Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 18 2017

here's just a little short little checklist for you to know what to look

for when buying gold or silver first of all check if the designer is London

bullion market Association or LBMA accredited also check if there's a

storage facility provided because you may not always want to get physical

delivery straight away although physical delivery is a good

idea however if you want to accumulate grams over a period of time

it may take some time before the delivery actually is worth your while so

you might want to have access to a story then check if it is clear whether there

are any charges or limitations involved it's good to do a little bit of

background check on that now if the storage facility itself part of the

London bullion market Association chain of integrity

now this chain of integrity is a very very important expression which simply

means that if any facility that is a refiner or a storage facility or a

delivery agent whether they are part of the IBM a chain of integrity that simply

means that even a government will be able to trust them this system has been

put in place to make sure that there is no possibility of any fraudulent

activity taking place so all the participants within the chain of

integrity accredited vetted qualified and in most cases completely debt free

and therefore it is actually more reliable than your average cheque

clearing system in a bank it is far more reliable than any of the nonsense that

goes on in banks now does that retailer offer you a sell back option if you are

a buyer from them are they able to buy back from you in case you're no longer

wanted those assets or in case of emergency if you want to liquidate so do

they offer you a regular savings facility with storage facility if

necessary all option of home delivery and is that

option of home delivery insured and secure is it part of the chain of

integrity and if all these exist then is the retailer actually happy to buy back

the product from you without you ever physically taking any possession of it

if all of these things come together and set your criteria then you are dealing

with a good retailer especially if the prices are competitive and the brand is

simply more superior to anybody else out there in the world that is in our case a

fact please watch the next video

For more infomation >> Beginners Guide to Gold and Silver 4 - Duration: 3:01.


Beginners Guide to Gold and Silver 5 - Duration: 2:22.

now if you already agreed that the printed paper money of fiat currency and

it's also sometimes code is already on its way to destruction and if the

banking system is on the verge of collapse

then buying gold and silver is a good thing and the process is actually quite

simple in our case you can start collecting gold and silver by affordable

grams on your own or even fraction of brands and the price for this is as

close as possible to the wholesale price we charge two point nine seven percent

over daily six that is a very very narrow margin for the world's number one

brand which is our goal areas of Switzerland now you can accumulate this

gold and silver using a monthly savings plan you can put in a little bit of

money regularly like clockwork let's save away or you can put in a lump sum

amount and buy once in a while but get your delivery arranged only when you

have plenty of grams in the back office so if you have plenty of grams in the

back office just look up the product catalog choose what bar or coins that

suits you and then simply have them home delivered you can convert your grams to

a combination of bars or coins before ordering them but you can at that point

choose whether you wanted this secured storage facility in Switzerland or

whether you wanted them home delivered so all the complexity is taken care of

you just put your money in and get grams of gold and silver and when you have

enough you choose between which borrows coin you want to buy and we even how to

explain those to you you're getting the best golden server at

wholesale prices in the most secure location in the world and all you really

have to do is get the system set up once and you're ready please watch the next


For more infomation >> Beginners Guide to Gold and Silver 5 - Duration: 2:22.


Make You Feel My Love Cover - Duration: 3:31.

When the rain is blowing in your face, And the whole world is on your case,

I could offer you a warm embrace To make you feel my love.

When the evening shadows and the stars appear, And there is no one there to dry your tears,

I could hold you for a million years To make you feel my love.

I know you haven't made your mind up yet, But I will never do you wrong.

I've known it from the moment that we met, No doubt in my mind where you belong.

I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue, And I'd go crawling down the avenue.

No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do To make you feel my love.

The storms are raging on the rolling sea And

and on the highway of regret.

The winds of change are blowing wild and free, You ain't seen nothing like me yet.

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.

No there's nothing that I wouldn't do.

Go to the ends of the Earth for you, To make you feel my love

To make you feel my love

For more infomation >> Make You Feel My Love Cover - Duration: 3:31.


Lancme Blush Subtil Palette and Brush Duo Rose Flush - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Lancme Blush Subtil Palette and Brush Duo Rose Flush - Duration: 2:15.


Don't invade or you will make Peanut angry - Peanut Stream Highlights TRANSLATED - Duration: 10:34.

- Donation: Congratulations on the win today. I'll continue to cheer you guys on, hwaiting! (Let's go!)

- Donation: Congratulations on the win today. I'll continue to cheer you guys on, hwaiting! (Let's go!) - Peanut: Thank you! :D

- *flattered* Thank you so much!


*one more for the people in the back*

*one more time for this gank*

*breaths intensify*

- O-K. Naisu.

- The level is .. oh nice leas- oh ah

*don't say it >:(*

- ... Nice .. nice leash!

*let's not tilt*

*peanut is not into cougars*

- What is this? Is he a frickin' pro??

- I had no idea he was gonna be there ..

- Cassie! CASSIE!!

- Okeh, Cassie .. CASSIE

- Ah if her Q had exploded a second earlier, she would've gotten her ..


- Shield .. just get autoed! GET AUTOED KID

- No flash ..

- Nidalee is still- .. bot, I'm coming! I'm coming!

- On my way!

- THUNDER!(lord's)


- If I get snared, I'll .. die

- First, red red red red


- Stop them, I'm begging you!

- I'll play well from now on!

- Nidalee will ..

- Please! PLEASE!!

- Ah .. that missed Q is so ... tilting

*peanut iz part crow???*

- Kabbi ... (close)

- Then hit'em with that ..

- Hit'em with that!!


- This kid ...

*if anyone's a kid it's u peanut*


- *impressed with himself* Ohk!

- 👌 👌

- Oh what the, a control ward

- Ah, who wants to save me? Help me!

- I'm omw

- I got it


- Vaurs no Flash


- Flash? Have no flash .. flash ..ok

- Ah, again?

- I'm going .. bottom. Bottom! .. Gangplank!

- Anybody want to save me?? Halp me, halp me!!

- Get her Ashe!

- Mid .. she needs to be careful with her leash

- KR dive!


- That's how you're supposed to dive!

- Dodge that!

- Ult!

- KR ult.

- Baron? Baron?

- Kennen no flash!

- Ori no flash, Zyra no Flash either.

- (Q to) Varus! Kabbi ..


- That was a full combo .. a full combo

- This item's image changed (Refillable Potion)

- It got patched

- Q! Kid!


- That was a f*ckchamp :) (PogChamp)


*Translations by: @woochaaang* <3

For more infomation >> Don't invade or you will make Peanut angry - Peanut Stream Highlights TRANSLATED - Duration: 10:34.


What is a Syllable? | Word Stress | Pronunciation | American Accent - Duration: 7:03.

English Winners, here is a pronunciation lesson. An important part of

pronunciation is understanding syllable stresses. To understand syllable stresses,

you need to know what a syllable is. So what is a syllable? Let's start out with

a simple information quiz. Look at the picture: how many syllables are in each

word? I'll give you a moment to figure it out...

pause the video, and when you're ready, get back to me, okay? So now I'll explain

to you what a syllable is. A syllable is a sound; it's just one sound. When I say a

word like comedy, and comedy has three syllables, that means there are three

sounds that make up the word comedy. And you can hear them: co-me-dy. Co-me-dy. Three

syllables. So, breaking syllables down further: they're made up of two types of

letters: you've got your vowels - AEIOU, and sometimes Y - and then your consonants,

which are all the other letters that I didn't just say. Sometimes a vowel by

itself can be a one syllable word, like 'A' or 'I'. Other times, to make the long vowel

sound like 'O' or 'U' we need to add a consonant. So we have words like 'owe' and

'you'. These are words with meanings and they have just one syllable one sound,

even though three letters are making up each of those words. Some other examples

of one syllable words that are made up of both vowels and consonants are words

like tree and stove. You'll notice the E in stove is silent,

making it just one syllable. Another type of syllable that might seem

a little confusing at first has something called a diphthong.

That's just a very confusing way of saying that two vowels can come together

to make one sound. Here are some examples on the board

behind me: touch, taut, belief, deed, again. So look at touch; we have O and U. Look at

Taut: A and U. I'm not going to say all of them. But the word 'Again'. We have the

ain sound: A and I together. Some British people might say agAIn. Most Americans is

just 'IN'... again. Now this is also very important of some syllables: they end

with the vowel sound and then the next syllable is started by the consonant.

Some examples on the board are: tracker, bottle, and never. You'll notice with

tracker, the first syllable ends with a vowel A... TRA... and then the next syllable

starts with a C - a consonant - CKER. And then bottle: the first syllable ends with

a vowel, O... BO... and then the next syllable is started with a consonant

T... TLE... You see? I know you do. Sometimes, however, you will have

syllables that end on the consonant. These sometimes happen with voiced

syllables, where you got to turn on this part of your vocal cords. A lot of

consonants where you have to turn on those vocal cords are consonants like: M,

N, the ING sound - ing - then you -of course - have L, R, D...and things like that.

i'll show you some word examples: boulder, stronger, mommy, darker, stranger. Look at

the words one more time. I want you to see how each example ended their first

syllable on a consonant, but then a new consonant started the next syllable. For

instance: darker. DAR and with a consonant R and then KER - that syllable starts

with a consonant again. Stranger: the first syllable ends with the N... Strain...

and then GER - the next syllable - starts with a consonant, understand? Before we

get off of this lesson, I'm going to introduce a few example words that can

be a little confusing at first, because we need to understand the unusual words,

too. So let's put them up on the board: Beautiful...that has five vowels and three

sounds... beau...ti...ful. Baroque - that's a time period in European

history associated with the art world - it's four vowels... two sounds: Ba...Roque. And

then: conceive... four vowels... two sounds. Con Ceive. This should help you

understand how to say more of the words you encounter every day, and I want you

to see these rules and pay attention to them, so when you see a new word, you can

pronounce it with greater accuracy. Obviously, you're not going to get it

right all the time if these words are new to you, but, as you learn the rules,

you can say new words that you've never seen before and pronounce them right...

most of the time. So I'm going to throw up the words we saw at the very

beginning of the lesson, and see if you've done any differently. Look at

these words: blind, banana, never, mommy, conceive. How many syllables are in each

word? So blind: one syllable. Banana: three syllables... ba-na-na. Never: two

Mommy: two syllables... mom-mee. Conceive: two

syllables... con-ceive. So now that you have some understanding of syllables, you can

start pronouncing words that you might have been unable to before. If you liked

this video, tell me... if you want more lessons on syllables. Until then, I'm

curious to see where you are in the world. There are people from many

different countries watching these videos, so please tell me down in

COMMENTS below. Write down what country you're from. I want to know. In the

meantime, check out my video on syllable stress, and the other one on- its a

pronunciation playlist, I think you'll enjoy them, and see the rest of my

channel for business English. Keep on winning, English winners. I'll see you


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