This is Ali Noor
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iCoinPro Review and Why You Should Join - Duration: 12:14.icoinpro review and why you should join
everyone this is J Tom are here and today I wanted to talk about a new
program that is still in the pre-launch phase called I coin Pro and I'll go
through the reasons you want to jump on quickly just because of the way the
program is laid out I joined about a week ago and the the official launch
date is a is June 21st so the sooner you get in the better because this is a
power line matrix program and then I'll go through that kind of in a minute but
I know people are asking you know are you still in digital altitude you know
because I've been promoting that heavily been working that program and my answer
is yes you know I'm I'm in multiple programs just because you know I like
multiple streams of income just like if you were an investor you know you
wouldn't buy only one stock you would buy multiple if you were in real estate
you know you buy multiple properties so I kind of follow what's what are the
large programs coming out and I try to get on those as early as I can to take
advantage of those of being early you know and build a team of strong people
help them out give them tools to be able to market these programs and do well on
their own because if my downline if my team does well I do well so I absolutely
want to devote time to to making my team a hundred percent succeed and surpass me
if if at all possible so I coin pearl first of all is a
program it's not a cryptocurrency it's a program teaching you about digital
currency so it's going to give you live video training on how to a potentially
trade cryptocurrency what it is how it works and then there is a compensation
plan around that so you may be saying well who would pay monthly for just
training on cryptocurrency this is going to be updated on a frequent basis and
there's going to be more information coming out when it goes into the launch
phase but the network or the compensation plan wrapped
it is huge and I know it kind of sounds funny no why am I just am I just paying
for the training to get in the compensation plan and to some extent yes
but I guess if if you are in a program where there's a great compensation plan
and you can get other people underneath you to make money as well then you know
what's the big deal that's kind of how I look at some of these because I first
always had those questions but you know this this program is already paying out
so it's not like it's a Ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme you know the owners of
this have made themselves very public very clear what they're trying to do and
they don't want to be in the cryptocurrency program like a lot of
those because those come and go literally on a daily basis
so what you do is you can join for and I already have an account so I'm not going
to show you the one fee but it's on a monthly basis you can join for $39 a
month and pay a $40 one-time setup fee and or you can go on a six-month
membership for 229 or yearly option and then there is some benefits of doing the
six month in the year that you automatically become us 2 star ranking
which puts you higher up in the compensation plan so what this does is
if I go to the compensation plan here
you actually earn people in your powerline you earn money in your
powerline you can earn fast start bonuses so the people that you get
underneath your team if you are unranked you get $10 for every person you you get
to join underneath you if you're one star you get 15 and if you're 2 star you
get 20 as soon as you get X amount of people underneath you that's how you're
your star ranking actually increases or if you pay up initially for the
six-month you automatically become a 2 star if you pay
had a full year where were showing you that 449 you automatically become a
three-star so anybody that you uh that you actually sign up underneath you get
$25 and anybody they sign up you get five and anybody they sign up you get
three and on and on and on if you get a certain amount of people underneath you
and they are earning a certain level of money you automatically get an extra
bonus on each of those people and to everybody that is an elite down from you
to the next person that is elite so I'm not sure if that makes sense but not
everybody is going to be elite star elite out of the gate so if there is you
know there could be a thousand two thousand you know depending on how large
it grows people between you in the next star elite person you will earn these
fast start overrides on all of those people and then getting the actual
residual income from all of those people that are paid up on a monthly basis so
again if your unranked I'm going to get two dollars and fifty percent of that
thirty nine dollars a month or that for two hundred some dollars for every six
month or four hundred dollars and they spread that money out that that six
month or that yearly terms of somebody underneath you signed up for that six
months or a year that's going to get spread out over the course of of that
six months or that year and you can get all the way into fourteen levels deep if
you are a three star so and then you can also get matching bonuses so again this
is if you're a certain ranking level you know you're going to get a ten percent
matching bonus as well and I'm going to make another video that goes into this
compensation plan I'm in more detail but if I look here I'm going to go to my
genealogy so I coin Pro is a power line program so you
get people signed to you you know not underneath you but as long as you sign
up before people they basically go into your sort of your downline your power
line is what it's called so here I have 614 paid members and 220 2659 pre
enrollees these are wiped out every Wednesday if they do not sign up while
the paid members continue to grow and that's where I get that actual power
line percentage paid under all of these people that signed up under me and this
is will be how that the actual star elite overrides work as well so it's
advantageous to join early what is cool is you can join icon Pro just add your
email and then you can kind of lock in your position so if people do the kind
of the actual pre-registration where they're not paying yet you they can lock
in their position for for the power line and see how many people are paid under
them and how many are paid after them pardon me and how many pre-registrations
they got after them so they're better placed within the power line so what is
also great is there is a system that you can use to promote this a hundred
percent so there is something called mega network builder sorry about that so
if you go to mega network builder com I'll leave the link below the video if
you sign up you will get access to this free system that you can use to promote
I coin Pro to get people to sign up underneath you so here I have my I coin
Pro username GA Talmer and if somebody signs up underneath me you can see that
it is coded to my network builder they can join a Facebook group and they can
actually promote this system so you don't have to sign
you don't have to pay anything this is a hundred percent free just going to let
this load here and here it comes to this page where if you put in your actual
icon Pro username it's going to actually give you the link that you need to
promote and actually build all your links here so you get this landing page
you get another landing page there's going to be a video that plays that I'm
going to stop here so you can use all of these pages to promote your I coin Pro
account there's banner ads here again they're
all coded to your URL there's email swipes and there's even a PDF that you
can give to your actual subscribers or after a landing page that will have your
coded URL in here so you get a tyre system that you can
use to promote I coin Pro so I'm going to put that link beneath this video so
that if you guys want to sign up to I coin Pro you can sign up via my page
here you would sign up via this link right here and you can also use the
system to promote I coin pearl for your actual team that you're going to build
if you decide to go directly to I coin Pro just to check it out
just go to the page go to get started it's going to ask you for the username
of the person that referred you if it was me just put in j-town where if it
was somebody else put that in this is how you can lock your position into the
actual power line so you can get an account you don't even have to sign I
mean you just put in your email address and you'll be able to see what position
you have in the power line and then you can decide if you want to join after
that so this is a series of videos I'm going to be putting out on I coin pearl
is the first one just to give you an idea of some of the large marketers that
are joining if you see here Mack Mills joined team Mansell Oscar Agarwal here
we have Edward key Tay if I pronounced that right he's the gentleman that
created the mega network builder go back here we have Rob Fraser we have Dave
Prosser a lot of the big guys that are in digital altitude and a lot of other
big programs are jumping on this as well so guys take a look at this it's still
in the pre-launch phase it's still early just have a peek at it I will leave a
link below the video and keep an eye on my youtube channel I'll be making more
videos that explain the actual compensation plan in better detail and
provide you with some more tools to market this as well thank you guys we
will talk to you later
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