Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 17 2017

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For more infomation >> Drop One Size - Fitness And Weight Loss Advice For WOMEN! - Duration: 1:31.


Top 10 ICONIC Things You Didn't Know Were Designed for ADVERTISING - Duration: 13:04.

Top 10 Iconic Things You Didn't Know Were Designed for Advertising


The Hollywood Sign was Originally a Real Estate Ad

Today, the Hollywood sign is an iconic part of Americana.

It's immediately recognized around the world, and considered a monument to movies.

The sign is well protected by the best modern security systems in order to prevent vandalism.

As far as many Americans are concerned, it's as important a cultural touchstone as many

national monuments and parks.

However, despite the fact that people now generically refer to the Los Angeles area

movie making industry as simply "Hollywood" because of the sign, it originally had absolutely

nothing at all to do with film.

It was put up in the 1930s by a real estate company who wanted to advertise a new development

in the area, where they were selling properties.

At the time, the sign actually had a longer name and was fully written out as "Hollywoodland."

That was the name of the development.

The sign was decked out in lights and incredibly vivid, for all to see from a distance.

It was also supposed to be just a temporary advertisement.

While it was stripped of some of its letters to make it more generic, and had the bright

flashing lights removed, people kept it up over the years because of the unique flair

that it gave to the area.

People's sentimental attachment allowed it to became almost a national monument to

movies, despite it having nothing to do with them whatsoever.


The "Traditional" American Breakfast was Designed to Sell Bacon

Many people today eat bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Heck, it's become stunningly trendy to just eat bacon, and skip the eggs.

However, back in the early 1900s this was not the case at all.

Many people had a breakfast of something like simple oatmeal or porridge most of the time.

That is, until Edward Bernays came along.

This man was a marketing genius.

He was potentially an evil genius, too.

Bernays managed to convince women to smoke, despite the health risks, by getting them

to think of it as an act of liberation and freedom.

Bernays was hired to increase the sales of bacon, and immediately went to work on one

of the most misleading, and also most effective marketing campaigns in history.

He surveyed thousands of doctors and asked them if it would be better to have a light

breakfast or a hearty breakfast to start your day.

As you might imagine, the doctors overwhelming said that a heartier breakfast was the way

to go.

Bernays then started a national campaign talking about his survey and how important a hearty

breakfast was.

The information about his survey was always accompanied by bacon and eggs, the breakfast

that he was touting as the "hearty" and healthy new way to start your morning.

Despite most doctors agreeing that bacon is not a particularly healthy food, one man managed

(through marketing) to make it a part of most of America's daily routine.


Gendered Clothing Colors are Due to Clothing Advertisements

Spoiler alert: colors don't really have anything to do with gender or sexual preference.

Yet many people in the Western world are convinced that blue for boys, and pink is for girls.

Some people have even been known to buy one color of clothes anticipating a certain gender,

and then been disappointed when it turns out that they bought the "wrong" color.

Often, some men will go to great lengths to never be seen wearing pink.

They think it's an embarrassing color for men to wear.

What many people don't realize is that the entire idea of gendered clothing colors was

started by a department store advertisement back in the early 1900s.

It suggested one color for baby boys and another color for baby girls.

It was really just supposed to be a cute advertising idea to get people to stock up on a specific

color of clothing.

This idea would make it easier for stores to mostly carry just a couple colors, and

keep their customers completely satisfied.

However, what you might not know is that originally, that advertisement suggested that pink should

be the color for boys, and blue should be the color for girls.

Customers actually seemed to like the color choices, but wanted to switch them around

the other way.

So, the advertisements eventually changed course to match customer preference.


Sweetest Day Was Invented by Big Candy in Order to Drive Up Sales

For those who haven't heard of it, Sweetest Day is a sort of second, or alternative, Valentine's

Day celebrated in the United States.

Some people celebrate it.

Some wonder why we have an almost identical version of another holiday.

Now, most people are already convinced that Sweetest Day was probably dreamed up and promoted

by people with a product to sell.

What they don't realize is that their ire is probably directed at the wrong people.

A lot of the blame is directed at greeting card companies, like Hallmark.

In particular, it's the less well known company, American Greetings, that's usually

blamed for this atrocity of a holiday.

However, while the greeting card companies have certainly taken advantage of the fabricated

holiday, they had nothing to do with it at all.

The key is in the name "Sweetest Day."

While it may refer to someone's sweetheart, it's also designed to bring to mind the

word sweet.

As in, sweet tooth.

Buying candy on Sweetest Day is considered an important tradition.

The truth is that the tradition was started by a panel of candy company owners in the

early 1920s.

They were looking for a way to boost sales, and came up with a brand new holiday in which

people would be expected to buy a lot of candy for their partner.

In reality, they got away clean with the entire thing.

Most people who actually partake in the holiday buy candy on Sweetest Day.

They also continue to blame the greeting card companies for the whole mess at the same time.


The Need for Deodorant was Actually Taught to People by Advertising

Most people today think of deodorant as just an accepted part of life.

Well, most hygienic people, anyway.

Many people, even those who shower daily, would be loath to go without deodorant.

For most people it's considered a huge social embarrassment to be sweaty or smelly.

But it actually wasn't always that way at all.

Back in the early 1900s, deodorant simply was not a thing.

Sometimes people would use perfumes, and people did wash.

But the idea of using an antiperspirant product, or even worrying that much about smell was

not all that common.

Then a young entrepreneur named Edna Murphey came along.

She had an antiperspirant/deodorant product that her father had used for surgery, to keep

his hands from sweating.

She was trying to sell it to stop people from sweating in general, but for a long time she

struggled to get anyone to buy it.

While it was still in a fairly primitive form and harder to use than it is now, many people

were just totally uninterested in the entire concept.

So, she got the help of an ad agency and started working on a marketing campaign.

The goal was to convince people that being sweaty and smelly was absolutely the height

of social embarrassment.

They went to great lengths to push this narrative.

Before long, Murphey had taken the motto "create a need and fill it" quite literally, and

created an industry that is now worth $18 billion a year.


"Size Matters" because Advertising (and Porn) Says So

One of the most accepted ideas in current society is that a man needs a large "member"

in order to be an attractive mate.

This has become so ingrained that many young men are incredibly insecure about the size

of their penis, and will even consider paying large amounts of money to shady companies

that offer "enhancement" products.

However, the truth is that worrying about the size of your member is actually a more

recent invention.

While societies throughout history have nearly always considered the sexual organs important,

there is little historical evidence of people obsessing over an inch or two like many do

in modern days.

In fact, even if you ask women today, there is quite a disconnect between them and many

of the men who worry about it.

Women tend to be more worried about the girth than length.

They'll also often point out that sometimes it can actually be so big that it's painful.

This obsession began in fairly recent years, partly due to the rise of porn, especially

in the internet age.

Most of these scenes will always demand the biggest and best everything, and people began

considering this as the standard of what things should be.

However, what truly took mens' insecurity and elevated it to a new level are the manufacturers

of so called "male enhancement" products.

Essentially, snake oil full of crushed bits of every alleged aphrodisiac known to man,

along with legal steroids.

These advertisers played on mens' insecurities by interviewing (obviously paid) women and

men about the subject.

These actors talked up how a man just wasn't a man if he didn't have a large enough member.

The advertisers want you to care, but there is no real reason to.


Baumgartner's Leap was Essentially a Giant Red Bull Ad

In 2014, Felix Baumgartner made a record breaking leap above the upper atmosphere, and made

it safely to ground without any harm done.

It was an incredibly epic feat that was noticed and watched the world over.

Soon, it was plastered all over every corner of the internet.

No one would question that Baumgartner pulled off an extremely difficult stunt and will

go down in the history books.

But what may not be quite so obvious in those history books is that the entire thing was

a gigantic marketing stunt.

Some people are familiar with the fact that his leap was broadcast during the Super Bowl,

as an ad for the GoPro he was using.

But what others may not realize is that the true beneficiary of all the brand recognition

was Red Bull.

It seems obvious now, but at the time few noticed the Red Bull logo plastered on every

video and all over his suit.

All to give truth to their slogan, "Red Bull gives you wings."

Red Bull actually makes quite a habit of this type of advertising.

They commonly get people who take part in extreme sports to show off their slogans and

then put them up on their YouTube channel.

However, the Baumgartner leap was by far their most successful video of all.


The Recent Surge in Body Acceptance for Women was Started by Dove

In recent years, the conversation about different body shapes, and the kind of clothes women

are usually expected to wear, has come along incredibly far.

There is a lot of talk and action now about the fact that women's clothing sizes are

almost designed to make them feel shame.

And clothing designers and other beauty product manufacturers only design their products with

a specific body type (and sometimes even skin tone) in mind.

Many women have increasingly been taking back their dignity and pointing out that some healthy

and perfectly beautiful bodies are not necessarily skinny.

This has been very good for all genders, as it helps people feel more secure about themselves.

It also makes manufacturers more likely to begin changing their advertising and design

habits to fit the consumer's needs.

However, what many people may not realize is that this conversation was actually kick

started by a major beauty product manufacturer, looking to find a way to turn their brand


Dove started a campaign about a decade ago called "Real Beauty," showcasing women

of different looks and body types.

This began a public conversation about accepting all kinds of people, whether young or old,

and embracing the beauty within.

Some people, at the time, thought it was nothing but a strange or cynical gimmick.

Some thought it would only hurt Dove's sales, since the message seemed to imply women didn't

really need their products.

Instead, the results have been beyond successful.

The conversation they started has taken off in a way they never could have imagined.


Basically Everything You Believe About Jewelry

Many people have heard of the De Beers company and their shenanigans.

But for those who haven't, they're basically the evil shadowy hand that controls the diamond


In power since well before the 1900s, they control nearly all of the world's diamond


They use their monopoly to hold back supply to artificially drive up demand.

While some people are starting to become aware of how awful the conditions are for diamond

miners, and just how fixed the prices are, many don't realize just how long De Beers

has been doing this.

Nor do they realize just how deep their tendrils go in many cultures' psyches.

In the United States in particular, proposing marriage with a diamond ring is traditional.

On top of that, you're "supposed" to spend three month's salary on the ring.

However, it wasn't always this way.

Back in the 1930s the idea of even giving a diamond ring to propose at all was pretty

uncommon, and De Beers was still trying to get it to catch on.

Unfortunately, they were having trouble with sales and even with their price fixing, they

weren't making the profits they wanted.

They started a marketing campaign drumming up the idea that a proper courtship was done

with a diamond ring.

Even more to the point, they created that whole three month's salary nonsense.

De Beers went to the heart of insecure young men everywhere.

They suggested that the value of the proposal depended on how much money the man was willing

to spend.

This ensured that whatever his wealth, he'd spend a large percentage of income lining

the pocket of De Beers.

Despite many people reading about De Beers, they continue to buy incredibly expensive

diamond rings anyway.

We have to grudgingly admit the marketing campaign worked that well.


The Difference Between "Rich" and "Poor" People Food

You might think of certain menu items as "rich" people food or "poor" people food.

For example, the rich are known for eating things like caviar, foie gras, and expensive


Especially things like lobster or crab.

However, people forget that whether a food is rich or poor depends on the economy and


Caviar is seen as rich food, but is fairly common even among the poor in many of the

Baltic states.

The truth is, many expensive foods were once considered trash, fit only for the lowest

of society.

In particular, lobster was once considered a poor person's food.

There was an overabundance of it, and many would have rather fed it to livestock than

eat it themselves.

Indentured servants complained about getting so much lobster, rules were established limiting

it to only three meals per week.

Canneries on the coasts became bigger and more efficient, and figured out how to send

lobster throughout the country.

In order to market it, they took advantage of the fact most people didn't know it was

considered trash food.

This allowed them to market it as an exotic delicacy.

Before long, demand throughout the US had skyrocketed.

The price started to shoot up, and it took its place in the pantheon of rich people food.

For more infomation >> Top 10 ICONIC Things You Didn't Know Were Designed for ADVERTISING - Duration: 13:04.


ez»I will try to save you - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> ez»I will try to save you - Duration: 2:31.


5 Healthy Habits For Your Digestive System - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> 5 Healthy Habits For Your Digestive System - Duration: 2:59.


What They Don't Tell You About Leadership - S1E4 - Duration: 3:21.

"You cannot afford to take offense!" With this sentence one of my mentors kept on

reminding me how much more important forgiveness is, than bitterness.

Whether it is gossip, rudeness, rebellion, wrong assumptions about you, or even lies about you,

or simple disagreements: people give us all sorts of reason, every day, to feel offended.

But if we do take offence, we open ourselves up to all sorts of emotions,

such as anger, frustration, depression, tiredness, and so on.

One of the greatest leaders of all times, Moses, was leading a people that really was

frustrating to lead. They complained all the time, they were rebellious, they just

couldn't be pleased. It drove Moses to the place where he

didn't want to live anymore. And he cried out to the Lord saying: "Take my life!

I don't want to go on like this" - Now we all know that God did not take his life.

But what this story does tell us is, that if we do take offense, we might end up at the place

of suicidal thoughts.

You cannot afford to take offense!

But how do I succeed to not take offense, if I do feel offended?

Well the truth is, I often don't.

I've tried so many times not to take offense, only to find myself taking offense.

But I also found that the one that lives in me, has overcome.

Jesus, when hanging on the cross, just before dying,

cried out to his father, saying:

"Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing!"

This same Jesus, that forgave his enemies, the Romans, the Jews, you and me,

that same Jesus, has taken all our offense into the grave

and has overcome!

So next time you're struggling to "not take offense", remember that Jesus has overcome.

Share with him your frustrations.

Share with him how you feel, because he will understand!

And he will meet you right there in that situation, and help you to overcome,

because he already has.

God bless you!

"What They Don't Tell You About Leadership",

a series of encouragement for practicing leaders.

For more infomation >> What They Don't Tell You About Leadership - S1E4 - Duration: 3:21.


Italy Korea & Us: The Most Amazing Mountain Drive to Campo Imperatore/이탈리아 한국인 커플의 이탈리아 파라다이스 드라이브 - Duration: 7:10.

Oh my God!

You can hear the bells

there are a lot of cows


to compare it with something Asia

People say it's very similar with Tibet

actually some people call it Italy's Tibet

Because the scenery is very similar

if you compare photos from Tibet and this part of Abruzzo

it's very similar

That's the Corno Grande

it's the tallest peak of the Gran Sasso

From the top is where you can see both inland and the sea

and it's 2915 meters more or less

you can climb there?

yes people climb up to the top

but the weather changes very quickly up there

so you have to have an expert with you

it could be dangerous

it can be dangerous yes

so we're at the top

that there is the church

there's a church up here

and in front of us is

the top base of the cable car that brings skiers up

in the winter time

and there is the old cable car station here as well

that's the view

that's the hotel there

it's closed at the moment

unfortunately even the bar is closed today

ready to go back down?


ok,let's go!

that's it for today

I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to push the subscribe button!

For more infomation >> Italy Korea & Us: The Most Amazing Mountain Drive to Campo Imperatore/이탈리아 한국인 커플의 이탈리아 파라다이스 드라이브 - Duration: 7:10.


Stick War Legacy 500 Spereton, Archer and Giant vs Final Boss [Insane Mode]⚔ - Duration: 10:36.

Stick War Legacy Insane Mode

For more infomation >> Stick War Legacy 500 Spereton, Archer and Giant vs Final Boss [Insane Mode]⚔ - Duration: 10:36.


hacking fluorescent lamp starter - Duration: 2:17.

get the starter

bring the pliers and pop the cover out

there is a metallic foil film capacitor acting as an RFI suppression and the IMPORTANTthing is the small neon lamp

now use the pliers again to squeeze the metallic part that confines the wires and free it carefully

lift it gently

now the other side..


we want the lamp now

you can use another starter to get out the small lamp and smash the glass carefully to use it other ways..


treat these wires carefully as they are fragile

as u saw in the video description you can use it as a heat or fire detection

when you heat the metal chrome part it will shrink and touch the metal wire and close the circuit

so make use of that later

now get a piezoelectric igniter from a lighter


we shall turn off the lights for better display and recognizing the illumination

spark 'n' glow

here we go

you can use it also to replace the neon lamp of a screwdriver light which is used to test and detect flowing current in electrical circuit or a plug

any suggestions are welcomed in the comments below

Thanks for joining me in this hack

For more infomation >> hacking fluorescent lamp starter - Duration: 2:17.


Grilled Donut | Grilled Doughnut Ice Cream Sandwich - Duration: 2:12.

Today we are going to show you how to grill donuts and make them caramelized and crispy

on the outside and soft on the inside.

The first thing that you do is you throw you glazed doughnuts out on the grill over medium


It's going to be a couple of minutes per side.

Once the two minutes is up, it's time to flip them over.

They should be golden brown.

Now this is an awful lot like toasting a marshmallow where it is really easy to turn it black,

but really hard to make it golden brown.

And it's the caramelization that changes this plain donut into something truly magical.

After a couple minutes on that side, It's time to take them off.

You might have to do a little bit of experimenting and it's good to get a few extra donuts.

Because if you turn a couple of them black, you'll know to turn the heat down.

That way you can get them just perfect.

Here is the final product.

Perfectly golden brown on the outside.


Now if you want to kick it up a notch, take one of those glazed donuts and cut it in half.

We are going to make an ice cream sandwich.

Throw the donuts cut side down over medium heat on the grill.

You are going to follow the same process that you did with grilling the donuts with a couple

of minutes per side.

The point of this is to get it to the point where it is golden brown.

That way the ice cream doesn't soak into the donut and it keeps it nice and cripsy and

soft like you want.

Put a couple of scoops of ice cream down on a cutting board and we are going to make them

flat so that way they fit nicer on your donut sandwich.

Then take the two scoops of ice cream and put it directly on the cut side of the ice

cream sandwich.

Finally go ahead and top it with the other side of the donut.

You can go crazy with this and put whatever you want on it.

Chocolate sauce.

Chocolate sprinkles.

Even a toasted marshmallow on top.

The more you do, the better it's going to taste.

So there you have it, two different ways to cook donuts on the grill.

Which one of these do you prefer?

Go ahead and put it in the comments below and we will take your poll.

If you like this video, go ahead and hit the like button.

If you want to see more videos about grilling smoking and cooking with fire, hit subscribe

there are more videos to come.

For more infomation >> Grilled Donut | Grilled Doughnut Ice Cream Sandwich - Duration: 2:12.


How To Find Girl's and Boy's WhatsApp Number | Beautiful Girls WhatsApp Number Easy Way | Boys No - Duration: 7:38.

get beautiful girl whatsapp number

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