Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 17 2017

hello this is Keisha here and net marketer and in this video I'm going to

share with you a superior freebies as you can see on my screen and with this

particular site you want to earn a twenty seven dollars over and over again

and you just um when you sign up that's already going to be selected for you all

you have to do is go right here and you have to put in your email address be

sure it says you'll be referred by user ID six zero eight two nine that is me

this is an invitation based program and you're just going to put in your real

email address and just put in this email address to show you in this

demonstration you got to put in your real email address once you see it says

you'll be referred by someone and you're just going to click continue to the next

step and it's just going to take you to the registration page and you're going

to see that email address that you put in there's already going to be inserted

for you and they just want you to confirm it and then you have to create a

password then you're gonna have to confirm your password then you're gonna

have to put in all your personal information like your name your address

your city and zip your paypal email if you don't have a PayPal account you can

go to it's free to sign up and then you put the PayPal you are in

here and you put your birthday year they need all this information to validate

that you are a legit person and they also use the information to pay you it

once you filled in all those details you just want to go all the way to the

bottom of page and a lot of people always miss this because you have to

click this little agreement pops and once you click that it open up this

registration button and then you're just going to click um click the register and

once you do that you will be automatically logged in to your new

account and as you can see I have this little green little stripe wall across

mail that says congratulations you have met your requirements you won't have

that yours is going to be red you may already know this yours is going to be

red until you get qualified and it wants to get qualified to earn commissions

there is a sign-up process you have to try out a free um

low cost trial offers and you could do that by going up here and clicking on it

offers page and it takes you to the offers and as you can see um they have a

click my score it's worth point twenty and they have this other offer is worth

point fifteen this one is worth point twenty this R is worth point fifteen and

we have a point ten and we have a point thirty and the thing I like about this

particular site right here this is because with most of freebie networks

you have to earn a hundred points in order to start earning commissions when

you look up here on this one as you can see you only need half of

that you only need a point fifty you can just look at their like fifty points or

um 50 credits and you just need fifty so you cover here and do a point twenty

offer and you can do a point thirty offer like GoDaddy and you can use their

domain for your business and your only be um starting a business for less than

six dollars and you can do those two offer you can go through here they have

a page like three or four pages full offers you just go ahead and go through

and pick the ones that you want to do you may actually come across something

that you always wanted to try out anyway and the only difference is if you do it

from this side you could earn money and these are just free trials and a local

trial offers then you come across every day online you'll see Netflix in there a

lot of people sign up with their program and they test out that offer all the

difference is those will save all words that you see every day that people try

out and the only difference is those people don't get paid if you do that to

this site gonna get qualified to earn commissions and you're gonna get paid

for doing it so just come in here if I you like to offers just

offers that you get your point 50 that's easy to do this site is very easy to get

qualified on and once you are qualified I will send you a email with some

training I'm not going to send a training if you don't get qualified on

the site because there's no need to send you training if you're not serious about

the program but if you're serious about um using this superior freebie site to

earn you some extra cash and then I'll sing you some training so that you can

get the best results possible and use a free marketing techniques in the basic

marketing to help you get started and once you're qualified you're going to

see that um green congratulations little better like I said once you do that you

also gonna want to read the crediting guide um it's going to show you how to

set up your browser just to make sure that your office go through you want to

want to do that also and I thought you want to do you're going to want to get

qualified so you can earn your point fifty and once you do that you would be

ready to start promote your business and they also have a I want to miss this

they have a Facebook group has a Facebook group right here as you can see

you can see other numerous posting their pavement proof this is a payment proof

group you can see other people introduce you introducing new members posting

their payments and you also for win up money for posting your payments if you

poster or most so you have the most um referrals at the end of the month you

could earn extra money I think one of the prizes one hundred dollars so you

could earn extra money just for posting your payment proofs and um like I say

you just want to come here you want to get qualified another thing you want to

do when you're doing these offers be sure you read the description and the

requirements that's very important you want to know what they require of you

so you won't be surprised by anything on they give you all the details right on

the side of the offer all you have to do is take your time to actually read that

some people don't take their time to read that you want to read there because

if it's something you don't feel comfortable with doing you're gonna want

to skip over it and do something else but these are pretty um easy offers here

on this site you just want to be sure you are read everything and once you

read all that and you get your trainee I will also like I said I could add you to

the group that's if you want to be in the group you don't have to be in a

group a lot of members are not even in the group but um if you want to UM

participate in the bonuses that they have my posting your payments in here

you're gonna uh join the group or I can add you to the group so get qualified on

the superior freebie site this is the head superior freebie site and you're

only gonna need a point fifty credits that means you're not gonna have to do

that many offers and most of those offers are free like I said you may only

have to spend less than six dollars and if you can't afford six dollars and you

an adult and you need to fix their problem but seriously though you come in

here you're gonna get qualified you wanna get put in the group you're

gonna get an email your training so you can start earning money with the

superior freebie site and you're gonna start earning the unlimited twenty seven

dollars that adds up very quick it's not um notice don't sound like a lot of

money but it adds up quick and remember you can make those payments multiple

times a day and that's all I wanted to share with

you in this superior freebies video so just click that link that I leave in the

description so you can get sign up today if you're serious about making some

extra cash in your spare time just hit that link and it's gonna bring

you to this page so you can get started right away and I wish you a great day

For more infomation >> Superior Freebies - Superior Freebies Review 2017 Scam or Legit- Youtube - Duration: 8:52.


VLOG 07 // HAIRDYE + SUSHI + KARAOKE - Duration: 5:56.

We are now at

Uobei *said it probably wrong*

in a sushi restaurant

Thats the menu. I'm waiting for my food

Thats not my food. its her food

my food should arrive soon

heres a little of the menu so you wont get bored

Now my food is coming

There it is

and thats my food

not super much wuuuh

Now I show you everything you have there

at the entrace you get this thing

Here is .. I dont exactly know what it is but this is wasabi

here is ginger

here is cutlery

here are the chopsticks

Above here are the cups

and those small bowls you need for the soy sauce

and serviettes

heres the screen

here is the faucet and behind this is the matcha powder

you can take this and a cup

and put as much as you want in it

you can also just take hot water only

I'll show you. Push away what the stupid cunt next to us put here

then you need to pull it

and the water will come out

if you wanna order something you push on the screen

you can change the language to english here

What is this ? Its Jello

when youre done you take this thing and they will scan it and tell you how much you have to pay

and i have to pay like .. 1 ... 2 ...3 ...


you can also check it here

how much the plates cost (you can also check that down below)

the food comes here

like you already saw it

finished :)

we are now at karaoke in big echo

I have no idea how this works

i would say

one directions ... really new

this is relative new

*wrong song*

here in the sauna

I already got this thingy here

the best part about it is that its not in english

if we go back to the menu

everything is in japanese and I dont see where I can change the language

down here .. no no no ... this are the english songs

I also fought I could change it down here but nope

For more infomation >> VLOG 07 // HAIRDYE + SUSHI + KARAOKE - Duration: 5:56.


Blowgun from Borneo Gift from Dr. Biruté Galdikas - Duration: 2:37.

Hi, I'm Evelyn Gallardo and I'm Sabrina, and we're coming to you from the living

room of the Discovery Beach House.

So, you're probably wondering what is this.

Many of our guests wonder the same thing.

But anyways, Evelyn tell them about this.

How you got this blowgun.

Blowgun, yeah.

Well everywhere I ever traveled to, all these exotic places and rainforests, my father always

said, "Bring me back a blowgun."

Well, they never had any blowguns until we got to Borneo and I asked Doctor Birute Galdikas.

Now, for those of you who aren't familiar with her.

She is a protégé of Doctor Louis Leakey, along with Doctor Jane Goodall and Doctor

Dian Fossey, who sent them out into the wild to study each of the three great apes.

And, so anyway, she said, "Oh, I'm sorry, you have to go up river for five hours and

it'll take a month to get one made."

And, so anyway, she surprised us on the very last day, working on the Orangutan Project,

and she gave me her personal blowgun that she had under her bed to give to my father.

And, so he had it so many years in his living room but when he passed away, I just wanted

to have it back.

So, we have it hanging here in the living room.

So, you get to take part of the, her world travels experiences, back home with you, while

you're staying here.

It's amazing.

Yeah, so look how big this is.

Yeah, look at this.

We don't want to hit the fan but it's really tall.

So, anyway, this was honestly an adventure of a lifetime working on the Orangutan Project,

so hey, you could bring your family down here and give them an adventure of a lifetime.

So, please visit our website and Pura Vida!

Pura Vida!

For more infomation >> Blowgun from Borneo Gift from Dr. Biruté Galdikas - Duration: 2:37.


Foam Rolling | All the Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 10:22.

Foam rolling is all the rage right now, but just because you see something all over social

media or in magazines, doesn't mean it's legit and that you should listen to it.

So, I went and researched foam rolling in actual scientific literature to see what I

could find out about it and about its efficacy and in this video, I'm going to summarize

for you guys what I find and give you my take on it.

In technical terms foam rolling is referred

to as self-myofascial release or SMR and what it is is when you use the foam roller to help

exert pressure from your bodyweight onto different areas of you body.

It's almost like giving yourself a massage because you use the roller to put pressure

and stretch out the soft tissue the same way that a massage therapist would.

After an intense workout you often feel what is referred to as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

or DOMS and that is basically when you put your muscles through something that they're

not used to whether that be a new movement or an increased loading and it's basically

a manifestation of microscopic damage to the muscle fibers and foam rolling is supposed

to be able to help relieve the pain that is associated with this delayed onset muscle


So, what's the point of foam rolling?

The point is to help you to recover faster so that you can get back into the gy and increase

you muscle loading.

So, the problem when you're sore is that you're unable to go through a full range of motion

and keep the proper form because the pain can prohibit you from doing so.

So by foam rolling, you can supposedly help to increase your recovery and get back in

the gym faster and continue to build muscle at a faster rate.

That is why it's become so increasingly popular lately.

So the question is how does foam rolling do this?

And the simple answer is I could not find a definitive research series of articles that

gave a surefire answer on this.

So far the research is very limited and most of it focuses on whether or not it actually

gets the muscle soreness to go away, rather than how it does this.

However, I did find a study that said that foam rolling was found to increase the rate

of blood flow to a given area immediately and up to 30 minutes after the foam rolling

was completed and increased blood flow helps to aid in recovery so that connection kind

of makes sense to me and I would buy that, but other than this mechanism, I wasn't able

to find any concrete reasoning for how the actual cellular molecular mechanism of foam

rolling works.

Like I said, most of the studies are focused on whether or not it decreases the delayed

onset muscle soreness and the answer to that is that it does.

So, what I was able to find was supportive research in the fact that foam rolling at

the end of a workout can help to decrease the DOMS effect and um, increase your ability

to perform at an optimal level in the gym.

So, that brings me to my next point which is when should you foam roll?

Now, some people suggest doing it before a workout as kind of like a warm up, whereas

some people suggest doing it after, immediately after, and the next day or once you're already

feeling sore.

Now, the only information I was able to find related to this was that doing it immediately

after did decrease the amount of soreness felt by the subjects in the study, but for

those people who suggest doing it before a workout, when compared to a plank as a warm

up, there was no difference in the basically amount of performance that the athletes were

able to achieve during their workout.

So, what these means is that the benefits of foam rolling at the beginning of a workout

may be just because it gets that blood flowing and kind of acs like a warm up, not because

the foam rolling itself is actually doing anything.

So, because it does take a little bit of strength and movement to actually foam roll, um that

kind of serves as a warm up, but the actually action of foam rolling and its effect on your

muscles doesn't seem to really have an effect because the athletes performed similarly when

they foam rolled and when they performed other types of warm ups.

So, my recommendation from that would be to do it after your workout um, because the benefits

there were more concrete than the benefits from before a workout.

That being said, if you like to foam roll at the beginning of a workout and do it as

a warmup, there's nothing wrong with that.

Do what works for you.

So, I don't foam roll very often.

Most of the time I end up doing it when I'm already sore and looking for relief.

I wasn't able to find any studies that tested whether foam rolling was effective like a

day, or two days after training, so that time when you're already feeling sore.

However, I can speak from personal experience and say that foam rolling really hurts while

you're doing it, but afterwards it does feel better.

But, like I said, I wasn't able to find any concrete scientific evidence on this.

Right now the data is pretty limited on foam rolling because it's kind of like this new

up and coming trend.

However, I'm surprised because a lot of physical therapists and trainers have been recommending

it with very little scientific evidence to actually back it up.

Like I said, the mechanisms behind it are still pretty unclear in the literature at

this point.

So, that being said, just another reminder to take everything you see and hear in the

common media with a grain of salt because most of the time those things come out and

are not scientifically based.

However, for something like foam rolling I think the chances of having negative effects

for yourself, as long as you're doing it in moderation, I would say not to do it everyday

just because the extra stress that you are putting on your body in that painful moment

can actually cause some inflammation.

Um, I did read that in one of the studies so that's something to be mindful of, but

like most things, I think foam rolling in moderation is a-okay.

So here is just a quick little look at my personal foam rolling routine and how to do

it in the most optimal way.

To foam roll you don't need anything fancy.

The foam roller that I have is off of amazon and I'm pretty sure it was like $10.

You need something that you can use to support your bodyweight, but it doesn't need to be

anything super fancy.

Also when you're just starting out you will probably want to use one that is not as hard

just because the harder or stiffer that the foam roller is, the more it's going to hurt.

And if you're not used to that pain it can be a little much at first.

So the one I have, like I said, from Amazon, is pretty basic and pretty hard.

So, I would say probably don't get this one as your first foam roller.

Um, another important thing to keep in mind when you are foam rolling is to go slowly

and you want to really feel that burn almost when you get to an area that is very painful

and sore, that's kind of a signal that it is in an area where you have excess tension

so you want to slow down when you get to those movements.

I usually don't foam roll for more than like 20 minutes and I find that usually to be good


So another important thing to keep in mind is that you don't want to foam roll over your


So here you see me rolling out kind of my glutes and my hamstrings, but when I go to

do my calves, I take the foam roller out and place it on the other side of my knee.

So, I'm not rolling over my knee.

Um, and that's just going to protect you from damaging your joints.And most of the moves

that I do are for my lower body just because that's where I tend to get the most sore,

but this is a great one that I like to do for my lats and you just kind of like hug

yourself and roll over it that way.

Rolling takes a little bit of practice, but once you get the hang of it you kind of just

go with how you feel.

Alright I hope you guys enjoyed this video, found it a little bit informative and remember,

don't believe everything you hear.

If you did, please feel free to give this video a thumbs up and as always, if you want

to see more videos from me in the future, go ahead and hit that subscribe button.

Alright, bye guys!

For more infomation >> Foam Rolling | All the Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 10:22.


Sightseeing in Hong Kong! View Over The City! - Duration: 6:41.

Hello you travelers, I hope everybody is alright

Pedro here again, and today we are in Hong Kong in central Hong Kong in the south side of the river

Now the first thing we gonna see today is Kalwoon park it's on the other side of the river

we gonna go by metro now and after that we gonna come back on this side

and we gonna come by boat it's a famous ride that one so...

I guess we gonna take it!

so lets get on the metro lets get to Kalwoon park! Lets go guys!

It took us like what? 20 or 25 minutes... We just got off of the Jordan station

the metro station.

Ant it's now like what... 2 minutes walk to the park

Yeah! So lets get there!

So we just got out of the Kalwoon park guys It's a really nice park but we cannot stay there forever

We still have some more things to see

So now we gonna take the boat to the other side we gonna go to the city center

And I'm gonna show you some more stuff on that side OK? So lets go!

You can see behind me the whole skyline of Hong Kong This is just beautiful, beautiful guys!

Now here, on my left, that's the ferry we're gonna take to that side

Cause we started here and now we're going to the best part

And we probably gonna go to some temples on that side, and then we gonna go

climb that mountain in there, not climb we gonna take a train to go up

And that mountain is called Victoria Peak, so...

Lets get that ferry, and lets get there! It's very hot guys, I'm sweating like hell

Lets go!

I'm just next to the Hong Kong wheel and that one guys, if you can see it

If i'm not mistaken is the tallest building they have here in Hong Kong

But as I was saying, now I found out where all the tourists are

Full of tourists in here, you can see straight away that these people are not from here

and there is a lot of boats as well so I guess it's from here that they depart for their tours

like, they book the tours and they go somewhere to other islands, do other stuff

So... They're all here!

And now we gonna go off from here, we gonna go to see the Man Mo temple

which is the oldest temple they have here is this city

Lets get out of here! lets go to the Man Mo Temple guys!

Here just behind me is the Man Mo temple I never been here, it's my first time

So we gonna go inside and check it out!

We just got outside of the temple it was very hot inside

cause they were burning a lot incense and there was a lot of smoke as well because of that

So now, I have two more things to do

Go to the bank of china tower stay there for a bit and walk around that area

and then we go to the Victoria Peak we gonna take the tram up that mountain.

Here, Bank of China tower

There, HSBC building

And behind there Victoria Peak and that's where we go now!

We just finished here in Victoria Peak and the view from here is just amazing, beautiful!

You can see the whole city on this side and on the other side you can see a beach

you can see a lot of green you can see another islands as well

So that's it! I hope you enjoyed the video guys and if you did like it, put a like on this video and

of course, don't forget to subscribe and share it with your friends

so everybody can know all the places where I go

and you can choose where to go next for your travels

So see you guys! See you in my next trip!

For more infomation >> Sightseeing in Hong Kong! View Over The City! - Duration: 6:41.


Potipot Island Paradise, Ladies, Olongapo City Health | Moments - Duration: 5:35.

Good thing I brought the right slippers

Maybe you should be here so you're facing the front

We might get into an accident here

This is it Pancit

Are you ready

Don't tell me I get to an accident with you

What happened?

I'm sitting there

Hi guys what's up

We're here in Potipot and we're looking for

The Statue of Doctor Mon

It's cold

Ate, that's good stay there

I want to dive

Is it deep there?

You should have taken it off

C'mon le't try to rotate

Hold me I might fall

She fell before

Ok game

You are too far

Are we jumping after two or three


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