- Good morning.
Happy Wednesday ladies, how are you?
If you're watching the replay, let me know, say hello
and tell me how your week is going.
I'm gonna share a story with you today.
Just a really recent example of how I'm learning this.
Basically I'm sharing about how you're
probably missing out from opportunities
right in front of you, right under your nose
and how to stop doing it.
How to take advantage of the things that,
they're really just put in front of your path,
like how to open your eyes to that.
I think most of the reason why we miss things
that are right in front of our eyes is because
number one, we make things harder than they need to be.
We also accidentally run our life by a lot of shoulds.
I think it's just reminding ourself that
there are no shoulds.
This is our own business, we can run it the way we want.
So let's dive in with that story.
This weekend I have the honor of joining Eveleen
and her amazing women in Napa.
I get to be one of the guest speakers.
I share in an email I'm sending out to you guys
that I almost missed out on the opportunity
because I'm already traveling away from my littles,
from my family.
I'm going to the East coast this summer,
doing a few strategic things
and I'm gonna be away from my family.
So I was like I really wanna be there
but I don't know that wanna be away from my family again
so I guess it's not gonna work.
This is my internal dialogue.
I guess it's not gonna work out,
I guess I have to say no.
Basically how I would want to show up
I felt like wouldn't be very respectful.
Or wouldn't be very honoring.
I almost didn't say yes to it.
Then my amazing coach reminded me,
hey Anna, why don't you just figure out
how you could show up and ask
and that person can say yes or no.
That's a novel idea.
I walk my clients through this all the time.
Yet I'd forgot in this context I could do that same thing.
I could say, which I did, hey can I come up,
bring my family with me, I'll rent a separate place
and just come and speak for one thing?
Just to one session, that's what feels good to me.
And she said yes.
Which is like, yeah.
It's the best of both worlds.
I know we can't always have the best of both worlds.
I think we often shoot ourself in the foot
and don't even ask.
In terms of our clients, how disempowering is it
when we don't even give them the opportunity.
Where I see my clients doing this time and time again
is in a little bit different lens with pricing.
They'll say, well that person could,
basically what they're asking they could never afford
what I would have to charge to make that worth it.
I'm just gonna say no.
I'm not saying ignore your intuition.
If you don't wanna work with that person.
But if you do wanna work with that person
it's just a matter of you think
for what they're asking you would have to charge too much.
Why are you making that decision for them?
Why can't you just put it out there
and say thank you so much for letting me know
about that opportunity, this is what I would charge,
this is why, or not even saying why.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Letting them choose.
But I find so many women are taking themself
out of the ball game either with pricing like that
or someone comes to them with a proposal for work,
I especially see this with my clients
who are less of coaches and more of consultants.
Maybe they do consulting for a company
or maybe they do more of a done for you service
like website design.
They feel like when someone proposes a project to them,
they don't even give that person a quote
or they don't even give that person a price
because they are thinking in their head
what I would charge would be out of their price range.
Instead of let me see if it'll be out of their price range.
Let me check.
Same thing to if someone proposes a project to you
and maybe you need to tweak it.
You would say, you know what, I couldn't do it like that
but I could it do it like this.
Would you like me to show up that way?
Instead of just saying a blanket no.
If opportunities are coming to you
ask yourself, close your eyes and ask yourself
is there a way which it could work
and I would enjoy it?
If the answer is no, obviously don't propose anything.
No is an okay answer.
Also give yourself the opportunity and permission to ask
is there a way that this could work
and how can I propose it so it could work?
For many of my clients since
I work with online entrepreneurs,
it's making that shift and letting them know,
letting your potential clients know yes I could do that
but it would be through this online avenue.
Maybe they're asking for consulting or something in person,
you could say yes I do offer that
but it would be through an online service.
Does that work for you?
Instead of no I don't do that,
I only run an online business now.
Being able to really coach them
and be present and say this is why I do my work online
and I feel like we could get the same results.
Is that something you're open to?
Just opening the conversation.
Several, I think specifically of three of my clients
that I've had in the past, I've worked with
that have had existing businesses,
many of them come to me with this mindset
and I'm sure I've had this mindset too
of I need to toss out this old business
because it's not working for me.
Maybe it's making money but it doesn't feel,
it's not feeling good.
I don't like my business, I don't like my life.
So I'm gonna scrap this and start from scratch
brand new with this brand new business
that does light me up, that does feel good.
Instead if they're open to it what I always suggest
is first, how can we tweak your current business
to really fit your idea of success?
How do we bring your offline clients online?
How do we change your work week,
how do we change your calendar,
how do we raise you rates,
how do we take this existing thing that's working
and just make these small shifts
so that you can see success faster?
Yes we could start from scratch
but it's just gonna take a lot longer
and a lot more work to likely with that one
we're gonna have to make tweaks too.
We're making our best guesses,
we're gonna get to a place
and then it's still not gonna feel good
and we're gonna make tweaks.
So why not use your existing business?
Those are just some of the things
that stand out to me how people sabotage their success
in what's right in front of them.
So if you're watching, I fully believe this message
is for a few of you, and you're feeling discontent
in your business, you're feeling like something's off,
please before you make any drastic changes.
Which sometimes is necessary too,
really get still, really get space,
really get with a coach, really get with a business
friend of mentor and ask yourself
are there any small, am I missing anything?
Are their small changes I could make
to make this more enjoyable for me?
Could I move all my clients to one day?
Could I instead of doing this branch of my business,
really lean more into this branch of my business?
Giving yourself permission to what
ways could I make this business work for me.
Maybe you're even thinking would anyone even go for that?
Would my clients like that?
I don't know, ask them.
But really being aware and tuning in,
even though it's easier to make those
black and white drastic changes,
I really think we're best served
when we're making these fine tuned changes.
These little changes
to really tune into.
Hopefully we're almost doing this on a daily basis
or on a season basis.
I ask myself, what changes can I make?
What shifts can I make?
Because our life evolves,
our season evolves so I think it's just natural
that we're evolving our business with us
and we're making sure that maybe something worked
for a certain season but now that we're where we're at,
now that we have greater awareness over
what works for us, greater awareness over
the results our clients are getting,
really looking for those patterns of
where have I most helped my clients success
and how can I get that to more people?
How can I lean into what's working in my business?
That's my encouragement for you.
Let me know in the comments below
before you go if this is resonating with you.
If something is feeling off in your business
and you need to give yourself permission
to maybe just take 10 minutes, 15 minutes,
three hours to get some silence
and make some micro tweaks first.
And see if that works, if it does awesome.
If not, yes you can always start a new business.
You can always scrap things.
You can always completely revamp things.
But how can you make some tiny tweaks first
to see if that works?
Hope you have a beautiful week
and thank you for hanging out with me
on this Wednesday.
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