The fourth principle is realize that you are not separate from your environment
the affirmation for this is I am one with my surroundings
aware of the connective energy between me in my world I have talked a lot
already about this need to remove the notion of our separateness that's the
invention of the ego the ego needs to feel separate otherwise it doesn't have
any reason to be so it constantly reinforces our separateness and our idea
of being separate from everything well one of the things that the ego this idea
we have of ourselves has convinced us that we're separate from is the
environment and it's why we treat the environment the way we do and you might
be thinking as you're listening to this well what's this got to do with
manifesting I mean do I just have to join the Green Party and vote for Ralph
Nader I mean what do I have to do and it has nothing to do with that each of
these principles throughout this entire program are really principles that are
designed to get you to think of yourself in a new way because once you see
yourself in this new light the ability to do these things that you might have
thought were not possible that old idea that you can't do it begins to just
gradually fade away there's a word that's called a neologism which is the
term that defines this defines a new word Neil knew loads of word new logic
and the word that I coined is don't think of yourself as an organism in an
environment think of yourself as an
environment word okay because literally that's what we are and it's hard to
shake this idea of being something that is in this world and separate from it
rather than being connected to all of it because we can't see the connections and
so therefore we had the tendency to think of ourselves as separate so let me
try to bring it home let's say I want to describe
walking across this room so how can I describe walking across this room
without describing what I am walking upon is it possible for me to give you a
description of myself apart from my environment in order to describe walking
across this room I have to describe not only walking which is moving the legs
forward one after the other but I also have to describe what I am walking upon
the carpet the ground the pebble whatever it might be it's not possible
for me to just talk about my legs moving if I just talk about my legs moving I'm
not talking about walking am I so in order to be able to walk to describe
walking I must see myself as someone who is walking and someone who is walking
upon something now in addition to describing walking upon something I must
also describe what I am doing while I am walking in order to be able to walk I
have to breathe Nona I can't describe walking across the room to someone who
doesn't know what that is without describing my lungs inflating and
deflating at every second and what is it that is inflating and deflating why it's
the air so I have to have air in order to describe walking across the room so I
have to be breathing and what are all the other things that I have to describe
as well I can never as long as I am in the physical plane I can never describe
myself without describing the environment that I am a part of now what
does this got to do with manifesting if I am connected to my environment
inextricably I cannot be separated from my environment the minute I do I'm gone
I now enter that world that we call spirit which has no environment was just
everywhere at once so in order to understand what
manifesting is about you have to understand that what you manifest or
want to manifest is in the environment and everything in the environment is
also in you you are already connected in the environment in the physical world to
what it is you want to attract and you can never separate yourself from it it's
like if you open up a book and look at the pages of the book and you say to
somebody who's never read before I've never seen a book you try to describe
what this is like you say what's there on the page and you say well there's
little letters so either just little letters little black letters little
black pieces of ink little A's and B's and C's and DS now you can't describe
the page of a book without describing the environment upon which the little
black ink letters appear can you you need the background don't you
you need the environment you need the white page the contrast the opposite the
duality in order to be able to describe reading you have to have a background
otherwise you just got little letters floating around and you can't read that
in order to see the stars at night you have to have a black background in
order to see them now what I'm talking about here is really understanding the
nature of the right hand side of the room that I talked about earlier when
we're talking now about the right hand side of the room I'm talking about the
physical plane you have to understand the physical plane your role in it in
order to escape it and that's what this is about it's about understanding the
fundamental duality of your physical world and understanding that you are
connected to it at all times you can never separate yourself from it
the symbol for those who believe that we are in the environment
in order to push it around is the bulldozer the bulldozer is that
instrument that we have devised that moves the earth around and cuts down the
trees and destroys the forests and so on not understanding that this is us we are
it when we do too much of that when we go to the extreme that we seem to be
going to or could go to then what happens is we are taking away the very
thing that we need in order to sustain ourselves if you take the air out if you
take that which gives us the other nitrogen and the hydrogen and the oxygen
if you take that away if you take the trees away if you take the oceans and
destroy the oceans and pollute the oceans if you destroy all of the land
eventually what happens is you understand you cannot survive because
you are connected to that you have to have it and there's only one air there's
only one fire there's only one water there's just little glasses of it it's
all one and so seeing yourself as connected to the environment is one
perspective and seeing yourself as in the environment to push it around is
another most of us have been raised on the idea that we're in the environment
to push it around and if we don't push it around it will push us around
it will destroy us if we don't destroy it and we don't get that when we are
destroying it we are destroying ourselves and we are also destroying our
ability to be able to bring to us to attract to us what it is that we would
like in this way of manifesting when we see ourselves as separate from that
which is in the world the rest of the world I'd like to take a look at this if
the physical world at the right hand side of the room and have you understand
how it looks from a detached perspective have you ever seen a person with a front
who doesn't have a back try to imagine such a thing you know a
person with a nice front and you turn around and there's no back even if there
is anorexic as it gets right you still have a back don't you can you imagine
someone with an outside that doesn't have an insight it's not possible is it
in a physical plane you always have the opposite now the symbol for the physical
plane is the sine wave which has a crest and then you go below the surface and it
has a trough or a nadir and a valley a top and a bottom now this wave is always
has its crest is always separate from its trough you can see the top of a sine
wave that is the stuff that you're made up of you can see the top of the wave
and you can see the bottom of a way but you can never just see the top I used to
teach metaphysics at the University and I used to give an assignment to my class
I'd say I want you to next week bring in a North Pole of a magnet and know South
Pole and people would go and they know they slice it real thin in this but no
matter how thin you slice that magnet you always have its opposite don't you
it's the nature of the physical plane to be in duality when they talk about
enlightened beings they're talking very often you'll hear it referred to in the
literature you'll hear these people refer to as non-dual beings people who
have gone past the duality of the physical plane and this is a big part of
what we're going to do here in this program is learn how to do that all
right but you have to understand at first that at the top of the wave and at
the bottom of the way you have that which is separate but always together
just like a back and a front they're separate but you can't have one without
the other just like a top and a bottom and then when you take it into other
contexts just like happiness and unhappiness just like light and dark
if it was always light 24 hours a day light that was our reality 24 hours a
day the light shines would we have a concept called darkness we can only have
a concept in the physical plane if we know its opposite if it was always like
we wouldn't need a word like dark it wouldn't exist we wouldn't know such a
thing if everybody was always happy would we have a concept called
unhappiness we wouldn't need any such thing would we
everybody's happy all the time unhappiness wouldn't be something we
talked about happiness and unhappiness go together they're partners how much
you noticed in your life that when things are going really really well
generally speaking there's some caca on its way Henry that generally been the
case I mean we hear it it's like either light hills and valleys in the physical
plane there's opposite you know and the good news is when you're in the caca
there's the hill coming it's the only direction you can go you kind of that's
always better this idea of always being happy 24 hours a day all the time it's
like trying to find light 24 hours a day the other thing of course is life and
death you know we often have this idea that life and death are enemies to each
other the top of the ways the bottom of the ways everything that has ever died
must have what must have lived you can't have that without life and the reverse
is always true every top at the bottom of the inside has an outside every front
has a back everyone who has ever lived also must have died death and life are
partners they're not enemies we've gotten this idea that they're enemies
and we have books about how to slay it and and we worry about it in a sense as
this tremendous anxiety that we live with
over whether we're going to live and when how long we're going to live and
death is something that shouldn't happen but that is just the physical plane is
life and that everything comes into the physical plane it's quiet dust Emily
Dickinson had this wonderful poem she said this quiet dust was gentlemen and
ladies and lads and girls was laughter and ability and sighing and frocks and
curls so simple all this dust that you see you hold it up in your hand what was
it before this quiet dust gentlemen and ladies all of us and so what I'd like
you to do now is to think of something in the physical plane that could never
experience darkness it's impossible for this to ever experience darkness
couldn't happen no matter how hard you try you could not have this thing
experience darkness and that would be the Sun why is it that the Sun could
never experience darkness because the Sun is the source of all light right so
there's an AHA in here there's a Eureka there's a all I see in order to be able
to transcend the duality of the physical plane you must go to your source when
you go to the source that is that which is the cause of you transcend the
physical plane and when you do you create whatever it is you want to in the
physical plane from the position of the source you go out into the springtime or
in the fall you look at all of those different colors out there the Reds and
the blues and the oranges and the greens and the yellows all of these fantastic
colors of flowers and leaves and so on and you ask yourself what is the source
of all of this color there's only one source of all color called light light
is the source of all color without light there's no color but there are many
individualized expressions of that one source you similarly have an essence we
are all individualized expressions of one essence just like every flower and
every color on every leaf is the same an individualized expression of one light
we are an individualized expression of one essence now what you call this
essence isn't what it is anyway we get nervous about it and we fight wars over
that and we kill each other over what you call it so if you want to call it
God or soul or spirit or or contents lost or Louise it doesn't make any
difference what you call it it's not what you call it it just is call it the
DAO call it God call it soul call it spirit I don't care what you call it but
come to know it when you go to your source now when people are learning to
become sorcerers they're even told you will become a sorcerer and we hear the
word sorcerer right away we think of witches no way and witchcraft is sorcery
but the origin of the word source means sorcerer means of the source people who
are of the source who have gone to their source when you go to your source and
how do you get to your source Melville said that God's one and only voice is
silence silence is your source silence is like the
number zero when you go to zero you can't subtract anymore nor can you
divide can you you can't divide zero you just keep dividing it and dividing
it and you just keep coming up with zero the same is true of silence there's only
one silence you don't get your own silence and I get a silence and you get
a silence any more than you get your own fire I get a separate fire and you get a
separate water and you get separate water and you get separate air and I get
separated this is air and there's just one different individualized expressions
of it we call it the Pacific and we call it the Atlantic and the st. Clair River
and the Lake Superior and all of these kinds of things let's just water there's
only one the same thing is true of silence the same thing is true of God
the same thing is true of your divine intelligence whatever you want to call
it when you go to that source that place that cannot be further divided you now
enter into the world of creation you don't create because everything is
already here you enter the world of manifestation the world of creation and
in this world you become a co-creator that is not creation from the sense of
bringing something from nowhere to here but creation from the sense of
attracting into your life and creating into your life that which has been
missing in order to further understand this you have to think of like how you
think you get here in the first place we have this funny idea this idea that you
can divide the room you know on the right hand side is the physical and on
the left hand side is the spiritual but before you send me an email I know that
it's all one I'm just doing this because I happen to still be in the physical
plane and we need duality in order to understand from the
of the ego but my inner knowing is that there's no separation of spirit and
matter that God is in all things and that there is individualized expressions
of it but that this intelligence doesn't ever particular eyes it can't that would
mean that there's someplace that it isn't the minute that it particular
eise's and if it's universal there can never be any place that it
isn't that's what Universal means one verse so we have this myth that we live
under that says we come into this world and we really sort of think of ourselves
as like a like a construction project you know like there's the spirit world
and we divided up into befores and afters
so I'm here but before I was here I was nowhere and then I went from nowhere NO
wher e to now here NO wher e just a little different spacing and I'm in now
here and I look around and after a while I have this thundering realization that
I'm going back to nowhere and then it's all the same but somehow our intellect
our left brain tells us we come from a spirit world and then we come into this
physical world and then when we leave it and we die we go back to a spirit world
isn't that what we think it's not like that at all we have to shatter that
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