybe actually read
it. If you can read Mister Jeffrey's, because you're going to find out to nothing that you
have ever said or done in your life reflects anything that you're going to find in that
little book.
My Experience Getting Ahead - Duration: 1:24.
¡IMPRESIONANTE! Anfield vibró con "You'll never walk alone" - Duration: 1:56.
Online treatment for anxiety attacks via Skype - Duration: 16:05.
My name is Peter Strong.
I'm a professional online therapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of
anxiety, including panic attacks and other anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and
social anxiety disorder that benefit from Mindfulness Therapy.
So I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy which is a system of work that I have developed
over the last 10 to 12 years now that is proving very effective indeed for helping people overcome
anxiety and panic attacks.
So if you're looking for online treatment for panic attacks then I encourage you to
read more on my website and please feel free to contact me with any questions that you
may have and when you feel ready we can schedule a Skype Therapy session.
So Skype Therapy for panic attacks is very convenient, of course, means you can have
your sessions at home without having to travel to a therapist's office.
And Often for anxiety disorders in general the online format is typically much more comfortable
for you much less intimidating, much less clinical in nature.
So Mindfulness Therapy is not a clinical approach to treating anxiety or depression.
It's a system that teachings, it's a way of giving you practical methods that you can
develop and apply yourself for overcoming anxiety and panic attacks.
So one of the most important methods that I will teach you is how to change the relationship
that you have with your anxiety.
This is really quite important.
So from a mindfulness psychology viewpoint anxiety is regarded as a habit, a psychological
habit, rather than an illness or a disorder.
So the real problem with anxiety is that these habits become established and they operate
automatically out of consciousness.
And the first training in Mindfulness Therapy is restoring consciousness so that you develop
a very conscious non-reactive relationship with your anxiety, with your emotions.
This is quite important.
You really cannot expect those habits to change until you develop a conscious relationship
with them.
So the way we do this is by, quite surprisingly perhaps, choosing to meditate on the anxiety
or other emotions.
We make them the object of meditation.
This means that we focus a great deal of conscious awareness on the emotion itself.
We might play through a scene in the mind where the anxiety may be triggered.
But then we work with that anxiety, restoring consciousness.
So that means that you can observe the anxiety or any other emotion without becoming reactive,
without becoming identified with that emotion, without becoming consumed by it, or overwhelmed
by it, or lost in all of the related reactive thoughts that tend to feed anxiety and panic
So that's a very important part of the training.
Learning to sit with your emotions without becoming consumed by them.
Then, when you have established that conscious relationship, then you can begin to change
the emotion itself.
We can help it heal.
So that's the second primary theme in Mindfulness Therapy is teaching our emotions how to heal
It's about healing.
One of the most important requirements for healing is that conscious relationship itself.
In essence you become like a parent to the anxiety, which is like a child.
It's a conscious relationship and it's also based on love or friendliness, with an interest
in the anxiety and helping it heal.
So that relationship gets fractured during anxiety disorders.
We say there is a disconnect between your True Self and the emotion.
That's like separation between the parent and the child, and then the anxiety becomes
isolated and it just becomes a source of reactivity, and it cannot heal without that connection
with your larger and higher True Self.
So that's what we established during meditation on the emotion.
We re-establish the relationship between your True Self, which is the Observer, and the
anxiety, which is the object observed in your meditation.
So that relationship is fundamentally important for healing, as it would be for a child that
was in pain.
It needs to reconnect with his parent with consciousness and love in order for the child
to discover how to heal its own pain.
So the way that we help the emotion heal is also depending on working with the imagery
of the emotion.
So any emotion has associated imagery, that's what really keeps that emotion operating in
the mind.
And when we are meditating on the emotion we want to explore this imagery, because when
you change the imagery of an emotion the emotion heals, it changes.
So we look at the position of the image of the emotion, that's really important.
So many people experience the anxiety in the body in the throat or the chest, that's quite
a common position, and that's part of its structure, that's part of its imagery.
It needs to be in that place in order to create the emotional distress of anxiety or panic
So when we see his position we then start to explore moving it.
And this is a very, very effective approach to working with anxiety and panic attacks,
particularly, which are simply a very intense form of anxiety.
When you can learn to see the anxiety clearly as an object and then move it from its habitual
position in the chest or the throat, or wherever it might be, to a new position, typically
outside of the body, that movement is a very important part of the healing process for
the emotion.
It has to move.
It has to change its position, and you can help it do that through meditation.
That's a primary function of meditation is to facilitate healing.
That's the primary purpose of meditation.
But we can also work with other components of the imagery of the anxiety such as its
color or its size.
What color is it?
This is something that is really important.
Most people find that the color of the best resonates with their anxiety is usually red
or orange and that color is part of its structure.
It has to have the color in order to create the feeling of anxiety.
But it is all habit based.
Now when we bring conscious mindfulness to the emotion we can investigate its color and
we can begin to change his color.
Because when you have consciousness you always bring with that consciousness choice.
You can begin to explore changing things.
They are no longer in the habit realm.
So we explore changing the color.
Make the anxiety blue or green or any color that feels right.
Explore what feels right, what helps that anxiety heal.
We look at its size.
Clearly if it is very intense the emotion must be very large.
So again its size is a product of habit.
It simply takes on the form that is very large, with that certain color and certain position
out of habit.
So the size we can change.
You can shrink an emotion down.
You can make it as small as you need to make it, and you experiment and you explore what
happens when you shrink the emotion.
Make it as small as a grain of sand.
See how that affects the intensity of the anxiety or panic.
So there are many other components like that in the imagery of the emotion that we can
work with quite effectively using Mindfulness Therapy.
If you would like to learn more about how to work with your panic attacks and anxiety
using mindfulness, then please reach out to me by e-mail.
Contact me and let schedule a Skype Therapy session.
So I see lots and lots of people who suffer from panic attacks and anxiety in general,
and this approach is very effective.
And most people see quite substantial improvements within just a few sessions.
It is much better than using medications.
Medications will do absolutely nothing to change that underlying habitual process that
causes your anxiety and panic attacks.
It only provides a temporary relief from symptoms, and we want to do better than that.
We want to change the underlying cause of your anxiety, and that cause is, as I said,
primarily a function of imagery and with the relationship that you have with the emotion
So when you correct both of those things you produce very effective change in the anxiety
and you will help it heal very quickly.
When you have shown the anxiety how to heal itself by changing its imagery and by creating
that parent-child type relationship with it, then that becomes a new habit.
It becomes automatic and the anxiety can heal itself once that new positive habit has been
That's what's so nice about this approach.
It's basically learning how to help your emotions heal and how to develop what we call resolution
pathways that help them heal by themselves.
And it's very, very effective.
So if you'd like to learn more, please contact me.
Tell me more about yourself and your needs and let's schedule a session.
You'll see for yourself in the first session just how effective the Mindfulness Therapy
approach can be.
And it's one of the most enjoyable ways of working with emotions in general.
It unleashes a lot of energy that gets trapped in those contracted emotions like anxiety
and panic or depression, as well.
So if you would like to get start with me please contact me.
Thank you.
Tracking metrics will help you grow your startup - Duration: 2:59.
- Hello there,
Mike Grabham here again.
So today, we are gonna talk about metrics
and how much they matter.
So metrics matter
a lot.
As you can see,
metrics matter a lot.
So you have to decide on metrics.
And when I say decide on metrics,
again, I'm gonna tell you a story about,
it just happened to be a month ago.
So I'm meeting with a potential client,
and I asked him,
"So what are you tracking,
what are your KPI's,
Key Performance Indicators, KPI's?
What are you tracking in there?"
And they're like, oh, they showed me like
they showed me like eight or nine or ten,
I don't know how many there was.
There was a lot of them, right.
A lot of Key Performance Indicators.
And I was like,
"Wow, you've got a lot of indicators you're tracking."
So he's like," Yeah, we're tracking everything."
So I'm like, "What are important?"
He says, "They're all important."
I'm like, "Well, what's the most important one?"
He's like, "They're all just as important."
So here's what happened.
So we went through all of them and I said,
"What do you think after our short discussion,
which is the most important?"
And he picked out about four of them and say,
"I think these are all equally as important."
So at the end of the day there was really two KPI's
that they were tracking
that was really important for his business,
to really understand everything that's going on,
from a big picture,
30 000 foot view.
So it's not like you need to have every detail,
but there's always going to be two or three,
maybe four,
but usually two or three is all you really need
to be tracking on a daily,
or maybe even weekly basis.
So you don't need to be tracking everything,
but there's gotta be a few keys you're tracking.
For instance,
this company really was about getting people in their doors
and utilizing space that,
if there wasn't sitting anyone in that chair,
then it was unutilized,
therefore unused inventory.
So it was basically kinda like a hotel,
occupancy rates.
So they have certain amount of occupancy
that they have during their day.
And you basically track how many seats got filled that day.
And that's what we decided was their occupancy rate.
So that was how they started looking at it.
Okay, what was our occupancy rate?
So you could look at that every day and know
that the trend is going up or going down
or what's happening with that trend.
Because in that business,
that was what was important.
That really kinda told the whole story,
because if that's going up,
business is good.
If that's going down,
business is bad.
So you got to decide on a couple KPI's.
A couple Key Performance Indicators.
A couple metrics that you track on a daily,
or a weekly basis at the very least,
but daily sometimes,
but weekly sometimes as well.
So just decide on that.
Find them.
Track them,
and just be aware of those
that really make your business hum.
So understand how that works for your business.
Take care until next time.
Have an amazing day.
Bye, bye.
WPW10274921 - Replacing Your Whirlpool Dishwasher's Right Hinge Arm - AP6018353, PS11751655 - Duration: 8:33.
Hi my name is Bill and today I will be showing you how to replace the right
hinge arm on your dishwasher. The reason why you might have to do this is because
your dishwashers door isn't closing properly. For this repair, we'll be using
a quarter-inch nut driver, a screwdriver with a VT 15 star bit, a flathead
screwdriver, and a pair of pliers.
Warning: Before doing any repairs, please disconnect your power source.
So this is the dishwasher we're going to be using
for this demonstration, it's a whirlpool. And now keep in mind yours at home might
be a little bit different than what we have here, but the same technique should
still apply. Also keep in mind we don't have a counter top for this, so we're
actually using some weights to keep it weighted down so it doesn't tip over on
us. So you might want to consider that when you're at home and if you have to
take out your dishwasher, make sure that you're not doing anything to tip it over
and make it fall on you when you're doing a repair as well. So the first
thing we're going to do is open up our dishwasher here.
So the next thing we're
going to do is we're going to take out all the screws out of the door here.
So now that we have all the screws out, what I'm going to do is I'm going to
lift up the door a little bit and kind of get it back into place. However, once I
get about here, we take this door off and separate the two halves. Do that nice and
carefully, as there are still a couple of wires on the inside to connect them. But
there's this wire right here and we're going to unplug that from our control board
here. And all we really need to do is just pinch the two sides here and then pull
it out.
So this is our right arm hinge, so the first thing I want to do is I want
to take off that spring right here and pull that and then release it just like
that. Now I have to undo all the screws here in order to get it off.
And now I'm going to lift up on the door on this side slightly, so we can get the arm
off of this side. And now I've got this screw up here, which is also holding on
the bracket up here. I need to take that out to take the brackets apart.
So now I can take this bracket off. That comes off with this arm, so now we've got this
little piece of metal that's holding that on to the hinge right there. So
we're going to need a pair of pliers and we're going to squeeze that in order to get
the hinge off.
So now we can rotate the hinge down and it should come right off. Now we can take
off the friction sleeve here. Now you can grab your new OEM replacement right arm
hinge. If you don't have one already, you can find it on our online store.
So now we'll place our friction sleeve onto our hinge here and that slides
right on. Just fix them, put them all into that groove spot right there.
And now we'll slide our hinge onto the hinge pin right here and line everything
up, and then slide our hinge up. And once we do that, we can screw it back
into place.
And slide this cork bracket back up into place, line everything up, and screw that
back in as well. And now we'll come back to our hinge pin, and we'll use this
screwdriver to place this locking tab back in place here, and that'll lock it
and secure it. Now we're going to re-attach this spring, and if this piece
of plastic fell off here, all you have to do is slide that on just like so. Then
pull the spring and it sits back in place. And now we'll plug in our front
console assembly to the control board and we'll lift up on our front panel and
slide it into place on the front door.
And now I'm going to open up the door, and I want to put the screws in the
front two corners first, as that will help hold the whole door together, and
then I can get the rest in.
Close up your door and your repair is complete.
Finally, don't forget to plug in your appliance.
If you need to replace any
parts for your appliances, you can find an OEM replacement part on our website
Thanks for watching, and please don't forget to like,
comment, and share our video. Also don't forget to subscribe to our channel. Your
support helps us make more videos just like these for you to watch for free.
Walk On - U2 - Duration: 3:48.
#4. (ENG Subs) 手作礼物| 剪纸贺卡 | 圣诞快乐 |黑森林小镇的小生活| #Vlog - Duration: 1:58.
Lena and Alex sent us a Christmas card.
So I decided to make them a Christmas card with paper cutting.
With a picture of Snowman, I cut a snowman.
Stick all the parts together.
I spent so long for these little snowflakes.
Wait for our card. Merry Christmas!
Super 'Snow moon' lights up Bay Area sky - Duration: 0:28.
Kyle Idleman | When You Feel Like Giving Up - Duration: 1:01.
I think one of the challenges with
believers and and giving up is that
there's something that seems unspiritual
about feeling worn out and tired and
ready to give up and so well you
oftentimes have is people who gave up
and you find out they gave up where if
they would have told you you know a
month or two or three months ahead that
they were struggling then you felt like
you feel like you could have felt that
because there can be shame in the
struggle a lot of times you don't hear
about it until it feels like everything
has already been dropped so you know the
challenge I have for the church as let's
let the church be a place where it's
okay to be tired it's okay to be weary
and just struggle so that we can help
each other when we need it and and not
after it's too late to do it there's no
shame in saying I'm tired and I need
somebody to help me along
Welcome to Cleveland. Brought to you by The Huntington National Bank. - Duration: 1:29.
Indeed. Welcome back Delly.
Initially you know shock, but then you know extremely happy there was a place
Anna and I are very familiar with and obviously a lot of great memories here.
Restore, for the avocado toast and juice. Lucky's cafe, Momocho, Ginkgo. I've heard there's
a few other ones we go check out like The Marble Room and so I've still got a
few spots to get back to but I'm looking forward to eating at those restaurants.
The Rock Hall was really cool. I went out to the top of Tower City had a really cool
view of Cleveland. One time I went on a helicopter ride all around kind of along
the water and then back around downtown and kind of to the side of the Browns
Stadium so it got to see in there and went to a Browns, Indians games.
Looking forward to the weather warming off a little bit so we can get outside
some more. I mean it's been pretty incredible. Definitely wasn't expecting
that but it just makes me feel really welcomed and you know I'm excited to go
out there every night to play as hard as I can for the great fans that we have
10 Things You Should Not Say To Someone With Acne - Nerea Fajarnés - Duration: 11:26.
Hello! My name is Nerea Fajarnés and I have a question for you: have you ever had acne? Well, I have, and I still
do, as you can see. So, to be honest, I can't remember the last day I had clear skin. I was about 12-13 years
old when I got my first pimple, and, when years went on I got more pimples. But they were tiny, and I didn't get
them that often. So, from that moment on more pimples started to appear and my skin got worse and worse.
But I didn't know what was yet to come. So I went to see a dermatologist and she gave me a special lotion and
a special soap to wash my face with. I don't know how many treatments I have tried. But, whenever I started
a new treatment, it would work at the beginning, but in the short run pimples would reappear. So, when I turned
16... You don't know what happened when I turned 16! My face started breaking out. I didn't know what to do.
I felt so upset! I thought "what am I doing wrong?". So, I started torturing myself thinking it was my fault, and I
lost hope. I lost faith. Fortunately, I found a good dermatologist. Well, my parents did. And he told me...
Well, he gave me some pills. They were antibiotics, and they worked! They worked at the beginning. I took them
for a month, and then, six months after I had finished that treatment, I began to see how my skin improved.
And then, last year my acne reappeared. I went to the same dermatologist and I told him "Please can you
give me those antibiotics? Because they worked, and I'm sure they will work again". And guess what he told me.
"Forget all those treatments". What?! "Forget all those treatments. That special lotion, that special soap,
special products only work for superficial acne, and I can see that antibiotics don't work for you, because bacteria
is not causing your acne, hormones are causing your acne, and you have cystic acne", which means that
my pimples are not only on the surface of my face, but they are also under my face. So, he gave me these pills.
They have isotretinoin, and this element makes my vitamin A levels increase, and, therefore, the cells
that produce grease increase in size. So, in other words, you get rid of acne forever. But this treatment is really
dangerous for my liver. I need to follow this treatment for six months, and in those six months I can't drink
alcohol, I can do hardly any exercise, I can't do laser treatment (depilation), and I need to use this special
lip balm because, otherwise, my lips tear into pieces, literally. Yeah... But I'm not here to talk about my
experience. I'm here to talk about another thing. I wanted to tell you my story so that you can really understand
what acne means. I've told you I've felt discouraged, I've felt upset, I've lost hope and I've lost faith. But there was
something that worsened all of that: people's comments. Yes, people's comments. So now,
if you have acne, you will relate to what I'm going to say, and if you have never had acne please listen to me now.
You must listen to me now, because I'm going to tell you
So, the first one is.
Don't say that around me, please. I've got its whole family here. This comment really gets on my nerves.
So I'm going to continue. The second thing you should never say to a person with acne is
This happened to me when I stopped using make up, because my relatives and my friends, and my boyfriend
saw me with make up. So the day I stopped using make up, because I wanted to, they told me that. And it hurt
me. It literally made me cry. The third thing you should never say to a person with acne is
Huh? Are you suggesting I'm dirty? Or are you suggesting that I lack personal hygiene?
No. I probably wash my face 2-3 times a day, but hormones create this acne. So, no matter how many
times you wash your face, that won't work. And then there is this other comment.
So again, hormones create this. So no matter what you eat, it won't affect your acne at all. And the next thing...
I know. I have mirrors at home. I see my face everyday. I know how many pimples I have, and I even feel when I'm
going to have a new pimple. So, please don't tell me this. And then, there is this disgusting comment people make
"Can I pop it?". Are you insane?! Are you insane?! Okay, so... there is this one... I can't, I can't... Okay.
What are your intentions? I mean, I'm struggling to get rid of it, and you just come to me and say you've never
had acne. What am I supposed to answer? And the seventh one is
I've seen many many many many dermatologists, but their treatments only work for me for a short
amount of time. I struggle with it a lot. And the eighth thing you should never tell someone with acne... This
comment is even worse than the one I said before.
I know your intentions are good, but I'm seeing a dermatologist. I will follow the treatment my
dermatologist suggests. And you should know that everyone, like, every single person has a different skin
and it reacts differently to each product. Okay, so... This comment really makes me go like...
Sadly, make up doesn't cover it all. And with this treatment your skin really dries, and, plus plus plus
plus, plus. You need to buy some special oil free foundation. So, whe you put it on, it looks really bad.
It looks like the floor of a desert: cracked. And the last things you should never say to a person with acne is
Make up doesn't give you acne. You can wear it if you want to. I wear it sometimes. Um... It only, like it may
give you a couple of pimples if you don't clear your face properly after you wear make up. But... So...
I feel really relieved now. Aha. So, I hope that you've got these 10 comments in your head, or written somewhere
because we, people with acne, feel really self-concious sometimes, and those comments really tear us down.
Like, those comments defeat us. Like... They make us cry, they make us upset. So, please, don't say these
comments to someone with acne, and don't say them to me unless you want to get into a beatiful discussion.
Thank you.
CT Scans & Mammogram Vs. Thermograms & The Hidden Dangers Of Mammograms - Duration: 13:44.
Hi, Dr. Minkoff here, BodyHealth.com. Today I want to talk about a common subject
which is, what do you do if your doctor orders a CT scan on you, or are CT scans
dangerous, do CT scans cause cancer, what is the data on this so that you can be
better informed. CT scans have one upside, definitely. Because they give you
information, you can see things that you can't see on an x-ray. So, if the doctor
is looking for a tumor, for a lump, for a cyst, for something, a CT scan can be very
valuable. If somebody is looking for a tooth infection, or an abscess a CT scan
can be very valuable. It's a two-sided sword, because a CT scan is a type of
x-ray and there is ionizing radiation, there is x-ray radiation that is going
to come into your body when you get it. So a lot of times the real question is,
is the diagnosis needed by getting a CT scan or not. If it's needed you're kind
of stuck with doing it. If it's not needed maybe there's another way that it
can be looked at, with an ultrasound or some other technology,
have an MRI, where you don't have to actually do the ionizing radiation.
Of course the doctor is going to make that decision, but I think if you're
informed on it it can be very helpful. Ionizing radiation causes free radicals.
The energy in the ionizing radiation is so strong that it starts to break apart
normal tissue and normal normal membranes and that's where the damage
comes in, okay. Now we are in radiation all the time. The Sun is emitting
radiation all the time, our cellphones are emitting radiation, we live in
a sea of radiation. The normal background for most of us living in a regular city
environment is about what's called three MSV per person per year. That's about
what the background is, okay. Now added to that are things like what if you get a
dental x-ray, well it's another .01, it's a little bit. It's not nothing,
but it isn't very much. What about a DEXA scan?
Your doctor is checking for your bone density he does a DEXA scan, it's an
x-ray, it's very very low it's .001 so it's really low,
okay. What about a chest x-ray, well it's much higher it's .01, okay. So if
you get a lot of chest x-rays, pretty soon starts to add up. A mammogram
is 4X a chest x-ray, per breast, okay. So now we're up to .8, so
now that's getting more. If you do it every year, now you're starting to add up,
and I'll show you some statistics in a little bit of what happens with more and
more mammograms, and what happens with the incidence of breast cancer, okay.
It's not nothing, okay. A CT scan of the chest is 7
so that's a lot more okay. A CT of the abdomen is 10, a lot more. A CT
angiogram if they're looking at heart arteries, or brain arteries, they do a CT
like for the chest it's 51 to the breast. Remember the baseline is 3 a chest
x-rays .1, a CT angiogram of the chest because it's going to go through
the breast is 51 to the breast and 64 to the lung. Now these are big hits for the
body. These are radiation, these are
cancer-causing waves. Now when you look at mammograms and breast cancer
what you find out as the younger you get it, the younger you start your mammograms,
the worse it is, okay. Because that time adds to the chances of you getting more
cancer. They found that women had a 2.5X more risk of
cancer when they had more mammograms. So these things can be really significant.
If you're younger it's worse, if you get a more often it's worse, but more
importantly, especially when we're talking about breasts,
is there another way to look? Can we do an ultrasound? Can we do an MRI? Can we
find out the same information in a better way? Now I want to transition a
little bit now because a mammogram is an x-ray. It's radiation.
It's .4 per breast. Can we look at the breast in a better way? In a safer way?
And get information that's a lot better than what we're going to get from the
mammogram? Now this is called thermography. Thermo means heat. Ography
means we're making a picture out of it. So thermography actually is an infrared
camera that measures the heat coming off the breast itself. Red is
very hot and green is cooler and blue is the coolest. Now let's say someone
is brewing breast cancer, one cell turns bad and it starts to become a cancer
cell. In 90 days there's two of them, in a year there's 16 of them. 16
cells you can't see, It's like really teeny teeny okay.
2 years there's 256, three years there's 4896,
five years there's a million, eight years there's four trillion, this is where it
gets detectable by mammogram. So when someone has a positive mammogram, they've
had disease brewing for an average of eight years and by the time they found
it there's four trillion cells there. Now that is a very late late finding, that
doesn't help you, you've got it now. What's beautiful about the thermography
is that it's detected at the 256 cell level by thermography.
Why? Because the cancer cell very early starts to get new blood vessels because
it needs more nutrition and those new blood vessels add circulation to the
breast and they add heat to the breast and the heat signature shows up early.
We can detect early early early breast cancer it might not even be
really significant cancer. Do an intervention at that point where if we
detoxify the breast, if we do some special treatments on the breast where
we can get this thing to go away. Because you won't see this on an MRI or a
mammogram or any other technology it's way too soon it's way too early. But if
you have this technology you say, oh something's going on there let's handle
it. I've done this many times with people. Sometimes it's hormonal
imbalances, sometimes it's environmental toxins in
the breast, sometimes it's an iodine deficiency, sometimes they have a
parasitic infection where we see, oh that breast is abnormal, okay let's get on
that. Then six months later we do another thermograph and
the breast is returned to normal, we got it before it was really significant.
That's really really important and you don't have to do the
mammography. I want to just compare the two things. Another
problem with mammograms is that there is a high rate of false positives. The false
positive means the mammogram says there's something there and the biopsy
is done and there's nothing there. Now there is nothing worse than a false
positive because the woman goes to get her annual mammogram, she gets the
mammogram, the mammogram shows there might be something there, and the
recommendation then is you need a biopsy. The emotional things that occur to
people when like, "oh my god I've got breast cancer and now I need a biopsy,
and someone's going to stick a needle in my breasts five or six times to try to
get that thing pinpointed and make a diagnosis on me. This sort of
emotional travail is horrible. About 15-20% of the
time when it shows that there's something there, there is nothing there
and you went through the whole thing for nothing. That's not good.
There's also about a 15-20% chance of where there actually
is breast cancer there but it doesn't show. So the mammogram as a test is
really not very good, okay. It's pain, the breast, if you've ever had a mammogram, I
haven't had one but I'm told they squeeze you, they've got to flatten this
thing out, now if that tumor is encapsulated and it gets squeezed do the
cells come out, is there damage done? These are all things that
aren't good. Now the cancer is stimulated by radiation because the mammogram is
x-ray, and x-rays cause cancer! If you have something brewing it's going to
stimulate it. What's nice about the thermography is it provides
information on the root cause, it detects the growth very early, there's no
radiation, there's no compression. You basically sit in the room and you put
your arms over your head, you put your arms like this, the infrared
camera takes the picture and that's it. Nobody touches you, nobody does anything
to you, they get the picture, it goes to a board-certified radiologist who reads it
and he says, this looks really good or hey there's something suspicious here
maybe we need to do an ultrasound or maybe we need to do an MRI. We have to
investigate this further to find out what is actually going on. Okay no
radiation no compression. It tells about the activity of blood vessels that
are going on in the breasts. So here's a normal, this is a beautiful normal breast,
should be blue. Blue means cold, the breasts are off the body, their
temperature is generally cooler. So this is right okay, you look at this and say
holy smokes, what is going on up here? This is hot
because there's blood vessels, that tumors got blood vessels and this is
someone who's got cancer of the left breast. The pictures are very helpful,
and a screening can be done like this once a year starting at a young
age so you have a baseline. For I don't know two hundred fifty three
hundred bucks something like that in most places you get the screening done
it's all good. We already talked about that.
This is really important, a mammogram is not early detection. We want early
detection when we're dealing with cancer because the earlier we get it the better.
A cancerous tumors been growing from eight to ten years before it's big
enough and dense enough to be detected by mammography, that's why the treatment
at that stage is so drastic. People end up with mastectomies and they're carved
up and chemotherapy and radiation. If we can get to it way before it's way better.
I've found in my experience it's a reversible process. You get this early,
you could reverse it because why do they have this? They're toxic and
if we can get the toxins off and the hormones balanced, we can get them back.
Now this is interesting because breasts Thermography is FDA approved as
a treatment, as a diagnostic treatment since 1982, though you don't hear about
it much. The standard has been regular mammography, but there are
several countries like Canada, it doesn't allow a mammography anymore because the
results just aren't good enough. You know it's a it's a downside treatment, it's
not an up side treatment. Breast screening is really important. Something
like one in eight women in their lifetime nowadays is going to get breast
cancer. If you get breast cancer very early or pre breast cancer really early
it's a reversible process and you don't end up with disfigurement and toxic
medications. So, this is something that should start probably by the time anyone
is 20-25 years old they should start getting annual thermography and they
could be followed and if there's a problem the doctor could do an
intervention. A doctor like me could do an intervention
and you can reverse the process. Annual mammogram screening I don't like
because it's too late, it doesn't help you, fifteen or twenty percent of the
time it's wrong and that's not a good thing, and it causes cancer. Go with
the things that make the most sense and this makes the most sense. We want to
give people the idea that they have power over their bodies and make it
through the Diagnostics that are available.
Give them indications of what they should do so they can live healthy, and
live long and not get cancer, okay. I hope this helps.
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