we're easily the most creative people when it comes to food okay and that's
not a joke okay sometimes a little - agreed yeah what I'm about to make will
blow your mind okay first you get your in the taylors
following following you get a nice
cookie their food pinch of salt you spread the flu into a column okay about
one-third of the sandwich ah this is pre insane then you get your do not butter
doesn't matter the order you get it in I'm just getting it nice in the second
column now your sandwich looks like this take your favorite ingredient from all
of these to put it on again unless you want to get another spikes of something
first silence you get your second piece of bread and instead of going columns
vertically you go horizontally now wait until I explain why oh I need to hear
why because I don't get it another funky Wally wait for your chef to finish your
sandwich you massage your face is such increasing the blood flow to your
cheekbones a little Botox watch this I'm watching okay you have your first
sandwich becomes a vertical your second sandwich mr. Barry you whatever three
rows of horizontal put these together you get nine different flavor
combinations Wow wait because one each corner or you don't
guess you're doing those through the same column you're doing say you get the
banana we were talking about are we talking about a banana you put some
slices of banana on the peanut butter if I had stupid strawberries Oh put
strawberries on the Nutella robberies wait
okay this is create the night I may have some inspiration this is a synthetic
genetically modified huh okay I'm not gonna like this you mix in the teller
with Jan darling my treatments and try to get the middle part what are you
having back me to sandwich you want anymore no I I'd rather eat
something meal like not like this body roll only a genius no prepares for me
what are you gonna make I'll show you there you cook it what do you mean
cooking doc wait pastrami mustard metal eggs and potatoes
what the heck do you guys think I'm gonna make first things first season
hashbrowns why am I looking mute Jets volume that's good
you don't even know what I'm doing thing is fine you know what I'm making
hmm you know what recently I taught people how to crack an
egg with one hand but most of you probably haven't seen them so you take
the egg crack it a little bit let's crack that so you have this man Wow
Chris what step to beating the egg what is happening bro pastrami oh I tell you
no one sells this I know exactly what it is you better not
aah you stole this from me I actually put four types of peppers I put cayenne
white pepper black pepper and chili powder and paprika
yeah you wants to be a fire-breathing dragon laughing out of it the last major
part of this dish is the eggs he is popping the onion the order for this is
the most important part so you got to put the mustard on this but not let
touch the eggs how am I gonna touch the eggs
you call this low-key fire .
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The Most Interesting Slime Videos 2019 #108 - HuHu Slime - Duration: 10:01.
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Rider Arevalo: ayahuasca, shipibo, teacher plants and shamanism. - Duration: 13:15.
Inayat Ho To Aisi Ho - JIDHAR DEKHU UDHAR TU HO MOHABBAT HO TO AAISE HO - Duration: 11:34.
I hear you ep05 eng sub - Duration: 46:03.
Lisi English subtitles
Welcome to my channel eng sub lisi
Welcome to my Twitter lisi eng sub
So CP sense is kind of like a lot of people
But anyway
Thank you so much for this time
Who and who are we?
But then again
You're your wife.
It's not easy to have a hot spring hotel
I'll take you out of the way.
Why are you gossiping about me?
I just want to hear that
Not so much
The average player encounters renminbi players.
What does that mean
I don't know what he thinks.
I don't understand
I think
I only have her in my heart
But I don't know his heart but me
A couple of other people
You mean he's a big carrot.
You can't say that
I can only say he's probably more than me.
I'm not too small
I'm so pessimistic
This is called the soft spot of a strong woman
I'll tell you
I don't believe that
You have to go all out
Take the initiative
I'll tell you
So tell me about it
How am I gon na get him?
Otherwise you're a zero experience person to tell me about it.
I'll give you an idea.
You're a donkey liver
Laugh at me for not washing
Why are you still angry?
Just kidding
I'm a beginner in the world of zero experience
How is it possible to sum up
I'm really pissed off.
Roasted chestnuts with sugar
You can't see me
I want to teach you a lesson
Little beauty
It's you
What are you doing?
Don't want to live?
And I think the afternoon
How can you make such a joke?
What's the matter
Don't say
As for
It's such a big gas
I see
He's exposing his mind and then using it to hide it.
What type
You come up first.
It's not the case
You go to the name of the leaf.
We're not going to have dinner together at night.
It's all set
I'm going to do it tonight
I look at him.
It's hard to get rid of it for a while
Don't go there tonight.
I don't think I'm going to go tonight.
You said I got it today
It's okay
We're just kidding
Who would have thought that would be the right thing to do
Don't think so much
Walk away
Eat first
Don't think so much
Go away
You're going to call Xie shuwei.
This is the meal that I just packed
You help me bring it to him.
I have to
I just gave you a leopard.
Drive a car
Let's go ahead and do it
It's still mad
Is there a mosquito message?
I don't know who knows what he's thinking about a month
Well, you're a little bit hissed. you've got your ears on this side.
Wrap it around me
But god's temper
You know how much you know about the upgrade and you don't really care about it
I'm a little hungry.
You're hungry
I eat it
You didn't eat it together
I'm a digestive function
It's always something that's digested particularly fast
There's a word on it
What's the word?
Beta beta
So let's see
I'm not right
I'm a liberal arts student who's not very good at math
But the odds are pretty good
What does this symbol mean
You're both in the dark.
Eat it
You've been working hard lately
On behalf of my entire company, I would like to thank you
This time
I'm going to drive
No thanks
Don't say
The ear and the big god make sense. yeah.
I mean, look at these pictures and nobody really does
And they're fake lovers.
Wake up
Look at the phone
What are you doing?
Who made you take pictures of me again?
You're not going to be posting this photo.
I can't tell you.
The last time you shot me so ugly.
Here we go again
Dumb pig
I just remind you to listen to me.
I'll tell you
I'm usually pretty good.
It's always nice, isn't it?
On the right
So let's go
You guys are going to be safe and slow
Stationary point
Bye bye
All right
Bye bye
Let's go.
Let's go
Go home
I heard you're a little bit of a couple.
He won't be my future aunt.
Is he really my little bear?
I'm going to lie down and say something.
Drive a car
The ear, you can strike while the iron is hot
A couple of photos with a bookcase
As long as it's my hair.
Every time I have a dog food page and nothing happens
It's a little bit tight
Let's do that
I'll find a way to motivate you to do your job first.
Did you say you have a picture of us at the hot spring hotel?
In this case
Don always go this morning
Between Tang and song
My sister is in trouble
You watch the video today
Now these programs are not offline
It's all fake
It's like the quiet love
And there was a woman in the room called abeldo who had a few days to think about it
You need a car
What I'm trying to show is the fairy jump.
Just after a night
I'll write a sentence like that
I don't know
Now the online reviews almost overwhelmingly say that bell's and his wife are a fake couple
You go ahead and start the plan that I have you prepared
You're looking for a public relations firm
And then look for the media that's involved
Get rid of all the negative news that can be withdrawn.
I'll go right away
And then what doesn't that make sense to you
But there are a lot of things that you don't understand
Yu shao shan
You're in a hurry.
Wait a minute
Enna Lee
So I'm going to leave
I know what you're trying to say.
I know what's going on
We've done it
And what you do is you have a situation where the situation is getting better
But now it's all over the internet
It's all negative opinion
So if the leader stops the show
It's all ears
I don't want to trouble my ears.
Don't worry
I've got objects
What to do
They are not questioning our faking
Let's get a fight.
What do you mean
In the end
That's a good idea
And the daughter is really talking about
I'm going to do a poll on weibo
Vote for the fairest response
Let her keep track of the number of pages she's in love with
You don't know what's going on between them.
Where is the love life?
The first step is to get them to live together
Living together now these programs have no lower bounds
It's all fake
It's like that relationship
One of the women in the ING called abelio was dating me a few days ago.
You need a car
It's a fairy jump.
You see the video of the night on your blind date.
Now things are getting worse
The show is very likely to be in the holy see
If the show is called off
My plans and efforts for the year
It's nothing
But your 3 million liquidated damages
Your sister
There's nothing I can do about it.
I'm really sorry about chestnut.
You shouldn't sign a contract with you.
I went on a blind date.
Even though our
My little show
Just give me a hand.
You don't help me.
I'm done.
Have been waiting for you
Then you can help me for the last time.
It's a strange thing to say
Then you go to him.
He's trying to make amends.
But you have to cooperate
Is it
I didn't mean that
It looks like this
I don't think so much about chestnut.
I don't know I'm gon na give you so much trouble
Well, that's what you said.
There's no other way
You run the road.
The rest
You don't mind
I'm going to carry it
Not a girl
There's no other way
There are ways to do it
But chestnut
Don't worry
I know it's because of me.
No matter what you do
I'm trying to match you.
That's the case now
Everybody says you're a fake couple
If you want to make people think you are real
That's gon na be live
It's not true that you are the daily life of a couple
So what am I going to do
You said yes
If the show is off the air
Not only did I play with my cousin but I was caught by my ears.
I looked at the contract
Beldo as a direct violation
You have to pay 3 million dollars
So where is the money to come out?
Don't talk about studying in Japan
He'll probably have to pay his debts all his life.
Okay, even if you don't like berdo
But they were just a girl.
To be a dream
I've got a couple more jobs
Even in our program we want to earn some tuition
Let's not delay the girl.
You don't help me. can you help?
As long as we can get through this
I'm so tired. I'm so good.
Husband you move to the number of pages tomorrow
All the things that happen when you live together in your home
You are
Let him roll himself
This is what the ear does
Too unmeasured
You have to make an apology
Good night
Ye gods applied
But still willing to give ear a chance to make up for it
Just let him come over to him.
Make an apology
Can you understand the guilt?
Is apologizing an apology?
What's this?
This is
Why are you dressed like this?
Because I have no face
You, you, you're the boss.
Then your friend is too personal.
He doesn't talk
I don't know.
Do you have a lack of exercise
I know I'm not a soldier.
I'm here to apologize to you.
Because my negligence violated our previous agreement
I promise you won't be able to meet a man at this stage
You shouldn't
Now we are all lovers
Because I broke the rules and you were green.
I'm sorry
Last time at the spa
Play all the time
I pretend to drown you to save me.
I'm sorry
My mom said
Master ye, you are a carpenter.
I'm sorry
I used to think you were misbehaved.
For the ladies ' sake
I'm sorry
And I always thought you were hypocritical.
Cold blood
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
If only I could
This is
It's about three chapters
Number one
Two hours per day to cover the rent
One hour thirty one month is 1,000
Come to
I couldn't even do three square meters in my house
You can't go in
Ooh, ooh
No loud noise
You have to be quiet all the time
There is no living thing
It's not about three chapters
This is chapter 4
This is the third one
If you violate any one of the daily hours of housework as a punishment
Put in
You can go
So I'm going to leave
That my luggage is downstairs.
I brought it
That's the trouble. you help me move to your house.
It was so dirty last time
Take a taxi yourself.
I drove back
Where do you live?
I'll take a taxi for you.
Could you send someone to clean up your house, please.
Within an hour
Already on the way to sleep
And he's done it
Soon you'll be happy.
And that's a pleasant one
This guy
Even my suitcase is a bit of a throw away.
Aunt, aunt, uncle, also live here?
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Ye shuai, how come you are faster than me?
Wait here
I love my ears
Did you go home?
I'm in a meeting
What's going on with you?
Food hygiene
Let me in
Waiting for her in the lobby.
Hard work
You got settled in a while
Talk to you as soon as possible. it's not a family thing.
Tomorrow morning
That's the black market
That voice is particularly bad
He was just picking on the stubble.
You've got to be 12 points
Pay attention to detail
You can't let them see it
You're pretending to be a couple.
Any trace
I know. we're going to fall short.
You see you don't remember your ears
You have to be careful with that photographer.
I'm gon na hang up.
Bye bye
I'll send you to your room first.
Thank you
My little plant
You don't even have a lot of meat?
You believe me
I think as long as he's in my room
It's not shining in a lot of other places
You can't see them anymore from today
Don't say love
I'm a guest
I come to your house and don't even let me in.
Let me wait
Isn't that a bit of a bad idea
You're not in my house.
Building road
Tell me this is your home.
Your home is so big
Are you going to be confused?
I feel like I'm going to get dizzy.
Did you just move in?
There's nothing there
Smell it
There's not a decoration
I don't have time to buy furniture or anything
I've lived here for seven years before I went to Italy
So you have a very different taste in home decoration
Where is the trash can?
It's fun
Sure enough
The name of the house
Ice temperature
I said
Especially clean
Especially good
Do you tidy up your room first?
Why do I have something to tell you?
How is that good
It looks much more comfortable
It was more comfortable
You can rest assured
I'm gon na move out and I'm gon na give you a perfect recovery.
What is that? chestnut says that tomorrow morning there's a photographer who's going to do some of the gay stuff
It's gon na be like living together
This is your room.
There are three rooms in that room
Is that too special
I thought it was as simple as my room.
I didn't expect your room to be so simple.
This is called the celibate
In addition to the essentials
Everything else is redundant
So how are we gon na put this in the way that the couple lives together
Put your clothes on
Bring your pillow
Any questions about that
Feel a little wrong
It's a little bit wrong
You take it back
And this one, you go
Toiletries and toiletries are enough
Lisi English subtitles
Welcome to my channel eng sub lisi
Welcome to my Twitter lisi eng sub
Thank you very much
Kiss and kiss
Deep breathing
In the evening
Black wind
Uncle, you're fine.
No traffic jams
It's a nice ride.
Speak out
Kiss you
Live by heart
Dharma is here
12 Red Lipstick Hacks You Need to Know - Lipstick Tutorial, Lips Art Trends Compilation - Duration: 10:16.
12 Red Lipstick Hacks You Need to Know - Lipstick Tutorial, Lips Art Trends Compilation
Thank you for watching!
Hope you enjoy this video!
What Can Indexed Annuities Do For You? - Duration: 1:27.
A fixed index annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company that may help
you reach your long-term financial goals.
In exchange for your premium payment, the insurance company provides you with income,
either starting immediately or at some time in the future.
Most fixed index annuities have two phases.
First, there's an accumulation phase, during which you let your money earn interest.
This is followed by a distribution or payout phase, during which you receive money from
your annuity.
Your annuity can earn a fixed rate of interest that is guaranteed by the insurance company
or an interest rate based on the growth of an external index.
With a fixed index annuity, you defer paying taxes on your contract's interest until
you receive money from the contract.
This tax deferred growth in your asset can really add up.
These annuities provide for additional growth in value by sharing in stock market growth,
often without market risk.
Fixed index annuities vary in their benefits depending on the company offering them.
To understand which fixed index annuity may be right for you, give us a call today.
Should I Take My Inflatable SUP Paddle Board on Vacation Travel | Pros and Cons - Duration: 9:05.
This past summer,
I went to Italy for a month with my family and I took a BOTE Aero board,
an inflatable paddle board with me on the airplane overseas for vacation.
And since then,
so many people have asked me,
you know,
tips if I could share my tips and if they should do it when they travel to their
destination vacation.
So here it goes.
Here are my tips and lesson learned for you.
Now throughout this video I might mention links or different,
description of different things that can all be found down in the video
So at anytime during the video you can look below,
open up the details and all of this information is also laid out for you there
as well.
So before you go on your trip,
I have three questions I want to ask you.
Number one,
are you going to a destination where rentals are available?
Number two,
Will you have someone available to go out and paddle with you?
Paddling by yourself can be so dangerous,
especially if you don't know the local water and conditions.
So having someone local,
someone who knows the area paddle with you is a safe tip all around.
Question number three,
will the airline even allow it?
A lot of airlines have restrictions on dimensions and weight and depending on
your flight you need to look up that information.
Before we get started,
comment below and let us know what destination you're planning to go to so we
can see where you're heading out to paddle board.
Two other things that you should consider.
knowing the cost of what traveling with a paddle board might entail.
That was kind of part of the previous questions,
but knowing what else you will take with you.
A lot of inflatable power packages come with a hand pump,
a leash,
a PFD,
which is like a life jacket,
personal flotation device.
And are you taking that with you because you should.
Before we get into the advantages,
one of the biggest tips and lessons learned I had from my travel with my paddle
board overseas on airfare to Italy was I wished I would have insured it.
So it is something to consider if you are traveling and checking your paddle
Paddle boards are worth a lot of money,
more than the traditional luggage.
It might be something where you want to add insurance.
let's get into the pros of why to do it.
The first thing was I was able to take my paddle board and go out on the water
and access coastlines and areas that were unreachable by car and I would never
have been able to explore with a traditional paddle board or not having one with
Another thing I was,
and I consider this a pro is that I was able go and take it on a boat cruise.
So we actually did a boat cruise around the island because I had an inflatable.
I was able to carry it,
pump it up,
take it on the boat and when we stopped and other people swam,
I was able to explore the coastline.
getting access to areas that are unreachable otherwise.
Another pro is having the flexibility of going when I wanted.
If I wanted to go for a sunrise paddle.
I didn't have to wait for the rentals to open on the beach and I didn't have to
worry about having racks on my rental car and how I was going to get it to and
from the beach.
Inflatable on travel just makes it that much easier.
Another pro and something that's becoming more common is multi day trips,
like on a river adventure and where you paddle upstream or up river one day,
you camp overnight and come back down stream the next day.
You can actually take the fin off your inflatable paddle board,
roll out your sleeping bag and sleep on it.
So that's definitely a pro in my case for taking it on adventure travel.
The last pro I have is just accessibility and ease of transportation.
So you can throw it in a rental car,
you can take public transportation.
If you're staying in a hotel or if you're saying in an apartment,
there's always going to be room for an inflatable paddle board because you
deflate it,
roll it up,
put it in the backpack and it's easy to carry.
So that all sounds fantastic,
but let's talk about the cons,
the disadvantages and why you wouldn't want to take your paddle board with you,
your inflatable paddle board with you on travel.
Number one is cost.
So we talked about airlines and having restrictions.
If you don't have that checked back allowance and you have to pay each leg of
your trip for that oversized luggage,
the additional luggage or some airlines might ask you if it's sporting equipment
versus a traditional bag,
in which case they might have a fee.
So do your research on your airline,
on the actual legs of your airline and make sure you understand the cost because
the cost of going and checking it as a bag might outweigh the cost of renting it
for multiple days if rentals are available where you're heading.
Another con of taking a paddle board with you is like if you get off the
have to take the metro or go hike somewhere.
Think about how much hiking with the bag that might weigh like 45 pounds on your
back involves.
My last checking even into the airport when I was returning from Italy,
I was in line for over an hour.
I think it was actually closer to two hours where I was routed through the
airport and I had this 45 pound inflatable bag on my back.
accessing areas which aren't reachable normally,
I paddled a marina in Procida that you can't access by car and so I had to hike
these really,
really steep steps,
which wasn't a problem.
It was after I went paddle boarding and then had to hike back up these amazingly
endless steep steps with a 45 pound bag on my back.
So it definitely a con if renting it was available.
In that case,
it might be a better choice.
Another con,
if you haven't used an inflatable paddle board before and actually had to pump
it up by hand versus using an electric pump,
That is automatic.
It's exhausting.
And so I only took a hand pump with me on travel because that's what the airline
would allow and that's what would fit,
it wouldn't weigh as much,
but it was exhausting having to pump it up and then deflate,
the deflates easy.
It's the hand pump getting it to that,
for mine it was a 15 psi.
It's work,
It's a workout before your workout.
The actual thought of having to pump it up every time I wanted to go out,
it was exhausting.
Another con is that it is accessible and that you can just throw a backpack in
your car.
When we got to Italy,
I had my husband,
two kids,
all our bags for a month and this 45 pound,
huge inflatable bag.
So getting all of that luggage into the rental car,
it was a challenge and so while it's easy to transport and store,
if you have a lot of other things you're taking with you on travel,
you need to consider if you have room for that extra large bag.
The last con is a big one and something that I stressed about big time,
especially coming back from Italy back to the states,
is that the airline could lose or damage your board and in fact my board did not
show up at the airport on my first check in and was stuck in Rome for two days
and I worried and stressed over whether it would ever show up and when it did
show up,
some of the things were ripped on the bag.
insurance that I mentioned before might be your best bet,
but know,
it's out of your hands and so you do have the risk of damage or it being lost or
stolen when you check it in the airline.
I hope my stories and my lessons learned that I just shared with you,
some pros and cons were helpful in you to decide whether you should take your
inflatable paddle board with you on vacation.
If this video was helpful to you and informative,
gift me a like and subscribe to my channel.
Don't forget to comment below and let me know where you are heading.
I have a bucket list of all the places I would love to travel to stand up paddle
board and would love to live vicariously through you.
I'm active on Facebook and Instagram.
Follow me @paddleboardingCPA.
I've got all the links to social media,
my website,
information below in the description below this video or you can find out more.
I'm Julie Merrill,
also known as The Paddleboarding CPA.
Have an awesome trip and see you out on the water.
[The Word series] | Pastor Lewis Ambundo | Why you need the word pt2 - Duration: 49:02.
20 Makeup Ideas Girls Will Love This Holiday Season - Makeup Tutorials for Teens - Duration: 10:59.
20 Makeup Ideas Girls Will Love This Holiday Season - Makeup Tutorials for Teens
Thank you for watching!
Hope you enjoy this video!
Adjacency List with Swift 4.2, Xcode 10 - Beginning Algorithms and Data Structures - Duration: 7:14.
- To represent graphs in this course,
you'll be using an adjacency list.
What that means is that for every vertex in the graph,
you'll store a list of its outgoing edges.
The vertexes at the destinations of those edges
are adjacent to the original vertex.
Have a look at this graph.
It represents a network of cities
connected via airplane flight.
This is the same graph represented as an adjacency list.
Each visualization has its benefits.
The adjacency list is particularly good
for comparing the number of connections.
Detroit has the fewest and Tokyo the most.
But for our purposes, adjacency lists are useful
because they can be represented
using more fundamental data structures.
We'll use a dictionary of arrays.
- [Catie] Creating a graphing code can be cumbersome
and not very exciting.
So for this episode, we created a test file for you
to start off with.
It won't compile for now, but you'll fix that.
This multiline literal that you see here
is how we'll represent an adjacency list as a string.
And this commented-out code,
which was also cumbersome to write,
is how the string will be assembled.
So by now, you're surely assuming
that an adjacency list is going to be a generic type.
It's going to need edges and vertexes.
And you can copy the necessary type aliases
over from Graph.
But what are elements requirements?
- [Jessy] Well, the dictionary of arrays I mentioned
is going to use vertex as its key type.
And so, as the compiler is complaining at you,
element needs to be hashable.
With that all set, adopt a graph protocol
and let Xcode stub out the requirements.
It won't do a perfect job,
but it'll save you some work.
The graph's vertexes are the keys
of the adjacencies dictionary.
When adding a vertex, it will become a new key
in the adjacencies dictionary,
which means that its index should be
the counter vertexes already in the dictionary.
To start off with, it won't have any adjacencies.
Xcode doesn't propagate @discardable result
mutating from the protocol,
so you'll need to type that yourself
to be able to mutate adjacencies.
Getting the edges connected to a vertex
is just a dictionary lookup.
- Now is the time to create a way
to add edges to your adjacency list.
For a directed graph, that would be simple.
An edge stores a source and destination vertex.
You just add it to the source vertex's collection.
But we're only working with undirected graphs
in this course.
So how will you represent an undirected edge
between two vertexes?
Well, remember that an undirected graph
can be viewed as a bidirectional graph,
where every edge can be traversed in both directions.
When you're supplied with an edge,
add it to the adjacencies for the edge's source.
Then create a reversed version of that edge
and add that to the adjacencies
for the original edge's destination.
Now you got a bidirectional, or undirected, edge.
- [Jessy] You're also done working on the adjacency list.
So you can uncomment this extension
and have a look at the test case.
The adjacency list that we've created in the test
represents this graph.
There are eight different airports,
so we'd expect to see vertex indexes
from zero to seven.
Also, there's a weight for each edge,
the price for a plane ticket.
That price for this undirected graph
is the same flying in either direction.
We start off with a mutable adjacency list.
Then we add vertexes to the graph.
The stored return values of those add vertex calls
hold the indexes of the vertexes in the graph.
With that data, we create one edge
for every connecting flight.
When adding an edge in one direction,
an opposite edge gets added, too.
Running the test, we'll see that the string
is the description for the graph.
- The adjacency list is the only graph representation
you'll be using in this course.
But you should be aware of a related solution
called an adjacency matrix.
It uses a square two-dimensional array
instead of a dictionary of arrays.
More details can be found in our book.
But have a look at this performance chart
for a comparison with the adjacency list
you're now familiar with.
V represents vertexes here and E is for edges.
If your graph has lots of edges,
an adjacency matrix might be a better fit.
It's tuned for accessing weights and edges far more quickly.
But if your graph's edges are sparse,
like they are in the examples we're using in this course,
an adjacency list is a good choice.
An adjacency matrix would use more memory for no benefit.
Next, we'll finish off with the challenge on graphs
and then start using graphs to power some algorithms.
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