Angie Zhang, Pianist | What Scholarship Means to Students at Juilliard - Duration: 0:41.♫ ♫ ♫ [orchestral music]
I think scholarship at Juilliard is one of the crucial elements of everybody's
education and for everybody who comes to the concerts, for all of us on the stage,
it's especially important that I know that I have people behind the scenes who are
supporting the arts, the performing arts in general. I always wake up every
morning thanking my donors.
♫ ♫ ♫ [orchestral music]
Dragon Ball All Openings "Mystical Adventure!" - Duration: 2:08.Find the Dragon Balls!
Look out for them all!
You can search around the world with me.
Gotta heed the call
of magic Dragon Balls!
What a great adventure this will be.
You can climb on board, 'cause the Nimbus doesn't wait!
A fantastic journey for your dreams
— a thrilling mystery!
Through the fires of time, they've waited patiently.
When all seven balls you find, the Dragon is set free.
Rising, rising, mesmerizing, unbridled ecstasy.
Radiant and shining, hidden somewhere in the field,
Luminous and blinding, with your desire revealed.
Ageless, timeless, what you'll find is beyond belief!
Let's try, try, try, look high and low!
Search the sky and the sea below!
Let's try, try, try, seize the day,
And make new friends along the way!
Find the Dragon Balls! Look out for them all!
Come and hunt those Dragon Balls with me.
Gotta heed the call of magic Dragon Balls!
What a great adventure this will be.
You can climb on board, 'cause the Nimbus doesn't wait!
A fantastic journey for your dreams — a thrilling mystery!
Through the fires of time, they've waited patiently.
When all seven balls you find, the Dragon is set free.
Rising, rising, mesmerizing, unbridled ecstasy.
Radiant and shining, hidden somewhere in the field,
Luminous and blinding, with your desire revealed....
Get Paid Now with Instant Deposit - Duration: 2:43.You can access your funds instantly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on holidays using
Instant Deposit.
You can instantly deposit up to $2500 at a time from the Square app or from your online
Square Dashboard.
There is no limit to the number of instant deposits you can initiate in any given day.
From the Square App Open the app and tap Menu
Tap Settings, Deposits.
Toggle Allow Instant Deposit on.
Key in the required debit card information
Tap Save.
Verify your debit card via the email sent to the address associated with your account.
Log into Dashboard through the verification link
You're all set and can now request an Instant Deposit.
From your Dashboard
From Deposit Settings, click Add a debit card enter and save your debit card information.
Square will send an email to the address associated with your account.
Click the verification link in this email to confirm your debit card within 24 hours
of receiving it.
If you can't find the email, check your spam or resend the email from Deposit Settings.
Once you have set up your account, you can instantly deposit up to $2,500 at one time.
If your Square balance is below $50 after fees, Instant Deposit will not be available.
From the Square app Tap: Menu
Tap Activity Tap Instantly Deposit
You'll see an in-app deposit confirmation and receive a confirmation email.
You can also send and track your Instant Deposits from your Reports tab:
Tap Menu Tap Reports
From the Deposits tab, Tap Instantly Deposit
There are two ways to initiate an instant deposit from your Dashboard.
From your Home page, click deposit now, and then Deposit Now again.
Or, From Deposit Settings, click Deposit Now located
under Instant Deposit.
If you don't see the button under your available funds section, you've either not added a
debit card, or the funds are not eligible for Instant Deposit.
Each instant deposit costs 1% of the deposit amount in addition to Square's standard
card processing fees.
Any balance not deposited instantly will be sent according to your normal deposit schedule.
You'll need to link a supported debit card and bank account to your Square account to
use Instant Deposit.
After that, you'll be ready to go!
How Are Filmers Paid? What Makes You Pro? #AskRadRat 65 - Duration: 5:19.This time on Ask Rad Rat, we're talking about how filmers are paid, and what makes you a
pro skateboarder?
Welcome to Rad Rat Video, where we learn something new about skateboarding three times a week
- we're talking trick histories.
We're talking game reviews.
I answer your questions on ask Rad Rat, which we're doing right now, and all kinds of other
skateboarding topics.
So today I got two questions for you I want to talk about.
The first one is from stressato, who asks: what makes someone pro?
And it seems like a really simple question, but the way things are going right now in
the industry, it's really not that easy to answer.
So back in the day I had my old channel on YouTube, I would post a video of me doing
a couple tricks either in a game a SKATE or whatever.
Just a few tricks.
And I would make $.50 or a dollar from ads on YouTube and I would tell people, as a joke
mainly, that I was a professional skateboarder.
Because my main source of income, then I was 16 they didn't have a regular job, I was making
money doing skateboarding.
So, technically professional.
But at what point are you really a pro skateboarder these days?
With so many tiny little brands, you can be making boards in your garage, put your name
on it, and sell it.
Are you technically a pro skateboarder?
You're a company owner.
You're a skateboard maker.
You're not really a pro skateboarder.
Or some guys on on YouTube - they might have a pro model, but they're actually making money
off of YouTube ads.
Or they sell T-shirts or something like that.
They're making money related to skateboarding, but to me, to be a pro skateboarder means
that your main source of income is related to actually doing skateboard stuff.
Filming video parts, demos, contests, whatever.
That kind of stuff.
You're making money by being really good at skateboarding, not by being good at making
Or being good at making videos on YouTube or all that kind of stuff.
It's a blurry line and I'm not sure really matters, but that's where I think it is.
Next question is Steve from Instagram who asks: how are filmers paid?
And this was kind of a complicated question, because there's a million different ways that
this could be set up.
I know some places, like the Berrics I think, they have filmers on staff, and other companies
I'm sure.
There's some guys out there who have like salaried filming jobs, but I think a lot of
them are our freelance.
So there's a couple different ways this could work.
So you could be hired like the Berrics, that have a page where they had their filming team.
These guys gotta film all the different videos.
They have something new like every day that First Try Fridays, and Trickapedia.
Battle at the Berrics.
All that kind of stuff.
There's guys who are paid to film that.
But for the most part, it seems like you can't just be a pro filmer.
You make so little doing that, you also have to do the editing and all that kind of stuff.
You might have even other jobs around the brand.
You might even work on the website too.
I don't know, but that would be kind of the main, like "getting a job at a company" being
a filmer.
How that would work.
But I think the main thing that people are doing would be just doing freelance and selling
So there's a video I believe it was by Nigel, or NKA on YouTube.
He has these behind the clips videos and this one was at least a year old.
I don't remember which one it was to track down, but he talked a little bit about how
this worked, and how he would he shoots the trick, and then he would give the skater like
a low res version of it, or you have his name in the corner or whatever.
And then they could show their sponsors, and then if somebody wanted the clip they would
have to contact him and buy it from him.
So I don't know what kind of amounts were talking about here.
I've seen in other places people would sell clips for like 50 bucks or 200 bucks or something
Depends on the skater.
Depends on how good the trick is, and all that stuff of course.
But if you think about that, if you're making even 100 bucks a trick: you know, it takes
a year to film a video part and it's got 40 tricks in it, that wouldn't be great.
So you know, I don't think it's really easy to make a living as a filmer.
That has to be just one of many things that you do, I think.
Unless you can happen to get a gig at the Berrics.
So that's what I was able to find.
If you know any more about that, kind of tough to get real solid information, if you know
any more about being a filmer, let me know about that below.
Until next time, here are some more videos may want to check out that I made recently.
There's a whole playlist of these ask Rad Rat questions.
If you want to ask me one, find my Instagram or twitter below and send me a direct message
on there.
It's a lot easier for me to keep track of all that.
If you asked before and I didn't answer you, there's a chance that I lost it.
I had some problems with some of my accounts before so send them to me below and check
these videos out.
Make sure you subscribe so that you can learn something new about skateboarding 3 times
a week.
And thank you for watching.
Josh from Vegerville, AB | $10 Oil Change - Duration: 0:15.Okay, whenever you're ready
My name's Josh
I'm here at Redwater Dodge
Came in for my $10 oil change
Staff's very friendly
Very great service
and I'll definitely be back
Perfect and where did you come from?
Vegerville Alberta
Square Virtual Terminal - Duration: 1:58.With Virtual Terminal, you can key in card payments right from your computer.
Just head to your Square Dashboard and charge your customers in seconds.
No extra hardware, reader, or app required.
You pay three point five percent plus fifteen cents per transaction, the same rate as other
manually keyed-in transactions.
And just like other standard Square payments, you get your funds in one to two business days.
To take a payment with Virtual Terminal, log in to your Square Dashboard.
In the left-side panel, click Virtual Terminal, then Take a Payment.
Enter the payment amount followed by your customer's card number, expiration date,
CVV, and billing ZIP code.
Add a note for your customer, or describe the purchase.
Then, click Charge.
You can send an email receipt to your customer, or print one out for your records.
Once you see Payment Successful on screen, you're all set.
Payments you take with Virtual Terminal appear as card transactions in your Sales reports.
In your Transaction Status Report, the source appears as Virtual Terminal.
You can edit your Employee Management settings to grant employees access to Virtual Terminal.
Start by clicking Employees, located in the left-side panel of your Square Dashboard.
You need at least one employee in your employee list.
To give an employee access to Virtual Terminal, click the name of the employee whose permissions
you'd like to update.
Then, click Edit Role.
If it has not been checked off already, toggle on Access Employee Dashboard.
Check Take Payments with Virtual Terminal.
Then, click Save.
After you grant an employee access to Virtual Terminal, they receive an email with instructions
on how to use it.
Employees can only see account information that you have granted them access to.
Whether it's you or your employees taking payments, Virtual Terminal helps your business
get paid fast—no matter where your customers are.
Get Paid Faster with Scheduled Deposit - Duration: 1:47.With Scheduled Deposit, you can schedule your funds to be automatically deposited into your
bank account at the close of your business day, any day of the week, even weekends.
Customize your deposit schedule and automatically have funds in your bank account the same day—for
just 1% of the deposit amount.
Funds will be sent directly to your bank account at 5:15 p.m. Pacific Time or 15 minutes after
your Close of Day.
You'll receive an email notification once your funds have been sent to your bank account.
Funds not eligible for Scheduled Deposit will be sent to your linked bank account in one
to two business days.
Scheduled Deposit costs 1% of the deposit amount in addition to Square's processing
You can set Scheduled Deposit as your default deposit option for any day of the week – even
Scheduled deposits are sent in increments of up to $2,500.
If your daily balance exceeds $2,500, you'll receive multiple deposits from Square.
From your Square Dashboard click Accounts & Settings, Deposits.
Click a business day to adjust its deposit type.
Select your Close of Day time.
This is the time your business closes on a particular day.
For Deposit Type, select Same Day.
Click "Apply these settings to the rest of the week" if you'd like to get your
deposits the same day 7 days a week.
Click Link Debit Card, enter your debit card information, and click Save.
Verify your debit card via the email sent to the address associated with your account.
Scheduled Deposit is great for getting all the charges from your day in your account—today.
Just set it, forget it, and rest easy knowing you have access to your funds
when you need them.
(828) 200-1052 Tree Removal Service Franklin NC | Franklin NC Tree Removal Service - Duration: 0:55.{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red164\green8\blue0;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0
\f0\fs24 \cf0 Are you looking for a local and professional \cf2 tree removal service
in Franklin\cf0 ? Is your back yard just plain dull and uninspiring? Would you love to have
a peaceful backyard oasis to relax in at home but don\'92t know where to start? It can seem
like a daunting task ahead of you. Wouldn\'92t it be nice if you had a trusted local landscaper
who could help you plan and achieve the beautiful yard of your dreams? Luckily we\'92re here
to help. Were the local landscaper who can help transform your yard into a natural and
relaxing oasis of peace and tranquility. We can tackle all types of projects. From routine
\cf2 tree removal service in Franklin \cf0 to backyard renovation projects. We understand
that ideas can be big and budgets can be small which is why we\'92ll get you the custom quote
you need to get your landscaping dreams into reality. Give us a call today! }
ASL FEMA - Several Inspectors May Come to a Home - Duration: 2:34.Several Inspectors May Come to a Home
After applying for disaster assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
they may contact you to schedule a home inspection.
It's possible that several other agencies may also need to inspect the damage.
The inspections will not cost you anything – they are free.
If you want your application to move forward, FEMA needs to verify the damage.
Other inspections by the Small Business Administration (SBA)
may be needed to process your disaster loan application.
You should always ask for a photo ID when the inspector arrives.
FEMA and SBA inspectors will have an official photo ID.
Homeowners should consult their local planning or
public works department to learn about permits and code requirements.
In some cases, a local inspector might need to visit the home.
Here are some of the inspections a homeowner might expect:
FEMA inspectors – From FEMA's Individual Assistance (IA) program,
these professionals have experience recognizing types of disaster damage.
These inspectors will carry FEMA identification and may spend
only 10 to 20 minutes looking at damage reported in the application.
FEMA inspectors do not decide if you may be able to get money.
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) adjusters –
These professionals will inspect the flood damage reported on the flood insurance claim.
They may ask for paperwork or photos if repairs have been made.
Private flood insurance adjusters –
These representatives of insurance companies may inspect
the flood damage reported on the flood insurance claim.
They may also ask for paperwork or photos if repairs have been made.
Small Business Administration (SBA) loss verifier –
They will verify the damage and analyze how much money is needed
to repair or replace disaster damaged property.
Local city or county inspectors also may visit the home.
Your Deposit Options with Square - Duration: 1:51.Fast deposits are business as usual with Square—you see money in your bank account
in one to two business days.
But you can get your money even faster with Scheduled and Instant Deposit.
Once you link your bank account and start accepting payments with the Square app you
can choose how you would like to receive your funds.
When you activate your Square account, your default deposit option is Next Business Day.
With this schedule, funds are usually deposited in one to two business days.
Deposits are initiated the evenings before weekdays Sunday through Thursday and will
arrive in your linked bank account in one to two business days.
If you routinely need your funds faster than one to two business days, check out Square's
Scheduled Deposit option.
With Scheduled Deposit you can schedule your funds to be automatically deposited 15 minutes
after your close of day—any day of the week, even on weekends!
Using a debit card, funds are sent to your linked bank account
for a fee of 1% of the total deposit.
Set it, and forget it—your funds will be in your bank account the same day.
The absolutely quickest way to get your money is to take advantage of Square's Instant Deposit.
you can instantly send up to $2,500 per deposit to your linked bank account using a debit
card 24 hours a day, 7 days week.
And there's no limit to the number of instant deposits you can initiate in a given day.
Each instant deposit costs 1% of the deposit amount in addition to Square's standard
card processing fees.
Any balance not deposited instantly will be sent according to your normal deposit schedule.
So it doesn't matter how fast you need your funds, Square has options available to make
sure you get paid.
Nick from Thorhild, AB | $10 Oil Change - Duration: 0:21.Okay, whenever you're ready
So just who you are
My name's Nick
We are up from Thorhild
Brought our vehicle to get our oil changed
and they do a good job here
we always come back
and where are we today?
Redwater Dodge
Prise - I follow you everywhere - Duration: 3:06.You're in my mind
all day
from morning to night
I wait
for your kiss and smile
The smell of your body...
This drives me crazy
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
My heart misses you
When you don't come back again
Your kiss and smile
The smell of your body
drives me crazy
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
When sleep comes
I dream about you
Feelings make me fly
and fall down too
Your kiss and smile
The smell of your body...
This drives me crazy
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
Good morning, my darling
I'm happy because you're here
Your kiss and smile
The smell of your body
drives me crazy
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
I follow you everywhere
I follow, I follow you
No, please!
Please, don't!
I follow you everywhere as far as you want
ASL FEMA - Reasons to Apply for an SBA Loan - Duration: 5:37.Reasons to Apply for an SBA Loan
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has an important responsibility
in helping disaster survivors recover.
If you have experienced damages or loss from the recent disaster
and have registered with FEMA, you may be referred to SBA.
If you are contacted by SBA regarding a low-interest disaster loan application,
it is important to complete and submit the application as soon as possible.
This will make sure your recovery process
moves forward and you have possible options for more help.
Even if you do not believe you need a loan, you should complete and submit the application.
If SBA decides you can get a loan, you are not required to accept the money.
Homeowners and renters who submit an SBA application and have been denied for a loan
may be referred to FEMA and could possibly get other
FEMA grants and program assistance for disaster related car repairs,
clothing, household items and other expenses.
Insurance can help, but it is SBA's, a government agency, responsibility to loan money to help
with long term rebuilding of disaster damaged private property.
SBA offers low-interest disaster loans to businesses of all sizes,
most private nonprofit organizations, homeowners and renters.
A homeowner may be able to get a disaster loan for up to $200,000
to repair or replace disaster damaged private property.
Homeowners or renters may be able to get up to $40,000
to repair or replace disaster damaged personal property.
SBA may be able to help homeowners and renters replace important personal items such as
personal property – including automobiles – damaged or destroyed in the disaster.
SBA also offers low-interest working capital loans (called Economic Injury Disaster Loans)
to small businesses and most private nonprofit organizations
having difficulty paying bills as a result of the disaster.
To apply for an SBA low-interest disaster loan, you can apply online using the
Electronic Loan Application via SBA's secure website at
You can also visit a FEMA disaster recovery center (DRC)
and meet with an SBA representative in person.
SBA has staff at all recovery centers to help with your applications.
To locate the nearest center, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 (VRS)
(TTY call 800-462-7585),
use the FEMA app for smart phones,
or go online to
For additional details on the locations of recovery centers and the loan application process,
you can call the SBA Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (VRS)
(or TTY 800-877-8339)
or send an email to
You may be able to get additional money to help pay for the cost of improvements
that will protect your property from future damage.
Examples of improvements include retaining walls, seawalls, sump pumps, etc.
SBA mitigation loan money would be in addition to what your previously approved
disaster loan amount was, but it may not be more than 20% of the total amount of damage
to your private and personal property that has been verified by SBA.
SBA's approval of any improvement is required before any loan increase can happen.
You should not wait for an insurance settlement before submitting an SBA loan application.
You can begin your recovery immediately with a low-interest SBA disaster loan.
Your SBA loan amount will be lower depending on what amount of money your insurance company
or other sources pay you for your losses.
SBA can help businesses and private nonprofit organizations with up to $2 million
to repair or replace disaster-damaged real estate and other business assets.
Eligible small businesses and nonprofits may apply for economic injury disaster loans
to help meet working capital needs to help pay bills or replace business items lost in the disaster.
25 incredible bridges you never knew existed - Duration: 4:56.25 incredible bridges you never knew existed
25 incredible bridges you never knew existed. We build bridges for a fairly unremarkable reason: they help us to traverse an otherwise impassable barrier — of water or air. But sometimes, architects are such masters of their trade that something as seemingly ordinary as a bridge becomes a true work of art.
Here are 25 such bridges, located all around the world. Each and every one of these deserves to be seen as a real wonder of modern architecture. We hope that one day we'll get the chance to walk across them all!. The Capilano Suspension Bridge, Canada. The Infinity Bridge, United Kingdom.
The Charles Bridge, Czech Republic.
The Moon Bridge, Taiwan.
Banpo Bridge, South Korea.
The Mostar Bridge, Bosnia.
Alishan Forest Bridge, Taiwan.
The Dragon Bridge, Vietnam.
A living root bridge, India.
The Roman Bridge of Cangas de Onís, Spain.
The High Trestle Trail, USA.
Puente Nuevo Bridge, Spain.
The Bridge of Peace, Georgia.
Moses Bridge, the Netherlands.
The Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia.
The Rainbow Bridge, Taiwan.
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe Bridge, Spain.
The Devil's Bridge, Bulgaria.
The Air Bridge, England.
A wildlife crossing, the Netherlands.
The Moon Bridge, Italy.
Motorcyle in the Mirror - Duration: 0:31.<sound of motorcycle>
So you ready to hit the road?
I don't know.
Come on, you're fine.
You can't leave your bike here.
Now man up.
Just get on your bike...
and RIDE!
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