17 Delicious Chocolate Hacks Ideas | How To Make Holiday Chocolate Cake Decorating
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How to Create Travel Booking Website - Why Partner With a Host Agency? - Duration: 7:07.How to Create a Travel Booking Website
what's up everybody Larry Porter here and we're back once again back one
majestic travel and so in today's video I want to share with you how to create a
travel booking website okay so you do not want to miss this i'ma show you how
to create this without creating this alright we'll be right back
alright guys welcome back welcome back now this is my website my travel booking
engine this was very very easy to set up now I suggested you same way that I did
do not try to create your own site from scratch okay do not try to try to put
together a booking engine all the things you need for the side try to integrate
suppliers don't don't don't waste your time on it here's why I recommend doing
partnering with a host travel agency so as you see here I'm partnered with Intel
Atrato dot-com okay by partnering with in telecom you get to equip yourself
with your own travel booking site this is a booking engine so if you come down
here just do what all the functions if this I can do now all this is done for
you okay the only thing that you have to do is come in here at your your name
your branding your photo and your contact information and you're good to
go that's it that's the only creation that
you have to do on your behalf it's just pretty pretty much set up your
profile so guys you can come in here and look for ya car you can come and do
rental cars cruises flights hotels you can do travel insurance it's a lot steps
you can do guy that you have access to at your fingertips by partnering with a
host travel agency so I really want to go over go over this and telling travel
why it's so important so if you really trying to get into the travel industry
and you're trying to create your own website guys save yourself some time
partner with intelecom gonna save you a ton of time limit not and I'm gonna show
you why I'm summer logging here my back office here in my show you some
things we can kind of get a feel what to expect I see here to go to my agency my
agent website so you can manage your site here so this is where you put in
your contact information for your website put my name I put my phone
number and all this good stuff and you can come in here put in your slogan your
branding slogan and your travel agent name or your agency name what do you
want whatever you want to put right here then you come down here and select your
picture choose file select picture submit for review now you should take
about 48 hours to review honestly it's quicker than that but that's pretty much
it and your site is now live so if you if you if you go in here and you click
on this link here this is my link to my site and to show you how your site looks
live okay now another thing I want to show you
about this is the powerful cruising booking engine I love this so you have
access to tons of suppliers ok so if you come here book travel guys
I sell two cruisers Cruise is very popular you have your own built in and
cruise engine okay so now you come in here you have access to all the major
suppliers you got Carnival look at you got Avalon waterways I don't know what
that is okay Carnival Cruise Lines Celebrity Cruises closer ships Crystal
Cruises Noriega in ocean Oceania Cruises Royal Caribbean
so you have a ton of supplies that you can go through and put together cruise
packages you got all the cruise ships they say everything is out at your
freaking tips for you for you to look for your sibling and for your clients
you got the dates they're going out the parks reports you can select everything
so let's say for example I wanted to let's see here let's go to reset we said
I want to do a Bahamas let's say I want to port from my departure from Miami and
I want to do a of course Carnival let's see I want to pick conquest cruise ship
and I want to go March 2020 and I want to go four to six nights I'm gonna do
now select search it's gonna put you straight inside
Carnival Haggar all your cruise dates you can just come in here you could
shows you everything you need and you can put together cruises for you your
clients and they're easy even though your class and coming here and you can
come here and share this okay and class and coming here and book themselves so
you making commissions and leveraging the power over your website so guys
that's my time I just want to share with you don't worry about wasting time
trying to figure out how to create a website plugging to a system where the
site has already done for you well you have everything you need at your
fingertips okay so guys I recommend intelligible comm if you're not a part
of this business watch a free presentation how you can
get started as a travel agent and put together your own booking website okay
click the link below watch the free presentation and I will see you on the
next video if you like this video remember to Like subscribe to our
YouTube channel and leave a comment alright see you on the next video
alright How to Create a Travel Booking Website
A dietitian gets real about the benefits of green juice | You Versus Food - Duration: 5:08.(celery crunches)
- What's up, stalk? (laughs)
(jazzy lounge music)
Hi, I'm Tracy Lockwood Beckerman,
a registered dietitian in New York City
and it's my job to help you figure out what to eat and why.
Wait, what's that?
Is that a juicer getting fired up?
That's right, today we're tackling green juice,
a classic of the wellness movement
but should you be juicing regularly
or is green juice not as green as it might seem?
(quick, ominous music)
Also, what's the deal with celery juice?
(celery stalk creaks)
Let's get juicy.
(jazzy lounge music)
Green juice comes from green veggies
like kale, spinach, celery and cucumber.
The green color in the green juice is chlorophyll.
More like bore-ophyll. (laughs)
Yup, that's the same stuff that plants use
during photosynthesis to obtain energy from sunlight.
Mmm, plants.
(jazzy lounge music)
First off, if your green juice tastes too good be true,
it probably is.
If there are sneaky sources of added sugar
coming from fruit juice or fruit concentrate,
be like Ariana Grande and say, "thank you, next."
(buzzer buzzes)
Those add-ins will put a dent
in the health value of your green juice,
which isn't to say that you shouldn't have fruit at all.
If you're making your juice at home,
you want a ratio of two to one
for the perfect veggie to fruit ratio;
say, two cups of spinach to one cup of berries.
If you're buying juice instead of making it, read the label.
Keep an eye out for added sugar in the ingredients
and pay attention to serving size.
You got this.
(upbeat lounge music)
Generally speaking, not really.
A juice alone isn't nutritionally
considered a balanced meal.
(glass clinks)
Hey you, this is not a meal.
Juice has vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients
and antioxidants coming from the fruits and veggies.
I can see the phytochemicals right now!
Look at those antioxidants, they're so potent!
But they're low in the essential building blocks
for the bod, like protein and fat, and oh, snap!
Juicing removes a very valuable
component to any meal; fiber.
Where's all the fiber?
It's not in there.
Plus, chewing food prompts your brain
to release feel good hormones,
so don't go overboard into a liquid abyss,
it's important to consume solid
and balanced meals throughout the day.
Or if you're the juicing type,
I would either recommend supplementing your breakfast
or lunch with a juice, or juicing in between meals,
rather than cutting a meal out completely.
Just remember, juice responsibly, my friends.
Gettin' juicy with it,
na na na na na na na
na na na na
(relaxed funky lounge music)
Celery has been around forevs
but is finally having its moment.
You have no idea how trendy you are.
You have no idea.
But more research is needed, specifically in humans,
before we jump on the celery bandwagon.
Healthy compounds and polyphenols
found in the celery plant, such as luteolins,
tannins and saponins have the potential
to naturally treat a wide variety of ailments.
Celery, your stalk is rising!
What makes celery a little bit different
than the average green juice ingredient
is that celery extract coming from the leaves
and the stalk contain a wide variety
of phytonutrients and healthy antioxidant compounds.
Ay, badda badda badda badda wee!
By juicing both of these amazing components,
you're able to cast a wider nutritional net.
But guess what?
You can just as easily chomp down on some crunchy celery
and still obtain the benefits of feeling
less bloated and more energized.
Plus eating celery gets you some crunchy,
gut friendly fiber which helps you feel fuller longer.
(lightsaber thrums)
Has Nasdaq got a hold of this stalk?
Thank you.
(upbeat piano music)
Green juice gets you all different kinds
of awesome vitamins and minerals
and other goodness coming from fruits and veggies.
Just watch for added sugar and make sure
to chew at least some of your nutrition.
As for celery juice, this is definitely
a food trend worth stalking.
Get it?
Get it?
See you next time for another episode of You VS. Food.
Remember, subscribe to Well and Good's YouTube jannel.
Jannel (laughs)
Subscribe to Well and Good's YouTube channel like ASAP.
(celery stalk snaps)
(celery stalk snaps)
(woman in background speaks)
That is hydrating.
Like that is some hydrating stuff.
How to use the Metro in Santiago Chile - Duration: 6:43.Welcome to slowpoke travel!
This is CameraGirl and Buck (behind the camera) coming to you from Santiago, Chile.
We're gonna take you through the metro system in Santiago, adding plenty of details, even
for folks that haven't ridden a metro system.
Three red diamonds - that's what tells you you're at a metro station entrance..
You'll usually see the name of the metro stop near the diamonds.
As with most of the world's metro stations, these are underground.
Besides walking, this is what we used to get around for 6 weeks.
To shoot this video, we picked a time that is a LOT less crowded than usual.
Sometimes it might take a bit of hunting, but you CAN find working escalators, and elevators
to get you into the station, instead of using the stairs.
These are especially handy if you have a bit of luggage or you're just tired.
Once you get underground, you'll see there is plenty of helpful signage to help you get
to the right place.
Just take a moment to look around, you might have to step to the side if it's really
crowded, and you'll see it's a pretty organized layout.
To ride the metro, you need a BIP card.
You get your card from a person in one of these glassed areas, that can be found in
EACH of the metro stations.
And when you purchase your BIP, you'll also need to put some money on the card.
We initially put 5000 chilean pesos on each card, which would give us each 6 peak-hours
rides, and more outside of peak times.
You can use 1 card for a couple of people...in fact the woman who sold us our cards was lovely,
and, despite our terrible Spanish, wanted to make sure we understood that we didn't
NEED two cards.
In fact, all the metro staff that we encountered were very helpful.
For folks that have been here before, be aware that you can no longer buy individual tickets.
You will need a BIP card loaded with some fare money.
Once you have a card, you can use one of these self-service BIP kiosks for a couple of purposes.
When using the kiosks, just make sure to put your card where you see the word 'bip',
not in the credit card slot.
On this kiosk, you do need to know a bit of Spanish, or pull out your Google Translate
app or ask one of the staff to help you.
First, I'm checking my card balance.
This is something you can ALSO do on-line, without making an account.
And just like you would at any ATM, remember to cancel the transaction when you are finished.
And next we'll add some money to the card.
There are some chilean credit cards that can be used to add money on your card, but your
out-of-COUNTRY visas and mastercards will NOT work.
So, we're NOT going to choose the 'load with cards' option.
Instead we're going to insert cash or the 'load with bills' option.
Again, put the card in where it says 'bip, and the rest of the transaction is similar
to ot other machines you've let gobble up your money.
This screen doesn't show a lot in English but we have added $5000 chilean pesos, and
our balance is now $6450.
As with any of these machines, you want to terminate the transaction, then hit cancel
after you remove your card.
You've got plenty of maps and signs to help you get to where you are going.
This first type is basically a 'you are here' and points out a few landmarks to
help you orient yourself.
By the way, all the R symbols indicate ATM machines.
And in each station (and on each train) you can find the current map of all the metro
Find your line, and note which end point you want to head toward on that line.
Some stops intersect at more than one line.
In that case, you'll sometimes find floor directions similar to these.
In this instance, we want to take the red line, and want to head toward San Pablo.
And no, you don't have to follow the red line like me….looking like you're doing
a sobriety test.
To get to your train, just match up your card to the side or top picture of a card.
This one says 'bip', some don't.
When you get the green light, and sometimes you can hear the 'beep', go through the
So, at this point, you have multiple ways you can go, and where knowing which direction
you want to go is helpful.
Even if the metro was busy, people would probably stay away from the crazy lady pointing at
the nice thing is that, you still have a couple more checks to make sure you're headed in
the right way.
This shows you the direction the train will be going, and the order of the stops.
And if your eyes are good and there is no train blocking your view, you can also see
the same thing for the train going the opposite direction.
If you realize you've made a mistake, you can get to the other side.
And the nice thing is that, for one fare, you can make two free transfers within 2 hours,
including some bus lines.
We put more about that in the written blog.
We ride alot on the first train car, which is generally less crowded.
Within our 2nd week in Chile, we did have a pickpocket incident which, is not uncommon
in large cities most anywhere in the world..
Once you're on the train, you can find another list of the stops that answer the question
'how many stops til we get there?'.
And we don't have a shot of it, but on the trains themselves you can find the metro map
of all the lines.
Even on metros where they speak your language, sometimes you can't understand which stop
the conductor is announcing.
But as you come into a station, its little hard to see with this video's reflection,
but you can just peek out one of the windows and see which stop you're coming into.
We experienced people coming on to the metro to sell water, or to do some performing, sometimes
carrying on not just instruments but small sound systems as well.
Then we saw metro has these signs noting that but you're not supposed to buy or donate
Buck noted that it doesn't say they aren't allowed on the metro….subtle difference
in message, there.
Depending on how crowded the metro is, you may want to move toward an exit as you get
close to your stop.
By the way, these stop maps do NOT light up to let you know which stop you are at.
As we mentioned, the metro areas can be a LOT more crowded then this.
When you get off, first thing is you want to look for a sign that says 'Salida',
the exit.
If you just go with the flow, you may end up at the entrance for another metro line,
instead of getting out to the street.
Again, don't hesitate to reach out to the metro staff if you get turned around...if
you have a stop written down and can point, bet you can get your point across.
When you get to a train exit, you'll go through one of these double swing doors.
You WILL NOT need your card to exit.
The last challenge you may have is that there may be multiple streets you can exit to.
Here you'll just match the street you want, that you've written down beforehand, to
some of the signs.
….And then you're off to your own exploring!
Don't ask me why I feel so animated about this metro sign.
And I guess this is our "successful metro ride dance".
Thanks for watchin' from Buck and Camera Girl of Slowpoketravel.com.
On our website, we've posted several links referenced in this video.
Also check out slowpoketravel for other blogs about travel and housesitting with a leaning
toward older folks that still got some adventure in 'em.
Do You Like Leek Hamburgers? | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs 2019 | Ozzy Kids - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Audi Presents: Cashew - Duration: 1:14.MAN: Grandpa?
GRANDFATHER: Welcome home.
GRANDFATHER: ...I've got something for you.
GRANDFATHER: What are you waiting for?
COWORKER: *Grunt Noise*
COWORKER: *Grunt Noise*, *Grunt Noise*
COWORKER: You're one lucky man. I was worried about you for a minute.
XXX | Drugslab Extra - Duration: 10:00.Hi, I'm Bastiaan. Welcome to Drugslab Extra.
On Drugslab we test various drugs to see how it affects our body.
And on Drugslab Extra we answer your questions about the world of drugs.
Let us know if you have a question and we might discuss it next time.
This week's topic is coke and cutting coke in particular.
We've done coke on Drugslab before. Our coke had a purity of 73 percent.
That means that our coke was cut. In our case it was done with levamisole.
You can watch the video by clicking on the link above.
You need to test your coke to see how pure it is and what it's been cut with.
I'm going to find this out for you by meeting someone who claims...
to be one of the main coke suppliers for dealers in Amsterdam.
He's an expert in cutting and distributing coke.
I'm going to see him now. I'm very nervous...
mainly because I don't know what to expect and how he does it.
It sounds odd but I'm afraid the police will raid the place when I'm there...
and I'll be like: What should I do? I have nothing to do with this.
I don't think that will happen. I'm looking forward to this and I'm curious.
Hi, I'm Bastiaan. Thanks for letting us come here.
I thought it would be in a warehouse, but it's just a living room in a house.
A lab in a warehouse stands out more than a residence.
What would happen if the police comes to raid the place?
They'll arrest everyone, including you. -They'd arrest me too right now.
What do you have here? -Mainly what you came for, coke.
Can you show us? -Of course.
Wow. I've never seen so much coke in one place.
We can have a party.
If I break a piece, you will see that shine better.
I wanted to become the best in Amsterdam and I've achieved that.
This is 250 grams, uncut.
For how much do you sell it? -Uncut, 60 euro.
250 grams times 60 euro. -15,000 euro. Jesus Christ.
That's a lot of money. -We take the risk.
How much profit do you make per bag? -At the moment 32 euro.
Can you tell me about the route the drug has travelled?
This coke is made in either Columbia, Peru or Bolivia.
Then it's transported by boat or smuggled via mules by plane.
The Netherlands and Belgium are the first countries it's smuggled to...
because they both have large ports.
Then it ends up in the hands of someone who buys hundreds of kilos.
I usually buy 250 grams or 1 kilo, so I'm a middleman.
The drug trade in South America leads to many casualties every year.
Is that noticeable in the Netherlands? -Yes, there's a lot of drug trade here.
It's all over the media. -That's true.
Does that make you feel unsafe? -I always take that into account.
I'd always be careful if I were in your place.
That's because you're not part of that world.
If you don't do honest work or steal problems will often cross your path.
What will happen with this coke? -It will be sold like this.
It will be cut and then sold in small packages.
There are several cutting agents, like lidocaine, some dealers prefer caffeine.
Mannitol is also used. That's a kind of dextrose.
Inositol is another sweet cutting agent.
People also use levamisole. I don't, because it's injurious to health.
I find that quite intense, because my dealer used that too, but...
Levamisole is a medication for animals used to treat parasitic worm infections.
A little won't do much harm, but if you're a heavy user...
and you snort every day, you'll get sick and you could get necrosis syndrome.
That doesn't sound good.
That's why you should always have your coke tested before using it.
Why do you cut your coke?
Some people don't want to pay the price that coke's worth.
Can you show me how you cut it? -I can show...
but cover your face first or you'll get super stoned when you crush it.
That's the purest form of coke. Otherwise it can get in your nose.
We've covered our faces. What is this?
This is mannitol and inositol . You can buy it at every smart shop.
They say it's used for hair growth, but smart shops know what it's used for.
Do you want to taste it first? -Sure, why not.
This is inositol.
It tastes like dextrose. And what's this? -Mannitol.
It also tastes like dextrose.
The first step to turn the coke into a fine powder...
is warming up a plate in the microwave.
We're going to mix 10 grams today. I'm going to take 10 grams from the plate.
Do you weigh everything precisely? -I do, every line is worth money.
I explained how expensive it is, so you have to weigh it precisely.
This is 10 grams.
I'm going to put it in a plastic bag so we can crush it with a spoon.
It sounds like the microwave is done. You can touch it, but be careful.
It's hot, very hot. -Now we'll place it on a plate.
It's crumbly, as you can see. Now we're going to crush it.
Do you always do it like this? -Always.
You can crush it into a fine powder on a warm plate.
As you can see, it's becoming powdery now.
That's because the heat of the plate extracts the oil from the coke.
If you do it like this, you won't have any chunks.
When you touch it, you won't feel chunks, just powder.
May I touch it? -Of course you can touch it.
You're right. It's just powder. You now have 10 grams.
How much will it be after you cut it? -12 grams in total.
What are the odds as a consumer of getting cut coke?
Very high. That's the profit margin.
I'm going to use 1.25 of this mix, this is inositol.
You try to mix it as well as possible by dividing it evenly over the plate.
Now I'm going to use the second cutting agent, mannitol.
I'm going to weigh 1.25 again.
This is 1.50. That's too much.
1.26. That's almost 1.25. You have to work carefully.
How can you notice it's been cut? Does it cause irritation or a nose bleed?
That depends on the cutting agent.
Coke doesn't hurt your nose. If it does, it has already been cut.
I've mixed it and as you can see it's all powdery now.
Now we'll take it from the plate like this and place it here. This is one gram.
How do you feel about all the violence that's associated with coke?
I disapprove of it, but coke goes hand in hand with violence.
Money breeds greed and greed breeds violence.
When you use it and you use it a lot you can ruin your relationship...
you can lose all your money and you can even become homeless.
It's fun to try coke once...
but if you use it frequently, you'll get yourself into trouble.
If you still live at home, your parents won't be happy when they find out.
It's psychologically addictive. Coke can ruin your life.
I'm not really sure what I should say...
because I need to put everything I did into perspective.
It was quite an intense experience. I was already nervous when I got there.
I thought: What have I gotten myself into?
But I've learned a lot about cutting coke and how it all works.
I need to recompose myself and I don't know what to say, so...
This was Drugslab Xtra. If you have questions about the world of drugs...
let us know in the comment. Like and subscribe.
Until next time in our lab. Bye.
The Puppy Bowl, Buzzsaw & Other Shows To Watch Besides the Super Bowl || Weekend Watch Guide - Duration: 3:45.- What?
- Nothing. I just thought
of something,
but I'm not gonna say it.
- Hi!
- I'm Michael.
- And I'm John.
- And this is the "Weekend Watch Guide."
- Where we tell you what to watch this weekend.
- And if you're not as big of a football fan
as everyone else, we've got some really cool shows
for you to watch this weekend.
Like the Puppy Bowl.
- I'm all for the Puppy Bowl.
- I'm not mad about it.
- They released the lineup on Animal Planet already.
I kid you not.
Thirty-five dogs all up for adoption,
check them out on animalplanet.com.
- Are they really?
Are they up for adoption?
- Yeah, pretty amazing.
- I want one!
Let's back up.
What's the Puppy Bowl?
- Puppy Bowl is basically, you get a lot
of cute puppies in, I guess,
a contained space that looks like a football field,
running around and sniffing each other's butts,
and eating kibble, and that, just living life.
- Who doesn't love dogs?
- Exactly.
- Well, if the Puppy Bowl is not for you,
there's also the Kitten Bowl.
- Which is Hallmark Channel's response
to the Puppy Bowl.
- Why would you be a cat person?
- Because some-- I'm not, but some people
really like cats, and again I think
they were just looking for another way to be fun,
like if you're not watching Super Bowl,
you're not watching this other Bowl... Hey!
Now you have the Kitten Bowl.
Which is just the same thing, a bunch of
adoptable kittens on television.
- Living life, standing there,
because they don't move.
- Well, they scratch things.
- I'm a dog person.
- I'm most definitely a dog person as well.
- You look like a cat person.
- Rude!
- It's like the whole reaction...
- I'm actually slightly allergic to cats,
thank you very much!
- Dogs would, like, fight you
and cats would just stand there and maybe meow
and that's kinda just like what you did.
If you're looking for something
a little scarier than Maroon 5's halftime performance,
check out the "Velvet Buzzsaw" on Netflix right now.
- So this movie looks really dope,
because it's a thriller that just premiered
at Sundance, but now it's now on Netflix.
And it's all about the fine arts world,
which we don't know too much about, right?
It's something that not everyone
really knows about, but we know that
it's very high-stakes, lots of money
and potentially deadly.
- Lots of money for what, though?
Like, I won't even spend more than
50 bucks on a painting for my room.
And these people are spending like
300 million thousand billion dollars.
- I can't save you.
- No, but I do think, you know,
people are going to watch this movie mostly
for the cast, like you said.
We got Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo's back,
who were also in "Nightcrawler,"
Toni Collette, phenomenal actress...
- And Dan Gilroy who actually wrote
and produced "Nightcrawler."
So, it's gonna be in that same genre of film,
kind of a little dark, a little mysterious,
but ultimately people are on the grip of their seat.
- I'm excited for this movie.
I think it's cute that it like
went from Sundance to Netflix,
skipping the theaters.
A new trend in movies actually,
I wonder if that's gonna happen more often.
- Well yeah, I mean Netflix is killing it right now, so.
- They are, they really are.
- So for another great Netflix show out right now,
make sure to check out the "Russian Doll"
starring Natasha Lyonne this weekend.
So with this concept,
it's kinda like the movie "Groundhog Day,"
but a little dark and more twisted.
- Maybe it's a bit morbid,
but if for some reason you are in her predicament,
how would you want to die?
- Ooo... that's really dark honey.
Yeah, I'd wanna go in some like phenomenal fabulous way,
like not like falling out a window or something,
like it would have to be amazing.
- I'd wanna just like go to bed
and die in my sleep I guess.
Stars Natasha Lyonne, which I am
the biggest "Orange is the New Black" fan,
love her in it, love everyone in it.
Ooo... I'm actually really excited to watch this show.
- Yeah, I think this is gonna be definitely
one of her biggest moves career-wise,
and I hope because it's Natasha Lyonne,
we get another great queer character.
I mean she's played so many awesome
queer female characters now, I think
it would only be of her not to play something like this,
like she's so good at it.
So that's it for today's episode of "Weekend Watch Guide."
- And y'all know the drill!
For more "Daily Hit" videos,
make sure to subscribe to our channel,
and for more thrills and entertainment,
check out the link in the description below.
- For another great episode of "Weekend Watch Guide,"
check out the video right to my left.
- Over there.
Building an Email List in Private Practice | Marketing Tip for Therapists - Duration: 8:17.What's up guys! So what's the deal with email lists? I mean, aren't they like
super outdated and totally useless? Not so! They're actually the best tool that
you can use to market any business, and in this video I'm going to show you both
the why and the how of getting started with email lists in private practice.
Welcome to Private Practice Skills. I'm Dr. Marie Fang, psychologist in
private practice. I post videos offering tools I learned the hard way about
starting and growing private practice so that you don't have to. So I did a quick
poll on Instagram the other day and it revealed that 96% of you who responded
to that poll do not yet have an email list set up for your private practice. By
the way, quick shout-out to my friend Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart who was the one
respondent who did have an email list. If you're wanting some inspiration for
private practice and inspiration for life, go check out her Instagram page.
She's really killing it not just with her email list, not just in private
practice, but in life. Okay so let's clear something up first about email lists.
Email lists are totally worth your time! I know when I first heard about email
lists, they seemed so archaic and useless. I mean, don't people just kind of delete
them and not look at them?But in reality they're so much more valuable than all
of the social media platforms because on social media platforms like YouTube,
Instagram, Facebook, etc., those platforms own your followers and subscribers. They
can change their algorithm at any point and suddenly you don't have any
engagement on your posts. But with email lists you own your email list. You can
contact your email subscribers at any point that you want and no one can take
that away from you. And just a little bit of data to drive this point home: for
example, on Instagram every time you post something only 6% of your followers see
that post. That means every time you post something 94% of people
who said, "yes, I'd like to see all of Marie's posts" never see it. In contrast,
through email I average about a forty percent open rate. So that's six times
the percentage of people who are seeing my posts on Instagram. So why does
getting your content in front of your target audience even matter? Well if
you're able to be in the inbox of your loved ones, networks of current clients,
past clients, anyone that you might know - or be connected to you - if you're in
their inbox every single week or every single month helping them with helpful
tips and tools in your niche then when somebody is needing to come to therapy
for the first time, or maybe return to therapy,
refer someone else to therapy, you're going to be top of mind for your niche. This
will help build trust and make you the go-to person that people reach out to
when they need some support. Okay so now hopefully you're bought into the idea of
an email list, but my guess is if you haven't gotten started with email lists
before it could seem really daunting. So I'm going to walk you through how to get
started with building your email list. First, pick an email service provider.
This is the service that simply collects emails for you and helps you schedule
and design the emails that you send out to your following every week or every
month - however often you reach out. There's many email service providers
available out there. Personally, I found MailChimp to be the most user-friendly
and the easiest to use if you're just getting started. It's also completely
free up to the first 2,000 subscribers. So that could be a great option for you.
Once you have your email service provider set up the next question is: how
do you get people to sign up for your list? First, make sure make sure make sure
you never add people to your list without their permission. Not only is
this rude, but the land of the Internet has really strict rules about how to add
people to an email list. So how do you get people on your list? This leads us to
step two, and that's creating a freebie. As an incentive for people to sign up
for your email list it helps to give away free and helpful content in
exchange for someone's email address. You really want to make sure your freebie is
relevant to your niche as a therapist so that the people who are signing up for
your freebie are people who are going to want to see the rest of your content. So
for example, with Private Practice Skills I'm all about helping people start and
grow their private practice. And as of right now the freebie that's gotten me
the most email subscribers is my giant complete checklist all about how to get
started in private practice. So it makes sense that people who want that freebie
also want to see my other content related to my niche. Once you have your
freebie developed, the question is how do you get people to connect the freebie to
their email and have it all signup so that they end up on your email list? This
is where creating a landing page is super important. So you go back to that
email service provider, let's say you're using MailChimp, and then you need to
design a landing page. A landing page is effectively an intermediary between your
website or your Facebook or wherever you're posting
a link to your freebie and the signup form for people to get added to the
email list. So you can see as an example on my main website there's a link to
sign up for my free start up guide, and once you click on it you're actually
taken away from my domain name and onto a MailChimp landing page. This is just an
example of what a landing page looks like. You can design it to be completely
consistent with your brand, but it just makes it easy for people to be able to
put in their email and get it added to your email list. So the next step is to
create a welcome email. This just means that once somebody signs up for your
freebie, not only do they get access to that freebie but they automatically
receive an email in their inbox from you welcoming them to your email list. This
is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and set some expectations for
what's going to come in their inbox now that they've signed up for your email
list. So it's helpful to include what to expect as far as content as well as
frequency. There are ways to set up an automatic welcome email through
MailChimp and all of the service providers, making it easy to just do it
once and done and never have to look at it again. The next step is to find places
to market your freebie. This is also referred to as a call to action. So
basically you want to put a link to your freebie landing page everywhere you can
possibly fathom, whether it's on social media, on your website, on a specific blog
post, maybe in your email signature. You want to make it really easy for people
to see that freebie so they can go ahead and sign up for it. And the last step of
course is to send regular emails. Find a rhythm that fits for you and your
routine. So weekly is great, but if it needs to be every other week or once a
month - whatever works best is better than nothing. Just be sure not to promise
weekly emails and then drop off the face of the earth
after four months of not hearing from you. Coming up with content for your
regular email doesn't have to be earth-shattering. If you're already
posting blog post content, or maybe to social media, or maybe you're giving a
workshop coming up, these are all great items that you can simply borrow that
same content and repost it in an email format. So personally I release a new
blog post every week and I sum it up in my weekly email and give
people a link to go see the rest of the blog post if they're interested. And ta-da!
That's it! You're on your way to have everything you need to get started with
email lists. If this sounds overwhelming to you, take off the tiniest pieces that
you can chew and just do little steps at a time. Don't try to have your entire
empire set up with multiple freebies right at the beginning. Once you've
gotten into the groove of having an email list and contacting them regularly,
you're set up for all the more success in the future. So if you ever decide to
release an e-book or an eCourse or some type of workshop, there's some type of
promotion that you want to announce, you can simply send that to your email list
and you're much more likely to have people respond to that call to action
than if you just posted it to Instagram or somewhere else online. Well I hope
this video sparks an interest in starting an email list for your private
practice. Until next time, from one therapist to another: I wish you well!
personally I found mail chip-to-chip personally I found mail chip to be chip!
Dollmaking Tips, How To Make Doll Hair - Dolls Hair Tutorials - DIY Barbie Hair - Duration: 12:04.Dollmaking Tips, How To Make Doll Hair - Dolls Hair Tutorials - DIY Barbie Hair
Thank you for watching!
Hope you enjoy this video!
WOW SUPER SAVORY DELICIOUS street food HIDDEN GEM in Jakarta - Duration: 6:11.all righty so this completes my culinary adventure today here and I am so full
but like in the satisfying way
hi I am Marissa Iskandar and today I will be trying Lontong Cap Gomeh it is
a traditional Indonesian dish made from lontong rice cake served with opor ayam
chicken in coconut milk and mixed with sayur lodeh vegetable soup and topped
with various toppings and there is so many different variations served
throughout Indonesia
the broth is really good
WOW its good and it's creamy
I thought the broth was gonna be a little bit......
little watery
maybe by its very rich in taste extremely
slurp....... slurp.... slurp......
that is good
now I'm going to try one of the most important parts of this dish
which is lontong and see how it is
all the lontong here in Indonesia
where I've tasted it all tastes different so I'm going to see if it tastes similar
or does it taste really different
oh yeah this definitely tastes different this lontong is more sticking but
never less it's still tasty and I just love the broth this is my favorite part
look I'm just gonna get some more of that broth with the lontong and the
now that is heaven in one bite
so I'm going to try they have the tofu inside
Wow that was really good tofu
that's like the street tofu that you find
like they goreng it (fry it)
it's really good the texture is perfect some egg
get some more of this chicken
now the chicken is very good and flavorful especially with that broth
that I liked which was really creamy and very rich in taste
oh but the tofu
tofu and the vegetables and the broth was the best part of this
dish right here from this place
its so delicious
okay so one thing that I think why I really like this is
because it reminds me a lot of nasi liwet
the broth
is very familiar and it tastes very similar to nasi liwet
the sauce
it has to have that coconut milk inside and then also nasi lwet is a little
different because they have the shredded chicken this one is not shredded you
have to kind of peel it with the spoon and fork and make it shredded if you
if want to have shredded chicken but the SAUCE IS SO GOOD
I am so full but like in a satisfying way that was some good
lontong so delicious and that is another food here that I totally
recommend for foreigners to try if you're scared to try new food especially
Indonesian food Indonesia here they have so much good food and I still have so
much to explore so until I want ya'll to keep living keep exploring keep
eating I'll see y'all on the next vlog bye :)
The Message Never Changed - Duration: 4:04.The gospel of Jesus Christ never changed. Jesus never changes. The words of Jesus as
recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John never changed. Those are the words
of eternal life for those who obey them. There is only one way to have eternal life and that
is to obey Jesus. Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.
All the other gospels that are being preached in churches are lies, There is no Grace Gospel,
or a different gospel for different people, for Jews and Gentiles. The Jews rejected Jesus
as Messiah, they rejected His words and therefor the same salvation that was preached to the
Jews, also came to the whole world. After Jesus was crucified and resurrected,
before He ascended to heaven He gave instruction to His disciples. He said to them, "Go into
all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16"He who has believed and has
been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved will be condemned."Mark 16:15,16.
It is the same gospel that was preached by Paul, Peter and all the other apostles. On
the day of Pentecost Peter said to them:" "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of
Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy
Spirit. 39"For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off,
as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself." Act 2:38.
Those who do not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ will go into damnation. We read in
2 Thessalonians 1:7 "the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels
in flaming fire,8dealing out retribution to those WHO DO NOT KNOW GOD and to those WHO
DO NOT OBEY THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS. 9These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction,
away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,"
The gospel of Jesus Christ is plain and simple: TURN TO Jesus, accept Him and His words, follow
and obey Him. Repent TURN FROM sin and from going after your own desires, stop sinning,
BE BAPTIZED in water for the forgiveness of your sin. Jesus promised to give the Holy
Spirit to all those who obey His words and go after Him. The Holy Spirit will guide you
into all truth, if you follow and obey Him. If you stay with Jesus until the end, HJesus
Christ is alive and hell is real. I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ so that you
can know Him, follow Him and have eternal life. Subscribe to my channel to learn more
about Jesus. May Jesus bless you. e will give you eternal
life. Have you obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Have you repented and been baptized in water? Have you received the baptism in the Holy
Spirit and are you following Jesus every day?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real. I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ so
that you can know Him, follow Him and have eternal life. Subscribe to my channel to learn
more about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
🐦 10+ new followers a day on TWITTER growth tools ¦ Social media marketing 🐦 - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
#ProfilePopUp - Profiles That POP!™ - RAMAN GAUR - Duration: 3:53.good morning guys! it's another #ProfilePopUp by Jared J.WIESE with Profiles That 🅿🅾🅿!™
today's is for RAMAN and I've got a few different things going on today about
projecting yourself and accomplishments not the competition... and I'm gonna show
you a setting to do so but first off some of the obvious ones here that I
want to go over and I'm gonna share a link about these basic ones that
hopefully everybody will see this and and start with these first three things
number one pictures great love the background I just love how this is going
on but by the time people are here and looking at that then they don't get
anything here in the headline the student at self-employed isn't doing
anything for you you need to say what you're great at and in the summary my
objective is to work in an organization the objective statement is something
that's really outdated nobody does that anymore you're doing your bachelor's etc
but that see how it I don't even see any of that until you know your objective is
a company doesn't really care so much about your objective they care about
what you can do for them so right here I'm doing a bachelor's is fine but
hands-on experience now we're getting into some good stuff good understanding
of well what do you mean by that certifications you could use a little
space right there so we can actually read that don't just list a whole bunch
of things here but actually in a sense being a student it's not a bad idea to
get as much out here as you can but you need to break it up a little bit and
tell us the context tell us more about this start off right away with what you
offer and this could be projects even that you've done in school so in your
education what have you done with it now you can put your resume on here but you
notice all it says is the word resume you know that's good and it's bad
because again all I'm seeing here is resume I would suggest changing that a
little bit put something in there about what you do have that jump out rather
than just resume because unless I know what what I'm about to click on and why
why I should what you offer I'm not gonna be inclined to look at your resume
it's the same thing as if you had it in person so the other thing I'd would say
is you do have student here as your experience but one even when I open it
up I try to click on it it just goes back to your University you're missing
out so much on all that stuff that you showed in the summary
you could be showing all of this even you could be showing that in your
current experience again though highlight what you've done with it even
if you just started your program if you're putting it down
do your best to show what you've done at it now the other thing is like for
example here your course is you could list these courses not the CSE etc
number but you know as a checkmark like these are the courses that I've taken
and this is what I've learned with it that's my biggest thing to suggest you
the other thing I wanted to show you guys is the people also viewed feature
especially when you're a student look at all the other students that are out here
let's say somebody else is looking for a student and they want to hire them so I
would suggest turning that off here's how if I jump back out go to your
profile go up here into the settings scroll down to underneath privacy
actually scroll down to viewers of this profile also viewed when I tap on that
make sure it is turned off and then it says here viewers of this profile also
view box if that is no turn that on and it looks like this but you turn it off
then when you come back and if I go back into your profile for example I'll go
into mines this mine is off you can see what I mean
if I scroll all the way down and it takes a second it ends right there okay
you don't see anything more at the end and the same thing is gonna happen on
the browser you wouldn't see anything more about it
so I would definitely recommend turning that off especially if you are facing
tough competition! that was another #ProfilePopUp ... I hope you loved it if
you did let me know in the comments do like comment and share it helps spread
the word to everybody else so I'm not just doing this for myself thanks guys
have a great one! Profiles That 🅿🅾🅿!™ https://ProfilesThatPOP.com
Lazar Markovic: You won't believe these Matic comments made when star joined Liverpool - Duration: 2:42.But the flop winger was once touted as a world-beater. Markovic joined Liverpool from Benfica in 2014 for a reported £20million, but has failed to live up to expectation, leaving the club on loan four times
When his move to Liverpool was secured five years ago, Nemanja Matic, who was with Chelsea at the time, made some stunning claims about his fellow Serbia international
"What can I say about our Markovic? It was excellent playing with this fantastic kid for six months," Matic told the Mirror
"He has such massive potential that if he changed his attitude in training he could be one of Europe's best players in his position
" Markovic was highly rated as a youth player in Portugal, scoring seven goals in his debut season after joining from Patizan
"But he's young, he'll mature, and then nobody will be able to stop him!" Matic added
Another man to sing the praises of the youngster was the then-West Ham manager Avram Grant
"I can say that apart from Ronaldo and Messi, Markovic is one of the best talents I've ever seen at 19 years of age," Grant said in 2014
Fulham's official announcement on the signing of Markovic claimed that Aleksandar Mitrovic, the club's top scorer this season, recommended his fellow Serbia international to the club
"The Club is delighted to confirm the free transfer signing of 24-year-old winger Lazar Markovic from Liverpool on a deal until the end of the season," the statement read
"Fulham received very good recommendations from Aleksandar Mitrovic regarding the player
"Markovic made his breakthrough at Partizan Belgrade where he was a teammate of Mitrovic and named in the SuperLiga team of the season in each of his two full – and title-winning campaigns in the first team
Introducing the Unacademy Plus Subscription - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
You Cant' Get There From Here - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Kapoor & Sons Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 0:58.Kapoor & Sons Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name
How to Apply Eye Cream : Using Cream | Serum | Roller - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
Getting Reviews For Your Self Published Book — BookConnect [Book Review Software] - Duration: 23:36.Hello, hello, welcome.
This is Debbie Drum, and welcome to this Friday's workshop mini where we talk about all ways
that you can grow your business, make money with your business, and it's mostly in the
form of making passive income with content because that's what this channel is about,
So, you guys are here live and watching the replay because you want to make more book
sales, and as I promised I'm going to show something that will make you more book sales
and get you more reviews, okay?
Because these are things that as authors, as publishers, we want to do because sales
make us money and reviews also make us money because they make us sales.
So everything works together.
I want to rewind, I think about like a year and a half ago, for those of you who don't
know, a lot of you here probably use the software book review Targeter.
We've been running that tool since I think 2014, and there's been a lot of changes in
the industry, and updates with the tool and everything like that.
But one of the main questions that I always got was how do I deliver my book to potential
people who are looking to maybe read a chapter, or I haven't published the book yet and I
want to go ahead and give them the book so that they can read it before I publish it
and then write me a review when I click that Publish button.
Because when you actually publish a book, especially on Amazon, your first duty is to
get reviews.
That's like your first form of marketing because it is a component that a person uses when
they're making their buying decision of should I buy this book or not?
So imagine like you shopping for something, especially online and specifically in the
realm of, you know, content that you're looking to consume, don't you look at the reviews
when you're buying something, and don't the reviews either kind of make or break the sale
for you?
So you have to imagine yourself in the shoes of your potential customers, your potential
readers, and understand that this is a part of the process.
So if you're walking around trying to sell a book with zero reviews or one review, then
that's not going to cut it, okay?
So I started to think about some solutions on book delivery, and we built this tool,
it's called Book Connect, and you're seeing it right here on the screen right now.
And over the past year and a half, I really got excited about this tool and thought it
was, that every author should own this tool, but I wanted to expand on some of the features
and give authors even more benefits on what they can do and the power of how they can
do it to share their book, share their content.
That's the first thing.
Then also grow your list because that's something that you should be working on as well, growing
a list.
And three, getting reviews, right?
And then four, showcasing your work.
So that is exactly what Book Connect does today.
So I want to give you a little bit of a demo here because it's a new tool.
It has new features.
It's been around and we have users, but kind of a nice big relaunch that we're doing to
share a lot of the new features that authors can benefit from.
I wanted to make this as easy as possible for authors to use, and automatic as possible
for authors to use, and I think that we've done that, all right?
Every time I'm kind of working with the programmers and going through all the steps and saying
how can we make this easier, and how could we make it that authors aren't starting from
scratch especially in the area of selling your book, okay?
So, what do I mean by that?
Well, I'll get to that, but pretty much the idea of having templates for you, built in
for you, so you don't have to start from scratch when you're thinking of how do I write a book
description especially in that area because that is going to get somebody to entice somebody
to actually download your book to even go ahead and write a review.
So we have a template for that.
So, let me just go ahead, if it's okay with you, to walk through what Book Connect does.
So, not in love with this dashboard.
That's a work in progress, but let's go to add an author.
So what we want to do is first step is to add an author, and that's easy, so I'm just
going to do, let's do Friday, yay.
Let's just put my email.
It might not let me add my email in there.
That doesn't matter.
Friday@gmail.com, and happyfriday@gmail.com.
Kind of the boring stuff.
So it creates the author name, and then the next step which makes a lot of sense, and
it brings us to the page where we actually add our book in here.
Because as you'll see, readers will be able to go ahead and download your book in any
file format that they want.
So here's my Friday profile that I just created.
This is the list name.
We won't get too much into that right now, but Book Connect also lets you communicate
with the people who have downloaded your book, and you can send them messages.
So you can either, with this planning structure right now, you can either communicate with
the users right from the tool, or you can go ahead and export them into your own favorite
So now we have our book label for internal use, so I'm just going to use my book because
just as a demo.
Now here's the real book title, Read Better Faster.
This is all dummy information, well this is the real book, but I just want to get through
this quickly.
You can put a series in there.
You can put a volume in there, if you want, to give it more information.
Next, what you do is you select an image, a file, right here, and this will pretty much
be the cover of your book right here.
Now, what I want to show you here is you can either add just the PDF or you can add a PDF,
an ePub or a MOBI file, and this will allow people to go ahead and download your book
in like an eReader or a Kindle or an iPhone or an Android, whatever device they want to
read it on.
So I'm just going to go ahead, I won't bore you with adding all these files, and I'm going
to go ahead and edit one that's already in there, all right?
So, here's all the files.
Here's the cover that I added, and we'll go to the next step.
This feature I absolutely love because many reasons.
So basically what you're going to do, I'm going to show you how to get a clean URL for
your book if it's listed on Amazon, right?
And, actually I just thought of a new idea for this page, and this is always happening,
and all I need to do is pretty much set up a [inaudible 00:09:00] task for my programmers
every time I have an idea and they implement it.
It's a great thing.
I have a great team behind this tool as well.
So, review links.
I'm just writing myself a reminder for a feature.
Okay, so you get the clean URL.
You go through the two-minute training, I show you how to get it.
And then the review URL automatically gets generated after you put this in.
So what happens is is that after you share this book and somebody downloads your book,
which I'll show you how in a minute, the system automatically sends two gentle friendly reminders
to that person to remind them to review your book.
So, you don't have to do that.
The system automatically does it, and it sends them this special link.
And what this special link does is it takes the person right to where they write the review.
It doesn't take them to the book listing.
It takes them to where they pick the stars and they write the review, so it makes it
very easy and user-friendly for people to write you a review, which is something that
you definitely want, right?
So we don't want to pester people, so we send them two nice gentle friendly reminders, and
then you can follow up after that.
Then we ask you if your book is on Kindle Unlimited, and that comes into play a little
bit later too.
So you have now your author set up, you have your book set up, and it's all ready.
Now you need what we call a download page, and the download page looks like this right
So, it grabs that image, and it grabs also the book description.
We have in here, as you can see, a templated book description that you just literally just
fill in the blanks.
This was made, then this was part of the bonus actually, this was made by two people that
are highly respected in our industry.
Steve Scott helped me with this book description, and Steve has amazing credentials.
He's a multi-time best seller, and he makes a ton of passive income on Amazon each month.
He knows what he's doing.
He knows how to sell books, and he even got to number one in Amazon of all books, one
or two days last year, which is incredible.
So, I highly recommend Steve, and he helped me with this, so that's that.
So all you need to do is pretty much follow this structure, and then you have your beautiful
book description.
And what we also do have is we have this training section here, and I also did an interview
with my good friend Brian Cohen, and he goes through how to sell your book with book description
and the actual formula to use, right?
So once you generate this download page, you send this download page to your readers, and
all they need to do is click Get My Book to get your book.
They put in their email, right, Get Book, and then they choose the format that they
want the book in.
Let's just say they want to read it on their computer, and let's say they want to download
the MOBI file, download [inaudible 00:13:13] file, download PDF, or just email the book.
And all these people who just went through this process now automatically get on your
list, and they automatically get sent a nice message from you, welcome message, and then
they go ahead and get those two reminders, one after seven days, another after another
seven days, okay?
So, what's cool about this, so remember we asked about the Kindle Unlimited, what they
can do right here is they can click right here, and this actually might need to be a
little bit bigger and bold.
They click right here, and they can download the book right from Amazon, and then they'll
be a verified reviewer if they go through Kindle Unlimited.
Actually, that might not be the case.
Scratch that.
I did find out a while ago it should be the case.
I don't know why it's not the case.
Amazon is so dumb that they, I believe, they don't give Kindle Unlimited readers a verified
review, and that is just so wrong, and what can we do, right?
But anyway we give them another option to download the book right through Amazon and
go through that process, so they have either way they can do it, right?
And they have multiple ways that they can do it as well.
So, those are the main four steps once you set up your book, and you can make different
download pages perhaps for different audiences, right?
So maybe you have a book that caters to, you know, all different people, and you maybe
want to write different messages or languages that are dedicated for different audiences,
and that's why you can do like other download pages and share different download pages for
different people, okay?
So that's that.
Now, one more thing I want to show you, and that's author pages.
So, this is an idea that I got a couple weeks ago, and we implemented it pretty quickly.
The reason why I got this idea is because I visited somebody's author page, and I was
just like, they had so many great books, but the selling page to, you know, to showcase
their work was awful.
And I was like, wow, maybe there's a way that I can help there, okay?
So what the idea of author pages is is that once you go through the process to make an
author page, it automatically populates your books so you don't have to do much.
So let me just show you.
We made one for Steve Scott, and so all author pages look like this.
They have an about section, a picture, and then here we go with all of the books that
are associated with Steve.
Now what's also really cool too, what this does, let's see if we can edit one of these.
Here's where we, let me see, here we go, here we go, sorry about that.
Things have changed a little bit, so here's where we put all the information in.
And then okay, so let's say we want to edit this one.
Click Edit.
So here we have the book link number one, right?
So it says buy The Morning Miracle for Writers, and then here's the Amazon link.
Now you can have an optional two additional buttons underneath that book.
Let's say you want to go, say, Buy on iTunes, and you click the link in there.
It'll bring them, just get go to link in there.
I'm just going to put Google right out.
So you can buy it on iTunes, and then now maybe you have Get My Free whatever, right?
And then the link, you can take them wherever you want, so let's just take them to my website.
So this is the Morning Miracle, and then we save the page.
Hopefully this works.
I didn't test it out yet, but it should.
If it doesn't, we'll fix it.
This is a live demo here, so here we go.
So there it is.
So we have the link to buy it on iTunes, which goes to Google as we set it to, and then we
have the link to Get My Free whatever, and that I believe I set to my web page.
So let's see, that might be an error there.
But yeah, so you could have up to three buttons, or you can just have one, you know, whatever
you want, but it's up to you, right?
This is yet another way.
You could even link this to another download page for another one of your books.
You see how everything kind of works together to get you more sales, to get you more fans,
and to get you more reviews, and it happens automatically.
Beautiful thing.
We're on our 22-minute mark, so I just finished the demo.
I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to paste this, the link in here to go check out Book
Connect, and right now we're having a special relaunch special price.
So right now it's in the chat box right now.
This is the least expensive this tool will ever be, okay?
So we are going to be raising the price.
We're going to make it higher, a higher entry price, and we're also going to make it either
a monthly fee later on, or a higher yearly fee.
So getting in right now is a really, really great idea.
We're highly dedicated to this tool, and we're excited to put in more templates for you,
more ways that you can just sell more books and learn how to sell more books, and creating
a system that all works together for you pretty much on autopilot after you set it up, which
is pretty standard on how to set up any book really, right?
And you can keep, you know, changing it and updating it as you wish, and then I'm not
going to go into showing this too much, but we have this way now that you can actually
send messages to people who downloaded you book.
So maybe you're launching a book down the road, and now you have a way to communicate
with the people who've downloaded your book previously.
And that's what you want to do as an author, which is so important.
You want to grow your list.
You want to make sales.
You want to get reviews, and you want to keep doing this and building it and building it,
So, we got some questions here.
Okay, good question, Gary.
If they just got the book, how they can already do a review?
Yeah, so, if your book, obviously if your book isn't published yet, they're going to
have to wait for, you know, to write a review because you can't write a review berore your
book is published, but you can always remind people when your book will be published, okay?
You get the book for free, right?
This whole system is, you know, creating the download page and creating the book link.
That is all to pretty much give your book away and grow your list.
So nobody's buying at this point unless they're visiting your author page, and then they can
buy your book that way.
All right, thanks, Barb.
All right, cool.
So, hopefully that was a good rundown for you.
Go check out Book Connect, especially this week at the best price, at debdrum.com/bcreopen.
That link is in the chat right now.
We went a little bit over today, but that's just because I'm a little bit excited, over
excited about the new tool and all the things that we're bringing to the author community
just to, again, give you more support, and get you more sales for your book and reviews.
So hopefully you enjoyed this as much as I did, and I will see you next week on the live
workshop mini.
Have a great rest of your day, and a good week.
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