Hi this is Peter Stanley, welcome to my channel
today I want to talk about drip irrigation
and the components of a basic drip system
and then I want to give you some tips and strategy for designing your own
and lastly I'll show
my drip system as an example
at the very basic level you need
your water source
usually a spigot
or something
and then attached to that
optionally a timer, but
I recommended it
this automates your system
which is the whole point
after that you would have a, it's very important to have a back flow preventer
or vaccum breaker
and a filter
keeps stuff from getting into your drip lines, clogging them up
and after that a pressure reducer
pressure regulator
this keeps from hammering your system
and then you would have a
mainline and
usually some kind of connector to connect
the two, I use the perma-loc fittings
doesn't have to be but
and then your main line it's typically a 1/2" line
connect and then go out to your plants
and then end would be a terminator
it could be like another perma-loc fitting
and to connect your main line to your plants
typically you would use 1/4" tubing
you could do one or two
and attached to the end of
the 1/4" line are drip emitters
and that's what waters your plant
so like if you had a container
plant, this could stake down next to your plant
and water it
and typically the emitters
are different rates
different kinds really
pressure sensitive
emitters are typically 1/2 gallon
per hour
or 1 gallon
per hour
2 gallon per hour
I use the 1/2 gallon per hour
you could use the faster rate, you would just run them for less time
to connect to the
1/2" to 1/4" line
I use the barbed connectors
and if you just wanted to do a single connector
you would just use like a straight
and this will give you
zoomed in look at the main line
and also would use a
a tool to punch a hole in the main line
and then your connector
one end would go into the hole
and the other end would attach to your 1/4" line
you could do a, I use the tee
and that allows you to run
two lines and it kind of gives you a way to do pairs
so with that you would have
they kind of look like that
so the bottom would attach here
each line
each end would connect to a 1/4" line
and what I do now
is actually on the
end instead of one emitter I do two
so I'd add an additional tee connector there
smaller 1/4" lines and then two emitters
gives a little better coverage
and it adds some redundancy as well
so things to consider
when you're designing your own
your growing space
the number of plants
type of plants
spacing which is
determined by the type
how much room to give between your plants
and your budget
so taking that into consideration
I would first sketch out your system first, on paper
and then price out all of your parts
like amount of 1/2"
tubing, 1/4" tubing
emitters, etc...
then I would look for a
comparable drip irrigation kit
and compare to see if you save money, you'll probably save a lot of money
doing that
and it'll give you what you need to get started
I use Drip Depot so I'm using them as an example
and I'm an affiliate of theirs so
if you purchase through my link I'll earn some money
but I've been using them for a long time
they're really good
and they have a
kits for any kind of drip system that you might need
so that's what I started with
what you would do is find a kit that would
approximates closely to what you're trying to
do and
and maybe just a little more than what you need or
just under, and if it's just under
you could add what you need to complete it
so now I'm going to
take you outside and show you my drip system
and how it works, and I'll
show you how to install the emitters
and the connectors
that connect the 1/4" line to the 1/2" line
and also
before I do that
I want to show you, this is optional but
I use one now
how a fert injector works
cause I'll show that as well
so this is your main line coming in
your fert injector
I use a diaphragm pump type
a lot of them are piston based
so they're basically inline with your
so you would come in
in come out there
and at the bottom
the actual injector
attaches to a feed line
that drops into your reservoir of concentrated nutrients
so it pulls that up
injects that into the stream
and this goes out to your
the rest of your drip system
that way it feeds your plants every time you water
if you don't use a fert injector
what I did before was
mix slow release fertilizer
into the potting mix
so every time I watered I was feeding my plants
so let's go ahead and
look at my system and I'll show you how that looks
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