hello this is Keisha here and net marketer and in this video I'm going to
share with you a superior freebies as you can see on my screen and with this
particular site you want to earn a twenty seven dollars over and over again
and you just um when you sign up that's already going to be selected for you all
you have to do is go right here and you have to put in your email address be
sure it says you'll be referred by user ID six zero eight two nine that is me
this is an invitation based program and you're just going to put in your real
email address and just put in this email address to show you in this
demonstration you got to put in your real email address once you see it says
you'll be referred by someone and you're just going to click continue to the next
step and it's just going to take you to the registration page and you're going
to see that email address that you put in there's already going to be inserted
for you and they just want you to confirm it and then you have to create a
password then you're gonna have to confirm your password then you're gonna
have to put in all your personal information like your name your address
your city and zip your paypal email if you don't have a PayPal account you can
go to paypal.com it's free to sign up and then you put the PayPal you are in
here and you put your birthday year they need all this information to validate
that you are a legit person and they also use the information to pay you it
once you filled in all those details you just want to go all the way to the
bottom of page and a lot of people always miss this because you have to
click this little agreement pops and once you click that it open up this
registration button and then you're just going to click um click the register and
once you do that you will be automatically logged in to your new
account and as you can see I have this little green little stripe wall across
mail that says congratulations you have met your requirements you won't have
that yours is going to be red you may already know this yours is going to be
red until you get qualified and it wants to get qualified to earn commissions
there is a sign-up process you have to try out a free um
low cost trial offers and you could do that by going up here and clicking on it
offers page and it takes you to the offers and as you can see um they have a
click my score it's worth point twenty and they have this other offer is worth
point fifteen this one is worth point twenty this R is worth point fifteen and
we have a point ten and we have a point thirty and the thing I like about this
particular site right here this is because with most of freebie networks
you have to earn a hundred points in order to start earning commissions when
you look up here on this one as you can see you only need half of
that you only need a point fifty you can just look at their like fifty points or
um 50 credits and you just need fifty so you cover here and do a point twenty
offer and you can do a point thirty offer like GoDaddy and you can use their
domain for your business and your only be um starting a business for less than
six dollars and you can do those two offer you can go through here they have
a page like three or four pages full offers you just go ahead and go through
and pick the ones that you want to do you may actually come across something
that you always wanted to try out anyway and the only difference is if you do it
from this side you could earn money and these are just free trials and a local
trial offers then you come across every day online you'll see Netflix in there a
lot of people sign up with their program and they test out that offer all the
difference is those will save all words that you see every day that people try
out and the only difference is those people don't get paid if you do that to
this site gonna get qualified to earn commissions and you're gonna get paid
for doing it so just come in here if I you like to offers just
offers that you get your point 50 that's easy to do this site is very easy to get
qualified on and once you are qualified I will send you a email with some
training I'm not going to send a training if you don't get qualified on
the site because there's no need to send you training if you're not serious about
the program but if you're serious about um using this superior freebie site to
earn you some extra cash and then I'll sing you some training so that you can
get the best results possible and use a free marketing techniques in the basic
marketing to help you get started and once you're qualified you're going to
see that um green congratulations little better like I said once you do that you
also gonna want to read the crediting guide um it's going to show you how to
set up your browser just to make sure that your office go through you want to
want to do that also and I thought you want to do you're going to want to get
qualified so you can earn your point fifty and once you do that you would be
ready to start promote your business and they also have a I want to miss this
they have a Facebook group has a Facebook group right here as you can see
you can see other numerous posting their pavement proof this is a payment proof
group you can see other people introduce you introducing new members posting
their payments and you also for win up money for posting your payments if you
poster or most so you have the most um referrals at the end of the month you
could earn extra money I think one of the prizes one hundred dollars so you
could earn extra money just for posting your payment proofs and um like I say
you just want to come here you want to get qualified another thing you want to
do when you're doing these offers be sure you read the description and the
requirements that's very important you want to know what they require of you
so you won't be surprised by anything on they give you all the details right on
the side of the offer all you have to do is take your time to actually read that
some people don't take their time to read that you want to read there because
if it's something you don't feel comfortable with doing you're gonna want
to skip over it and do something else but these are pretty um easy offers here
on this site you just want to be sure you are read everything and once you
read all that and you get your trainee I will also like I said I could add you to
the group that's if you want to be in the group you don't have to be in a
group a lot of members are not even in the group but um if you want to UM
participate in the bonuses that they have my posting your payments in here
you're gonna uh join the group or I can add you to the group so get qualified on
the superior freebie site this is the head superior freebie site and you're
only gonna need a point fifty credits that means you're not gonna have to do
that many offers and most of those offers are free like I said you may only
have to spend less than six dollars and if you can't afford six dollars and you
an adult and you need to fix their problem but seriously though you come in
here you're gonna get qualified you wanna get put in the group you're
gonna get an email your training so you can start earning money with the
superior freebie site and you're gonna start earning the unlimited twenty seven
dollars that adds up very quick it's not um notice don't sound like a lot of
money but it adds up quick and remember you can make those payments multiple
times a day and that's all I wanted to share with
you in this superior freebies video so just click that link that I leave in the
description so you can get sign up today if you're serious about making some
extra cash in your spare time just hit that link and it's gonna bring
you to this page so you can get started right away and I wish you a great day
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